HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-12-11, Page 6PAGE SIX WINGHAM ADVANGE’TIMES Thursday, Dec. 11th., 1941 >2 /■ Matched Sets >2 (2 Bulbs .,.$3.95 15c, 25cWreaths .Bed Lamps (2 kW {2 We Have Gifts For Every Member of the Family. ... 98c, $2.25 This Jolly Old Fellow is not at our Store in Person, But We Have a Stock of Christmas Merchan­ dise so Complete that, when You Visit our Store, You will feel that Santa Himself Must Have Made Our Store His Stockroom. XMAS TREE SETS 8 Bulb Series 55c Multiple Sets, 7 Larger Bulbs HEADQUARTERS FOR C.C.M 1 2 for 15c Boy’s and Girls for Pleasure Skating • Sizes 8 to 5............$3.99 set For Ladies Pleasure Skating. White Elk Shoe. Sizes 3 to 7............$6.50 set Men’s Hockey Outfits Sizes 6 to 11 .... $5.75 set WESTCLOCK WATCHES AND CLOCKS Watches............. $1.45, $1.75 Alarm Clocks........................ ..... $L65, $1.75, $2.95, $4.95 Electric Clock, Wall or Mantel . GAMES Table Tennis .........................,. .. 50c, 35c, 59c, $1.00, $1.39, $1.50 New Game — Be An Airman . . 90c Blackout Game ........... .' . 98c Superman ...........................98c Rubber Indoor Horseshoe Game ................................ $1,15 Assortment of Smaller Games ........................25c, 50c, 75c IXL JACK KNIVES 21 types from which to choose Just what Dad and Son have al­ ways wanted. 90c to $2.35 DOLLS Cuddle Bears.............. Dolls, 4 types ............ Dolls, 4 types......... .. Better Dolls ......... . 29c . 50c $1.00 $1.89 English Vases ... English Bone China Cups .... 50c Water Sets....................$1.25, $1.50 *. 75c HOCKEY STICKS 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Pucks ............ 10c, 15c, 20c TOBOGGANS 4 Foot 5 Foot 6 Foot 7 Foot 8 Foot * 5 ONLY DOLL CARRIAGES BOYS WAGONS * We have a fine assortment $1.65, $2,25, $3.75, $4.35, $5.95, $6.50, $10.75 TRICYCLES „ All Sizes $6.50, $9.95, $11.50 Small types .... $3.49, $3.95 Sleighs Scooter . 50c to $2.15 .. ......... $1.79 TOYS One Only Electric Train Tractors........................................35c Trumpets........................... 10c Drums ..................... 30c Tool Sets — .. 45c, 50c, 89c, $1.59 Postal Telegraph Sets.....$1.90 Blackboards........................ 89c Chalk and Slate ...................... 50c Many other interesting toys—Call ’ and see them. Rubber Animal Sets with Fence (17 pieces) .................$L75 X (2 & CARVING SETS Bone Handles, 3 pieces, Stainless Steel. Only............................$1.95 Imitation Stag, .3 piece Stainless Steel. Only............................$2.95 (2 Tea Sets .. Baking Sets ..........59c, $1.25 19c, 49c, 60c, 85c Kitchen Step Stools—Sturdy—Un­ finished—Just the thing for Mother $1.95 Bathroom Clothes Baskets .. $3.50 ASK FOR OUR FOLDERS ON BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED SILVERSPLATED WARE AND CHINA 8* WARE. 1 ,r wgg x >ssk.. ,r Wingham Advance-Times I-1 Published at v‘ WINGHAM - ONTARIO Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance To U. S. A., $2.50 per year >■ Foreign rate, $3,00 per year. Advertising rates on application. -----------------------.-------------------------— treasurer, Mrs. R. F. Garniss;. litera­ ture and library secretary, Mrs. W. H. McKinney; Home Helpers and press­ secretary, Miss Olive Scott; supply secretary, Mrs. W. S. Davidson.; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs, Harry Elliott; welcome and welfare secretary,. Mr&. R, Elliott; student secretary, Miss Jean Elliott; Mission Band leader,. Mrs. F. G. Fowler; pianist,, Mrs. J. C. Higgins; assistant, Mrs; R.. Eliott. BLUEVALE ‘ Presbyterian W. M. S. Elect The annual meeting of the W.M.S. pf Knox Presbyterian Church was I Jheld in the Sunday School room on Thursday afternoon with the president, Mrs. J. J. Elliott in the chair. Mrs. Harry Elliott read the scripture les­ son and Olive Scott offered prayer. The secretary, Mrs. Archie Messer prepared a report of the year’s work, showing a membership of 19. Twelve tegular meetings were held with an average attendance of ten. Easter and Fall thankoffering meetings were held also a Home Helpers meeting, Special speakers addressed these meetings. Mrs. F. G, Fowler was elected to pre­ side for the election of officers which resulted as follows: Honorary presi­ dent, Mrs. P. 8- MacEweft; president, Mrs. J. J. Elliott; 1st vice-president, Mrs, Raymond Elliott; 2nd vice-presL dent, Mrs. W. FL McKinney; seete- W, Mrs. Archie Messer; assistant secretary, Mrs, Harvey Robertson; Woman’s Association Name Officers.; The annual meeting of the Woman’s ’ Association of the United. Church