HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-05-12, Page 1M ™ ---------———-------------r .Subscriptions $2.50 per year, 6c per copy With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1954 'V —i U j I JOSEPHINE STREET TO ALONG THE MAIN DRAG | HAVE FLOWER POTS COUNCIL DECIDES Josephine Street will be decorated By The Pedestrian I LOWER STILL—An argument has been raging lately between newspap- „ , , „ ,ers in Chesley and Lucknow as to W1^ flower pots for the town’s 75th which town has the lowest high school anniversary, after all, The town. coUn- mill rate. Chesley has a rate of 8.6 as ' cil decided to go ahead with the against Port Elgin’s 11, Walkerton’s* scheme at the special council meeting ’ ” ” ” on Friday. The subject of flower pots on the main street was again brought up when Councillor Keating, who origin­ ated the idea, announced that he had gotten a price on watering the plants. Mr. Keating said that Gordon Mc­ Gregor has offered to water and take 11.3 and Hanover’s 12,75. Kincardine claims to be lower with 5.93 and Luck­ now lower still with 5.3. Perhaps Wingham should get into the argu­ ment. Our rate is 5.* ♦ ♦ MUST BE GOOD—Wingham’s cred­ it must be good, anyhow. A Guelph lady, reading in the paper that Wing-i ham was issuing $625,000 worth of c»re of th« Plants for $15 per week, ■debentures, wrote the Mayor a per- and he estimated that the total cost STORES TO CLOSE FOR FUNERAL As a token of sympathy to A. J. Lockridge and his family, places of business in Wingham will remain closed between the hours of 9 and 10 o’clock this (Wednesday) morn­ ing, at which time service is being held for the late Mrs. Lockridge. Members of the Wingham Busi­ ness Association and any other bus­ iness men who purpose attending the funeral service are requested to meet at Sacred Heart Church at 9.15 a.m. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY COMPLETES PLANS FOR RUMMAGE SALE At the monthly meeting of the La­ dies’ Auxiliary to Wijlgham Hospital, plans were completed rummage sale which the Wingham Armoyr|b| on Saturday afternoon, May 15th. Committees were appointed and helper^, arranged for. Authority was given for the payment of all bills which included drapery Council Sets Tax Rate at 61.5 Mills qp nn >1 o Lover 1 own s * sonal letter, asking him where she could purchase same.. * ’ * ’• SIGN LANGUAGE—Latest addition to the main street is the two-hour parking signs, for the convenience of people who haven’t read about the by­ law in this paper. The signs arrived just in time to give Councillor Nor­ man Keating a few headaches about where he is going to place his flower­ pots. Requirements for Year Wingham’s 1954 mill rate was set at 61.5, at a special meeting x>f council on Friday night. The new mill rate, although below last yea?®, figure of 77 mills, is actually 4.5 mills higher than the 1953 rate, when the over-all increase in assessment is taken into consideration. Under the new assessment a rate of 57 mills would be equivalent to last year’s rate of 77. Tothl expenditures for 1954 are expected to be $176,248.49, as compared with $172,168.00 for last year. Deficit for 1953 .was $1,747.87, due in large part to an over-expenditure on new sidewalks for the town. The council went over the estimates with a fine-toothed comb, and by paring costs, managed to lop off 1% mills from the rate. Original estimates had visualized a mill rate of 63. 'Ingham Hospital, idtfor the spring i ■Mill be held in on Saturday Qpmmittees were (rift arranged for. for the payment material, bedding and|i boxes for the tag days. A sample of jchese boxes was on display, they had .been designed, painted and made ready for use by the Metal Fabricating Co> of Wingham. The sewing committee reported that 127 new articles had j been made in April, as well as several pairs of drapes. All mending was done and one group worked on the bags for tag day. Plans for serving lunch '^the hospital on Hospital Day, May^ 12th, were left with the social committee. The presi­ dent, Mrs. R. E. McKiriney, presided at the meeting. ? ‘------------- Local Photographer Honored at Fails ;a4 ‘ photographer, School Children Aid Crippled Fund Once again school children have re­ membered the crippled children through the Easter Seal Fund. This