The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-05-19, Page 6Sure this is the page you read first - Here you profit most NEWS OF CORRIE The Wiughmn Ailvanoe-Tinies, Wednesday May 19, 1954 FOR SALE FEMALE HELI* WANTED COMING EVENTS Mrs., Fred Hyndman Hostess REMOVER—rcally ; DOMESTIC HELP wanted to live in. Treated as one of family. Further information at time of interview. Apply Box 83, Advance-Times. 19b CRESS WART does it. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve for sure relief. .ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and stamp pads sold at The Wingham Advance-Times. 9-PIECE WALNUT Dining-room suite fop sale. Excellent condition, Phone 767W after 6 p.m. 12:17”' LADY WANTED-Onc who would like to have immediate earnings while establishing a business for self. Phone 383. 19b NOTICE^OF MEETING to consider By-Law. Take notice that a By-Law for* raising 310,000 under the provis­ ion of the Tile Drainage Act'Will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Township of East Wawanosh at the Village of Bel­ grave on Tuesday, June 1, 1954. at the hour of 2 o’clock in the after­ noon. R. H. Thompson, Clerk. 12:19b % BED, MATTRESS and Springs for sale. Also oak dining room suite, jardiniere stand, 2 chairs, library table, Wilton rug 6’ 9”x9‘. Apply to Mrs. F. Sturdy, phone 341. 12* IIELI* WWED-MALE UPHOLSTERER, experienced or good man wanting to learn this trade. Seo or write James Cole Furniture Co., Ingersoll. 12.19b AUCTION SALE of house and house­ hold goods, bedding, etq., on Wed­ nesday, June 16th, at 1,80 p.m. Pro­ prietress, Mrs. Margaret Hays; auc­ tioneer* L. G, Bryce. 19* APPLICATIONS WANTED TWO WHEELED TRAILER for sale.j Complete with stock rack. Phone! 196, Bly th. 19:26* ■ ......... . . . ■_.IT-^ ----—---- - I BEIL IMPERIAL THRESHING MA- | CHINES—These are now in full pro- ’ duction for 1954 season. This is the ■ time of year to contact us for an' unbelieveable and exceptional deal. We also have a few "other make”: used machines. For the best xnach-| ine, best service and deal see Robert; Bell Industries Limited, or one ofi our agents, 19:26b I —------------------------------------ EXTRA SPECIAL—Prophylactic Fea-1 ther-weight HAIR BRUSHES clear- 5 ing at $1.00 at Kerr’s Drug Store, f 19b! AGENTS WANTED FAMILEX invites you to AGP NOW for big earnings. Sell 250 guaran­ teed products consisting of beauty preparations, household necessities, farm specialties. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept 4, Montreal. APPLICATIONS WILL BE received for inspector of Risks for Howick Farmers* Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Wroxeter. Duties to commence July 1, 1954. Requirements, qualified elec­ trician, a fair knowledge of farm conditions and valuations, For further particulars please apply in person to Head Office, Wroxeter. J. H. Wylie, Secretary-treasurer. 12:19b -RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well estab­ lished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh’s REAL ESTATE Dept. E-453-189, Montreal.1926b ROOMERS W.ANTED GIRLS wanted for rooming.Phone 592.19* WOODEN BOX with glass top for ; HOUSE for sale, 8 rooms, asphalt artificial wreath, for sale. Apply K. >! shingles, good condition, hot water. -Q* oil heating. Patrick Street phone Steele, phone 346. 19*; 5&2M# ° 12* GENDRON CARRIAGE for sale. | Used. Also oblong play-pen and { mattress and bathinette. Phone 716. 19b!i ELECTRIC RANGETTE for sale. I Oven control and storage drawer, j Heavy duty, perfect condition. Phone | Molesworth 9rl. 19« ------------------------------------------------j 1947 MERCURY for sale. Good con- ’ dition. Phone 541W. 19b j LOT FOR SALE on Frances Street-{ Apply to Jack King, phone 472, { 19* WANTED TO KENT CARD OF THANKS Mr. A. J. Lockridge and family, also Mrs. Janet MacDonald and fam­ ily wish to express their sincere ap­ preciation to all those who assisted in any way during the illness and death of Mrs. Lockridge. Special thanks to Father Durand, Dr. W. A. McKibbon, Mrs. Morrey and the staff of the Wingham General Hospital and to all those who sent messages of sympathy'.19b CLEAN. CAREFUL middle aged couple desire to rent small, warm! house with bath. About July 1st. I Positively not buying. Apply Box ST, | Lucknow. 19:26* HURON SOIL GROUP PLANS PROGRAM Soil FOB RENT COTTAGE FOR RENT at Point Clark for months of June, July and August. "Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. Ap­ ply to Jas. S. Armstrong, phone 23rl9, Brussels. 19.26* 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD for sale. Good condition. Kitchen cabinet, built-in cupboard section top 36”x24” kitchen floor covering, 9x10 Phone 472. 