HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-06-23, Page 10T—i The Wingham Advance-Tinies, Wednesday, June 1S54 The Fanning Mill by Bob Carbert Looking Back This summer. Wingham and district residents will be spending a lot of time looking back, reminiscing, and trying to relive some of the pleasant experiences of their youth, To some of the older residents, this will bring back memories of another century, to the younger folk, it will renew the pleasant times of the early motor car age. Wingham will be celebrating her 75th birthday, this summer, and it looks like quite a party if everyone accepts their invitation. You know, we may be celebrating the 75th Anniversary of this town, but actually we are living in a very young •community, Our country itself dates it’s first real development to the 1800’s, while there are many countries in the world which have been going on for thousands of years. Europe and Asia have historical records of organized civilizations with highly developed governmental processes that date back hundreds of years Before Christ. So, while we here in Wingham are cele­ brating 75 years of progress, we are actually just getting started. <kday to day, year to year, decade to decade, it’s nice to be able to stop at a milestone sueb as this, and reiew progress, It’s nice to count up the miles and the accomplishments, It’s nice to review your history. I once heard a man say, ‘Tf we had as much foresight as we have hind­ sight, we’d all be a darn sight better off”. Perhaps that’s right and indeed it is a good policy to look ahead, and make plans for the future. There is no better yardstick upon which to meas­ ure the future, than the experience of the past. If we have gained anything constructive from the last 75 years, let us polish it up and see if it can be applied to improving our town still further in the future, No one can possibly sit still; you either go ahead, or you slide back. Let’s remember that as we head for the 100 year mark in Wingham. We are going to need some of the enthusiasm of youth, combined with the experience of age, if the town is to continue to grow and pro­ sper. A good plowboy will tell you that you can’t make a straight furrow if you keep looking back over your shoul­ der. That may apply in plowing, but still, when you get to the end of the field, it’s nice to be able to lean on the fence and look down that straight furrow with satisfaction, I know that’s the way most folks feel about Wing­ ham’s 75th Anniersary. St. Paul’s Guild Has Pot Luck Supper The June meeting of St. Paul's Evening Guild took the form of a salad pot luck supper taking place in the basement of the church which proved successful by all present. The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and adopted by Mrs. P. Wetfd and seconded by Miss Mary Johnston, after which the roll call was taken. A report from the treas­ urer was given. Discussion of the quilt took place and on motion by Mrs. R. Manuel, seconded by Miss F, Harris that the quilt be left in charge of Mrs. King to arrange the finishing and com­ pletion so it could go on sale in the early fall. \ It was moved by Mrs. P. Wedd and seconded by Miss A. Reading that the left over Xmas cards be sold at cost price to clear them. On motion by Mrs. R. Manuel and second by Mrs, Jack King to order new cards, and wrapping paper, to be shown at the September meeting and more to be ordered if required. The members were reminded that the festival card money was due in September. The meeting closed with hymn 598, followed by the benediction by the president. Blyth 4=4 Calf Club Holds Meeting The Blyth 4-H Dairy Calf Club meeting was held at the home of Simon and Maurice Hallahan. A class of mature holstein cows in milk were brought out for the members to judge. The 4-H pins and sweaters were given out by our club leaders, Maurice and Simon Hallahan. The meeting was adjourned after which lunch was served by Mrs. Hal­ lahan and Mary Lou Hallahan. FORMED WINGHAM MAN NAMED TO POST IN , BARDIE I00F HOME Reginald McFadden, former Wing­ ham resident, has been appointed superintendent of the IOOF Home at Barrie, and will commence his new duties on July 1st. Mr, and Mrs. Mc­ Fadden and son. Bob, will occupy a house a short distance down the street from the Home, which has about 40 residents and a staff of 18. At present living in Durham, Mr. McFadden has been active in lodge work and last year was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge for the IOOF. He and Mrs. McFadden travelled through­ out Ontario arid into the United States on lodge duties. For several years Mr. McFadden has been chairman of Durham Library Board and he also serves op the Dis­ trict High School Board, is secretary of Durham Agricultural Society, and is an executive member of the Dur­ ham Kinsmen. , For the past 18 years he has been in the drug business in Durham, starting with his uncle, the late Mow McFadden and then continuing at the store after it was bought by Robert Ball in 1941, While he was living in Wingham, Mr. McFadden was employed by the Canadian Bank of Commerce here. ,CANADA’S NEW ARMY NEEDS ACTIVE ADVENTUROUS MEN! Enjoy excellent pay, travel, adventure, the best medical and dental care plus financial security—and