HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-12-11, Page 7*
Ski Boots
Attractively Boxed
79c 85c $1,15
atRy a.
Thursday, Dec. 11th*, 1941 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
Santa says: “Gift Footwear from Dunlop’s
Large Stock Makes a Perfect Gift7
Cuddly, Cosy Little Slippers, good selection
some with fleecy lining, zippers.
Goloshes ’■
Rubber Boots
Heavy Rubbers
Dress Shoes
See the New Clip
per Bags for Men
Hockey Outfits for Boys
$2.98to $6.00
Skating; Outfits for Girls
$2,98to $7.50
Give Him House Slippers
98c $3.00
Encourage their love of out
doors—give Boys and Girls
exactly the right sort of
shoes for active sports-wear.
Ladies Ski Boots .. $4.25
Men’s Ski Boots - $4.75
| Dunlop’s Shoe Store
Farmers’ Club to Affiliate With
The Belgrave Farmers’ Club held
its annual meeting at the home of Mr,
.and Mrs. John M. Coultes with a good
attendance present^ The president,
Martin Grasby, conducted the meet
ing, which* was .opened with commun
ity singing led by Mrs. J. (M. Coultes
at the piano.
It was decided to affiliate with the
Huron County Federation Unit. The
Club was well represented at the
United Farmers’ convention held in
Toronto as two carloads of members
attended. The young people, BrUce
Scott, Charles Higgins, Russell Kelly
and Arthur Scott gave reports of the
Young People’s convention and tour.
The senior delegates, Mrs. J. S. Proc-
ter, Mrs. J, M, Coultes, Joseph Yuill
and James Michie gave interesting ac
counts of the United Farm Women’s
section, the main United Farmers’
convention, the banquet and share
holders' meeting.
A committee of the president and
secretary was named to see about
selecting a boy to attend-1 the short
course held, at the Ontario Agricul
tural College, Guelph, during the
Christmas vacation. James Michie,
C. Wheeler, Jt< S< Procter and E. And
erson were named to inquire about
Radio Forums being conducted in the
Did $11,000 of Business
As this was the annual meeting the
Our 25 Point Scientific Examin*
ation enables us to give you
Clear, Comfortable Vision
Phone H8 Harriston
t report was presented by
Procter and showed about
worth of business- had been
by the club during the year*
Officers Elected
Albert Vincent conducted the el
ection of officers which resulted aS
follows: president, Martin ■ Grasby;
vice-president, Lyle Hopper; secretary
treasurer, C. R. Coultes; directors,
Albert Vincent, James Michie, R. J.
Scott, J. S. Procter, Cecil Wheeler;
auditors, Harold Procter, James Yuill.
All the above officers were re-elected.
The ptograpt committee: Mrs. C.
Wheeler, Mrs. E,t Anderson, Carl
Procter, Mrs. J. M, Coultes, George
Michie and R. FL Coultes; represent
ative to Federation of Agriculture,
Martin Grasby, The meeting was clos
ed with the singing of the National
Anthem and lunch was served. The
next meeting will be held at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Whceier on
Tuesday, January 6.
ton Procter of Winnipeg, visited with
Mr; and Mrs. Carl Procter.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert FI. Coultes,
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
James Walsh.
Relatives from here attending the
funeral of Mr. Joseph Stonehouse in
Goderich last Wednesday included,
Mr.-and Mrs, R. Stonhouse, Mr. and
Mrs. H. McGuire, Mr. aJnd'Mrs. Lyle
Hopper and Mr. and Mrs. R. Coultes.
Mr, Whitehouse and Mr. Stein of
London, have been tuning pianos in
this district the past few days. Several
pianos in schools, churches and private
■homes have geen done.
Y. P. U. Meeting
Mr. Bruce Scott was in charge ot
the Fellowship meeting of the Y. P.
U., Wednesday night. Mrs. George
Johnston was at the piano. Charles
Higgins read the scripture and George
Johnston lead in prayer.
The minister, Mr. Dunlop gave a
interesting talk on Misdirected Em
otional Attitudes. The singing of a
hymn and the Mizpah Benediction
closed the meeting, after which a few
games were enjoyed, conducted by
the president, Ross Anderson. A shore
time was spent in practicing the girls
drill for the Christmas Tree.
■ing was done for the bale. There was
an average of ten ladies at each meet
ing, the total membership being 12.
The free will offerings for the year
amounted to $80,00.
The following officers were elected
for 1942.
President, Mrs. R. J. Scott; 1st vice-
president, Mrs. Porterfield; Treasurer,
Mirs. J. Dunbar; Secretary, Mrs. Port
erfield; Assistant Sec’y., Mrs, J. C,
McBurney; Welcome and welfare
Sec’y., Mrs. Art Scott; Glad Tidings
Sec’y., Mrs. W. J. Geddes; Home
Helpers Sec’y., Mrs. McBurney; Sup
ply Sec’y., Mrs. J. Dunbar; Bale
committee, Mrs. Dunbar and Mrs. R.
