HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-01-27, Page 12The Whigham Advance-Times, Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1954.....P»y> Twelve 4-3 WINGHAM MIDGETS EDGE LUCKNOW 4■3 Wingham defeated Lucknow in a WOAA Midget hockey contest at Lucknow on Tuesday. Scoring for the winners were: Murray with two, Hodgkinson and Grey with singletons. For the losers Thuell, Blue and MacDonald notched goals. LUCKNOW — Goal Richards; de­ fence, Gibson, McNay; centre, R. Stanley; wings, Thuell, MacDonald; subs, Baker, Emberlin, Wilson, Blue, Morton, Couse, S. Stanley, WINGHAM—Goal, Vint; defence, Lancaster, Bain; centre, Campbell; wings, Hodgkinson, Murray; subs, Fry Stuckey, Gibbons, Cameron, Foster Grey, Storey First; Period 1— Wingham, Hodgkinson 10.40 2— Lucknow, Blue 18.40 3— Lucknow, MacDonald 19.43 Penalties—Baker Second Period 4— Lucknow, Thuell (Wilson) 5— -Wingham, Grey (Stuckey) 6— Wingham, Murray (Hodgkinson) 17.55 Penalties—McNay, MacDonald, Hodgkinson. Third Period 7— Wingham, Murray (Lancaster) 2.50 Penalties--MadDonald, Stuckey, Gibbons, Murray. (Thuell) 1.15 9.45 £01=10 0 o OEJCE=====IOE=IO!=======aOKSO: January SALE at McKIBBON’S w o a o o FOR THE HANDS 65c ...65c <0 g JERGENS LOTION with DISPENSER ................................ ITALIAN BALM—Travel size FREE with regular size—both HIND’S HAND CREAM ..........................................regular 59c for 49o NOXEMA—Large 10 oz. size for ............ S’1-35 FOR THE TEETH o n § o 2 large size PEPSODENT PASTE regular 66c Giant size CHLORODENT PASTE, 1 Ballpoint PEN free KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE, Anti Enznie—SPECIAL VALUE 2 for 89c SPECIAL OFFER ON VITAMINS Rexall PLENAMINS Rexall PLENAMINS n o a I Towne Hallers Topped 9-5 By League Leading Baldwins Hanna’s Wingham Towne Hallers bowed to the league-leading Seaforth Baldwins for the second time in a week, when the Baldwins handed out a 9-5 defeat to the local team before 1,200 people in the Wingham Arena on Saturday night, Paced by “Cheeta” Chouinard, their flashy forward, Sea­ forth proved more than a match for the Towne Hallers in as fast-paced a game of hockey as local fans are like­ ly to see on home ice. In the first frame the two teams were pretty evenly matched, with J, Muir for Seaforth garnering the only counter. Repeated tries by Wingham failed to dent the formidable Sea­ forth defence, which played a stellaf role throughout the game. Storey from Shantz opened up the scoring in the second period for Sea­ forth, and then Purdon and Lott popped two home in quick succession after Seaforth ranks were decimated by a couple of penalties, Three more tallies for Seaforth rounded out the frame, leaving the visitors in com­ mand by a score of 5-2. In the final stanza the pace got men at once fox1 misdemeanors. Towne Hallers, however, were able to cash in once, and with other counters to their credit Eastern Star Euchre Twenty-two tables were in play at the Eastern Star euchre, held ip the Legion Home last Wednesday. Prize for high lady went to Janet Brown, and prize for high was won by Mrs. Jean Lunn, ladies' prize was won by Mrs. Doris McLennan and low man was Percy Stainton. The special mystery prize was by Norman Keating. $2.00 size package $6.00 size package On Parade! REGULAR VALUE ................$8.00 Both packages for $6.00 Save $2.00 . . . Buy Now and Save FOR THE HAIR Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO plus CREME RINSE both for ........ Revlon AQUAMARINE SHAMPOO and AQUAMARINE SOAP FREE both for FOR THE SHAVER $1.25 $1.00 Noxema THREE WAY SHAVE ...............................regular 40c for 25c PAL RAZOR with Case and Blades .................... regular $1.89 for 89c GELETTE ROCKET RAZOR, Case and 10 Blades for $1.29 Rustcraft o n o o n o Q n o B o The R.H.G. and 99th Battery of the 21st A/Tk Regt., RCA, held their reg­ ular Monday night training on Janu­ ary 25, and as usual were in very good attendance. A few new recruits were on hand, I might add, which is always what we like to see, as they say the more the merrier. We don’t like to see too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. .. - hotter than ever with Seaforth losing two The only two during the