HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-04-07, Page 2<W tNw w XXWM» A,cWw-’Ww TOWfcsW, V«3W- ^5®si5m ^nS X. «gj<^s»«WS«SSireTiSK:5.'’K"'n'« sr1!”':; vL ii.? i XEM^S Of aypo’.o ■vX'.'s, wx «x x>-^Yii£ia» *a5*‘"wt~; 5 xc; jSri'yy^V SX’Tlh SsS-.Y"'- tMO Au^- ^T»y M/Yx K&yra MlcJh- ,<X "WiX axS Wpt ifelgay C<nT ^;T‘ »^y V-^s «W *-x ; Mj’smY *VfciW’ ^.TtLS.'s. B®* a &axn' K^xy'. X^y&cu &XXJ as- ‘ $€$iyj5Sft fey sbo c^y.b^ ; Wa A Tfeaos h> ;: fea? ar.i a kxyxfe . . 5ssyxi BYM'iJi PxsbyfeyiSiT is fe fer safe-® »bo&£ 5a$ $^feyxh V.jssj SW'h <£ f , Oss**1 r«vss as ^>«'!yxay a $>;tw; «£&’•* "fe i «u to to w SB® 5-T&- ,aSi.;yxhAY Aitdjms, u Ww-*- w.m 4 4k;% m Chi isst «._ Vcsym s.hi .hi'? * ®'T 'W sIs oMsss JSAiSs :===^^ fo V* l ..iifite: -Jp*** M: 5am toum? ’SUawi Ms'tWi K** S®^©3SF^ W.^ «sa Nw t£? JK& to- hr-- wh. to? *£X-« to tofe «■ - 3 - J MtMK. iww SaiKL skl' .af Ifa? fstmi.. W »»£. Xtfil JBEXS& % « ?ww £.®£as5t 4X?ai® ^teOT®? ”1}fc ;^W ■89 th. Birthday on Saturday . •»»«** W&. VsW VVe-\:T,v. AY’obr^XxT te? W5 b' -;\'V Ktir vX’’ v» 'V. $ »te^ «sy Kvxc' ^HUg’bfe? Va ■v^sx VoEW? M'.'^ s^'xa*. s-'ss'V •:$ ^Y’x* $fc%Ni abb.Vkh*'. *«*v C?o n'i&fey- ?Os? X> bxrsix **■>*' hT? WTS W>- r.:T*<b§- iTMihsv •?«•'*' ’SV* a*'^ ^4* ibh X'SVxs bw' AV.\^S*V» S&i' h.\X*A\X5 e?w <x-?^xvv sX ^xv'i %"sx^ iiuxy.ai s^xTs fe’Ts. sS&^rsV- fefe> tw y<U <W?C!S few. a ,>>'.>. S&'VS’Ujs^ feofe^OsS Vfe tk $ vEy^®> t’^xxt W V-ys. Vox,*^ x^xwsfei5 <«xi \h sfe'?7-M^y uVxbA^ 5?? ^-v Vfe fe?ahw. W^v ^?y> yAx WwOww sx^ W. V4js$t ■ ©x $*> .Ys? '«* AV\V to VfeS- T'k?"> SXYMs ’ssXW Xs xV^*»Y WV^XftiY W>xx>YX ©>"'''" <>? WJyj? *M&*.- -®>K^y*:4 V B>* ’feM’^A'V’ '^•i^' ^XVsS> ••^A'YYfe’?’:- .>M5< C~V*' fe^sT . ■^’^-S^^^''' r^K’ *fTWS' fetotorto Wttfe W At%fe nstosTng ©: fed O®'”?:: WtoW-’fe- SnsO^ife toili bf h®&x fe? Ktoto to Xfes WSkV *>K^l.v to WXi wttok Ws* M- Stss^sy wnto h.A BWHK 1X> W 'WKG w Mcsmt ■i Vm*e xhir-s .”vYy;hx<g wm^ snsmssh sai&g v,ferfe.g s .ohsm- bm c b stce cates cJthv W^hasa lyass MwSggSs. -fiffl xxo ispafev-.' tss axist® wbfeb mtght xys:;:': s» sffig&t fifcsasdais to a ;jfs< 0>? shfc iho -.s- tbss fewsu Wtem v’feT.ir^ tM-es Jmexm^s a tobfe «me ]>«? *«*c< fe'Yzs a&X fexm'Yx iisJYo&. Xite? &*;?r.5mg fe-KR fe?5s .seS 'gafet>x>4§' ^a<A .’