HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-06-30, Page 3KM The Ladies’ Guild of St. Paul’s Church ar© holding a Strawberry Supper Thursday afternoon July 1 = from 5 to 7 In the Parish Room of the Church Admission 75c Crop Report * G. W. Montgomery Intermittent rains during the week followed by a very heavy rain Friday night has made for very poor haying weather and three or four days dry weather will be needed before haying commences again. All spring seeded crops are making wonderful growth and there will be increased yields of hay due to the excellent growing con­ ditions of the past two weeks, Pas­ tures are at their best and livestock are in good condition, NEWS OF WROXETER Former Editor Was Guest Speaker at Howick Lions I ip II V WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY H June 30 - July 1 H “Yankee Buccaneer " (Technicolor) Jeff Chandler Susan Ball FRIDAY - SATURDAY July 2-3 “Charge of the Lancers” (Technicolor) “Corky of Gasoline Alley’’ Scotty Beckett Patti Brady ner and was present to accept the award. In conjunction With the evening’s entertainment was a dance put on in the Town Hall in which drew a large crowd. Fordwich orchestra provided the music. Members of the band and other of­ ficial visitors were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke before leaving for home. Those present enjoyed the band concert and hope for a return of this group in the future. Jimmy Allen Retains Scholarship Jimmy Allen, son of Mrs. J. J. Allen, Toronto,, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen of this village, has completed his first year at Toronto University. He passed with first class honours and stood first in his class. Becuase of his standing he was able to retain the two scholarships won last year. Congratulations Jim. Jim with his mother and sister, Marjorie, spent the week-end at their home here. [v aI, MONDAY - TUESDAY July 5 “Blackbeard and the Pirate” (Technicolor) Robert Newton Linda Darnell - 6 ON THE NO.-9 HIGHWAY ’ JUST SOUTH OF HARRISON TWQ? StTOW _________________________ ; • O'*' at JXRAFT SALAD DRESSING 'MEMCLE WHIP KRAFT PLAIN V&VEETA CHEESE iKRAFT i' 16 OZ. JLQfi JAR BLOCK S50 t PABRAY MARGARINE POUND jj f f CANDY FEATURE — HOWE'S JELLY ROUS 12 OZ. CELLO BAG 24 OZ. JAR 2 » 250 Mr, Rixom Rafter, retired editor of ‘ the Arthur Enterprize, was guest ■ speaker when Howick Lions Club held ■ their first ladies supper meeting of > the year. Mr. Rafter who gave a humorous and interesting address on the subject, Now and Then, recently won the : newspaperman of the" year award, presented by The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Bprn blind, Mr. Rafter has managed to overcome his handicap, He is a graduate of Uni­ versity and also of the school for the Blind. The speaker was introduced by Lion Howard Wylie and thanked by Knowleston Hueston. Lion Ken Edgar presented him with a gift of money which he requested be re deposited in the Clubs account and used for boys and girls fund which is the main object of the Club. Guest soloist was Mrs. Pamela Sad­ ler, of Clinton, who favoured with a group of songs and with Stanley Bride sang a duet. Mrs. Pete Dobson was accompanist. Ken Edgar kept the meeting going at a lively pace by con­ ducting several stunts, games and contests. Arrangements were made to take a child to Victoria Hospital, London, for treatment. Members were urged to have their tickets sold for the frolic which is to be peld the latter July. Lion secretary, Pete Dobson ed for the election of officers coming year, the results of which are as follows: Past president, Lion Gor­ don Gibson; president, Knowleston Hueston; 1st. vice-president, Marshall Wilcox; 2nd. vice-president, Harold Townsend; 3rd. vice-president, Gordon I Edgar; secretary, Pete jDobson; treas­urer, Roy Hunter; tail twister, Ken 1 Edgar; lion tamer, Gilbert Howes; < assistant lion tamer, Dr. Frank Mills; 1 directors, 1 year, Ewart Whitfield, John Lane; directors, 2 years, Bruce1 Chalmers, Harry Hastie. | Ken Edgar expressed appreciation for the excellent dinner served by the 4th line group of the Women’s Assoc­ iation, Gorrie United Church. Pal Mocha Club, Band Concert Wroxeter village park was all pre­ pared for a gala event on Friday night when the weather man inter­ vened with a heavy shower of rain. However it cleared long enough for the highlight of the evening, the con­ cert given by the Pal Mocha Shrine Club band of London which delighted everyone who was brave enough to attend.