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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-05-26, Page 6
■1' Sure this is the page you read first - Here you profit most Six The Wingham AslviMice-T'iiiTos, Wednesday, May go, 1951 FOR SALK PERSONAL CRESS WART REMOVER—-really does it. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn. Salve for sure relief. all TYPES of rubber stamps and stamp pads sold at The Wingham Advance-Times. NOTICE—Will the person who remov ed C.C.M, Bicycle from my property return same at once and avoid ‘le gal action. Percy Biggs, Lower Wingham. 26* WANTED IN memoriam CRAIG—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Craig, who passed away May 29th, 1952, There is » sad but sweet remembrance There is a memory fond and true, There is a token of affection father And a heartache still for you. —Sadly missed by wife and family. 26b OF WROXETER Hold Meeting to Make Plans For Renovation of Town Hall A meeting was called bn Tuesday night in the library to consider reno vating the Wroxeter town hall. Allen Munro was chairman and Roy Hun ter appointed secretary; Representa tives from town trustees, Women’s TWO WHEELED TRAILER for sale. Complete with stock rack. Phone 196, Blyth, 19:26* BELL IMPERIAL THRESHING MA CHINES—These are now in full pro duction for 1954 season. This is the time of year to contact us for an unbelieveable and exceptional deal. We also have a few “other make” used machines. For the best mach ine, best service and deal see Robert Bell Industries Limited, or one of our agents. 19:26b DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly io? sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOB- DON YOUNG LIMITED. , lrrb LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead, dis abled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone collect, Wingham 561J or William Stone Sons Limited, Ingersoll. 28rrb CARD OF THANKS Words fail to express my apprecia tion to the kind neighbors who came to my assistance on Tuesday and -put in my crop. This generous act is greatly appreciated, and I want you all to realize all I can say to each and every one of you at this time is “Thank You".—Mrs, Wm. Schiestel. 26* son was calle?. Gilbert Howes and Arthur Gibson provided music on piano and violin, Mr. Brown was the chairman, East and West Howick will hold in 1 ah five group concerts, One-fifth of Institute and library board were pre-»those taking Part will go to Walker- sent, The decision to go ahead withI ton to take part and will sing in a the work was unanimous and the ■ chorus of 500 on May 28th. The mu- following committees were named: I sic teacher and the teachers are to be Building, chairman, Bill Wright, Gor- ( congratulated on the success of their don Gibson, Mrs. W. T. MacLean, Mrs,! concert which was enjoyed by a large HORSES WANTED. Laidlaw Fur Farm. Phone 366J. 26b CHESTERFIELD and chair for sale; also bedroom suite, coffee table, din ner. wagon, baby crib and mattress, chest of drawers, high chair, kidney shaped table with glass top, lawn table and 4 chairs, Phone 519. EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYMENT wanted by high school girl. Phone 510W1. 26b 26b FEMALE HELP WANTED CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness and words of sympathy extended to me by friends and neighbors, both during the illness and passing of my husband, also for the spiritual tokens received. All these kindnesses are greatly appreciat ed and will never be forgotten.—Mrs. Wm, Schiestel. . 26* BOY'S BICYCLE for sale. Phone 366J. 26 SALES CLERK wanted. Apply by let ter only, stating experience if any. Apply Box 34, Advance-Times. 26b FOUR-BURNER APARTMENT size range for sale. Deluxe, fully auto matic, Used less than one year. Phone Lucknow 64r23. 27b 1 WOMAN or GIRL wanted for part time work in evenings. Apply to Sherbondy’s .restaurant. 26b USED MILKER UNITS-for sale: 3 Chore-Boy and one Hinman 18 months old. Also DeLaval, 3 Uni versal, 2 Conde and others. Call Lo vell McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wing ham, phone 593. 