19* TENDERS STORE AWNING for sale. In per­ fect condition. Half price, used one year. Steel frame, automatic arms. Covered with blue, fade-proof mater­ ial. Sillick Hardware, Teeswater, . phone 9W. 19* TENDERS WILL BE received by the undersigned for the construction of the Mahood Drain until 12 o’clock noon June 4th, 1954, Plans and speci­ fications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Gorrie. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. L. Durst, Clerk of Township of Ho- wick, Gorrie Ontario. r I I 12;19b TENDERS WANTED WELL BUILT 6-ft. Kitchen Cupboard for sale. Complete with hardware, counter top, sink and taps. Apply to Geo. R. Scott, phone 118. 19b Directors of the Huron County and Crop Improvement Association have decided to sponsor rod row test plots throughout the county, two of grain and silage corn, two of oats and barley and a test plot of soybeans, at a meeting in Clinton last week. The directors will also try to locate rod row test plots of grain and silage corn at each of the five district high schools. The date for the annual twilight meeting was set for July 20, at the Huron County Home. Clinton, and for a bus tour within the county by offi­ cers and directors of the association. July 13, A one-day bus tour for all farmers of the county will be held on August 27 to Peel County. The meeting presented a leather camera case to one of the association’s directors, Robert Allan, Brucefield. prior to his leaving for Europe for a two months’ tour representing the Junior Farmers’ Association of Ont­ ario. AYRESHIRE COWS for sale. Fresh in spring. Apply George Carter, R. 5, Wingham. Phone 713W1. 19b SEED FOR SALE Morris Township School Area Board will receive tenders until Maj' 31 for the following contracts. No tender necessarily accepted: RALPH S. SHAW, Bluevale, Ont. 1. Tenders for painting School No. 12. Interior of class room and hall­ way. To be thoroughly cleaned and two coats of good quality paint applied. Desks to receive two coats of varnish. See George Michie. 2. Tenders for painting School No. 7. Interior of classroom and hallways thoroughly cleaned. All plywood to THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE SEED for sale, French Alfalfa $17.00 per bushel, Ontario or Grimms $21.00; Red Clover $17.00, White Sweet $8.00; Yellow Sweet $7.50; Timothy $7.70; Climax Timothy |receive two coats of varnish; other $16.80. Per lb. Orchard Grass 35c; | wood surface two coats of good paint. Blue Grass $1.20, Brome 20c, to ’V*arnis'ned. For particu- flow Fescue Wo, Ladma 70c, White ,ars sce RoM MdM . Dutch 75c, Ajax and Beaver OatSi x$1.25 per bu. Montcalm Barley $1.75, j 3' lenders for mstalhng a natxonaUy Cleaned and treated. Farmers | known oil furnace in School No. 11, bring in your grain and have it • Walton. Furnace must have a regis- eJeaned. R. Cramm & Son, Pinker- Her delivery of 120,000 B.T.U.H. or ton. Phone Cargill 6Sw3. 21rrb! bonnet rating of 140,000 B.T.U.H. with | gun type burner and a storage tank 5 capacity of 500 gallons. In placing FIND OUT how you can save mon--a tender Please submit diagram of ey and get complete insurance pro- * planned installation. For informa- tection when you finance your next-tion consult Torrance Dundas, Wal- car. Phone now and ask Stewart’ton. 1926b A Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb > FOR CUSTOM WORK, plowing, bar-1 rowing, cultivating and discing, f . ... . . ... vphone 410W, or contact Harold; Tenders will be received until June Dennis, Wingham. 5,12,19* ’ 1st for the sale of the Knox Presby- ' terian Church shed in Belgrave. SizeTELEVISION INSURANCE—Yourleefc Shed must be removed Personal Television policy offers •, ,you the complete protection for your j ^rora the l°t 111 60 days. Tenders will television installation and in ad- s also be reCieved for the sale Of the dition protects you against claims!lot on which this shed is situated, arising out of your aerial instaIla-iM , B u see-treas R.R ition. For further information coxl- £ , ? rUce’ faec-Weas- tact Stewart A. Scott, phone 293, j Belgrave. 1926b Wingham. 5rrb 5 ~~———■—— - — ---------------- | NOTICE TO CREDITORS j OTHERSI I MISCELLANEOUS TENDERS WANTED LAWN MOWERS and grass shears sharpened and repaired, Phone 553W. Leslie McDougall and Alvin Stacey. 