HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-06-30, Page 4X
JPage Four .The Wingham Adviuice-l^me^ tVednesda}-, Juiie 30,' 1954
NEW PIANOS—Save $100 on a new WOMAN or GIRL wanted, to clerk
----- “ I permanently in store. Apply by let-piano at Schuett’s, Mildmay. Aiso
used pianos. NEW UPHOLSTER
ED FURNITURE. Large selection
including Chesterfields, Davenports,
Spacesavers, Studio Couches. You’ll^
save at Schuett's, Mildmay. 307b
permanently in store. Apply by let-1
ter only, to Box 178, Wingham. I
SOrrb ]
Gardens, Formosa, on Sunday, July
4th, 2.30 to 5 p.m. will be Earl Hey
wood, Canada's No. 1 Cowboy and
the Barn Dance Gang. C30b
1941 CHEVROLET CAR for sale. In
good running condition. Apply to
Richard Chamney, Belgrave. ~30b
McCORMICK-Deering”hay loader for
sale. In good condition. Price $25.
Apply Archie Jones, H R. 4, Wing
ham, phone 642J1, _____ SO*
WOMAN over 50 desires housekeep
ing for one or two Protestant gentle
men. Apply Box .43, Advance-Times.
TWO QUILTS for sale. Apply to
Mrs. Homuth, John Street. SO*
USED SILVER-GREY baby carriage
for sale. Complete with runners.
Price $10.00. Phone 441M. 30b
For a complete showing of FLATTEN
BER GLOVES (.Latex Rubber Lin
ed) see the display at Kerr’s Drug
INTERNATIONAL hay loader for
sale. Good as new. Apply to Nel
son Higgins, RJR. 5, Brussels, phone
32r9. 30*
REFRIGERATORS at the Mildmay
Furniture include Philco. Frigidaire,
Also bargains in homes
air conditioners, ranges,
Schuett's Mildmay, 307b
TURKEYS—All sizes, 7 to 24 lbs. Oven
dressed. Laidlaw’s, phone 366J.
Wingham. SOrrb
JEADSTOQK removed from your
farm promptly for sanitary disposal.
Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W,
Durham 39S or Wingham 378. GOR
abled horses or cows removed free
of charge. For prompt and efficient
service phone collect, Wingham 561J
or William Stone Sons Limited,
Ingersoll. 28rrb
for sale, three bedrooms, died bath,
oil heated, spacious basement, 40'x
24’. Large lot fully landscaped. Ap
ply W. G. Sell, Phone 291, evenings
or Saturday, 16:23:30.7*
CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re
lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion
Salve — wear stylish shoes soon,
" FIVE-ROOM FRAME house for sale.
South of John St., opposite Lloyd’s
factory. Also some furniture. Ap
ply to George Baird. Wingham, R.R.
3. Wingham. 23*
July 7th, in Mildmay community
centre. $2300 in cash prizes includ
ing $1,000 special which must go.
Three special prizes of $200 and 14
games with prizes of $50 each. Reg
ular games, $1.00 and extra and spec
ial cards 25c or 5 for $1,00. Doors
open at 7.45; games start at 9.00
sharp. c30b
We would like to express our sin
cere thanks and appreciation to our
many friends and relatives, who so
kindly remembered us during our re
cent bereavement. Special thanks to
Mrs. Morrey and her staff and Dr.
Mills, Wroxeter.—Mrs. O. Moffatt and
family. 30*
I appreciate very much the visits,
flowers, treats and cards from friends
during my recent stay in St. Joseph’s
Hospital, I would tike to express my
sincere thanks to all who showed
kindness to me while there and since
my return from London.—-Mrs. Thom
as Moore, Whitechurch. 30b
—Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Field, of La
guna Beach, California, are spending
a few weeks With his brother, Mr,
Wm. Field and Mrs. Field and with
Other relatives and friends.
