HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-05-26, Page 2Salvation Army Special Services Conducted by Lt.^CoL and Mrs* Newman, Hamilton —-Everyone Welcome—- **tel*9 GORRIE w 1) < s a % * * s s* X% The, Winsham Advaiic«sTin»M, Wednesday, May -f, I&M where there is a county health unit. -t opmting. J All crippled cr 'defective children | were reported .by the various public I ’OS. ■ SUNDAY, MAY 30th | 11.00 a.m.—HOLINESS MEETING 2.30 p.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 7.00 p,m<—SALVATION MEETING MEMBBh mow ts BWSO*MMMr DRINK The First Thing to do Auftwsxed botficr of Coco-Cola uhdOr tonlmrit With Cocc-Cbtct Ud, ESBECO LIMITED CSS ESSE STSEteT, STR.VrK.MX ONT, nopStSWTsS Fvik W& mr■ liirii *te No Clinic Needed In Hnron -County This Ye^r At a meeting May 19 of the Huron ’County Crippled CSuldrens Associa- mon, it was learned that there are net enough esses of crippled children in Huron County to warrant a clinic __' * e <? esses re-; .Wk* Honey J parted, have been further tacked wits ? uro and Mrs v’""' . .er, Mrs i .Bennington read the chapter . . study book entitled ‘'Our Rack Yard-', V;cc treatment wfd be taken, to 1 stressing the need for missionary A tetoria HospmsX London, at a ’later ; rx Jnr;7?nr» work sa ©ur own eoimtry. and manej^1^ phssib^ m June. ^ti.uing ^iUXUW^ Christian living in our own homes and | Dr. E. A NleMaster, Seaforth, pre- i W/>x>/e P/fitMxt jn'ftowns, Mrs. Jack Walker gave a read-s sided at the meeting in Huron County A - U V//tvVr hag from "'The Auxiliary Corner-” i Health Unit offices in CSintbn. ’Clifford ; p hlrs Ross Hilbert, viee-preaident, | H Clinton, was secretary. Lions >4'11 1 * took charge of the business meeting: ; Clubs represented at the meeting were j ’j\nesgaj? e^’ening, May Roh call was answered by nanwng a iR'Ath. Chnron. Exeter. tSooerieh. and Evp,^^ Auxiliary -of the spring flower, A letter was read froms^af^rxh: also Miss Norah Cunning- Church met st 'the homo of Mrs. Roy Donner, a former member, 'ham. •director or yurssng .or Huron worShip service jsew Iwlng st Campbell River. R C- * County Health Imt^Msss k-*tnre Me- > charge «f Mrs. 3S. Harrell, ; tZC .4mW*w j H ’fewer j The regular meeting of the Young! W«ens Auxilary <^f the rn.tedf ■Chun-’h was held Tuesday evemng. | Ashy *£flx at the homo of Mrs. Wj)-| lUrn Rrwiand wuh SS members pee- J&ent. a Mrs. Lrreli Ms'iSuir© was the loader | «md the theme was “'The Gospel Ae-U^® Rizt a.mr- the 1<fvqS the Si^*S,’S3tt'2'5¥i SUd MtS. LSiTJ <? *«* *“*» ’'■’■*• x*»v .......... , ' ....... .......; ---■-.-r- « Bondi \?ffexvd prayer * Mrs Hsn^d | GnUrib BoeW Crapptad -Children, specialist, ktten- -hapter of the those needing specialist ad- >tF®< k,..,., OO.f tT t; t-thm. t1? ; ----- ----------- - rmssmnary jVtatoria Hospital London, st a .later ]* " *moreHstc''’ phssiKly late m June. i JMiss Susan Evans 1 s». .+*,», - Mrs. Vir. H' Marshall returned to; PaSS^S at Delaware il-aOaOCf, fixachera in the county And-'the home of her son Mr. Alex Mar- jhave been -screened by the Huron shall and Mrs" Marshall at Stratford I County Health Unit nurses. Out -of ’this only 40 -cases require specialist ‘ attention. These will be taken to Lon- : don for diagnosis late in June by the j parents or Idor.s Clubs in the district '‘from which they come. ; Susan Minerva Evans, the ■ member of a former well known Gor- ' rie family died on Wednesday, May ’ 39th, at the Lawnview Nursing Home, ... ..... ...... ....................... j Delaware, in her S7th year, after a *F«£?S 51“**!? SWtor illness. Born in Howiek : last week owing to ill health. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dane, of Ton- "onto, are 'Vishmg 'With Mr. -and Mrs. : Norman Wade. Diane Irwin, twin, daughter of Mr. -. ^.rxtuv A*’-W<+M, WWU nV-T (' . , peg while skating last winter is still'. At the first runic an 1950, KG cases ’going about an crutches owing to the - township she was a daughter of the of crippled children were diagnosed at Jserious nature of the break, ope of ‘ the -xdinie here; in 195S the number ]*be smaller bones being splintered, . <Sribr Mm H&absh Welto. «t Th? * «>« **»a to «8 tts sw -STt'S “L-.S'®* jMtss Idella Oliver, Toronto; Mr. and | Mrs, Arthur Davie, and Douglas. Har- -jriston; Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Lantz land Wendy, Clifford; Mr. and Mrs. j Erling ArOums. Misses Grace and 11 Merle Shannon, Drew. Mr. and Mrs, LcsHv Hull and Jackie, of Richmond Hill, spent the week-end and holiday with Mrs. Frances Strong +>»» 4 ^d Roy ;and also with -other relatives.