HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-01-27, Page 5NEWS OF WROXETER
Election of Officers Held
At Salem Annual Meeting
New officers were elected and the
reports read at the annual meeting
of Salem United Church on Tuesday
evening. Rev, E. W. Todd presided and
opened the meeting with a short wor
ship service.
Elected were: Members of session,
Morrison Sharpin, Greer Wylie, Mil-
liam Bolt, Stanley Gallaher; trustees,
W. A. Cathers, William Bolt, Stanley
Gallaher, William Taylor; stewards,
Charles Cathers, chairman, Joseph
Simmonds, William Errington, Walter
Willits, Mrs. S. Gallaher, Mrs. W, Tay
lor, William Merkley, Everitt Cathers,
Mrs. Stan
Eldred Gathers; secretary-treasurer,
William Taylor; Sunday school super
intendent, Mrs. Ira Neil;
Mrs; Gordon Rae,
The W,A. president was
Gallaher; organist, Donna
assistant, Mrs. William Bolt; conven
er of choir, Mrs. Eldred Cathers;
ushers, Gordon Rae, M, Sharpin, Ev
eritt Cathers, W, A. Cathers; auditors,
Eldred Gathers and W. Bolt.
The date of the anniversary ser
vices for 1954 were set, Sunday, Sept
ember 12th. A moment’s silence was
observed for the late Mrs, Melvin
Itemegiber When O
. . . Remember those skinny
old tires, that you patched
over - - and a tire repair kit
was part of the accessories?
Tires, today, are tough,
sturdy and with lots of mile
age in ’
Let us align the wheels
of your car . . . your tires
will last longer, give you
greater safety.
Willits,....Ladies of the congregation
served lunch and a social hour was
St. James’ Guild
Mrs, George Griffith, Wroxeter
South, opened her home for the Janu
ary meeting pf the Women’s Guild ot
St. James’ Anglican Church on Tues
day afternoon. Mrs. Ken Bennett was
chairman for the meeting and was
assisted in the worship service by
Mrs, Glenn McKercher, who read
from “The Forward”,
Plans were completed for the an
nual pot luck supper which precedes
the annual vestry meeting. Plans were
also made for the World Day of Pray
er which will this year -be held on
March 5th. Mrs, Vern Clarke was
named president with a member nt
the Guild to be responsible for one
meeting during the year. Mrs. Ken
Bennett was elected secretary-treas
urer. The remainder of the afternoon
was spent cutting out quilt blocks,
Rev. Douglas Fuller closed the meet
ing with prayer and lunch was served
by the hostess.
United Church W.A.
The Woman’s Association of the
United Church held the first meeting
of the New Year on Tuesday after
noon in the church schoolroom. The
newly elected president, Mrs. W, T.
MacLean, opened the meeting with
the hymn, “Standing at the Portal”
with Mrs. Harvey McMichael as or
ganist. Mrs. Thomas McMichael read
the Scripture from Luke’s Gospel and
Rev. E. W. Todd led in prayer.
The president spoke briefly and read
a poem “A New Year’s Wish”. The
secretary-treasurer read letters of ap
preciation from Mrs. A. MacDonald,
a former member who is in Western
Sanitarium and’ whom
.had remembered with
treat. Words of thanks
ceived from Mrs. Jim
is also a shut-in.
Members voted to give a gift of $50
to the church funds. The treasurer
reported $560 raised in the past year.
Dy unanimous decision a bazaar will
be held in October and women of the
church are asked to keep this in mind
as they will be asked to contribute
articles for sale.
Members agreed to cater for the
local bonspiel on Monday and the ca
tering committee is Mrs. Harvey Mc
Michael convener, Mrs. Wm. Hart,
and Mrs. Les. Douglas: Mrs. Weir and
Mrs. McMichael to make tea. The
, same committee will be ■ in charge
~ J when the congregation hold the an-
the members
a Christmas
were also le-
Douglas, who
■i = wnen me congregation noia tne an-
nual meeting on Friday evening, Jan-
uary 29th, commencing with "&"' pot 1 ien4 vyith Mi«»e« Gladys an^Rena
lunlr onnnBr nt 7 o’olonk Thf» ncKAoin-" M<V?linnhpv of Aiihurnluck supper at 7 o’clock. The associa
tion will provide meat, rolls and pot
atoes, ladies pf the congregation to
provide other food.
