HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-04-21, Page 2,W5 OF mtOXFTFF U ... n l..IMI,l..l.r,,,W,r.,.^- Mother Receives Orchid from Sailor Son in Now Honolulu. .■,,;.:n!l,!rib!-..J;i!lH-iri.■■■■,!i-.! 'Ji. . ................... Farm Forum Holds (‘Successful Meeting The Farm Fartos <pcm> jj ssred & fire nreventen togte at toe^' < wt g wito tefeteatte glased i» tfcs c-terto to teemsry -----fcs2. m Wednesday cf tori, toe 2fc and Mrs. Gtorige Paritov writo ever S25 .lte=u resroento yresenri retried ty ato ssaal a teatotfal fcasar' fiiMihi members ef fit. James’ $te Owe totafl fem totoratee tom-htoted to ter m Wto. wfe 'W-fe'toetotoy. .. ... pates®, Formosa, and to be to Hntento. Then cn|| MtoteX were m toge cf toe fire jlTtoday .taring .arri^d ba* toJ ____ _ siiha. > VffftorH 3-T.., Tcm csBed hfe metteriL .©e wa- —e—. m creates to toe ^e- « toto at M am, wto * ' 11^® GfcimT’ Mrs. GczsSsts, 3(fcCriitoecsn O= board e Oatereo, w&S took t-ti-Jei “.Alore.” Uta pare to &a cdAnfata tor like Qree= ||B«® W to® o--^- . a- swto ci boto « Brte- H ntWe# (few& on Ttaytqr EWW, Wrririh ssral Iwaq, when toe Steh had fimrfey M toe tocae terne Msfes ■cd toe program. te Iterite !! Mfesi Sfear ©pesed toe ed ter a terigfe trasto • .metoang wito tog ©to to wetep tod j, .read. ficriptere verses tea Itote, Mai- s to.ew ax-d 3to Ctorintoiaita. 1 Mrs. Gfed Edgar ©Sterad prayer tod (gave a, pap«r0 “Faito to the tostog Christe’ Mrs. RusteE! Adams, .presa- dtost,, foa.3, charge cf toe Business psr- ito. The parsonage ©ammdttee zepcri- ed the ©apb’totos teen ©zmpleteJ to toe parsnnaga. The to ccmm.i t-1 Mt. 5=3 Mis. BtoWie •&-'■!«■£& a-'.i stns, te i^torrite. ;«d Mis- Bttka iEw vpsnl Sririiday wrih 'Mr. and Mrs. Hester HsmBUm J .Frjmtes and Jtoa'y Dfeari atetawel,.! spent a few days w.to tote grate- ;pss®sto> Mb. ®md Mrb CScrdrn sudgar. ID'S. Geta Roferismi ate Mrs. Beriha Ptom .spato tSrindsy to toe same heme. " Sdh tod Mrs. G'£teg® Emwm Jton tee, 3&sw J. fidmng, Mrs. W- Strong,, .-^a ririted Mr. and Mrs. John .®s;rx^ ©f Brimnre cn Sunday, ■j Lfrile fiteSa Ireland, Teeswater, ■i_______________________________________ _r........ ............ Z We’re* .Just unp&efeed 'th® most .epmpfete :s®teefei>n of fishing ■tacfcfe yoioill find. anywtere in ten. .And we*d like you i® drop m Md fe<o& i.fc otw. Induded. in. th* IM is a fine array of fife ntewesf. gfess osf- fng rods and s-ptering rods to prices ifcai will sorjaise yswau There is al&o a good wlfeptfem of aeeBSSOriesS surife && .gaffs, plastic ptog •.cwntaEners., .tooks, limes .anud smfcffirs. In. ths jsptaiiB® reel -te'pssriimeinii. we have three- of toe s&fafi* neefe ywTve ever sten., .tadfete ing toe Tohnston -aptastog reel, up wxfil- utow atvaRsMe •snly m United States- A&» to©to.ted .in* toe seSeetomi fe «• few-patioed! Engfeh reeL wfc&to fe tops m yalte aiad.’ very .meideras® to price, ‘and .a. Swiss-made rtel whi.efc promises to1 be? very pophfer*. '■1 A.s tor ptobs and tat®s» we have a dandy sefeetom M toe fetes* offerings of fife fsmsos plug maters. The new ELsdatoa lETd- gif tares are- item, .alcmg •-with the Skfe&srtafE, Hedtef* ww~ eri mafia. ©titer fszEicra® mates- to