- Chief Potentate John Ander­ son, of London, spoke briefly. Frank Butcher, also of London, was master of ceremonies and the band was un­ der the baton of assistant leader Nick .. Carter. Miss Sandra MacLennan and ' summer home here. Anne Currie, both of Wingham, danc- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cameron, Hughie ed the highland fling and the sword and Pat, Toronto, were Sunday guests dance accompanied by piper Roy Mac- Sween, Tiverton. Following the concert bingo games were started and a booth did a lively business for a few minutes but the rain came on again and the draw for a prize of $1000.00 was made by Bob Barton, of Palmerston. Mr. Barton had sold the largest number of tickets for the draw. Twelve-year-old Karen Michel 'of Gorrie, was the proud; win- Teacher Presented William McKinney, who has in S. S. No. 2, Turnberry, for part of presid- for the ST. WILLIAMS strawberry jam ■ LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE ! SUNKIST CONCENTRATE LEMON JUICE LLASHMAR DOMINO DRY ju ' ,: GINGER AXE 270' OLD COLONY SOFT BRINKS 2 ’70 PBESESVI'W SUPPLIES Drive-In CROWN OH CORONA. SEALERS Doaen CERTO LIQUID rubber JAB RIMGS 2 »o«. PICNIC FOR WRAPPING SANDWICHES SEALING WAX MRQWAX CER-TO ciwms METAL JARRINGS SUPPLIES l.Lb. PKg. Pkg. Do»»n 170 140 370 THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. First Show at Dusk 2 Shows Nightly - Rain or Shine Cartoon and News THURSDAY - FRIDAY July 1-2 “Stranger Wore a Gun” (Colour) Randolph Scott Joan Weldon The Wingham Adv*nce-Time«, Wednesday, June 30,1054Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Oliver Moffatt and family in their sad bereavement, The late Mr, Moffatt was well known in this dis­ trict, Miss Hazel Sparling spent Saturday in Listowel and along with Mrs, Al* onzo Sparling, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Elliott, of Listowel, and Mr, John Hupfer, Wroxeter South, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson and Mrs. Ethel Carmichael, at God­ erich. Mr. Harry Montrose spent the week­ end at his home in Simcoe. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Currie and family of Ripley, spent Sunday with I Mr, and Mrs. Ken Wright. Visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Wright of Howick, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cardoza, of Kitchener, and Mrs. Jack Sangster and Mary Lou, of Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm and family, attended the Gedche reunion held this year in Kurtzville commun­ ity centre on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Crawford Gibson returned last week from Belle River where they spent the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibson and family, of Hanover, spent a day here last week. Mrs. G, A. Gibson has returned home after spending two weeks with her daughter in London. She also vis­ ited in Belle River, Detroit and Wind­ sor. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and Mrs. J. H. Wylie were in Moorefield on Thursday where ‘ they attended the 50th anniversary of the Women’s In­ stitute iri that place. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carr, of Van­ couver, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown. Mr. Carr was at one time editor of the Wroxeter weekly paper. Forty years ago he went to the coast. It is twenty­ seven years since Mrs. Carr visited, her sister, Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rae and baby daughter, of Brantford, were Friday visitors with Mrs. D, W. Rae, They were accompanied by Mr. Melvin Rae, of Calgary, brother-in-law of Mrs. Rae. