HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-01-20, Page 6viatlitieds do the irick -No Matter what the weather The Wingham Advance-Tiines, liVednesday Jan. 20, 1951 FOR SALE COMING EVENTS LApiES’ BLACK cloth coat for sale, size 38-20chamois lined with large silver fox collar; in good condition; just returned from stor­ age, Apply Box 4, Wingham Ad­ vance-Times. 13:20* DINING-ROOM round, walnut exten­ sion table for sale; 45 inches diam­ eter closed, six boards 8a* inches wide, in new condition. May be seen by appointment. Phone 182, Wing­ ham, Ontario. 13:20* THE ’MONTHLY MEETING of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion will be held in the Legion Home, Tuesday, January 26th. Zope Compander, Mrs. Luella Hall will be the guest speaker. A good attend­ ance of the members 'is requested. C20b LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dent of Woodstock, visited with Mr. and Mrs, W. Hammond last week. —Mr. and Mrs. F, L. Davidson left today to visit in Miami and Cuba for two months. —Mr. and Mrs. Tommy James of Alliance, Alta., spent the week-end with Mrs T. J, Baker at the home of Mrs. D, Martin, of Britton, Ont, IiEAL. ESTATE HOUSE for sale or rent in Wingham. Apply C. F. Pjehl, 51 Doone Road, Kitchener. 20* CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re­ lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon. FOR RENT NORGE refrigerator for sale, good condition, price $65.00. Apply Wil- J fred White, phone 335J. 20* MODERN ONE-LEDROOM heated apartment for rent. Private bath and well decorated. Apply Elmer Wilkinson. 20b the FRONT WHEELS on rubber for In­ ternational spreader for sale. 1 Yorkshire Gilt, due in March. 1 Yorkshire sow carrying her 3rd. litter. Apply Wilbert Fraliek, R. 1, Wingham. Phone Wroxeter lr2. 20* APARTMENT for rent; 3 piece bath; possession immediately. Phone 668. 20b ROOM WITH BOARD $1.50 AND YOUR OWN GRAIN will bring one pig to market in less than six months, when you use I’ella- grex VMA mix. Come in and ask us about it today. McKibbons Drugs. 20.27b i I■I iI FURNISHED ROOM tfand board. Phone 270. ' 20b TENDERS WANTED ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and stamp pads sold at The Wingham Advance-Times. MISCELLANEOUS FIND OUT how you can save mon­ ey and get complete insurance pro­ tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb TENDERS will be received for the spraying for Warble Fly, applicant to state price per head if water is heated and also if cold water is used. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned not later than 12 o’clock noon, February 4th, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. L. Durst, Clerk, Township of Howick, Wroxeter, Ontario. 20:27b SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash div­ idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the U-ited Co­ operatives in Wingham. 25rrb TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the supplying of Warbicide Powder for the spraying of cattle for Warble Fly, until 12 o’clock noon, February 4th, 1954. Powder to be stored and packaged to the instruction of the Inspectors. Tenders to state price per pound. Lowest or any tender not necessar­ ily accepted. P L. Durst, Clerk, Township of Howick, Wroxeter, Ontario. 20:27b SAVE $ $ $ EVERYTHING IN PLUMBING AND HEATING—Bath­ room sets and Powder rdom sets in white and colour. Sinks—stainless steel and porcelain enamel. Pressure systems and sump pumps. We pay all freight. Write Dept. WAT or visit our showrooms. Open Wed­ nesday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES, STREETS- VILLE, ONTARIO..... 6:13:20:27b APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned for 2 Inspectors for Warble Fly supervision, applicants to state rate per hour and rate per mile while driving own car and be in the hands of the undersigned by 12 o’clock moon, February 4, 1954. Highest or any tender not necessar­ ily NEW PRODUCTS accepted. P. L. Durst, Clerk, Township of Howick, Wroxeter, Ontario. . 