262b CLERK wanted. Steady employment. Apply Box 36, Advance-Times. 26b AGENTS WANTED NATIONAL Electric Milker for sale. Two-unit, portable type. $80.00. In ternational electric cream separator, large size, $50.00. * Apply to Ray mond Neill, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, phone 7r2. 26* RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well estab lished. Excellent- opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. E-453-189, Montreal. 1926b CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my relatives, friends and neigh bours for the lovely flowers, fruit, cards and gifts sent to me while in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Craw ford, Dr. McMurchie, Mrs. Morrey and the nursing staff and also my kind neighbours who at the time of my ac cident rendered such helpful service. —Mrs. James Taylor. s 26b CARD OF THANKS OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED STEEL TRUCK BOX for sale. Fits three-quarter ton truck. Phone 90. 26b GARDEN TRACTOR, 2 h.p. for sale. Like new. Phone 554W. FAMILY SIZE TURKEYS for sale. About 8 lbs., phone Laidlaw’s, 366J. 26b POULTRY FOB SALE 300 SUSSEX-ROCK Pullets for sale, 12 weeks old. Apply to T. Mclnnes, Gorrie, phone 48r2, Wroxeter. 26* 50 RED-SUSSEX Pullets for sale, 5 weeks old, 50c each. Also good sup- . ply of Warwick's Hybrid seed corn. Apply to J. R. Coultes, phone 743W2. 26*j t LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE—Registered Angus bull 14 months old. Bandolier breeding; or will lease to responsible party. Har vey Timm, Bluevale, phone Wroxet- er 4rl. 26 REGISTERED SHORTHORN bull for sale, 13 months old. Apply to Edgar Wightman, Belgrave. 26* AYRSHIRE COWS for sale. Fresh and springing. Apply Geo. Carter, R.R. 5, Wingham, phone 713W1, ’ 26* SEED FOR SALE SEED for sale, French Alfalfa $17.00 per bushel, Ontario or Grimms $21.00; Red Clover $17.00, White Sweet $8.00; Yellow Sweet $7.50; Timothy $7.70; Climax Timothy $16.80. Per lb. Orchard Grass 35c; Blue Grass $1.20, Brome 20c, Mea dow Fescue 40c, Ladina 70c, White Dutch 75c, Ajax and Beaver Oats $1.25 per bu, Montcalm Barley $1.75, Cleaned and treated. Farmers bring in your grain and have it cleaned. R. Cramm & Son, Pinker ton. Phone Cargill 68w3. 21rrb Franchise available for automatic ice cream vending machines, dispens ing Dixie cups with spoon. The Push- Button Automatic Ice Cream Vendor offers the finest business opportunity of our time. It is possible for you to establish a sound business of your own —a business that is highly respected; and because it covers virgin channels of distribution, is without competition. It offers a big mark-up and long pro fit on the ice cream vendor—much greater than the profit enjoyed by any other type of retail outlet. Finally, it is the most flexible busi ness you Can have because you are al ways in a position to move your equip ment—your business—from place to place, if you5 desire, so that you can reap maximum returns, up to 100 per cent profit. The success of this busi ness depends almost entirely upon the performance and quality of the Vendor. Push-Button gives you the finest. r Push-Button Automatic Ice Cream Vending Machines can be placed in the following locations: Amusement Parks, Arenas, Apartment Houses, Bil liard Parlors, Ball Parks, Bowling Al leys, Bus Terminals, Cigar Stores, City, Provincial, County and Federal Buildings, Dance Halls, Department Stores, Grocery Stores, Fraternal Clubs, Golf Clubs, Industrial Plants, Locker Rooms, Warehouses, Men’s Clubs, Military Camps, Naval Bases and Institutions, Office Buildings, Race Tracks, Railroad Stations, Recre ation Halls, Schools, Theatres, Truck Terminals, Waiting Rooms and any place where people work, play or con gregate. This is an all-year business; mini mum capital' required; .permissable everywhere. Write to Pony Boy Ltd,, 5257 Queen Mary Road, Montreal, Que. 26b I wish to thank Dr. Palmer,. Dr. Connell and Dr. Corrin and the nurses for their kindness shown me while I was a patient in Wingham General Hospital. —Mrs. Isobel Hutchison. 