HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-06-02, Page 61. Sure this is the page you read first - Here you profit most The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, June I9g| FOR SALE WANTED CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re­ lief, Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve, wear stylish shoes soon. i1 I i ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and I stamp pads sold at The Wingham j Advance-Times. I DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378, GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. Irrb COMING EVENTS Bildma^fT^ Wednesday, June 9th, $2300 in prizes. $1000 special must go. Ad­ mission $1.00, Extra and special cards 25c each or 5 for $1,00. Bingos every second Wednesday starting at 9 p.m. sharp. C2b USED MILKER UNITS for sale: 3 Chore-Boy and one Hinman 18 months old. Also DeLaval, 3 Uni­ versal, 2 Conde and others. Call Lo­ vell McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wing­ ham, phone 593. 262b LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead, dis­ abled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone collect, Wingham 561J or William Stone Sons Limited, Ingersoll. 28rrb CABIN TRAILER size 19’x8’ for sale, overall cabin, refrigerater, propane cooker and heater, chest of drawers, looking glass, table. Apply to R. Bacon, Lower Wingham. 2’ WILL BUY OLD HOGS and work horses. Apply Maurice Cronin, Tees- water, phone 56r22. 2,9,16,23* IN MEMORIAM JOHNSTON—In loving memory of our dear son, Robert Edward John­ ston, who passed away, June 4, 1953. Your memory is a keepsake, With which we will never part, Though God has you in His keeping We still have you in our hearts. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his lonely Mother, Dad, and Brothers and Grandma, 2* AGENTS WANTED SCREEN DOOR for sale. Standard size, good condition. Apply to R. Manuel, phone 395, , 2* QUANTITY of SUGAR SACKS for sale. Apply to Hamilton’s Bever­ ages, phone 485. 2b WANTED: Man for steady travel among Consumers in Huron Co. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliabe hustler considered. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. F-453-131. 2,9b ORGANIST WANTED EXTRA SPECIAL—Clearance of Sun Glasses ranging from $150 to $2,98. Clearing at 99c at McKibbon’s. 2b 60 to 100 CEDAR POSTS for sale, good condition; 1 pump jack; 1 set of doubletrees and harness. Apply to Milas Moir, Patrick St-, phone 364W. 2* ORGANIST WANTED— Knox Pres­ byterian Church, Harriston, requires the services of an organist-choir dir­ ector for August 1st. Apply by let­ ter only, stating qualifications and stipend desired, to Rev. L, H. Fow­ ler, Harriston, Ont. 2:9b CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my kind friends and neighbors for the lovely cards and other gifts I received while in the Hospital, also to Mrs. Morrey and her staff, who were so kind to me, to pr. Palmer and all others who in any way helped to cheer me. Mrs. John Farrell, Belmore. 2* TENDERS WANTED —Mrs, Lorne Gardiner and ‘ Terry, Spent the week-end in Meaford. —Mr. and Mrs. John Moir spent a day last week with friends at Park­ hill, Mr. James Moir is spending this week with relatives and friends in Ottawa, —Mrs. (Rev,) John Lucas and son, John, spent tthe week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collar. —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arnold and family, of Dublin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Grubbe. AC2 Don Newman, St, John, Quebec, spent the week-end with his family, on Shuter St —Mrs. D. Kennedy left on Monday from Montreal on the Empress of Australia, for three months’ visit. —Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod, of Danville, Illinois, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid. —Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes of Turn­ berry, left on Tuesday for a motor trip to Rochester, New York. —Mrs. Paul Easterbrook, Mrs. Mar- nie McComb and daughter, Pamela, of Brantford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cowan. —Miss Pauline Cowan of London, spent a few days last week with REAL ESTATE 500 3-WAY CROSS CHICKENS. All pullets, 10 weeks old. 85c each. Al­ so 1000 Rhode Island Red and Rock cross, 6 weeks old, 55c each. Phone 618J12. 2b TWO-STOREY red brick house for sale, centrally located, oil furnace, garden and garage. Apply Jim Wil­ son, Maple Street. 