Thirteen members answered the
roll call, a Bible verse with a child’s
name. The meeting closed with
Lord’s prayer, A pot luck supper
served with Mrs, W, T. MacLean
Mrs, Les Douglas in charge.
ProgressivQ Euchre
Ten tables were in play when
Howick Lions Club sponsored a pro
gressive euchre party in the Masonic
Club rooms on Friday evening. The
ladies with high score were Miss Jean
Wilton an<3 Mrs, Justin Will. Ted
Smith was first for the men and Chas.
Cathers second. Mrs Wm, Wright won
lone hand prize. Mrs. Ira MacLean and
Mr. Yuill, pf Belgrave, were winners
of the special bingo, Mr, Yuill win
ning the draw. Refreshments were
served by the committee in charge,
Al Munro, K. Hueston, Gordon Gib-
Harvey McMichael, Roy Hunter
J. H. Wylie.
Needs Further Treatment
Friends of Andy Gibson will regret
to learn he has been taken to a Lon
don Hospital for further treatment.
Six months ago Andy fracturede his
leg while haying. He spent some
months in Wingham General Hospi
tal and also some time in bed at home.
Upon removal of the cast his condi
tion is not satisfactory. Andy’s many
friends hope he will soon be complete
ly recovered.
Mrs. Scott Hunter and little
of Strathroy, spent the past
with, Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
George Bradley, To-
week-end with J. H.
Charles McCutcheon,
McClinchey, of Auburn.
Miss Lorna Buchanan, pf London,
Spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan,
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Campbell and
family visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Sarah Radford, of Clinton,
Mr, and Mrs, Norman McDowell
and Mr, William McDowell were Lon
don visitors on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington, of
Dungannon, visited on -Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowellr
Bob Marshal, David Nesbit
E. Cook, of Blyth, visited on
with Arnold Cpok.
Percy Black, of Manitoba,
Black, of the Sixth Concession, visited
recently with
Mr. Mansel
Ralph Rodger,
Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Emerson
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Boak and child
ren, of Crewe, visited on Saturday
with Mrs. Fred Cook.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Taylor visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanna
of Belgrave,
and A.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl
Cook and sons and
of Kinburn, visited on
John Snell has returned home from
Toronto Hospital, having been there
for the past month.
Mrs, Lawrenpe Hislop visited friends
here last week.
Mrs. Glenn McKercher and Ann
spent the week at Centralia with her
sister, Mrs. Wallace Nixon.
Vernon Snell spent the week-end at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Snell.
The Farm Forum, which was to
have been held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hastings, was post
poned owing to the death of a relative.
A very successful euchre party was
held at S.S. No. 4, Grey, on Friday
Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman visited last
week at the home of her brother John
Tlie Wingham Wt^neaday, Jan. IfiS*
Low prizes were won by Mrs, Sam
Pletch and Jessie Wheeler, Two nov
elty prizes were awarded to Mrs. Jack
Anderson and Jesse Wheeler.
Crokinole party
crowd attended the crokin-
whiqh was held in Knox
A large
ole party
United Church basement on Thursday
evening, January 21, under the aus
pices of the Sunday School.
High prizes were won by Mr, and
Mrs. Carl Procter and low prizes went
to Miss Annie Copk and Ralph Logan.
Lunch was served,
Club 20
Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler en
tertained the members of Club 20 at
their home on Wednesday evening of
last week. The evening was spent
playing progressive euchre. Prizes
were won by Mrs. Albert Pieman and
James R. Coultes, Mrs. Clifton Walsh
and Albert Bieman.
Miss Mildred Cook, of London, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Cook.
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Harrison and
Anne Louise, of Moncrieff, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hanna and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Nichol and Bill
Grasby, of Brussels, visited on Sun
day with Mr, and Mrs. James Michie.
Mr. and Mrs. John Langridge and
family, of Wingham, visited on Sat
urday with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Langridge.
Mr. Solomon Cloakey of Mazenod,
Sask., spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Cloakey.
Miss Beatrice Wade, of Fordwich,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Nethery.
Miss Annie Baker, of Wingham,
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Wilkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black and
Charles, of Britton, visited' on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wight
man and family.
Crop Report
By W, G. Montgomery
Many of the old farm windmills are
now being purchased as bases for TV
antennae. With the local TV station
now featuring farm news, there is an
increase in the number of sets being
purchased by county farmers.
Most farmers now report that they
will have adequate feed, supplies for
the remainder of the inside feeding
period. AU classes of livestock gener
ally appear to be in good condition,
We realize our obligation when
we fill your order for a Mem
orial—and we provide only ma
terials of unending serviceabil
ity. Design and workmanship
are of the finest, and our prices
are most moderate.