—R. Byrnes Fleuty, grandson of
our townsman, W. J. Fleuty, a recent
graduate of the Palmer School at
Davenport, Iowa, will take over a
Chiropractic practice at Edmonton,
—Mr, and Mrs, Walter Charlton of
Hamilton moved their household
effects to Wingham on Friday. The
former has joined the staff of the
Advance-Times.—Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaughlin
and baby Margaret spent the week-,
end in Toronto and were guests at
the Glassco-Evans wedding,
—Mr. Jack McLaughlin and Group,
Captain J. A Hutchison, O.B.E. of
Ottawa and Miss Nell Hutchison of
Toronto spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin. Mr.
Hutchison is Director of Canadian
National Parks and Historical Sites.
—Mr. Roy Dorsey and Mr. Geo.
Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Eckley of-
Philadelphia are visiting Mrs. Clara
Scott and family and other relatives.-
—Mr. and Mrs, Carl Clark of
troit spent the week-end with
mother Mrs. H. Buchanan.
—Miss Leslie Mae Wall, home
onomist for Oxford and Norfolk
counties, spent the week-end at her
home on Minnie Street, and also
attended the wedding of her friend
Miss Margaret Nimmo, at St. An
drew's Church.
i —Mrs. George Kerr of John St. and
her daughter, Mrs. Garniss and
Gail of London, left on Saturday to
spend the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Hawken of Sudbury,
—Mr. and Mrs, Robert McMichael
and family of St. Jacobs visited on
Sunday at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Hugh Sinnamqn, Minnie St,
—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clark, of De
troit, spent the week-end with Mrs.
Clark's mother, Mrs. H, Buchanan,
—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Purdon and
Gail, spent the week-end with Mr,
and Mrs. James_ Porter, Detroit.
—Mr. Jack Galbraith a*nd Mr. Ken
Nichol, of Toronto, were guests with
Mr, and Mrs. W, A. Galbraith
—Visitors at the home of Mr.
Mrs. Roy Finley and family, Mr.
Mrs. Frank Spielvogel were Mr.
Mrs. W. C. Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton, and Judith-Ann, all of
■—Mr. and Mrs. J. H, E. Webb, of
Singapore are home on a six month's
leave and are visiting with her mother,
Mrs. J. W, McKibbon.
—On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Haines of East Wawanosh, Mr. and
Mrs. Carman Haines, of Blyth, and
Mr. Gillis Haines visited at Aylmer
with the latter’s son, Neil Haines and
—Dr. A. W. Irwin leaves at the
week-end to attend army camp at
Niagara on the Lake for training
with personnel of No; 1 Fd. Co., R.C.
D.C. (R.F.), a London unit.
BOSMAN—In St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London, on Monday, June 28th, 1954j
to Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman, Arva,
a daughter,
Robinson Family
Holds Reunion at
TurnbulFs Grove
I wish to express my deepest appre
ciation to the nursing staff of Wing
ham Hospital for their kindness to
me and congratulate them on their {
—p. To friends who remem-1 bered me in any way I express my*
Rev. A. Nimmo Speaker At
DWELLING FOR SALE—V e offer j bered me in any way I express my j /x • • /m | ITT
two-storey brick, ideally situated I sincere thanks.—Norman Clegg. 30* Sa>*V1 ITT I rT Ill’s'll: near main street in town of Wing-j----------------------------------------------— mCJiVIVC 111 V/lltll Vll A 1CI C
’ ham. Modern conveniences. For par-* CARD OF THANKS
tieulars apply to H. C. MacLean, ■ j would like to express my sincere
realtor, phone 31 or 115, Wingham,; thanks and appreciation for the flow-
Ontario. 2330bers, gifts and cards sent to me while
• I was a patient in the Wingham, Gen-
______________ _ ______ _________ eral Hospital, Special thanks to Mrs.,Kviu
THREE ROOM apartment for rent. ‘ Torrey and her staff, the neighbours, vale,
Apply to Mrs. S. Paisley, nhonea , friends ana the members of the. surroundin;
476W. " * 30b Hodman Fam Forum. Addie Bacon
The Presbyterian Church was filled
>to capacity on Sunday evening, when
1 the Masonic Lodge of the district {worshipped with the congregation,
i Members were present from Clifford,
I Fordwich, Gorrie, Wroxeter, Blue-
. Wingham, Teeswater and the
" ig district. Rev. Alexander
i Nimmo was in charge of the service _____________________________•>0° ’ and gave a very able and thought-
~; searching address, using the subject,
IN yiEMOBJAM_________j“On VTiat Are We Building?"
