HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-12-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Stainton s
Thursday, Dec. 18th, 104tWINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
Application forms for aU categories
will be available at post offices some
time after the New Year,
charged for each vehicle. Licenses and
ON AFRIT FIR CT COilPon books will be issued only for
" vehicles which have 1942 provincial
AU Supplies Wil’ Be Sold By | motor vehicle licenses,
pons. Non-Essential Driving To —
Be Strictly Limited
These are but a few of our Christmas suggestions
Call and inspect our large and varied stock.
Xmas Tree Sets (8 bulb series) ............ 55c |
Multiple Sets, (7 larger bulbs) $L2£ J
Boys and Girls, sizes 8 to 5 .......... $3.99 set
Ladies with white elk shoe, sizes'3 to 7 $6.50 set
Men’s Hockey Outfits, sizes 6 to 11 .... $5.75 set
Munitions Minister Howe announc
ed Friday night that rationing of gas
oline will go into effect in Canada
next April 1,
“After April 1, 1942, no supplies
of gasoline for any vehicle can be se
cured except on the surrender of a
gasoline rationing coupon,” Mr. Howe
said in a statement.
“The desired curtailment in gas
oline consumption will be achieved
mainly through the limitation of non-
essential private car driving,” the min
ister’s statement said.
“Private cars used for non-essential
driving will be placed in the basic
or ‘A’ category.
“Other categories are being set
to take care of private car driving
sential for business use,
“Commercial vehicles will
lowed gasoline up to their proved
normal requirements,”
The announcement did not state the
amount of gasoline which could be
made available to any particular cate
gory, but said:
“Each vehicle "will be allowed a
stated number of units of gasoline for
the year 1942. Quantities of gasoline
in each unit from time to time may
be varied by the oil controller (G. C.
Cottrelle, of Toronto,) as circumstanc
es require.”
Mr. Howe said that United States
and other foreign tourists while in
Canada will be entitled to purchase
gasoline “to the same relative
as Canadians , who drive cars
fall within the basic category.”
Canadians also were warned
pect ration cards in other lines as
well. Donald Gordon, chairman of the
War-Time Prices and Trade Board
spoke at a press conference about
Canada’s supply of various commod
“My judgement would be,” he said,
“that we will get an increasing am
ount of restrictions <all the way through
in order to supply the needs of war.”
The announcement said that under
the plan of gasoline rationing to be
imposed in Canada, each vehicle own
er must register with the oil control
ler, and a gasoline license and ration
coupon® book must be obtained for
each vehicle.
A registration fee. of $1 will be
| Young Murray was born with the cat-
| aract, an eye ailment that is associated
I with elderly people. While rare, it is
j not unheard o? among children, how-
J ever. To remove the cataract required
| a series of three treatments, a month
I apart which were performed in Tor-
| onto during the fall,
Arrested by County Constable
On Monday George Thomas Pat
terson, w’ho has been in this com
munity for a few months, was taken
into custody by County Constable
Wm. Gardiner. It appears that sub
scriptions for the Country Gentlemen
magizine has been sold to some farm- _ „
ers and they have not received an | of stamp5 after ransacking the office,
issue. It is in this connection that Pat
terson is being Held while Constable
Gardner continues his investigation It
is said that water glasses were given
as premiums,
Hockey Sticks
Pucks .......
Bone Handles, 3 pieces, stainless steel, only $1.95
Imitation Stag, 3 piece, stainless steel, only $2.95
Visit our Toy and Games Department where your
gift problem for children will be easily solved.y
STAINTON Hardware extent
to ex-
for general housework in Bluevale.
Apply to Lloyd Turvey, Brussels
Phone 20-13.
FOR SALE — No. 2 Primrose
cream separator in good condition.
Apply Alex Rintoul.
FOR SALE CHEAP — Ladies Hoc-
key Skates and Boots, size 6 - 6%.
Apply Grace Parker.
