HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-05-12, Page 6Sure this is the page you read first - Here you profit most The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, May 12, 195-1 FOR SALE PERSONAL COMING EVENTS BEER, PORK or SAUSAGE tor saw, HUNTER'S LANTERN put in car by also custom butvhering, mt pre- * mistake. Owner may have same by pared and wrapped for cold storage, j eal^»g Ed. Marsh, phone 505J1. R. J. McLennan & Son, Bluevale, i .....«.............................. ......... ... N% lot 19, Con. 2, Morris, phone? 10-9 Brussels. 31,7,14,21,28,4* ■____________________ __ ___ DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re­ lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon. WmED THE MAY MEETING of the Women’s Institute will be held on Thursday, theme for this meeting is "Citizenship” and Rev. A, Nimmo will give an address on that subject. The hostesses will be Mrs. H. Aitcb- ison, Mrs G, Gannett, Mrs. W. Henry, Mrs. Godkin, Mrs. G. Day and Mrs. R. Campbell. * cl2b 0. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St*, Wingham LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead, dis­ abled horses or cows removed free uf charge. For prompt and efficient service phone collect, Wingham 561J or William Stone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll. 28rrb NOTICE OF MEETING to consider By-Law. Take notice that a By-Law for raising $10,000 under the provis­ ion of the Tile Drainage Act will he taken into consideration by the Council of the Township of East Wawanosh at the Village of Bel­ grave on Tuesday, June 1, 1954. at the hour of 2 o’clock in the after­ noon. R. H, Thompson, Clerk. 12:19b REAL ESTATE I i BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES for sale, | Spruce 1 in. 2x4, 2x6,2x8, 2x10, $100. J per M. dressed; Hemlock, 1 in, 2x4, ( 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, No. 1, $95.00, No. 2, $60. > dressed; Pine dressed 1&2 in. $90.00 ; and up; Birch, 1 in. dressed. $45.00; I . Hardwood flooring at bargain pric-; . es. Delivered in truck load lots. E. { Dinsmore & Sons, Lumber Dealers, • Fordwieh, phone 26rl3. 5:12* j ---------------- ---------—------------------- USED DRESSER or chest of drawers ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and • wanted, phone 479J. 12* stamp pads sold at The Wingham | -------------------- ------------------------ Advance-Times. ! jWANTED: Reliable man as Dealer in Huron Co. Experience not necessary, A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh’s JDept. E- 453-163, Montreal. 12b 9-PIECE WALNUT Dining-room suite, for sale. Excellent condition. Phone < 767W after 6 p.m. 12:17* • I-M BED, MATTRESS and Springs for sale. Also oak dining room suite, jardiniere stand, 2 chairs, library table, Wilton rug 6’ 9”x9’. Apply to Mrs. F. Sturdy, phone 341, 12* ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR for sale, in Al condition. Apply to Wilbert; Hodgkinson, corner of Francis and; Diagonal Road after 6 p.m„ ; 12b j SPARTAN REFRIGERATOR f o r j quick sale. In good working order. i Apply Geo. R. Scort. John Street. ‘ phone 118. 12b I APARTMENT SIZE ELECTRIC re-| frigerator for sale, only used 2; months. Apply John Thompson, ' Wingham, north of Wishing Well. | 12*1 MOFFAT 4 BURNER tabie top elec­ tric range for sale, with oven con­ trol. An excellent buy. Apply Geo. R. Scott, John Street, phone 118. 12b FAMILY SIZE TURKEYS lor sale, about 8 lbs. oven dressed. Laidlaw's phone 366J. 12b IMPROVED SENATOR DUNLOP strawberry plants, young, healthy stock, $2.00 per hundred; Latham raspberry two year old canes, $1.50 for 12. Apply Percy Biggs, Lower Wingham, phone 483J. 12* 1951 DODGE STATION WAGON for sale. Beautiful shape. Phone 199. 12b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SIXTEEN PIGS for sale, 50 to 70 lbs. Phone 566 or 74. 