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman, Belgrave, were Saturday visitors their mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roberts, towel, were Sunday visitors witjj D. S. MacNaughton and John. Mr, and Mrs, Cameron Nelson and children, Ridgetown, also Dr. Wm. and Mrs. Martin, of Drayton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Bert Martin. Miss Verna Harris, who has employed with the Y.M.C.A. in has resigned and is holidaying her sisters in this vicinity. Mrs. taught the past three years is leaving and will teach in Lower Wingham the coming year. On Monday afternoon ladies of the section gathered-at the school for a farewell party. Marjorie Timm read an address and John Mundell and John „ Grant presented an eletric tea kettle and table cloth. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. Annual Masonic Church Service Eighty members of the Masonic Lodge including members of Forest Lodge at Wroxeter attended the an- _ nual church service held this year on j Sunday evening at Belmore Presby- * , terian Church. Rev. Alexander Nimmo, ’ 1 of Wingham, was guest speaker and a male quartette, Harold Robinson, I Harvey Sparling, Gilbert Howes and I Dick Carson sang. y I W. I. Agric. and Canadian Industries Meeting The July meeting of Wroxeter Wo­ men’s Institute will be held on Wed­ nesday afternoon at 2.30 p.m., July 7., in Masonic Club rooms. Motto “Facing the future on the farm, takes courage and a strong right arm,” taken by Mrs. Jim Doig. Topic “Canada to Me” Mrs. Crawford Gibson. Quizz, Know Your Canada, Mrs. Wesley Newton. Hostesses, Mrs. Alvin Moffatt, Mrs. J. N. Allen, Mrs. G. A. Wearring. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers and daughters, of Wexford, spent the week-end with Mrs. Victoria Broth­ ers. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White, Tor­ onto, spent the week-end at their FRUIT GROWERS ON with Lis- Mrs. been Galt, with took TRIP TO MICHIGAN Huroip County Fruit Growers a bus trip on Wednesday to Meta­ mora, Michigan, west of Port Huron, where they visited the large orchards of Russell Evarts. Over 50 growers, their wives as guests journeyed to Michigan, accom­ panied agricultural representative, Gerry Montgomery, fruit and veget­ ables branch fieldman, Russell Chard, of Forest, and Bob Carbert, farm edi­ tor of CKNX. The bus left Wingham Mr. Frank Green, Wingham, spent > L30 in the morning and returned Sunday with his daughter, Mrs.' in the evening; George Harris and Mr. Harris. with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Orr, Byron, spent the week-end in town. The latter’s1 father, Mr. George L^clye, is in Mrs. I McCracken’s nursing home, Gorrie. South, following an accident when he fell on the ice in January fracturing his hip. bright with roses and pansies and silver services. The collection amount­ ed to $21.34. W. I. Meeting The ladies are reminded of the meeting of th© Women’s Institute'to be held at the home of Mrs, Ross Gammie this (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30. This is children’s day there will be a picnic lynch. Roll The School Subject I Disliked Most." At present we can only reason thp divine justice from what We know of justice in hian,♦ * 9 Justice is the moral significance of Jaw» Injustice declares the absence of law. Miss Margaret Miller will spend and call the Miss Margaret Miller will spend the next two months working at a sum­ mer resort near Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Will Webster have returned from a pleasant motor trip as far north as North Bay. SPACE-SAVERS at CURRIE FURNITURE z|YOUR GUARANTEE FOR OVER 35 YEARS OF QUALITY GRANITES and CRAFTSMANSHIP CEMETERY LETTERING PHONE 256 COUNT ON US JOB MOOT R. A. SPOTTON f When you want complete service for your car - - you’re talking our language - - because our reputa­ tion is built on thoroughness. 