HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-05-12, Page 4Page Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, May J/?, 1954
Although this year’s mill rate dropped to 61.5 from
last year’s 77, the rate has actually increased slightly, due
to the town’s re-assessment.
There is some consolation, however. Last year the
mill rate was held at 77 mills, the same as the year before,
and it is rather too much to expect a mill rate to be sta
tionary for three years in this day and age. Furthermore
unexpected expenses, such as sidewalks and the sewage
disposal plans, plus increased taxes, made a hike in the
mill rate inevitable,
There’s one thing of which the public may be certain.
This year council spared no effort to keep the rate down
as low as possible.
In fact, if the mill rate were set any lower, municipal
operations would probably show a deficit at the end of the
year. And that would simply mean a higher rate for next
One of the biggest dangers to democracy, as we see
it, is the “group thinking” that seems to pervade the politi
cal scene these days. People, instead of trying to think out
in their own way the answer to given problems, turn
instead to a formula answer supplied by some one else.
Such people fall easy prey to the political nostrums,
cure-alls and elixirs which are being plied at home as well
as abroad. And it often happens that the side with the
smartest propaganda machine garners the largest vote.
Individual independence of thought has long been
greatest bulwark of democracy. It is a bulwark that
day is being buffetted as it has never been before.
evidently commenting
The Farmer’s Advocate,
weekly newspapers, says: “Nowadays editorial pages
■wishy-washy affairs, and an editor thinks he is daring if
he takes a firm stand in favor of motherhood and opposed
to sin”.
Maybe there’s something in what the F-A says. Cer
tainly editors these days seem more loathe to stick their
necks out than did their predecessors of a half century ago.
Beside the fighting words of that day, most modern edi
torials are mere whispers.
Perhaps the modern editor is more gentlemanly. More
likely he’s afraid to go out on a limb.
Things move so rapidly nowadays, that a firm stand
this week mav very well necessitate a retraction next.
’ * * *
Alert the .bucket brigade! The firecracker season is
here again.
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Christian Family Week was intro
duced with a Mother’s day service in Wingham United Church on Sunday
morning and was attended by a large
congregation. The service was under
the direction of the Sunday School
with Norman Keating presiding.
Portions of Scripture were; read
from T j tus 2:1-8 and Second Timothy 2:1-15 by Mrs. N. Gowdy and her
daughter Merle after which Jack Wol-
frey led the congregation in a respon
sive period of meditation and prayer.
Mrs. Ross Vogan to.ld a very interest
ing story to the children, “He Lived
Next Door to Jesus”. This was taken from the book "The Hidden Years", a
story of the boy Azar who was sup
posed to have lived next door to Jesus
when they were young. Ruth and
Kathy Hodgins sang a song, “I Wish
when I Hear that Sweet Story of Old”.
Rev. D. J. MacRae spoke on the
subject, “New Life in the Home", tak
ing as the scriptural background
I Corintians 16; 19, "Aquila and Pris
cilla salute you much in the Lord,
with the church that is in their
house". He reminded the people that
today is the 40th anniversary of Mo
ther’s Day which has now also come to mean Family Day and should be
celebrated as a “Festival of the
Christian Home”. Placing the respon
sibility upon the parents, Mr. Mac
Rae said that the homes of today are
the world of tomorrow and we cannot
have world brotherhood if we do not
have a renewal of faith in the home.
New life in the home comes from God. The ideal home, patterned on the one
in Nazareth, is where every member
is holy and sacred and where ail mem
bers are dedicated in the service of God.
At the Sacrament of Baptism, Mr.
MacRae christened the following children:
Stephen John; son of Mr. and Mrs.
John McKnight; 'Paul Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nichol; George
Alan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
pouglas; Douglas Henry, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Sieling; Douglas Ar
nold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold G.
Thomson; Donald James, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie; Catherine Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert James . Soloman; Marilyn
Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Athol Alexander Purdon; Margaret
Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Alexander McLaughlin; Judith
Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ohm; Susan Margaret, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. John Arthur Heney;
David Charles and Deborah Lorraine,
children of Mr. and Mrs. Aldred Gar
field Gibson; Dawn Cheryl, May Ling,
James, Jack and Kenneth Michael,
children of Mr. and Mrs. James Lem.
