HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-02-24, Page 2Tw> The Wiughiun Advauce-Times, Wednesday, February 24» 1954 WHY NO SURCHARGE? East hili, x\ hen it became evident that some of the xnunieipahiies in the Whigham hospital area did not Ju­ tend to contribute to the cost of the new wing, the hospital board decided that it would he necessary to surcharge patients coming worn these municipalities. The idea was that, the lex ring of a surcharge would, in time, raise enough money to pay the municipality's share of the cost of the new xxing. With other municipalities paying their share willing- ly, it seemed like the only thing to do. in fairness to those who haxe comributed. Now the Huron County Council has made a grant of $15,(W to Wingham hospital, on condition that no sur­ charges are levied. And in order to get the $15,000 the board has removed the surcharge. Thus two non-contri­ buting municipalities in Huron will bo able to go along for the ride without contributing a cent towards the new wing. The situation is obviously unfair, both to Whigham ami to the townships xvhich have contributed. $ NEW LANGUAGE revise the a phonetic be spelled as they sound and vice versa. And redundant letters xxnll be shed from words like leaves from the trees in autumn. Instead of "ough" being pronounced seven different ways, there xviU be seven different ways to spell it—all simple. The nexv* language will xvork drastic changes in our way of life. Children will need to spend only halt the time learning to spell. The printed word will be only half as long, resulting’ in millions of dollars saved in printing’ ink and paper. Newspapers, lawyers'* briefs and acts of par­ liament will be shorter by half, adding -considerably to the spare time and leisure activities of those who have to read them. Wo can see a great future for the for one thing. Will anybody somebody's going to On Parade! PLAN. 3 SIXTY YEARS AGO Mrs. Piper, who was a resident of; Wingham for about a year, coming here from Turnberry, died last Sunday after a few weeks’ illness, in her 64th year. The deceased was one of the pioneers of the Township of Turn-j berry’, !The Rev. D. Ferric, of Chesley, was I inducted into the pasterate of the! Wingham Presbyterian Church on tee ■afternoon of Thursday, February 15th., cept new language, ex- u$e it ? GIVE THEM A BREAK ’^re-ent sales total of about That, in our considers the .d whatnot. i io 10 lax, making a on ihe market. And when one gasoline, licenses a: bearing quite a large w another. TH^yALL ERD UP THE WE WAT/ business trip to Chicago, Detroit and other points. Mrs. XV, E. Chapman, Seaforth, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. A.. J. W’alker. Miss Doris Fells and Miss iMac Alien spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss Edith Rush is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. George Giver is on the sick list in Victoria Hospital, in London, An X-ray machine for Listowel hospital looks like a reality, -as the ■town council has made a grant of .$700. '0 - 0 - v FIFTEEN YEARS AGO In addition to tee Ministers and El- During the past week Mrs. Robert decs of the Presbytery of Maitland, jBeattae entertamea the United Church all the clergymen of the town were!choir. On Tuesday night one group present to witness the solemn ser-'was present -ns were another group Xjoes I one evening last week. | 'The Chalmers Schleid, the trophy -of | the Harriston Bonspiel, will rest in FORTY YEARS AGO | Wingham for a year as a local rink . _„T. . 1 cleaned up -at the ’spiel held at Har-?. Ford, formerly of XXrng- ; r;sJ:on ,On Thursday. The. rink was: R. has been residing in Neu-Hetherington, J. Carr Jr., J. A. some time has decided to |WilsOllj sd -gmall skip. XX ingliam and practice his j Palmerston’s ratepayers voted in 0 - 0 - 0 Dr. A. ham, whe stadt forI return to .. _ _ | profession as veterinary surgeon. ‘■•ifavor of tee school board’s proposali ( ?