12b 10 YOUNG PIGS for sale. Clifton S. Walsh, R. 4, Brussels. Phone Blyth 36R10. 12* 1 BRED YORKSHIRE GILT for sale, due June 28; 3 Pure Bred Yorkshire Boars, 4 months old. Wilbert Fral- ick, R. R. 1, Wingham, Phone Wrox­ eter lr2. 12* 15 PIGS for sale, 8 weeks old. Apply Ross Taylor, Belgrave, phone 624W12. 12* 18 WEANLING PIGS for sale. Apply to Lloyd Montgomery, phone 743J1. 12b BLACK TEAM OF HORSES for sale, 7 and 8 years old. Weight around 1500 lbs. Apply Ed. Reinhart, Mild- may, phone 75 r 12. 12* SEED FOR SALE SEED for sale, French Alfalfa $17.00 per bushel, Ontario or Grimms §21.00; Red Clover $17.00, White Sweet §8.00; Yellow Sweet $7.50; Timothy $7.70; Climax Timothy $16.80. Per lb. Orchard Grass 35c; Blue Grass $1.20, Brome 20c, Mea­ dow Fescue 40c, Ladina 70c, White Dutch 75c, Ajax and Beaver Oats $1.25 per bu. Montcalm Barley $?.75, Cleaned bring in your grain and have it cleaned. R. Cramm & Son, Pinker­ ton. Phone Cargill 68w3. 21rrb and treated. Farmers MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS WANTED 7 .ROOM CEMENT HOUSE, garage and barn for sale, also % acres land, in Lower Wingham. Apply Harry Newell. 21.28* • '■ ----—*------- HOUSE for sale, 8 rooms, asphalt shingles, good condition, hot water, oil heating. Patrick Street, phone 552M. 12* 7 ROOM HOUSE for sale or rent. Location centre of town. Telephone 21 for particulars.12b WANTED TO RENT START your own business selling a must to al} families in Wingham and surrounding districts. Interesting commission, free samples with each order. Free catalogue and details on request. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier. Dept. 3, Montreal, APARTMENT OR HOUSE wanted to rent immediately, apply Jack Myers, Wingham, phone 418. 12b Phene 770 Evenings by appointment, OPENS LEFT Now ! New ! IRON FOR SUCKLING PIGS The Easy Way !X Nixon Laboratories have recent­ ly developed “PELLAGREX PAINT” an adhesive prepar­ ation containing IRON, vita­ mins A, D, B compound, B12 (the growth factor) folic acid, and trace minerals, to prevent and help correct anemia and defici­ ency diseases in suckling pigs. ■ For healthy, fast growing pigs, try this simple, easy to use pre­ paration on your next litter. A 4 oz. bottle ($1.25) is suffici­ ent for the average litter during the entire suckling stage. "We Guarantee All Nixon Products” .. Kerr’s Drug Storg Come In and See this Brand New Philco "Golden Automatic" Now! Patent Applied For OPENS RIGHT The world’s first refrigerator that opens both ways. Directly accessible from either side with its unique 2-way handle that opens door the way you want—left or right. No defrosting... no dials to set... it auto­ matically achieves the ideal temperature and proper humidity to keep foods fresher than ever before in a refrigerator. PHILCO 1149. IURKE ELECTRIC Phone 474 Wingham Electrical Contracting and Repair A Complete Electrical Service 12b EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED TEACHERS WANTED HELP WANTED—MALE APPLICATIONS WANTED presentedjoryour enjoyment TENDERS FARM WANTED from 50 to 150 acres no down payment. Ev Donkeresgeod, R. R. 1, Gorrie, telephone 37r2, Ford- wich. 12* GRASS FOR 10 HEAD OF YOUNG cattie for rent, good supply of water. Apply Robt. Moffat, R. 2, Wingham, phone 632J2. 12b FOR RENT at PURDON’S DRINK J YOUR COCA-COLA BOTHER ' V * • '' r j • »r ’ ? H ♦ ' H e - «• HIGH SCHOOL BOY would dig small’ gardens, etc., after school. Phone 229. 12b~ .:^=^=r HURON COUNTY TEACHER wanted. East Howick Township' School Area Board requires Protestant teacher for modern equipped school located on plowed road with school bus passing daily. Give reference and salary expected. Duties to com­ mence September 7th, 1954. Apply to H. B. Collins, secretary-treasurer, Fordwieh, Ontario. 12b j® s A 1 * of Ladies’ and Children’s Wear UPHOLSTERER, experienced or good man wanting to learn this trade. See or write James Cole Furniture Co., Ingersoll. 