The topic on “Of Such Is the Kingdom” was prepared by Mrs. J. Bur-
chill and Mrs. N. I’ickell, The Scrip
ture lesson was read by Mrs. R. J, Scott. The first part of the topic was
a telephone conversation on the sub
ject, “What are you doing in your
community! for new Canadians?” by
Mrs. J, McKague and Mrs. W. Mc-
Kague. The second part was a panel
discussion op “That which yet remain- eth" dealing with the possibility of
disbanding an auxiliary. Those taking
part in this interesting discussion
were Miss K. Pringle, Mrs. J. H. McKay, Mrs. W. Ford and Mrs. W. Ring
rose. Mrs. A. Hastings read a paper on "Auxiliaries Which Have Been Form
ed to Help New Canadians.”
Mrs. H. Aitchison, who was a dele-
gate to the Synodical, held in Owen
Sound in April, gave a most interesting and complete report of the meet
ings, Mrs. H. F. McGee expressed ap
preciation on behalf of the Auxiliary. The meeting was brought to a close
with prayer by Mrs. Robert Moffat.
meeting adopted tbe minutes of the
last meeting read by the recently ap
pointed new secretary, Rev. R, D,
Currie of the Presbyterian Church,
Whitechurch, Ontario.
During the business period it was decided to request the press to print
an article entitled “The Christian Fun
eral" and to hold the first fall meeting on October 4th, at Belmore.A very interesting paper was pre
sented by Rev. Harold West, of Bel
more. Rev. West told of some exper
iences he had on the Island of Jersey lying between England and France.
It seems that this island of Jersey,
is some ten miles, long by six miles
Wide has grown cabbages as much as seventeen feet high and has provided
some of the granite used in paving the streets of London, England and
in the construction of the British
Houses of Parliament.
Rev. M. Thomas extended hearty thanks to Rev. Mr, West for his paper
and also extended the best wishes of
the Council to Rev Tristram, soon to
leave the district.
Rev E. Todd thanked the ladies,
Mrs. H. C. ■ Wilson and Mrs. D. J. Lane, both of Clinton, for serving a
delicious lunch.
Sacrament of Holy
Baptism Held in
St. Paul's Church
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was
administered in St. Paul’s Church, Wingham, last Sunday morning at a
special Mother’s {Day service. Nine in
fants, with their parents and God
parents, stood around the font for
the traditional sacramental service.
Those baptized by the rector, the Rev.
H. L. Parker were Graeme Elgin Johnston, David Paul Keating, Rich
ard Charles Shropshall, Wayne Step
hen Carter, Rhonda Lynn Wade, Sus
an Jane Kregar, Christine Elizabeth Kregar, Leslie Wayne Kregar and
Julia Edith Preston, i
For his sermon Mr. Parker pointed
out the characteristics of true mother
hood as shown in the life of Mary,
the mother of Jesus. By giving herself
completely to God, Mary was able to
be a true mother to Jesus so that He
"increased in wisdom and stature and
in favour with God and man." Not only was Mary interested in her Son’s
physical stature but she first of all
made sure that He increased in spir
itual and mental stature. Thus He
found favour with God and with His fellow men. No mention is made of
His own-ends or desires. In conclusion
Mr. Parker stressed the fact that the
only reason we should keep Mother’s.
Day was, first to thank God for the
mothers who have kept close to God
and accepted the responsibility God
has placed upon them to increase
their children in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man. Sec
ondly, we should thank our mothers
for all they have given us by striving
to be an honour to them by the giving
of out best' service to God and man.
And thirdly,, we must pray for all
mothers today that they may accept
the responsibility that God has given
During the offertory the junior
choir, under the direction of W. M.
Connell Jr., sang “Lord of Life, We
Praise, and Prav”.
Catholic Women's
League Meets
The Catholic Women’s League
held their meeting in the Parish Hall,
on Tuesday evening, May 4th.
The meeting opened with prayer by
the president, Mrs. C. Borho, the sec
retary’s report was given by Mrs. Pete
MacDonald and the treasurer’s report
given by Mrs. Frank Caskanette.
The C.W.L. is serving a breakfast
to the Ladies’ Sodality, in the Parish
Hall, on Sunday, May 23.
The president had asked for used
clothing to pack a bale to send to a
mission parish in Manitoba, which
was done that night.
It was also decided to hold a bingo
in the hall at which time the tickets will be drawn.
The meeting closed with prayer and
a dainty lunch was served by the ex
To Represent
St. Paul's Church
St. Paul’s Church, Wingham, will be
represented at the 78th session of the
Diocese of Huron by the rector, the
Rev. H. L. Parker and' lay delegates
Dr. W. Davis, H. A. Fuller and J. McKay.