26* FOR “PERSONALIZED” items such as paper SERVIETTES, COASTERS, BOOK MATCHES or PLAYING CARDS, that will add the planned touch to your gift or party, be sure to see the entirely new and differ­ ent catalogue of sample designs at Kerr’s Drug Store. 2b HOUSE, BARN and garage on % acres of land for sale, in Lower Wingham. Apply Harry Newell, 2:9* TWO-STOREY frame house for sale, east side of Josephine Street, to close estate. Apply Box 35, Advance- Times. 2* FOR RENT PRIVATE SALE of furniture. One dining-room suite, chesterfield suite, single and double bed, both with Slumber King springs. Frigidaire. All at reasonable prices. Phone 113 after 7 p.m. 2b APARTMENT to rent in business centre. Five rooms and bathroom; hot and cold water; air conditioned throughout. Easily heated. Phone 413J. 2rrb CHESTERFIELD and chair for sale; . coffee table, dinner wagon, bedroom ■ suite, bookcase, odd living room tables and chairs, kitchen table and chairs Phone 519 2b CRESS CALLOUS SALVE relieves quickly. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve —for sure relief too. ♦ SEED FOR SALE ‘SEED for sale, French Alfalfa $17.00 per bushel, Ontario or Grimms $21.00; Red Clover $17.00, White Sweet $8.00; Yellow Sweet $7.50; Timothy $7.70; Climax Timothy $16.80. Per lb. Orchard Grass 35e; Blue Grass $1.20, Brome 20c, Mea­ dow Fescue 40c, Ladina 70c, White Dutch 75c, Ajax and Beaver Oats $1.25 per bu.'Montcalm Barley $1.75, Cleaned and treated. Farmers bring in your grain and have it cleaned. R. Cramm & Son, Pinker­ ton. Phone Cargill 68w3. 21rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED YORKSHIRE GILTS for sale, ready for breeding, also younger boars, A. R. blood lines, clean herd, long noses. Apply Robt. Wood, Lakelet, Ont, Phone 306r7, Clifford, 2* 11 WEANLING PIGS for sale. Apply George Fisher, Whitechurch, phone 747WII, 2* 12 PIGS, little chunks, for sale. Apply Graham Campbell, R.R. 2, Bluevale, phone 53r4, Brussels. 2b FOUR YOUNG YORKSHIRE sows for sale. Apply Jack Wickstead, 3rd Line Morris, phone Brussels 32rl9. 2* miscellaneous FIND OUT how you can save mon­ ey and get complete insurance pro­ tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293, rrb PLANTING TIME HAS ARRIVED— The Little Greenhouse, Lower Wirig- ham, is loaded with all the plants you require. All kinds of Flower and’ Vegetable plants plus courteous ser­ vice, buy local grown plants, Phone 483J. 2* 2*Percy Biggs, . POWER AND HAND LAWN Mowers sharpened and repaired. Phone 553W Leslie McDougall and Alvin Stacey* 2rrb UPHOLSTERING We apsdlallsfe in Workmanship Week’s service, finishing. For Fairyland, 487J, Tenders for the contract of building two cement culverts, 14’x40’ and 8’x40' in Morris Township will be received up until 8 p.m. June 11, 1954. Work is to be- completed by September 15, 1954. For further particulars con­ tact the Road Superintendent, Ivan McArter. A certified cheque for ten per cent of the contract price must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk tator will be distributed amongst the< parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-eighth day of May, A.D. 1954. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. - 2916b 2:9b THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE NOTICE TO CREDITORS TWO APARTMENTS for rent—Jose­ phine St. and Maple Street. Newly decorated. Apply to Wm. Clark, phone 141. 2* GOOD GARDEN for rent. Apply El­ sie Bowden, phone 391M. 2* STRAYED STRAYED on to the premises, lot 37, concession 9, East Wawanosh, year­ ling steer, about May 24th. Phone 731W2. ' 2b All persons having claims against the estate of Wilfred S. Shiell, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceas­ ed, who died on or about the 16th day of April, A.D. 1954, are notified to send to the undersigned particulars of their claims in writing, on or before the 12th day of June, A.D. 1954. Im­ mediately after the said 12th day of June the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administrator shall then have notice. DATED this 14th day, of May, A.D. 1954. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 2629b OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED NOTICE TO CREDITORS OTHERS DISTRIBUTORS REQUIRED for EX­ CLUSIVE FRANCHISE— Franchise available for automatic ice cream' vending machines, dispensing choco­ late coated ice cream bars. The Push-Button Automatic Ice Cream Vendor offers the finest business opportunity of our time It is pos­ sible for you to establish a sound business of your own—a business that is highly respected; and, be­ cause it covers virgin channels of distribution, is without competition. It offers a big mark-up and long profit on the ice cream vendor— much greater than the profit en­ joyed by any other type of retail outlet. Finally, it is the most flex­ ible business you can have because you are always in a position to move your equipment — your business — from place to place, if you desire, so that you can reap maximum re­ turns up to 100 per cent profit. The success of this business depends al­ most entirely Upon the performance and quality of the vendor. Push- Button gives you the finest. Push- Button Automatic Ice Cream Vend­ ing Machines can be placed in the following locations: Amusement Parks, Arenas, Apartment Houses, Ball Parks, Billiard Parlors, Bowling Alleys, Bus Terminals, Dance Halls, Department Stores, Grocery Stores, Drug Stores, Fraternal Clubs, Golf Clubs, Industrial Plants, Locker Rooms, Warehouses, Men’s Clubs, Military Campa, Naval Bases and In­ stitutions, Office Buildings, Race Tracks, Railroad Stations, Recrea­ tion Halls, Schools, Theatres, Truck Terminals, Waiting Rooms arid any place where people work, play or congregate. This is an all 'year business; minimum capital required; * permissable everywhere. Write to Pony Boy Ltd., 5257 Queen Maty Road, Montreal, Quebec. IN THE ESTATE OF JOSHUA A. HOWES, DECEASED. AU persons having claims against the estate of Joshua A. Howes, late of the Township of Howiek in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the sixteenth day of January, A.D. 1954, are required to file full particulars of their claims with the undersigned Solicitor for the Executors on or before the fifth day of June, A, D., 1954. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the deceased will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, £his eighteenth day of May, A.D. 1954. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors 19262b “Anything the school can do to con­ tribute to social easement will help to offset adolescent drinking.” This is one of the many profound truths found in “A Teacher's Manual for Al­ cohol Education”, authorized for use in Grades 10 and 11 of our Ontario High Schools. Give the pupils oppor­ tunities to feel important. Satisfy their gregarious instincts by promot­ ing social affairs . . . Above all, teach them social and recreational skills like dancing and co-educational games So that they will riot need an alcoholic crutch to become socially acceptable, A good omen for the future of Canada is the way in which ALL school child­ ren are being taught recreational skills and the art of playing together. Another hopeful sign is the large number of recreational centres spring­ ing up all over the country catering to all ages and both sexes, with lead­ ers trained in physical education, re­ creation and the social sciences—to teach people to be sociable without resort to alcoholic beverages.” The final statement in this excellent man­ ual is a prophecy. “When this' move­ ment reaches full proportions, present day drinking places will look as out of date as the old-fashioned saloon, and liquor will have no place in so­ cial conformity.”—Advt. 2b her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cowan, Centre Street. —Miss Ruth Showers, of Stratford, and Miss Verna Showers, of London, Visited with thejr parents, Mr- and Mrs, Chas. Showers. —Mrs, B. H. Miller of Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs. p. A. Ewing and family, of Collingwood, spent the week-end With Mr. aricj Mrs,- R. G, Gannett. > —Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Durrant and daughter, Donna, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Schneider over the week-end. —Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cooksey, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Williams and Mr. Williams and family, —Mr. . Herbert Collar, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collar, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Col­ lar and Miss Betty Collar attended the funeral of the late Mr, Albert Horne in Brantford on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Metcalfe and Verlie, of Turnberry, leave this Satur­ day for an extended trip to