HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-12-18, Page 3Thursday, Dec» 18 th, 1941 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES FACE THREE in the Red Cross quilt donated by Mrs. Waller on which tickets have been sold. The 3 prize draw for prizes don­ ated by Mrs. Burke and Mrs, Mac- lean will also be drawn for. 1st prize, 16 lb. Christmas Cake complete with icing and decorations, 2nd, a 6 lb, fruit cake also iced and decorated, 3rd prize, 3 dozen doughnuts, Get your tickets this week, you may hold the lucky number, and its all for a good cause. Help the Red Cross, do all your holiday rau I bi IA hl MOD SHOPPING at WVMIBIVR I Swe^^^Sunki.t Medium large l.Of' QRANG^^ 8,ze JIVdoz. Size dfig Wdoz. f ' ■ i ( HONKER BRAND _ RED EMPEROR A tg^Cranberries Lbe 2i9C GRAPES A m»* Z5C Doz. Red Crqss Shipment The recent shipment to headquart­ ers from the local branch contained the following: 4 quilts; 12 boys shirts, size 14; 3 suits pyjamas with extra trousers; 3 pairs seaman’s socks; 5 scarves; 3 helmets; 8 turtle-neck sweaters; 5 areo caps; 4 pairs whole rriitts; 1 pair gloves; 4. pairs sea boots stockings; 5 pairs seaman’s stockings; 11 pairs socks. CRISP HEART Celery, 2 bch. 25c No. 1 COOKING TEXAS SEEDLESS* “ 3 - 25c McINTOSH EATING No. 1 COOKING '------------------ — Apples, 4 lbs. 27c Onions, 3 lbs. 14c Grape Fruit 5 Domino Dry A W 15 Or A Jo oGINGER ALiH> y * BISCUITS Rickey MANNINGS ELITE SHORT BREAD ft Bottles 11 Pound 19c | CANDY V Fancy Assorted [ Chocolates pound.. 25c . i CHOC. DROPS, lb ...........17c J CREAMS & JELLIES, lb. 17c f ROCK & SPOOLS, lb.....-...19c I HUMBUGS, lb.......................19c | HARD MIXED, lb. .............15c f GUM DROPS, lb.' ..............17c I JELLY BEANS, lb..............15c I Moir's Town Talk[ Chocolates, 3 lb. box 79c * Assorted I Chocolates,. 1 lb. box 29c ]f Fresh Roasted | Peanuts, pound .... 19c I Bulk > Mincemeat, 2 lbs. ... 25c ROSE BRAND PICKLES SWEET MIXED, 20 o'z. jar 25c Sweet Gherkins, 20 oz. jar...35c Sweet Mustard, 19 oz. jar...25c SOUR ONIONS, 17 oz. jar 35c DILLS, 25 oz. jar ...............25c Picnic Brand Pickles, 27 oz. jar... 25c Sweet, Sour or Mixed McLarens Manzanilla Stuffed Olives, 6 oz. jar.... .29c Clubhouse Plain Olives, 8 oz. jar .... 29c Christies Plum Pudding, each .. Clarks Famous Plum Pudding .. Olde London Town Mincemeat, tin .... .23c «/2 lb. Pkg. 42c Glass Jar 55c 65c 39c WROXETER Mrs. Vern MacDonald spent Sun­ day with her daughter, Miss Jean MacDonald at London. Thomas Sanderson and son Thomas Jr. were recent visitors of the form­ er's mother, Mrs. D. D. Sanderson also Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sanderson. Jack Meahen has been ill for the past few days. His many friends hope he will soon be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carr, Wingham, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Waller. The pupils of S. S. No. 1, Turn­ berry held their annual . Chirstmas Tree and Enterainment on Monday night. Mrs. Wm. Wright is teacher. Sunday School Social The United Church annual get-to­ gether will be held in the church school room, December 23rd, at 7.30 p.m. A period of games for the child­ ren will be followed by Christmas entertainment. Refreshments will be / served to which parents are asked to contribute. Church Notes St. James Church will hold its an­ nual Carol Service on Sunday even­ ing, December 21st, 7.30 p.m. The Rector, Rev. J. L. Ball will be in charge. be special music by the choir. Christmas Service December 21 The United Church will hold their •Christmas Services on Sunday next, 11 a.m. at 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. E. Fos­ ter will be in charge and there will Yopng People’s Union 'Africa, was the theme of the Y. P. Union, United Church, on Monday evening last. Bob MacDonald presided, opening with the hymn, O Master Let Me Walk With Thee. Lloyd Town­ send led in prayer and Lulu Gibson read