HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-06-30, Page 6SASH GLASS Whit Owen Sound, on the week- McKenzie, iv L. Ah Beatrice and Mrs, the Reforestation Bark, They visited the Martyr’s Midland. Church Nows A. Brook preached a pat- Church on Sunday, July 4. Personals Mrs. John Bosman and West Borne, wore visitors visit" other vei'al days lust Instead they cracked open Every night in the arena a floor truck, and carried off the show will be staged every hour. Lorne The lett—30 pounds ofWakelin and Gordon Bannister are co-chairmen of the trade fair. = Pbone 237 Wingham w VWnjffwfl Advance-limes, W#4nwl«yj Juno W>,WS OF CORR/S 6. ALAN WILLIAMS the names and Mrs visited INTRODUCING i 1< ir with the W DELUXE < I-—44 Used Tractor 1—No. 4 10-ft. Swather protects you agmW BLOWOUTS & PUNCTURES J. K. Burn- also spent & Mrs Ernest McDermitt Visiting nt 1’orcy Me* 111 ’e Has Dorn ‘V I'atiorson nt Uh* homo of o shown Calgary Greig, .lorutii Jack Rlefert of Toronto, spent home I xirno Optometrist Patrick St,, Wingham Phone 770 Evening^ by appointment, YOU CAN'T BEAT GEORGE CAMERON Authorized Ronson Repair Depot All kindfi of l.if'him and Pipes Repaired Cameron’s Billiards WINGHAM -1* ONTARIO Mr. ami MM Harvey spent ano day limit week the homo of Mr and Mrs. Ikirmltt in Brantford. An error wan made In of the babies who were baptized at the UnHed l*hnrrh on Sunday, Juno 201 h The names should have rei«l Lloyd William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan and William Halo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown. Mr. John Eurig spent two days with friends In Mount Foreat last week. Mr. and Mrs. ICrtrl Ridley spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. UeeJI Lynn, nt (imnge'- ville. Mr. wwernl days last week at the uf his parents, Mr. RieferL Mr. and Mrs F’ari uno day last week Mr. and Mrs. George Wipp In Gall. Miss J'NIher Hording of Mt. P'rnesl, spent two days (ids wook at her homo here. S/GNS OP DISTINCTION by ELMER and COMPLETE SIGN 'PR I'UK LETTERING JED SERVICE WINDOW SIGNS CARD mill 1’AI’ER SIGNS STREET BANNERS WALL SIGNS Phone us COLLECT 656w3 Wingham Anglican Church Event Was Well Attended Anglican Garden Party The annual Anglican Church gar­ den party was held In the Community Hall, Corrie, on Wednesday cyenlng with a good attendance. Following Hm supper, a short program was pre­ sented with piano ducts by Mrs. Frank King and Mrs, Graham Tele­ hue. Twa dance numbers were given by Rosemary Adams In Bcotch cos­ tume. The Rev. I*. G. Powell, Port .Hope, a former clergyman hero on n visit, spoke briefly and Mr. F, e. Russel prosldod. The comedy "Two Much Matrimony1*, directed by Mrs. Tom Vittie, was very well received. Ulmtwtors were taken by Mrs. Vern Clark, Mrs. Jack Bennett, Mrs. Harry Klug, William Austin and Jus. Clark. Forestry dub 'Pho final meeting of tlu» 4*H Fores­ try Chib was held In Brussels on Tlmmlny owning. Mr. Murray Un- derwoinl, president, had charge. Mr. 11. DeVries, director of forestry clubs mid his assistant, Mr. Harvey John- slun, were present and showed films reviewing the year's work, Honored by Red Gross Miss Jouji Bparling, teacher of the Ethol Public Heliool, was awarded a "Badge of Rorvlce" for conducting Junior Red Cross in tier schoolroom for the last fifteen years. The pin was given by the Ontario Red Gross and presented by the executive of the Gorrle branch of the Red Cross. Howlek P'eilernllon of AgricuHtire A very Informative meeting of the .llowiek Unit of llie Federation of Agriculture was lield on Tuesday evening In Corrie, when members and their wives were in attendance. Mr. ivns in ii i H § i ■ M K ! = I Harold Robinson, president, was h |tho chair. Mr. Lloyd Jasper, Mlidmny i oral ion. ! being " for the on const jMmnpedt tieldiiian of the Ontario .Ft'd- spenkor, his subject ‘vderatkni Films w< ami the Mr. Gord< ...........................' t’ounty 1* . Rotrcslimvnts were served Grcj Janus - Dankersgocd The marriage was ,< ' Saturday afternoon in the . Reformed Church. vitvi Douliersgovd, daughter and Mrs. A. Donkersgoed. Orungeliill, to Jakob Grvyjmius. son of Mr. mid Mrs Gveyjanus, Wingham. by the Rev, J. S. vMulhofs, Listowel. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, e-presidenl , was guest 'Wind tile » Farmer1 vvatlon by for th. on Wednesday with Mr. and Mts» Boy ITitchnrd and Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Kew, London. Mr, and Mrs. T, Kew and Mrs. Jennie Edgar attended the funeral nf the late Mrs, Walter Peebles in At* wood on Bunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Weir, Toronto, Mrs. W, Weir and Miss Gertie Bush visited op Bunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Dane. Mr, and Mrs, Tom Aidcorn and Ronnie, of Toronto, were recent vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. W. E, field. Mrs, B. Greaves, of Fordwlch, ed with Miss Emma Irwin and friends here for week. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley A. MbDougall, of Unity, Sask,, and ,Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Baker, Fordwich, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade, Mrs. McDougall Is the former Miss Ada Chapman of Mount Forest, and a former teacher ut S. S. No. 5, Orangohlll. Mrs. Mary Pollock, of Ripley, visit* cd with relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Dinsmore have moved to their new home In the vil­ lage- Mr. Jas. Douglas spent end with his sister, Mrs. A. Harriston, Mr. Win, Wade, Miss Wade, Fordwich, and MK Norman Wade visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Wade. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ge ,‘stmlnlster, B. ( dr son, MJ*. Bob attle, spent the J Mrs. T W« tin Bo an Beatlie is a nephew and on Sunday ten twelve brothers and at his home to meet Mr. and Mrs, Jus. < of Toronto, spent llv ; friends here. I Mr. Norman Clegg tie, of New npauiod by o and Mrs. id with Mr. . Mr. Geo. r. Mclnnes, r,' Mc'Innes’ •h gathered s. and Alex, •end with in of of si I their relativ'r I ho garden tea( arranged by the mem bora of tlm Bluovalo-Turnberry group of the Womon't; Aflaoelatlon of the Halted Church, wim an enjoy- ablo occmdon of last Thursday after­ noon. Held on the tree-sheltered lawn of Mrs. Joseph Horton, a good attend­ ance and fine weather combined to muko It, a success. Small tables were set la the shade of the trees which were decorated with balloons. Mrs* Stanley Darling, president of the Women’s Association, and Mrs. R. A, Brook poured tea. Members of the girl’s club served, A brief program provided entertain­ ment. Mrs. Donuld. Robertson played selections on tlw piano accordion and accompanied the girls’ group, Joyce Hoffman, Eleanor Smith, Etolle Mof­ fatt and Audrey Mann, who sang pop­ ular numbers. Mrs. Elmer Sellers gave humorous readings. Bus Trip to Toronto Friday was a real holiday for sen­ ior pupils of this vicinity. Pupils of Morris school area with their teach­ ers wore taken by Mr, A. D, Smith on n bus trip to Toronto, They visited many points Of interest, among them the new subway, the Bank of Com­ merce, Sunnyside, Multon Airport. Senior pupils of Bluevale School and No. 2, Turnberry, with their tea­ chers, Miss Isohel Speir and Mrs, Wm, McKinney, wont to Collingwood and Midland, the bus in charge of Mr. Pearson, of Brussels. They en­ joyed a picnic at Wasaga Beach and supper ut Midhurst. Shrine nt Cec. Walpole FRAMES CUPBOARDS PITTSBURG PAINTS Custom Woodwork Telephone 260-w STAIRS SCREENS HARDWARE Carpentry Building Wingham Used Cars I Sir stat- COMBINES USED Farm Equipment Oak­ past week Mr. and - . . ........... .. ,.. ,,r, has _ solenmirod on from the Winghmu Hospital. " ' Christian " ““ ’ Listowel, of Ger- el" Mr. • returned Massey-Harris Baiers, Mowers and Siderakes New Holland 66 Balers P.T.O. Drive & Motor Drive IaO.R Service The annual U O U and UO.B A. church service will bo held on Sun- da\. July 4th. at 3 p.m at St Step­ hens Church. Gori'ie, Mr. F E. Russel mil be the speaker Vulted Church News rhe Rev. W J Watt. Wluteehuveh. will occupy the pulpit in the Goirie United Church for the first two Sun­ days m July- 1'ho last two Sundays in July mH be holidays for both Sunday school and church. Personals Mrs. Emma Graham of Lansing, Mich., has spent the past week with her sister. Mrs. Ernest King and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. ham of Lansing, Mich., few days with Mr. and King and other negatives Karen Michel daughter ef Mr, and Mrs Cieyno Michel, had a lucky strike on Friday night- when the hdckj. ticket was drawn at the I'M Mocha Shr.no Chib s band concert in Wroxetcr and she was winner of S1AXVA? Playing bingo she a'so wen three one dollar ge.’