FOR SALE - New York Singer
Sewing Machine. Good appearance
and perfect sewer. Apply Box Y
FOR SALE — 1934 Dodge Coupe,
excellent condition, good tires,,
mileage 30,000. Apply Herb. Fuller.
FOR SALE — Good coat, ladies, size
16. Chamois Lined, fur collar. Apply
Advance-Tim es.
LOT FOR SALE — on Scott street
on which is situated a large batn
with splendid timbers. Apply J. H,
iron, bench and floor work, small
town, day work. Apply Box S Ad-
and effective. $1.00 two weeks sup
ply. At McKibbon’s Drug Store.
SCHOOL GIRL — will work for
board for two or three months.
Apply Advance-Times,
of Turnberry; Alien club of Wing
ham; Wingham Public School; Wing
ham. Women’s Institute; Wingham
Ladies Legion Auxiliary; S. S. No.
2, ‘Lucknow (Miss Dorothy Drover,
teacher). From Whitechurch — Mr,
Wm. Barbour; Mrs. D. Beecroft; Mrs.
Frank Coulter; Mrs. W. J. Coulter;
Mrs. David Currie; Mrs. Andrew Cur
rie; Mrs. Bert Currie; Mrs. C. Cox;
Mrs. A. Cornelius; Mrs. W. Dow;
Mrs. Jas. Dow; Mrs. Garnet Farrier;
Mrs. W. R. Farrier; Mrs. R. Grain;
Mrs. J. G. Gillespie; Mrs. John Gill
espie; Mrs. John Gaunt; Mrs. Frank
Henry; Mrs. T. Jamieson; Mrs. Herb.
Laidlaw; Miss C. Laidlaw; Mrs. A.
Kirk; Mrs. Stewart McBurney; Mrs.
Leisk McGee; Mrs. John McGee; Mrs.
Hr McGee; Mr, J. McLean; Mrs. Jas.
Norman; Mrs, Snell; Mrs, Robt Pur-
don; Mrs. Geo. Tervit; Mrs. John
Tervit; Mrs. Bert Taylor; Miss Marg.
Wilson; Mrs. A. Wilson; Mrs. John
Webb; Mrs. Wm, Wellings; Mrs. E.
Wellwood; Whitechurch Women’s In
Claim Germans On The Run
The blanket donations received by
Wingham Red Cross are now com
plete and have been sent to headquart
ers. The response was most generous,
24 blankets, 9 quilts and $217.00 in
cash being received. The thanks of
the society is extended to all who
have contributed and the list follows* i
If any have been unintentionally om
itted, they will be published later by
notifying the Red Cross. *
Blankets—Miss M, Adams; Mrs. A.
W, Anderton; Mr. A Cosens; Holmes
S. S, No. 6, rurnbefry; H, E. Isard;
Mrs. Henry Irwin of Bluevale; Mrs,
T* C. King; Mrs* Lawler; Miss Janet
Murray; ,Mrs. Bert Porter; Mrs. R.
C. Redmond; Mrs, Donald, Rae; Mrs.
Wm. Stokes; Mrs. H. Sherbondy;
Mrs, E. Wilkirfson. From White
church—Mrs. Fred Davidson; Miss C.
Laidlaw; Mrs. Robt. Mowbray; Mrs.
A. Fox,
Quilts—Mrs. G, W, Carr Mrs. Har
ry Godkin Mrs. Lennox; Mrs, H. Mc
Gee Mrs, Geo, Phippen; Mrs, Allan
Ramsay; Mrs. Geo. Spotton.
Cash—Group of children sponsored
by John Armitage and Mary Craw*
ford; Mrs. Thos* Bowers; Miss F,
Barrwell; Miss N* Dinsley; Mr. Thos.