J, Scott; Organist, Mrs. Art Scott;
Assistant Organist, Mrs. Young; Mis
sion Band Leader, Mrs. Dunbar; As
sistant, Mrs. Porterfield.
The membership feel that the year
1941 has been profitable, spiritually,
socially and financially, and arc hop
ing that in 1942 the work of the W.
M, S. will continue to progress.
Mr* and Mrs. Barnard Crelliti of
London, spent Sunday with her par*
cuts, Ma and Mrs, C. Wheeler,
Gunner Grant Procter of Wood*
stock, son of Captain and Mrs, Clay*
Presbyterian W. M. S, Elect
TlU annual meeting of Knox Pres
byterian W. M. S, was held irt the
church last week, The secretary re
ported that two Thankoffering meet-
ings had been held, Also ten regular
mectirtgs, one cf which was at the
Manse in Blyth and another at the
home of Mrs. R, J* Scott where quilt-
United Church W. M. S. Annual
K Meeting
The United Church W. M. S« held
its annual meeting and election of of
ficers in the basement of the church,
Wednesday afternoon with a good at
tendance. The President, Mrs. J.
Wheeler Was- in the chair.
A Christmas program was followed
throughout* The Theme for the wor
ship service being a Canadian Friend
ship Carol Service which opened with
quiet music and cqll to worship by
the President, followed by the Hymn,
Angels from the Realms of Glory; and
prayer by Mrs. E, Wightman. Joining
the members have made an,d
offering was received after
Mrs, H. Wheeler, convener of
1 ' -y-
| Queens Coffee Shop
in responsive reading with the Presi
dent were Mrs, J, Miller and Mrs. H
Wheeler, Other Christmas Hymns
used were, O Come All Ye Faithful;
Away in a Manager, and Gentle Mary
laid her Child.
Business period included minutes,
and Treasurers report which showed
the auxiliary had exceeded its allo
cation for the year.
A beautiful quilt was displayed
the nominating committee took the
chair for the election of officers which
resulted as follews; Honorary Presi
dent, Mrs, J. Anderson; President,
Mrs. Jesse Wheeler; 1st. vice-presi
dent, Mrs. H. Wheeler; 2nd, vice-
president, Mrs. R, Chamney; Secre
tary, Mrs, I. Martin; Assistant Sec’y,
Mrs. J, Anderson; Treasurer, Mrs. J.
Miller; Christian Stewardship and
Strangers Sec’y, Mrs. C. Procter;
Supply Sec’y, Mrs. J. A. Geddes; As
sociate Helpers, Mrs. A. Vinceht;
Mission Band, Mrs. T. B. Johnston;
Assistant, Mrs. C. Logan; Baby Band,
Mrs. S. Procter; Missionary Monthly,
Mrs. H. Campbell; Temperance, Mrs.
R. Chamney; Press, -Mrs. N. Keating;
Pianists, Mrs. C. Wheeler and Mrs.
J. M. Coultes; Gift Fund and Liter
ature Sec’y, Mrs*. M. Grasby; Auditors,
Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. N. Keating,
Plan To Remember Shut-ins
The Ladies’ Guild of Trinitiy Ang
lican church met at the home of Mrs.
C. G. McCrea on Thursday afternoon
with, a good attendance. The Presi
dent, Mrs. C. Wade presiding. The
Holiday Bells were brought to this
meeting. Plans were made for remem
bering the shut-ins at Christmas.
Mrs. F. Shoebotton gave a paper on
the opening of the new hospital at
Fort Norman. Another paper was giv
en by Mrs. W. Brydges on The
ters of St. Margarets. Lunch was
ved by the hostess.
W. ■ A. Held Election
Mrs. J. M. Coultes, president of the
United Church W. A. was in charge
of the December meeting on Wednes
day in the basement of the church,
which opened with the Christmas
hymn, While Shepherds Watched their
Flocks by Night, and the Lord’s pray
er repeated in unison. The business
period included several reports and
plans were made to have the Holiday
Bells again next year.
A number of new cups and plates
have been purchased. The canvass
made instead of having a Fowl Sup
per was very successful.
Rev. G. Dunlop took charge of the
election of officers which resulted as
follows: President, Mrs. Stewart Proc
ter; 1st vice-president, Mrs, J. M.
Coulttes; 2nd. vice-president, (Mrs. J.
Michie; 3rd. vice-president, Mrs. A.
Vincent; Secretary, Mrs. C. Procter;
Assistant Sec’y., Mrs. A. Manning;.
Treasurer, Mrs. J. Anderson; Pianists,
Mrs. C. Wheeler and Mrs, J. M.
Coultes; Committee in charge of dish
es, Mrs. H. Wheeler and Mrs. ,N.
Keating; Flower Committee, Mrs. G.