was , held in the Sunday School room on Thursday afternoon. The presidents ’ Mrs, Earl Hamilton, presided. The Christmas message from Luke was. read by Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mrs* Tavener offered prayer. Mrs. Sparling Johnston read an article of special interest at this season of the year,. “Pointers On Christmas Giving.” A solo by Mrs, Wickstead was enjoyed. Rev. C. Tavener conducted the elec­ tion of officers which resulted as fol* lows: President, Mrs. Earl Hamilton, re-elected; vice-president, Mrs. J, H. Smith; secretary, Mrs. George Thom­ son; treasurer, Mrs, J. Curtis; press secretary, Mrs. Wickstead; organist, Mrs. C. G. Yoe. Two Red Cross quilts were quilted. Ladies’1 Aid Held Annual The annual meeting of the Ladles* i Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church ------- .r ■ --------> ------ - ■ was held on Thursday afternoon, Mr.s* R. Elliott, president of the Turnberry group, had charge of the meeting, and. .Miss Florence Fowler led in prayer. The groups all reported, holding regu­ lar monthly meetings doing war work ; as well as church work. Morris group. : reported making and quilting thirteen ; quilts for the Jamestown society. The ■ total amount raised, by the groups :was$75.14. Mrs. Harvey Robertson was re-elected president; vice-presi­ dent, Mrs. R. Elliott; secretary, Mrs, J Archie Messer; treasurer, Mrs. George ’A. Love* Mrs. Robertson conducted The the of the Upper Canada Bible Society and. the following amounts have been, handed to the treasurer; 'A balance, of 50a was left last year. Miss Jean Elliott,. 4th, line Turnberry $4.35; Mrs. Erank Stamper and Marguerite Nich­ olson. $3.40;, Mrs. Carl Johnston and. Mrs. Sparling Johnston $4.60;-' Helen Turvey and Helen Sellars $6.15; Mrs.. Jim Breckenridge and Mrs. J. C. Hig­ gins $4.75; Mrs. George Thomson and Mrs- Hugh. Mundell $11.85; Louise Batton and Norma Hall $5.50. Total, $41.10.. closing business and ©live Scott closing prayer. ’ Underwent Operation Mrs. H. Wheeler of Bluevale under­ went an Hospital, week. We makingis operation in St. Joseph’s London, on Tuesday last are happy to* state that she a fine recovery, Former Bluevale Man Missing Mrs, Thompson of Parkhili receiv­ ed a message on Sunday saying that her son, Scotty, is missing. He was doing coastal guard duty in England and with others is missing, Scotty was born in Bluevale, son of Mrs. Thompson and the late Rev. Thomp­ son. u Bible -Society Collection The collectors have made their ttual canvas for the Bluevale Branch nn- At the regular service in the United Church on Sunday morning, Rev. Campbell Tavener used as his subject “The Three Wise Men”, Mrs. J. Wickstead sang a solo. Rev. F. G. Fowler occupied the pul­ pit in Knox Presbyterian church speaking from the ttext 1 Kings 17- 7and it came to pass after a while', that the brook dried up. Rev. C. Tavener attended the meet­ ing of the Huron Presbytery of the United Church at Clinton last week. Russel Bone attended as a layman, The Y, P, U, of the United church held Its regular meeting on Friday evening. Miss Helen Thomson had charge of the meeting and Mrs. Will Peacock gave a paper on “Prayer,” Dr. Arthur Shaw of Toronto, spent Sunday with his father, Mr, Arthur Shaw, who has been ill for over a week. Mr. Peter S. MacEwen is under the doctor's care at present. Mrs. Joseph Lovell of Wroxeter was a recent visitor with Miss Duff. Spence McKinnon of : Waterloo, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon.. Lome McCracken of Seaforth spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCracken. Charles Messer of Toronto, spent thi sweek with his father, Mr, John F, Messer and Lis brother Gordon. George Patterson of Toronto was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs, George Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. James Ketchabaw, Katy and Anna May of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hockeridge. Mr, and Mrs. A. D, Scott, Mr. and Mrs. James F, Scott of Seaforth were Sunday guests at the home of (Mr. and Mrs, G, A. Love. Mrs. Jas, R, Lockhardt of Bath, N. B,, called on Bluevale friends Monday, Guest? of Mrs. Free! Johann and Ruth on Sunday were friends from Walkerton, Stewart Teeswater, Min­ nie Jeffrey, Belmore, The Institute meeting will be held this Wednesday at Mrs. Newans, Sr. A little boy has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Horton. A cablegram from Wesley Abram said, he and Will, also Clare Ed­ wards had arrived safely in England. BELMORE The puglic school are practicing for an entertainment to be held in the afternoon. ' The United