week, a gift of four dollars camo from S. S. No. 5 Grey, through their tea­ cher, Miss Mauna Hayden. The Easter Seal Committee are very grateful to these young folks who are helping a crippled child. PLENTY OF BASEBALL SCHEDULED FOR TOWN DURING THE SUMMER Extra Expenses Three items totalling over $8,000 were mainly responsible for the in­ crease in expenditures in 1954. These were plans for the sewage disposal plant, $3,950.00; an advance towards the 75th anniversary celebrations, $2,500.00, and a deficit for 1953 in the amount of $1,747.87. Plans for the sewage disposal plant were ordered several years ago, when the council at that time was advised to have plans drawn up for the pro­ ject by the Department. Since that time action has been postponed on the plant, and last year a bill for $5,000 was received for architect’s ser­ vices. The amount was later reduced to $3,950.00, after representatives from town visited the Kilborn Engineering Company to explain the circumstances. If council had gone ahead with plans, the cost of architect’s fees would have been included in the debenture for the sewage disposal plant. The advance for the 75th anniver­ sary was made to the Wingham Busi­ ness Association on the understanding that any profit accruing from the celebration would be returned to the town. Council has hopes that if the celebrations are a success, at least part of this money will be refunded. . The deficit for 1953 was due mainly to the fa,ct that new sidewalks were laid on Josephine Street last fall, al­ though no provision was made for them in last year’s budget. Part of the cost of sidewalks was recoverable in Provincial grants. Other Figures Other figures on the 1954 estimates were: Administration, $13,849.00; pro­ tection to persons and .property, $17,- 200.00; public works, $20,000.00; sani­ tation, $4,000.00; social welfare, $1,500; education, $45,628.04; recreation and community service, $5,100.00; cemetery maintenance, $4,800; debenture charg­ es, $16,366.09; general debentures, $10,- 708.14; county of Huron rate, 10 mills, $19,256.08; Hillcrest amortization and taxes, $5,178.61. Town Clerk W. A. Galbraith report­ ed that several businesses in town were behind in their business tax, af­ ter repeated notices had been sent out, and asked council what should be done about it. Council decided that legal action should be taken to re­ cover business tax in arrears. HIRE TWO TEACHERS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL of watering would be in the neighbor­ hood of $250 for the season. Mr. Mc­ Gregor’s price was on a total of 45 flower pots, and would be slightly less if pots were placed on every second' lamp post, as had been suggested, Total cost of the project would be in the neighbourhood of $500.00. ■ Considerable Discussion Following Mr. Keating’s estimate, there was considerable discussion on the'flower pot idea. There seemed to ] be some doubt among the council as ito whether the flowers would be kept up in the future, and some councillors I felt that a . large sign or archway across the main street would be pre­ ferable to the flower pots. A suggestion was; made that a large archway with the name "WINGHAM” on it should be erected across Joseph­ ine Street between the post office and the town hall. However council seem­ ed to feel that the cost would be much higher, and that it would take too long to secure a price on the job, to erect it in time for the anniversary celebrations. Finally it was decided to put flower I * * * WHERE YOU FIND THEM—While all the rest of the anglers were chas­ ing up and down the concession roads after the elusive trout, Ferguson Riley sat himself down on the banks of the Maitland, just below the Lower Town A dam. Caught himself a nice 9-inch speckled, too. Just goes to show that trout, like gold, are where you find ’em.