HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-03-10, Page 6Classifieds do the Trick • No Matter what the Weather. 8U The Wingham Advanc^Thnes, Wednesday, March 10, 1954 COMING EVENTS FOR SALE HELP WANTED—MALE ft . NORGE SPACE HEATER for sale; also Easy Washing Machine used one year, Phone 637J after 5 p.m. 10b FLOOR AND BENCH Molders want­ ed, Apply Box 29, Forest, Ontario. ,24:3b THURSDAY, MARCH 18th will be the annual meeting of the Women’s Institute with election of officers: roll call, payment of fees. Hostesses Mrs. Burrell, Mrs, Gowans, Mrs, Bower, Mrs, Whitfield, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Currie. ClOb JOHN BUMSTED and Son are now booking orders for seed oats and barley Commercial No, 1 and regis­ tered grades of all popular varieties are available. Phone 455, 3510:17b ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and stamp pads sold at The Wingham Advance-Times. CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re­ lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon. 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, like new, for quick sale: dining room set;new rug. Apply to Box 14, Advance- Times. USED ELECTROLUX CLEANERS for sale; fully reconditioned. Apply R. E. Ruttan, phone Wingham 654J21. 10.17,24,31b FURNITURE for sale Kroehler 2- piece chesterfield set; large Cold­ spot electric refrigerator; all good serviceable condition. Phone Wing­ ham 330. 10* POULTRY FOR SALE WESTFIELD Mr. Jim Buchanan was a recent London visitor. Mr. Cecil Campbell spent a couple of days last week with his brother,. Mr. Victor Campbell and Mrs. Camp­ bell, of Kitchener. Mr, Gordon Snell received word on Sunday of .the death of bis brother, Mr. William Snell, of Strome. Mr* Snell was born and raised in this community and spent five years with, his brother, Gordon, returning to the West last-fall. The sympathy of the- community is extended to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Snell and family. This community was fairly well isolated all last week, the hydro and. telephone lines being out of order. It, will be some time before connection will be made by telephone to central office. Some of the roads were open on Friday afternoon at time of writ­ ing. Side roads are still impassable. The high school children from th* district were stranded at Auburn and Belgrave from Wednesday until Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnston and children, of Donnybrook, visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Good, of Hul- lett Township, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Campbell, 1*BIRTHS ANDERSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, March 3, 1954, to. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon And­ erson, R, 7, Lucknow, a son. PERCY—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Thursday, March 4, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Percy, R. 1, Holyrood, a son. MOFFATT—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, March 5, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Moffatt, R. 1, Bluevale, a son, JEFFRAY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, March 6, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeff- ray, Glenannan, a daughter. POLLARD—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, March 6, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Pollard, Brussels, a daughter, —Mrs. in the with g back ailment. George Anger is a patient Wingham General Hospital —John Gathers, of Gorrie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Cathers of town. E .WNOSH COUNCIL SHOWS SURPLUS The E. Wawanosh Council met ; March 2nd, with all the members ; present, the reeve presiding. The minutes of meeting held Feb, 2nd were read and adopted on motion by , Buchanan, seconded by Purdon, W. G. Gibson was present to re­ new the policies on the road mainten­ ance and on the Officials. Hanna-McGowan—That council re­ new the two policies. Carried. The gravel tenders were opened, Geo. Radford’s at 67 cents a yd., and Joe Kerr’s at 61 cents a yd. Purdon-Hanna—That council ac­ cept Joe Kerr’s tender for crushing and hauling 7,000 yds. of gravel at 61 cents a yd. Amendment and seconded council accept for