12rrb Evidence is to hand that these Hur­ on County "Voices” are read beyond our County boundaries. A beautiful little Northwestern Ontario town less than 2,000 population is bedevilled by drink. It is in L.C.A territory and is amply supplied with legal liquor out­ lets. They have two beverage rooms, a government liquor store, and a brewers’ warehouse. A small group of citizens, greatly concerned at the de­ plorable conditions, met some time ago to do something. At the first meeting this column in Huron County Weeklies was referred to, and a simi­ lar plan was launched. A few of the group chipped in to pay for the first insertions, but later fees were accept­ ed to defray expenses. This local temperance league is increasing in membership and is working beyond its town limits. One of the group writes, "We have always been wet, a hang-over from old timber days. We had at one time seven sawmills here. I personally know conditions in Blank (a small Huron County town), I lived there 14 years. Conditions are better there than here as regards drinking. We have a run of petty police court cases that Blank is free from, or mostly so.” Surely such testi­ mony should have Weight with us. We are under the Canada Temperance Act which allows no legal outlets for the sale of beverage alcohol. The Courts have frequently complimented us on our comparative freedom from crime, of which the chief contributing factor Is drink.—Advt. 19b < UPHOLSTERING IN THE ESTATE OF JOSHUA A. HOWES, DECEASED. We specialize in re-upholstering. Workmanship guaranteed. One week’s service. Also repairing, re- finishing. For appointment call Fairyland, 487J. RRB WANTED DEADSTOCK removed from your tarts promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. Irrb « livestock wanted—Bead, 4is* abled horse* or cow» removed free of charge, ftfr prompt and efficient •ervice phone collect, Wingham M1J or William Stone Sone United, IngeraoiL Mrrb I All persons having claims against I the estate of Joshua A. Howes, late of ' the Township of Howick in the Coun- !ty of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the sixteenth day of January, A.D, 1954, are required to file full particulars of their claims with the undersigned Solicitor for the Executors on Or before the fifth day of June, A. D.f 1954. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the deceased will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this eighteenth day of May, A.D. 1954. X W, BUSHFIELD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor* 19262b MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WITH A BEAUTIFUL 5-FT. STEEL RECESSED WHITE BATHTUB $65.75 Bide, Green, Coral, Yellow $78.75 DELIVERED carry a complete line of plumb­ lug and heating supplies. Write Mail We our ourOrder Dept W.A.T. Or vfclt showrooms. S. V. JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies STREETS Ville PHONE sss - s Open Wednesday and Friday aven* Ings till 9.90 and all day Saturday. YOU CAN DEPEND ON JOHNSON’S 5:U;lS:Mb To May Meeting of W.I. Mrs. Fred HynSman was hostess for the May meeting of the Gorrie Wo­ men’s Institute on Tuesday afternoon When grandmothers were guests. Over 40 wex-e present. During the business period $20 was voted fox* the Junior Farmers’ project of painting the mail boxes in the township, and it was de­ cided to participate in the fund for W.I. scholarships for 4-H Club girls. Mrs. N, Wade and Mrs. Andy Edgar were named to look after the Dutch Auctions fox’ each meeting. It was announced that the East Huron District annual meeting would be held in Molesworth Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, May 26, com­ mencing at 10 a.m. In a vote on tlie most enjoyable meeting of the year, Family Night won. The roll call, '‘Something that Re­ minds Me of Grandma”, brought many interesting responses. Mrs. John Bay- Joi- read a poem, ’My Grandma”, by Edna Jacques. The motto "How long we live, not age, but actions tell”, was pi-epared by Mrs. H. Ferguson and read by Mrs. Archie Scott and includ­ ed a poem from an old school reader, "My Grandmother Sits in Her Old Armchair”. Each grandmother was asked to tell of her wedding day and was presented with a corsage of pan­ sies. Current events were given by Mrs. Wm. Lunan. The president, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, gave highlights of the presidents’ conference in Guelph, which she .attended last week. The theme was "Start where you are, with what you have”. Mrs. Gordon Edgar reviewed the Institute’s Tweedsmuir history. Mrs. Glenn Johnston report­ ed the district executive meeting at Ethel. Sandra and Faye Edgar sang "Bless This House", accompanied by Karen Michel. Assisting the hostess in serving re­ freshments were the committee: Mrs. A. Edgar, Mrs. T. L Mclnnes and Mrs, H. Ferguson. John Strong Burial service was conducted by the Rev. W. J. V. Buchanan in the Gorrie cemetery on Sunday afternoon for John Strong, S3, of Weston, who died after a few weeks' illness in hospital. I Mr. Strong was a native of Howick I Township, a son of the late Mr. and J Mrs. John Strong and spent his early I manhood here. His wife, who pre­ deceased him about 20 months ago, was the former Mary Rowe, also of IHowick. He had been a resident of Weston for over 50 years. Surviving are two daughters, Inez and Weston, and one son, John, of Credit. Messrs. Wellesley