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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-03-31, Page 2
We Sell the Seeds That G-R-O-W I Nh, 1 ... , .. psr tes. 1 Red: Ow&t , . per I MsB» , . - 'per bus. $I5M Xfe. 1 Tha&tby ., , per bcsu $ M® N-&. 1 YeBow Blosascmx per bus. $ O® <All the aBwft sse& m I bus. b&§s3 N<\ 1 M&mrooth. Me4 pet Bus. C&axx; Txra&thy 34 per bsss. $2ZM L5SJ4S: xCbsrystv^th Orobwa Gross per S&. Ste m ibs. W3B Lat^ Teroa Pasted l&xtnsre X< lbs. per B&g tbr wss . Lc*w iBwcS Pasture MBturo X® lbs„ per acre, per b&§ No. I CerL Cacfoo Uow per IB $5c 1® IBs. ........... W® No. 1 Wfee ffetch Ower per SB. ®5c mu,. w® Nek 1 Keabudcy Blue 'Gross, IB SIS® No. 1 Mfesttor Fescue *... per -Ik ®s »lk $M N sat. 1 Ordhar^ Gross ,,.,, per IB 35c W® IU ,.....-. $BX5® No. I Bruoroe Gross ....... per IB 23c WBIU . ....... »» No., 1 Red Top per IB ?O® No.. I CaoeBe Blue Gross per IB SO® No. I Reeds- CiasArv Gross per IB 55c No. 1 Bbtej&l TroBS = per IB €Sc i X TO SO W Sato to Srws KiVU OF STJEft* X&s. gw bsres iter As* .Ctok'ji b^totesst *X‘ fit A-hdih. -SniSto sr XX' ’«X*: Ssrfet Swing'4S to- - jf S&Tii«E WtotoT t? - M 'Sk*hKfbn: TTto-jto,? 'S'tt.-Jtokrs. te tora®‘T** ShMggtoss?. tte i^sstoto ’^1 £1 "to S? SSwtoigteSS-ST St^kwte&t K.'W to- ,sr -Ates’S. AMtee sr .? to* d sZtfcwr. Aisifcwto totottee .. !$S?i & -to- . ZWiW T^Ster <. t6 to ^Sieawr Tted ST £ - '3£ xted ’-to .mtottoST'Si ■fc - S- -ClKvi-to' SwAst si Ito - Si- SSteto ’i'H-sJte ■$&£- to d PrStoso MwSm t?4 'tos ®” ijtosS® totoed •-si'JU? ■ MBrst SnnpsATiKx to>r xsfiy "4$- MHM ifetsr Seed 3lF MHM 3^®ataSr 3d 3? to ST Orxtert, -Sttsss- toe Sk?5: to ;2S Otosato. Stoss tosr Seed 3-*a M' to 3-fe .tosstom Mttona -ST' * S’" ...............•* to $ Fto * to $ tohefi tosnres? -torsss “&s ar to as Si;c®grtoss-&<i.sf to ?s SwrghKm 'St ar to 3r SndShjx'RSS •AJ a? ' toitoto-ls? -. •<?■ to to.v.taffh? ted Ife&aks Mtottos-> 'to -3J Sgjsmact., >7wsS*fsr ft; Stefi <-rr UK Tiratr to Ah Sriwg saan 22f. JW $rmrg tec ~*5X- MsaiBh A?'»- •£5,5£kr Aegxto to < W,Kd Ste.ng ted i ?.■>!. ®T Sgw-xg ted 5.S3DW Skmng ted *t?& DST Sowing te.fi SOS? OteC SteT^ STdW ‘Stety Sph •5S& ,m.