the scripture lesson taken from Psalm 123. The leader told a very in­ teresting story of an African. During JOl<(HRI5TMA5 w Flowers are gifts that really speak from the || heart — a gift that’s distinctively personal and || || thoughtful. Don’t let the Holiday season go by; > Si without the pleasure of flowers. Jjk w Cut Flowers and Potted Plants No Advance in Prices S* Si Phone 1.61. S - Florist | Francis St. Wingham. ......... Special Train Service AND IMPORTANT TRAIN SERVICE CHANGES FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S eOKSVLT AO™ ““"“SJ CANADIAN NATIONAL BLUE RIBBON TEA . BLUE RIBBON COFFEE Old Home Almond Icing, 1 lb. 39c, % lb. 21c i Richmello Fresh Ground iCoffee, lb...................39c ’ Domino 1 I TEA, pound...........79c | Clarks Tomato A Juice, 3 20 oz. tins .. 25c | Australian Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. . Recleaned Currants, 2 lbs. .... 25c j Morray Park Table j Raisins, 16 oz. pkg.. .29c 1 23c u Willing Workers Quilt The Willing Workers Red Cross group of the 4th line of ‘Turnberry, met at the home of Mrs, Eldred Nich­ ol on Thursday last. The afternoon was spent quilting. GORRIE Santa To Visit Gorrie On Saturday, December 20, a man by the name of Santa Claus is coming to our town, and he has sent a very special invitation to the chidlren of this community to come to the1 town hall that afternoon at 2.30 o’clock to see him. He will have a message for you, and seeing there are so many children just your size who won’t ■have eyen a Christmas dinner besides getting a stocking full of toys and candy, that he has asked that you bring what money you can spare, a copper, a nickel or a dime or even a quarter and.it will all be sent to the CKNX Orphanage Fund in Wingham and they will forward it to England. The Woman’s Institute in Gorrie are having Mr. Herb Neill show some of his pictures. They will be educational and comic, but remember, be on time 2.30 sharp on Saturday, December 20, Gorrie town hall. the business period plans were made to hold a social at which will take •place the election of officers for 1942. The treasurer’s report will also be re­ ceived. This meeting will be held on December 22nd. Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross and the Mizpah Benediction brought an interesting meeting to a close. ' W. M. S. Elect Officers The December meeting of the W, M. S. was held,;on Thursday, Decem­ ber 11th at the home of Mrs. R. J. Rann. The meeting prepared by Mrs. A. Munroe who was unable to be pre­ sent, was presided over by Mrs. G. A. Wearring and the opening hymn, O Come all ye Faithful. Mrs. Rae led in prayer and the scripture lesson Luke 2nd chapter, verses 1-20 was read by Mrs. W. A. SawtelL While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night, was the second hymn. A very interesting resume of the 2nd chap­ ter of the Study Book, “The Sons of Shuh” was given. The Christmas Carol, Silent Night followed. Roll call, A Donation for mission band bale, brought a generous response. The hymn for peace was followed by a prayer for peace by the president. The following is the report of nominating committee for officers for 1942: President, Mrs. G. A. Wearring; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Gilbert Howes; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. D, S. iMacNaughton; sec’y., Mrs. W. A. Sawtell; Treas., Mrs. Allen Munroe; sec’y. associate helpers, Mrs. R. Stocks; , Christian stewardship, Mrs. G. Howes; strang­ ers sec’y., Mrs. D. Rae; supply sec’y., Mrs. J. Douglas; pianist, Mrs. Mea­ hen; auditor, Mrs. Lovell; superintend­ ents mission band, Mr,s. A. Munroe, Mrs. H. Robertson; temperance sec’y., Mrs. Sawtel). Mission Band Bale Mrs. A. J. Sanderson, leader of the Mission Band will oversee -the packing of the annual Bale for North­ ern Ontario. The bale will be ship­ ped this week. Donations from any­ one who Can give new or used toys, books, clothing