* * * EXCESS PROFIT—Selling the town debentures at 100.51 has netted some­ body or other an extra $3,187.50 over and above the $625,000 needed for the high school. Question before the'coun­ cil is Whose'is it? One theory is that the town by its astute business sense, was able to make the extra money,was aoie to maae tne extra money, .and therefore should pocket the profit. | !L'f A*? High school authorities should go into the high school pot. i--;---- ~ ----- ------ - # # # ». I------- -----------___ ------------— _--------------------- SCOUTING AROUND—Business is)of $15 per^ week. The motion brish around town for the talent _ ______r figure it on Josephine Street, and to hire the '.services of Gordon McGregor to water I and care for them at a maximum cost was ..................... __ __ talent made by Councillor Keating and sec- 'scouts,^baseball and hockey. Accord- , onded by Reeve R. E. McKinney, and, ing to the grapevine bids are in for .after some hesitation, was passed un­ Jerry Fry, Jim Campbell and Red i Houghton by various and sundry time spotters. Ken Hodgkinson already been snapped up. * * * * CAT’S LIFE—Cats in town coming into their own again, now big- has are that the ban on dogs has gone into effect. The ■ probabilities that a cat catcher will be hired seem pretty remote, but , you never can tell. * * * \ PLAYERS WANTED—Should be a big year for minor baseball in Wing­ ham this summer, with lots of possi­ bilities opening up for those who would like to get into .the game. If you’re over 8 years old, male or fe­ male, and want to play ball, see Vic Loughlean and get signed up.• ♦ • SOCCER, OLD BOY?—Speaking of Vic Loughlean reminds us that Vic would like.to start a soccer team, if anyone is interested. If some of the New Canadians in and around Wing­ ham would like to indulge in their national sport. Vic figures he could get them in with a league. See Vic for further details. animously. Two on Each Post *> According to present plans there will be two flowerpots on each post held by a strap iron bracket which will protrude about a foot on each side of the post. The 12-inch flower pots will sit in a circle formed by the bracket, about eight feet above the ground. The brackets will sit parellel to the street to avoid damage by trucks or other vehicles. The pots will be planted with petun­ ias and vines. Work on the. brackets will be started this week, and it is ex­ pected that the pots, will be in place within a month, after all danger of frost is past. Big time baseball may be in the doldrums in Wingham, but it looks as if the small fry are going to have a big season of Canada’s national sum­ mer sport. According to plans now being form­ ulated by the recreation council under Vic Loughlean, recreational’ director, there will be lots of opportunity for baseball talent in the minor leagues. Present plans call for two girls’ soft- ball teams, intermediate and junior, boy’s juvenile and midget softball an4 bantam and peewee hardball.. In addi­ tion it is hoped there will be a league comprising three or four teams of squirts, for boys from eight years up. Lined up to coach and manage the minor clubs are Ruby Saint, Barry Fry, Des Brophy, Harry Gerry, Alfie Schwichtenberg and members of the juvenile and midget teams. In addit­ ion it is. hoped that others will volun­ teer their services as part time coach­ es and fnanagers. Vic Loughlean points out that there is always lots of room for more coaches and managers, and invites anyone interested to get in touch with the recreation council, or himself. Orangize Town Leagu^ Along with the activity in minor sport, a town softball league is being formed. Four teams are expected to enter, including Lloyd’s factory, the Canadian Legion, the Merchants and * - -the Hydro. Schedule for the town two car collision in Gdrne on Satur- league will be^worked out shortly. 'day night, but all ^scaped with An .intermediate WOAA softball! nothing more than a shaking up. team has also been formed by the T-£c^mg to XXr enthded local 99th battery, but as yet the team J™ Y3?*®’ J?