‘ . Stejy fijwix 5C3.SKT' fitoto 42r-£ JTL.SW Swiy Sgixh SsS-jStSr, Snw Psi PsX • i^tek to $« j&ndtej SUt*y Nhbfe ss ; i1 ■. AWS Of CiSRRIE iHonor Mr. and Mrs. H. Farr ’ *> Before Departure to Durham ! Iter, ®n& Mhs HsrtalS 3^ot, whn -ha'W CijXixsSsS th; SA sr^se suaxitsn,, .tenth, awuntor «£»£■ here, wxsne i hanotoig M a ^exhirnxg to the XO5* ;^teu toi Fnte?.' T.;s-tx when toienhs XiinghMes TerstotoS toexc. wuth | =gTits. Mrs. X. h? “ \¥hitky w&3 sn .ah- ‘ htoss smS Mhs Hu-”-? 'T®nspl<ansm jsre- ;s»»3K®3 them wdto s KexwoaS! S2jS Mrs, .?'hto ^ ‘.’h s sw'sstto. 3ter.4'._,^,. „ Shith’ Ir^ t M»»’Vt»'»>s........ ;sn£ Mss. 3EW Assm^ th^y .'ZT ' t pTesmxinn. :2Sie •ertorng wsh tod S.'to, ®nn Mrs, X Stenrutom -st ijOsjto,g^ehtor 5to K- Sitemsan smS iWMktotoh wsitoS Mrs, S'. Tsyter ■ Ato^to ■’hsrtog teghtsx i®® &mhs^’. scares. Iter, •jtti Mrs Stof wdll hej 3ter, xr>5 Iters. S2C Ashmr. to Srxcmj?- ■jSnrTtotg to Zftuytetu 'srsitsfi with Uter. Iters. IRerry i »,»,«**.;«. f a ‘Ashton ton Stetor-hay, Iter, tonu Mrs.Aneajet 3^.^. Crx^s Ac^wty isanxihr, Wtoehtoc,. ; An totoresiteg: .^ftosr "wss xeesiveu ^BC) a^y jag. v^eh nt toe ‘th® ’WKsnk Ss? iSjCtotone teftas'QR toom 4,^ A Jtosnh Mteis; sent ±r.nx j ssxXL^ sr. » .■StAyn, .?ajiE3u Miss> White as W’ish. toe;5CbS. 'Zirrss amS tts vu-sstoa M toe .Mer>fe •5^?1.,^:Bilril?aUS'to‘'~’ 3&5' ■XsEf Qhto. X h tor1 smly ‘thmatosTi Serton. te Ztesyxnn. ;hhih in □hpun’amr ® .assigned to hiring i 'Onnfihann nff Mrs. Zfennie Singhsrn, la IteSe ■©? ‘"htto:' to toe Stays nr pto® '’Wes token to SSstotoay annrrang. ■jfeKto toom .'Stors;.. ' i^s ixrmrmung She to 'being xursef! Sy ' ._,. _.. . ,._ _ liters. iteJSSnrh Stuhfi as her hrrme <mi fclBBg* Might $ I Ctotem W<ais tendon- .fiistont 1 3&> 3^ tixsuty terms grgyi.TBJto^ "was s^paa-sasr —rnefi to 'Zitstonm sSssr sprmSng sr^~ ■wnes. Brswjito iusons hai.fi hanies .|gva2 hiss hsr» sm£ tetotoing totor ^gto tes. ’EhrastoJ' in ;^,s .wsSawg. z •tetomwiity HaT Surrto. Son xe jb tor- Zto ? X.XXZX. XZ ~msr SMfet toinrs^r to 3X1 teem. ■ xtotofi has stayhtor. toys nr toe nEssna> -j Sfeth ,'ngn, tee’ I'Jntobsrr. 3tonp xte toe wA. xsi ■tor. teJitoafi CSr^toh cEtotoS. C.£SXT. ter O-oZS1. hem its meeting ma Itestoh fihn'fi st uto hnm? xc Miss Mstoto Zltomsm. ter Tsrrsiaaxr. Stuto .tenjg, gmssiifefi Mmutto ware irend ste toeXsill .toll iT^werte 3y 3* mem- hers, ter grls vetoed nr. tor- 'iryrssto. A tehcious 3.nnm. wss ssr^sto mnfi tor m&exng toasefi wux TTsgs T2*X. Metoteg tej teungSarciif Is ~ram: will mas: mug Sintogy snsxmg in tor TEntefi teurte hiX wthsr missirEnsxy yitoatoS uto to' shown. Shower to? SriaiHrs-Tir- 2£ss ^hyliis teto teife-rrSto. wes ’iimnrx’£ m Wtonestoy e^Tsnmg hi tor terns osT Mto tern te‘ISh-tests. when s steir shower was totafi, /tent ST toistej sTEsnrtefi xmfi Stetss Atefi was tte Tsuxaent s£ mExy xffis- th, gifts, Wrimar - &EstoEyy tetr 'Mte, te St, S&mtexto Anghaiaxi teurto. will te.