crushing 7,000 yds. of gravel at 67 cents a yd. The reeve voted in favor of the motion accepting Joe Kerr’s tender. The auditor presented his report on the Township’s finances, with rev­ enue $78,391.92, expenditure $76,889.60, with $1,502.32 surplus for the year 1954. Buchanan-Purdon—That the audi­ tor’s report be adopted and he re­ receive his fees. Carried. McGowan-Hanna—That the road and general accounts as presented be passed and paid. Carried. A resolution from the Clinton Town Council asking the council pass, to have the new county court house built in the town of Clinton was con­ sidered. Purdon-Buchanan—That the coun­ cil of the township of East Wawa­ nosh is of the opinion that the new county court house should be built on the present site’ in Goderich. Carried. Road cheques, Stuart McBurney, salary, convention expenses and bills paid, $208.95; Alex Robertson, operat­ ing grader, $11.25; Wm. T. Irwin, snowplow helper, $57.75; Farrier’s Welding, welding snowplough, $6.75; Stainton’s Hardware, heat bulb, etc., $2.50; Can. Oil Co. Ltd,, 205 gals, fuel oil, $40.18; Ross Jamieson, 53% hrs. snowploughing at 4.00, $214.00; Geo. E. Radford snowploughing 115 hrs. at 6.00, $690.00, 7 hrs. at 7.00, $49.00, total $739.00; The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 1 ,tire, $263.03; Dept. Highways of Ont., tax on 205 gals, fuel oil, $22.55; Receiver General of Canada, income tax, $1.00. General cheques, H. C. MacLean, premium Treasurer’s bond, $12.00; The Municipal World, supplies and exchange, $20.39; Village of Blyth, share of relief, $14.57; Township of Colborne, share of relief, $5.00; Blyth Mun. Telephone, 1953 rates collected, $123.80; W. S. Gibson, Insurance premium No. B26673, $100.00; A. M. Harper,'audit 1953, $170.00. Hanna-McGowan—That council ad­ journ to meet April 6th at one o’clock at the Belgrave Community Centre. Carried. Orval Taylor," Reeve. —Miss Shirley Foxton visited last week with Miss Shirley Bradburn, at Belgrave. —Mrs. Harry Browne Jr. and Mrs, Gordon MacKay spent a few days the latter part of the week visiting with relatives in Guelph. AUCTION SALE to be held, under cover on highway 9, Bervie, at 1.30 o’clock, on Friday, March 12, 1954. 40 Holstein cows & heifers in fresh with calves, including some really top cows. 15 Holstein springer cows, 5 registered Holstein cows, fresh or springing, 3 registered Ayr­ shire cows, due; 1 Guernsey cow, due; 8 Durham cows, due soon; 1 Polled Hereford bull, 1 yr. old; over 100 chunks pigs; 1 Yorkshire boar, 6 months old; few sows, due soon. Elton McLelland & Sons, Bervie; Donald Blue, Auctioneer. 10b 40 YearsAges 17 Tradesmen up to 45 years st MARRIED APPLICANTS Free Medical Services Unequalled Pension Plan 30 Days Paid Holidays Per Year A CHANCE TO TRAVEL CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who sent me cards, treats and remembrances while I was a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and since I came home. 10* John Craig f —Spence Scott returned home after spending the past ten days with rela­ tives and friends, in Philadelphia, At­ lantic City and New York. To Get All This and More CARD OF THANKS PETTAPLACE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, March 6, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pet­ taplace, Teeswater, a son. JARD'HJE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, March 7, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs .Kenneth Jardine, Lucknow, a daughter. —Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hamxnond, of Toronto, were visitors with their par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, W, E. Hammond, over the week-end. —Mrs. E. Drumbolis, Miss Doreen Peckham and Richard Prestage, London, spent the week-end at home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wild. of the moved by McGowan by Buchanan that Geo. Radford’s tender CHICK BUYERS. Have you seen our price list listing a score of “Can­ ada Approved” breeds and crosses? If your market calls for ‘dual pur­ pose’ birds—birds that lay Grade A Large when markets are best—good [ hefty birds that put on weight for later table markets—we have them. I Dayold, started—such breeds and | crosses as Barred Rocks, Columbia Rocks, Light Sussex, Black Austra- lorp, N.H. or N.H. crosses. We have others too. Pullets from $17.90. We suggest you write right now for full complete list to Fred W. Bray. Limited, 120 John North, Hamilton,’ Ont. (P.S.