■6 I I I !Ford has leased Mr. I. J. Pattison’s! ' house on Shuter street and will move ’ 1 to town in .a few days .and Will shortly i : open an office. Dr. Ford has 'many; friends who will be pleased to heari, of his return to Wangham. Mr. XValliam Bone has sold his grocery business S. McGee. The store will Automobile mamitacuirers. who last year made an all time record by producing 12fo more vehicles than during the year I^52. feel that they are being discriminated against. And there seems to be some mstification to their complaint. Taxes on motor cars noxv amo* tax phis 15 per cent excise $400 on the smallest car opinion, is a lot of money, other multifarious taxes on it xx’ould seem that, the motorist is .share of the tax burden in one form or another. Taxes, of course, have to come from somexvhere. But. there are a couple of reasons why the automobile industry should be given a break. For one thing motor cars are no longer a luxury. They are a necessary part of the life of hundreds ot thousands of Canadians, of the whole fabric of Canadian society. Furthermore the automotive industn, one of Can­ ada's largest, provides employment for thousands of skilled and unskilled xx others -across Canada. Daring the coming y ear. when forecas ■cars will bo harder to sell a reduction on auto would give the industry much needed encouragen’ s indicate that obile taxes 7k ROUNDABOUT WAY We have often wondered why it is that service clubs knock themselves out raising money. Granted it's useful, but sometimes it d seem to us that there's easier ways of getting a job < ' un practice rncmcy. ..>*5'<Uv 4 4 lx ’■ process. BA and ad ; roimdabo fob the: Through your Red Cross the hpspit-. alfccd veteran Is not a forgotten man. Day In and day out volunteer Red Ci'oss worker# help and visit those people and make an otherwise dreary life one of happinm and contentment. Mrs. Gordon McPherson spent a few days in London with her duugh* ter, Margaret, who has been HI with the mumps. Mr. Sparling and his daughter Miss Hazel Sparling, of EllmviHe, were week-end guests with bls son, Har­ vey Sparling and Mrs. Sparling at the manse. Miss Marjorie Stuart, of Goderich, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, George Stuart. Mrs. Chester London with Gordon Miller measles. Mrs. Andrew Ritchie spent a few days in London last week as guests of their sister, Mrs. Jas. Barbour. Mrs. D. Todd has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. D, J. McIntosh at St. Catharines are with Mr. and Mrs. Nuly Todd at Strat­ ford, John McQuillin is a visitor with Mr. and vale. Hugh walking fortunate accident which happened on Thursday when he fell off the wagon fracturing the outside -bone above his ankle. At the morning service on Sunday Mr. Harvey Sparling dedicated the beautiful picture “The Head of Christ”. A reproduction of the paint­ ing by Solomon, the picture was a gift to the church from the Young People’s Union. The March meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Lome Woods on Thursday, March 4, at 2.30. Roll Call, Sugges­ tions for looking smart. Motto “The World is taking your photograph, look pleasant please” by Miss Mary Murray. Topic by Mrs. E. W. Rice. at Blue-Mrs. Carl Johnston and some Have Your Hair at Rutherford will be cast as a result of other and | ! t Whenever a separation is made be­ tween liberty and justice, neither, in nay opinion, is safe. none of 'the m3". How corny were parts, wvre ;or, so ‘or to help country, us here looking Taylor is a visitor In her daughter, Mrs. who has had the wearing an un- artillery a bread very in­ students can ore drowned out the WO2 Seddon and the boys are looking for- to the next "Sports Night”. 6-0-0 Monday, February 22nd, this Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Gaunt and Mrw. Leslie SCMSt'C®jcnjssa: 'When disaster -strikes, your Cross is there to provide emergency food, clothing, care and •shelter. You nn- there when you support, the Can­ adian Red Cross. XYon’t yehow w .'absorb grease, Xjo'ng-'waringf ■casv Io tkan as x-blnau kitirhvr.s, -bafh- tbttms. rcTrigeratow. THt WHtTK tSKWilX THAT WHO* Free DcHvery Courteous Service On Thursday evening of February 18th, the 99th Bty, R.C.A. held a sports night and was in very good atten­ dance. AU the athletes were out with all their rippling muscles, that is they rippled when the wind blev/. Most of these muscle-bound charac­ ters spent tire evening boxing. We had chumps, I mean champs, ranging from fly-weight to heavy-weight. By fly-weight we mean they had to have a weight fastened to them or they would fly out of the ring. Others played badminton or were downstairs firing on the rifle range. Then to round out the evening, Capt. Jack- son presented a film on the invasion of Normandy, which brought out the steel helmets and tee war was fought all over -again. It was an evening w« U spent ■ward On unit held their regular training night and was honored by the visit of the command inspector of bands, Capt. Finch, who also trades-tested band members. Does this mean we will have higher priced band members? 0 - 0 - 0 The gun crews were busy cleaning up the guns, and for awhile the place reeked with varsol. After the mopping up was done, mostly off the floor, they got down to some serious gun drill. Just for the books, Bdr. “Couldn’t Matter Less” Wells has a great pair of lungs, as the rafters really rang from Ins bellowing. In fact, hi instructors, Blackwell. 0 - 0 - 0 The technical assistants of the officers were in lecture given •by O/C '“Under-drive” Ste. Marie. The subject was the use of the board, and that is not like board. It must have been teresting -as seemed “bori get, eh?to build a new $25,000 high school, by I a majority of S2. Of the 427 ratepayers j eligible to vote, only 252 ballots were ; cast and of these 347 were in favor of phe issue and 97 against. The huild- Ung wiU -consist of a gymnasium, an <auditorium, ’three class rooms, science ; laboratory, a reading and library room’* I and office, approximate cost 525,000. ? MOORE-C.ABR—A quiet wedding; J took place at London on Saturday, \ February IS, ’wh’en Rev. J, W. Hunt; united in marriage Miss Winnifred ’ EsteUa. Carr, to Frank Moore, bote of Wingham, they 'will reside in London. The ladies of St. Raul’s Anglican Church served a delicious pancake supper in the parish ball on Tues­ day evening. The supper was very successful being well attended. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fox, of Guelph, j spent the week-end in town with their I parents. i Mr. and Mrs. W. H. French were i Toronto visitors -over the week-end. ■' Mr. A. J. Walker and daughter Harness Makers Assooi- j jjgmg spent the week-end in ‘E3rk- . Hand Lake, visiting his daughter, Mrs. 'Xru’iu is To* tew’ days. Miss Mary BurchiU, of Guelph, and , j Mrs. Will Hedging spent the week-end ,j with hfr parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Will ! BurchiU.1 I ------------------------------------------- iJZSAf Firemen Rescued Shortly before 1 Two firemen who tumbled from | boats during rescue operations in New and Mrs. Dr,; Hamburg last week, had narrow -es- I capes as the Nith river overflowed Jits banks and flooded a large part | of the village. j Fire Ghief Clayton Forier tumbled tout of a boat into water up to his | shoulders while helping to evacuate | a family or. .Jacob .Street. The current s Was so strong lie was nearly -swept ’away before firemen could pull him {back into the boat. Firemen Clayton Naumann fell into | the water tvhen the back end of his {boat swung into the swift current. | and grasping a limb .of a tree, he lost his balance Firemen v/ere kept busy evacuating families throughout the day. this week to Mr. R. be closed ■next Monday for .stock-taking and Mr, McGee will take possession on Taes- ■ -day. Mr. Bone has not bean in, good ‘ health for some time and. is retiring from business. He has -enjoyed good ■ trade and his many patrons will re- • ; ceive the same careful attention fromI Mr. McGee., who has been a resident |Of Wingham for some years and is] > well known in this section, ! ! Dr. H. E. W. Tamlj-n and Mr. E. -B. 1 i Walker were in Toronto this week at-1 bending the annual meeting of the j Grand Chapter Royal Arch-Masons of I i Canada. } ; Mr. Tbos. Kew was in Berlin last! | week attending the annual meeting of | (the Ontario j ation. j Mrs. J. R. toonto for a5 o-o-o The MT .section were out driving as I explained last week, and when Lite vehicles came in I took inventory and believe it or not all parts 'there, motor and all. No extra such