to? telarias®. arte toe- Iffirotaas, Stouto Bend texts ■and Htoto ffesfeh—toe test: ’bail® money earn buy at lowest poaaSfofe prices. Also to fife ■toteefiioin: is toe now-famcras Ctoadfen, Wriggler. whato fest year was voted toe hottest p£ug to Mt fete jm&s. tasraBa, srf Hctei, Tasman- .Juried Cb-jr;:; rtMa ttar Bteiar Sa teHer Tcm was axe oi «kb- '^aei^S CT Weteesfey '<*««> w w» *»• fp--? rt..fa la TOssgfc.t alaagslde Cc&ic, ®CIuCD AF**0*^ tte& Jssawy. Tam to alsotat SMT to tote' tort ta tt.e wffl ®"® .»«■ F- w- SCT. a, azaav fttato fa the Mo rt fa toto -.■Saga are fcredy interested t= J. reaster atre !=atem are. _eorteaEy av!e: to be present, I tost he romem'tered F- ' M was a ! week-end gses: at his terne bare.. criw-uay wito an orearn. > ^.r _ ... ...d Ito. Lyfe .Be.fe,, who has sesned toe St. James” Guild listaff of toe Bark cf Otnnmgsc® -at Vem Clarite opened ter terne apex", toe Easier weeteesd; dzesday for the April meeitogjj55^2, ■£®s >ar=”ts. Wmeris GuSd, Sri Jamesfg ,'"1£r- Si^ s.a. church. Rev. pesgfes FuBer, li’Sffisan Jane, spent, toe opened toe meeting wto pray- uMr^and hfes. Ray H s, George Griffith read from. "■^cto. MaeDcrald. erwasd an article ca temrihty f Mrs. Johr efedense. Mrs. Ken pre-1 fanrily, _Tbrotoo speh toe msn.Eries and correspon- wste rnems. Plans were mad^1 to omit a 0 Mri. John rijpfer snd 'Miss Hteiel Ite new emps ate saneers spe"- ■Sunday wito friends to ranch were on dito’av also [ LlstoweL -five bread ate ! Jfe. Oliver Rftey ate dax^rier. Mrs. I* Histteas, Mrs. S. WMriteJd as- \ Ezsted by 'Pte .baste?!® jnefjesh-u metes end a stesaJI h3H-&te2.r wsss enjoyed. W. M. S. Tteuhrafiertog ,, ,Re% Wes^ Bstomrei, wfS. be toeJ ,guest .^peafeer alt fee WcsesriiS 2tSs- stenery Stetety Ester Ttes&x^eracg,; i®Ervfe?e ®a Simday, April SSto, a<t 23. < 'ertdeeto spent fast week with her grandmother, Mrs, Harry Ferguson. Mr. Jas. Walker, London, spent the Easter week-end with his parents, Mr. ate airs, Lome Walker. 3ilr. Stanley Simpson, Irene, June ar.d Beth, Miss Marjorie Maynard and Mr. Robt. Harrison Jr., all of Guelpk Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison and soW, of Biyth, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Fulton and Richard, of Harriston, were Eas­ ier guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison. Mrs. Hutton and son, Har­ old, of Wingham, called at the same home on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hobbs, of Freston, were Good Friday visitors. Treasure Your Pictures and a W2ihf| Mas.;’ and | --end The SUPER PAK ALBUM is FREE when you leave your films with us for developing and printing. Bfesites that; toere’s fete uf bait paife, easftog rwfe, tate- ddwn temteo petes, haolk®,. spoon teifca, -and all toe nfeter gadgets, ym need, to tafe® fish. Drop, in next time yffitfte down- town: and fete e-dlteefionl JACK ORVIS SPORTS and AUTO SUPPLY stand ready to helpIn. your time of need, we give your loved one a service to treasure m your memory forever. . 