26b Wm. Wright, Fete Dobson, Alvin Mof fat; finance, J, Howard Wylie, chair man, Ira MacLean, Ross Tomen, Gil bert Howes, Mervyn Grainger, Wesley Paulin, Ted Smith, Mrs. John Lane, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, The plan calls for a large auditor ium, kitchen, washrooms and library. Schools Present Concert Four schools joined on Wednesday evening to present an excellent con cert in the town hall. They were sen ior and junior rooms of No. 14, Wrox eter, with Campbell Brown and Mrs, G. A. Wearring, teachers; No. 16, with Miss Catharine’Lane, teacher; No. 10, Mrs. William Wright, teacher. Mrs, Carl Douglas,’ music supervisor for the Howick schools, directed and was ac companist $along with a senior pupil from Wroxeter, Miss Ann Douglas, Chorus singing by the entire group was outstanding. Mr, Brown’s boys put on a gymnastic display. Mrs. Wearring’s pupils presented a singing game, “Merrily I Sing”, Miss Lane's •class had a Rose Drill and Mrs. Wright's class a pantomime entitled “Love’s Triumph”, with Michael Mc Lennan singing at the close “For Ever and Ever". David Adams from Miss Lane’s school played a violin solo. Senior girls of No, 14 put on a square dance, for which Jean Thomp- TENDERS WANTED REAL ESTATE HOUSE for sale, 8 rooms, asphalt shingles, good condition, hot water, oil heating. Patrick Street, phone 552M. 12* MISCELLANEOUS TWO-STOREY red brick house for sale, centrally located, oil furnace, garden and garage. Apply Jim Wil son, Maple Street, 26* AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of choice Holsteins at Bervie, Highway 9, on Friday evening at 8 o’clock, May 28. 35 fresh and springing Holstein cows and heifers; 25 good Hereford and Dur ham calves up to 2 months old; 35 Holstein heifer calves up to 2 months old. Most of these calves are from unit bulls and are a choice lot. If you need cows or calves don’t • miss this sale. Elton McLelland & Sons, Prop., Auctioneers, Donald Blue, Dome and Doris McLelland. 26b NOTICE—The auction sale of house and household effects of Mrs. Mar garet Hays has been cancelled. ’ 26* AUCTION SALE—Saturday, June 5, Warnica Hereford Farms. Complete disposal sale 47 Polled and Horned registered Herefords. At the farm, 3 miles south of Barrie High way 11, sale 1 p.m. Lunch. 26* NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Wilfred S. Shiell, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of "Huron, Farmer, deceas ed, who died on or about the 16th day of April, A.D. 1954, are, notified to send to the undersigned particulars of their claims in writing, on or before the 12th day of June, A.D, 1954. Im mediately after the said 12th day of June the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administrator shall then have notice. DATED this 14th day of May, AD. 1954. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 2629b STND OUT how you can save mon ey and get complete insurance pro tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb TELEVISION INSURANCE—Y our Personal Television policy offers you the Complete protection for your television installation and in ad dition protects you against claims arising out of your aerial installa tion. For further information con tact Stewart A. Scott, phone 293, Wingharn. ' Brrb TWO-STOREY frame house for sale, east side of Josephine Street, to close estate. Apply Box 35, Ad vance-Times. 26* NOTICE TO CREDITORS OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSHUA A, HOWES, DECEASED. WANTED TO RENT CLEAN, CAREFUL, middle aged couple desire to rent small, warm house with bath. About July 1st. Positively not buying. Apply Pox 87, Lucknow. 19:26* LAWN MOWERS and grass shears sharpened and repaired. Phone 553W. Leslie McDougall and Alvin Stacey. 12rrb FOR RENT FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for Alt breeds, ball the Water loo Cattle Breeding' Association be tween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m, on Week days And 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Bun days, Phone collect Clinton 242 or Mildrnay 130R12. COTTAGE FOR RENT at Point Clark for months of June, July and August. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, Ap ply to Jas, S. Armstrong, phone 23rl9, Brussels, 19.26* FOR RENT—Apartment, Living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, Above McKib ben’s Drug Stbre. Phone 53. 27b All persons having claims against the estate of JOshua A. Howes, late of the Township of Howick in the Coun ty of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the sixteenth day of January, A.D. 1954, are required to file full particulars of their claims with the undersigned Solicitor for the Executors on or before the fifth day of June, A. D., 1954. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the deceased- will be distributed, having regard only to claims of ’which the Executors shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this eighteenth day of May, A,D. 1954. j. w, bushfield, q.c., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors 19262b 13:27;10:24rrb UPHOLSTERING SMALL HOUSE for rent, north end of Josephine St Possession June 1st. Apply John Falconer, phone 384J. 26* TENDERS WANTED We specialize ! Workmanship week’s service, finishing. For Fairyland, 487J. in re-upholstering, guaranteed. One Also repairing, re- appointment call , RRB APARTMENT to tent oh Josephine 'St., priced reasonably. Phone 668, 26b COTTAGE at Amberley for rent for part bf August, Phone 88, 26b Tenders will be received until June 1st for the sale of the Knox Presby terian Church shed in Belgrave. Size 50x62 feet. Shed Must be removed from the let in 60 days, Tenders will also .. be relieved for the sale of the lot bn which this shed is situated, Mrs, Athol Bruce, Be&.«-tfcas.# R.R. lt Belgrave, 1926b Morris Township School Area Board will receive tenders until May 31 for the following contracts. No tender necessarily accepted: RALPH S. SHAW, Bluevale, Ont. 1. Tenders for painting School No. 12. Interior of class room and hall way. To be thoroughly cleaned and two coats of good quality paint applied. Desks to receive two coats of varnish. See George Michie. 2. Tenders for painting School No. 7. Interior of classroom and hallways thoroughly cleaned. All plywood to receive two co,ats: of varnish; other wood surface two coats .of good paint. Desks to be varnished. For particu lars see Robt. McMurray. 3. Tenders for installing a nationally known oil furnace in School No. 11, Walton. Furnace must have a regis ter delivery of 120,000 B.T.U.H. or bonnet rating of 140,000 B.T.U.H. with gun type burner and a storage tank capacity of 500 gallons.* In placing a tender please submit diagram of the planned installation. For informa tion consult Torrance Dundas, Wal ton. .1926b MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WITH A BEAUTIFUL 5-FT. STEEL RECESSED WHITE BATHTUB $65.75 Blue, 'Green, Coral, Yellow $78.75 DELIVERED carry a complete line of plumb and heating supplies. Write We Ing Mail Order Dept. W.A.T. or visit showrooms. S. V. JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies STREETSVILLE PHONE 253-3 Open ’Wednesday and Friday even ings till 9,30 and all day Saturday. YOU CAN DEPEND ON JOHNSON’S 5:12:19:26b our our THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE. < A large city in the States recently carried out a big ‘Teen Age “roundup". Nearly 1000 adolescents were arrested by the police. They were found in poolrooms, all-night restaurants, tap rooms and on street corners. For some weeks these juveniles had ter rorized the city using guns, knives, switchblades and other aggressive weapons. In Lindsay, Ontario’, last November, there was held in the Ar mouries one Saturday night, a “round up” of 500 young .people. This round up, a district affair, some coming from as far away aS Oshawa and Peterboro, was & Voluntary rally of youth invited to a unique Temperance Conclave by a local committee. It was sponsored by the Clergy and Laymen of the Pro testant Churches. They Were Inter ested in doing something constructive to defeat juvenile delinquency. The young people wore greatly impressed with this new type of temperance meeting. Three other centres have held similar Conclaves. Last year1 mote than 1350 youth in Ontario met thus under the auspices of the Church es and Y.P. organizations. The On tario Temperance Federation, whence the idea originated, has many requests from different centres to launch the project In their area. Wo In Huron County have taken steps to stage a Conclave here in the near future.