period, were unable to cope with the Seaforth rush. Two tallies for the Baldwins in the last minute of play put the capper on a noble Wingham effort. Purdon was best for Wingham with two, while Chouinard got a double for Seaforth. Ron Salter did an out­ standing job in the Baldwin net, play­ ing the entire game with a broken nose received in the warmup just before the play commenced. SEAFORTH — Goal Salter; de­ fence, Barton, Jesson; centre, Stone; wings, Storey, Shantz. Subs, Chouin­ ard, R. Muir, Stenlund, McIlwain, Roberts, J. Muir, Aitchison, Elliott. WINGHAM — Goal, Lessor; de­ fence, Nash, Lockridge ;centre, Pur­ don; wings, (Lott, King. Subs, Fry, Batte, M. Stainton, N. Stainton, Wil­ son, Bell, Gerrie, Chin. First Period 1— Seaforth, J. Muir 6.42 Penalties — Gerrie, Nash, Barton, Aitchison. Second Period 2— Seaforth, Storey (Shantz) 7.06 3— Wingham, Purdon (Lott) 10.00 4— Wingham, Purdon (Lott) 10.43 5— Seaforth, — 6— Seaforth, 7— Seaforth, Roberts) : Penalties Aitchison. Third Period 8— Wingham, Chin (Bell) 7.18 9— Seaforth, Elliott (Aitchison) 10— Wingham, Bell, (Nash, Wilson) 10.45 11— Seaforth Chouinard 15.50 12— Wingham, Nash (Wilson) 17.55 13— Seaforth, Shantz (Stone) 19.30 14— Seaforth, Chouinard (Stenlund, Muir) 19.40 , Penalties — Purdon, Aitchison. Emotion Headaches Not Often Serious When something bothers a turtle, he pulls his head into his shell; and when something bothers a human, he frequently pulls ache. . “The emotional, sieged by worry, his head into 0-0-0 R. Muir 11.49 Stenlund (Barton) 12.35 McIlwain 19.45 — Nash (J. Muir, 2, Barton, 7.49 R. Barton, Officers Installed Send the kind you like to receive— VALENTINES are on display get yours now while the selection is complete. PHONE k.________ 53 ( ) , sro»y . . WINGHAM The first period was on foot drill in preparation for Brig P. A. S. Todd’s inspection on Thursday, January 28th and the same instructors gave the drill, that is Sgts, Buck Sinnamon and Jack Blackwell. As usual they really put the boys through the paces. Buck was overheard saying to one new member “Stomach in, chest out, chin in, throw out your chest, man”, to which the quick-witted character ans­ wered, “But Sergeant, I’m not through with it just yet”. Oh well, the world is full of people like that, Buck. o-o-o As a matter of interest, Sgt. Jack Blackwell will be presented the Cor­ onation Medal this Thursday night by Brig. Todd. That should expand his chest some. Congratulations, Jack, I can’t think of a person who deserves it more, unless it is me. 0-0-0 The band was really practicing in earnest under the direction of Band­ master Bdr. Bill Henderson, also pre­ paring for the inspection with two new men in attendance. I am not say­ ing that they were tall but S/Sgt. Casemore was overheard saying to them that the tent maker was not around and could they please struggle into our tall size uniforms. 0-0-0 ■Wednesday, Thursday,Jan. 27-28 ■ i n ■ i ■ i £ 1 a "Dangerous When Wet1 Esther Williams Fernando Lamas An entertaining blend of music, comedy, romance and water ballet ... in technicolor Friday, Saturday, Jan. 29-30 Matinee Saturday Afternoon ■ rr Debbie Reynolds Bobby Van There’s singing and dancing in this amusing comedy of campus life. Monday, Tuesday,Feb.1-2 rr“Story of Three Loves * All star cast Iin technicolor ♦... “The Story of Three Lovers” offers a trio of contrasting unrelated romantic tales. ALSO "Fast Company" fidgety person, anxieties, and tigue, often suffers from headaches”, writes Dr. Noah D. Fabricant in a publication 6f the American Medical Association. “In many instances he is not aware of the underlying difficul­ ty responsible for precipitating the head pain. “The human being similarly can be thrown off balance by emotions such as hate, hostility, anger, rage, resent­ ment, jealousy and suspicion. Profes­ sional men, business executives and white-collar workers are vulnerable to psychogenic headaches, which are likely to put in an appearance at the end of a trying day.” Headaches of such emotional origin rarely interfere with work, play, or sleep, and they are usually relieved by a nap or a pain-killing tablet. Such headaches, according to Dr. Fa­ bricant, may go on for years without seriously