SMITH—In loving memory of a dear! A ^kle quartet composed of Dick
wife, mother and grandmother, who Carson, Gilbert Howes. Harvey Spar-
passed away one year ago, June 28.; ling and Harold Robison sang ‘
_ 1953. ‘
S&lTto July l7th“and’ Au^t “15^ ouf hearts vour memory lingers,
-■■■■ - _ _ . —- _______ ____ ITT m,'SAWDUST BURNER, FURNACE and
thermostat for sale. used. Slosser
Barber Shop. Phone 479J. A-.
reinforced eement septic tanks. 6h:
by 3^ ft., 5 ft. deep. Capacity of,
450 Imperial gallons. The design <
and construction of these tanks has;
been approved by the Huron and
Bruce County Health Units. We de- ‘
liver any distance. Apply to Albert
Porter's 'Welding Service, Lucknow. HALF DOUBLE HOUSE for rent, for .
middle aged couple or lady. Avail- .
able July 15th. Apply Mrs-. Homuth.
John Street. 30*ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and ________________________________
stamp pads sold at The Wingham »■ COTTAGE for rent at Point Clark.
Aftygnce-Timps. Hydro, good beach. Available June
1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN for sale.]
Dark green color. Good condition.
No reasonable cash offer refused.
Mrs. M. Guy. 10 Water St, Wing
ham. 30*
The annual Robinson reunion was.
held Saturday at Turnbull's Grove
with 125 present. Guests were pre-
sent from Toronto, London, Ingersoll Brownsville, Wallaceburg, Becher’
Sarnia, St. Clair, Mich., Goderich, Au
burn, Donnybrook and Wingham,
. During the afternoon a ball game
was enjoyed as well as races for the
boys and girls and some that- were
past the juvenile stage.
The oldest man present was Tom
Robinson; oldest woman, Mrs. George
Naylor; youngest child, Jimmie Hor*
ley, three and a half months, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Allister Horley, Sarnia;
couple married longest, Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Chamney, Auburn; couple
most recently married, Mr. and Mrs;
Joe Horley, Sarnia; largest family, in
attendance, Mr. and Mrs, Carman
Horley and family, Sarnia; tallest wo
man, Mrs, Earl Lainchbury, London;
shortest man, Scott Robinson, London;
coming farthest, Mr. and Mrs, J. Jack*
son and family, Toronto,
Officers elected for 1955 were: Pres.,
J. C. Robinson, Wingham; sec.-treas.,
Carman Horley, Sarnia; sports comm.,
Scott Robinson, Doug Williams, both
of London.
It was decided to hold the 1955 re
union at the same place on the last
Saturday in June,
4LonJesboro, After spending a social
[time, together and having supper it
| was decided to hold the next picnic
. at the same place on the third Satur-
! day in June, 1955.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Armitage and
family, of London, and Mrs, James
Young of Wingham, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs, John McBurney over the
Mr, and Mrs. Robert McDowell, of
Sault Ste. Marie, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent and
with Mrs. Josephine Cameron. •
Mrs, Albert Vincent spent the past
week at Jhe home of her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Vincent at London.
Mr. Armond McBurney has return
ed from Cass City, Mich., where he
attended the funeral of «his brother,
Mr. Hugh McBurney. Mr. McButney’s
niece, Mrs. George Cook, of Cass City,
returned with him to spend the week
The members of the Belgrave Loyal
Orange Lodge will parade to Trinity
Anglican Church for divine service on
Sunday, July 4th.
•Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter and
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Higgins attended
the band festival at Waterloo on Sat
Mr, and Mrs. J. C, Nethery and
Mary Isobel visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Pearl Kaine at Gorrie on Sun
The CKNX barn dance program was presented in Belgrave Arena on Sat*
urday evening under the auspices of
the board of management for the com
munity centre. A crowd of over 700
attended. The evening was successful
financially and was much enjoyed.