Eickmeier - A rmitage
On Saturday, May 1st., 1954, the mar
riage of Doris Elizabeth Armitage,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs; C. B. Armi
tage and Dr. Bruce Oliver Eickmeier,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Eick
meier, of Zurich, took place quietly
at the' home of the bride’s parents. Rev. A. Nfmmo officiated. The attend
ants were Miss Catherine Nortrop,
Toronto, and Dr. John Armitage, of
Whitby, Dr. and Mrs. Eickmeier will
reside in Exeter..
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Ladies’ Hosiery
YOUR FUTURE depends on them
hindered in your work by the
headaches and gastric disturbances
from defective vision. The only
is to have your eyes examined at
least once a year. It’s the smallest invest
ment you can make—and the soundest,
it now.
“A Complete Visual Analysis”
uxew s auxiliary oi tne vv.ivl.£5. oi rne Children who aren’t old enough to be plavillg with i^esbyterian Church was held on Tues- .... . . r. 1 • day afternoon of last week. Followingmatches will be out on the street throwing firecrackers at the call to worship by the “president,
passers-by. Other playmates will be in the backyard ^gSh^na?heAsVcrXnryaMrsthwn^
throwing firecrackers into anything inflammable which I SspJndSce^nd^aiied3 thT^Mrs"
happens to be around. Somebody’s house is liable to be In, L. Fry read the treasurer's report. • ■ . - • . „ , - ~ . .. I Mrs. H. Gilmour led_ in the Glad Tid-
Mrs, R. j’ Scott were appointed dele
gates to the Presbyterial sectional
meeting to be held in Ethel on May 31st.
St. Andrew's W.M.S.
Holds Discussion
The regular meeting of the St. Andrew’s Auxiliary of’the W.M.S. of the
day afternoon of last week. Following
Mrs. Horace Aitchison, and the open-
t 1 1 i t . o i11 . xvirs. jti. vHimour lea m tne <jiaa Tid-burnea down between now ana May 24th—all on accountings’ Prayer. Mrs. w. Ringrose and
- of firecrackers.
With dogs at large and two-hour parking to look
after, our police force would seem to be hardly adequate
to deal with the firecracker menace. Yet something should
be done about it before some serious damage results.
Parents are the obvious people to discourage the in-
cendiarist impulses of children with firecrackers. Let’s
do it now—before it’s too late.
* *
One of the things that always beats us about a small
town, is how everyone knows where the fire is. Either
people have a strong sense of smelt or are possessed of
second sight, or something. Because often the spectators
get to the fire before the firemen.
We commend this interest in the workings of the fire
department. And we think that it might be put to good
Wingham firemen are noted for.their promptness in
getting to fires. Why not enhance this reputation for
speed by enrolling a few of the earliest spectators as volun
teer firemen. With this added impetus we could expect
even greater dispatch from the firemen.
Better do it soon, though. Because if the present trend
continues, the spectators will be getting there firstest with
the mostest, and the fire department won’t be able to get
near the fire.***
We see by the papers that the Provincial Government
is going to enforce the old-fashioned speed limit of 50 miles
per hour.
We say “old-fashioned” advisedly, because with the
modern power-packed behemoths they make today, it’s
doubtful if you can go that slow. The average 100-or-
more horsepower car nowadays is quite liable to exceed
the speed limit in low gear. '
Everybody seems to be agreed that speed is the cause
of most of the slaughter on the highways these days.. Yet
car manufacturers each year insist on putting more and
more power into their vehicles.
As long as cars are built to do 100 miles an hour, it’s
asking too much to expect people to poke along at 50.
Most motorists will go faster if it kills them, and unfor
tunately, it often does.
Published at Wingham, Ontario
. Wenger Brothers, Publishers, W. Barry Wenger, Editor
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Dept,
Subscription Rate — One Year $2.50, Six Months $1,25 in advance
S. A, $3.50 per year foreign Rate $3,50 per year
Advertising Rates on application
Council of Churches
Meets at Belmore
The Wingham and District Council
of Churches met at the home of the
Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Clinton last
week.The meeting opened with a brief
devotional period conducted by Rev.
W. R. Tristram of Fordwich.
With the president in the chair, the
g’t. Raul’s djurefj
Winsbam •
Fourth Sunday after Easter
8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion—Corporate for the
men of the parish.
9.15 a.m.—Men’s Breakfast, Speaker,
Mr. F. M. Halls.
11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon
2.30 p.m.—Church School
7.00 pmi.-^Fvening Prayer and Sermon
* *
Thurs., May 13th—Altar Guild Meeting at the home
of Mrs. T. Smalley •
Fri., May 14th—Junior Auxiliary Meeting in Parish
Tues., May 18th—Evening Guild Meetin
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