20:27b FEEDING PELLAGREX V.M.A. mix and your own grain is a new way to bring healthy pigs to market in less than six months. In stock now. Let us show it to you today. Mc- Kibbons Drugs. 20:27b NOTICE TO CREDITORS UPHOLSTERING We specialize in Workmanship Week’s service, finishing. For Fairyland, 487J. re-upholstering, guaranteed. One Also repairing, re­ appointment call RRB WANTED WANTED—Organs of any kind. Ap­ ply C. de Haan, R. 3, Blyth. Phone 30rl5, Blyth. 13:20:27:3* ONTARIO OATS wanted. Apply J. Bumstead & Son. Phone 455. 13:20* DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. irrb All persons having claims against the estate of George Alwrid Wearring, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Butcher, who died on or about the sixth day of October, A.D. 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the thirtieth day of January, A.D., 1954, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said thirtieth day of January the assets of the said testator will be dis­ tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this twelfth day of January, A.D. 1954. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. 13:20:27 LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead, dis­ abled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone collect, Wingham'561J or William Stone Sons Limited, Ingersoll. 28rrb SALESMEN WANTED OPPORTUNITY to establish yourself in permanent business selling na­ tionally advertised products for home and farm. No investment necessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Dept. O-W-2 The J. R. Watkins Company. 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. 6:13:20:27b NOTICE The annual meeting of the Wing­ ham General Hospital Association will be held on Friday, February 5th, at 8 p.m., in the recreation .room of the Nurses’ residence, at Wingham. All matters of business pertaining to. the Wingham. Hospital Association including the election of directors and other officers and consideration and passing of the by-laws of hospital will be transacted. Everybody welcome. John Strong, Secretary 20:27.3b the HOW TO MAKE if possible for you and your family to provide little “extras” that make life more en­ joyable? Simply by becoming our dealer in your locality. If you like meeting people you’ll 'enjoy selling our 250 guaranteed household neces­ sities, petails on request. FAMIL- EX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. C, Mont­ real. 20b HELP WANTED FEMALE Oper at o r, Exchange, ideal posi- Apply to WANTED—Switchboard Molesworth Telephone Experience not essential, tion for retired couple. Thos Waldock, R. 1, Listowel. 13,20b NOTICE All persons desiring to cast a bal- lot at the annual meeting of the Wing­ ham General Hospital Association, on Friday,. February 5th, must be paid up members of the Association as of January 26th, 1954, ten days prior to the meeting as required by the by­ laws. . All persons may renew their mem­ bership or become members by sub­ scribing and paying to the funds of the hospital the sum of $1.00. These memberships may be obtained from any member of the board of directors, the secretary, or at the hospital office. All members and the general public are cordially invited to attend the an­ nual meeting. John Strong, Secretary 20b OFFICERS APPOINTED BY HOWICK COUNCIL The Howick'' council met in clerk’s office, Gorrie, according to statute. The members elect were all present and took the necessary declar­ ation of office as follows: H. Gowdy, reeve; Arthur Gibson, deputy-reeve; Elmer Kaufman, councillor; Ivan Haskins, councillor; Harvey McMic­ hael, councillor. Rev. Fuller was pre­ sent and addressed the council and led in prayer for their success in 1954. The business of the council proceeded with the reeve, H. Gowdy, in the chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of McMichael and Kaufman were adopt­ ed as read. Carried. Gibson-Haskins—That we instruct the tax collector to return the collec­ tor’s roll at the February 5th meeting, 1954. Carried. Gibson-McMichael— That we join the Good