HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-04-07, Page 5WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys, of Kirkton, Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Mills, of St, Marys, Mrs. Fred Mills, David and Douglas of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Carl Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman, of Bluevale, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell. Mrs. Will Kelly, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Cox visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ est .Patterson, of Goderjch. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak and family, of Crewe, Mis? Violet Cook of Gode- rich, Mr. A. E. Cook, of Blyfch, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Fred Cook. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Wightman visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mr& Thos, Wilson, of Carlow. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell and Graeme, Mrs, J. L, McDowell and Gordon, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Taylor, On Tuesday the ladies of the W.M.S. met in the Church schpol room and completed four quilts, and later in the week a bale of thirteen quilts and clothing was sent to Toronto and a bale of 11 lb. was, sent direct to Korea, Mrs. J. Buchanan and Mrs. Fred Cook visited on Thursday with Mrs. John Scott, of the 6th concession of East Wawanosh. NEWS OF FORDWICH FREE NYLONS 2 PAIRS OF SPRING SUIT purchased at SuperSilk Whisper NYLONS 51 Gauge, 15 Denier with each PURDON’S before Easter ONF1 PAIR NYLONS with each Spring Coat SEE PURDON’S WONDERFUL SELECTION OF'SPRING HATS Children’s, Misses’ & Ladies’ .... from $2.25 - $8.95 FINE SELECTION OF BLOUSES, GLOVES, HANDBAGS, ACCESSORIES and HOSIERY for your SPRING ENSEMBLE / I PURDON’S 1 LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAR=| “Those who know quality and buy it, | never regret it" T I ■ ■ ■ ■ Robert Hibberd Elected at Huron County RBP Annual Guests over the week-end with Mrs Earl Ridley were Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and Karen, of Orangeville, Mr. ■ and Mrs.. George Bolander anti Mr- 1 Keith Ridley, of London. Mrs. William Boehler, who fractur- ! ed her hip in a fall in her home last Monday, underwent an operation on Tuesday morning in Listowel Hospi­ tal to have a silver pjate and pin put in. She will be confined to hospital for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Schaefer visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Trethewey in Stratford. Mas­ ter Paul returned home with them after spending a few days with his grandparents. ■ . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zubrigg and Mr. Robert Hibberd visited on Tues­ day’with Mrs. Hibberd, who is a pa­ tient in the Kitchener-Waterloo Hos­ pital. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Armstrong and Miss Margaret, who moved into the village on Thursday from their farm on the 6th Conces­ sion, which they recently sold to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Newell, of Agincourt. They took possession April 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Angst spent Friday in Kitchener and attended the Ice-Cycles ‘in the evening. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson were Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Gibson and family of Flint, Michigan. Mr. Peter Browne and family spent Thursday in Toronto. Mrs. Browne re­ turned home with them after having spent a few days in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allen and Margaret and Mrs. Roy Simmons at­ tended the ice follies in Kitchener on Saturday. The weekly progressive euchre par­ ty was held Tuesday evening in the Community Hall. Thirteen tables were in play, the winners being, high lady, Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery, Belgrave; low lady, Phyllis Wilson; high gentle­ man, Harold Doig; low gentleman, Richard Aldrich. Mrs. Robert Montgomery and Keith, of Wingham, visited one day last week with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Anson Ruttan. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Galbraith and Mrs. Emma Williamson were guests on Saturday in Wroxeter at the Gal- braith-Doig wedding. Congratulations to Mrs. Mary Denny on winning $55.00 from the Palmer­ ston theatre. Her March program held the lucky number., 1 Visitors over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allen were Mr. and Mrs, Bob Holland aijd , Teddy, Miss Jean Allen of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hibbert and little daugh­ ter, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Campbell, of Molesworth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell. Mr. Stan Bride suffered a pain­ ful injury when in some manner he ran a fork into his foot. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hudson and Mar­ ion, accompanied by the latter’s par­ ents, spent the week-end at Niagara Falls where they attended the funeral of a relative. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McDowell, Gary and Dorothy and Miss May Johnson, of Galt, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Armstrong. Mas­ ter Gary remained for a longer visit. Mr. Henry Campbell visited Sun- The annual meeting of the Huron County R. B, P. was held in Rlyth on Friday with a good attendance. A delegation was present from Port Huron, Mich., to invite the bounty to celebrate Derry Day in Port Huron on August 7th, The election of officers was conducted by P.C.M. Hunking. Officers for the coming year are W,C, P., Robt, Hibberd, Fordwich; D.C.P., A, Rceves^Clinton; Chap., Chas, Stew­ art, Clinton; Reg. W. P. Campbell, Fordwich; Treas., C. Falconer, Bly th; lectures, G, Cornish, T. Deeves, Clin­ ton; censors, L. Hearne Woodham, H. Watkins, Clinton; standard bearers, J. Lyons, Blyth; Purs., J. Turner, Clinton, The officers were installed by E. Allan, of Port Huron. It was decided that the county would celebrate. Plans Spring Tea Tlie regular monthly meeting of the W. A. of the United Church was held in the church parlours with the presi­ dent, Mrs. Geo-.. Richards in charge. The meeting opened with a hymn. Mrs. W. E. Hainstock read the Scrip­ ture and lesson thoughts were given by the president also a reading, “Mind Your P’s. and Q's.” Roll call was ans­ wered by 18 members and one visitor. Plans were made for the spring tea and bake sale in May. An invitation was read from the Palmerston W.A. of the United Church to attend a cooking school in May. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. The rest of the afternoon was spent quilting for relief work. Lunch was served by Mrs. John Win­ ters, Mrs. Albert Johnston and-. Mrs. Wm. Campbell. day with Mr, and Mrs. George Trews- dale, in Stratford. Mr. Jack Hoffman and Bob visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ sel Greene at Shakespeare. Mr, Wm. Hoffman returned home with them and will spend some time here, Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitt spent two days last week at London wh -:e Mr. Devitt attended the Supertest meeting. Little Carole Pollock, of Ripley, is spending some time at the home cf her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Pollock, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Gibson and fam­ ily, of Flint Michigan, visited cn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wally Gib­ son. Mrs. William Marriner, Ricky and Wayne, visited friends in Toronto for a few days last week. Mrs. Nellie Gamble visited last week with her sister, Mrs, S. McNaughton. WROXETER Personals Mrs. Mary Denny was a guest of the Kitchener Record on Saturday, when along with 15 other correspon­ dents from various towns in this dis- dict, they were taken to dinner and attended the Ice-Cycles. Mr. D. A. McDonald, of Lucknow, is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Forde. He enjoyed a plane trip on his 82nd birthday, from Detroit to Cleve­ land. u Old "at 40,50,60? Be Wise! Revitalize MEN! You’re crazy if you let age get you ■VI down when only 40, 50 or 60. There’s such a quick, easy way to get new pep and energy, 'Try Ostrex Tonio Tablets today. For Weakness, loss of energy, pepless, tired-out, • rundown feeling due to Jack of iron; condi­ tions you may, call “getting old”. Revitalizes, energizes, invigorates, stimulates/Helps"both sexes feel years younger, “Get-acquainted” Size only 60^. At all druggists. Returns from South Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Wylie who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wil­ son, Wingham, on a trip to Florida returned home on Saturday night. They report, a wonderful holiday and while in the south met others from this district in friendly get-togethers. Among the places of interest visited were Daytona, Miami, Key West, Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers and St. Petersburg. Out of town guests were present at the Galbraith - Doig wedding on Sat­ urday from the following places, Chatham, Harriston, Mildmay, Palm­ erston, Drayton, Wingham, Listowel, Toronto. Lyle Reidt of the local Bank of Commerce Staff, has been transferred to Stratford. Lyle spent the week-end with This parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ vey Reidt. A progressive euchre party was held on Friday night in the Masonic club rooms, when seven tables were in the play. The committee in charge of ar­ rangements was Mrs. W. T. MacLean, Mrs. Charles Cathers and Mrs. Frank Earls. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton and son, Jack, of Chatham, spent the week-end with Mrs. Reg Newton and attended the Galbraith - Doig wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munro and Winnifred visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibson at Han­ over. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton was a Kit­ chener visitor on Saturday and at­ tended the Ice-Cycles at the arena. Mr. and Mrs. William Wright were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny, of Preston, and with the Denny family took in the Ice-Cycles at Kitchener. Mrs. I. J. Gamble, Fordwich, last week with her sister, Mrs. MacNaughton.. Mr. Bill Hart of the Bank of mercc staff, Barrie, spent the week­ end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart. Messrs. Ken and George Gibson from Hamilton, were recent visitors with friends in the village. The Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church, will hold their April meeting on Friday of this week, at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton., The president and Mrs. Harvey Timm will arrange the meet­ ing and plans will be completed for the Easter thankoffering meeting to be held on the evening of April 28th, in the church schoolroom. spent D. S. Com- The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, April 7th, 1954 Telehue—King Pn Wednesday evening, March 24th, at 7 o’clock, at a candle-light service in St. Stephen's Church, Gorrie, Mar­ ion Eleanor King, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Frank King, Gorrie, and Graham G. Telehue, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Telehue, Toronto, were united in marriage by the rector, the Rev, D. H, T. Fuller. Lovely