may leave same at Mrs, Sanderson’s home. Red Cross News • The Wtoxetet Branch, Red Cros§ have forwarded the sum of $100.00 to headquarters for Blankets from Brit­ ain. A donation of $2.00 for Blanket Ftffidj also $27.00 for local fund and 4 quilts were received from the group of workers oh the 6th line of Turh- berry and are gratefully acknowledged. Euchre and! Birigo The Finance Committee of the Red Cross branch piati to start a series* of social events this coming Friday flight, December 20th in the Town Hail, when a euchre and bingo will be held, A draw will be made do ter, Mr. and Mrs. K, J. Hueston were among the guests entertained recently in the officer's quarters at the Clin­ ton Radio School. Miss Edith Ritchie who underwent an operation in Listpwel Memorial hospital for appendicitis and is able to be home again, her many friends will hope her condition will keep steadily improving. Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Hobbs and fam­ ily of Preston, spent the week-end with her father, Mr, Jesse Harrison, Pte, Billy Ritchie, Ambulance Corps of Sussex, N. B,, is spending a couple of weeks' with his. mother, Mrs. Ritchie, Mr. Harold Edgar, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Pte. Kenneth Watson of Montreal and Mrs. Watson of London spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Watson. ■ t Friends of Mr. Steve King will re­ gret learning he is. ill with pneumonia, and will wish him a speedy recovery. Born — In Listowel Memorial Hos­ pital, on Sunday, December 14, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gallaway, twin sons. Rev. John Pollock of Wingham had charge of the service in the Presby­ terian church here on Sunday. The Christmas Concert for Gorrie School is being held in the town hall here on Thursday night. The com­ munity will please keep this in mind and attend. Red Cross Shipment The Gorrie and district branch of the Red Cross made the following shipments to headquarters recently: November 18—20 hospital quilts. De­ cember 4th, as follows: Navy Com­ forts—4 aero caps; 16 prs. whole mitts; 3 turtle-neck sweaters; 8 scarfs; 6 prs. seaman’s stockings and 10 prs. socks. Army and Airforce—100 kahki hdkfs; 5 prs. gloves; 2 kahki scarfs; 17 prs. socks; 3 alternative caps; 1 pr. flying mitts; 1 V-neck sweater and 1 turtle-neck sweater. Hospital Supplies —15 prs. pyjamas; 70 gauze hdkfs, and 2 quilts. Refugee Clothing — 26 quilts; 7 prs: mitts; 8 prs, children’s bloomers; 2 prs. women’s Stockings;, lwoman’s .print dress; 2 babies bon­ nets; 1 pr. bootees and 2 children’s slips. Young People’s Union Elect The meeting of the Young People’s Union was held on Monday, Decem­ ber 8th, in the basement of the church. It was opened by singing hymn 59 followed by a prayer given by Doris Galbraith. Hymn 57 was then sung and the Topic “Missionaries in Can­ ada” was given by Max Bell, which was very interesting. The election of officers took place and the officers for the following year are as follows. Hon. Pres., Rev. Copeland; Past Pres., Harold Hyndman; Pres., Dorothy Ed­ wards; Secretary, Jean Heibein; Tteas., Leo Ruttan; Pianist, Phyllis Hemingway and Eleanore Carson; Christian Fellowship, Margaret Dane, Irene Bell; Missionary, Jack Thorn­ ton, Alice Gowdy; Culture, Donald Copeland, Janice Strong; Christian Citizenship; Nellie Ruttan, Max Bell; Recreation, Bill Edwards and Doris Galbraith, A social timejwas enjoyed by all and the meeting closed * with the Mizpah Benediction. Mr. and., Mrs. Milton Oppcrthauser of Elmira, spetat the Week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Fos- TOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin­ ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH , Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston A. HL McTAVISH, B»A. Teeswafer, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Office: Gotton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 430 