Field; Mrs. W. H, French; Miss B,
Graham; Miss Mary Graham; Miss
Elizabeth Graham; Mrs. T, H, Gibson;
Mrs, W. J, Greer; Mrs, M, Griffin;
Mrs, Ed. Harrison; Mrs, R, S, Ham
ilton; Mrs. Henry Irwin of BiuevaJe;
Miss C, Isbister; Miss Ry th Lewis;
Mrs. R* H. Lloyd; Mrs, A, E, Lloyd;,
Mrs, Ernest I.ew1s; Mrs, Roy Mtmdy;
Mrs*. H, Mundy; Mrs, L N, MeKib-
boft; Mrs, John McLean; Mrs, A, D.
MacWilliam; Miss K, Pringle; Mrs,
John Porter; Mrs, Chas, Roberts;
Miss I, Simpson; Miss Elizabeth
.Sturdy; Mr. W. Sturdy; Mrs, A. Tay*,
for; Miss J. Warwick; Mrs, A, J,
Walker; Miss F. Wilson; Mrs, Art.
Wilson; Holmes School No, 6, Turn*
berry; Red Cross Group on Sth con.'
Rampant Red armies declared they
had the Germans on the run in a re
treat approaching the scale of Napol
eon’s cold and dismal retirement from
Moscow and had overtaken the back
tracking Hitler legions with a head
long campaign of extermination.
The Communist organ Provda said
the Russian armies already have des
troyed an "entire generation of Nazis.”
From one end of the broad snow-
crusted front to the other the Rus
sians reported success after success;
the threat to Moscow eliminated by
the rout of the Nazis in the greatest
debacle yet to befall Hitler, his efforts
to encircle Leningrad smashed, his!
hopes of getting at Caucasia’s rich oil
fields thwarted.
Since the start of the German in
vasion last June 22, the Russians re
ported, Hitler has lost 6,000,000 men,
more than 15,000 tanks, 13,000 planes
and 19,000 cannon?
King George Has 46th Birthday
King George received messages
congratulations from many parts
the world as he celebrated his 46th
birthday, Sunday at his country home
with the Queen and the Princesses.
Their Majesties attended Divine serv
ice Sunday morning and during the
week-end entertained soldiers at the
rehearsal of a pantomime, “Cinderella”
in which the princesses and some of
their friends and children from a near
by town are taking part.
Bridge Club Results
Seven tables took part in the play
at the Bridge Club last week. The
results were: North and South—1st,,
MfesJSL Dihsleyand George Williams}
2nd., Mrs. F, E, Madill and Mrs, R,
8. Hetherington; 3rd., Mrs, Bert Port
er and F, E, Madill; 4th,; Miss C,
Isbisfer and Mrs, H* Campbell, East
and West—1st, C, E, Richey and W.
II, French ? 2nd,, Gordon MacKay and
Art Wilson; 3rd,, Miss Margaret Mac-
Lean and Ed, Snell; 4th., Mrs. Aft
Wilson and J, If. Crawford,
Two-Year-Old Lad Had
Cataract Removed
This.fall little Murray Wilson, two-
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Wilson of West Wawanosh, has suc
cessfully undergone treatment for the
removal of a cataract from his eye.
ICha»ged With Looting
Police Office
Two Clinton men, James McDonald
and Matthew Kelly, are under arrest
I charged with breaking and entering
the provincial police office at Goder-
| ich and stealing several dollars worth
Iof stamps after ransacking the office.
It is alleged that the accused entered
the office, located on the second floor
of the Masonic Building, on the night
of Nevember 17th after climbing the
fire escape to gain entrance through
a window. Provincial Constable Frank
Fox worked on the case'nearly a
month before making the arrests.
That Reflect
the Giver’s
Good Taste
Preparing Bombing Area
Small buildings are under construc
tion on the shore of Lake Huron
south of Amberley preparatory to the
establishment of a bombing area on
Lake .Huron off that point. Hydro
and telephone services already have
been carried to the scene from Port
Albert Navigation School, R.A.F.,
from which the bombing planes will
come. Targets also are under con
struction. It is understood that smoke
bombs are to be used. The revisit to
this section of land agents and sur
veyors has again given rise to the
possibility of a relief flying field be
ing built close by.