spring flowers were in the -church, The bride wore a blue gray suit of pic and pie, with corsage of red ros­ es and fern and navy accessories. Miss Ruby Taylor, Gorrie, was the maid of honor, wearing a blue gray suit of pic and pic with navy and white accessories and corsage of yel­ low mums with fern. Mr. Robert Hastie, Gorrie, was best man. There was quiet music all through the ceremony, with the bride’s mo­ ther, Mrs. Ernest King, at the organ. "O Perfect Love” was played during the signing of the register. A reception Was held on Saturday evening, March 27th, at the bride’s home when a fowl dinner was serv­ ed to friends and relatives. Assist­ ing at the table were Mrs. Harry King, Mrs. W. C. King and Mrs. Earle King. For the reception the bride’s mo­ ther wore purple crepe with a corsage of pink roses, and the bridegroom’s mother beige crepe with corsage of roses and forget-me-nots. The groom’s gift to the best man was a pair of military brushes and to the maid of honor a string of pearls. Following a honeymoon in Toronto and Peterborough Mr. and Mrs. Tele­ hue will reside on the groom’s farm concession 10, Howick, FIRST BOAT BUILT IN 28 YEARS FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Holmes Listowel 1 i I J Invitation by W. I. r WCREASE VOUR SAWA/G? W/7H THE5E Buys* Cash Savings of 8 20 to 14 so oh M0B-P0WEB BITT 39 Plates HASELGROVE’S Capt. Wesley MacMillan launched his new all-steel boat the Marymae in Bayfield last week. It was the first fishing boat built there since 1926. The boat is 50 feet long and was started last August. All the work has been done by local men in their spare time. SEE THE GRADS WRIST WATCH Dependable Electric SERVICE Complete Electrical Alteration Service alterations are re- Rewiring your electrical equipment an important part of your modeling plans, so be sure of the best - - call us 2 We are licensed electrical contractors and guarantee every job. Call for free estimate. 0 - 0 - u Burke Electric To protect your bonds, insurance policies, documents, im­ portant papers and jewellery items against fire and theft. The cost is less than 2^ a day at The Dominion Bank. Only you may ..open. your safety deposit box and you can examine its contents in complete privacy any time during banking hours. For advice and assistance on either business or personal financial matters, consult the manager of «your nearby Dominion Bank branch. A friendly welcome awaits you. ir^OMINION 1 BANK a 83 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CANADIAN PEOPLE SAVE $9.00 Reg"la,;95List 80-90 AMPERE CAPACITY 18 Months to Pay your battery old battery NOTE—Add 50c to above prices for delivery or installation. SAVE $12.00 Be&L,s’ 120 AMPERE CAPACITY ELECTRIC FENCERS.. FENCER BATTERIES JUST RECEIVED FISHING BASEBALL Guarantee 3-Year Guarantee SAVE $14.50'"S;BLi!,1 5.75 152 AMPERE CAPACITY | NEW SUPPLIES TACKLE SUPPLIES BEST PRICES The generous MOR- POWER GUARANTEE protects tho cor owner for 18 months, 2 years, or 3 years (depending on the typo of battery purchased). You ore also protected against acci­ dental damage including fire, frost, accidant, breakage, etc. Replace­ ment or monoy back — at your option. You pay only for the service ren­ dered. . $12.95 I . . $3.70 SIMILAR WORTHWHILE SAVINGS FOR EVERY CAR AND Agnes McPhail, first woman Legis­ lature member will be the topic for the April meeting of Wroxeter Wo­ men’s Institute when they meet on Wednesday of this week, April 7th at 2.30 o’clock in the Masonic club rooms. The new officers will be installed. At this first meeting of the new Institute year a cordial invitation is extended to women in the district who are in­ terested especially all new comers. Rev. E. W. Todd, minister of Wrox­ eter United church will be the speaker on Church of the Air over CKNX on Wednesday morning. Harrison Latronico A pretty wedding was solemnized at the United Church parsonage, in Bluevalc, on Saturday, March 27, at 3 p.m., when Laura Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Latronico, of Mol- csworth, became the bride of William Wesley Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison, of Gorrie. Rev, R. A. Brook officiated. The bride wore a navy suit with pink accessories and carried pink roses. Doreen Latronico, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and James Har­ rison, brother of the groom, was the best man. A reception for 30 guests was held at the bride’s home, after the wed­ ding. The bride’s mother received in navy blue nylon with corsage of red roses, assisted by the groom’s mother, wearing navy blue. The bride’s table was decorated with pink and white Streamers, white bells and red and pink roses. The couple will reside in Wroxeter and have the best Wishes of a host of friends. . OPEN ICE PLANT IN AYR More than 1,000 Ayr district resi- derits attended the opening of the arti­ ficial ice plant there last week. Fifteen lucky prizes were won, and Ah old boys’ burling game highlighted the program. A hockey game between teams from j Waterloo and Kitchener, and a dance: ended tho evening. ! £>a.?h. co Built for Rugged Wear & those Suffering with Foot Trouble THE FAMOUS WINGHAM | UHiiHiininHiMiuHOiriii Now worn by Thousands'of Railwaymen, Farmers, Postmen, Policemen, Firemen, Garagemen, Fcctory Workers, etc. The additional support and correct balance built into this famous boot lakes the foot strain out of a day’s work for the man who really uses his feet in heavy types of work. widths. Sizess Narrow Medium Wide For proper fit the SERVICE«-BOOT Is made in Narrow, Medium and Wide 6-12 6-12 7-12 g PHONE 23 "iniMHHiiniiiiiiMiii