the many other benefits of an Army Career. If you are 17 to 40 years of age (skilled tradesmen to 45), get complete information about opportunities for you in the Army, Bring birth certificate, marriage certificate, and if under 18 letter of parental consent. SEE THE RECRUITING OFFICER AT wingham ARMOURY EVERY THURSDAY — 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. TELPEHONE: 75 Come in...proof-drive it! I heard a minister say recently, while speaking at a church centennial celebration that this was a proud moment, a moment when at last that community had compiled some history that they could look back upon. I am sure that Wingham feels the same -way about it. After going along from BACKACHE MaybeWarninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon follow. That’s the time to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—-sleep better—work better. Get Dodd’s Kidney Bills now. 51 Juvenile Problems Increase, Says Huron C.A.S. Head Huron County Council was given the Huron County Children’s Aid Soc­ iety report by Mary P. Chaffee, super­ intendent of the society. Figures showed for the last five months 73 children were in their care, with 18 admitted and 19 discharged to own homes or on adoption, In the child care department 822 visits were made and 515 interviews in this five month period. Juvenile problems have increased, according to the superintendent. At present the society is carrying 42 unmarried parent problems. 13 having come to the society in the last five months. This problem seems to grow with the “present attitude of the teen­ ager towards sex and the reading of ' trashy magazines.” Meteor's the Let your personal experience at the wheel give you proof of the superb comfort, “Wonder Ride” smoothness and handling ease of a Meteor. You’ll agree there’s nothing in'its field to match Meteor’s style, its interior beauty and ap- • pointments, or the wide choice of four-door and two-door sedans. With eight new models added, the complete Meteor line now includes five top-styled series—19 models. Come in for driving proof that Meteor has the style for you! She said: “I believe it is time for every thinking adult who is interested in the youth of the land to take a stand.” | Tribute was paid to the late Dr. W. M. Connell and his work with the Children’s Aid Society down through the years. Stainton Hardware GEMTEtal FISHING LCONTEST L, $1500;J VALUE GRAND PRIZE FOR THE FISH CAUGHT DURING THE 1954 SEASON THAT COMES CLOSEST TO BREAKING THE CANADIAN RECORD WEIGHT OF ITS SPECIES PRIZE CONSISTS OF . .. • COMPLETE A.L&W. FISHING OUTFIT • 16 FT. Lakft-Craft BOAT • JOHNSON MOTOR Toe-Nee BOAT TRAILER • ate. And 7 other awards for largest ♦ Murky • Salmon • Pickoral (watloya) * Pika • Ba>« • Trout on fly • Lake Trout CARDIFF WANTS EASTERN MINISTER , OF AGRICULTURE An eastern farmer said last w'eek that Canada has had a minister of agriculture from Western Canada for too many years. L. Elston Cardiff (P.C., Huron) made the statement in the Commons shortly before the House approved a 517,000,000 subsidy to assist the move­ ment of western feed grains to eastern Canada. He did not name Agricultural Minis­ ter Gardiner, who has held the agricul­ tural portfolio in the Cabinet since November 4, 1935. However, he made the remark to the minister after a .brief clash between the two on the cost to eastern farmers for western feed grain. Mr. Cardiff said there is too great a spread between what the western farmer receives for his grain and the amount paid by the eastern farmer. We are always in the forge or on the anvil; by trials God is shaping us for higher things. H. W. Beecher power 0 PHONE NOW! Your dealer has a Meteor ready and will gladly arrange a Proof-Drive at your convenience without obligation. METEOR RIDEAU VICTORIA Now the leader in the automotive world, V-8- power is unmatched for smoothness, dependability and long engine life. You get proof of this when you drive a Meteor. All Meteor models feature V-8 engines by the world’s most experienced V-8 builder—the most powerful V-8 engine in the low price field in Rideau and Niagara models. Try this quiet, smooth-as-silk power for yourself. At the same time, experience the extra driving security and easier control of Master-Guide Power Steering*, Power Brakes*, Merc-O-Matic Drive*, or Touch-O- Matic Overdrive*. Get the proof that only driving Meteor can give you! ^Optional at extra cost. ASK FOR A FREE ... 1OO PAGE FISHRITE CATALOGUE B Will HAVE II SEN’ TO YOU If you had a business problem facing you which could involve a great loss, would you ask the advice of a friend or a business counsellor? ^atroally,.you would ask.the expert. Then, what about your will? Improperly administered, it could mean a great loss to your family. We are glad to act as sole Executor, or in con­ junction with one or more other Executors you might appoint. ™E STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O Head office 372 Bay St, Toronto RATION BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St, Barria 3-2 • Be miles ahead... Proof-Drive BEFORE YOU DECIDE ON ANY NEW CAR . .. TRY "METEOR WONDER RIDE” CROSETT MOTORS WINGHAM, PHONE 459 OPEN 9 a.m. TO 10 p.m. DAILY ............................................... ......