.d pieces. Mr. and Mrs, Titos Montgomery returned to Detroit en Wednesday, after spending several days with, the family of the late Robert Gathers. Mr. Jas. Stevenson, who lias been a guest of the Rev. W, J. V and Mrs. Buchanan. has returned to Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C'.egg. land. California- spent the with Mr and Mrs. Delbert Clegg and other relatives. Mr Norman Brownley. Mrs. Garsfoot, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brownley, all of Thornbiiry. Mr. Bert Watson. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Watron and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oarsan "Watson and family. Brussels, were guests c-f Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Galbraith, on Sunday. Jack Stafford, Robt. Stewart and Rcbt. Westlake, spent the week-end | with Bill Stafford at Barrie. 1 Mrs, I* Sanderson is spending a few weeks with relatives at Sund- ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Toner. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Taylor. Mrs. H. Carson and Mr. Dick Carson attended the funeral ■of the late Amos Tompkins in Chat­ ham. on Saturday. The Rev. W. J. V. and Mrs. Buch­ anan, Kelvin and Maureen, leave this wk to spend their vacation at Lake Daihousie. Mr, and Mrs, Harold David and Kenny and Miss Lillian Vittie were in London on Sunday and visited Mr.; i Glove Vittie, who has been a patient1 ■ in St- Joseph’s Hospital, London, for i f the past two weeks. They also visited < Plumbing Supplies for Cottages Cabins Motels Homes Toilets • Ikisins - Bathtubs Showers * Bhiks * Pvcssuro Sys­ tems « Sump pmnps * Copier 4S Gntvonisrcd Pipe & Fittings, Etc. **V<m pajr no freight” Write for free catalogue & V» JOHNSON PLUMIUNG SUPPLIES STREETSVHAxE Phone m Open Wed, $ bM, evenings till 9.30 pmii. Rev. R. violle sermon at the Sunday morning service in the United Church, speak­ ing of Canada’s great resources and warning that only "righteousness e$- ulteth a Nation’’. The choir sang a patriotic number. Rev, John Pollock, of Wingham, preached in the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday. Communion service will be held in the United Mr. and family, of witli Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bosman. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Field of Laguna, California, visited on Sunday at the homo of Miss Mary Duff. Mrs, Helen Scott and Mass Isabel All's, W. H, Marshall Ims returned to her homo after spending a few •weeks in Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wylie, Toronto, spent the Week-end with the former’s, mother, Mrs. John Wylie. ; I,l„. ii, Mr. and Mrs, Fred ifyndman, Mrs.; Anderson, of Seaforth, visited Mrs. R. Annie Toner and Mrs. John Hynd- F. Garniss and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jen- nuin visited on Rundny with M........ ~ Joseph .Pritchard, Harriston, Mr and Mrs. Leonard Bonnett, and Clifford, of Listowel. visited with Mrs. John Finlay and Sterling on Sunday. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs John ^Montgomery were Mr, and Mrs. Ed. ^Montgomery and sons, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gra­ ham. Wroxvter, and Ivan and Grant > PLANS FOR FAIR Montgomery, of London. i A number from thm district attend-1 PIans arc now un(?er way for ^el ed the Earl reunion in Listowel i ^lrst annual trade fair to be held in Memorial Park on Saturday. 