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Page Eight The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, March 17, 19M
Rev. Watt Speaker at
World Day Prayer Service
Twenty-three ladies attended the an Moore, vice-president of the W.M.
Wqrld Day of Prayer meeting, held in IS. of the United Church presided and
the Presbyterian Church on Friday [led in the different parts of thej?ro-
last. This meeting had been postponed ‘ ................
for a week, Mrs. Dawson Craig, 1st.
vice and Mrs. Jas. McInnis, president,
of the Presbyterian Society, and Mrs.
Jas. Falconer, president and Mrs. Mil-
tmtniiT'nrr............. .............................................
No Wonder She
Hated Washdays I
With a modern‘Water Heater,
Laundry Tubs, and New
Let us check your plumbing
fixtures now.
Complete Installation
Plumbing & Heating
gram, with the theme, "That They
Might Have Life."
Special prayers were taken by Mrs.
Robert Ross, Mrs. Albert McQuillin
and Mrs. R. D. A. Currie and by Mrs,
W, J. Watt, Mrs. J. G, Gillespie and
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz
and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw sang "Take
Time to Be Holy.” Rev. W, J. Watt
was the guest speaker and spoke on
the theme, telling how the different
W. M. Societies have banded together
the world over with this theme in
mind, to help the needy and lonely
and persecuted peoples of the world,
and the many results seen of their
labours, and the need of workers and
prayers. Mrs. Robert Ross moved Mr.
Watt a vote of thanks for his interest
ing and meaningful address. Mrs. Al
bert Coultes was appointed key-wom
an for another year to succeed Mrs.
Hugh Simpson, who was key-woman
for last year. Rev. W. J. Watt closed
the meeting with the benediction.
Young Adult Group Meeting
Clarence McClenaghan and Paul
Groskorth were in charge of the
Young Adult Group meeting, held in
the United Church on Tuesday last,
with Mr. McClenaghan presiding.
Ivan Laidlaw read the Scripture les
son, and Marjorie Coultes led in pray
er. Mrs. E. H. Groskorth gave a mis
sionary reading. Rev. J. W. Watt gave
an interesting account of the mission
ary work on Queen Charlotte Islands,
B.C. These islands are about as big
as England and Scotland together,
and have only the one doctor, sent oy
the Missionary Society of the United
Church and the government and have
the promise of another, to come soon.
(They have a small hospital that is
very inadequate, but which, like all
others, is usually filled to capacity, as
fishing and the lumbering industries
have many casualties. He told of* the
church life of the community and
gave a very interesting and informa
tive address. Arthur Laidlaw gave a
reading, and the meeting was closed
with the Mizpah benediction.
Farm Forum v
The Farm Forum met on Monday
evening at the home pf Mr. and Mrs.
Gordnn Elliott, with twenty in at
tendance. Two groups discussed the
question on whether or not the min*
eral and oil resourses of Canada are
being used to the best interests of the
people. The group thought they were
as far as the investment of Canadian
funds permitted,
They discussed the program of the
past season and that suggested for
the next season.
Mrs, John McGee and George Fish
er held high. points' in euchre and
Mrs. Russell Purdon and Gordon El
liott held low points, The next meet
ing, the final one, will be held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGee.
Euchre Games Held
Twenty-one tables were played at
the euchre at Holmes School in Turn
berry on Friday evening. Mrs. Robert
Powell and .Chester Casemore held
high points and Mrs. Robt. Moffatt
and Wilfred McKague held low points.
Frank Ross and Gordon and Borden
Jenkins provided music for dancing.
The next euchre will be in two weeks.
Lunch was served and all enjoyed the
social time together.
Thirteen tables played euchre at the
St. Patrick’s social evening at S. S.
No. 9, E. Wawanosh, on Friday even
ing, with tables decorated with sham
rocks and ’ clubs holding high double
points. Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery and
Gershom Johnston held high points,
and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and Lome
Scott held low points, with Ronald
Coultes high in club points. Lunch
was served and plans made- for an
other euchre for this Friday evening.
Ten tables played euchre at Lang
side Hall on Friday evening. Mrs.
Peter Moffatt and Jim Young held
high points, and Mrs. Fred Tiffin and
Allan Miller held low points. Mrs. C.
Conley, Mrs. "Wm. Scott and Gordon
Wall provided music for dancing.