3L Walter jFuneral Pa trick St. W mgh am P h ones 10 6, .18 9 ome V£:/S OF CORRIE ! Deb ate on Education Held at EASTER WEEK SPECIAL for the Ladies! PLAIN PACK SUPER SILK WHISPER KERR’S DRUG STORE Exnert Printing &-DevelopingExpert Printing & Developing Commercial Inn Hotel Ceriel Van Damme, Proprietor A nice place to take your family and friends for a Sunday dinner. WE SPECIALIZE IN CLINTON SOUTHERN TRIED and T=BONE STEAK a full course meal for $1.25 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Always a varied menu. Meals $1.00 Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. I HOOVER ■’.Mrs. Dr. Haimilton, Brussel^, spent 2 ; few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ssoto. Mr. and Mrs. .Laurie Seo.lt and sons, of BSyto, spent Friday i at the .same terne. Mr. and Mrs... Jsck Broad, Paul, Col­ leen and Freddie^ also Mrs. Louise >i Broad, of Uxbridge, spent Sunday with j j .Mr. and Mrs. Fred .FelgeL [! Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. Brottee, Toronto,;! spent toe .Easter week-end with thej! latterte sister, Mrs. Lloyd Htekridge il and Mr. Hoekndge. h Misses Jean 'Lohr and Thelma Ben-! nett are ’risi.fi.ng friends to. Idstowel| this week. i| Mr. and Mrs. Lerpy Keter, Kitchen- er, visited on. Sunday at toe terne of J Mr. and Mrs. Rdbh Hays. Mrs. George .Arscot^ Toronto, spent h Easter with. and Mrs, Arctoe j&ni- h ler. I 2i£r. and Mrs. Ken Haste, Marie c and. Margie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira. 1! : McLean, Wroxeter, on Sunday. ;( 1 Miss Kathleen Catoers, Toronto, isy spending the Easter vacation, at .her) home. 1 J .Ronald McCtemen^ who underwent an appendectomy to Wtogham General. .Hospital last Tuesday, is making 34 good, recovers-. Airs. Robt. Patterson, Mount Forest, spent the Easter week-end with her mother, Mrs. Nash. Iillss Gladys Harper, TiUsonburg, Mr. and Mrs. .Alex Holtzshauer and Ricky, of Galt, visited on Sunday with | Miss Clara Harper. i Mr, and Airs. Russel Lane-and Dar-j Jene, Tiilsonburg, .Mr, and Mrs. Wrayr Purnell and family, Kitchener; Mr. ] Edward Steckley and Mr, Edgar Eby,! Trenton, spent the week-end with I VACUUM CLEANERS RE DUCED! OUR SALE CONTINUES TO MAY 1st I Hoover Triple-Action Cleaner For the kind of cleaning that saves the color , . , saves the nap . . . saves you work. GENTLE ATBP.ATION shakes loose the deep­ down, rug- destroying grit that; ordinary clean­ ers miss. Only Hoover BEATS AS IT SWEEPS AS .IT GLEANS. The happy re­ sult is longer Ufea fresher colors for your rugs.. Hoover motel. 6L8 features the “Handi- sae” for muss-free dirt; disposal. Comes com­ plete with set of cleaning tools in hany kit. Three models to choose from! SAVE $50.00 Regular $.147’J'0 YOUR PRICE IWomen’s Institute Meeting I An interesting feature of toe April .presiding for toe business announced 2meeting ©f the Gorrie W. 1. at toe?.the t-H dub Aehievemete Day would |h.ome of Mrs. WaiSaee Lunan, on. jpoe held in Ctenbrook, April 23rd. S&s. | Tuesday evermsg, was a. debate “Re- ijWHsca 2nd Mrs. Glenn Johnston, have |s-o3t£; That modern education ©ontri-i' I bates mere to the youth of to-day, Ithan that of 59 years ago”. The af­ firmative «as 'taken by .Mrs. Cedi Wilson and Mrs. Glenn Johnston; toe negative by Mrs. Allan Hyndman and. ■ Mrs. Glad. Edgar. Judges were Mrs. W. liL