Church concert will be held in the church. A Red Cross quilting in the base­ ment of the Presbyterian church of Thursday afternoon. Those from a distance who attend­ ed the ' Presentation Friday evening, were, Norm and Mrs. Baiers of Mit­ chell, Mr. and Mrs. Ball (nee Jean Herd), Clinton, Marjorie Herd and friend from Wingham, George Herd, Holyrood. A scarcity of wood -is playing hav­ oc with the maple trees. Two were cut down recently. Strange to say at this time of year the sap flowed quite freely making a plasant drink for the dance in the school house Friday night, ‘The next, will be a Red Cross dance. ’ ’ BLYTH Born — December 7th, to Mr. and iMrs, Chester Morrison, a daughter. Mr, and Mrs. James Collison were’ at home to a number of their friends on Tuesday, this being the- occasion of their fiftieth anniversary of their wedding, Miss Fox R.. N., of Whitechurch is visiting friends in town. Our local Firemen will hold their Community Christmas Entertainment on Tuesday, December 23rd. Mr. Norman Sinclair of Alymer, spent the week-end with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair, The election of officers of Blyth Lodge A. F, & A, M,, on Monday night resulted as.follows: W. M., Gor­ don Elliott; S, W., Lloyd Wettlaufer; J. W., N, P. Garrett; Treasurer, J. H, R. Elliott; Secretary, Robt, Neu- combe; Tyler, J. S. Cliellen; Exam­ ining com,, R, D. Philip, H. J, Brown and Geo. C. Brown; Auditors, Lloyd Wettlaufer and N. P. Garrett. Word was received here on 'Tues­ day morning of the death of William Howe in Victoria Hospital, London. The late Mr. Howe went to the hos­ pital for treatment about two months ago. ’ ister* Rev, Mr. Rhodes, from Prines Edward Island, was held in the Pres-* byterian Church at Lochalsh, on. Thursday afternoon. A very pretty wedding was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. David Little on Wednesday at eleven o’clock, when their only daughter, Vera, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Ware* ing, Miss Myrtle Johnston played the. wedding music. Miss Elmira Alton, was bridesmaid and Mr. Russel Alton, best man. l&ev, Mr, Bowse officiated. The happy couple left on a honey-* moon for a few days, returning to her parents on Saturday, they left on Sun* day afternoon for Trenton where the groom is working. Just the uncle’s and aunt’s were present and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Little, cousin’s, Miss Anna May Farrish and Miss Myrtle Johnston waited on the tables, J Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sherwood, was called to the bedside of his moth­ er, Mrs, Sam Sherwood, 10th con., who we are very sorry to hear is ser­ iously ill, heart and pneumonia. THE BUILDERS Isn’t it strange that princes and kings And clowns that caper in sawdust rings, And common folks like you and me Are builders for eternity? Each -is given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass, a book of rules; And each must make, ere life is flown, A stumbling block or a stepping sto^re. —R. L. Sharpe ft I tv tv a J 's fc ASHFIELD .Messrs Jimmie Farrish and Jimmie Nelson left on. Thursday morning for a four months training in Kitchener. . The Induction of their new min­ "I’m no sending Christmas presents tae my freends this year,” sai'd Jock. "But they’ll be expectin something” said a friend “an’ they’ll no’ be very weel pleased about it.” “Na; na; they’ll be no’ be expectin anything” said Jock; “I wrote an’ telt them I was sufferin’ from loss of memory; an1 to make sure they’d be­ lieve it, I forgot tae put stamps on the letters.” SHOP AT HANNA’S New Overcoats also New Stylish Tweed and Worsted Suits for Men and Young Men. $14.50to $26.50 Boys Suits and Overcoats Specially Priced for Christmas Shopping. $6.95to $11.50 OUTSTANDING GIFT SUGGESTIONS White Wool, Airforce Blue, Kahki, Tartan and Silk Mufflers......... $L00 to $1.95 All Wool Knit and Leather Gloves, Airforce Blue, White, Kahki and Gray, $1.50 to $2.95 Initialed Handkerchiefs in Fine Cottons and Linens, All Initials 25c and 50c Other Handkerchiefs, Airforce Blue, Kahki ................ 15c 20c Specially Priced Christmas Neckwear^ Box­ ed, Lovely Patterns ....... 25c, 59c, $1.00 McGregor’s Famous JVool Hose, Fancy and Plain Shades ......................... 55c, 75c> g5c Outdoor jackets in Windbreaker Style and Mackinaws for Men and Boys, Light Wool Lined .. .................... $^.95 t<? $5,95 Call and See Our Splendid Stock. Thei Above Items are Just a Few of Many Gift Lines. Other Suggestions are, Shirts, Sweaters. Pyjam­ as, Hats, Caps, Underwear. Jili (2 12 ' (2 #5 w HANNA & CO., LIMITED 1'7* ft