Mr., and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson,
Charlie and Clayton, Miss Annie Bak
er and Miss Marie Penny, of Toronto,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shier
of Ripley, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Wilkinson,
Miss Annie Baker and Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Robinson attended the shower
for Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson
at Smithville on Friday night.
Unprecedented demand for wooden
nickels has lapped up the first 20,000
of the unique souvenir coins minted in
commemoration of Kitchener’s cen
Within six hours of issue, the whole
20,000 were picked up, committee
chairman, Fred Weber said. Another
30,000 have been ordered and will be
available by the week-end he said, ‘
Though authorized legal tender and
acceptable as such even in the city’s
banks, it appears the wooden coins
are being treated as souvenirs so far.
Few, said Mr. Weber, have been re
ceived in ordinary transactions by re
Kamrath. All will be sorry to hear
that she has fallen and broken her
leg. She lives in Wisconsin, U.SA.,
near her daughter and has been bed
fast quite a bit of the time for the
past two years. It was when she was
being lifted into a chair that the ac
cident occurred.
Mrs. George Harkness and Jean,
Miss Ella Gardiner and a friend, of
Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs.
John Harper and the Harkness fami
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aitcheson and
the former's sister, of Harriston, visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. E. Einn on
George Merkley is laid up at pre
sent with a very sore foot. He jump- j
ed off tire grader on'Friday and in
All Accounts withtwo
■ numbers, "Just Outside the Door" and
! “That Beautiful Land”.
; Happy Helpers Meet
J The Happy Helpers Mission Band
" met on Tuesday. June 15th. at the
-Lovingly remembered by her fam-. manse. Rev. H. West had charge of
ily, Charlie, Florence^ Jack and : the games which Were played and en-
Lynda. 30* ' joyed by all. The meeting was called
■ to order by Repeating the Mission______________________________ _____I__________________ _ ' Band Purpose. Mrs. West then led
WOULD THE PEOPLE who remov- J ■■ ■ ■ ■■- ........... . ■ ■ ■ .■■■■■ - . ===; in prayer, with Merle Fitch at the
ed the articles from the home of 5 rvi-r^T-ro^ ! Piano» ""Jesus Bids Us Shine” wasGeorge Irwin. R-R. 5. Wingham, i ic A sruGtir r U1GRE . sung. The president, John Newans,
please return them. 30*’ Everybody eats ice-cream. You can;had charge of the meeting and the
j own and operate your own self-ser-: xainutes were read. A motion was
i ^?ce lce"Creairi- franchise, large Pro-made that five dollars from the col-
i rits assured. No dishwashing, popec^ons sen{- t0 Presbyterial
help or ice cream experience requir-, treasurer for the second quarter. The
ciiousana primea woras j ca}j Avas aJlsxvere!j by 20 members
coula tell you no more. This is a i bringing a donation for the bale to
ground-floor opportunity and anxmt’be sent to Korea All repeated the of-
or your own. -.mail capital required. {fertory prayer. Plans were made to
For an interview '^te to Ren-Mar, entertain the WfMB. and .all mothers
Co. Ltd., 1-31 St. Catherine Streets y£rs. Doubledee’s on Wednesday
V est. Montreal. Que. 30H421b : afternoon, June 30th. With M. Double-
-----------------------------------------------j dee at the piano the meeting closed
--------------------- - ---------------? by singing “Jesus Loves Me”, and all
” ig the closing prayer. Mrs.
. _ _ —________ . . , - I West read the senior boys and girls aI “Pictures and Shoes”. The ju-
— — ----—-------- ----—-----------iJniors completed their scrap-books to
late of the Village of Fordwich in the j have them ready for the bale.
„ County of Huron, Labourer, who died j Pupils Hold -Picnic< on or about the twelfth day of May J Miss Kay McLennan, teacher, and
| A-D. 1954, are notified to send to the j her pupils held a. very successful pic-
|undersigned on or before the third,
ij day of July AD. 1954 full particulars
j of their claims in writing. Immediate-
; ly after the said third day of July the
j assets of the said testator will be dis- j
!’ tributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executrix shall then have
DATED this fifteenth day of June, j
•j A JD. 1954. j
CRAWTORD & HETHERINGTON} I Wingham, Ontario, • j
I Solicitors for the Executrix. • ]
30b ■ Sweetly, tender, fond and true,
___There is not a day, dear mother. gJ-J i CABIN TRAILER for rent on lake That we do not think of you.
front from July 10th to 31st and T *--- ■
August 7 to Sept. 3rd. Accommo- -
dates four. Phone 79. 30Tb
on. Phone 632J2.
ed off tire grader
jured his foot, making doctor’s
necessary. We hope he will soon
the use of it again.