-f is Ami, inftsmg sr teusstoy, Arcr tet xc tog hnsm rz Iters. F. X X< im at hht rum. W3E.S Iffierfchig tei 'wteffixS 2tessirmsc7 SnciSt? wJl teifi ±s?. -sSjnri. mer-nng nr. 'tems1- toy Apto 1st, s..: &3x- rgm Tte wl£ hr tor iSSfiST, '•—.toftexur. .ste ms sms wiE gjmsnn-, tor ■nrasrsm 2ter htesifi 3teg¥ tes, soln tos torm nr. SDgtotoy ST n 2ter. nisng? Btotos. ; temtotoSe. whr gres jesssssmr, mi j; Apto TSto. i 3fc Ates, firsonte? toss i^ixc'nex to 5mri£' aaStto stetemg tor wmtsr sc : Shrnioto Stozinx wito tog x;s.i«tom 3tem -Sewer MimrihL, 3ter rmr. Iters, tesiu Xwkss xe ‘ MriStotsx ■■nsiissS nr. Samu^v m tor • hrsnr- m Iter stoS Mrs. Wto. tesmr, , Sxy hmerr 'terirteH.. spew tor ' 3weto-Hnr TKito ids pHrnms.. 3fc nte ; Sffias, FtosxsC mridgs, Ate te tofe .humr : tox s f ev teyr: tost week wss. Mr. IS ! Mt .rmc 3ffiss. Ztote Stodges teSset- ; tern, tec teter. jsemite Strtettoto 1 xstoto riiHR- ate •wsnk-enfi wtoh 3®£r I ste Mrs. vtu. JjE-tedmn i Mr tec Mrs. Ste Fhstoexstm: ste Smrhteu to S&ilito. Mt. tefi Mrs. I WenteL Satt ste ’'Wteijy. to Ftersa&u j ^wsss- 'wrsk-.Enfi ‘KsltHto st fc ste ■ Mrs. a-'Ttek Singfe hto wsto teas’ Snr t tor tossrmwr i&xr 3ter. .tefi Masc .Sz&- • ihte. Ftoisgxus. kt tte terns to tor f totoiHEE^- petes xx Steutorsj r-vteing j Miss Sfesy.' Fteratot SIfttesnsi' "was ? terne to toe wrtor-teS. SkragnsitolteiDte to- Tte xewryvxeto I, Mt tec Mas, Srahter 'telirstote toe? ■j Mteinz Sing 'vte "wsrs mteTisu m ? WieSnssato-' rr. S Spim, to St. Stenhsito .. Sterte tetojgrtetototom. ter- tea:- te~ . tontet to Iter tefl Mrs. wHIism wsn- i. rscs. ten me- Zaptnsi M%3' Stertoteu. MbfeswDTth.. :wte wese tejeztwS ha S&tnrisy. 3.ter, sji3 Mrs. <Sus S’WBne have tutt' «?d to The Sstts which thry xesexaly prnx&asfd totem SstoiS T>£vjS 2x»* 3D, 'Oaasrssj'xm 3X. .1 Wh~mxs; st -the ShOX. CTifto? hm, iWeSn^hsy xisght whto'; Xafiies1 hich. ixa Stomsi S’sstfe, Suras | 3?*®eW®‘Tte "Wias^ti Aaran^TtaM*, Wexiw^Uy; MaxtB fj, .3|f| A Wih^faaxa gitizen, on ifindfhX the cheqtt©, -(©ailed W by tele- ■ph/jne &nd reward offer- METER!I ....... ...... i J7immy Wylie spite the week-enS in ,1 ed, It in citizen* who -^fve the >!.