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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-06-30, Page 7
Business and Professional Directory CRAWFORD t HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, EU. Wingham, Phono 48 J. BL CRAWFORD, QjO. R. S. HETHERINGTON, QXX Examination Results At Wingham District High School * H. M'TAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeawater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2—4 p.m., or by appointment. J. V. BUSHFIELD, Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingiham Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. HomuthR.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham i g i i DOON BALER TWINE All Canadian Twine Manufactured in Kitchener GUARANTEED 225 FEET PER BUNDLE Regular Price $8.90 d*O PA In Lots of 10 Bags or over................. <DO.Jv WE HAVE A CARLOAD IN STOCK CHARLES HODGINS ■ YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER ■ (Class 1-75% and over; Cla^s II-6fl- 74%; Class 111-60-65%; Pass-50-59%) GRADE IX Class I—Deanne Allan, LaVonne Ballagh, Anne Behms, Hilara Bruder, Thomas Brydges, Lois Goll, Marie Hastie, Murray Hoover, James Inglis, Donald Jefferson, William Kennedy, Joan Lamont, Beverley McDonald, Barry McQuillin, Joyce Moffat, Bev erley Nethery, Shirley Reidt, Mary Ross, Vera Sharpe, Velma Stapleton, Beverley Stewart, Betty Thompson, Gwen Walsh, Alison Webb. Class II: Mervin Abram, Robert Ait ken, Veda Arthur, Lillian Campbell, Gail Colvin, James Coultes, Betty Devereaux, Colleen Donnelly, Mary Lou Dunlop, Bonnie Edgar, Gordon Fisher, Earl Fitch, Robert Higgins, Faye Jack, Stewart McGill, Blaine McKee, Bruce McTavish, Marilyn Morrison,. William Newman, Roy Pen nington, William ^.ettinger, Muriel Whytock, Marilyn Widdis, Elaine Worrall. •» Class III—Ethel Breen, Shirley Boyd, Douglas Carr, William Clark, Wayne pay, Phyllis Fear, Betty Fox ton, Nancy Hutcheson, John King, Ray Murray, Richard Newman, Grace Paulin, Isabel Scott, Gail Shaw, Isa bella Willie, Wayne Woods. Pass—Bernice Adams, Mary Ashley, George Bacon, James Bain, Thomas Burrell, David Cameron, Ivan Daw, Waverley Douglas, Douglas Eckin- swiller, John .Edgar, Michael Halla- han, Mary Harman, Eleanor Horton, Vernon Inglis, Earl Jenkins, Fred Lewis, Eldon Lincoln, Doris Machan, Grant MacIntyre, Dawn Moffat, Dun can Moffat, Ray Pennington, William Reavie, David Scott, pennis Smith, Marlene Smith, John Wadel, Eric West, Helen Wilson, John Wright, Murray Wright. GRADE X Class I:—Bessie Campbell, Marion Chittick, Carol Derbecker, ' Maxine Fitch, Helen Ford, Helen Haines, John Hoover, Agnes Lane, Robert Peel, Margaret Perrie, Alan Scott, Gordon Smith, George Webster. Class II:—William Austin, Alice Behrns, Shirley Bennett, Robert Black, Elaine Bolt, Joann Casemore, Ken neth Crawford, Ian Gibbons, Ian Hetherington, Joyce Hoffman, Isobel MacDonald, Arthur McKague, Audrey Mann, William Martin, Ila Pengelly, Ruth Procter, Sandra Rath, Jacob Roorda, John Roorda, Thelma Sim mons, David Slosser, Gloria Stobo, Danny Stuckey, Robert Thacker. Class III;—Patricia Bender, Mary Frances Currie, James Demerling, Douglas Gibson, Paul Groskorth, Joyce Jacklyn, Kenneth MacKenzie, Richard McCutcheon, Arnold Mathers, Etoile Moffat, Ruth Sharpe, Murray Shiell, Leslie Showers, Esther Smith, Robert Strang. Pass:—Reta Bruce, Gregory Buch anan, Arthur Burgers, James Camp bell, Mary Coupland, Lois Crawford, Eugene Devereaux, Glenn Dickison, James Foxton, John Grewar, Alice Hayden, Betty Henry, Kenneth Hodg kinson, Eleanor Horton, Donelda Howe, Margaret King, Harry Mac Kenzie, Ruby MacLean, Shirley Me- Burney, Edith Marks, Joan Marshall, Barbara Merrick, Cavell Ruttan, Mari lyn Shiell, Jean Smith, Sandra Smith, Lillian Smyth, James Spivey, Erwin Ste Marie, Marlene Stainton, Mary Stapleton, Ruby Taylor, Donald Thompson, Robert Thompson, Mari lyn Timm, William Zimmerman. © GRADE XIA (Subjects passed are shown in brackets) Wendell Alton, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin); Joan Armitage, (English; His tory I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin1); Shiela Black, (Eng lish; History I; Algebra; Agric. Scien ce I; French; Latin); Louise Camp bell, (English; History I; Algebra; Ag ric. Science I; French; Latin); Pat ricia Carmichael, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Typing); Shirley Chettleburgh, (Eng lish; History I; Algebra; Agric. Scien ce I; French; Latin); John Congram, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin); Marjorie Coultes, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin); Jean Currie, (English; Typing); Bar bara Edwards, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Typing); Audrey Gilmour, . (English; History I;. Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Typing); Gladys Guy, (Eng lish; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin); Betty Hallahan, (Eng lish; History I; Algebra; Agric. Scien ce I; French; Latin); Mary Lou Hal- lahan, (English); Mary Hotchkiss, OAfLY ••••••••• member's stolen accident. FIRST FIRST to pay the re- ■ FIRST Automobile Association to ar range for members “to receive $30.00 per week Income when disabled from a vehicle acci dent. FIRST Automobile Association to pay $500.00 to defend a member in the Supreme Court. FIRST Automobile Association to have a member “receive $3,000.00 for dismemberments from a , vehicle accident. Association $15.00 for member's car from of an Automobile Association to adopt the, custom of arranging "Court Bonding" wherever pojjlbla anywhere in North America. FIRST Automobile as much as moval of a the scene Automobile Association to arrange to pay $60.00 per week hospitalization and nursing to non-gainfully employed members. FIRST Automobile Association to offer $100.00 reward for the recov ery of a vehicle. No other Motor Club in Canada can make these claims of Service and Satisfaction to its Members... has this record of "FIRSTS' • • • • * $3,000.00 lO1’ of un In addition to these many "FIRSTS", Dominion Automobile Association works diligently to encourage safe driving, high way safety education 'for young people; to promote construction and maintenance of better roads and to safeguard the general welfare of members, who operate vehicles, and who travel. P. GIBBONS — REPRESENTATIVE Car. * DOMINION AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION Dominion House, 546 King Street, London, Canada. Please send me, without obligation, complete details of the wonderful advantages of Membership In the Dominion Automobile Association. NAME ADDRESS tf°oooo ll-^ooo f *oo.oo • too • • • • 1 I I I I I I I J ! I DOMINION AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION Canada's Most Progressive Motor Club HALIFAX. . SAINT JOHN . . MONTREAL . . OTTAWA . v TORONTO . . LONDON . . WINNIPEO * . BIGINA CALGARY . . EDMONTON . » VANCOUVER (English; History I; Algebra; ; Louise Jefferson,- (English; ‘ History I; Algebra; Agrip, Science J; Frenph; Latin); Shiela Laidlaw, (Eng lish; History I; Algebra; Agric, Science I; French; Latin); Doreen Machan, (English; History I; Algebra, Agrip. Science I; French; Latin); Terry McArdle, (History I; Typing); Frances Merkley, (English; History J» Algebra; Agric, Science I; French; Typing); Winifred Munro, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin); Sheila Porter, (Eng lish; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin); Marlene Ste Marie, (English; History I; Alge bra; Agrip, Science I; French; Typ ing); Sally Slosser, (English; His tory I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin); Eleanor Smith, (Eng lish; History I; Algebra; Agric, Science I; French; Latin); Lois Wal ker, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin); Joan Wightman, (English; History I; Alge bra; Agric, Science I; French; Latin); Mary Willis, (English; History I; Alge bra; Agric, Science I; French; Latin); Winona Wright, ((English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Latin), GRADE IXB Lois Bone, (English; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing; Home Econ); Beverley Brooks, (Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing); ponald Brecken ridge, (Shopwork); Maitland Button, (Agric. Science I; Shopwork); Robert Cathers, (English); William Connell, (English; Slopwork); Florence Daw son, (Typing; Home Econ); Rita Deitner, (English; Home Econ); Doris Doubledee, (Typing; Home Ec on); Ivan Dow, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science 1; Typing; Shopwork); John Duffy, (English; History I; Agric. Science I; Shop work); John Elliott, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Shop work); William Foster, (Algebra; Typ ing); Margaret Heibein, (English; .Typing; Home Econ); William Hen- | ning, (History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Shopwork); Ronald Hig- •gins, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing; Shopwork); Donna Hutchison, (English; History 1; Agric. Science I; Typing; Home Econ); Keith Lancaster, (English; History I; Typing); Douglas Leach, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Shopwork); Bruce Lott, (History I; Algebra; Typing; Shopwork); Donna McLean, (Eng lish; Home’ Econ); Ivan McQuillin, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing; Shopwork): Wil liam Mulvey, (Typing); (Douglas Mur ray, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing; Shop work); Betty Newman, (English; History I; .Typing; Home Econ); Allan Nichol son, (English; History I; Algebra; Ag ric. Science I; Typing; Shopwork); Allan Nicol, (History I; Agric. Scien ce); Irene Pennington, (English; Alge bra; French; Home Econ); James Platt, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing; Shopwork); George Procter, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Shopwork); Gail