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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-10-30, Page 5
Thursday, October 30, 1941 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES • PAG® JWW BUY AND SAVE f If Jumbo Flannelette Blankets 70 x 90 Whipped Singly $2.49 Pair “Jumbo” All White Flannelette Blankets of fered at this almost unbelievable jarice which will mean extra savings on these Three*' Big Sale Days. You will be wisie to be here early for these so as not to be disappointed as they are usually $2.98 value. Fur 819t Luxe, Opossum, Grey Krimmer, and Strip, ed Coney. Every coat styled “up to the minute”. Other Children’s Coat Values. Size 7, 8, and. 12 only. Clearing at $6.49. D o 1 o D o o 0 o n o AT THESE BELOW THE MARKET VALUE PRICES 3 BIG DAYS Thur,, Fri., Sat. 0 Fur-Trimmed COATS Sizes 7 to 14X We had these lovely Coats made up in the early Summer during the Man ufacturer’s slack season to bring you a decided saving in dollars on each coat. Smart, durable fabrics of all wool and wool and cotton in plain colors and tweed effects, trimmings con* of: Beaver do 36" WOOLETTE 29c Yard 0 FOUR-PLY WOOL There is bound to be a grand rush for this popular nightwear fab ric. It comes in smart printed floral designs on grounds of White, Pink, Blue, etc. Be cause they are 1940 patterns the price is sharply reduced. Buy your season’s needs and buy early t Rare Value... WOMEN’S FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS & GOWNS $1.19 & $1.59 grades So outstanding values at this season that we expect a quick SELL OUT. Choose from conventional printed designs or plain pastel shades with Wool- ette trim. 4 smart styles including a Butcher Boy model. Sizes: small, med ium, large. One Ounce Balls 11c What a value, and just at the time when many are interested in knitting. If you -enjoy knitting, then be sure and See this remarkable underpriced knitting wool special.. The popular 4-ply weight, in the follow ing range .of xcolors: White, Black, Rose, Navy, Green, Copen, Burgundy, Rust, Brown, Lipstick Red, etc. 4 Usual. 15c value. CHILDREN'S Fleece-Lined SLEEPERS - BUY AND SAVE Colors are the newest 1941 Fall tones: Yukon Blue, Mineral Blue, Golden Sherry, Brown, Black. Cross-country Green. ALL-WOOL FAILLE SKIRTS Sizes OQ 72 to 20 An almost unbelievable bargain in these days of high wool prices are these all wool Skirts fashioned of wool Faille in two popular , models, one a kick pleat style, the other a flare skirt model. I o 0 Oiled Silk Umbrellas “The Rains Came”. But you don’t mind? if -you have one of these Printed Oiled Silk Umbrellas. Good heavy • quality with bound edge in floral and all-over designs. $1.98 * Pair Seconds of 49c and 59c Values. Closely knit of fine rayon smooth and kind to the skin. Attractive candy stripe gives an unusually smart effect. Full cut bloomer or band-leg pantie. Easy to wash. You’ll be delighted with the value and wear you receive. Tea-Rose or White, Colors: White, Red, Green, Brown, Navy, Etc. Usually $2.25 Value.1 to 6 Years Mothers will be pleased to see these Fleece - lined Sleepers at this low price. They are “Budget Bal ancers” that help Mother make her dollars go fur ther. Standard quality fleece-lined in Pink, Blue, or White . . . well tailored . . . cozy and warm. Novelty Candy Stripe Panties and Bloomers HEMMED SHEETS > ■ 72 x 86 $1.49 each Wabasso Pillow Cases 42 x 33 43c each , English Broadcloth 36 inch 21c yard FANCY MESH DISH CLOTHS 9c each SCOTTY POT HOLDERS 11c each TERRY TOWELLING 16 inch 19c yard BLAZER STRIPE DISH TOWELS 27c each Popular Quilt Batts 72 x 90 39c each FANCY CHECKED TERRY TOWELS I2V2C each HEAVY UNBLEACHED 72 in. SHEETING \ 49c yard Borderless Rexfelt Rugs 6 x 9 ft. $1.75 Special Pattern Linoleum 4 yards wide $ _ $3.98 yard o D o t o QMANY OTHER UNADVERTISED VALUES THROUGHOUT THE STORE FOR THESE 3 BIG DAYS D The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail Telephone 36 - - Josephine St. © 01=30 OE=3OX o o - GORRIE and Mrs, Robt. Harrison spent Monday with friends .in-Listowel. Week-end guests of Mr, and- Mrs. Archie Miller were, Mr, Pyke, Mr, and Mrs., George Arscott, Miss Dorothy, and Mr* Kenneth Arscott, also Mrs. Wm. Miller, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dowdell and daughters of Toronto, spent the week end at her home here. ■ Mrs; John Hyndman'who has spent the past two weeks in Toronto, returned home with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs, William Dettman of Turnberry were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest King. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Vittie of near Welland, attended/the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. Cathers in Har riston and spent a few days with friends here. Sympathy is extended to Mt. Wes- fey Cathars of Hamilton and son; Mr. David Cathers in the sudden death of his wife (Effie Butler) who passed Way early last week while on a visit to Ker parbtils,. in Harriston, from day last, Interment was made m war* ’riston Cemetery’ 1 < Mr. and William Whitefield accompanied Rev, Mr. Copeland to Zion on Sunday , atfd ■ spent the day with relatives'thfere. »- Dr. W. J. 