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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-04-07, Page 11
Organization WOOL II mms of WN6 CANCER Ship Collect To Our Registered Warehouso No. WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Shippers may obtain sacks and twine without charge from 1 1 When cancer cf ths lung begins. its©!, Closely resembles a form cf psexn-l onia, called pneumonitis, that ito even the X-ray can shew the differ-1 ence. Now, an ingenians indirect 1 method of diagnosis is avtoacle. ^fEWS OF BELCRAFE F .......... J'. ...I-'^,. 'i1"-"-'"!". ...------- .■■"/!!',-"!-'^'!'.--'r * Knox Young People Sponsor Blake’s Church Y.P.U. Play ■| The Tcung People cf Krxx Taxed LCtetek were toe sponsors c£ a, playii ■ Victors-wSto Re”, .and Mrs. Chas. D, Czac C3» S-rsday were Mr and Mrs- x~T . T Frank Lcfeb, Mr. a=d Mrs. Bert Ixcb, danemg.enCded-. Lock Ctat far Lmrie geven & the Eoresterf Hto as Monday j33nrx aS of George and S 1 Gww Htddcnby, Holyrood Morley McAlIchael, R.R, 2, Wrox- etar Norman McDowell, Be) grove or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 317 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Terramycln, .a bread-range anti biotic, will attack almost, to cf tea germs capable of causing pnemcnix. Wiping out a true inf ectton. If a car-s presented By TP.U. cf Blake’s chnreis Mrs. IX Ctebte, of tyjsmipeg. cer is present, however, the axfibict-tto a large audtor.ee and was mttor Vy Wai io will not, affect it. Thus,, if the toil-! enjoyed.. I^Blyth, were- guests cfSfrs C culty does not clear up after a week! Between -acts- Miss Elaine Belt and; X of intensive antibiotic treatment, ic is £ Billy Genites garg muafeal nmrifeerxs w, ' T . probably an early cancer. Mr. Earl Andersen was: ctoimax [t^kited Mr. aasd. £3. Mur In Its first, trials, in a New 'xcrk| Trinity Goild Met 1 Dowell on Snnday. hospital, the method enabled Dr. EJ A-rri? meeting cf the Crasezshankand Edward Benzie? and his. co-workers tern. May Ann and- Egea, vfgj to detect four cancer cases in six pafc-U^ g» heme ef M*^- P.^d- Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wade cn 5 ients whose symptoms were otherwise ge. Thursday, April L The Mr. and Mrau James War; difficult to interpret. ' BresfdetoL Mrs. Wm. Brydges was in Bivto. risked with. Mrs Laars , eventog fm ftw ffesSr to be fcO ■ <j2fio®w fritm to- srats wwr ,beta gerfeags to we fess? as effeJot ftariS w perhaps to see liew i;«n efririeto anft ’tperatea-s or perbsps t.to absorb, scats cf 'the iafemafSw i':wh;:to lx Cfrrie €te I & A |tCadre, Lend.'.a X grring c®L Ox by ;t&e way, there are no noaritM i! rircTng their head# «rwt |i SeSfthStF.smKB.Q, fester;. Bkq4_ & luuf ffflreft. A-to last, xwtosday .gS3C<j skqoJ-d have been, so On Parade! orb scots of toe ^fe.rinaow lx Gurris toe I & A Lcr.d.-,tt X grring c®L Ox by 'ey WLzay *#* The hand pra-.':I.5ed und.---r Band **•4B THs, fa to for this week from yowr * * # ! This fa to for this week from yowr JOEg-wfcded: friend, but remem,her we 'are afcays?- here, so wfcy net drop tdtom to see abcut eritetosg in. toe 'kc2f "Elite’ Guards,* fSEg-wfcded friend, but remem,her we 1 are always, here, so why net drop- tdswn to see about eritetosg M toe ZceaS "Elite Guards,* I F ■ «b' *'■ -i?® aSw''*' Skto,,,r.. • 1 :'4®|j ’L'”’: #-■ * ac & rp rj| XES ■-F^-Wr Si^ZsEIl A MAGNIFICENT MOTION PICTURE FOR OUR TIME! T&e man chan^d ihn worfi/'-Forsyer/ « SAU JfcSSBS s MAO Hi® si»4 »r MS da R8C3EM0NT tacar: FIMT H8MMEJ mM, ElMUffl WT£S»A»H« W fK1ffll»1S53 LYCEUM THEATRE