> hfc sx Afeissxi trsuSsy gsfejoa ^Lejjmrx tasks; Tfee feeds c -x in sammsty ©yater, Wt tho “Octets aKK> .saambey stagy, fcids bRTO- -©njrjueia M Scjast th*®* ^sSk-ss during 'tibs past ivo & tT.rnkf.Y xxzstx. sxxfens ynmbsTS' sxe yyyfe; Assy c^hst fe'it’tei? Ssst femsV ?Tg agmjwy bmifo, s®£ wasferSR® whsc to do StosS?* ®£f- -..T.? Wito?1 fetfo 'Sfeie snafeEXs. s&& SY'Cicd.. tet tosy «5s© Ese? k> m-;&x-2fekingT 'SSstg? wdght v/ei? -es’ign tossss^iv^s to issg ss to® ttofig«5s jfcy -ss toss? hs,w toxax itosy 3togto wi fey to® Sdstotosai soTsnSGr ©f toato sans, Tes,. h's & jm&Sem'! ■sssxt «®& Tfety mste* &. .g^ift ®tn® ©£ toe • to tosb Bfistotos to ifeey toem wsxns ’wten toey'-e | ’, U&sasgSi^j ©to to: TrsAX ' -fez to® ton'd-i: aid® ■&? to® stysson ©t to MtoJto toe Jfens 3®6^sss • be Txill to toe "‘rtonife;® £Xto~iWto to jatolfo sot?»ktog -gstoefi ^5* to® ^©sssjgs'icTS As -s. toattor to' ^to- toSBs® to Jtoto sto 'totomtog to atoaan'^^k®d it to® &to, toto ttosfee tfentong’ to ib&r^tog oto feeYr toitegsLx sasd tototog to® to to® feeY-feadtog totttox =, . » MH $KSiesy rawsi5c$: wr^' wn> Mrs, asrjr^. iJhJ- Vh'Ti^S J*** 3^ iSbe & a»»X ->* $&$” *’fc . «®8 SM’ Awafecy ‘> -%-®Tx xa’s.tefe wsr W „K‘ V Bs^Wb fcat* r. $^w: ‘>t Ws».^ « sm -MyX XeSfeT TOtev ; ’XTts F O V^vYx- os TFSht&S’' «XW sX^*%vih iXcx^sts ^Xa’st?5^«. 'wJ:> Sho sSsksjSk? WK»S«fe «m’S J&o w<yY~ W«M Ws^s. ’ tfh? vs-TY -o tv^oY-. x %-on Wo*- Vfes^^V" «s$ ^■*«i??;'*'sSs*x% ^'■sss hs^£ YX^X^s W*s '&sx sVYoM*. ’SXtfrs txS& $feW# SiS'fi V&j’sy XTsxY' ^isSs?’ *« '$^rox '§?>«'? X ^s^KSf* XTy&- ©mi stesgut? ■V * camdies A dencso-’Js array EASTER filled E G with buttercream of G S g© 0-413 £31 sec EASTER WW you care enough to send the very best, choose greeting card by MCOUTTS^ 5c 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c £ >» . ’r* ,>T, ’•w z'^0£0: V^XET^N feCN^S X’"* *.*Su- X’T'S. XTxs. V^x rss;&^ V“ £?k V, >■ S"!' 'Ttj^SLs ^sLhfeXr Arc rsr» ATM •»? w^Kr4& V' .'Syyr X*y$. 5?.r»h?"^ 4^sS5®3Sk ’.- ^mxsSsr «&4 XT* .«n; XT's. Vi’s-* Vs>.*’’*h*’ <Sx" 'HsiTfJV Mi sx, V*5> ■SW'Kt TFJis; m s-: .ssjns’Krx dm TSZKsr ■xe- 54-:‘X-m 4XU. MW2S!£ 23 JiSSimi- ma?HS femx xm 'xsrmnnKiy . xwirn to Xtontotoo mnsssm xm Ttoffiamm femor- SJsmHSfx T* <*y»5 VYs, "J*hs» hr* $V*«.Syi?«St j*u XT-$. Y.-to?s TBSfe?- rthhfcV., 'hr.’;’«>: -tMvhr.