Pratt, Lfetowel, Mrs. W. X V- Buchanan and litre. Geo. Dan.a. The • judges decided in favor of the nega- | live side as they had more points. The a negative stressed, Jack of eoiamins- jtions, failure to teach the 3 “Rte’’, | spelling ar.d geography, cost of raod- Jera. education, lack of respect for solder people, and for lack of discipltoe I and a lack of responsibility in the pupils as being a result of the modern .system of edu.ca.tlon. The affirmative stated that modern, education aims to intake a .man, not a scholar 'and teach­ es the pupil to get something out of life. Music Is given a prominent place in the curriculum and there Is recog­ nition of toe child. Mrs. W. M, Pratt, iLastowel, followed with an informal |: Steen teeters for fete course “Being WeSS Dressed and WeU Groomed.” Mrs. G’enn Johnston, was winner in the Dutoh. auction. Mrs.. Gordon Edgar, Mrs. W- C. King .and the hos­ tess 'served refreshments. Senior Boom Grade VIU: Honours, .Larry Durst, j&farion Robinson; pass Gerald Down­ ey, Edytoe Walker. Grade 'YU: itary Bridge, John Brown. Reh-in Buchanan, Bruce Grainger, Karen. Michel, Ruth Ann Hheston, Douglas Whitfield. Grade VI: Honours, Faye Edgar, ]>Sandra Edgar, Itergie Has tie, Edith ■Scott; pass, Ruth Grainger, Wayne King, Tom. Templeman, Kay ,La$v- renoe, Gerald ‘Lawrence. Grade V: Honours, Joyce Ford; pass, Connie Abram, Donald Feet A. J. H. MacDonald, principal. Junior Room ■Grade IV: Honours, Alex Strong, Evelyn Anne Stephens, Donald. Whit­ field, Nadine Cooke, Linda Jane talk on’ weaknesses "to educational Dxur's't' Maureen Buchanan, Gwen systems in the past. She said toe trend.«pass, Bob Templeman. First Quality, 51 Gauge, 15 Denier Two attractive . THREE PAIRS for See Pardon’s for all your Lingerie and Undergarment Needs. P U R D O N* S LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAR 'X iim roe past,, ace sam tne treiui.j -----> ----------------Sis now to fit the. education to the I G'ra^e Honours, Joanne Strong, 1 Mr. and Airs. Elmer Downey. Mr. and ■ pupil, and pointed out the wide var- li^Tt Hain^on» Edgar, Carol - hety of' subjects from which a papH |'R^'ic^oa‘P8”1 Ke’1 ^.may choose on entering high school Gzfde M: Honours, Larry Simpson, ii.EG that his particular taient may be •;®^OCt£ Huestori, Bobby Grainger; pass, ■cTeveloped, jjW^5‘33® I^’i^rJce, ~ t| Sirs. John Baylor brought fine Ii ■ thoughts on the motto ’-Knowledge ;f ,'is golden, though the weight foe light'. I! ‘ The fear of the Lord is the bsgirm:r.g J fiOf knowledge. The more we stody, the i 5 more we learn. * J *■ The president;, Xffh Grid! Wilson, the Womatfs A^stehtite of the :-may choose on entering high school i| Wayne Lawrence. |j Jj Grade I: Honours, Kenny Farrish, ■ (Morris Abram, Gary Lawrence. Ruth 'M. MteDonald, teacher." UNITED CHURCH NEWS j Woman's Auxiliary ji Mrs, E, J. Farrish was the .hostess | G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Whigham $97.00 &I 11I SAVE Regular $136.00 YOUR PRICE SAVE $3100 ON WO.NO&fY MODEL .REG. I9&75 YO UR PRIGS $61.75 $46.50 Authorized Sales & Service BURKE ELECTRIC Whigham, Ont.Phone 474 Elcctriceil Contracting and Repair A Complete Electrical Service