Vancouver, B. C. and Mrs. Jos. Thompson will accompany them as far as Winnipeg. —Mrs. Janet Buchanan spent the week-end in Guelph with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. J. McLeod and Mr. McLeod and Donald. They all visited in Nia­ gara Falls and the States on the 24th, —Mr. arid Mrs. Graham Fenn, Mich­ ael and Judy, of Parkhill, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Burg­ man and Mrs. Fenn who celebrated her 86th birthday. Jack, of Pontiac, Mich., spent the week-end witth Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lunn. —Visitors witth Mr, and Mrs. John Moir during the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and sons, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Myles Mac­ Millan and Mrs. Maimie Menefee, of Oaklahoma City, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir and sons, of Detroit, Mich­ igan., Albert F. Horne Was Former Resident Albert F. Horne, Mt. Pleasant, and formerly of Wingham, died suddenly at his home on Saturday lengthy illness. He was in year. Born ada in served with the 161st Machine Gun He operated Wingham for many years before mov­ ing to Brantford 15 years ago, where he has been employed with the Mas­ sey-Harris plant in that city. Three years ago he was forced to retire by ill health. He was a member of Cen­ tral Baptist Church, Brantford. Surviving are his wife, the former Jan© Greene; two sons, Fred and Ar­ thur, of Mt. Pleasant; four daughters, Kathleen (Mrs. Myles Beam), Har­ ley, Ruth (Mrs. Arthur Wright) Nor­ wich, Lena (Mrs. Ernie Goodale) Har­ ley, and Grace (Mrs. Ed. Poole) Nor­ wich, and eighteen grandchildren. Mrs. Herb Collar, of Minnie Street, Wingham, is a sister. Funeral service was • on Monday from the Hill and Robertson funeral home, Brantford, with the Rev. J. MacFarlane officiating and interment in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. after a his 61st to Can-in England he came 1913, settling in Belgrave. He during the First World War Battalion and the 1st Transport in France, a blacksmith shop in i re-upholstering, guaranteed. One Also repairing, re­ appointment call RRB COAL TENDERS The ’i’urnberry ’township School Area Board are calling for tenders, for 25 tons, more or less, of good Blue Coal. Coal to be delivered to schools* Lowest or any tender hot necessarily accepted. Alex Corrigan, Sdc.-Treas., Bluevale, Ont. R. R» 1, 2:9 b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of ANNIE RENWICK, late of the Township of Howiek in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the es­ tate Of the said Annie Renwick, de­ ceased, are required to file their claims duly Verified with the under­ signed on or before the nineteenth of June, A.D. 1954, and that after the said date the Administrator will dis­ tribute the estate having regard only to claims of which he will then have notice, DATED at Teeswater, Ontario, this twenty-ninth day of May, A.D. 1954. A. H. McTAVlSH, Teeswater, Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator. 2:9116b of Wingham in the County Gentleman, who died on o'r twenty-fourth day of May ate notified th send to the NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS havig Claims against the estate of ROBERT ALLEN, late of the Town of Huron, about the A.D, 1954, undersigned on or before the nine­ teenth day of June, A.D. 1954 full par- ticulars of theff claims hi writing. Immediately after the said nineteenth day of June the assets of the said tes- We ing our our MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WITH A BEAUTIFUL 5-FT. STEEL RECESSED WHITE BATHTUB $65.75 Blue, Green, Coral, Yellow $78.75 Delivered carry a complete line of plumb­ and heating supplies. Write Mail Order Dept., W.A.T. or visit showrooms. S. V* JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies STREETSVILLE PHONE 253 - 3 Open Wednesday and Friday even­ ings until 9.30 and all day Saturday. YOU CAN DEPEND ON JOHNSON’S 2:9:16:23:30b Port Arthur Post For Bruce Officer Game Conservation Officer, George McBride, who Walkerton for transferred to trict. Mr. McBride u ii METCALFE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, May 26, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Lome Met-, calfe, Glenannan, a son. SIMMONS—In Wingham * General Hospital, on Thursday, May 27, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simmons, Wingham, a