HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-12-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT Show Starts at 8.00 p.m., Except Saturday Two Shows Saturday Night Thuiis., Fri., Sat. 1 — SPECIAL Andy unfastens those apron-strings and lea­ ves home for the big city, —- Also — “Cartoon” & “News r MATINEE v Xmas afternoon and J. Saturday afternoon at i 2.30 p.m. Dec. 25, 26, 27 The Management of the Lyceum Theatre wishes to extend Seasons Greetings to its patrons and friends. fHf MOST TALKED- Q ABOUT FILM Of.fT, Mon., Tues., Wed. Dec. 29, 30, 31 Also “Cartoon” SPECIAL — GREETINGS The tale of a mythical American beset by pow- ® er, wealth, and selfish ambition. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Dec. 25th, 1941 BLUEVALE United Church Xmas Service Rev. G Tavener gave an inspiring Christmas message in the United Church on Sunday morning taking as his text St. Luke 2-7. In these times of stress and world crisis, if men’s hearts would turn to the Babe of Bethlehem, taking his advent and life for their guide, wars could be averted and all wrong doing be wiped away he said. Let us feel the truth and beauty of this story, Let us not adopt the attitude of the synic, that it is but a beautiful legend. The strength and power of the Divine Nativity is the main controlling factor towards uni­ versal peace and reconstruction. Young People Conduct Service The Sunday evening service in the United Church was conducted by the Y. P. U. with the president, Fleming Johnston in charge. Bill Peacock led in prayer after which Mrs. George Thomson gave a fine devotional theme, “The By- Products of the Bible’’. She showed that apart from its supreme purpose the Bible has many uses. A preserver of the English language in its present form also a civilizer of the world. Various passages of scripture were read by members of the union to illus­ trate how the Bible can be a quide in sorrow, physical distress and many human needs. Ross Smith sang a solo “Gently Lord, Oh Gently lead us” which he interpreted in a pleasing manner. Carol gation brought singing in which the congre- requested their favouriite the service to a close. The Mercury Actors Cotten Dorothy Comingore Ilins George Coulouris Jt email Moorehead Lucknow Minister Preached The service in Knox Presbyterian Church was conducted by Rev. Mr. McConnell of Lucknow in the absence of the pastor, Rev. F. G. Fowler, who is under the doctor’s care at present. Mr. McConnell delivered a very impressive Christmas message in keep­ ing with present world conditions. Christmas music was sung including an appropriate anthem by the choir, THANK YOU! H The ^privilege of serving you has been a Sa pleasure. May your Christmas be bright and the Mew w year one of Prosperity. WILLIS SHOE STORE At this happy time of the year we join the ranks of your well wishers to lift our voices in the Season’s Greetings and in expressing our heartfelt wishes for your happiness and health throughout the coming year. w Hanna & Co., Limited L&dfes’ StoreMen’s Store SEASON’S GREETINGS May we join the many who are wishing you a Merry Christmas with our own very personal hope that the holiday be all you ex­ pect of it — and a little bit more. GEORGE WILLIAMS & Missionary Group Name Officers The president, Mrs. R. J. McLen- non presided for the Christmas pro­ gram at the W. M. S. meeting in the United Church on Thursday after- which was in the form of “A Can­ adian Friendship Carol service. Part 1. “God’s Gift to Us” formed the call to worship. In part 2. “Our Gift of adoration and Praise”.. Several ladies took part including Mrs, Fell, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Thornton, Mrs. W. J. Johnston, Mrs. Robt. Shaw and Mrs. Edward Johnston, showing that peo­ ple of many creeds, races and tongues voice their adoration and praise for the Christ Child by singing hymns and Carols. Part 3. “Bring our Gifts” was taken from scripture Matt. 2: 1-11 and was read by Mrs. Eliza Fell. Mrs. Curtis read a poem for Part 4 entitled, “Our Best Gift—Love”. The election of officers resulted as fol­ lows: President, Mrs. R. J. McLen- non; Vice-Pres., Mrs, Edward John­ ston; Secretary, Mrs. J. Curtis; Treas., Mrs. Arthur Shaw; Cor. sec’y., .Mrs. E. Johnston; Christian Stewardship sec’y., Mrs. G. O. Thornton; Mission­ ary Monthly sec’y., Mrs. James Rob­ ertson; Press sec’y., Mrs. Robert Shaw; Temperance sec’y., Mrs. Jos­ eph Breckenridge; Mission Band President, Mrs. C. Tavener; Assistant Mission Band President, Miss Marg­ aret Curtis; Organist, Mrs. Will John­ ston. for the concert on Friday afternoon presented by the public school pupils under the direction of the teacher, Miss Edna Procter. Gifts were ex­ changed by the Children presented from a beautifully decorated tree, also treats were enjoyed from the teacher. Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Smith attended the marriage of Mr. Smith’s Neice, Miss Velma Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duncan, 4th conces­ sion of Morris Township and Mr. Paul Hastings, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hastings, 2nd concession of Morris on Saturday, December .Oth. Mrs, M. L. Miss Dorothy are spending home here. Miss Elizabeth Brewer of spent Sunday with Mrs. Lamont. Mrs. Alex Moffatt has Kingsville to spend the winter with her friend, Mrs. Fagan. etery, from Kinlough Anglican church. The sympathy of the whole commun­ ity goes out to the bereaved husband and Donald and Betty and to Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and their family, ‘ A capacity crowd gathered in the Institute Hall on Thursday evening for the concert presented by the pupils of S, S. No. 10 and S. S, No, 14. Mr, Orville Tiffin was chairman for the evening and called on several of the trustees to speak during the program which was enjoyed by all. Over $24 was raised which was contributed to­ ward the Jr. Red Cross. A vote of thanks tendered to the teachers, Mr. Pollock and Miss E. Hunter, was heartily endorsed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and their family from* Lucan moved on Satur­ day to the empty house on John Pur- dons farm, and he will work in Suth­ erlands bush for Mr. Ratz. * L.A.C. Norman Welwood who grad­ uated last week from the wireless and gunnery school at Jarvis, is home on a 14 day leave and will then go to Halifax. We congratulate him on his success. Mr. George Garton has secured work in Leamington and Mrs. Gar­ ton and the children will reside with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Smith of Listowel for the present. A splendid program of Christmas numbers, choruses, pantomines, tab­ leaux and recitations and solos, was presented at the concert in the/United Church here, on Monday night by the pupils of the Presbyterian and the United Church Sunday Schools. Rev. G. A. Barnard introduced Rev. G. Wil­ son of the Presbyterian Church, who acted as chairman for the occasion. Each Sunday school realized $13 from the proceeds, and all enjoyed the ev­ ening’s entertainment. Born — on Tuesday, December 16, in Wingham General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rintoul of East Wa­ wanosh, - (nee Norma Colwell of Blyth), a son. Mr. Gordon McGee has been on the sick list i this week. BELGRAVE Aitken of Hollen and Aitken of St. Marys the holidays at their Brussels Andrew gone to of her of St. Olive Red Cross Shipment The Red Cross shipped the follow­ ing articles to headquarters in Tor­ onto: 100 blouses; 50 prs. slacks; 50 suits pyjamas; 12 large quilts; 1 crib quilt; 1 afghan; 72 hdkfs; 45 pr. serv­ ice socks; 5 aero caps; 5 pr. sea boots; 5 turtule-neck sweaters; 10 pr. whole mitts; 5 seaman’s scarfs; 15 army scarfs. lV-neck sweater; 1 civilian sweater; 1 pair two-way mitts. Held Red Cross Euchre Mrs. R. J. Scott, 9th line, Wawan- osh held a euchre and raised $3.75 for Red Cross quilt linings. Prizes were won by Mrs. R. Chamney and R. J. Scott. The group have made seven quilts already this fall. GREETINGS May we make this season of joy and good will the occasion to express our sincere apprecia­ tion of your patronage during the closing year. A Merry Christmas. way. The program was enjoyed by ,all Zinn and M. Jeffray. those present. The music for the dance was provided by Brown’s orch­ estra of Gorrie vicinity. The School House was crowded. The ladies pro­ vided lunch. The proceeds amounted to $32.00. Misses Myrtle and Reiba Cathers and Mr. Everett Cathers attended the Fearson - Earls wedding near last Friday. BELMORE Ethel The United Church Sabbath School will hold their Concert this Monday evening in the Church. The scholars of Mr. Lyle Fitch’s School put on a splendid concert Fri­ day evening. Mrs. Norman Newans was the pianist for the various songs and drills. Santa came down from Mc­ Intosh and treated the kiddies. Mrs. Will King gave her home on Thursday for the Red Cross quilting. The December meeting of the W. I. was held- at Mrs. Newans. Mrs. Rev. Clark took the topic. Christmas carols were sung. Roll Call—Christmas verse. Lunch committee, Mrs. Shurter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McNeil left for Acton Wednesday,.,.where Mr. McNeil will work in the creamery, Mrs. George Mundell and children have gone to Hamilton where George has been working, while Mrs. Fred Tuck and Nancy will join Mr. Tuck at Halifax. Miss Maria Johnson took a severe attack of rheumatism. M. Jeffray is assisting at the Johnson home. Mrs. Elmer Zinn has been on the sick list lately. We are glad to report that Myrtle Ballagh who has been quite ill with pneumonia is improving. After a lingering illness from heart trouble, George Harkness passed away on Friday afternoon in the hospital, Toronto. A number of .his cousins from around here, attended the funeral in .Toronto, Monday afternoon. The ‘marriage of Miss Isabel Ren­ wick and Mr. Leslie Edwards was solemnized at the Manse here, on Wednesday, by Rev. W. D. Clark. A number from here attended the concert at Inglis school, Thursday night. Y. P. U. Held Election of Officers The Y. P. U. of the United Church has held ‘regular meetings under the leadership of the acting President, Fleming Johnston and the old execu­ tive. The season opened with a fine devotional and evenings entertainment on the night of Hallowe’en. The meet­ ings were interesting with well htuoght out topics: The first of a series of Sunday evening meetings under the