HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-06-23, Page 11G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham NEWS of fordwich Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace Celebrate 25th Anniversary Phone 770 Evenings by appointment I0UI IHI WINGHAM 3 TAXI Quite a number of friends and neighbors surprised Mr, and Mrs. Aitcheson Wallace on Friday night on the occasion of their 25th wedding an­ niversary. Mrs. James Warrell read the address and they were presented with an end table, table lamp, and Silver tray and relish dish. They both made suitable replies and the evening was spent playing cards. The family presented them with 25 carnations. was 24-Hour Service Passengers Insured Phone 65 3 E 5 3 i 1 iiiiti‘*“***‘**"***‘*^*‘**‘"***“*****‘"*““"‘r",irTitiintinmtiij W. I. Meeting The. June meeting of the Fordwich Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. William Sothern. Mrs, Howard Harris opened the meeting With the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. F. Witmer had charge of the devotions, Mrs. W. Gib­ son presented the motto “When you feel like complaining take a good look ■ ■■■■IIIIHIIIHHMMHIiilUimiHWWWM ARMITAGE’S 1 100% All Wool Suits made to your measure, any style. PHONE 172 WINGHAM Don’t let the weather stop you! Chuck’s Taxi is at your service rain or shine, day or night. CALL 185 Chuck’s Taxi CHARLIE LEE, Prop, You are Insured. I at your blessings”, The rpll call the display pf a favorite kitchen gad­ get and while many kitchen articles were on hand, the most popular was the rubber scraper. The extension course phosen for this year was Phychplogy and You. The display booth at the fall fair will be a decorated table set for any special occasion. The Fordwich Institute voted in fa­ vour of another presidents' confer­ ence. Mrs. William Campbell, district director, gave her report on the dis­ trict annual at Molesworth, Mrs. How­ ard Harris gave a report on the Presi­ dents’ conference at Guelph. Mrs. Welly Hargrave had the first study of Canada. Mrs. Robert Gibson dem­ onstrated. making frosting and gar­ nishing a sandwich loaf, Thank you letters were read from an Institute member in Australia who received a pot holder and from a “CARE!” re­ ceiver in Germany. The committee for lunch for the Centennial was named and consists of Mrs. Crosby Sothern, Mrs. H. Pollock, Mrs, A. Demerling, Mrs. F. Hambly, Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Mrs. R. Gibson and Mrs. Stan 'Bride. VVul. Entertained The members of the Woman’s As­ sociation were guests when the W.M.S. of Fordwich United Church met for the June meeting at the home of Mrs. Wray Cooper. Mrs. W. Tristram pre­ sided for the opening service and the business. The response to the roll call was a verse from the Psalms. It was decided to postpone the Sunday even­ ing Bible study for the summer months, to be resumed in the fall. Mrs. E. Hainstock presided for the worship service and Mrs. Wm. Mac­ Donald read a poem on thankfullness. Mrs. Robert Gibson gave the Scrip­ ture reading and Mrs. Hainstock, in her commentary on the Scripture, based her thoughts on “The Christian Lighthouse”. She concluded her re­ marks with a poem, “Step by Step”, followed by prayer. Mrs. Glen Johnston presented the topic and based her theme on Chris­ tian hope, which is also the theme of the World Council of Churches con­ vening in Evanston in August of this year. She based her remarks on the six petitions of the Lord’s prayer, and closed by urging the prayers of all Renew to A good shoe can be brought back to good condition through the modern equip­ ment in our shop. Cheaper HARRY BROWNE FIND A FINER CAR ,M¥wut»n GET A BETTER DEAL ANYWHERE! ♦ Stock-car records prove it on the world’s only public proving grounds On the stock car tracks, world’s tougheBt public proving ground, Hudson s stamina, safety and road­ ability are demonstrated by more victories .than all other makes combined “ proof aplenty that Hudson is your smartest buy. SEE YOUR HUDSON ' dealer TODAY On Hudson Hornets • Wasps • Jets DISTRIBUTOR — Merkley Motors, Wingham, Ont. MASTER DEALER—Smith Motors, Main Street, Clifford, Ont. tjhe members for the success of the! forthcoming convention, that its ful-l filment would make (stronger unity in Christ around the world. Rev. W. R, Tristram enlarged Ph the remarks concerning the coining Universal Pro- tpstant gathering. He gave short In­ spirational messages to the society in his ^closing remarks, before leaving for his new charge. Mrs. Gordon Brown expressed the appreciation of the societies for the devoted leadership of Mrs. Tristram and her kindly influence for good during her time here and Mrs, Glen Johnston presented her with a silver rose bowl, for which she thanked the ladies, Mrs. Tristram closed the meet­ ing with prayer and lunch was serv­ ed. Miss Laura Donaghy of Toronto, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Lena Ellsworth. Mr. Ed. Gordon returned home last week after a month's trip to the wes­ tern provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vittie and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmore, of Wel­ land, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie and on Sunday at­ tended the funeral, in Gorrie of the late Mr. Robert Gathers. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock and family spent a day last week in Lon­ don. Mr. Allan Cooper of London spent the week-end with his parents. Miss Evelyn Simmons spent the week-end with friends, in Moorefield. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson and Phyllis attended the Dane reunion in Listowel on Saturday. Mr. James Vittie was a London visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ketchum of Palm­ erston, visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Small. Miss Cavelle Ruttan of Bluevale, spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Ruttan. Mrs. Nellie Scott, of Lucknow, is also spending some time at the same home. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Johnston were Mrs. Wm. Tom­ lin, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Tomlin, Mar­ jorie and Phil, of Wiarton, and Miss Ruth Johnston and Anne Lindsay, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery, near Wingham. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Harding were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood and Kay, of Lakelet, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Karges of Listo­ wel, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and family, of Fordwich and Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Harding and family. ' Mr. and .Mrs. Howard McGuire, of Ripley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howe. Miss Dorothy Campbell of Hamil­ ton, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell. “ Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nuhn and little son of Gowanstown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutchison. Mr, and Mrs. Don Seabrook and family of St. Catharines visted on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig. Mrs. JDoig returned home with them after spending a week in St. Catharines and Buffalo. Mr. W. Duncan, Ken and John, of Mount Forest, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown. Mrs. James Pollock, qf Ripley, is spending this week at the home of her son, Harold, and Mrs. Pollock. Week-erid guests at the same home were Mr. Lloyd Pollock and son Jimmy, of Windsor. Master Barrie and Miss Janie Pollock Of Ripley, are also spending this week at the Pol­ lock, home. Mr. Herman Albrecht of Kitchener, is spending some time at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Arnold Doig and Mrs. Doig. Mr. J. H. Heise spent several days in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., attending the conference of the Brethren in Christ Church. Mr. Max Hambly and Miss Flor­ ence Schneider, of Kitchener, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly. Mr. Bruce Williamson visited over the week-end at the home of his mo­ ther. 3 Mr. and Mr, William Edgar and Cameron attended the Edgar reunion on Saturday in Gorrie. Miss Helen Johnston spent last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cameron at Bruce Beach. A number of the local Orangemen’ attended the. Orange service held in the United Church at Wingham on Sunday night. Don’t forget the strawberry social with meat course to be held in the United Church at Fordwich On July 6th. Holy communion was observed in the United Church on Sunday morn­ ing. Two babies were also received by baptism, William Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan and Lloyd William, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Brown. , The Brown reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Winston on Saturday. What might have been a serious accident occurred on Sunday after­ noon on Concession 1 of Howick, in front of Norman McDowell’s farm, When a car owned by Walter Hors- burg and driven by his daughter ,Mrs. Mary .Peddle, went out of control and turned over in the ditch. Mrs. Peddle escaped with a few scratches. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sotheran, Miss Shirley Sotheran and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell of London, were in Strathroy on Saturday where they were guests at the Waring - Slater wedding whicn took place in the Unit­ ed Church. The bride is a niece of Mrs. Sotheran., Mrs. Hazel MacDonald, of Ripley, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sotheran. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harding and family and Mr, and Mrs. Norman Har­ ding and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and fam­ ily attended the 35th wedding anniver­ sary on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Loutitt, of Wroxeter, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Halliday, of Wingham. The friends of Miss Letitia Mat­ thew will be glad to hear she has returned home from Wingham Hospi­ tal where she underwent an appen­ dectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Baker and family of London, visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Baker. Mih. Emma Williamson returned home last week from Listowel where she was nursing. PHONE CRAWFORD MOTORS Phone 710 • Wingham WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP YOUR GUARANTEE FOR OVER 35 YEARS OF QUALITY GRANITES and CRAFTSMANSHIP CEMETERY LETTERING PHONE 256 > R. A. SPOTTON TEVIOTDALE SPEEDWAY STOCK-CAR RACES EVERY .FRIDAY NIGHT —AND— A PARACHUTE JUMP FROM 2,000 FT. EVERY RACE NIGHT IN FRONT OF THE GRANDSTANDS Don't Miss It! 8.30 pan. Regular Admission Prices LISTEN to cknx for bad weather cancellation The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, June 21,' 1954 Page ElovaRt ...........................................................4..... '... ' .............................................................. ..... .....CCT;.., Miss Elizabeth Patterson and Leslie j Harry (Hu by) Hastie, Ho wick; Mra. Campbell are spending the home of Mr, and Wipp in Galt. this week at Mrs. George Mr. Bert Bellamy of London and Mr. Tom Bellamy of Preston, visited relatives in the community over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eurig and family of Mt. Forest, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mr3. Parker Eurig, jMr. and Mrs. [Don King of Wasaga, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Garn. King. . A AVI* f AJLVyif Austin (Elizabeth) Hawthorne, Elma township; 20 grandchildren and 2$ great grandchildren* A brother, David, Wingham and a sister, Mrs. Charlotte Spotton, Toronto also survive. Pud ‘daughter, iDora and an infant son Pre­ deceased him, Robert Cathers Was Lifelong Resident Of Howick Township Mr. Robt. John Cathers, a life-long resident of the township of Howick, passed away on Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Wm. Jardine, in his 88th year, after an illness of a few months. He was a son of the late John Cath­ ers and Mary Brown. He farmed on con, 4, Howick, before retiring to Gor­ rie in 1930. He was a member of the Gorrie United Church. His wife, the former Margaret Jane Earl predeceased him Jan. 27, 1949. Surviving are one son, John, Gorrie; six daughters, Mrs. Anson (Lottie) Thornton, Howick; Mrs. Wilbert (Effie) McCrackin, Howick; Mrs. Wm. (Alma) Jardine, Gorrie; Mrs. Alvin (Cassie) Moffat, Wroxeter; Mrs. The funeral service was held on Sunday. A private service was held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Win, Jardine at 2 p.m, followed by public (Service in the Gorrie United Church, conducted hy the Rev. W. J. V, Buch* anan. Burial was in the Gorrie ceme­ tery, Pallbearers were: Jas. Shearer, Har­ vey Sparling, Sandy Edgar, August Keil, Clifford Brown and Archie Mil­ ler. . Flower bearers were: Robt. Haw­ thorne, Calvin Moffat, Tom O'Krafka, Glen Jardine, Bob Cathers and Doran Thornton. FAMILY INCOME An excellent method of, having an adequate insurance estate for the man with a young family. Consult— FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. NOTICE SUMMER BUS SCHEDULES Effective June 25th OBTAIN YOUR COPY FROM YOUR LOCAL AGENT Hastings B=A Service Station Diagonal Road* Phone 766 THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Ltd. KITCHENER ONTARIO at these Valuable Prizes BOYS and GIRLS took 1 1 I 1. A Brand New BICYCLE It’s smart! It’s streamlined! It’s yours absolutely free , . , just for saving “lucky” Kist Bottle Tops, Think of the fun you‘11 have this summer with a brand new bike like this ... and you can have yours with­ in a few weeks time if you get started right away. 2. A MANTEL RADIO Hear all your favourite adventure stories in your own room,on your very own radio. In­ vite the gang tn to listen, too. You’ll be amazed how easy it is to win this powerful radio. Get your Kist Contest rules from your Kist Dealer and find out today t You Can WIN By SAVING KIST BOTTLE TOPS 3. A BASEBALL GLOVE or $5.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Play ball this summer like a big league star with this profess sional-style baseball glove. You'll have it in time for all the playoff games if you start saving Kist Bottle Tops now. OR— You can win the $5.00 Kist Merchandise Certificate . , . buy anything you want up to $5.00 value with this certificate. 4. IOO CATAPULT GLIDERS Shoot it into the air and away Soars the glider , . , straight up, away over the house tops . . . then levelling out, it glides away to a smooth, safe landing. PLUS MANY EXTRA CONSOLATION PRIZES Get Your Entry Blank from Your KIST DEALER TODAY!