«c?wji it Hwd ■ Mxs. Z J. Gssxhte, TC^L'w.ch, as | TLe^ Xewton and daughters ! sLr* S'ri^ B47X as J W^niwter Hospital, in London.»t=« =r ad 'ennacsed. <chfsgue which she last on 'i ' ’ ' ishte street ;Kt 'Winghaxn on iSafeu’-ttay ^an» lawn//* tom & ^ood naw- ^SSH SAVES YOU MONEY :«r ij LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S 'WEAR. HOME PERMANENT REFILL f *s»r J«-B‘S‘ ’ Sft®!’ S1W®*"*** to HirmirgmEox Sten. Moss ___JStee S SrsigiKW ten Mr te£ Mrs. i'Ttems « Itrsigtote,. to SStexjfc, Mt tefi Mrs. B termr Few to ~33rnrnx_ Sto. Stohr ?- Stortot tec Mt. tef. Mm. Sternicr StoT. teS Sites to 3iyfih Slfams’ 'wsrs* , | ;te© otter toisnto ir. stosnritexse ter | 3‘ytt, Siuster/V te.fi Sast'Dwto | ------------------ s Sct O’razp JfeXs , f to Ste- totete meeting to ±te Mwinr !• | v.’ilhterstoi temxr "wrs teifi to tfte 11 SteiSni' Seteto worn to tog Shssiyte1- 1 j’ ate 32mrto- last ‘ZtesteF- Fto' ranest- 5 tog tested wito. tfte nail to wosshtr. tn Mm xj’iy. iftotowto. ap' & hyznn '_ Atergy isilmmir rsafi tots Sertotum, ;.,tolEET tocor .Ate I3J&SfeS2. with tosn* WB!3®®l3®13®iWl®ls®lilMIHKIIIRilIllllJlK5iai!lKmK;K|im!®|!B||IK|iJKl®|®lIMIIB^ xnshto xm ito Scrtotmg xy Steror. ® Hoy, ..tste Ste^nteL. teto 21 terysr, _>g intewto hy Mm attoy Temtonj; te to> <== iX r-erestoEgi stery tes ton- attfl£jy htek. IS " * Swr xhsHtes, etetosfi teotefi ite ’jg 1 tomintiini texntoHJF to tofersto snux- ‘s :; toiss. were XHSSrsnriu. S2te semto- IB- t Etys Tteart tek xsiE tefi xreEsixrer’s't® '' nsgite. ■wsrn- -given rttostoeej was .-die- =• miffHefi. wito tetoteementr teing ‘B kih Ifes. isuik Ssnnsrssn. iuinlrnm 23hl liters, SaTOit ^jscrhn?’ sesk. Iteimt aS ^."teghson risltjx Hr .■StmdEjr Witt. 3tey. ww' 2Sh.s, Pekesss; SiztatTX Mt 3nks 'MssKsn xU 3E '^awan«si. __ ____ wt£- ,xz Vhgsisnai Htn^plta. xar jp'r.idx^ Tnadeax ±ezh?s & xntiuKk snxppsrix ±ta g 3ot nr ±d$: :bsz±.. S? a-ilteipsr; xel Ste .ir« saix tail hsex?^ ism ;hu irask wmfeig: xftjiCT SKaxssg. x hsc^y x±bux ■ hr was .nsSTTng xwsrr iste iShmtitte seto.' iSjissEtrsr th? vsjrteteBX. .A G-aiiiaufeliR Xtdr of &S®3E3B .asnS1 Fmsstes Snr sail IhfcCTirr »S ExStsronr WrdB Sir, mSnr 5x> SrinSas- jzdie- ssndrK' Tsainiinr. ■Rrint. 4nw? m* In aJnllt«y MgJv# v#)-aBj ^Wlkjw w/w*