Purdon, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing; Home Econ); Bruce Robert son; (English; History I; Algebra; Ag ric. Science I; Typing; Shopwork; Mary Scott, (English; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing; Home Econ); Don Stapleton (Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing; Shopwork); William Strong, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Shopwork); Grace Thomp son, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; French; Home Ec on); Ruth Toner, (English; History I; Algebra; Agric. Science I; Typing; Home Econ); Robert Westlake, (Alge bra; Agric. Science I; Donna Wilk inson, (Typing; Home Econ). GRADE XIIA Thelma Bennett, (English; History 11, Geometry; Agr. Science II; Latin; French); Donnar Coupland, (English; History II; Geometry; Agric. Science II; French; Latin); Janet Deitner, (English; Geometry; Latin); Neil Eadie, (English; History II; Geom etry; Agric. Science II^French; Lat in); Marguerite Ford, (English; His tory II; Geometry; Agric. Science II; French; Latin); Berva Gallaher, (English; History II; Geometry; Ag ric. Science II; French; Latin); Ken neth Holmes, (English; History II; Geometry; Agric. Science II; French; Latin); Catherine Keating, (English; History II; Agric. Science H; French; Latin); William Laidlaw, (English; History II; Geometry; Agric. Science II; French; Latin); Donalda MacDon ald, (English; History II; Geometry; Agric. Science’ II; French, Latin); Marlene MacQuarrie, (English; His tory II; Agric. Science II; French; Latin); Donna McGlynn, (English; . History II; Agric. Science II; French; Latin); Avis McKee, (English; His- The Wingluun Advance-Times, Wedneoday, June •», IBM Fa«a ftaMB tory JI; French; Latin); Janice Mc Kee, (English; History II; Geometry; Agric. Science II; French, Latin, (Aud-. rey Mahood, (English; History IJ; Geometry; Agric. Science II; French; Latin;) Helen Scott, (English; Jlistory II; Geometry; Agric. Science II; French; Latin); Shirley Stephenson, (English; History H; Agric. Science JI; French; Latin); Joan Thomas, (English; History II; Geometry; Agr ric, Science II; French; Latin); Ruth Webb, (English; History II; Geom etry; Agric. Science H; Frenph; Lat in); Douglas Widdis, (English; .His tory IJ; Geometry; Agric, Science II; French; Latin), GRADE XIIB Donald Riggs, (History II; Geom etry); Mack Cameron, (English; His tory II; Geometry; Agric, Science II; Shopwork); Mac Eadie, (English His tory II; Agric. Science II; French; Shopwork;) Ronald Lamont, (French; Shopwork); Marlene MacKenzie, (English; History II; Agric. Science II; Bookkeeping; Home Econ); Ber nice McDonald, (Agric. Science II; Bookkeeping; English XI; French XI); Reginald McElrea, (English; History II; Algebra; Agric. Science II; French XI); Donald McKague, (Eng lish; History II; Geometry; Agric. Science II; French; Shopwork); Grant Merrick, (History II; English XI); Frances Rettinger, (Bookkeep ing; English XI); Ross Smith, (Eng lish; History II; Geometry; French; Bookkeeping; Shopwork); Kenneth Wood, (English; History II; Geom etry; Agric, Science II; Shopwork); Wesley Wray, (English; History II; Geometry; Agric. Science II; Book keeping; Shopwork). ITCHING ECZEMA -SKIN TROUBLES Make up your mind today that you are going to give your, skin a real chance ,to get well. Go to any real drug store and get an original bottle of MOONE’S EMERALD OIL—it lasts many days because it is highly concentrated.The very first application will give you relief—the itching of Eczema is quickly relieved—eruptions dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of Itching Toes and Feet —Eruptions—Rashes and many other skin troubles. ~* Remember MOOONE’S EMERALD OIL is a clean, powerful, penetrating Antiseptic Oil that does not stain or leave a greasy residue. Sold satisfac tion or money back. i McKibbuiiSi PHONE 53 WINGHAM FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRS AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to laelc of space, am oom-' polled to confine my repairs to watches only. George William i Located in MASON’S STORE f954 WINGHAM’S 75th ANNIVERSARY JULY 31, August 1 & 2 In your time of need, we stand ready to help — to give your loved one a service to treasure in your memory forever. J. Walker Jfuneral ^ome Patrick St. Wingham - Phones 106, 189 BIG TRADE-INS! LOW PRICK SEE how much more we give you in fine-car performance fgDOf! HUDSON U. S. Stock-Car Champion On the stock-car tracks, world’s toughest pub lic proving ground, Hudson’s stamina, safety and roadability are demonstrated by more victories this year than all other makes com bined — proof aplenty that Hudson’s your smartest buy. See us today. Standard trim and other specifications and accessories subject to change without notice. DISTRIBUTOR Merkley Motors, Wingham, Ontario MASTER DEALER Smith Motors, Main Street, Clifford, Ont.