- feZ Infer? K’nSJ nlonnrl in a loacmo I Wltll 3 C3V UriVCn JOlln KOCllj 49,has not been placed m a league. Talk,! r-nrrin frfel « is that the battery team may play in the WroxeterTBelmore-Stone School loop, although nothing has been de­ finitely settled in this regard. All boys and girls over eight years of age who are interested in playing softball or baseball are asked to con­ tact Vic Loughlean by letter or phone not later than May 14th. The phorib number is 754. HOSPITAL RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY Remember the hospital rummage sale on Saturday afternoon of this week, May 15th, in the Wingham Armouries, at two o’clock. The Ladies’ Hospital Auxiliary are asking for arti­ cles of all sorts, anything that can be sold. Please have parcels at the Arm­ ouries on Friday, so that they can be sorted and marked. If you wish your donation called for, phone Mrs. G. R. Scott, number 118 or Mrs. R. E. Mc­ Kinney, 799.Also in connection with the rum­ mage sale, tags will be sold through­ out the town. WINNERS OF DRAW The draw for the Regal Waterless Cookware, which has been-displayed in the window of the Red Front Store this week, took place on Tuesday at 3 o’clock with the following as win­ ners: Mrs. Carl Freiburger, Bluevale, complete set of aluminum; Lance Grain, R. 3, Wingham, set of knives; Mrs. Coutts, Scott St., Wingham, salad set; Mrs. Jim Golley, R. 4, Wingham, coffee’percolator; Mrs. S. Musgrove, Wroxeter, coffee percolator. PLAY AT BELGRAVE The choir of Belgrave Church will sponsor the play, ma’s Baby Boy”, of Seaforth, Forester’s Hall on Friday, 7 Admission adults 50, children 25c. F1219b United “Mam- in the May 21. I ANNIVERSARY DANCE The Kinsmen annual formal dance will be held on Wednesday evening, May 19th,’ at the Wingham Armour­ ies. Ladies formal, men optional. Mus­ ic by Johnny Day’s orchestra. Door prizes and special dance prizes. Danc­ ing 10 to 1. Admission $2.50 per couple, extra ladies, 75c. Everyone invited. F12b CASH BINGO A cash bingo will be held in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham, on Tuesday, May 18 at 8.30 p.m. Six­ teen games for $1.00. Extras and specials 10c each. Regular prize $3.00 and special prize $5.00. A draw will be made on two occasional chairs. Everybody welcome.F12b DANCE AT BLUEVALE Don Robertson and the Ranch Boys will be playing for the big dance'to be held in the Bluevale Hall on Wed­ nesday, May* 26, starting at 9.30 p.m. The dance is sponsored by the Wing­ ham Oddfellows and is in aid of their Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis Fund. Admission at popular prices. Lunch booth in the hall. F5:12b WOMAN’S ASSOCIATION TULIP TEA . A Tulip Tea and sale of baking and candy sponsored by the Woman’s Association of the Wingham United Church, will be held on 'Wednesday, May 19th, at 3 o’clock. There will be a party for the young children in the gymnasium. F5:12b Mrs. A. J. Lockridge died suddenly in Wingham General Hospital on Sun­ day aiter a short illness. She was in her 51st year. The former Myra MacDonald, of Lucknow, Mrs. Lockridge was the daughter of Mrs. MacDonald and the late Thomas MacDonald. Her hus­ band has been a well-known business man in Wingham for many years, and is known throughout Western Ontario as treasurer of the Western Ontario Athletic Association. Born at Thessalon, Ontario, Mrs. ■Lockridge attended Lucknow High School and graduated from Stratford Normal School. She has lived in Wingham for 21 years and for eight years was a member of. the staff of Wingham Public School. Prominent in Catholic . women’s work, Mrs. Lockridge was a member of the Sacred Heart Church here, a past president of the Catholic Wo­ men’s League, promoter for the League of the Sacred Heart and a member of the Altar Society. Surviving besides, her husband are her mother, Mrs. Thomas MacDonald, two sons, Douglas at home and Tom­ my at the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph; and two daughters, Mrs. Mal­ colm McCammon, and Ruth, both of Toronto; a sister, Mrs. C. E. Smith, Seaforth, and three brothers, Garfield and John, of Lucknow, and Lome, of Peterborough. Requiem high mass will be sung on Wednesday at 9.30 a.m. at the Sacred Heart Church by Rev. R. Durand. Burial will be in Wingham Roman Catholic Cemetery. . BARN DANCE [ | Plan to attend the Barn Dance to be held on Friday night, May 21st, at Tommy Pletch’s new barn on the 4th concession, Morris Township, a mile and a quarter north - of Brussels. Music by Don Robertson and Ranch Boys. Everybody 'welcome. F5,12,19b NOTICE The Canadian Legion Service Bu­ reau Officer, A. M. Forbes, London, Ont., will be visiting Branch No. 180, Wingham, on May 21st, in the fore­ noon. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding war disability pensions, treatments, allow­ ances, etc.,- is requested to contact the service officer, or secretary Of the local branch, George Williams, J6hn Street. > F12bF12b / PLAY IN BLUEVALE COMMUNITY HALL "Look Out Lizzie”, a comedy play, presented by the Dungannon Y.P.U., will be sponsored by the Bluevale Un­ ited Church Y.P.U. on Friday,' May 14th, at 9 p.m. in Bluevale Commun­ ity Hall. Adults 50c, children 25c. M ' t F5,12b The Salvation Army Red Shield canvass got under way Friday night, under the direction of Kinj Jack Gor- butt. Most of the town was covered Friday evening and the rest was to be completed within the next few days, Tills year the Kinsmen were aided by the Wingham Lions Club. In this way it was possible to organize it more -efficiently and to get tho*work done in a shorter time. Ian Hammerton, loca^l'photographer, had the honor of having one .of his photographs hung at 72fh ar.r.ua’. convention of the ~ Photographers at week. The photograph, a portrait of Herb Fuller, is now on display in the win­dow of the Hammertor| Studio. Mr. and Mrs. Hammerton and fam­ ily were in Niagarsi jTalls on Mon­ day, Tuesday, and Wednesday of last week to attend the convention at the at the 70th annual Ontario Society of Niagara Falls last Sheraton-Brock Hotel ’there. Seven in Accident,4 But Nobody Htirt In Gorrie Mishap Seven persons_were ^involved Dog Catcher Makes Slim Haul; Dogs Are All Tied Up George Carter, recently appointed part time dog catcher and pound keeper for the town, has found the going pretty tough during the first week at his new job. Mr. Carter has been able to apprehend only two dogs' which were at large during his tours of the town. The new dog catcher, who is work­ ing on a commission basis, has found that where the streets used to be full of dog, there now are none. Most pet owners, aware that their dogs will be run imif caught, are apparently keep­ ing them at home. Both dogs caught by the dog catch­ er were released on bail, after their owners paid the fine. . Police Chief Bert Platt, happy that the dogs at large situation is under control, is now going after owners who have not as yet bought tags for their pets. He figures that only half the people who own dogs in town have bought tags for them, and plans to do something about it. Chief Platt says he would prefer to have dog owners come in and buy their tags, but will issue summons to recal­ citrant owners if necessary. Two new teachers were hired at the meeting of th Public School Board on Monday, They are Mrs. J. Irwin, of Lucknow, and Arnold (Barney) Mc­ Intyre, of Wingham. Mr. McIntyre taught last year at the public school in Goderich. One more vacancy on the public school staff is still to be filled. Members of the board voted an over­ all increase for members of the staff, the 11th successive increase in as many years. Amount of the increase was not divulged. The question of moving the kinder­ garten back to the* Masonic rooms to accommodate the increasing registra­ tion expected next fall was discussed at the meeting, but no definite action was taken. However, Harold Wild, chairman of the board, told the Ad­ vance-Times that such a move is "very likely”. A definite decision on the matter is expected within the next few weeks. LONDON BRIGADIER in a INSPECTS REGIMENT of R. R. 2, Gorrie. The Koch car, a light English modelj?> Avas -knocked over but Mr. and Mrs. Koch and their two children, who were passengers, escaped injury. Gordon Lane, of Brussels, and Fern Cook, of Gorrie, were passengers in the Wylie car, and received only a shaking up from the mishap. Damage to the cars was estimated at'$400. Provincial Constable J. Lewis, of Wingham, investigated. J. first HIGH SCHOOL CADETS INSPECTED AT PARK Demonstrations in wireless, aid, platoon drill, physical education exercises, gun drill and band work, featured the annual inspection of No. 543 Wingham District High School 'Cadet Corps, held Monday afternoon at the town park. The program in­ cluded a march past, the taking of the general salute and inspection of ranks. Lt.