(which partnership terminated June 30th, 1953)
Accounts unpaid by July 31, 1954 will be placed in
the hands of our solicitors.
1951 FORD TRUCK for sale, good con- ;
dition. Apply Lome Ballagh, R-R. 2 “
Teeswater, phone Belmore 5r3. 30* }
sale. Building sand, lane gravel,.
fill and top soil at reasonable prices.
We will try to fill all orders in 24
hours. Call collect Arthur Ruttan, ■■
Bluevale, phone Brussels 44r6. 307b
100 SUSSEX-RED pullets for sale. i
Ready to lay. 81.80 each. Apply Box !
44, Advance-Times. 30b;
ELEVEN PIGS weighing about 60;
pounds. Apply Herb Dustow. phone j
3rl4, Belmore. 30*!
AUCTION SALE to be held on Fri--
day. July 2nd at 8 o’clock in the;
evening on Highway No. 9 at Bervie. J
12 choice 2 year Hereford and Dur- <
ham steers; 25 Hereford one
year-old steers: 25 Hereford and 5
Durham steers and heifers mixed; <
4 Hereford cows due in. month; 51
heifers with calves at foot; 6 Hol-’ NJO'TICP TO CRFFlTTODQ 1 by singi stein heifers, due in month: 3 Dur- W 11 W 1 UKd j repeatin;
,---- ----- N -----« j WeSt «.
ALL PERSONS having claims against! story the estate of THOMAS M. GOGGIN, niors‘
ham cows to freshen in November.
Elton McLelland & Sons, proprie
tors, Bervie. Auctioneers. Donald
Blue, Dome and Doris McLelland.
30bSEED for sale, French Afalfa $17,001
per bushel,
J?21.00; Red Qover $17.00,
““Sweet $8.00; Yellow Sweet $7.50; t
Timothy $7.70; Climax Timothy |
$16.80. Per lb. Orchard Grass 35c;: dersigned up to July 2nd, 1954, for
Blue Grass $1.20, Brome 20c, Mea-' one chemical toilet to be installed at
dow Fescue 40c, Ladina 70c, White No. 2 School IKirton’s); also for four
Dutch 75c, Ajax and Beaver Oats' pressure systems to be installed at
$1.25 per bu. Montcalm Barley 81.75, • Nos. 2, 3, 5 and 9 schools. For fur-
Cleaned and treated. Farmers ;ther information contact the chair-
bring in your grain and have it j majl) Jas, Hardie, Wingham R.R,
cleaned. R. Cramm & Son, Pinker- ji. Lowest or any tender not neces-
ton. Phone Cargill 68w3. 21rrb ‘ sarily accepted. —Alex Corrigan, sec.-
j tteas., Bluevale, Ont 2330b
ARSONS having claims against'
1 WraSS nhnnf cS C1 §g’ oSS the estafce of Dr' Wuliaan Connell,
1, Wroxeter, phone 9r7. 2330b j ]a^-e Of tbe Town of Wingham in the
5 County of Huron, Physician, who died POWER AND HAND LAWN Mowers , on or about the twelfth day of June
sharpened and repaired. Phone 553W < AD. 1954, are notified to send to the
Leslie McDougall and Alvin Stacey.;
Ontario or Grimms{
Tenders will be received by the un-
IF YOU are buying a car on time
payments be sure to get our rate
on the financing and insurance. Our
service is complete and inexpensive.
Phone now and ask Stewart A
Scott, Phone 293. rrb
Puslinch Township in Wellington
County will remain dry. In May vot-
j ers voted about 4 to 1 against permit-
I ting beer or liquor outlets within the j township borders. Thus did the people
: of Puslinch strongly affirm the last
■ liquor vote, taken 40 years ago. The
vote was on five questions: liquor sale
from Government stores, beer sale
undersigned on or before the seven
teenth. day of July AD. 1954, full par
ticulars of their claims in writing.