8 ■ scabby A greater variety at Canadian Tire 3OE3O) event to the _ t _ of the organization is William Maguire, of ONT. Waterproof; very com­ fortable in uso BIKE BALANCER Easily deterhed when chi'd is proficient. LIGHTS Beautiful chromo, bat­ teries Included. LLASHMAR Drive - In CLINTON Box Office open at 8 p.m. Children under 12 in cars free. Z Shows Nightly - Rain or Shine First Show at Dusk THURSDAY - FRIDAY July 1 and 2 “Silver City” (Colour) Edmund O’Brien Yvonne DeCarlo Cartoon and News While in Metamora, they made an extensive tour of the orchards which covered 200 acres, on foot and in the bus. The Evarts orchard is consider­ ed the finest in the state of Michigan, and produces all types of tree fruits, such as sweet cherries, sour cherries, peaches, plums and different types of apples. Visitors paid particular attention to the program of insect and scab con­ trol, which varied considerably from that used in Huron County. Our grow­ ers prefer a spray system, while Mr. Evarts uses a dust program which is quite successful, we might add, for out of 50,000 bushels of apples produc­ ed last year, not one bushel of apples was gathered. The bus tour is an annual which last, year took growers Niagara peninsula. President Bayfield. GENERATOR 4.95 SET ........ Power-light headlamp, W. A. Tea The Sunday School room United Church which has been cently re-decorated in dusky rose, was further brightened by baskets of peonies for the annual tea under the auspices of the Women’s Association, on Thursday afternoon. There was a large attendance including ladies from the Ashfield circuit and from White­ church and Lucknow. Mrs. Gordon MacPherson welcomed the ladies and presided for the pro­ gram which included piano solos by Mrs. Chester Taylor, Joyce McDonald, Alison Webb and Norma Forster; duets by Mrs. J. W. Joynt, of Luck­ now and Mrs. E. W. Rice, Norma For­ ster and Lois Miller and Norma For­ ster and Gladys McDonald; solos by Mrs. Joynt, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, Anne Todd and Karen Groskorth of-White­ church; a selection on the guitar by Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, of Whitechurch; readings by Mrs. Jas. McFarlane of Lucknow, Miss W. D. Rutherford and Mrs. Alex Purves; and choruses by the St. Helens School Girls. For the social hour that followed tea was poured by Mrs. W. I. Miller, president of the W.M.S. and Mrs. Jas. Curran, president of the W. A. The table, covered with a lace cloth was Holds bike straight Folds out of way. Brilliant flashing flector buttons. Extra fun for juvenile police chiefs, i&? 330EQDRSAVER WAX PAPER m---1---------------x ---- jiffy LTOCHBAGS 2 w 370 giSnette Coloured picWic plates 190 FRONTENAC WHITE SERVIETTES FOR HOT OR COLD BEVERAGES REGAL PAPER COPS GOLD SEAL FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON ‘FAIR WIND — LIGHT MEAT TUNA FISH'NW SEASON'S PACK! — CULVERHOUBE FAJS.OY ASPARAGUS TIPS DOMESTIC SHORTENING Pkg. of 20 PKG. OF 10 FOR BETTER PASTRY i 26 LB. AVERAGE .. each 99c SIZE 126’s . 6 for 29c SATURDAY - MONDAY July 3 - 5 “Cruisin’ Down the River” (Colour) Dick Haymes Audrey Totter SUNDAY MIDNIGHT July 4th Only “Leave Her to Heaven” Gene Tierney Cornel Wilde TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY July 6 - 7 “Let’s Do It Again” Jane Wyman Ray Milland THURSDAY - FRIDAY July 8-9 “The Jungle” Rod Cameron Cesar Romero '5iiiaiiiaiiniiiwiimiwiiniiHiiiniiniini]wi FOR YOUR PICNIC - SWEET RED RIPE WATERMELONS....... FOR A REFRESHING DRINK JUICY LEMONS .... . STORE CLOSED -DOMINION DAY— Thursduy, July lai 1 ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE IN WINGHAM 1 Vnm OMdns Time • All morehaadiae aoM at "you* Dominion Store" Is uncondition­ ally fluarantoad to give you 100% saftMlaeMoa. n a v. t'W t * VG SATURDAY - MONDAY July 3 - 5 “Broken Arrow” (Colour) Deborah Paget James Stewart Cartoon and News SUNDAY MIDNIGHT JULY 4, ONLY “Don’t Bother to Knock” (Adult Entertainment) Richard Widmark, Marilyn Monroe Cartoon and News TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY July 6-7 “Sabre Jet” (Colour) Colecn Gray Robert Stack Cartoon and News IOE3O1 Hotel Brunswick COFFEE SHOP The Business Girls’ & Men’s Luncheon is inexpensive and served at noon and evening. SERVING TIME 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (OEaOE=3OEXOE£: Sunbeam ELECTRIC RAZOR NOW $29.75 RUBBER 0.49 SADDLE .. & Flexible, comfortable and waterproof. MILEAGE INDICATOR . Fits on front 28" wheel; accurate, 1 PEDAL BLOCKS B Let small tikes ride big trikes and bikes. SEAT COVER ..... Fits all saddles. Deluxe Cover-- 1,39 BIKE SIREN Shrill piercing warning ilgnal. Plated.