HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-04-07, Page 11Organization WOOL II mms of WN6 CANCER Ship Collect To Our Registered Warehouso No. WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Shippers may obtain sacks and twine without charge from 1 1 When cancer cf ths lung begins. its©!, Closely resembles a form cf psexn-l onia, called pneumonitis, that ito even the X-ray can shew the differ-1 ence. Now, an ingenians indirect 1 method of diagnosis is avtoacle. ^fEWS OF BELCRAFE F .......... J'. ...I-'^,. 'i1"-"-'"!". ...------- .■■"/!!',-"!-'^'!'.--'r * Knox Young People Sponsor Blake’s Church Y.P.U. Play ■| The Tcung People cf Krxx Taxed LCtetek were toe sponsors c£ a, playii ■ Victors-wSto Re”, .and Mrs. Chas. D, Czac C3» S-rsday were Mr and Mrs- x~T . T Frank Lcfeb, Mr. a=d Mrs. Bert Ixcb, danemg.enCded-. Lock Ctat far Lmrie geven & the Eoresterf Hto as Monday j33nrx aS of George and S 1 Gww Htddcnby, Holyrood Morley McAlIchael, R.R, 2, Wrox- etar Norman McDowell, Be) grove or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 317 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Terramycln, .a bread-range anti­ biotic, will attack almost, to cf tea germs capable of causing pnemcnix. Wiping out a true inf ectton. If a car-s presented By TP.U. cf Blake’s chnreis Mrs. IX Ctebte, of tyjsmipeg. cer is present, however, the axfibict-tto a large audtor.ee and was mttor Vy Wai io will not, affect it. Thus,, if the toil-! enjoyed.. I^Blyth, were- guests cfSfrs C culty does not clear up after a week! Between -acts- Miss Elaine Belt and; X of intensive antibiotic treatment, ic is £ Billy Genites garg muafeal nmrifeerxs w, ' T . probably an early cancer. Mr. Earl Andersen was: ctoimax [t^kited Mr. aasd. £3. Mur In Its first, trials, in a New 'xcrk| Trinity Goild Met 1 Dowell on Snnday. hospital, the method enabled Dr. EJ A-rri? meeting cf the Crasezshankand Edward Benzie? and his. co-workers tern. May Ann and- Egea, vfgj to detect four cancer cases in six pafc-U^ g» heme ef M*^- P.^d- Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wade cn 5 ients whose symptoms were otherwise ge. Thursday, April L The Mr. and Mrau James War; difficult to interpret. ' BresfdetoL Mrs. Wm. Brydges was in Bivto. risked with. Mrs Laars , eventog fm ftw ffesSr to be fcO ■ <j2fio®w fritm to- srats wwr ,beta gerfeags to we fess? as effeJot ftariS w perhaps to see liew i;«n efririeto anft ’tperatea-s or perbsps t.to absorb, scats cf 'the iafemafSw i':wh;:to lx Cfrrie €te I & A |tCadre, Lend.'.a X grring c®L Ox by ;t&e way, there are no noaritM i! rircTng their head# «rwt |i SeSfthStF.smKB.Q, fester;. Bkq4_ & luuf ffflreft. A-to last, xwtosday .gS3C<j skqoJ-d have been, so On Parade! orb scots of toe ^fe.rinaow lx Gurris toe I & A Lcr.d.-,tt X grring c®L Ox by 'ey WLzay *#* The hand pra-.':I.5ed und.---r Band­ **•4B THs, fa to for this week from yowr * * # ! This fa to for this week from yowr JOEg-wfcded: friend, but remem,her we 'are afcays?- here, so wfcy net drop tdtom to see abcut eritetosg in. toe 'kc2f "Elite’ Guards,* fSEg-wfcded friend, but remem,her we 1 are always, here, so why net drop- tdswn to see about eritetosg M toe ZceaS "Elite Guards,* I F ■ «b' *'■ -i?® aSw''*' Skto,,,r.. • 1 :'4®|j ’L'”’: #-■ * ac & rp rj| XES ■-F^-Wr Si^ZsEIl A MAGNIFICENT MOTION PICTURE FOR OUR TIME! T&e man chan^d ihn worfi/'-Forsyer/ « SAU JfcSSBS s MAO Hi® si»4 »r MS da R8C3EM0NT tacar: FIMT H8MMEJ mM, ElMUffl WT£S»A»H« W fK1ffll»1S53 LYCEUM THEATRE