—do you know man to act as our agent locality? Good commission, tising to back him up.) RECRUITINfi OFFICER I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends and neighbours who sent cards, treats and flowers, while I was a patient in Wingham General Hospi­ tal. Special thanks to Dr. Mills, nurses and staff of first floor. 10* Albert Dustow MILLEN—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Monday, March 8, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Millen, R. 2, Teeswater, a son. BELL—On Friday, March 5, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bell, a daughter. Forest, at John Mowbray Dies In 90th Year a good in this Adver- 24310b Visiting in Wingham every Thursday morning 1000 hrs. to 1400 hrs. i CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks to members of the fire brigade for their co-operation and help when my store was threatened by fire on Sunday morning. Apprecia­ tion is also extended to Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Grose who so kindly prepar­ ed lunch. , * Verne Dunlop 10b herat March AGENTS .WANTED CARD OF THANKS Sussex ; Sussex : codes; j March • Your We offer cosmetics, products, write for AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN! chance to make money, you a large variety of daily necessities, farm Wherever you may live free details. FAMILEX, 1600 Delori- mier, Dept. 3, Montreal. 10b Mr. and Mrs. Jack Salter wish to especially thank the firemen and Carl Bondi, who so ably assisted at their fire. Also thanks to Harry Brown, Robin Campbell, Fred Magee and Alex Nethery, who so ably assisted in the clean up. Thanks to all who were kind in any way. 10b ! STARTED AND DAY OLD chicks for ' sale; 300 Red-Susscx and 200 pullets two weeks old; 1175 pullets day-old; 600 Sussex 1500 pullets White Rocks on Sth. The following will be hatched March 11th; 400 R. I, Reds; 500 Sus­ sex; 575 Red-Rock pullets: 500 Red- Sussex; also 3500 12 week-old Sus­ sex-Red pullets and SOO S week-old White Rock pullets. Apply Jim Coultes, phone 743 W 2. 3* anSCELLANEOUS WANTED5 I DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 39S or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead, dis­ abled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone collect, Wingham 561J or William Stone Sons Limited, Ingersoll. 28rrb FIND OUT how you can save mon-’ ey and get complete insurance pro- i tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart I A. Scott, Wingham, 295. rrb j --------- -------------------------------------OLD HOGS, LITTLE PIGS, Chunks and sows in pig wanted. Will ex­ change young hogs for old ones. Ap­ ply Maurice Cronin, phone 56r22 Teeswater. 24;3;10b SAVE MONEY by using our storage. lockers, available to town and << country citizens. Sell your cream, | eggs, and poultry to your Wingham! Co-operative. Ask for your Cash div- j idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the United Co-; operatives in Wingham. 25rrb THREE BURNER WICK OIL STOVE wanted; must be in good condition. Phone 413J. lOrrb CARD OF THANKS We wish to express sincere thanks to all relatives, friends and neigh­ bours for the floral tributes and all other kindnesses shown us during our recent sad bereavement. We especially wish to thank the Rev. FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Water­ loo Cattle Breeding Association be­ tween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 am. on Sun­ days. Phone collect Clinton 242 or Mildmay 130R12. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SEED CLEANING COMMENCING FEBRUARY 1st, we wHl do custom seed cleaning espe- : dally for removal of Buckhorn and I noxious weeds from clover seed. We ■ have a good stock of clovers and . grasses at prices that will save ( farmers $2.00 to $4.00 per bushel, j Roy Cramm and Son, Seed Mer- • .................. ........chants, Pinkerton, Ontario. Phone j POTATO^ ^LACHINES, counter Cargill 6SW3. 