1 Goderich August 18 to 21 inclusive, at Mr. and Mrs, W G. Lawson and i Peter, of Toronto, spent the week-end (-Arena, with Mrs. Ethel Bradnock and and Mrs. Lloyd Hockridge. Mr. ; kins on Sunday. Mrs. George German, Mrs. Oake and ! M"rs. Lal Paisley, of Clinton, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coul- i tea. I --___ -I ( ! GODERICH LAYS THIEVES KNOW WHAT THEY WANT—COFFEE Thieves broke into a service iQn in Windsor. They passed up the open till automobile parts and ac- • eessories. a panel contents, coffee. . Goderich August 18 to 21 inclusive, at • the Agricultural Park in the Memorial < Thursday has been set aside as Cit­ izen's Day with saddle races to be . featured at the park; Friday will be Armed Services Day with Saturday , being designated as Rural Day. It is expected 70 exhibitors will be on hand for the fair. I ■ I ■ 1 If B I ■ ■ Haying Equipment MASSEY-HARRIS NEW HOLLAND 60 Combine in PTO Engine Drive and Self Propelled First choice for average size farms. 80 & 90 Self Propelled Combines Finest Combines ever built* greatest capacity^ 10 to 16 foot cut, up to 90 acres a day. II g New Improved 77 Super Baler with electric starter, g wagon hitch and loader King=Wyse Bale Elevators in 34 and 42 ft. lengths, i g IS 1 g 1 1 i i ■i ’ s-*b». J ■ 1 S Wingham CHARLES YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER Phone 378 1953 Ford Custom 2-Tone Sedan— This one’s been babied—real dependability <fr < QCA —everything like new ONLY <pJL*/Ov 1952 Ford Custom Sedan, Blue— An A-l car that handles like new, Seat covers since the first mile. We guarantee this car 100 per d» -j /*r%/V cent. ONLY «pl.OVV 1952 Chevrolet DeLuxe Blue Coach— This ear not only has a finish like new, but..„d* 1 /JCA handles perfectly. A REAL BUY AT «pXOOV 1952 Chevrolet Standard Black Coach— A one-owner car with brand new second set d* 1 £! Cfl of tires. A car that will not fail you. ONLY M> 1 OOv 1951 Ford 2-Tone Sedan— Tlie snappiest car on the lot. This car really is a beauty and is yours for 1951 Consul Sedan Big car comfort at small ear operational costs. ONLY .......................................... $1400 $900 1950 Dodge Grey Coach— This car away above average mechanically <fc I O C A and fine appearance. Spotless inside and out, X ZDv 1945 Ford DeLuxe Sedan— This black beauty has had one owner and is as perfect mechanically as when it left the factory. YOURS FOR ONLY MANY OLDER MODELS $750 Open every evening until nine Huron Motors A. D. MacWILLIAM TO THE CITIZENS of Wellington Huron record established in There was one ses- 1908 which extended Opposition Leader Air, Drew, and State Secretary, Mr. Pickersg'dl have agreed that, this, the first session of the 22nd Parliament, has been the dullest on record. The Commons has been sitting 136 days which equals the modem 1944-45. sion in through 288 days. To the older Members of the House it may have been dull but to me, one of the new Members, it has all been very exciting and education­ al, I have enjoyed preparing and giving my regular radio speeches over CKNX Wingham, CJOY Guelph and CFOS Owen Sound to keep my constituents up to date on the doings here at Parliament Hill. To this service I hope to add a regular column through the medium of the seven weekly newspapers in my riding during each forthcom­ ing session of this Parliament. 75 and 100 years seem a very insignficant period of time in the .history of our entire world but to us in Wellington and Huron Counties there are two events being built around these this year which give these two figures particular importance. I refer to thd 75th Anni­ versary of the founding of the town of Wingham and the 100th Anniversary of the creation of the county of Wellington. We are indeed fortunate that during a period of history when so many events of world importance have taken place we have been untouched physically by the devastations of War, that Our forefathers had the foresight and faith in Canada to settle in this part of the world. May we perpetuate that faith by a rededication of our belief in the principles of honesty, integrity and faith in the future that have made these two counties outstanding in sb many fields Of endeavour into which its citizens have chosen to enter as individuals, or as a body. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the radio stations and all the weekly newspapers for the support they hate given me during this session of Parliament. I will be a't' my home in Arthur most of the summer and early fail and will be only toft glad to assist any of my constituents. I thank you,