^.’ f—.'>t;. V?KS«ifc. X~-s. “'.bx .w?*»s '.hfcr T^yx'hsm tr 'b$T boxm.’ V<xo stn’^u.'i^ Yhr 'sx*hCf'* Yt Vs-mitr -SYK iV^Yw Vijmife. YY-nitaf-s^l&.tirfe< ?r Xb xm; Vos. V-mfis*- -55fcV-i.Y.!t- "»«; VnYTr. Vr«ix . ‘i-^j.isii^Y !wfc w—, tmvTjm. m A«- V;m? b tKr ^hJSSJitJS XTK&.BY ■ Vr.x^». Yihb’? 5>’W” '.■arm Y- ^jT.hmr’ m: Xi $*?j*»?^ifiix, ’ ■*-,£,w?»mx ^ubhKnt-y ^jctyy*: m-'-hj-rj u*?-; 'W5i± xr 4-s^hLry: x- Y.w: *1y? ’ XT'-i. TA*' S’’. >??*> atah&J' 1 r;sv X' • spfwsrc SUmSiT * ’’ -K^--wwr; oh. *???*»»y*s mrititt?. •-• W‘X 5W1» -A::xYii?? i w» UTaT^ <-& XLx^u. Oswsu. Bxm- *; ta, m fe^yaas*? ATtfi T®», v* Sib -sjju Wl Vwti 5* Ww. Vritefe’ JtSfebv i»»4Jtf> ’fe: 5»xm ■yj.jr m -'3S3S& li^rn’i r-isimo. site .uhfrs titiW wk SJa? ‘ihiJn?- fe; T^tilSS. irfum- Wt smyli. -rttlw. Wi ■AixCtt-'- S«it- r.i^a TM tmmxim. ^jSStouhMi. Osmcx Slit am»i jtote A-UC^* S: .hiixb xismr x*-- rsasgr.- x- jMx SB ’SiUsir feas. sSh SiM.-s ihg*t sttttjh . 4inmar swem. -iXi .mm xy>»h Tmimx* ?$j: iwr s«sB«s> JtaM- •SnsmiU 5 Jhici. omix .xwfflKgrj tn> «l Sftssm I^..t Slur ~ 7wkx .Jjftha jsk. 'YVj SS&. SSiA Mr Wto 3tsmfe ..-2®£ S.JA JS<. -iWx Wi s& M' Jam stmat x»x *&i -Sar. WMK .Affirm. -X: J®.? - .Jate .’'■“uicUJmnL Si. Wi *XTJ®sl *S to CT»«u ■<; iwn fbmu. '« .^.Sttw., .St .Z£ thr WfiWa Jisi&T* ^oiasa^t s .xmn -CTY ^nh-x®' Ch? si. fc -w^2*03SJ Jw*u- Ctafe'wxo .aix :te? W2t’-'i? Cte *il! W asffliiii rJl ;w- •«*>*». .Afe xiixk&^j ras«ob wi L11.X?’. Urumm »» ffai x&': ^rxs. -»1 ’WiW-ffiW .X-Wt:. i » a- sfe i' § s ■f 'S # •'fe < i o § •s f 1 * 1 1 f w S to ■ few feOmt fe‘ S Wiu' Vfc: toMrVhs^m to tosr-- «&• JMttn: ’JR? th: mNB. S toto Wl x> fesdErum W ■ S3&? 4. ■JCtWjJ’Oii -v4ii tob JSJtuj || h£*X jM®Ki f fete && W&h Bw£ fes? fe&&? febsM feM ^$wws& TTwshsa fess iHfcwws, Wbs$£ fear Sum. M>; Y — .— Alt®fl¥SWSL .iAm ’Sfe. W&, Sht ' W- <Y ih: jy .amir Ukl. tfc t . spnmi. m. 4 witeu jy ■itv m??? wrMSMJsm 5^« .Oi fe -iivu te A.fc. xfasuas vxUy Tiffin JSii, 3m WM ;-Jh?au-‘ Wi ■:’■{ ^vi’Ai3*4*<Y t<U3. Si _. . PS FOR THE VHOLE FAMILY *■*■«• lb.' jZL WONDERFIX STORE 2 h^rvfe^y frow Baby to Dad gets hznd= owe styles and top value,, Wiuaasss fem SW$ ix fiats M&ftsr ^bciss mM: to^fes SM to SU J5 SaM? -fedmms fe? 'to® SfefflK .3SS5S- ®3trl« SOS aodl $5 JI5 Mans OxtovrU BtoAwmSy MMWl *wm $05