Impairing vigor or wellbe­ ing. LEBANON CHAPTER INSTALLS OFFICERS Young United By U.C. Auxiliary The first, meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Church for 1954 was held January 19, at the home of Mrs. Jack Reavie with Mary Caslick as leader. The theme of the meeting was “The Church”. Betty Newman led in prayer and Gladys Green read the Scripture, A beautiful duet, “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”, was sung by LaVonne Bondi' and Marjorie Guest. Margaret Zur-1 brigg took the- study book. Installation of officers was conduct­ ed by Mrs. Roulston with Iona Walker as the new president. Roll call was answered with a New Year’s reso­ lution. j Editfe Walker, past president, call­ ed for reports of last year and thank­ ed her executive for the co-operation and wished Iona every success as the new president. The meeting closed with the benediction and the members enjoyed a lovely lunch and social half hour. was It The remainder of the evening spent in “blanco-ing” web belts, was a losing proposition as they got more on the floor than on the belts. One new man said to me, “Sergeant, what are we doing this for?” to which I replied, “What would you do if the enemy were to attack to-morrow, you would want to be ready, wouldn’t you, now what would you do?’’ With a very straight face he answered, “I’d take a bianco brush and blank-o them.’’ You know some days it just doesn’t pay you to get up in the mor­ ning. . 0-0-0 i ■ Mrs. man Low won He( joined th© exhibition as a junior clerk ip 1932. Through his father, the late A. Ms Perdue, veterinary surgeon, Jack had an early introduction to live stock and agricultural matters and soon graduated into that depart­ ment of the C.N.E.'s activities. He is a son of Mrs, A. M. Perdue, of Bel­ grave, Sam Foster, former manager of the department for the past 23 years, has reached the age of retirement, but the C.N.E. directors have decided tp retain his services in an advisory cap­ acity. C.Y.O. Euchre Winners There were sixteen tables of euchre played at the January 19th, euchre in Sacred Heart Parish Hall sponsored by the.s C.Y.O, The winners were as follows: Ladies’ high, Mrs Alvin Seli; gent’s high, Mr. George Seiling; mystery prize, Mr. Ed. Fitzpatrick. -> The Board of Directors and Manage­ ment of the Canadian National Ex­ hibition have announced the appoint- met of J. N. Perdue, a former Wing­ ham boy, as the new manager of the C.N.E,’s agricultural and live stock de­ partment. “Jack", as Mr. Perdue is familiarly known to the exhibition exhibitors and patrons, was born in Clifford but moved at an early age to Wingham. Legion Auxiliary Euchre Party Eleven tables were in play at the regular Monday night euchre sponsor­ ed by the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion. George Tervitt was high man and Mrs. George Kerr was high lady. The special prize was won by Mrs. H. Browne Jr. Have You a BULB SNATCHER in the house? If so, drop into Pattison's and stock up with electric light bulbs BEST STOCK IN TOWN I We have everything from 6 to 500 watt bulbs, inside frosted, white and clear, as well as all the fancy varieties with special uses. At the regular meeting of the Leb­ anon Chapter in Wingham, installa­ tion of officers for the ensuing year was held. Rt. Ex. Comp. Dr. George Ross and Rt. Ex. Comp. W. S. Hall acted as installing officers, and the following officers were duly installed: Z, Ex Comp Dave Murray; IPZ, Ex Comp A. J. H. MacDonald; H, Ex Comp Comp Comp A. J. H. MacDonald; treasurer, Rt Ex Comp K. M. MacLennan; S. S., Ex Comp Tom Burke; J. S., Comp Spence Scott; Master 1st Veil, Ex Comp J. D. Beecroft; Master 2nd Veil, Ex- Comp J. J. McGee; Master 3rd Veil, Comp Walter Woods; Master 4th Veil, Comp Leslie Fortune; D of C, jv Ex Comp Alex Reid; Outer Guard, Rt Ex Comp Alex Coutts; auditors, Rt Ex Comp Stan Hall, V Ex Comp Ken Saxton. Miller Davis; Scribe E, Ex John McLean; Scribe N, Ex ALL SIZES IN STOCK! All sizes of fluorescent lights in stock including in­ stant start and circline fluorescents. Lumiline tube lights, heat resisting bulbs for refrig­ erators, 6-watt pilot lights, flash bulbs for inside pictures. EVERY BULB TESTED I Red and white heat bulbs, for