3;10;17;24;3b« * (ELECTRIC POP-CORN Machines I* Counter model, a real money maker; full or sparetime. Can be .placed in Hotels, Clubs, Cigar Counters, Candy Stores, Taverns and create a week­ ly income of over $300,00. Pony Boy 1 Limited, 5257 Queen Mary Road,lSOTzlOaerbj Montre3^ Quebec. iT^iob I...........................................—-------- (FRANCHISE AVAILABLE for auto­ matic ice cream vending machines, dispensing Dixie Cups with spoon. This is an all-year business, mini­ mum capital required will be $2000. For details write to Pony Boy Ltd., 5257 Queen Mary Road, Montreal, Que. 17;24;3;10b UPHOLSTERING We specialize in re-upholstering. Workmanship guaranteed. One week’s service. Also repairing, re­ finishing. For appointment call • Fairyland, 4S7J. RRB j DECORATING PAPERING AND PAINTING done at reasonable prices. Washable papers for every room supplied. Carleton j Stingel, Phone 90, Dungannon. 24,3b j ATTENTION—IMPORTANT G. M. PARSON, fieldman for the W. T. Rawlelgh Co., will be interviewing prospective dealers for the sale of Rawleigh Products in Wingham Very good opportunity to establish profitable and permanent business. For personal interview, write G. M. Parson, co Box 15, Advance-Times. 10:17b i TONALE HELP WANTED HOUSEWIVES—Address advertising postcards. Must have good hand­ writing. LINDO 904, Water town, Mass. 3;1O;1R24* model for dispensing hot chips (non- coin operated warmers); portions are adjustable, equipped with warm heater, attractive and beautiful. Il­ luminated domes are made of one piece translucent red plastic, no mo­ tors used; easy to maintain and ser­ vice. Pony Boy Ltd., 5257 Queen Mary Road, Montreal, Quebec. 17;24;4;10b REAL ESTATE WINGHAM APARTMENT Building- Excellent investment for surplus funds. Four separate suites. Each has living room, bedroom, modern kitchen, bathroom. Separate meter each apartment Good construc­ tion, nice large lot, residential lo­ cation, Price $13,900. Terms can be arranged. For inspection call or write exclusive agents, Lauer & Wiebe Ltd., Realtors, 16 Queen N., Kitchener, 3-0213. 2431017b 5 ___________FOR RENT ROOM APARTMENT for bathroom, air conditioned, duty wiring, hot and cold Apply P. O. box 305. rent; heavy water, lOrrb John Mowbray, of Wingham, passed away in Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, March 8th, where he had been a patient for over two years. He was in his 90th year. The late Mr. Mowbray was born in Usborne Township, near Exeter. .He later attended school at Holyrood and Zetland. He was married in Tees­ water in 1888 to Isabella MacKenzie, who predeceased him in March, 1934. Mr. Mowbray was a farmer all his life and came to this district in 1901. He retired in 1935. Surviving are two sons, Robert and Alexander, and one daughter, Mabel (Mrs. Wesley Leggatt) all of Wing­ ham; a brother, George, and one sister, Mrs. Edna Linton, of Bay City, Michigan. There are also ten grand­ children and 24 great grandchildren. Funeral service will be held (to­ morrow (Thursday) at 2 p.m., from Currie’s funeral home with interment in Wingham cemetery. Rev. R. p. A. Currie, of Whitechurch, will officiate. Pallbearers will be four grandsons, Verdun, Kenneth and Angus Mow­ bray and Gordon Leggatt; James Wil­ son, of Whitechurch and Mervin Mac­ Intyre of Teeswater. FIRE IN CEMETERY Harriston fire department was call­ ed- out to a blaze in the cemetery last week, A storage tool house in tery caught fire and was in the blaze. Contents included a power mower and funeral equipment. Harriston the ceme- destroyedMrs. John Cadwell Dies in Winnipeg Mrs. John W. Cadwell died home in Winnipeg, Man., on 2nd., at the age of seventy-four years. Mrs. Cadwell, the ‘former Nina Jean­ ette Isbister, was born at Wingham, Ontario, and had lived for many years. She was active in the eral Associations, organizing Greater Winnipeg Liberal Association in 1935 and became its first president. Besides her leadership in Women’s Liberal organizations in Winnipeg, Mrs. Cadwell was a charter member of Colin Campbell Chapter of the IODE and a former regent of the chapter. She was a member of Frist Pres­ byterian Church and a life member of “the Women’s Missionary Society. She had taken an active interest in all affairs of the church. She is survived by her husband, three daughters, Miss Margaret, Win­ nipeg;’ Miss Dorothy, Ottawa; and Mrs. R. N. Ferguson, Drurnmondville, and four sisters, Mrs. Chas. Garniss, Seaforth; Mrs. J. H. Miller, Belgrave; Mrs. E. B. Jenkins and Miss tine in Winnipeg work of Lib- the Women's H » p- Q»' a Mother, William, Toronto,Buchanan and the members of the . fn nr™ choc nomi« "Friendly Fours”. Mrs. Joseph Wood and family. 10b OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED FRANCHISE AVAILABLE for auto­ matic ice-cream vending machines, dispensing Dixie Cups with spoon. The Push-Button Automatic Ice Cream Vendor offers the finest business opportunity of our time. It is possible for you to establish a sound business of your own—a business that is highly respected; and, because it covers virgin chan­ nels of distribution, is without com­ petition. It offers a big mark-up and long profit on the ice-cream vendor—much greater than the profit enjoyed by any other type of retail outlet. Finally, it is the most flexible business you can have because you are always in a position to move your equipment—your business—from place to place, if you desire, so that you can reap maximum returns, up to 100% pro­ fit The success of this business de­ pends almost entirely upon the per­ formance and quality of the vendor. Push-Button gives you the finest Rush-Button Automatic Ice-Cream Vending Machines can be placed in the following locations: Amsement Parks, Arenas, Apartment Houses, Ball Parks, Billiard Parlors, Bowl­ ing Alleys, Bus Terminals, Cigar Stores, City, Provincial, County and Federal Buildings, Dance Halls, Department Stores, Drug Stores, Fraternal Clubs, Golf Clubs, Hos­ pitals, Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Beauty Parlors, Hotels and Motels, Industrial Plants, Locker Rooms, Men’s Clubs, Military Camps, Naval Bases and institution, Office Build­ ings, Race Tracks, Railroad Stat­ ions, Recreation Halls, Schools, Theatres, Truck-Terminals, W’aiting Rooms, Warehouses and any place where people work, play or congre­ gate. This is an ail year business, minimum capital required, permiss­ ible everywhere. Write to Pony Boy Limited., 5257 Queen Mary Road, Montreal, Que. 10:17b NOTICE TO CREDITORS Isbister, Wingham. Chris- IN MEMORLAM late FULLER—In memory of a dear hus­ band and Fuller, who died four years ago, on March 11th. 1950. —Sadly missed and always remem­ bered by his wife, Elizabeth, Herb and Peg. 10b father, Frederick C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having . claims against the estate of Duncan McDoug­ all, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Contractor, who died on or about the seventeenth day of February, A. D., 1954, are notified to send to the undersigned on or be­ fore the thirty-first day of March A. D., 1954, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said thirty-first day of March the assets of the said intestator will be distribut­ ed amongst the parties entitled there­ to, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. DATED this sixth day of March, A. D. 1954. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator 10:17:24b AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & MACHINERY Will be held at Lot 12, Con. 5, Morris Twp. 4% Miles West of Brussels on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, at 1 p.m. CATTLE—Registered Scotch Short­ horn bull, 4 years old; Shorthorn Cow, 8 March; registered years old, due in Shorthorn cow, * 6 March; registered years old, fresh; years old, due in J t Native of Wingham Dies in London Ida Flannagan, wife of the David McInnis, and a former resident of Wingham, died on Sunday at her home in London, after a lengthy ill­ ness. She was in her 68th year. Mrs. McInnis, whose husband died last August, want to London 48 years ago. She was a member of St. Pat­ rick’s Roman Catholic Church, the League of the Sacred Heart, the Soc­ iety for the Propagation of the Faith, and the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament. She leaves five sons, Alex, David, Leo, John and Jerry McInnis, all of London; six daughters, (Eileen) Mrs. Howard Thomas;, in Kitchener; (Mar­ garet) Mrs. Fred Jenne, of Brant­ ford; (Veronica) Mrs. Joseph Clarke, London; Miss Mary McInnis, London; (Catherine) Mrs. Ronald Stuart, Sar­ nia; and (Clara) Mrs. Joseph Garrett, London; three brothers, Leo Flana­ gan, London; Ernest, Baltimore, Maryland, and Cecil Flanagan, Win­ nipeg; two sisters, Mrs. Nora O'Don­ nell, London, and Mrs. Kate Callaghan, Toronto and 12 grandchildren. The body is resting at the E. C. Kil- lingsworth funeral home until Wed­ nesday when solemn requiem high mass will ba celebrated at 10 am., in St, Patrick’s Church, London, with burial in St. Peter’s Cemetery, London. RENOVATE HALL I R. H. Thompson, Clerk. Mount Forest town hall is under­ going a renovation program. Upwards of $10,000 will be spent on moderniz­ ing the hall. When completed, the town police headquarters, county health branch and town clerk’s office will be moved into the new offices. r I ! SEE THE GRADS WRIST WATCH $7.95 HASELGROVE’S SMOKE SHOP SAVE MILK & MONEY GARGETEX (Nixon’s) Multi-Antibiotic Ointment Will Stop Mastitis or Your Money Back! GARGETEX contains two peni­ cillins, streptomycin and the new antibiotic bactracin, com­ bined in a completely milk soluble ointment bringing the effect of four antibiotics against mastitic infections. GARGETEX works immediately on the in­ ternal infected udder tissue, promoting fast safe recovery and is guaranteed to give effec­ tive results. Get a tube of New GARGETEX today. Instruc­ tions for easy administration on every package. Made In Can­ ada by Nixon Laboratories Lim- j^err’s Drug StorJJ NOW ARRIVING Conte in and See the New Spring Styles ! ** Fairy land” SPRING MERCHANDISE r" b’oejoess., lOPorr "*TiOE3or5?„,x.,l"" 1 TOEJOEsssrg j U^LBnmsmck COFFEE SHOP I The Business Girls’ & Men’s Luncheon is inexpensive Former Culross Man Dies in Chicago Mrs. Elizabeth Fryfogle, of Shuter Street, last night received word of the death of her brother, Dr. Duncan McKenzie, in Chicago. Dr. McKenzie was in his 81st year. He was born in Culross, and has been away from the district'tor many years. His wife predeceased him several years ago. registered years old, due in Shorthorn cow, 3 March; registered years old, due in Shorthorn cow, 7 Shorthorn cow, 6 _ _ , __ _ March; Shorthorn cow, 7 years old, due in March; Short­ horn cow, 7 years old, fresh; Short­ horn cow, 4 years old, fresh; register­ ed Shorthorn heifer, 23 months old; registered Shorthorn heifer, 1 year old; registered Shorthorn heifer, 2 months old; registered Shorthorn bull, 15 months old; “2 steers, 14 months old; 3 steers, 9 months old; 2 calves, 2 months old; 1 baby beef approxi­ mately 750 lbs. MACHINERY — Rubber tired wagon; hay rack; Massey Harris 6 ft binder; Massey Harris No. 10 manure spreader; Massey Harris No. 9 cream separator; walking plow; Clinton fan­ ning mill with bagger; set sloop sleighs; New Ideal mower; some hay. HORSE—Bay gelding, 11 years old. TERMS—CASH Mrs. Mary G. Hull, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Robert Johnson, Clerk and served at noon and evening. SERVING TIME 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m OE3O1 ALL persons having claims against the estate of Jane Sangster late of the Village of Wroxeter in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the«31st day of January, A.D. 1954, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of March, 1954, lull par­ ticulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 13th day Of March, the assets of the said tes­ tatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-second day of February, A.D. 1954. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, X s YOUR FUTURE depends on them Don’t be hindered in your work by the nerves”, headaches and gastric dlaturbanoaa resulting from defective vision. The only safe plan is to have your eyes examined at least onco a year. It’s the smallest Invest­ ment you can make—and the soundest. Do It now. w* R* HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST Visual Analysis” FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart'A. Scott Pbano IM Wingham BEAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E, Holmes TlaUwel | x X X i x x I X 2 2 I ! ! 2 SEWING SALES GIRL And Book­ keeping Stales Girl wanted immed­ iately. Will receive training from company. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co., Wiiighatn or Goderich. lOrrb