Tiffin Bros, have been engaged for
the next euchre and dance.
The people of Concession 9, E. Wa
wanosh held their euchre at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thompson on
Friday evening with seven tables
playing. Mrs. Gordon Naylor and Bill
Thompson held high points
Naylor and Jas. Leddy
points. Lunch of sandwiches,
ice cream, was enjoyed by
final meeting of the winter will be held
in two weeks in the school, with Athol
Bruce and his orchestra providing
the music for dancing.
W. I. Hears of Queen Charlotte Islands
and Kay
held low
cake and
all. The
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute was held on Tues
day last in the Memorial Hall here,
with the president, Mrs. McInnis pre
siding. After the opening exercises,
Mrs. John Burchill, Mrs, Owen King
and Mrs. Ernest Casemore were ap
pointed to take charge of a euchre to
be held in the hall this Friday even
ing. They decided to have the play,
"Look out for Lizzie" presented in the
hall here by the Ashfield young
people, and have Tiffin Bros, provide
music for dancing. Mrs, J, G, Gilles
pie, Mrs. Albert McQuillin and Mrs,
George McClenaghan were appointed
to bring in a slate of officers at the
next meeting, The ladies decided to
procure a Tweedsmuir Book and com
mence gathering data on historical
events and scenes relative to this com
munity, a project that all Institutes
are interested in.
Mrs. Jas. Falconer gave two read
ings "Dad’s Dinner Pail" and “Sup
erstitions.” Mrs. Thos, Metcalfe gave
a humorous reading "Shake Well Be
fore Using." Rev. W. J. Watt was the
guest speaker for the day, and gave a
very interesting account of life on
the Queen Charlotte Islands, referring
to the mission church and hospital,
and the way the people earned their
living. Mrs. Owen King moved a vote
of appreciation from the group.
Mrs. Frank Ross conducted a guess
ing contest for maple buds in a jar,
and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mrs. Joe
Tiffin guessed nearest and divided
the candies between them, Mrs. Ben
McClenaghan won the lucky name
prize draw. The next gathering will be
the annual meeting. The National' An
them closed the meeting.
Mr. John Mason was under the doc
tor’s care for a few days last week.
Mrs. Fleming Johnston of Bluevale
and Mrs. Parker Campbell Wingham,
visited there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt and
family were at Armo on Friday even
ing where a play as being presented,
in which the teacher of S. S. No. 9,
Kinloss was taking a leading part.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin of Kin
loss and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston
and children, of E. Wawanosh at
tended a family dinner on Saturday
at the home'of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Brown of Lucknow, who
were celebrating their thirty-fifth
wedding anniversary. Other guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, of Am
berley, Mrs. Annie Brown, of Ripley,
and Mrs. Hugh Ferguson, of Lucknow.
Mrs. Alex Inglis has been visiting at
the Adams home for several weeks,
and Mr. and Mrs. Rpddy Inglis and
family of Forest, visited there and
With his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos,
Inglis of W. Wawanosh for a few
days last week.
Mrs, Milton McBurney of London,
spent a few days last week at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Frank
Thompson and with other Shiell and
McBurney relatives in this district.
Mrs. Gibson Armstrong and Gail, of
London, spent the week-pnd with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin
and returned home on Sunday with
Mr, Armstrong,
Mr. Currie Burchill of London,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, John Burchill of Cul-
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rintoul, Sharon
and Doris visited on Thursday last
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mack
Cardiff, of Brussels,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnston,
Marie and Marilyn, of Clirifon, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble
Greenaway of E. Wawanosh, on Sun
Mr. Cecil Falconer had a bout With
muhips last week and is still in the
house. This week Mrs. Falconer’s
uncle, Mr. Robert Henry Purdon, who
has been here for several months from
Saskatchewan, was also very sick
with mumps.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert ’ Coultes and
family visited on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker of E.
Mr. Wm. A. Currie, who has been a
patient in Wingham hospital for two
weeks, has shown some improvement
during the week-end.
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and
Ivan, were in London on Sunday. Mrs.
Leslie Burnett accompanied them and
visited with her husband at Westmin
ster Hospital.
The young people of the Presbyter
ian Church entertained the young
people of the Presbyterian Church,
Wingham, on Tuesday evening, in the
S. S. room of the church, at a St. Pat
rick’s social.