-: Mr, and Mrs. Ross McCreary and- .y ysruny, -of Gnelph. visited Mr. and j Mrs. F.jMrs. 32. 3L Strong on Monday, was in | ...... ...........’ ........._ .v—of Mrs. H. BsmSl, stressing j j «=« 1.x-«««. :± JS\Perrot-DustOW roll call next month will brl Miss Wallace remarked that the ea by naming a woman in the I situation in Huron of such a small The Auxiliary is planning a’number of crippled cases needing roast on June fG-h. st Amber- j riinjc or speeiahst. help is general in ' counties throughout Western Ontario Au ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less proanpi paywmt discount ef IS per eenL is us&de tor the use of a hose or outside tap for 'the above noted purposes. X X X * X XX XX X X X £ X. X X XX XXX X X X X X Xs t VX x and is dhanged oa the June 2nd .July bsSs. $ < $ <A X 5 •> JV < s sx Xx S x X X X *, S % Y j X j late John Evans and Eliza Miller of 'Gorrie. She was a school teacher and .} since her retirement had lived for a ’■time at Gorrie and .later at Beeton j and Toronto. A number of pieces .and ] nephews survive. She "was a member ■ of the Church of England. A private funeral service was held at 'the Breston Walker -funeral home and interement was made in the Gor- ‘ I tie oemetery at XS0 guru, on Friday, The Rev, X W. V, Buchanan’of the 'Gorrie United Church -conducted the ■service st the grave. 1 i and the Gospel According to J Berns and spring flowers formed the j I setting in McIntosh United -Church on; f-W .-rt- « v- 'Gatnrdav a^emoon. for ‘the weddinr ’ A^ur 'Carl .Douglas provided wedding music.t bonk i-Sbloist was Carl Douglas. j the’S-lven in nmrKage by her father.: home' '^e' bride wore a bahetina-lengih gown'! jof DrussaSs lace and njdon net, fash- .1 farmed wdfh moulded bodice, halter < stinc j'Xienklhie and Queen Anne .style collar, j Io on ■! boufrant skirt -of lace panel- j . ^j.-Ung alistamtaiy with knife pleated 1 1 the ■ nylon net «wer satin. The matching j i. W, ’ lace jaafct had long lily point sleeves.! head (A headdress of pleated not rmmmod j ■with lRyUtf~thf‘-vfe2iey and pearls held ■. 'Shoiildisr-iongth veil and she csr- i 41 bouoiiK of American Beauty 1 Vf.L —’’d roses, Adumtum fern and liiy-af- i ’nM" the-v&hey. , Msju -of honour for her sister was! ■ Mrs. Homer Tash, wearing a halierins. i •snguh gown ui lilac nylon tuhe and , i white embromt-pv laes over taffeta. ‘ '‘ She wore s matching picture hat and • carried a. nosegay of yellow gloria and ' hi5!--Df'‘thesr&nr-y, Miss Eisiu. Fmbt mens of the bride ‘ vs? junior hr’dtsmssd gowned in pale ' green taffeta and carried yehow ruses. A.-p Heimeth Df-rrom brother of the' ' ' & groom, was best man and the ushers ; ware John Murray, .of London, .and ? Mur- Onvsr Dustow .brother az the bride. ; Se The recsntmr was held in the Brzms- ! xda v.-jok Hrdhl Winghsm. Th? bride's ^oba- smother ’wore a nayy .dsuss with white -.and navy soaessDries :snd corsage sf 2 tha rnSis. 'The groom> mzjthsr sdso ' ahnse a navy ersss with matching at- aj m nesso-ries sad a corsage m red roses, j s ~Hr- : their wedding trip to Ottawa i -an. and rchar Eastern Ontario- pumis the n , brine wnr-f a pale blue tailored snip. ;smvy and white accessories and a cor- Hc-n-.- isage m pmk roses. :i of I uetum the young cousla surge ?will reside in wmgham. ■ jrWjSi?; ■' rri: >?,- t Seng f* ■J If ycitibe a inend/esn^ a greetrng--if yoo’re the pnren'ts, tell your frteniM tUhei way we have ‘C>xxL— »hnt will help—-hetnuse they soy who. you want Io say, the way you want tn say It. GIFT WRAP .Be sure to see the beautiful selection of ^COUTTS^ Gift Wrap LOOK AT YOUR SHOES - - OTHERS DO! ARE THEY SCUFFED AND WORN LOOKING? —Esquire Scuff Kate will give them a new look. It comes in all popular colors including elk and cordovan brown. WOULD YOU LIKE TO CHANGE THE COLOR OF YOUR SHOES AND ACCESSORIES? -Try color coat in any of the standard colors. WE ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF PASTE POLISHES, BRUSHES, LACES, ETC., TO MAKE THOSE OLD SHOES LOOK LIKE NEW AGAIN. Browne’s Shoe Store ARMITAGE’S "D'Uf, (?£c<MtWt4- Men’s Wear Ready Made Clothing Ladies* Hosiery WINGHAMPHONE 172 INFANTS’ NYLON Dresses and Rompers Sizes 6M - 2 yr. $1.98 and $2.98 ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF T-Shirts, Shorts, Jackets, Playsuits, Jeans, Pedal Pushers, Overalls, Sunsuits Wnmjcra order 5rourdn&k, say *Tfl have Coke”. Then wall know how much better your favorite dishes lasts when you add the unmatched goodness of sparkling, ice-cold Coca-Cola.