Immediately after the said seven
teenth day of July the assets of the
said testator ’ will be distributed i
amongst the parties entitled thereto, {from Government outlets, beverage,
having regard only to claims of which ! rooms for men, beverage rooms for i
the executors shall then have notice, 1 women, dining room sale of beer and
DATED this twenty-eighth day of I wine. This victory was not won with-
June, AD, 1954. ’ out hard work by a local committee, i
We specialize in re-upholstering.'
Workmanship guaranteed. One
week’s service. Also repairing, re
finishing, For appointment call
Fairyland, 487J. RRB
CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, {Infco everY home Went a pamphlet i
. Wingham, Ontario, ’.packed with facts about the issues at
Solicitors for the Executors.' stake and challenging the propagandaI
I 30714b
IBEEF PRODUCERS—If interested in
western feeder cattle, please write
us to ihclude your name And address
on our mailing list and we will send |
you a copy of our twice monthly |
market letter which covers live-j
stock conditions all over the west, j
W. C. Johnston & Co., St. Boniface, 1 amongst the parties entitled thereto,
Man. _____ 2330b: having regard only tb claims of which
— j the executors shall then have notice.
5 DATED this tenth day of June, A.D.
* of Wet advocates. Some extracts fol-
-------I low: "Really now, is Puslinch Lake
NTr\*TTC«rr ta r’Dr’r\T-rr\r>c j<a delightful and popular summer re-
Di V 11C1L 1 O CREDITORS I sort) a good place to put a beer par-
ALL PERSONS having claims against!
the estate of Maggie Knox, late of the j
Township of Howick in the County of:
Huron, Spinster, who died on or about j
the third day Of April, A.D., 1954, are!
notified to seftd to the undersigned |
on or before the third day of July A. {
D,, 1954, full particulars of their i
claims in writing. Immediately after j
the said third day of July the assets J
of the said testatrix Will be distributed
nic in the school grounds on Friday
I afternoon. AU the people of the sec-
jtion were invited. The first item on
Ithe program was a ball game. Races
of all kinds followed and contests.
Doreen McGlynn won a box of
Iiates for the nearest guess as
number of beans in a jar.
A penny auction was held
draw for the lucky ticket for
chenille bedspread. The children had
been selling tickets on this for some
time to raise funds for a bus trip.
| Little Margaret. Jeffray drew the I ticket and Leonard Metcalf was the
1 fortunate winner of the bedspread. An
I ample lunch was served in the school
room and everyone was treated to an
ice cream cone. All went home tired
but happy and the bus trip took place
on Monday to Detroit.
IPO -^*$0:0 fol S
McIntosh W.M.S, is holding the 60th
anniversary service in the church next
Sunday morning at 11.30. Miss Ella
Lediard, a returned missionary from
Formosa, will be the guest speaker.
Invitations have been sent to former
| members and everyone is invited to
i attend the services on this special
Miss Joanne Giimar passed her mu
sic examinations in history and har
mony with first class honors. She is
a pupil of Miss O’Connor, Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Darling visited
on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Jeffray,
Mrs. Fred Dustow ahd Oliver and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grant and sons
visited last Week with Mt. and Mrs.
Homer Yack in Kitchener.
Mrs. C. H. MacDonald of Lucknow,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al
vin Mundell.
Many of the older people of this
community will remember Mrs. Ed
win Lucas, who at one time lived on
the farm now decupled by Norman
to the
and a
a rose
members of Whitechurch
Institute were guests of . __
Women’s Institute at the meet-
Huron Co. Trade well established.
Excellent opportunity. Full time.
WHte at once. RaWleigh’s Dept.,
Montreal. 23:30b |
DATED this tenth day of June, A.D,
Wingham,, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executors
Daisy M. Connell
B. N. Corrin
ing held in the community centre on
Tuesday, June 15. Mrs. Melvin Taylor
was program convener and the theme
was “Citizenship". The president, Mrs.