end by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 120j. Minister is Tree Minded Rev. R. C. Copeland is a busy man these past few weeks. He has been taking out several of the dead trees around the United Church. He also is trying out something that up until the present has not been done in this community and that is the transplant­ ing of trees, in this season. This week he has planted one on the street near where one was cut down, and many will be watching the results of this transplanting. Special Services Sunday Next Special Christmas Services will be held in all of the Gorrie Churches on Sunday next, at the regular hours. On Sunday evening the Candle Lighting Service will be held in the United Church at 7.30 to which all are in­ vited. There will also be slides of Henry VanDyke's, “The Other Wise Man.”. The C. G. I. T. and Y. P. U. are in charge of this service and ask that a special effort be made for a full church at this beautiful Christ­ mas service. Friends of Mrs. Wesley Under­ wood who is a patient in the Listowel Memorial Hospital, will regret learn­ ing she is not improving as well as could be expected, and won’t be able to be home as soon as it was anticipat­ ed. We trust her condition will very soon improve. On Tuesday afternoon last week, Mrs. McLaughlin entertained the members of the Ladies’ Aid of the Gorrie Presbyterian Church, when the ladies busied themselves at piecing a quilt for the Red Cross. A short de­ votional service was conducted by the president, Mrs. Burns Stewart, a'nd ■business was dealt with. During the social period, Mrs. McLaughlin and Miss McLaughlin served' refreshments. On Tuesday last Mrs. E. H. Strong underwent an operation in Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital, and her many friends will be pleased to learn she is making a very satisfactory recov­ ery. Speaking with the tax collectors for the western division of Howick this Tuesday morning, Mr. and Mrs. W, C. King have reported that this year around 90% of the taxes have been paid. This is tlie best report they have had in their period of 8' years tax collecting. Evening Auxiliary Officers Elected The Evening Auxiliary were the guests of Mrs. C, Whitfield for their December meeting. Mrs. Irving Ton­ er, and Mrs. Alec Taylor were the committee in charge of the program and presented an inspiring devotional service in keeping with the Christ­ mas theme. Many of the familiar and best loved Christmas hymns were sung. Mrs. Carson gave a reading “A Canadian Christmas.” The scripture reading, Luke 2: 7-20 was taken by Mrs. Grainger. After prayer and a short talk by Mrs. Toner, one verse of “Lord of lhe Lands” was sung and Mrs. Taylor conducted the study period. During this time the third chapter of our Study Book “Serving with the Sops of Shuh” was received. Mrs. Taylor also gave us a short re­ view of the two previous chapters. The meeting was then turned over to the president. A report of the finance committee was received. Miss E. Davison was appointed to conduct the election of officers and the slate as prepared by the nominating committee was read, with a few minor changes madef the following are the new of­ ficers: Etonorary• President, Mrs. R. Copeland; Ftesidcnt, Mrs. Ewart Whitfield; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Our New BUDGET BOOK You will find this book an important aid in getting ahead financially, It is easy to use. and enables you to know how much you spend and how much you can save each month, GET YOUR FREE COPY NOW, The Grey & Bruce Trust & Savings Co. Owen Sound. Kenneth Hastie; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs, C. Black; Recording Secretary, Mrs. E. Carson; Corresponding Secre­ tary, Mrs. A, Stephens; Envelope Secretary, Mrs. Grainger; Treasurer, Mrs. C. Black; Pianist, Mrs. K. Has­ tie; Assistant Pianist, Miss Evelyn Dane; Auditors, Mrs. Shera, .Mrs. Newton; Press Secretary, Mrs. V. Shera; Financial Committee, Mrs. Alec Taylor, Mrs. E. Grainger. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Carson. It is hoped that all the members will make a special effort to start the new year with a full attendance. WESTFIELD Mr. Norman Keating of Belgrave., was busy last week wiring the barn for hydro for Mr. R. Redmond. Miss Eileen Taylor spent last week with Mrs.' R. Stonehouse of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell spent a couple of days last week with Lon­ don friends. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Horne of Windsor, are visiting at the home of their niece, Mrs. Douglas Campbell and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Norman (McDowell, Gerald, Mr. Wm. McDowell, Misses Mildred Thornton, Winnifred Camp­ bell, were London visitors on Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crozier of Crewe were gu’ests on Tuesday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mr. Thomas Cook is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook of Golborne town­ ship. Miss Minnie Snell was a week-end guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. L. McDowell. (Mr. John Gear of Kitchener, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Thos. Gear. Mrs. Osbaldston is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Norman McDowell. Little Barbara Jean Smith of God­ erich is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mc­ Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and family visited on Saturday with Dr. and Mrs. V. Johnston of Lucknow.. W. M. S. Held Election The W. M. S. meeting, which waff held on Wednesday afternoon at the: church, was led by the president, Mrs. Wm, McVittie, with 14 present. The* meeting opened by singing “Hark the- Herald Angels Singg,” Mrs. Marvin; McDowell led in prayer, The Scrip­ ture lesson was read from St, Luke 2:4-19, by Mrs. Walter Cook. Christ­ mas message was given by iMrs. Mc­ Vittie. A reading was given by Mrs. R. Vinaent. Duet by Mrs. Alva Mc­ Dowell and Mrs. Wm. Walden. Mrs. Norman McDowell read a letter frorro Miss Edith Glutton of India. Several! Christmas carols were sung during the meeting. The minutes of the past meet­ ing were read *and approved. The col­ lection was given over to the Jr. War- Victims Fund. Mrs. Norman McDow­ ell, "Winnifred Campbell were appoint­ ed to secure flowers for the church; for winter. Mrs. R. Vincent presided’ over the election of officers which are­ as follows: President, Mrs. Wm. Mc­ Vittie; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Albert Walsh; Rec, sec’y., Mrs. Marvin; Mc­ Dowell; Cor. sec’y., Mrs. W. F. Camp­ bell; Treas., Mrs. Hugh Blair; Ass'L sec’y-treas., Winnifred Campbell; sec’y Christian Stewardship, Mrs. R. Vin­ cent; Strangers sec’y., Mrs. Melvin. Taylor; Supply sec’y., Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Norman McDowell; Temp­ erance, Mrs. J. L. McDowell; Miss­ ionary Monthly, Mrs. Elwin Taylor^ Press sec’y., Mrs. Stanley Cook; Mite box, Mrs. Alva McDowell; Finance Committee, Mrs. J. L. McDowell, Mrs. Norman McDowell; W. A. represent­ ative to Quarterly board, Mrs. Walter Cook; Pianist, Mrs. Fred W. Cook, Mrs. Wm. Walden, Mrs. Wm. Mc­ Dowell; Auditors, Mrs, Marvin Mc­ Dowell, Mrs. Norman McDowell; Red Cross representative, Mrs. Wm. Mc­ Vittie; Baby-band leader, Mrs. N«jr-' man Radford, Mrs. F. J. Cook; Mis­ sion band leader, Mrs. Howard Camp-- bell, Mrs. Wm. Carter. Meeting closedl with prayer by Mrs. H. C. Wilson,. Mr. W. F. Campbell attended file Board of Health meeting at Belgrave on Monday, also a banquet given by Reeve R. Redmond for members of. the Council. Nothing so famous as these fam- ous Sweets I I Rankins Smiles’n Chuckles i Special Gift Selections in Smart Christmas Packages. Priced 50c the )soutld up. or Salted Cashew’s and Peanuts. Complete Line of Cigarettes, Cigars and Tobaccos* Christmas Wrapped.Christmas Wrapped. Queens Coffee Shop