Jordan and Mrs. J, A. Geddes; Aud
itors, Mrs. H. McGuire, Miss Edith
Turn In Red Cross Sewing
The local Red Cross are asking that
all sewing be in to the work rooms
by December 15th, as word has been
received from headquarters that it
must be shipped immediately after
that date. An urgent appeal .has also
been sent ‘out for a shower of hand
kerchiefs1 for men, women and child
ren. This is something in which'each
individual can help. Please*make a
donation right away to your local
Mrs. T. B. Johnston Leader
The Happy Hearts Mission Band of
the United Church held its annual
meeting in the basement on Saturday
with .Mrs, C. Wheeler in charge. The
Band has had a very successful year
under the leadership of Mrs. C. Log
an. Having gone well over the top in
their allocation. Miss Audrey Mc
Guire was elected president Tor 1942.
The other officers remaining the
same. Mrs. T B. Johnston is the new
Mr. Andrew Ferguson and daugh
ter, Mrs. N. Geddes of Toronto, call
ed on relatives and friends over the
week-end, 'J
Mr. and Mrs. Adam McDonald and
family of West Wawanosh, also Mr,
and Mrs. Walden of Westfield, visit
ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Thompson of
Kitchener, visited tvith Mr. and Mrs,
R. Porcter.
‘Miss Edith Wallace spent Saturday
in London.
Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Metcalfe and
children, also Mr, Metcalfe Sr., of
Glenannan visited on Sunday at the
MacKay home,
Miss Mildted Willis, and friend of
Nothing so
famous as
these fam
ous Sweets
Rankins or
iles’n Chuckles
Special Gift Selections in Smart Christmas
Priced 50c the pound up.
f; Complete Line of Cigarates, Cigars and Tobaccos,
| Christmas Wrapped.
draw was made on the little cake,
which went to Mr, R. J. McLennan
of Morris. The proceeds of the cake
amounted to $46.15 and the door re
ceipts amounted to $47,75. The entire
proceeds go toward war work,
“I'l-. nn, - 4 j
of the fol-
tonight to
the esteem
Kitchener, visited on Sunday at
Laurence Willis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned. Thompson
went to Toronto on Wednesday where
they will spend some time.
Mr. Stanley McDonald of Guelph
was a recent visitor with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Willis spent
Saturday with friends at Gowans-
A miscellaneous shower was held on
Monday night, December 1st, at
Jamestown in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Workman recently married. The
young couple were recipients of many
beautiful gifts. An address was read
by Miss Adlene Galbraith
Dear Jean and Sam—
We, your friends and
are gathered in this hall
show our appreciation of
with which you are held in this com
We wish you much joy and hap
piness through life, and may each suc
ceeding year
than the one
both win new
the old.
we need
we have
ing still
and Divided We Fall.1
We bring you these gifts as a small
token of the esteem in which you are
held in this community, and as you
use each one, may they bring back
fond memories.
We ask you to accept these gifts
with the best wishes of all present.
Signed on behalf of your friends and
The young couple made a suitable
reply, thanking all those present. The
crowd then sang “For They are Jolly
Good Fellows.”
An enjoyable evening was staged In
the hall on Friday night, when a pro
gram and entertainment was put on
by Jack Thynne, and his hired man,
after which they furnished music for
a dance. During the evening a draw
was made for the .lucky ticket on the
Christmas Cake. The person having
the lucky ticket was Mrs-. Wm.' V.
MacKay, Monkton R. R. 1. A second
bring more
before, and
friends, and
are troubled
may you
also keep
ones anddays
all the courage and stamina
to face life, but the old say-
is true “United We Stand, ' — —
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter, Miss
Joyce of Seaforth, were guests on Sat
urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan and
family visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Mervin Govier of Morris Town
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Johnston and
children of Lucknow, were guests on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Campbell.
The Y.P.U. held a social evening
on Friday night with 15 present. The
games were in charge of Phyllis Cook
.and Ray Vincent. Lunch was served
by the girls.
Mr. Wm. Carter has been appointed
caretaker of the Westfiel'd church for
the coming year. 1i-«j
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook and
family visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Cook of Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kendrick of
at the home of the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman.
On Sunday, Rev. H. C. Wilson gave
a splendid address on “The Highway
of Life,” taken from Isaiah 35:8.
A special offering is being asked for
in the Sunday School which is to be
donated to the Jr. British War Vic
tims Fund. The money to be forward
ed to Jim Hunter of the Toronto
Evening Telegram.
Heavy Duty
with satisfied pride, Mrs.
carefully cut the cake on
the table and placed a handsome slice
on her husband’s plate.
“1 made it all myself darling," she
said. “My first cake.”
Sampling it witih gradually dimin
ishing enthusiasm, he said: “Did you
lift it out of the oven all by yourself,
fm/ntoM* u *
Flowers are gifts that really speak from the >
— a gift that’s distinctively personal and >
ghtful. Don’t let the Holiday season go by
i without the pleasure of flowers* S?
Cut Flowers and Potted Plants
No Advance in Prices
Phone 101.Francis St Whigham*
... -j >»