W. Scott, was in the chair and Mrs.
Cliff Logan read the minutes and the
financial report. The roll call was ans
wered’with the name of a famous wo
man of our time.
Mrs. Arnold Darroch of Clifford,
was the special speaker and gave an
interesting address on "My Impres-
. sion of A.C.W.W." A piano solo by
Mrs. G. E. Farrier and two readings
by Mrs. Victor Emerson were enjoy
The members of the third line of
Morris were appointed as a committee
to be in charge of catering for the
Anderson reunion. Plans have been
made for the members of the Bel
grave Women's Institute to (take a
bus trip to the County Home and will
be followed by a picnic lunch at noon
in Harbour Park, Goderich and a con
ducted tour of Gederich in the after
noon. The bus will leave Belgrave at
9 a.m. on Tuesday, July 20. Each
member is to take a present for an
inmate of the home. The program will
be presented by Mrs. W. Pocock, Mrs.
W. Scott, Mrs. A. Coultes and Mrs.
George Michie. The sum of $10.00 was
voted to the Salvation Army.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Jesse
Wheeler, Mrs. C. Wade, Mrs. Well
ings, Mrs. H. McGuire and Mrs. H.
Dr. A. S. MacDowell
A former resident of East Wawa-
nosh, Dr. Albert S. MacDowell, died
in his 83rd year at Tuscon, Arizona,
on June 20th, 1954. He leaves to mourn
his passing besides his wife two sons,
Dr. Douglas MacDowell, of Detroit,
and Keith MacDowell of West Branch,
Mich; two brothers, William and Alva
of East Wawanosh and three sisters,
Mrs. Bair, of Alberta, Mrs. J, Z„.„
eron and Mrs. A. .Vincent, both of
Dr. MacDowell practised
for over forty years in the_ __
Michigan at Bayport, Turner and at
West Branch. He retired to Arizona
ten years ago. Prior to his medical
career he. taught school for a few
ydats in East Wawanosh, Fordyce and
Uncle Dies at Ouinlin
Mr. Clifford Logan has received
word of the death of his uncle, Mr.
Charles Logan, who was a resident of
the ninth concession of East Wawa
nosh for several years. At the time
of his death on Thursday, June 17th,
he was residing at Crumlin Ontario
Where he had made his home in re
cent years. M
He is survived by one son, Murray,
of Crumlin, and two grandchildren,
one brother, Mr. Fred Logan of Blyth,
and two nephews, Clayton of Moose
Jaw and Clifford of Belgrave.
Vincent Picnic
On Saturday, June 19th, the Vincent
picnic was held at Jewitt’s Grove,
Bayfield, There Was an attendance of
eighty-eight. After dinner there wore
games and races for old and young.
The sports program was in charge
of Mr. and Mrs, George Bullock, of
DaShwobd. Relatives were present
from Barrington, Michigan., London,
J. Cam-
State of
lour? According to an estimate sup
plied by an O.P.P, officer, 70 per
cent of the deaths due to accidents
in 1952 were caused by drinking driv
ers. Dare We increase the hazard to
our children? Remember DRINKING
Re taxes: “We hear a good deal of
talk about how* these outlets will help
out taxes. The fact is they will. COST
US PLENTY in additional POLICE,
WELFARE and other Cbsts ... To
get even one dollar of this tax, the
Township must provide Police Protec
tion. In cash terms—for each 10,000
gallons sold, the township gets less
than $200. . . . How much liquor and
beer must flow before the salary of
even bne Policeman is paid?*’
A final note: "In 17 places in On-_____________ __________ _
tatio since September 1953 Where a* Official placing 6n the cow5,
vote was taken, the electors have* Lunch was served at the house, af* irons warrington, Michigan., London,
maihtainfed the dfy status?*—Advt. Mter which the iheetfhg adjourned. {Goderich, Wingham, Belgrave and
Blyth=Belgrave 4H
Calf Club Meets
The June meeting, of the
Belgrave 4-H Calf Club was held at
the home of Jim Snell. A class of
Shorthorn cows was judged and rea
sons were given by all members.
The dub leaders asked the mem*
bers some questions from the manual
hnd Club Leader Jim CouIteS gave the
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