son. WEBSTER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, May 29, 1954, tp Mr. and Mrs, George Webster, R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter, BLACKWELL—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, May 30, 1954, tp Mr. and Mrs. John Blackwell, Teeswater, a daughter. PEASE—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Monday, May 31, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pease, R 2, Blyth, a son. LODER—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Monday, May 31, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Loder, Wing­ ham, a son. CALLAN—In''Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Monday, May 31, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gallan, Luck­ now, a son. MARTIN—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Monday, May 31, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs, Donald Martin, R. 1, Lucknow, a son. David Hugh Angus Passes in Detroit David Hugh Angus, of 92 Briarhill Rd., Toronto, son of Mrs, Frank, Angus and the late Mr. Angus, of Wingham, died suddenly in Detroit last Tuesday. He was in his 54th year. Mr, Angus was supervisor of freight claim prevention for the Canadian National Railways, and at the time of his death, was conducting a demon-* stration of shifting loads in freight cars, at different points in the pro­ vince. Born in Wingham, Mr. Angus had worked for the railway for thirty- five years. He was educated at Wing­ ham high school, and attended the Anglican church here. Surviving are his wife, the former Elizabeth Gibbons, of Leamington; his mother, Mrs. Frank Angus, of town, and three brothers, Jim of town, Frank, of Mai ton and John, of Tor­ onto; and two sisters, Olive (Mrs. John McCauley) and Evelyn (Mrs. Harry Bates) both of Detroit. Funeral services were held on Sat­ urday in Toronto and at Leaming­ ton, and interement was in Leaming­ ton cemetery. McINNES—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, May 31, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mclnnes, R. R. 1, Holyrood, a son. R OXBOROUGH-—In Wingham Gener- Hospital, on Monday, May 31, 1954, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rox- borough, Wingham, a daughter. JOHNSTON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, May^31, 1954/ to Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston, Belgrave, a daughter. McADAM—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Monday, May 31, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, ponald McAdam, R. 1, Glenannan, a daughter. METCALFE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, June 1, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Metcalfe, R. 2, Wingham, a son. HARRISON—In Listowel Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday, June 1, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Harrison, j a daughter. Sunbeam ELECTRIC RAZOR NOW $29.75 HASELIiHOVE’5 G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem­ orial—and we provide only ma­ terials of unending serviceabil­ ity. Design* and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT • | WINGHAM’S NEWEST TAXI- CHUCK’S TAXI 1 You have tried the rest—now try the best! PHONE 185 WINGHAM * ■ g has been stationed at the past year, is being the Port Arthur dis- Mr. McBride left on Monday to as­ sume his new duties. A successor has not yet been named. Mr. McBride was a conservation of­ ficer in Wingham prior to his appoint­ ment at Walkerton. Huron County Council June Session f ■ The Huron County Council will meet in the Court House* Goderich, on 0 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16th, 1954, at 10 a.m. All correspondence, accounts or notice of deputations should be irt the hands of the County Clerk by SatUr* A. H> EfcSKINE* Cleric, County of Huron ■ 8 | For your long or short trips. 24 hour service. Owned and operated by CHARLIE LEE ■ I am 0 Notice to Water Consumers The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6. p.m. to • 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced, ; An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt : payment discount of 10 per cent* is made for the use : of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes* ! and is charged on the June and July bills. I * • Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has ; not paid for this service, will be billed accordingly. Utilities Commission # C E. Shera, Superintendent