and Strong are nephews. Woman’s Association The Woman's Association •will I its May meeting in the “church son Thursday. May 20 at 2.30 j Group 1 is in charge of the program. Heading which appeared above the Gorrie news last week incorrectly in­ dicated that Miss Peter, a missionary on furlough from Pakistan, addressed a meeting in Gorrie. The actual it­ em which appeared below correctly re­ ported on a talk Miss Peter had given in London. Mr. Harvey Sparling, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparling and Wanda attend­ ed the funeral in Owen Sound on Wednesday of Rev. Wallace Johnston, ■ who died suddenly at his home there in his 81st year. Mr. Johnston is sur­ vived by his wife. He was a resident of Howick Township in his youth. i Our congratulations and best wish­ es go to Mrs. Frances Strong, who celebrated her 83rd birthday on Sun­ day at the home of her son, Mr, E. H. Strong and Mrs. Strong. Friends were present for the family gathering from Teeswater, hfildmay, Wingham and Fordwich. A lovely birthday cake was a feature and Mrs. Strong was the recipient of many gifts, cards, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Errington, Di­ anne and Anne, of Dungannon, visit­ ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger. The Rev. W. J. V. Buchanan was guest speaker at the Men’s Club in the United Church, Atwood, on Sun­ day evening. Misses Marguerite and Joyce Ford •were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little, Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. James Hornet, Palm­ erston, and Air. and Mrs. Philip Bo- lander, ListoweL visited Sunday with Mrs. May Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston and Linda spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparling, Yvonne and Wanda visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston at Bluevale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, A A. Donnelly and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King spent Saturday in London. The gentlemen attended the Shriners’ spring ceremonial. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short and Miss Myrtle Went to Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Short is to consult an eye spec­ ialist. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol, Tees­ water, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Darling, Mxldmay, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr, ahd Mrs. Wilbert Galla- way. Mr. John Gather* and Bob spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harty BroWn, Milton. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Barber, Water- down, Ont, Mr. Dick Barber, Lyons, Ohio, and son Hurt, of Vancouver* Called On friends here on Wednesday. Mr. Wm, and Mr. Dick Barber were former residents of Gorrie. Mrt. Peter Merkllnger, of Kitchener, spent last week with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. N. Cook and other relative*. Mr. Philip Durst ahd Mr. Ewart Whitfield attended the annual meet* Ing and dinner of th* Huron County Municipal Officers’ Association in Lopdesborq on Wednesday. Mr. Durst is the retiring president Mr. John Dinsmore had a Well drill­ ed on his property hi town last week by E. A, Kerr, of Clifford. Water was struck at 68 feet. Mrs. Etta Pyke has returned to’her home here. Mrs, Margaret Willits is spending some time with Mrs. Pyke. Mr. and»Mrs, W. C. King visited Mr, and Mrs. Frank Earls, Wroxeter, on Sunday. Mrs. H, Ferguson , is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Everett Sparling and Mr, Sparling at Bracebridge. Pupils of the Gorrie Senior room and also from some of the country schools enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls on Friday, They went by special train from Harriston to St, Cathar­ ines and by bus to Niagara. Teachers accompanied them. Mr, Russel of Sarnia will be the preacher in St, Stephen's Church next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, John and Jean visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cullen, Molesworth. Little Merna Nuhn spent last week with her grandparents, ,at Palmerston. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Jacklin and fam­ ily, of Brussels, visited Mrs. Jacklin’s mother, Mrs. Bella Kitchen, on Sun­ day. Mr, and Mrs, Verne Hambly and children, of Fergus, visited Mr. Sa.m Stinson on Sunday. Miss Etta Burns returned with them to Fergus for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Telford Montgomery were here Sunday for the funeral of Mrs. Montgomery’s uAcle, the late John Strong, of Weston. Members of the Howick Legion at­ tended the zone rally in Walkerton on Sunday. COULTER—To Mr. and Mrs, Jas. W. Coulter, of Kitchener, on Wednes­ day, May 12th, 1954, a son, Robert James. WESTBROOK—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, May 13th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs- Fred West­ brook, R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter. McCALL—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Saturday, May 15th, 1954, to Mx', and Mrs. Hoss McCall, Wai" ton, a daughter. GEDKE—In Wingham General' Hos­ pital, on Monday, May 17th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gedke, R. J, Clifford, a son, MERKLEY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, May 17th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Harley Merk- ley, Belmore, a daughter. George N. Turner Passes in Clinton George N. Turner, 90, former treas­ urer of Tuekersmith Township for many years, djed last week at his home on Isaac Street, in Clinton. He was born in Tuckersmith and farmed 'there until retiring to Clin­ ton in 1927. Since going to Clinton he has been weighmaster at the stock yards, and was a member of Ontario Street United Church, Surviving besides his wife, the for­ mer Emma Shipley, are two sons, Harold S., Goderich; John E., Tuck­ ersmith; one daughter, Mary, at home; and three sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Wood, Chilliwack, B. C., Mrs. Sarah Cosens, and Mary, Wingham. Funeral services were held from the Ball & Mutch funeral home, with Rev. H. C. Wilson officiating, and interment in Clinton cemetery. Lois, Port John hold hall p.m. Wingham Hustlers Entertain Guests A most enjoyable evening was spent at the Wingham Canadian Legion Hall, on Thursday, May 13th, when the yvingham Hustlers, the Mary Hastings group of the London Free Press held .their regular monthly meeting and entertained members of the Sunset Circle of Goderich and the Clintonians of Clinton. Mrs. Geo. Seiling, the president, opened the meeting with Mrs. Vance Sanderson playing the Queen, and all repeating the Housewives’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer. After the usual business meeting, tickets were sold on. a raffle, which was won by Mrs. Parker Campbell, of Wingham. Then tickets were sold for a penny auction, several members and visitors winning prizes. Progressive euchre was played, winners being, “’High score, Mrs. Vance Sanderson, and lucky tally, Mrs. Roy Cooke, of Goderich. A boun­ tiful buffet luncheon was enjoyed by all and the lucky cup prize was won by Miss Annie Moser, of Goderich. Mrs. Colclough, of Clinton, spoke briefly and thanked the Wingham group for their hospitality. Mrs. Good, of Goderich, spoke on hehalf of the Sunset Circle and also expressed their thanks. Mrs. Epps, of Clinton, recited three very amusing recitations which were also much en­ joyed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. D. Crothers, June 10th. fi. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick $t., Winghanx Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. Sunbeam ELECTRIC RAZOR NOW $29.75 HASELGROVE’S A STOP SHIPPING FEVER PNEUMONIA CALF DIPHTHERIA INFECTIOUS ENTERITIS THIS SEASON WITH NIXON’S FEVREX The concentrated, easy to use solution which combines the effect of 4 SULFA DRUGS. Complete, detailed dosage chart for all animals on every bottle. J^err’s Drug Stor£ Phone 65 Wingham Taxi PASSENGERS INSURED QUICK and COURTEOUS SERVICE DAY or NIGHT Only CROSLEY gives you DEEP DOOR design! THE BIGGEST, ROOMIEST, MOST CONVENIENT REFRIGERATOR IN HISTORY! WATCH REPAIRS g _________ AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am com­ pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George Williams Located In MASON’S STORE We realise our obligation when We fill your order for a Mem* ortai—aad we provide only ma* Uriels of unending serviceabil­ ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and dur prfcee • ate meet moderate. CKMETEBT UCTTKMNG ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT CROSLEY SUPER SHELVADOR LOOK AT THESE FEATURES! Full width freezer holds 50 lbs. of frozen foods Automatic defrosting does the whole defrost job nt the press of a button. New butter and cheese safe provides moisture controlled storage for butter, cheese; prevents intermingling of flavors. It’s full width. Exclusive Crosley Deep Door design lata you store quart milk bottle* and beverage bottles in deeply rcceSsed door shelves; doesn’t rob one cubic inch of space from the inside of* the cabinet Handy Roll-Out Shelf pulls out smoothly o« nylon rollers! puts every inch of its storage surface right at your fingertips. Three “Quick-Release” ice trays with, covers. Full-width roller-mounted Qrlsper. « Uft-Out Shelf. *7|? Many other Shelvndor Conveniences. PRICED AT «p4Zia* • • 3 OTHER MODELS from $259.75 to $649.75 BURKE ELECTRIC Authorized Sales & Service Electrical Contracting and Repair Wingham, Ont. Phone 474