Promptly Done
Plan for Spring Now
Plan now for your spring decorating by seeing
the beautiful drapery and reupholstering
samples on display at the Warren House in
The Warren House will measure, make and
install drapes to your complete satisfaction.
Drop around to the Warren House in Wing
ham and look at the beautiful fabrics on
The Warren House is open Friday and Satur*
day evenings for your convenience.
Warren House
Phone 475 Wingham
Mr and
Mrs. James Sangster is a patient in
the Wingham General Hospital, suf
fering from pneumonia. Her many
friends wish for her a speedy recov
Mr and Mrs.
ronto, spent the
and Mrs, Wylie,
Mr. and Mrs.
Wroxeter South, also Mr, and Mrs.
Oliver Riley, of Brussels, spent Sun
day with their mother and grand
mother, Mrs. “Robert Hupfer.
Ronald McMichael, president of the
Huron County Junior Farmers, was
interviewed on the farm and home
hour on CKNX on Wednesday of last
week by Harold Baker, assistant ag-
gricultural representative for Huron
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffat and
daughter, Marjorie, spent the week
end at Kitchener.
Mrs. J. I. Gamble of Fordwich, spent
part of last week with her sister,
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton.
Russel McIntosh, of Saskatchewan,
is visiting at the home of Charles
Cathers and other old neighbors. Mr.
McIntosh and family lived at one time
on the property owned by the late
George Bennett, Wroxeter North, and
left for the west about 1920.
Mrs. J. Simmonds has returned to
her home from Wingham General
Hospital much improved in health. «.
Ed. Jacklin is a patient in Wingham
General Hospital. His many friends
in and around the village hope for
improvement soon.
The February meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held
United Church school room
evening of February 3rd at 8
This is family night and a
concert will include a skit “Second
Class Citizens’’ with 8 members in the
cast. This play, which has to do with
racial prejudice, was written by a
member of the National Executive of
United Nations of Canada. The men
will take part in a debate “Resolved
that a tractor is of more value to a
farmer than a wife.” A contest—the
best slogan for the W.I., will be held.
Members of the cast of “Raggedy
Nan”, the play sponsored in 1953 by
the W.I. is invited to be guests on
family night,
Week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Gilbert Howes were Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Coombs, Mrs. Russel Deachman and
son, Don.
in the
on the
cJtattqe co&l
Prolific Howers change color 1 times daily —
like MAGIC. Morning — brilliant orange,
yellow centers; noon, reddish pink, lighter
centers; afternoon, rose-pink, white centers.
A vigorous climber, easily grown, blooms ,
through summer and fall.
Euchre Club
Five tables were in play at the Bel
grave Euchre Club party on Wednes
day evening. High prizes were won by
Mrs, Cora McGill and Sam Pletch.
Mark Anniversary
On Saturday evening, January 23, a
large number of neighbors and friends
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Langridge in honor of the oc
casion of their thirty-fifth wedding
anniversary. Glenn James read an ad
dress and Howard Wilkinson present
ed them with a tri-Iite lamp on behalf
of those present.
Stokes Seeds, St. Catharines, Ont.
Send me a packet and free catalogue.
Hold Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Westfield
United Church was held in the church
school room on Thursday afternoon,
January 21.
The meeting opened with the mini
ster, \Rev. C. C. Washington, reading
from Ephesians, fourth chapter, fol
lowed by prayer. v
The reports were presented by the
Various organizations and they all
showed the church had been active
during the past yean
During the election of officers the
retiring member of session, William
McDowell, was re-elected to retire in
1959. Hugh Blair and Ernest Snell
were re-elected for a three-year term
on the board of stewards. Alva Mc
Dowell was appointed as representa
tive on the official board from the
board of trustees. John Buchanan was
appointed church treasurer and Mar
vin McDowell as church secretary.
William Mcpowell was named M <& M
teasurer. Church officer is Edgar
Ushers are Graeme Mcbowell, Cecil
Campbell, Bill Taylor, John Buchanan
Jr., Gordon Smith and Jasper Snell,
Other business pertaining to the
church was discussed and plans made
for the year’s work. The meeting was
dismissed with prayer by the pastor.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman McDowell
visited with Air. and Mrs. Elwood
Stackhouse of Wilton Grove, recently,
Miss Lois Campbell spent the week-
ST. or R.R.