79cto $1.75
Hosiery has always been in the-top drawer of priz-
ed Christmas gifts^ but this year it’ll be more
treasured than ever.
Call and inspert our large stock. We have gift
■suggestions for everyone.
Pipes, Cigars, Cigarettes
and Tobacco
Xmas Wrapped
Smoke Shoppe
Slugged Goderich Turnkey
James Flenniken, 17, who has been
in custody over a week awaiting a
hearing in Goderich, attempted to
break jail on Sunday morning, He at
tacked Turnkey K. White with a
hammer, knocking him unconscious.
He then ran down the corridor, at the
end of which he encountered Jail
Governor J. B. Reynolds, who grasp
ed the youth. While they were scuf
fling on the floor. Turnkey White re
gained consciousness and Flenniken
was overpowered and lodged again in
a cell. Mr. White is suffering from
concussion and is confined to bed.
Flenniken is a former Colborne town
ship boy who now gives his address
as Toronto.
I voodric
fDunlop’s Shoe Store!
“The Home of Good Shoes” »
Humphrey Mitchell New
Labor Minister
Prime Minister Mackenzie King an
nounced the appointment of Hum
phrey Mitchell, veteran trade unionist,
as minister of labor and transfer of
the former minister, Hon. Norman
McLarty, to the post of secretary of
state. Temporarily Quebec’s repre
sentation in the Cabinet was reduced
by one since Mr. McLarty replaces
Hon. P, F. Casgrain whose appoint
ment to a Quebec Superior Court
judgeship was made public by Mr.
King, Further ministerial adjustments
will restore Quebec’s representation
it was reported.
A short course, sponsored by the
Tees water Agricultural Society, will
be held in Teeswater next month from
the 6th to the 30th, Conducted by the
Ontario Department of Agriculture,
Bruce County Branch, the course will
be in Agriculture and Home econom
The class in Agriculture will be
held in the Town Hall, while the
Home Economics class will be in the
basement of the Public Library. Mr.
G. R. Gear, B.S.A., Agricultural Re
presentative for Bruce, will be princi
pal of the course, while George T.
Rogers, B.S.A., New Lovell, Ont,, will
act in the capacity of assistant. Miss
Flora Durnin, Dungannon, will be in
charge of “Foods and Nutrition and
Home Management;” Miss Lulu Row
of the Women’s Institute Branch,
Toronto, of “Clothing.”
Can Be Controlled By Running Grain
Through Fanning Mill On Cold Day
During the-last few years there has
been an alarming increase in damage
by insects to stored grain, says the
Ontario Department of Agriculture,
The insects chiefly responsible are
several species of reddish-brown to
nparly black beetles and their whitish,
larvae or worms, None of the insects
are as large aS a small grain of wheat
and most are much smaller.
An excellent method of control in
winter is to run all the grain through
a fanning milt when the temperature
is below freezing, the grain should
be run through the mill at a moderate
rate, Once the insects are separated
from the grain the cold quickly make I
them dormant. They can be collected I
and burned* „ <
Members at the younger generation
are alike in many disrespects,
Isard’s Stores
For Men, Wometa and Children.
It’s Footwear |
This .. I
Foresting pleasure and com
fort give Footwear For Gifts
this Christmas. Your friends
will remember you with every
step they take.* w
Xmas Shoppers |
... to visit ... i
j Hanna & Co., Ltd.
i New Ladies Shop
j . (Next McKibbon’s Drug Store) °
Special for this Week
(only 2 to a customer)
10c each
knitting bags
Limited Number
Silks - Brocades
Special Saturday
(one to a customer)
It is our intention to carry fur coats and scarfs of S
g the best quality at a saving to our customers. S|
Persian Lamb styles, Hudson Seals, Muskrat and S
Ponies. We also exchange, repair, insure and <
...... .» s..,g
Fur Trimmed Coats
W Dressing Gowns
Millinery .
Noveli ties
* ~ Parasols
We will make every effort to please you.
Miss Vivian Cantelon, Manager.