auspices of the Y. P. U. had a splendid attendance. Miss Duff gave an interesting talk on the sub­ ject “In times like these.” A good program marked a memorable even­ ing. The election of officers for 19,42 resulted as follows: President, Flem­ ing Johnston; 1st Vice-Pres., Alba Shiell; 2nd Vice-Pres., Helen Thom­ son; 3rd Vice-Pres., Bill Peacock; 4th Vice-Pres., George Thomson; Sec’y., Carl Johnston; Assistant Sec’y., Mrs. Bill Peacock; Treas., Emma Johnston; Pianist, Mrs. W. J. Johnston; Assist­ ant, Mrs. Carl Johnston; Press Re­ porter, Rev. C. Tavener. WHITECHURCH Tt Miss- Agnes Wilson, Reg. N. of Sudbury, has been visiting for the past week with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Wil­ son. Mrs. Andrew Fox left on Monday to spend the winter at the home daughter, Mrs. Roy Patten Georges. iMiss Winnifred and Miss Farrier of Toronto are spending their holiday at the home of their parents,* M/r. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. %>Mr. Carman Farrier has been en­ gaged by the trustees of S. S. No. 10 Kinloss to teach there after New Years. On Sunday, at the conclusion of the service in the United Church, Rev. G. A. Barnard spoke, very highly of the services rendered to this community by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pollock, who leave now for Gorrie, and they were called to the front and an address of appreciation was read by Mrs. Mil­ lan Moore and Mr. Clarence McClen- aghan presented them with a Hymn- ary. Each spoke briefly, thanking the people fittingly. Mrs. H. H. Sparling and Douglas and Marie, will leave shortly for their new home on Catherine St., Wingham. Mr. Jack Gillespie and Mr. Cecil Furbur, who have been working at Centralia spent the week-end at their home here. This community was saddened on Friday morning when it was learned that Mr. Chas. Gillespie, formerly Mabel Hodgins of Kinlough, had pas­ sed away in the Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, after lasting over four major operations, held on Monday Held Christmas Concert The annual Christmas Concert of U. S. S. No. 17, East Wawanosh and Morris, under the direction of the teacher, Miss Mina Bryans and music supervisor, Miss Velma Wheeler, was held in the Forester’s Hall, Friday night. The prgoram consisted of wel­ come recitation by Billie Coultes; Cantata, when Santa forgot the Smith’s Recitation, Joan Brydges; Dance, sailors hornpipe by six senior girls; Mother Goose Land by the jun­ ior grades; Recitation, Iren.e Logan; Group of Patriotic Songs, O Canada, Thumbs Up, There’ll Always be an England, Carry On; Piano duet, Ruth Higgins, Norman Brydges; Solo, Marj­ orie McKenzie. The closing nuber was the choir in the Little Brown Church in the Vale, with the manger scene at Bethlehem depicted in the back­ ground. God Save the King was sung after which Santa arrived and present­ ed the children yvith gifts from the Christmas tree. CHRISTMAS IT IS THE SPIRIT OF I The year 1941 should not pass without an J appreciation for the confidence you have shown iin 4 Sa us. We hope that your Christmas is full of good cheer. • 1 * Red Cross Shipment The December shipment to the Red Cross Society at Wingham from Blue­ vale consisted of 8 quilts; 10 suits men’s pyjamas with 2 pr. extra pants; 9 small girls’ bloomers; 5 suits girls’ pyjamas; 12 girls’ dresses; 2 girls’ pullover sweaters; 2 parkas; 20 pr, of socks; 1 pullover sweater, Articles from yarn received from Wingham Red Cross Society, 1 pr, seaman’s socks; 8 caps; i turtle-neck sweater; 1 scarf. The local boys were given sleeveless sweaters for Christmas. W, J, Johnston acted as chairman a heavy sickness weeks, with two The funeral was to Greenhill cem- R. A. Reid R. 0. Eyesight Specialist Whigham OfficeAt Williams* jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to noon. Mrs. C. Logan and baby Patsy Anne who have spent some time with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. A. Vincent, have returned to the village. ■ Miss Louise McKenzie of Sturgeon Falls, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKenzie. Kenneth Wheeler, of London Tech­ nical School, home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cardiff of At­ wood, visited at J. C. Procter’s on Sunday. Mr. W. B. Wilkinson has gone to Hickson to spend the winter with his. son. Rev. T. C. Wilkinson. SALEM EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED AT MODERATE PRICES. A Merry Xmas to the Advance- Times and its readers. Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir who teach in Toronto are spending their Xmas vacation with their parents, iMn $ and Mrs. D, L. Weir. f Mr. Andrew Gemnu'Il celebrated his 85th birthday at his home last Thurs­ day, He still enjoyes good health, He has lived on the same farm since his birth, We wish him a very Merry Xmas and we hope he lives to See many more birthdays. The concert and dance in Lane’s School on Wednesday night of last week, was a decided success in every PRECIOUS THINGS * « come wrapped in | small packages/’ some J sage once said. j That’s the Way with this greeting. It doesn’t take much space, but thb wish it contains for you is the best! McKibbons Drug Store j “The Rexall Store” '