HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-10-30, Page 7CANADA AT WAR MINISTER IN LONDON mine-sweepers and corvettes bound from patrol duty, Earl- a Quebec dockyard we had similar ships in course of Canada's r » Lowest Sellina *** Liver Tablets Thursday, October 30, 1941 Accompanied by Chief °< Canadian Hieh Commissioner Vincent Massey* aunna his recent flying visit to England, General Crcrar If pictured, THIRD from the LEFT, with Other winbefl of the mission who accompanied Mr. Ralston, LOOK OOT FOR YOUR LIVER puck it up right now andfeellikeamillion! Your liver is the largest organ in your body and most important to your health. It pom out bile to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You be­ come constipated, stomach and kidneys can’t work properly. You feel “rotten”—headachy, backachy, dizzy, dragged out all the time. For over 35 years thousands have won prompt relief from these miseries—with Fruit-a-tives. So can you now. Try Fruit-a-tives—you’ll be simply delighted how quickly you’ll feel like a new person, happy and well again. 25c, 5(K --—“T--------------------- (Article Number Five). ‘The Navy” By B. M, P, As a fitting climax to the Canadian editors’ tour, a day with the Royal -Canadian Navy at Halifax had been arranged. To anyone who has visited Halifax in peace-time, the transfor­ mation to its predominant war-time role as a key port on the Atlantic coast comes almost as a shock. The streets di Halifax are thronged with officers and ratings of the R, C. N., the harbour is lined with ships being readied for convoy, new buildings to accommodate the Navy’s needs are going up <3n all sides, and the dock­ yard is a veritable beehive of activity as thousands of navy men are schooled for service on the seas. Arriving at Halifax early in the ■morning, the editors were shown ■through King’s College, the Officers’ training establishment, the Signalling School and the Admiralty House -Grounds, Proceeding to His Majes­ ty’s Canadian Dockyard, our party saw all phases of the technical train­ ing of the Navy, including the gun­ nery school, ordinance artificers’ shop, machine shops, anti-aircraft school -and other departments of instruction. It is here that the officers and ratings receive their final, training in gunnery, navigation, wireless, telegraphy, sig­ nalling and able seamanship to fit them for their tasks. Stokers are taught their engine room duties and there are school for cooks, stewards .and sickbay attendants. In one build­ ing the gunners were being trained on large naval guns. It was an un­ believable bedlam as the youngsters ■went through their paces, shouting and repeating orders and moving with speed and precision to their respec­ tive stations. Not all of these lads are Maritimers, in fact a great many are from the prairies and singularly en- A. H. McTAVISH, B.A. Teeswater, Ontario Barristex, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.3'0 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 120J, YOUR EYES NEED Our 25 Point Scientific Examin­ ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston ough they take to the water like ducks. Youth Predominates Youth clearly has the call in the Canadian Navy. We met a 27-y,ear-- old officer who is commander of a destroyer and another of about the same age in charge of a brand new Canadian corvette. Another lad of twenty one, an officer on a destroyer, had already come unscathed through the horrors of Dunkirk, where he was in command of a yatch which made four round trips in taking off British soldiers. We visited the stores where depth charges and big naval torpedoes are housed, We were introduced to Commodore Jones, Officer Command­ ing the Atlantic Coast, and his staff, and were told the story of how con­ voys are assembled and shepherded across the Atlantic, It can be no sec­ ret that Halifax has vital role in convoying merchant ships of .Allied nations to belcagured Britain and that the Royal Canadian Navy is playing a heroic part in this all-important task, having already safely escorted thousands of ships and millions of tons of cargo to their destinations in the Mother Country, We had a real opportunity to view the busy harbour when two of the now famous fifty American destroyers were placed at our disposal for a tour of the harbour and a 25-mile run onto the broad Atlantic. Fortunately for the editors it was a calm day. During the run depth charges were dropped and a smoke screen thrown out to add a realistic touch to the trip, The depth charges, rolled' from the stern of the boat, threw a dense cloud of spray high into the air and jarred the des­ troyer with terrific force. It is easy to see how they can play havoc with enemy submarines. The Captain of the destroyer on which we made the har­ bour trip was t a sturdy ‘sea-dog,’ whose alert and ruddy countenance clearly reflected the spirit of the Navy. We learned that he had served aboard H. M. C. S. Fraser, the Canadian des­ troyer which went down in a collision in the English channel with the loss of a number of lives. The Captain, his officers and ratings were most court­ eous to the editors and we derived a new insight into the valuable work performed by the heavily armed des­ troyers both in convoy and patrol work. Overhead passed big flying