-Col. E. D. Bell, commanding of­ ficer of the 21st Regiment, R.C.A., and Lt. J. P. Drohan, cadet officer for Western Ontario Area, inspected the corps. Other members of the regiment on hand for the inspection were Capt. L. M. Wedd, Capt. John Jackson and Lt. Robert Ritter. Presentations were made to the fol­ lowing: Douglas Gibson, best shot; first class shooting badges went to William Connell, Bob Westlake, Don­ ald Biggs, Mac Eadie, Jim Platt, Ian Gibbons, Ivan McKague; second class, Ronald Higgins. High school cadet officers in charge Were Douglas Widdis, Donald Mc­ Kague, Beverley Brooks, Grant Mer­ rick, Jack Elliott, Douglas Gibson, Ian Gibbons, Ian Hetherington, _ McCutcheon, William Connell Ivan McKague. Dick and Our Apologies Due to last-minute pressure of ad­ vertising a certain amount of corres­ pondence and news has been left out of this week’s edition. We apologize to those correspon­ dents whose material has been omit­ ted and hope that we will be able to do better next week. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SHOULD BE SIGNED Two letters, signed' "Tender- Hearted” and “A Redder of Your Paper”, have been received by the Advance-Times during the past week. Letters to the editor should be signed by the writer, and cannot be printed unless the writer’s name The name need if the writer so appears on them not be published desires. We would be pleased to .print these letters in " writers will come into the office and append their signatures. ■Box 473”, if the COMMUNITY PLAYERS TO STAGE‘OUR TOWN’ FOR ANNIVERSARY The Wingham Community Players have decided to produce the play "Our Town” by Thornton Wilder, for the town’s 75th 'anniversary celebrations, The play, which was a success on Broadway for many months, was made into a movie several years ago. It concerns the lives and loves of two families in the small town of Grover’s Corners, and is considered to be one of the most moving plays of the Am­ erican theatre. With a cast of over 20, plus a choir which sings and appears in three of the scenes, it is expected that “Our Town” will provide plenty of scope]------ --- — ----------<=------ ----- for the new drama group. The theme Brte- Gibson, Major Fred Gardiner, of the play, it is felt, is .appropriate' London; Major A. W. Irwin, Wing- to the anniversary celebrations, and ham, and the guard of honor, Bdrs. D. the setting, that of a small town Montgomery and Wade Stapleton, of around the turn of the century, should 1 Wingham. be particulary appealing to the ] The regiment is comprised of the "Quality is needed in the ranks the Reserve Army today, rather than quantity,” Brig. T. G. Gibson, Area Commander, London, told members of the 21st Rbgt., R.C.A. at the regiment’s annual inspection in Wingham town parka, on Monday night. "Canada is proud of her military tradition, and' should war break out again, we can always rely on our Canadian soldiers.” The regiment, under command of Lt.-Col. E. D. Bell, of Exeter, paraded from the armories to the park, where "Exercise Thunder” was enacted on a battery basis. Twenty-five pounder guns fired blanks while wireless, telephone and field headquarters were set up in a demonstration exercise. Capt. E. S. McCannel acted as narra­ tor. The parade was headed by the Lis­ towel pipe band and the 21st Regiment Band. On the reviewing stand were of CUB MOTHERS HEAR REV. D. J. MACRAE A meeting of the Cub Mothers’ Aux­ iliary was held in the basement of .the United Church on Wednesday eve- ------------- „rx.-----o — —, ---- ------- ----c------ „ .— jning, May 5. Mrs. Michael McPhail, people of Wingham and their visiting > 97th Battery of Walkerton, command-1 president, presided at the meeting, and friends. The production will be dir- I ed by Capt. E. S. McCannel; the 98th i Mrs. Frank Madill, secretary, read the ected by Vin Dittmer, director of the 'Battery of Goderich, commanded by ‘ ' winning play at the recent one-act drama festival, held last month in Wingham. Start Casting Casting rehearsals have been sched- for Monday, May 17 and Thurs- May 20th, and anyone interested part in the play is invited to at- both rehearsals. A casting com- uled day, in a tend mittee composed of Mr. Dittmer, Miss K. McGregor and Bob Ferguson will choose the successful candidates for the parts, which are many and var­ ied. Those interested in reading for the parts are purged to attend both rehearsals, which will be held in the town hall auditorium. Meanwhile another meeting of the group will be held tonight (Wednes­ day) in the town hall. On the .pro­ gram will be a short skit, directed by Jim Currie, with