Roads Association. for the year 1954. Carried. Kaufman-Gibson—That we appoint H. Gowdy, reeve, and Ivan Haskins, councillor, as members to the Belmore Communjty Centre Hall Board. Car­ ried. Gibson-Haskins—That we appoint Elmer Kaufman and Harvey McMich­ ael as members of the council on the Fordwich Community Hall Board, also Harold Pollock for the Curling Club, Mrs. W. McCann for the Women’s In­ stitute, Harry Samson for the library board, Stanley Bride for the Lions Club and Kenneth Graham for the police village trustees. Carried. Haskins-Kaufman—That we appoint the reeve and deputy-reeve to the Gorrie Community Hall Board. Car­ ried. McMichael-Gibson — That we ins­ truct the clerk to .apply for nine sub­ scriptions to the Municipal World. Carried. Kaufman-Haskins—That we appoint all members of the council as dele­ gates to the^Good Roads Convention, allowing up to $30.00 for expenses. Carried. Gibson-McMichael—That we call for tenders for supplying powder for warble fly spraying for the Township of Howick for the year 1954, powder to be stored and packaged to the in­ structions of the inspectors, tenders to be in the hands- of the clerk not later than 12 o’clock noon February 4th, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Carried. McMichael-Haskins—That we here­ by call for tenders for warble fly spraying in the Township of Howick, tenders to state price per hpad if wa­ ter has to be heated and also for or­ dinary water, tenders to be in the hands of the clerk not later than 12 o’clock noon February 4th, 1954. Low­est or any tender not necessarily ~ - cepted. Carried. Gibson-Kaufman—That we call applications for two inspectors to pervise the warble fly spraying -in Township of Howick for the year 1954 applicants to state rate per hour and rate per mile for driving own car, ap­ plications to be in the hands of the clerk not later than 12 o’clock noon February 4th, 1954. Carried. Gibson-McMichael— That we join the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario for the year 1954. Carried. .Haskins-Gibson-j-That the reading of the Engineer’s report on the Wills Drain No. 2 will be .held at the clerk’s office, Gorrie, on February Sth, at 2 pm. Carried.Gibson-Kaufman—That the road ac­ counts as approved be paid. Carried. McMichael-Gibson—That the follow­ ing accounts be paid Carried. R. H. Stephens & Son, broom for the clerk’s office, $2>10; Association of As­ sessing Officers, membership, $10.00; Treasurer of the County of Huron, hospitalization, $13.50; H. Zimmerman, fox bounty, $2:00; Elmer Haskins, fox bounty, $2.00; Good Roads Association, membership, $10.00; Glen Austin, fox bounties, $6.00; W. D. Colby, survey, plan, report, expenses etc., on Wills Drain No. 2, $151.00; J. Will, labor on Wills Drain, $7.00; E. Cathers, labor on Wills Drain, $7.00; H. Gowdy, la­bor on Wills Drain, $15.00; P. Durst, registration of deaths and births, $6.25. Total, $231.85. Haskins-Kaufman—That we hereby certify that Anson Galbraith has been a full time employee of the Township of Howick for five years and is ex­ pected to continue in such service for an intermediate period. Carried. MoMichael-Gibson—-That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 5th or at the call of the reeve. Carried.P. L. Durst, Clerk H. Gowdy, Reeve ac- for su- the CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this oppor­ tunity to express our sincere thanks for the countless acts of kindness, cards, flowers, gifts and letters re­ ceived while we were both confined to the hospital. Olive and Norman Heal 20* CARD OF THANKS GIRL OR WOMAN wanted at once to clerk in store, Apply by letter only Stating experience if any to Box 5. Advance-Times. 20rrb PERSONAL MARY--Please come back. Please, I’ll do anything to make things easier for1 you, John. 20b WROXETER TELEPHONE CO. LTD. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Take notice that the annual meeting of the shareholders of the above com- party will be held in the public library in the town hall, Wroxeter, on Wed­ nesday, January 27th, 1954, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of transacting such business as may be brought before the shareholders. Wroxeter, January 16th, 1054 P, L. Durst, Secretary. ’ 20b I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all those Who kindly remembered me with cards, gifts, treats and to those who visited me while I was a patient in the Wing­ ham General Hospital. Ethel AitchisOri 20b CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all the kind friends who made my stay in Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital more pleasant by visits, cards and gifts, etc., also thanks to Drs. Connell and Corrin, Mrs. Morrey and staff. Anna Marie Kieffer 20* Young Folk Leaving Farm Discussed at W J. Meeting Bob Carbert of CKNX, Wingham, W. J. V. Buchanan. Interment was guest speaker at the January Clifford cemetery, meeting of the Gorrie W.I, at the Personuls home of Mrs. Allan Hyndman on.> Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Braden, Tuesday afternoon. His subject was I Poplar Pt.. ' “Why Young People^ Leave the'-- ’ - ’ Farm.” He said farm machinery I and modern methods have reduced the need for all the boys of the fam­ ily to remain on the farm but an en­ deavor should be made to keep on the farm, the boys who will be inter­ ested and willing to take responsibil­ ity. Parents should not speak dis­ paragingly of agriculture to their children. The man who has a 40- houi’ working week is working for someone else; the farmer has longer hours but is his own boss. Lack of proper business arrangements some­ times drive young men away from the farm. Every boy should have a good education as it is easy to carry and may come in handy if a boy becomes physically unable to farm. Mrs. C. Wilson, the president, pre­ sided for business which included arrangements for “Family Night".''’ ------ — - — —... The program committee is Mrs. Glad, sPence,was' the former Nettie Edgar, Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Mrs. Allan Hyndman; table committee, Mrs. N. Wade, Mrs. W. C. King, Mrs. Andy Edgar. It will take the form of a pot luck supper, and each member may invite one couple. Mrs. Lunan, Mrs. Andy Edgar, Mrs. E. H. Strong, Miss Margaret Dane, the president and secretary were appointed to ar­ range next year’s program. Mrs. N. Wade, Mrs. W. C. King and Mrs. Allan Hyndman will be the nominat­ ing committee. A donation of $5 was made to the “Save the Children Fund”. It was announced that the Christmas gift to the “Children’s Aid” at Goderich amounted to $9, Many “Thank you notes” were read for flowers or boxes sent to .“shut ins’ at Christmas, also for the copies of “Upper Rooms”. Women’s Institute Concluded The motto “Be proud of your farm heritage and have faith in the fu­ ture”, prepared by Mrs. Cecil Wilson and read by Miss Margaret Dane, spoke of the shepherds (farmers) be­ ing honored in receiving the angel’s message, of .the Saviour’s birth. The roll .call was “Why I like to live on a farm”. Mrs. A. Scott brought “Cur­ rent; Events”. Mrs. Morley Johnston was winner at the Dutch auction. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Norman Wade and Mrs, Harry Ferguson serv­ ed refrehmentsS Forestry Club Organized Brussels 4H Forestry Club was former in Brussels on Tuesday, Jan, 12, 1954. The officers elected are as follows: president, Murray Under­ wood, Wroxeter; vice president, Wm. Austin jr., Gorrie; sec.-treas., Jean Fraser, Ethel; press reporter for Howick, John Stafford, Gorrie; press reporter for Brussels, Elgin Schade, Walton. The meeting was under the direc­ tion of H. H. de Vries, the zone for­ ester and Harold Baker, the assistant agricultural representative. Celebrate 35th Wedding Anniversary About 90 relatives and friends from Durham;’ Teeswater, Harriston, Lis- towle and surrounding communities planned a party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar’s 35th wedding anniversary on Friday, Jan. 15th in the Gorrie Community Hall. Ken Edgar was master of ceremonies. Progressive euchre