boats which carry out a long-distance patrol far out to sea, while glimpses could be obtained of the heavy coastal fortifications of the harbour. The Corvette On the outgoing trip we passed several inward ier at viewed building. We saw’ some corvettes on the stocks with hundreds of men ham­ mering and rivetting, while another was ready for delivery. Contrary to popular conception, the corvette is not a small vessel, but rivals the destroy­ er in size, and armament although we understand that some corvettes of. smaller size have been built at Ont­ ario ports. Each of the larger corvettes is heavily armed. They are playing' a significant role in the Battle of the Atlantic. One shipyard alone has 1,800 men at work on corvettes and mine­ sweepers and the counterpart will be found in many a Canadian shipyard. The corvette is not as graceful a ship as the destroyer but it is sturdy and impressive in appearance. Expansion of the Royal Canadian Navy as a whole in the last two years forms one of the epics of this war, embracing an increase from 13 to 250 ships and ■ in personnel from 1,300 to 23,000 men ■ and the number is increasing every ’ day. The Navy’s popularity with young Canadian manhood is proven CANADIAN DEFENCE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Low Rail Fares FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY FARE and ONE-OUARTER FOR THIS ROUND TRIP Between all points in Canada and to Certain destinations in the United States, • GO: Monday, Nov, 10 and until 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov, 11, 1941. RETURN: Leave destination up to midnight Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1941. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children - - <— - - - 25c Full information from any agent. by the steady stream of recruits pour­ ing into Halifax and other naval train­ ing centres.- Canada’s Navy already has a proud record in this war. It will be enhanced as time marches on. Women Lend a Hand Just a word regarding the problem encountered by Halifax in meeting the needs of the thousands of naval rat­ ings who. are training for service there or who come ashore on leave. The women of Halifax, ably assisted in a financial way by various naval auxiliary services including the Navy League of Canada, are responding nobly to the call for canteens and wholesome i-ecreation for the men, We visited three or four such build­ ings and found that the sailors were making liberal use of the conveniences and comforts provided for them. One small canteen alone had served as many as 25,000. meals • in a month. Alost of.the leaders in this work are wives of naval officers who employ all their spare time in the arduous duties of fitting out and supervising canteens and restrooms. Halifax churches like­ wise are. doing their bit to brighten the off-duty hours of the lads who man Canada’s ships. One of the most striking proofs of expansion is the er­ ection of,- two new naval hospitals adjoining the Halifax waterfront, .which are greatly needed to supple­ ment existing accommodation. A happy culmination of the^editors’ visit to Halifax was the banquet ten­ dered at Admiralty House to our par­ ty by Commodore Jones and his staff of distinguished officers and ship cap­ tains. Our spookesmen had a chance there to express appreciation of their gj-acious hospitality and to thank particularly Commander J. P. Con­ nolly M.C., V.D., Royal Naval Prov­ ost Marshal, who accompanied us on the toUr. It was an occasion, too, to become acquaainted with the sterling worth of Canada’s men “who go down to the sea in ships.’’ Conclusion In concluding this series of articles, we would like on behalf of Canadian weekly newspapers to express to the Department of National Defence and to the officers of the General Staff, the R. C, A. F. and the Navy, as well as to, the Directors of Public Infor­ mation and Public Relations and their staffs, who took valuable time from their official duties at Ottawa to ac­ company us on the entire trip, our sincere appreciation for a memorable journey. We would also given honour­ able mention to the Canadian National Railways. It is certain that the tour served the useful purpose of giving the editors a clear conception of what Canada is doing in this war and thus enabling them to pass on information to their readers. If we have painted too rosy .a picture of- the Dominion’s war program, it was not intentional. We simply recorded what we saw. There is ample time and place for criticism, such as the, Federal Min­ isters havd invited. No doubt the news­ papers will do their duty in this re­ gard, as they have in the past. These articles have merely aimed at portray­ ing the extent of Canada's achieve­ ments in the army, the war industry, the R. C. A. F. and the Navy, That defects, bottlenecks and extravagance still exist, there can be no doubt. The program is by no means perfect. It has grown so rapidly that no amount of supervision could coordinate and keep in hand the entire machine, We know that it has cost a colossal sum of money and that taxpayers are being asked to pay to the limit. But in de­ veloping the tools of war to defeat Hitler, monetary considerations must remain secondary. ' We hold no brief for Canada’s polit­ ical government, but of one thing