'Ross, Kitchener, visited ’with his mother,, Mrs, ‘Mary Ross on Sunday. Institute Family Night The Gorrie Women’s. Institute are holding their annual Family Night in the Township Hall on Tuesday night ■November 4, when'Mr. Game, Public School Inspector, has been obtained to give an address. Other items will make'up an interesting program. The members will be able to invite two other couples as planned. The ticket Will be drawn for the quilt the members are .selling, which; is, on dis play in Mr, W. E. Whitfield's Store. t. Presentation Mr. and Mrs*. H. Cooke, of Mount Forest were honoured guests of Dr. And Mts; L. N. Whitley, when the Bridge Club met, when four tables enjoyed an evening together, At the close, Mr. rented with silver tray, cream, sugar and ice Water pitcher, also a short address' which bore the good wishes of the group in their new home in Mount Forest, > Mr. and Mrs. Stephen King have received word of the promotion of their son-in-law, C. Johnston from Pte to M. P. at Queens Park, London iMr. and Mrs. Wayne Lackie and daughter, Miss Romea, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Snyder all of Flint, Mich., Mrs. B. Abell of Orangeville, also Mr, Carl Uewton, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Gal braith. Mr? and Mrs, James Anger spent a few days last week with relatives in ListoweL .jMrs. Pearl Kairte lias returned home after visiting her brother in Windsor and other, relatives in Chatham and Grimsby. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. F» F. Avery were, Gnr, J, L. Morgan of Monkton, N, B, Mr, Eli Morgan of Ripley, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Elliott «L SPh.'Keith wf west .Monkton. , .des’SrS'iLaWld Pridham alrtd Jasper Pridham of Harriston; spent .Sunday.’ with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coles and Mrs. Etta Day. , • Mr. Earl Harrison and sister, Miss Doreert, visited with friends in Brus sels on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyd and daugh ter of Fordwich, accompanied Mr. and’ Mrs. StUart Finlay to Wingham on Sunday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Magill. Rev. Mr. Lartg of Zion had charge of the morning service in Gorrie Uni ted Church here last Sunday. It was 16 years since Mr, Lang left here and his many friends were pleased to see and hear him again. Rev. Mr. Copeland Was at Zion on Sunday where he took charge of the Anniversary services there. Bdr. W. E. Newton of Petawawa spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Newton, Mrs, Donaldson, Miss Flora Don aldson.; of* Palmerston, Mr, ‘Crawford and daughters of» New ^Ybfk were guests'of' Mr/and Mrs, W. H. Gregg' on Wednesday. Born—In London, Eng., on Septem ber 18, 1941, to Driver and Mrs. L. A, (Lenny) King, a daughter, Patrie* jatDinalda. Mr, and Mrs, Vern Clegg of Pont iac, Mich., spent the week-end with his father, Mr, R. S. Clegg who we are sorry to report is quite ill at the home of his son, Mr, Lelbert Clegg. Mr. Clegg, Sr, has been a patient in Listowel Memorial Hospital for the past week and returned to his son’s home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, H. V. Holmes4 and Miss Perkins visited with friends in Sebringville last Week. The many friends of Mr. R. H. Stephens will be pleased to learn he has returned home from Toronto hos pital where he underwent an operation for double goitre and is making a remarkable recovery. The Evening • Auxiliary will meet at Mrs. Kenneth Hastie’s home on Monday night next, November 3, at 8,30 p,m. with Misses Evelyn Dane and Clarke in charge of the program, The members are asked to please Yiote the change of date. ' Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Robinson and children, Toronto, and Mrs. Ward Fawcett? of Chatham were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A/ L. Stephens.' The friends ofMr» George Tdwn- send Will be pleased to learn he has had a successful operation on his eyes in Kitchener. C. G. LT. The Gorrie C. G. I. T. was held at the home of Jean and Wilma Heibein, October 23, with nine members and two visitors. The theme Was on Health. The hymn, I gave my life to thee, was sung. A health poeiri was given by Lucille Underwood. The hymn, When He Cometh, was sung followed by the discussion on -the question book. The meeting closed with the C. G. I. T. Purpose and the Taps. Rural Dean of Pas, Visitor The Rev. H» B, Horsefield, the Rural Dean of the Pas, Manitoba, in the Diocese of Brandon, and Mrs. Horsefield, were visitors at the Ang lican Rectory, Gorrie, this week. They are down in the Eastern Provinces on deputation work showing slides and speaking about the work among the Cree Indians, Mr. Horsefield made a plqa for a school teacher to teach in Mdoso Ldk‘e Indian.Reserve, the form er man, who was. also an ordained Minister Of the Church, having YOSigm ed his work for a chaplaincy in the Ajrmy. Anyone interested should get in touch with the Rev, J. L. Ball, of Gorrie. GLENANNAN 'Mrs. J. Harris of Maple was a week-end guest with her sister, Mrs. Omar Stokes. Gur’s Stewart Jeffray of Petawawa and Gordon Bryce of Kitchener spent the week-end with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Metcalfe and little daughter, Donha visited a couple of days With friends in Toronto, Gnr.^ Walter Olsen of New Bruns wick, is holidaying at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wallace. t Mrs, Percy Gray of Toronto is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Metcalfe. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harris of How- lek and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snel ling of Listowel, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs, Allan McGill, Mr. and Mrs, John Wolfe of Lake- let visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Stokes, Mr. and Mrs, George Foster of Got- tic spent Sunday with Mrs. Alex For- giC and Fraser,'