was enjoyed. Mrs. Wm. Wright had highest score for ladies; Mrs. C. Michel consolation; gents, W. C. King; consolation W. W. Strong. Francis and Jimmy Edgar favored with tap dances. Following lunch Mrs. Cameron Stewart read an address and Stanley Edgar and Wilfred King presented Mr. and Mrs. Edgar with an electric kettle, reversible rug, china teapot and other gifts. Red Cross will Hold Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Gorrie and district Red Cross will be held in the L. O. L hall on Friday, Jan. 22nd., at 2,30 p.m. It is hoped that many will plan to attend this meeting and help the Red Cross carry on in this district. I miHLLO Meets The monthly meeting4 of the W.M.S. was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter Cook with 15 present. The call to worship was in given by Mrs. Gordon Smith who was in charge of the group, The opening I hymn "I gave my life for thee”, was f followed with prayer by Mrs. Marvin ♦ * u, Manitoba, spent a ’ few McDowell. The Scripture lesson was days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J ' Geo. Galbraith, Mr. Braden is a ®ol° ™as given by Mrs> Murxay Mc" cousin of Mr. Galbraith’s and was JJOWeU’ born on the B line of Howick town-' The chapter in the study book, ship, leaving here for Manitoba when ‘‘Where’er the Sun” was given by a baby some sixty years ago, : Mrs. Norman McDowell. A reading Mrs, H. V, Holmes was taken by “MX DailY Prayer” was given by ambulance to Wingham General Hos- Mrs.’Jack Buchanan. pital on Wednesday suffering from’ The business was conducted by the the effects of a fall in her home on president Mrs. Charles Smith who Monday At time of writing there is gave a message of the new year. A a slight improvement in her condi- letter of protest is to be sent to tion. Mrs, J. _H. King has been con- McLean’s Magazine and Readers Di­ fined to bed for the past week. We gest protesting against their liquor hope there may soon be an improve- advertisements. Reports were given ment in the health of both. ■ I by the various treasurers and supply ^^Mr. and- Mrs. Cecil Grainger, Mrs. secretary, The meeting closed with Edgar and Mrs, Gordon Edgar at- j tended the funeral of Mrs. Hugh! "I" ' ___I Ethel Bradnock was also at the fun-. in the church schoolroom. The meet­ ing was led by Lyle Smith, who gave the call to worship. The Band re­ peated the members purpose in unison and prayer was given by Mrs. | Hugh Blair. Scripture was read from , Psalm 46:1-7 by Ronald Snell. I Readings were given by Dorothy! Howatt and Hugh Campbell. The study book was taken by Mrs. Blair I ■ and the story told by Mrs. Howard Campbell. Tho meeting closed with the benediction by Mrs. Alvin Snell. Personals 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, of Wilton Grove, were visitors on Thurs­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stack­ house. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, James and Eric, visited on Wednes­ day with Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd of Walton. Wm. McDowell visited on Thursday with Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse and Miss Eva, of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and family visited on Saturday with Miss Edna Smith of Kitchener, also with Mr. and Mrs. John Gear, of Water­ loo. Mrs. Alva McDowell visited on Fri- ! day with Mrs. Bert Vodden, of Clin- i ton. Mrs. Fred Cook visited on Friday i with Mrs. Bob Moore, of Dupgannon, ; Ralph Rodger is spending a few i days with Mr.- and Mrs. Mansel Cook, i of Kinburn. i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan and i Mrs. Fred Cook visited on Tuesday i with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black, of ; the 6th concession of East Wawa- ■ nosh. i Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell and I children, of Listowel, visited on "Sun- i day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ! Campbell. | I •' i * Bln I nd KRIEUTZWISER-In Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital, on Wednesday, Jan­ uary 13th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Krieutzwiscr, R. 1, Teeswater a son. " WHITBY—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Friday, January 15th, 1954 to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Whitby, Luck- how, Ontario, a daughter. II FARMERS tion, 1 fined to bed for the past week. rtient in the health of both. xywpil uiauigia, 4V4.1S. . BeVrCHUJ, Xlie flic, Mervyn Grainger, Mr. and Mrs. Glad a hymn and prayer. SS “ho 1?