we. can be sure, the leaders of Canada’s military, air and naval forces, and the entrepreneures of our war industries are the right men in the right place, They are keen, alert and on top of their jobs. If Canadian civilians will devote one fraction of the concentra­ tion and enthusiasm of these men to the war program, Canada’s part in the Empire fight for survival will surely be a worthy one. (The End) PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS By H. J. Boyle '- JN g|||tg “Balky Tractor”' If you pick up a book of poems by James Whitcomb Riley you’ll see many interesting things about ordin­ ary farm life as it was back in his day. However, times have changed a great deal since then. In place of balky horses on cold, frosty, fall morn­ ings, in our township a people have’ to put up with balky tractors. A balky horse was a mighty dif­ ficult thing to get along with. Out of sheer perverse nature a balky horse could cause a man to lose his temper and literally froth at the mouth. Just about the time he was ready to give up and sit down exhausted, the horse would for no apparent reason switch its tail and decide to move on. There were a fair share of balky horses in the towihship those days, too. It seem­ ed at one time as if all the horse­ trading gypsies in the district brought all the balky horses in the province back to our township. Father, who considered himself to be a keen judge cf horse flesh and a keen trader, found himself at one time with two balky horses. When one would go the other wias certain not to move. Coming from breakfast this morn­ ing I decided to try and straighten the garden gate up from its rather melancholy lean. It was a brisk, aut­ umn morning . . . the sun not yet high enough to banish the night’s chill. The iron work on the fence was clamy and cold and the leaves underfoot rustled with a metallic rasp that told of the pranks of Jack Frost. The clear, morning air was pointed with loud noises . . . the hammering of metal on metal and now and again the asthmatic cough of.a tractor which refused to get started. Neighbor Hig­ gins was having another round with his balky tractor. But those bouts are more or less frequent. It seems that every time we go to a silo-filling at the Higgins place his tractor acts up. Being next door neigh­ bors of Higgins, I usually go over early to help him set up for work ■ such as silo-filling. This year I arriv­ ed shortly after day-break and Higgins was cranking and cranking as usual. With hat pushed -up on his fore­ head , . . his smock lying over the tractor seat and his left hand firmly anchored to the radiator cap^ of the old tractor, his right arm was going around like a Dutch windmill on a windy day. The tractor was in much the same condition as usual . . . very dead. ‘ He stopped and looked tip, panting. His conversation was punctuated by a choice set of descriptive adjectives which in themselves should have warmed up the tractor motor. He didn’t say much and then with a most determined look in his eyes he planted his feet wide apart and grasped the crank and began turning in earnest. Then the tractor kicked I say kicked of city people who may not be aware that a tractor packs as much dyna­ mite in its wallop as an old-fashioned American mule. Higgins seemed to coil -up like a snake and then he un­ wound. The language began to blister once again. I offered to try cranking the tractor but by the time I made the offer he was buried contraption wrench. For was a busy Finally he stopped, “I think I have it great many and when it is for the benefit beneath the hood of the with a hammer and a at least five minutes there sound of metal on metal, WESTFIELD Josie but it is good econ- ASHFIELD David Little and daughter, Stackhouse, were guests Qf Mr. and nerves were at breaking and Mrs. Medd, Miss of London, Mrs. J. W. Humph- Amidst growing demand that British forces at­ tempt an invasion on the continent, to take some pressure off harried Russian forces, King George made, a visit to the Scottish command and witnessed * * * How would you like, up, Canadian survivors of the freighter Pink Star en- joy a game of cards in Iceland while shipmates look on. They are survivors of the ship which was sent to the bottom of the sea by a German torpedo. Many of them are survivors of several sinkings. seaways epen. THE KING AN WW/Un wu fixed,” he said quite proudly. He start­ ed cranking and kept it up steadily for another five minutes. This time the tractor was quite unresponsive. There didn’t even seem to be a kick left in the metal monster. Once again he buried himself under the hood , . . this time locating a dislodged wire which apparently had deadened the motor. The motor would turn over . . . . cough a couple of times and then soggily stop. That was encouragement at least, “It’s “flooded,” was the an­ nouncement. For five minutes we stood and smoked and talked about everything except the tractor. Finally he went back to work on it with a vengance. His hand slipped and he bashed his knuckles bn the metal. Has your hand 1 ever slipped off a crank on a chilly morning and struck cold metal? If it has, then you will know about the numbing experience that it really is. He. hopped on one foot and then the other and tried to cram his whole fist —blood, oil and all—into his mouth. For at least three minutes he stood stock still. Then with his hiat perched on the back of his head . . . his hair bushed out over his forehead , . . . blood streaming from his knuckles . . . face spattered with oil and blood, he walked up in a very determined way to the tractor. He shoved the crank in to make connection and then suddenly turned it. Th^e tractor started . . . without a. murmur or a choke. The motor purred as smoothly as it is pos­ sible for an ancient tractor to purr. The balky tractor started just as the Higgins point, Mrs. Miss Vera and Mrs. Robert Nelson,', near Kintail, visited with Mrs. Mac- Kenzie Webb, 12th con., West Wawa- nosh. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Arthur, spent a few days with their cousins, Men of 3C, 40, 50 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, , Subnormal? Want normal pejj, vim, vigor, vitality? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains .tonics, stimulants, oyster elements— aids to normal pep after 30, 40 or 50. Get a special introductory size for only 35c. Try this aid to normal pep and vim today. For sale at all good drug stores, i troops in landing exercises. Here the monarch leap nimbly up the short gangway leading from shoe to the deck of a landing barge of the type favors for use at invasion time. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Alton, Mr, and Mrs. George Lane, 10th con., and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reid, near Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham, Miss Blanche and two sons, Jack and Jim, near Sheppardton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Graham's parents, Mr. and Mi’s, D. K. Alton and brothers, Messrs Bert and Roy Alton, 10th con., and at­ tended the .Anniversary. A number from here attended the Anniversary, Sunday forenoon, at St. Helens last Sunday. Rev, Mr. Bee­ croft was the special speaker and del­ ivered two very inspiring sermons. Rev. Mr. Patton,, a former pastor of the Ashfield circuit, was the speaker at Blake’s Anniversary the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morrison and sons, spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Alton. Mr. .and Mrs. Jacob Hunter and family, 12 con., near Zion, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hump­ trees near St. Helens. Much of the fall hay has been spoil­ ed on account of the wet weather, and a number of farmer’s haven't their po­ tatoes family visited with Mr, and Mrs, Per­ cy Gibbing at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs.* Howard Campbell', Laurence and Lois, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Thomas Harvey of Exeter. Mr. and Airs. Elwin Taylor and! family were St Helens visitors on Sunday. ■ ■> Mr. James Walsh returned, home on Sunday after being employed by Air. Percy Gibbings for the summer. Rev. H. C. Wilson took his text on Sunday from St Luke 23:34. The theme being ’'Forgiveness,” Mr, Leslie Buchanan has frequently seen a number of deer, as he is going to and from work at Auburn. DIRECTORS NAMED AT SKY HARBOR Mr. Medd rey of Chatham were guests on Tues­ day at the home of Mr. and Airs. W. F. Campbell. The members of the Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Clara Mc­ Gowan on Friday evening and enjoy­ ed a social time. Mrs. Norman Mc­ Gowan opened the meeting with a hymn and Aliss McGowan led in pray­ er. Miss AIcGowan showed slides on China, and some of her Chinese curi­ as. Lunch was served by Mildred Thornton and Phyllis Cook. The meet­ ing closed with the Mizpah Benedic­ tion. Airland Mrs. J. Gallagher of God­ erich visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell of Londes- boro were Westfield visitors on Sun­ day. Air. and Airs. W. F. Campbell, Miss Winnifred, visited on Friday with Mrs. Bell Afedd of London. Air. and Mrs. Wesley Aliss Eva of Brucefield on Sunday at the home Mrs. Wm. AfcDowell. Mr. and Airs. Norman Radford and Reports of a successful year at Sky- Harbor were presented at the annual, meeting of the Huron County Flying- Training School Company Limited, ori Wednesday afternoon. Forty share­ holders were present. The following directors were appointed: R( J, Bow­ man, Brussels; J. R, Dg-ugfos, Goder­ ich’; A. H. Erskine, Goderich; K. Hueston, Gorrie; G. L. Parsons, God­ erich; Ben, Tuckey, Exeter; AV, L.f Whyte, Seaforth. , 1 • > Others nominated were G. C. Gea- gan and Wilmot Haacke, Goderich township H;ugh Hill, Colborne town­ ship, and G. Schneider, Kitchener. The scrutineers were Norman Miller and J. C. Shearer. It may be poor etiquette for a hus­ band to walk between his wife and the shop windows, omy. ❖ Kind Lady: a nice chop? Hobo: Dat all depends lady. Is it lamb, pork or wood? MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe- zution of high-class work, we ask you co see the largest display of monu­ ments of any retail factory ir. Ontario., All finished by sand blast machines. We import all our granites from the Old Country quarries direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal­ ers', agents’ and middleman profits by seeing us. E. J. Skelton & Son West End Bricfac—WA LKERTONT HEROES OF ILL-FATED PINK. STAR IN ICELAND _____ ___ ..______________ __w_. AH tai anxious to get back to the sea to help keep the