a cast of Mrs. John Langridge, Mrs. Vin Dittmer and Bob Lewis. The meeting will start at 8 Capt. A. B. Sturdy; the 99th-Battery of Wingham, commanded by Capt. John Jackson and the 100th Battery of Listowel, under the command of Major M. R. Oliver. Despite the cold weather a fair crowd was on hand to watch the dis­ play. This is the first time the regi­ ment has held its inspection in Wing­ ham, previous inspections having been held in Listowel. After the inspection a social time was enjoyed by all ranks at the mories. LLOYD ELLACOTT NEW KINSMEN PRESIDENT Ar- p.m. Take Plays to Kincardine Two of the one-act plays which com­ peted in the one-act drama festival last month will be presented in Kin­ cardine on Friday night. The two plays, "The Bishop’s Candlesticks” and "Sunday Costs Five Pesos” will be presented to the Kincardine Drama Club, along with a play by the drama group from Hanover. The program is being sponsored by the Lake Huron Zone recreational council, in the interests of the Kin­ cardine group. Takes Position With Foundry Murray Rae, formerly of the Donald Rae Hardware, will be returning to Wingham in the hear future to take the position of bookkeeper with the Western Foundry Company Limited. His family will be taking up residence here as soon as accommodation is available. - For the past six months Mr. Rae has been working in Stratford as manager of the hardware department of Pounder Brothers Ltd. The Kinsmen Club of Wingham held election night last Friday, May 8. President Al Williams presided over the annual election meeting of the Kinsmen at the Queen’s Hotel. Next year’s slate of officers will be: Presi­dent, Lloyd Ellacott; 1st vice presi­ dent, Warren Callan; 2nd. vice presi­ dent, Jack Gorbutt; secretary, Charlie Perrott; treasurer, Jack Walker; regi­ strar, Nels Cunningham; directors, Jim McGleish, Jack Lloyd, John Cur­ rie. This executive will take over their duties next September. The spring dance coming up in the Wingham Armouries Wednesday, May 19, was discussed along with plans for the Carnival in June and the car raffle at that time. The meeting ad­journed to the bowling alley. LODGE MEMBERS VISIT GLAMMIS LODGE Thirty members of Majestic Rebek­ ah Lodge, No. 352, Wingham, visited the Glammis Rebekah Lodge last Wednesday evening, It was the official visit of District Deputy President Margaret Bennett of Wingham to that lodge. After the business part of the meeting, the ladies of Glammis lodge served a very delicious lunch which was much enjoyed by all. [minutes of the previous meeting.| Mrs. J. Carr was appointed assist- ! ant to the social committee convener, | Mrs. John Donaldson. Mrs. Gordon i MacKay and Mrs. Gordon Davidson I were named members of the program committee, headed by Mrs. Earl Ham­ ilton. Mrs. Thompson volunteered to work with Mrs. John Strong on the visiting committee. It was decided to serve lunch only on social evenings or when visiting speakers were present? The membership committee under Mrs. George Scott, was re-formed in order to call the Cub mothers on the day of each meeting. Speaker of the evening was Rev. D. J. MacRae, who spoke to the mo­ thers on the relationship between Scouting and Cubbing. Cubbing is the preparation for Scouting and pri­ marily a play program, based on the Jungle Books of Rudyard Kipling, the speaker said, adding that every boy who tries to be a good Scout will bfe a good citizen. Lunch was served at the conclusion of the meeting. HOSPITAL DAY TO BE OBSERVED TODAY Hospital Day will be observed quiet­ ly today at the Wingham General Hos­ pital. Visitors who are interested in. seeing the hospital will be shown through the wards by members of the Hospital Auxiliary during the regular visiting hours and will afterwards be served tea in the nurses’ residence. Although no great number of visi­ tors is expected for the day, the hos­ pital staff will nevertheless be fully occupied. Last week there were 91 patients in the hospital, a new high for the year 1954, including 16 new­ born babies. Mrs. Iris Morrey, hospi­ tal superintendent, reports that there were 84 patients in hospital at the beginning of this week. Among the visitors today will be 46 students from the Wingham District High School, who will be attending a clinic there.