™erS°rSn MEr?aHuagh i Missl°n M“lS Spencejm Mitchell on Saturday. Mrs.I The Mission Band met on Sunday ■eral and remained for a few days. Grainger, a daughter of the’late ~Mi\ and Mrs. Harry Grainger of the Molesworth district and was well known here.Miss Bonny Zimmerman, of Wing-' ham, spent several days last week with her sister Mrs. Harry Temple­ man who has been ill. . ; Fred McIntosh, of Bradwell, Sask., is visiting with Mrs. Sanford Zimmer­ man and Harry. His brother, Russel McIntosh, of Blucher, Sask., is also visiting friends in this district. Both' were former residents of the B line Howick. I i Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, at present with their son Mr. Telford Montgomery arid Mrs. Montgomery in London celebrated their 58th wed­ ding anniversary on Friday, Jan. 15th when Mr. and Mrs. T. Montgomery entertained their immediate family and London friends in. honor of the occasion. Many friends here will. join in best wishes. I Mrs. Mae Jackson who has been at her home here for the past two weeks has gone! to Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Hastie spent Sunday in Owen Sound. They accom-1 panied Mr. and’ Mrs. Jack Blyth, of ' Wingham. ’ The sympathy of the community is , extended to the Howes and Behms families in their sad bereavement. YOU CAN RAISE PIGS to MARKET SIZE IN LESS THAN 6 MONTHS USING YOUR OWN HOME GROWN GRAIN PLUS the NEW V.M.A. Supplement at an extra cost of Approximately $1.50 per Pig GUARANTEED RESULTS or money back NOW ON SALE AT t Kerr’s Drug StorE mL s z WINGHAM TAXI g x Hockey , Gorrie played with Neustadt at the Wingham Arena on Thursday night. Score was Neustadt 8 - Gorrie 6. United Church News The January meeting of the Wo­ men’s Association will be held at the parsonage on Thursday, Jan. 21st at 2.30 p.m. Program committee, East­ ern Willing Workers, Lunch comm., Mrs. W. King, Mrs, Gordon Edgar, Mrs. H. Ferguson, Mrs. A. Toner. On Jan. 26 a congregational skating party will be held under auspices of the Y.P.U. followed by a hot lunch in church hall. St. Stephen’s Church The executive of the Woman’s Aux­ iliary for 1954 was .installed at the service on Sunday afternoon by the rector Rev. D. H. T. Fuller. The Guild of St. Martha is sponsor­ ing a skating party on Friday even­ ing, Jan 22nd., following which re­ freshments will be served .at the rectory. Joshua Howes A resident of the 15th con. for many years Joshua Howes passed away in the Listowel Hospital on Saturday. In poor health for some time, Mr. HoWes was in hospital only a few days. Funeral service will be in Harriston on Wednesday afternoon at the Hardy Funeral Home and interment in Har­ riston. Mrs. Norman Behms The death occurred in the Wing­ ham General Hospital early Sunday morning, Jan. 17, of Mrs. Norman Behrns, con. 13.She Was a daughter of the late Wm. Dally and Emma Bell arid was in her 55th year. Surviving are het hus­ band; five daughters, Mrs. David (Eleanore) Morrison, Holstein; Marj­ orie, Harriston} Esther, Alice and Anno at home; two sons Wm.