— Advt, 26b • number of parents and friends, Women’s Association Mrs, W, T. MacLean presided when the Women's Association held their May meeting in the church school room on Tuesday afternoon, The meeting opened, with the hymn “Take Time to Be Holy’’. Rev. E. W. Todd led in prayer and Mrs. Wm. Hart chose the 11th chapter of Mark for the Scripture lesson. A message of appreciation whs received from a shut-in member, Mrs. James Doug las, for 'the flowers sent her on Mo ther’s Day. There was a discussion on decorating the church basement. Mrs. George Gibson and Mrs. Leslie Doug las were named a committee to meet with the board of stewards and other necessary contacts. Sixteen members answered the roll call with the nam ing of a Biblical city. Four new members were welcomed into the group. Mrs. Todd and Mrs, McMich ael were in charge of, arrangements. Supper was served at the close. “A Queen Is Crowned” Everyone in the community is vited to see the film “A Queen Crowned” in Wroxeter town hall Friday evening at 8.30. Two other films, Barbara Ann Scott in some of her best numbers on skates and “Ani mals Unlimited'' will complete a full evening’s entertainment. Pupils and teachers from all schools are espec ially invited. This evening’s enter tainment is sponsored by Wroxeter Women's Institute. There is no ad mission charge, but a silver collection will be taken to defray expenses of projector and hall. Members of the Institute hope for a good turnout. If you haven’t seen this colorful corona tion picture, it is an opportunity. Many will wish to see it again. Shrine Club Meets The Pal Mocha Shrine dub for this district met on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke. Dr. MacLennan, of Wingham, was chairman, with William Brown, of Palmerston, acting as secretary, The plans were completed for the band concert which will be held‘ in Wroxeter village park on June 25th. Mrs. Burke served refreshments at the close of the meeting. Jane Anne, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Karshakoff, Toronto, was baptized at Salem Church on Sun day afternoon, when special Nation Day services were held, with Rev, E. W. Todd in charge. Lovely spring flowers gave a suitable setting and the choir, under the direction of Mrs. Harvey Copeland sang an anthem, “So Near to the Kingdom”. Follow- ng the service 20 members of the im mediate family were entertained at the home of the baby’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.. W. A. Gathers. . Among those present were Mr. Robert Aitken, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gathers, Mr. and Mrs. Len Metcalfe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Copeland and family. Mrs, Gordon’ Gibson has returned from a week's holiday with her daughters in London. Week-end visitors with Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton and John were Miss Helen Hainstock and Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Wearring and son George Wearring, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Leeson, of Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McNaughton, Oshawa, calledson friends here during the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. George Bradley, Toron to, and Jimmy Wylie, Owen Sound, spent the week-end with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wylie. Mrs. Metcalfe, of Glenannan, is a visitor this week at the Wylie home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jackman, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. Mrs. Thomas