HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-01-06, Page 3c 8OE3O1 n o n o o n o os [CE3OI OE3OE=3ox3o: January Session of County Council 0 orsr o Q o FORDWICH The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court. House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, January 19, 1954 at 2.00 p.m. o n o All accounts, (notices and deputations and other busi- * ness requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands <of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, Jan. 16, 1954 A. H. Erskine County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. JE3O 301301 [OE3OE 3OE3O] M B i E I g B i i ■ B r. g B B i B i B | B | E= 1 B igII B ■ j.» i J o fl O o fl [OE3O? t Busy Bees Hold Third Meeting The third meeting of the Fordwich Busy Bees was held at the home'of Mrs. Sothern on December 28th, The president, Jean McCann, presided and opened the meeting. Lois Simmons read the minutes of the last meeting. The roll call “One Indication of a Well-Grpomed Girl,” was answered by nine members. Mrs. Richards explained to the girls that these homemaking clubs are now members of the 4H Clubs. She told the girls tha^ one girl from Huron County will be given a scholarship for outstanding work each year to further her education, by the W. I. Mrs. Sothern of the Hands.” the face, the hands are the most im­ portant and the most noticeable to other people. She gave a list of things necessary for a manicure and how to go about giving oneself a manicure. She also gave a recipe for hand lotion. This is provided for then explained '.Care She said that next to SALE ■ ■ HAMILTON’S Pre-stocktaking Sale saves you 20% to 50% on entire stock including nationally advertised merchandise YOUR CHANCE ■ I ra I] TC I x KA q Fu li I q Two full weeks % jflnuRRy 0 ♦ 20% OFF Ladies’ and Children’s . . on all is of by TORTOISE WHO MET ROYAL and Armstrong. i New Year’s Day with over the i at reduced prices, 1—1953 Ford V 8 Mainline Coach 1—1953 Ford V 8 %-ton Pickup E s s s Gary McDowell of Galt, is a couple of weeks holidays New Year’s with Gilmore near Lis- doctor throw­ bosom of Niag- of Luck- The famed Caribou Road of British Columbia was completed in 1865. Fab with BOWLING ALLEY BY-LAW PASSED g s : s E TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY 7.15 & 9.15 SATURDAY MATINEE tM Earl Hallman and Orth New Km- The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, Jan. 6th, 1951Mrs. Richards explained 'the things Jtp watch fpi* when buying rayon gar­ ments and how they should he laun­ dered, She also shpwed how to make the different kind pf seams suitable for a slip, These are flat fell seams, French seams and Japped seams. RolJ call for the next meeting “One Good Habit in the Care Clothes.” Lunch will be served ^Phyllis Keith and Dorpen Armstrong, Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Harold Doig on New Year’s Day were: Mrs. Jean McClemept, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Stewart arid Jack, of Moles- worth, Mr. and Mrs/Ashtori and Shir­ ley and Mr. and Mr$: Tom McClempnt and family. * Dr. James Hutcheson of Cleveland spent several days* with his mother recently. j Mrs. E. Peel of Palmerston vir.jted friends in the community over the week-end. -? Mr. and Mrs. Allan Castle and fam­ ily, of Toronto, visaed recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Warrell spent Saturday in Stratford with Mr. .and Mrs. E. Fleuschen Mr. and Mrs. Cecil, Wilson and fam­ ily, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Harding near Gorrie. New Year and week-end guests at the home of Mr. ann Mrs. Ross Doig were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Doig, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson and family, Mr. Jack Doig and James Grant, all of St. Catharines. A watch night service was held in the United Church on New Year’s Eve. Rev. W. R. Tristram had charge ■of the .service. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson, of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end at the home of 'Mr, and Mrs. Doug. Holt. Edward Doig left pn Saturday for Saskatoon, after spending the holi­ days with his parents. Mr. Mel Johnson spent New Year’s at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jim Cameron at Wingham. Mr. :and Mrs. Jack Bricker and fam­ lily, and Miss Sheila Denny, of Kit­ chener, spent the holiday weekend at the home of Mrs- -Mary- Denny. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Schaefer of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mr.s. Ward Schaefer. . Word was received here on Monday morning of the death of a former Fordwich resident, Harry Aikens, of Toronto. Funeral arrangements are as yet incomplete. Master-John Harris of Brownsville, .returned home- on Saturday aftei' spending the .holidays with his (grand­ mother, Mrs. .Nellie Gamble. .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J s g B ■ COUPLE ■HIS —Central Press Canadian During her visit to Tonga, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were “introduced” to this tortoise be-ieved to be nearly 200 years old. The tortoise, a hearty oldster who is reverea by the natives, is, believed to have been presented to the king of Tonga by the famous British explorer, Capt, James Cook. nature boys’ tabu list form acids, so one theory goes, but the theorists never say what acids, according to the doctor, or what the sam hill dif­ ference it makes anyway, since all food is dumped into a stomach full of hyrdo-chloric acid. The human stom­ ach, the doctor says, is unlike the cow’s, and is unadapted for digesting raw vegetables. “The whole of man’s history is a story of his fight against, nature for sheer survival,” the says. “There is no reason why ing ourselves on Nature’s should do anything but harm. CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON, ONT JAN. 11-23 Apr ON ALL STAPLES VI 1 Yardage and Linens, Towels, Blankets, Etc. ♦ ALL-WEATHER SKIRTS, DRESSES, BLOUSES, SWEATERS, BLAZERS, LINGERIE . SUITS, ■5 SLACKS,COATS HOUSECOATS,HANDBAGS, HOUSEDRESSES , UMBRELLAS 20% to 30% Off or Better on Winter Coats on g B « ■■ f g ■ ■ ■ B B 1/ OFF HATS / 3 for Ladies and Children „ zx rd DISCOUNT ON ALL I *•- ON HOSIERY 10 /o RUGS, BROADLOOM 10% AND FOUNDATION FLOOR COVERINGS GARMENTS ON HOSIERY GARMENTS 8.. CPU CI AI • • • disc°unts on every □i Evi AL item in the store t GE’ E’ ■ • • 0UR SPECIAL VALUE□ IL IL RACK AND TABLE !. two Floors Of Bargains j t J PURDON’S LADIES’ & CHILDREN’S WEAR Alex Wray (nee Jean Reid) of Tor* onto, on the birth of a son, Brian Alexander, on Monday, December 28, at the Toronto Western Hospital and to Mr, and Mrs. .Norman Stephenson (nee Mary Zella Cooper) on the birth of a son, John Allen, Monday, Decem­ ber 28, at Dr, Myer’s Nursing Home, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and family, of Listowel, spent Year’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. merson Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCann of merston, spent New Year’s Day Mt, and Mrs. Wm, McCann, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartman Marlene, of Gowanstown, Mrs. Tessie Zimmerman and Harry, visited Satur* day with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Sothern and Mr. W. M. Sothern Sr. Misses Joan and Jean Brears spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Har­ vey Kaufman, near Clifford. Master spending with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mr, and Mrs. Bob Holland and Teddy and Miss Jean Allan of Kitch­ ener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allan. Mr, and Mrs. John Hunter of Pal­ merston, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Porte- ous of Vancouver, B.C., visited on; Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Hargrave. Mrs. W. M. Marriner spent the week-end in Toronto. Larry returned home with0 her after spending some holidays there. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hargrave and Douglas spent Mr. and Mrs. Wes towel. ‘ Visitors on Mr. and Mrs. Lome Wright of Lake- let, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siefert and family of Clifford, Mr. Jack Siefert of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Siefert and family of Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride and Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper spent Sunday in Stratford. Miss Gwenneth Bride returned with them after having spent the holidays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Porteous of Vancouver, B.C., called on Mrs. Jan­ ette Hargrave, Mr. and Mrs. Emmer­ son Hargrave and Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ ley Forester on Sunday^ * Mr. and Mrs. Bal Brears and fam­ ily visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kaufman near Clifford. Mr. Murray Sider of Toronto spent the week-end with his wife and fam­ ily. New Year’s day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride were Mr, and Mrs. H. M, Bride of Fordwich and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bride and family of Elora, the latter 'remaining week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bride ara Falls, Mr. Harvey Bride now, Miss Margaret Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride and Bobby and Mr. Carman Bride visited one day during the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Mac McIntosh near Brussels, Mr. Clayton Brown returned to his school at Hearst on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gedcke and family of Mount Forest spent New Year’.s with Mr.' and Mrs. Edgar Gedcke at Kurtzville. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aldrich visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Cliff John­ son at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and family and Mr--and Mrs. Morley John­ son and family spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cameron at Wing­ ham. Lome Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mann had the misfortune Satur­ day of running a fork through his foot. pr. Mills of Wroxeter attended. * Visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gibson were Mr. E. S. Dun­ bar of Ethel; Mr. and Mrs. Jim .Skeoch, Vernon and Lloyd of Gode­ rich, Mr. and .Mrs. Stan McRae and family of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gibson and little daughter of near Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wood and Kaye of Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Karges and Donald of Listowel, Maud and Esther Harding and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harding were Saturday guests with Mr, .and Mrs. Elmer Harding:. HEALTH NEWS SERVICE RABBIT FOOD FADDJ.SM BUNK, DOCTOR SAYS This nature-boy business about raw carrots and no meat is sheer non­ sense, according to Dr. W. Edwards, writing in a recent issue of "The Family Doctor/’ official organ of the British Medical Association. Dr. Edwards said that our nature boys have ben with’us since primitive times. When people first discovered that cooked food was pleasanter, more digestible and certainly more sanitary than the kind that you picked up and mangled as you found it, nature boy was there to* chant “It’s against nature, you’ll suffer.” The doctor says the nature healers put out a great deal of emotional talk but virtually no proof on their theor­ ies. Their theories, for instance, about the “healing radiations” from Mother Earth, cannot be anything but guess­ work, since no scientific instrument has ever been able to measure »such radiations. As to riieat being “poison­ ous,” Dr. Edwards says the Nature Boys have iriade great capital of the disastrous results of an experiment when some people were fed on three pounds of meat a day, but they have riot shown that throe pounds of huts a day Would wot produce more horrible results. Moats, fish arid other foods o« the A municipal by-law governing the operation, and license fee charges as pertain to bowling alleys in Walker­ ton was passed at a brief special session of the Town Council board on Tuesday evening. The license fee for this form of amusement, conducted on a commercial basis, is stipulated as being $25 for the first alley and $15 for each additional alley, per year, dated at the commencement df each year. The premises may be inspected at anj’- reasonable time of day by the chief constable, or any police officer. Bowling allies must close at 11.45 o’clock Saturday nights and not re­ open until nine the following Monday morning. Any other day of the Week they may remain open until one a. m. —Walkerton Herald-Times. FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Cali Stewart A. Scott . Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing : Dudley E. Holmes Listowel WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY January 6-7 “Man on a Tightrope Fredric March Adolph Merijou FRIDAY - SATURDAY January 8-9 “Ambush at Tomahawk Gap John Derek John Kodiak “Rainbow Round My Shoulder” Frankie Lane Billie Daniels MON. - TUES. - WED. January 11 - 12 - 13 “FROM HERE TO ETERNITY” Burt Lancaster Deborah Kerr Donna Reed Frank Sinatra Montgomery Cliff Advance Prices 75c - 35c COMING MON. - TUES. - WED. January 18 - 19 -20 “The Cruel Sea” ADULTS 50c STUDENTS 35o CHILDREN 20c All Children Under School Age Free. Reduced Prices Huron Motors your Ford and Monarch dealer has the following 1953 new units which they are offering These above units are brand new, never turned wheel, with new car guarantee, to go at big reductions. YOUR FORD A MONARCH DEALER WINGHAM PHONE 237