many uses around the house or farm. Pattison Radio & Electric Our Phone Number is 171-J Install Mary Denney As New President Mary Denny was installed as presi­ dent of Ladfes’ Auxiliary to the Can­ adian Legion, Branch 307, Howick. Serena Austin concluded the instal­ lation. Other officers installed were 2nd vice, E. Williamson; treas., Jean Sothern; secretary, Mary McCann; past pres., Nellie 'Allan; standard bearer, Alveretta Wallace; executive, Blythe Clarke. One new member was received by initiation, Comrade Lunen of Gorrie. The Mystery box was donated by Mary McCann. Thank you notes were read from soldiers who receiyed boxes. The ladies are having a dance in Ford- wich -community hall in February. The meeting was closed with the Queen, after which the Legion members join­ ed the ladies in a social half hour and lunch, This is all for this week and should be enough, that is if you have read this far, but we are looking for mo<e new recruits, so fellows, if you Want an evening of interesting training and good comradeship, with pay, of course, drop down to see us at the Armouries any Monday night. tr. CASH if you live, CASH if you die. Protection for the family Comfort for your retirement All in one policy. Consult— FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM PHONE 462 I 1 "01301 n o IODOI XODOE IODO)lODCl Ont- each EXTRA PANTS FREE o n o Beating Hawthorne Problem Simple, Says Forester Many areas of pasture land in ario are producing less. grass year because the common hawthorne is “taking over the land.’’ says E. F. Johnston, Forester, Chesley. The prongs on this shrub make it difficult to cut and also protect it from all types of livestock, with the result that it has no control and so thrives— while the desiraDle plants are crowd­ ed out. The root system of the' haw­ thorne is so vigorous that in a few years the plough cannot cope with it, and other means of control must be used. Bulldozing is a popular way of re­ moving thorns and of late chemicals have been used, but these methods of control usually cost more than the land is worth.. As a result, thorn re­ moval is postponed and the problem grows. Here is a way to eliminate this thorny problem and at the same time put the land into timber production. Since Hawthornes rarely grow taller than fifteen feet forest trees, if prop­ erly planted, will soon over-top and shade out these shrubs. All thait is required is to plant the trees in the openings between the thorn bushes and keep the livestock out. As the forest trees grow, they not; only crowd the Hawthornes out, but also produce a valuable crop of timber. Before you decide liow you will solve your “thorn” problem, contact your local zone forester and ask him to outline a' planting program for your property. o n o SPECIAL made-to-measnre offer * Ending Saturday,o n o on a o n o n o o n o O s SAVE UP TO $25.00 n o With every tailored-to- measure suit from) our “Upper 10” samples you receive a second pair of pants absolutely FREELOCAL AND PERSONAL —Mr. and Mrs. Miller Davis spent the week-end with Mrs.. Davis’ brother Mr. Ted Elliott, in Exeter. Mrs. Alex Elliott .spent several days in Toronto with her daughter Mrs. Edwin Ryan. —Mr. Clark Aitken of Darmody, Sask., arrived on Saturday to spend the winter with his uncle, Robt S. Aitken, of CulrcsS —Miss Leslie Mae Wall, Woodstock, home economist for Norfolk and Ox­ ford counties spent the week-end at her home on Minnie Street. —Mr. and MrS. Bill Sturdy and family ,of Owen Sound, spent the week-end With his mother Mrs. F. Sturdy. —Everyone will be glad to know that Mr. Bill Irwin has returned from St Joseph’s Hospital, London, after being a patient there for the last three weeks, —Mrs. James Mitchell, Leopold Street, who has been visiting in Wil- lowdalo, Weston and Toronto, return* ed home on Saturday Take advantage of this FINE OFFER and Handsome New Suit <■ made especially for you.GOSPEL HALL Regular Sundays Services Sunday School 10.15 am. eDiGHOFfeRs, winGHAmRemembering the Lord at 11.15 Gospel Meeting at 7.90 pm. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Each Thursday evening nt 8 p.m.a “The Friendly Store**' Last complete showing starts at 8.15 p.m J DOI [ODOK 2ODO1 IODO) 8 ODOD