Mrs. Ross McMichael, Linda and
Larry, of Clinton, spent the past two
weeks at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gershom Johnston of E.
Wawanosh, and with her sister, Mrs.
Clarence Ritchie, of Wingham, and
all visited" with Mrs. Ed. Robinson, of
St. Augustine, who has been a pat
ient in- Wingham Hospital for a week
with infection in an injury above her
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier and
andand Mrs, Gordon Elliott
Sunday at the home of
Mitchell Elliott, pf Lon-
Falconer and Mr. and
family of Long Branch, Visited
the week-end with Jiis parents,
and Mrs, W. R, Farrier, and
Wingham and Morris relatives.
Isabel, spent
their son, Mr
Mrs. Cecil
Mrs. Angus Falconer and Allan, vis
ited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Jackson of Blyth.
Mr. William Scott of Langside, is
still on the sick list after a severe at
tack of measles and Mr. Chester Fae-
gan at the store, has been under the
doctor’s care, suffering from fju this
Mr. W. S. Hall of Wingham District
High School will present the picture,
"The Queen Is Crowned" this Wed
nesday evening in the Memorial Mall
here, after showing it in the afternoon
to his pupils in town. All are cordially
invited to come and bring their fam
ilies to see these beautiful pictures.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Purdon, Mr,
and Mrs. Archie Purdon, and Mr.
Albert Stein of Aylesbury, Sask., who
has been visiting here, spent Monday
at Belwood at the home of the form
er’s daughter, Mrs. Floyd Bott.
Mr. Roy McGee of Kitchener, spent
the week-end at the houe of his bro
ther, Mr. Gordon McGee, and with
his father, Mr. Henry McGee, who is
still a patient in Wingham Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lougheed of
London, Miss Mary Foster, of Mitchell,
and Mr. Bill Fisher of Milton, spent
the week-end at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher,
and Mr. and Mrs. David Carruthers
and family of Holyrood,, also visited:
there on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs- Bill Thompson and
family, of Morris Township, visited
on Friday with Mi’s. Jas, Cornelius
and Mr. Amos Cornelius.
Quite a numoer rrom this district,
attended the Clinton .Seed Fair on Sat
urday, John Currie, George McGee,
Herson Irwin, Alex Robertson, Jack
Taylor, J, D. Beecroft. Mrs. J. D. Bee
croft and Mrs, Ernest Beecroft and
Kirk, visited with Mrs. Chas. Stewart,
of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Currie and fam
ily, of Clinton visited on Sunday with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. George-
Currie, of E. Wawanosh. Mrs. Currie
was able to return home from Wing
ham Hospital on Tuesday last.
Mr. John Craig spent a few days
last week at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert Hall, Wingham and
returned home on Sunday.
Mrs, W. J. Coulter, Wingham, visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John
Craig. vJM
• Mr. Fred Davidson of Wingham,
and formerly of E. Wawanosh, has
been very ill in Wingham Hospital
during the past week. *
Mr, anti,' Mrs. Bruce Foster and
family of Ingersoll, visited on Friday
with Mr, and Mrs. Waite* Pocock, of
E, Wawanosh.
Mrs. Walter Lott has been laid up
for the past week, suffering with a
very sore foot.
AJDAMS—In Wingham Hospital, on
■Thursday, March 11th, 1954, to Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Adams, of Kinloss
Township, a daughter.
I SEVENTH annual music festival
Turnberry Township
Arjudicators — Misses Guenther and Kolleman
Chairman — Mr. J. M. Kinkead, I.P.S.
Music Supervisor — R. C. Ireland, R.M.T.
The public is cordially invited.
Afternoon Session, 1.15 p.m. Evening Session, 8 p.m.
Admission to Evening Session' - Adults 35c
Morning Session 10.45 to 12.00 a.m,
YES! Our Entire Stock Is Still on Sale
We Absolutely MUST Clear for Repairs
We Just Can't Delay!Intentions Were
In case you were one of the folks who
found our door locked during business
Carpenters, painters and
— and our stock MUST
decorators MUST start work at once
be cleared to give them room.
hours please come back again.
Our store was so crowded on a few
occasions last week that we just had to
stop the rush for a short time.
We had every intention of listing .some
of our slashed-down bargains but we simply
haven’t had time.
All we can do is invite you back to
share in the biggest bargain event in the
history of our business.
Z /' V f