12.19b MEN WANTED Ages 17 = 40 Years Tradesmen up to 45 years MARRIED APPLICANTS ACCEPTED Free Medical Services . Unequalled Pension . Plan 30 Days Paid Holidays Per Year A CHANCE TO TRAVEL Get All This and More SEE THE ARMY RECRUITING OFFICER To 1 I FIND OUT how you can save mon­ ey and get complete insurance pro­ tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb FOR CUSTOM WORK, plowing, har­ rowing, cultivating and discing, phone 410W, or contact Harold Dennis, Wingham. 5,12,19* CANADIAN ARMY RECRUITING UNIT Visiting in Wingham 10 ami* to 2 p.m. every Thursday MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WITH A BEAUTIFUL 5-FT. STEEL RECESSED WHITE BATHTUB $65.75 Blue, Green, Coral, Yellow $78.75 DELIVERED carry a complete line of plumb­ and heating supplies. Write We ing Mail Order Dept. W.A.T. or visit showrooms. S. V. JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies STREETSVILLE PHONE 253 -8 Open Wednesday and Friday even­ ings till 9.30 and all day Saturday. YOU CAN DEPEND ON JOHNSON’S 5:12;19:26b Children’s Coats and Coat Sets Wide selection of wools, corduroys, alk weather materials. Large variety of shades and styles. Sizes 2 to 14x ’ — also — JACKETS, BLAZERS & SWEATERS o I i i FOR FIRE, LIFE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Holmes Listowel Twice a *feek T ON RAplOM Save 25c on every Dollar you spend! All at 25% Discount Ladies Suits, Topcoats and Shortie Coats INCLUDING A GRAND SELECTION OF ALL WEATHER COATS COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION!. OFF Regular Marked Prices At this Discount a $29.95 article cost you ONLY $19.95 K.| 1 ¥ •:W |f||| $ * •-V'y'w,' US TELEVISION INSURANCE—Y our Personal Television policy offers you the complete protection for your television installation and in ad­ dition protects you against claims arising out of your aerial installa­ tion. For further information con­ tact Stewart A. Scott, phone 293, Wingham. 5rtb TRY BEFORE YOU BUY—For good grooming consult your Beauty Counselors Of Wingham. Irene Spar­ ling, phone 463R and Ann Rosen­hagen, 679W. 12b LAWN MOWERS and grass shears sharpened and .repaited. Phone ss3W. Leslie McDougall and Alvin Stacey. 12rrb UPHOLSTERING We specialise Workmanship week’s service, finishing; For Fairyland, 437J. in re-upholstering, guaranteed. One Also repairing, appointment call RRB LOST j- ON APRIL 6th on Main Street dr Wingham store, sum of money, jhrider please contact Mrs Wm. Ktohrt, telephone 62«W1 12* APPLICATIONS WILL BE received for inspector of Risks for Howick Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Wroxeter. Duties to commence July 1, 1954. Requirements, qualified elec­ trician, a fair knowledge of farm conditions and valuations. For further particulars please apply in person to Head Office, Wroxeter. J, H. Wylie, Secretary-treasurer. 12:19b TENDERS WILL BE received" by the undersigned for the construction of the Mahood Drain until 12 o’clock noon June 4th, 1954. Plans and speci­ fications may be seen at' the Cleirk’S Office, Gorrie. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. L. Dufst, Clerk of Township of Ho­ wick, Gorrie Ontario. 12;19b CARB OF THANKS I wish to thank ail my friends and neighbours who sent me cards, letters and so inany nice treats while I Was a patient in wingharn Hospital. Special thanks to Lila and Harry Goll for taking such good carb of my baby.Faye Fear. 12* and his SPECIAL GUEST Tuesday and Friday VIKJN JHk 8. pm LADIES’ HATS ’/I SWEATERS, BLOUSES, SKIRTS DRESSES, HOUSECOATS, BLAZERS, SLACKS and other LADIES’ WEAR $1. value for 1 A C% fill AU Other Items lv/O Mil jn tjje store. 1/3 OFF CHILDREN’S SUMMER STRAW HATS LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAR Exclusive Agents-for Supersilk Whisper Nylons