- at home and Russel, of Wallenstein; three sisters and five brothers. Two sisters and a brother predeceased her, She was a member of the Gorrie United Church, Private funeral ser­ vice will be held kt the home at 2 p.m, Wednesday, followed by public service in the Gofrie United Church’ at 2,30 $.m., conducted by the Rev. EAST WmNOSH HOLDS INAUGURAL MEETING The inaugural meeting of the East Wawanosh council was held on Mon­ day, Jan. 11th. The reeve and coun­ cillors took their oath of office and Rev. Mr. Cox addressed the council and prayed that divine guidance dir­ ect them in 1954. The reeve thanked Mr. Cox for attending the meeting. The minutes of meeting held Dec­ ember 15 were read and adopted on motion by Purdon seconded by Buch­ anan. Hanna - McGowan—That Alex Rob­ ertson represent the township in 1954 on the Wingham Hospital Board. Car­ ried. Buchanan - McGowan—That Mason Robinson and Stewart Procter repre­ sent the community for two years; Orval Taylor and Clarence Hanna represent the township for one year and Mrs. Stanley Cook represent the Women’s Institute for two years, all on the Belgrave Community Centre Board. Carried McGowan - Buchanan—That the Blyth'Municipal Telephone System receive $1,089.65^ for moving their line back to the fehce line on township roads, which is 50% of the total cost. Carried. Keith Webster was present with an application to have his property chan­ ged from the East Wawanosh Public School Area to the Morris Public School Area. The clerk was instructed to notify both School Areas. Purdon - Buchanan—That Clarence Hanna and Orval Taylor be appointed to the Wingham Fire Committee and Orval Taylor and Orval McGowan be appointed to the Blyth Fire Commit­ tee. Carried. Hanna - McGowan—That Orval Taylor be a member on the Middle Maitland Conservation Authority Board. Carried. Buchanan - Purdon—That the tax collector’s time be extended. Carried. McGowan - Hanna—That the road and’ general accounts as presented be passed and paid. Carried. Purdon - Buchanan—That the of­ ficials sign the petition for subsidy to the Highways Department on the 1953 road expenditure.^ Carried. By-law No 1 to provide for 1954 road expenditure was read the first and second times. Hanna - McGowan—That by-law No. 1 be read the third time and pass­ ed. Carried. * Buchanan - Purdon—That council give a grant of $25.00 to the Huron County soil and crop improvement association and $10.00 to the associa­ tion of Assessing Officers. Carried. McGowan - Hanna—That council order from C.I.L. 54, 15 lb bags of Warbicide: 6-5 gal cans of Herbate Ester; 6-5 gal. cans of C I. L. 2x3T to be shipped when needed. Carried. Road Cheques—Stuart,, McBurney, salary, $175.00, less income tax, $1.00; bills paid, 20c, $174.20; Alex Robert­ son, operating snowplough, $29.25; Wm. T. Irwin, snowplough helper, $51; Ernest Walker, snowplough helper, $6.37, less U. I. deduction .08c, $6.29; Reavie’s Service .Station, 1 qt. brake fluid, $2.75; Merkley Motors, 5 gal Tellus 27, $5.75; Ross Jamieson, 67 hours, snowploughing at $4.00, $268.00; Geo. E. Radford, 50 hrs snowploughing at $6.00, $300.00, 4 hrs at $7.00, $28.00, $328.00; Can. Oil Co., 310 gals, fuel oil $60.76, 30 gals, oil, $32.00, $92.86; Dept of Highways of Ont., tax on 310 gals, fuel oil, $34.10; Rec. Gen. Of Canada, income tax deducted, $1.00. General cheques—William Patter- soh, 1 fox bounty, $2.00; Blyth Muni­ cipal Telephone System, collections to Deo. 31, 1953, $1941.75; Belgrave Com­ munity Centre, rent for rooms, 1954, $1.00; Huron County Crop and Soil Improvement Association, grant to Seed Fair, $25.00; Association of As­ sessing Officers of Ontario, member­ ship fees, 1054, $10.00; The Municipal Worid, 8 subscriptions, $16.00. Purdon * Buchanan—That council adjourn to meet Feb. 2nd, at the Bel­ grave! Community Centre. Carried. I s Under New Management DAY OR NIGHT FOR QUICK SERVICE PHONE 65 rilllllHtllHiHIllHlIIIHIIIIIItlHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIimilllltMlliatl .. ...................................................... Fairyland Exclusive Store for the Wee Tots Infants to 6x January Sale Still On For the Best try WINGHAM FRUIT MARKET ! a x 3 a 5 s a 3 FRUITS PINEAPPLES FRESH LIMES B.C. DELICIOUS APPLES EMPEROR GRAPES EATING PEARS VEGETABLES CAULIFLOWER CHINESE LETTUCE GREEN PEPPERS SWEET POTATOES MUSHROOMS - Solid Pack Oysters Wingham Fruit Market Free Delivery 1 £ Phone $34 Hockey Game Saturday, January 23rd at 9 o’clock Hanna’s WINGHAM TOWNE HALLERS vs. SEAFORTH BALpWINS Wingham Arena I ! Admission 50c Children under 12 Free | till