as pedestrians or cattle ■stuck to the front of the radiai the people of Whigham are safe another week. But seriously the boys are -doing structors, ‘and Got. for & job Introducing MISS JUNE COOPER a good job and the two in- I Bdr. '“Dinney” Montg imeiy Mike Willie deserve -credit well done. < 0 - 0 - 0 ■ The signallers had the 19 sets out making strange ’noises and what have you. We are hoping they can receive and send messages correctly .as the time for the Meaford spring shoot is j drawing near and we don’t want .any l 25 pounder rounds falling into our I ‘ laps. The noise is no nerve racking : ! it makes one go to pieces. But Sgt. | “Buck” Sinnamon assures us his men will be well trained. 0 - 0 - 0 This is all for this week, and should be and I leave you with this thought in mind. All you fellow's who are over 16 .years of age and in good physical .condition, that is good shape for the shape you’re in, and are interested in extra money and a chance •yourself while helping your why not come down and see at the Armouries? We’ll be for you. In all. types of Permanent Waving ★ Styling it Cuts it Tinting FREE—Gift Bottle of Shampoo with each appointment made for the first two weeks. ■ Toronto home of *<« ; * 4 .« 4 WCcik must be .a hero nt he must have eon- before he can eon- of Miss Caroline Well- • pleased at her China, ; The reformer ;al! points, and 5 uttered himself ttjuer others. i j on Tues- busitiess trip to Winnipeg western points tirney is away on a with his K*CK l CHURCH OF ENGLAND TN CANADA ? 1 * j.TXVENTY-FIX'E YEARS AGO i The friends iwtiod Will be i she arrived Chentu, West j Christmas, { Mrs. Thomas Fells Ross represented Wingham Horticul­ tural Society at the Provincial conven­ tion in Toronto last: vzeek. Robert Ftito had his right hand caught in a chopper at his farm near BJyth and badly cut. He was taken to the hospital where an effort is being made to save his fingers. Mrs, James Adams announces th<* engagement of her youngest daughter Sarah Helen Clark to James Andrew Coombs. B.A. Sc. of London. The mar­ riage to take pla.ee in April. Mr. J, E, Adams, of Alton, has been spending the past week ‘ brother Capt W. J. Adams Miss Audrey Coulter, of snent the week-end at the Miss Janet MacLean * MaoLean leftxou tig] fect ■ s. ai' bv <i ".’ex the strong survAeT Now jYs? the .comi of Bcormwvijki Vi £ tmmhly suggest that ever) businessman shoxskl lay his plans now for a consistent pro* gram of newspaper advertising throughout the year. Sur­ veys over the years hax*e found that newspaper advertising produced the best results, cheaper than any other method. | Think it ox-er and give us a*calk Welf be giad business. hd j 1 hi.1 Dnbllfthed kt Wingham Ontario W-tinger Brothers, Publishers, W. Barry Wenger, Edfto Member Audit Bureau of Circuiatitit AtfEbbriVhtl as Wrikid Class Mhij Rost Gffite Dept Saibsreriptum Bhte ** One W WK). She Ws Sts® Ife •advance Cl. <. A. & S ipBr y»r Foreign Saute W por yat Advertising Rates on hpplicnQon 11.Uh a.m.-—'Morning Prayer and Sermon .30 p,ni.“—-Church School .Oh p.rn—Evening Prayer and Meditation *< xflj mm “—Ljfoieri Guild in tht Parish Room. Call JOE BEAVER foi all Your Building Needs Pack "B’ opened its meeting on Thursday night with Paul Bennett leading the Grand Howl. 1 Six more cub pals were invested. Paul Adams. Douglas Davidson. Gor­ don Jones, Donald Rintoul. Douglas Spry and Gary Templeman.. After the investiture the cubs were inspect­ ed by their leaders. Here’s one of the remarks that were heard while the inspection was taking place. "Gee, Akela, why do wo 1 have to have inspection? Mom makes' us shine our shoes and everything.” Bagheera (Barb Edwards) led the pack in "British Bulldog”, a game -Which the cubs enjoyed very much. ' Attendance and dues were then taken by Balee (Pat Carmichael). Attendance this week was 28. and .© one new member was welcomed. H The meeting closed with Akela ‘O <Jack Alexander) in charge. Honor" six this week was the Gray six. Next ■Week’s duty six Will be the Rod six. ?:'Parents .are remincied of the hub'J camp this summer. Plan to your boy. send WE ARE YOUR CIL HEADQUARTERS BE SMART, USE M 5? fasy Pc SUPER-WHITE Enamel