Brown. Thje ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Borswitch daughter Nancy, of Toronto, i holiday visitors with Frank and Mrs. Graham. / , Miss Hazel Sparling, Wroxeter South, Misses Lynne, Kaye and Mar garet Rose Wright, spent the week end with Mrs. Alonzo Sparling, Lis- towel. BIRTHS DETTMAN—In Wingham General Hospital, pn Friday, May 21,19B4, t<? Mr. and Mi'S. Kenneth (Dettman, R. 2, Clifford, a son. SMITH—In Wingham General Hospi tal, on Saturday, May 22, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, 17 Whit- tacher Ave., Toronto, a son. CURRIE—In Winghum General Hos pital, on Monday, May 24, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. John L. Currie, R. 5, Wingham, a son, PAYNE—In Wingham General Hospi tal, on Wednesday, May 26, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Payne, Moles- worth, a son., MASON—In Wingham General Hos pital, on Wednesday, May 26, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. James Mason, Blyth, a son. Mon., June 28, daylight; Lucknow at Wingham “A”, Mon. June 28, flood light; Bluevale at Wroxeter, Wefl. June 30, daylight; Stone School at Belmore, Wed, June 30, daylight; Wingham Juv. at Belgrave, Wed. Jun© 30, daylight; Lucknow at Belgrave Fri., July 2, daylight; Lucknow at Wingham Juv. Fri, July ?, floodlight; Belmore at Wroxetbr, Fri. July 2, day light; Stone School at Belgrave, Bat,, July 3, floodlight (Wingham); Wrox eter at Wingham Juv. Mon., July 5, floodlight; Wingham “A" at Belmore, Mon., July 5, daylight; Wingham “A” at Wroxeter, Wed, July 7, daylight; Wroxeter at Belgrave, Fri. July 9, daylight; Stone School a,t Wingham “A", Fri. July 9, floodlight; Wroxeter at Lucknow, Sat. July 10, floodlight; Wingham “A” at Wingham Juv., Sat. July 10, floodlight. in is on and i and were Mrs. L. S. MacDonald Dies in Englehart ’ Mrs. Leslie Stuart MacDonald, a sister of (Dr. W. A. Beecroft, former United Church minister in Wingham, and now of Ottawa, died in Englehart, Ontario, on Saturday, May 22nd., as the result of an accident. Surviving are her husband, Leslie Stuart MacDonald, of Toronto, three sons, Dr. Harvey William, of Toronto; John Archibald, of Edmonton, and Rohald Studrt, of Virginiatown, Ont.; and two brothers, Dr. W. A. Beecroft, of Ottawa and Alvery Beccroft, of Re gina. Funeral service was held on Mon day from the Wm. Sherrin funeral heme, Toronto, with Interment ih Fine Hills cemetery. MacMillan residence on Adelaide where Miss Yvonne MacMillan Mrs, Joseph MacMillan received guests and Mrs. John Wocks, of Attend Graduation Exercises in London On Tuesday, May 18th, Mr. and Mrs. C, Rettinger and Miss Anne Morrison, of Wingham, attended the graduation exercises at St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing in London. Among the graduates were Miss Patricia Mac Millan of London, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, John MacMillan, formerly of Lucknow, and Miss Gail MacMillan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph MacMillan of Lucknow. There was a reception in the afternoon at the St. and the Sarnia, and Miss Anne Morrison serv ed tea. Later there was a dinner at HooJVs Restaurant. At the head table with the two graduates were Rev. S. W. Toth, of St. Augustine, and Rev. P. E. McKeon, of St, Michael's in London, Father McKeon said grace before and after dinner and addressed the gather ing. The two young ladies then ex pressed their thanks to their families and friends. In the evening the exercises were held at Thames Hall at the University of Westerm Ontario. Guests were present to congratulate Patricia and Gail from Oklahoma, Detroit, Toronto, St. Catharines, London, Walkerton, Brantford, Wingham and Lucknow. (Nixon’s) J Multi-Antibiotic Ointment ! Will Stop ‘ Mastitis ; or Your Money Back! ! GARGETEX contains two peni- ; ! cillins, streptomycin and the ; ! new antibiotic bactracin, com- ; ; bined in a completely milk ; ; soluble ointment bringing the'< ; effect of four antibiotics against ! ; mastitic infections. GARGETEX ! • works immediately on the in- < • ternal Infected udder tissue, ! ! promoting fast safe recovery ] : and is guaranteed to give effec- ; tive results. Get a tube of New ; GARGETEX today. Instruc- ; tions for easy administration on • every package. Made in Can- ! ada by Nixon Laboratories Ltm- I J^err’s Drug Storg : G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. BELGRAVE Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson, of Belgrave, were Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson and Jean, of Goderich, and Mr. Gordon Wilkinson of Bimbroke. TWO WINGHAM TEAMS IN DISTRICT LOOP A seven-team district softball league was formed Tuesday night at a meeting of the WOAA,’ Wingham will be represented by two teams, the ’99th Battery Intermediate “A” team and the Wingham Juveniles. Other teams in the league will be Belmore, Lucknow Juveniles, Wroxeter, Stone School and Bluevale. The following schedule was drawn up: Belgrave at Lucknow, Friday, May 28th, floodlight; Belmore at Wing ham, Juv., Friday, May 28, floodlight; Stone School at Bluevale, Friday, May 28th, daylight; Belgrave'at Belmore, Monday, May 31, daylight; Wingham Juv. at • Bluevale, Monday,. May 31, daylight; Stone School at Wroxeter, Tuesday, June 1, daylight; Belgrave at Wingham “A”, Wed. June 2, flood light; Wingham J.uv. at Belmore, Wed. June 2, daylight; Bluevale at Lucknow, Thurs., June 3, floodlight; Belgrave at Wroxeter, Fri., June 4, daylight; Bluevale at Wingham, Juv., Sat. June 5, floodlight; Wingham “A" at Stone School, Sat. June 5, flood light (in Brussels); Stone School at Wingham, Juv., Mon. June 7, flood light; Lucknow at Belmore, Mon. .June 7, daylight; Bluevale at Belgrave, Tues. June 8, daylight; Wroxeter at Wingham “A”, Wed. June 9th, flood light; Stone School at Lucknow, Wed., June 9th, floodlight;; Wroxeter at Bluevale, ~ Wingham ... . ______, , June 11, floodlight; Belmore at Stone School, Sat,, June 12, floodlight (Brus sels); Belgrave at Wingham, Juv., Sat. June 12, floodlight; Belmore at Bluevale, Mon. June 14, daylight; Wingham “A” at Belgrave, Mon., June 14, daylight; Bluevale at Stone School, Wed. June 16, daylight; Belmore at Wingham “A”, 'Wed. June 16, flood light; Wingham, Juv. at Lucknow, Wed. June 16, floodlight; Wingham, Juv., at Wroxeter, Fri., June 18th, daylight; Lucknow at Bluevale, Fri., Juhe 18, daylight; Bluevale at Wing ham “A”, Sat. June 19, floodlight; Belgrave at Stone School, Sat. June 19, floodlight (Brussels); Belmore at Bel grave, Mon. June 21, daylight; Luck now at Wroxeter, Mon. June 21, day light; Wingham “A” at Bluevale, Tue., June 22, daylight; Wingham, Juv. at Stone School, Tues., June 22, flood light (Brussels); Wroxeter at Bel more, Wed. June 23, daylight; Luck now at Stone School, Thurs., June 24, flobdlight (Wingham); Belgrave at Bluevale, Fri, June 25, daylight; Wingham, Juv, at Wingham “A”, June 25, floodlight; Wroxeter at Stone school, Sat., June 26, floodlight (Brus sels) ; Belmore at Lucknow, Sat,, June 26, floodlight^ Bluovale at Belmore, Fri. June ‘11, daylight; “A” at LucknOw, Fri., Unemployment insurance benefit payments at $7,603,667 In Octobet, 1953, were one-third more than in the ed in Canada has dropped from previous October. $205,000,000 to $151,000,000. Since 1941 the value of gold pfoduc- MWWWMtWtHtWHHIHHMHIHHIHIHHHHHHtHHMWMir I t I z WINGHAM TAXI 24-Hour Service Passengers Insured Phone 65 TREAT THE COW TO SAVE THE CALF To insure the birth of healthy vigorous calves and to avoid problems .with the cow at calv ing time give every pregnant cow on your farm NIXON’S Preventex Powder (Vitamins and Minerals) For the last 30 days before calv ing and the first 2 weeks of freshening. Prevent Trouble With Preventex PHONE S3 We realize our obligation when wo fill your order fo? a Mem orial—and we provide only "tu torials of unending aerviceabU- ity. Design and workmanship •re of the finest, and our prioee are most moderate. cemetery lettering Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT