HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-10-30, Page 4WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, October 30, 1941 ^cjorzr^s==soiao]s^.^»=iOE=<oisr./'ri1,.; ■ fOEaoisszzsaorao^ 10 RECONDITIONED PIANOS —AUCTION SALE — will be held at Lot 34, con. 2, Kinloss, 114 miles north of Whitechurch, on Monday, November 3rd, at 1 o'clock, consist­ ing of 62 feeding steers, 52 2-year- olds and 10 yearlings. These are all home bred and in good condition, Terms—1 months credit on friend­ ship Bank approved joint notes bearing 5% interest, or a discount of 3% per annum off for Cash. Wm. J. Henry, Prop. Matt. Gaynor, Auct. CLEARING AUCTION SALE — of live stock, implements, grain and household effects, will be held at lots 2 and 3, concession 3 morris, (2nd line) at 12 o’clock sharp on Tuesday, November 4, 1941. Terms of sale—Grain and all sums of $10 <_ and under, cash; over that amount , six months . credit on approved joint notes with bank interest. Matt. Gaynor, Auctioneer; Thos. Burke, Proprietor. FARM FOR SALE — 200 acres on Highway 67. Good land and build­ ings, about 20 acres mixed bush. Will sacrifice. Terms. Wroxeter Box 34. FARM FOR SALE — 100 acres, good buildings, close to school and markets, between Wroxeter and Wingham. Apply to Mrs. L. Wright, Clifford, Ont. FOR SALE OR RENT — House with barn, 1 acre of land, % mile from Wingham. Apply Advance- T.imes, ________________________ FOR SALE — Amber honey 9c pound if containers supplied at Milo Casemore’s Apiary. Pails may be left at Adams Feed Store. “HOUSE FOR SALE — The fine white brick 8-roomed house with garage situate in Bluevale and own­ ed by the late Peter D. King. This property is in good repair and is equipped with lights, furnace,, and hard and soft water. To close the estate this property will be offered at a bargain price. Apply to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ont______ FOR RENT — Heated Apartment centrally located. Apply Rush Ready-to-wear_________________ FOR SALE CHEAP — Man’s over­ coat, and 2 suits, in good condition, also ladies coat. Apply Advance- Times. FOR SALE — Coal oil stove and oven, heater and pipes, Sun dryette,, hair dryer, writing desk, rocking chairs, tables, cupboard and numer­ ous other articles, cheap for quick sale. Mrs. E. Greenwood, Leopold Street. FOR SALE — 8 Pigs 6 weeks old. Apply to John R. Salter. Phone 618rll. FOR SALE — small, combination steel safe $25.00. Apply D. MacNichol, Wroxeter. FARM FOR SALE — To close the estate of the late James McDougall the south halves of the south halves of Lots. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the “A” Concession of the Township of Turnberry are being offered for sale. On this property is situate a frame house, bank barn drive shed and straw shed. The farm is water­ ed by a well and creek. There is also some bush on the property. The soil is clay loam. Apply to J. H. Crawford, Wingham. FOR SALE — 35 head of Ontario Bred Cattle, stockers and feeders. These cattle are all good colors and i in real good flesh. Apply to Thos. Abraham, Wroxeter. Phone 7rl5, Wroxeter. FOR SALE — 28 sucking pigs, some chunks. 8 calves, 7 young cattle and a white faced ram. Joseph Greeaway, Bluevale. Phone 610rl4. TEACHER of Music Theory, Violin, Clarinet, all Brass instruments, and expert Piano Tuning; tuning price!• $3, Repairs extra. Geo. J. Wright, late Bandmaster of Wingham, Leave, orders at Advance-Times. WANTED' — Apartment or small house. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED — Man for general farm work. Close to Wingham. Apply to Advance-Times. WANTED — fully equipped farm to rent or work On shares. Apply Ad- Vance-Times. YOUR SEWING MACHINE — Re- paired to perfect sewiftg at your home. Phone 227. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbours and other friends who expressed their sympathy in so many kind and helpful ways during our recent bereavement, Mrs. D, D. Sanderson and family, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, John Cameron take this opportunity of ex* pressing their thanks to their neigh* bors and friends for the thoughtfulness and, kindness and sympathy extended during their recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS Mr. John Fowler and Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Fowler wish to express their appreciation to their friends and neigh­ bors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended. during their recent bereavement. , ■ . for sale at the Mildmay Furniture Store. Also new pianos. Hear them play at Schuetts Furniture Store at Mildmay. IN MEMORIAN THOMPSON — In loving memory of our only Darling Robert James Floyd Thompson, who passed away two years ago, October 27th, 1939. We loved him yes we loved him, but Jesus Ibved him more. And now he waits to greet us on that bright and golden shore. No stain was on his little heart, sin had not entered there. And innocence swept sweetly on that pale white brow so fair. He was too pure for this cold earth, too beautiful to stay. And so God’s Holy Angels bore our Darling Floyd away. When the evening, shades are falling, and we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts there comes that yearning if he only could come hpme. Lovingly remembered and sadly, missed by his lonely father and mother. TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned 'up-; to November 1st., 1941, for supplying and operating a suitable motor truck to operate the Town show, -plow during the winter oof 1941-42. The tenderers to supply all gas ,oil, tires, repairs, etc., to their own truck -and ■ also the operator. Trucks to be available as required. The Corporation .will pay all expenses in connection with fitting the plow to the truck of the successful tenderer. Tenders are desired at a rate per hour. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William Thornton, late of the Vil­ lage, of Bluevale in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE,. IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Jhe Trustees Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late William Thornton, are required' to send par­ ticulars of their = claims, duly verified to, J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the Executors of the said estate, on or before the eighth day of November, A. Di, 1941, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to dis­ tribute the'said-Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-first day of October, A. D., 1941; J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Laura Bina Casemore, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron,' Spinster, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Laura Bina Casemore, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly veri­ fied- to J. W. .Bushfield, the solicitor for the Administratrix of the said es­ tate, on or before the eigth day of November, A. D., 1941, and that after such date the Administratrix will pro­ ceed to distribute the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice.‘ DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twentieth day of October, A. D., 1941.frW. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario,, Solicitor for the Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE'-MATTER of the Estate of Christina Hislop, late of the Town­ ship of Turnberry in the’ County of- Huron, Spinister, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant-to-The Trustee Act, that, all creditors ' iihd' -Others having claims against the Estate of the late Chris­ tina Hislop, are required to send part­ iculars of their claims, duly verified to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the Administrator of the said estate,. On or before the eigth day of Novem­ ber, A. D., 1941, and that after such date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the said Estate, having re­ gard only to the claims of which he shall then .have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twentieth day of October, A. D., 1941. J, W. BUSHFIELD,. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, MORTGAGE SALE Of Valubale Farm Property in the Township of East Wawanosh Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which, will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered t for sale by public auction at the office of J< H. Crawford, Wingham, on Saturday, the. 15th day of November, 1941, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon by Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the following prop* erty, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer­ tain parcel or tract of land.and prem­ ises situate, lying and being in the Township of East Wawanosh in -the,. County of Huron and being, .composed of the west half of Lot us’ in1 W GW Concession of the said Township of East Wawanosh,! containing 100 acres of land more or less. On this property is said to be siuate a frame barn 40 ft. by 60 ft. on stone foundation and adjoining is a building approximately 35 ft. by 70 ft, on cement foundation. There Ts .als'o on the property a frame house 20- ft. by 80ft. ’.A The farm is watered by a river and. never-failing spring creek, The land is said to be clay Joam and there is about 10 acres of bush. It is convient- ly located’ for both school and church. TREMS OF SALE: 10 per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within 30 days there­ after. The property will be offered sub­ ject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on .the day of sale or may be had on applica­ tion to the undersigned. DATED this twenty-eighth day of October, A. D. 1941, THOMAS FELLS,. Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. J, H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario Vendor’s Solicitor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the • estate of Robert George Mathers late of the Village of Bluevale in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the twelfth day of October, A. D, 1941, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, on or before the fifteenth day of Novem­ ber, 1941, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fifteenth day of November, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice.DATED at Wingham, this twenty­ eighth day of October, .A, D. 1941. J. H. CRAWFORD, . Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. HOUSE AND CONTENTS FOR SALE Administratrix Sale of House and Lot on Scott Street, subject to a re­ served bid, together with household goods and chattels and a quantity of wood and coal, belonging to the Es tate of the late Laura Bina Casemore, will be held on the premises on Sat­ urday, November 1st., at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon. TERMS: House and Lot—20 per cent, deposit on day of sale and the balance within 30 days thereafter. Chattels and Fuel—Cash. For further particulars apply to the undersigned solicitor. MATT. GAYNOR, Auctioneer. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Solicitor for the Administratrix. MORTGAGE SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a certain mort­ gage, which will be produced at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, Nov­ ember 15th, A, D., 1941, at the houj of two o’clock jn the afternoon at the office of J. W. Bushfield, solicitor, Wingham, the following property, sub­ ject to a reserved bid: “ALL AND SINGULAR that cer­ tain parcel or tract of land and prem­ ises situate, lying and ‘being in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and •being composed of those parts of Park Lots numbers Thirteen and Fourteen, Government Survey, lying West of the River Maitland and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly angle of park lot Thirteen aforesaid; thence along the westerly limit of Park Lot Fourteen north twenty-nine degress and forty two minutes east eighty-six links; thence south forty-nine degrees and ten minutes east three chains and ninety-six links; then south sixty de­ grees and three minutes west four chains and twenty* links more or less to the. east limit of Water Street; thence along said east limit north twenty-five degrees .and forty-four minutes .west two chains and eighteen links more or less to the western boundary of said Park lot number 13 then along said western goundary north twenty-nine degress and forty-two minutes east two chains and twenty-five links more or less to the place of beginning, containing one and seven one-hundredths acres more or less.” UPON the said presimes, there - is said to be situate a one and one-half story red brick house with on story red brick kitchen and woodshed with semi modern conveniences. TERMS: 20 per cent, of the pur­ chase price to be paid down at the time of Sale and the balance, without interest, within 30 days thereafter. <’ For further particulars ,apply to the undersigned Solicitor. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 23rd. day of October, A. D„ 1941. THOS. FELLS, ' Auctioneer. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. card of thanks To all those who helped in saving Out home from destruction by fire on Sunday iworhing, we offer our heart* felt gratitude. George Allan and fatuity, The gentleman stopped to,talk to the wee girl who was making mud pies On the sidewalk, ’‘My Word,” he exclaimed ’‘you’re pretty dirty, aren’t you?” “Yes,” she replied, “but I’m prettier, clean,” ST. HELENS .. $uceessfdl Anniversary services were held in the United Church on Sunday, when Rev, W,-A, Bee'Croft of Wingham delivered two stirring address. Special music was provided by the choir-assisted by Mrs. J. W. Joynt and Mr. George Joynt of Luck­ now, At the morning service a quar­ tette composed of Misses W, I. Mil­ ler, George Joynt, Wm. Ringler and E, W. Rice contributed a number and in the evening, Mrs. Joynt and Miss Belle Robertson of Lucknow favored with a duet The* November meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held in the Community ’ Hall on Thursday, Nov­ ember 6, at 2.30, Roll call “What I am thankful for," Motto; “Lest we forget.” by Mrs. A. Aitchison, _Pro gram in charge of Mrs. Wm, Ruther­ ford apd Mr. Charles McDonald. Mrs. W. J, Henderson of Wingham, the district president, will be the guest speaker. Hostesses Mrs. Lome Rurnin, Mrs. Earl Durnin, Miss Annie Dur- nin. It is requested that all completed Red Cross work be handed in this week. Word of the death of Mr. James Lanis was learned with regret by his many friends in this community. The regular meetin of the Y. P. U. was held at Mr. L. G. Weatherhead’s on Monday evening with Dorothy Mil­ ler in the chair. Mrs. Rice read the scripture lesson, The topic, How to make commonplace life more interest­ ing, prepared by Mrs, D. Phillips was read by Isobel Miller and Stanley Todd led an interesting discussion. Mrs. Phillips favoured with a piano solo. A social hour was enjojred when lunch was served by Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. McKenzie Webb. An invitation to the Y. P. U. to a Hallowe’en social at Whitechurch United Church on Friday evening has been accepted. ' An emergency knitting course will be held in the community hall on Tuesday, November 4 commencing at 10 a.m., under the direction of Miss Lillian Howell. A small fee will be charged and those joining are request­ ed to bring lunch. Each member will require a note ‘book and pencil, a ball of yarn and set of 4 knitting needles, pins, and a tape' line or ruler. Born — In West Wawanosh on October 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Miller, a daughter. . LOCAL AND PERSONAL A.C. George King of the R. C. A. F. at Fingal, spent Tuesday at his home here. Mrs. G. A. King of Brantford was a <recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. French and Marjorie were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Baker at Galt. Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. R. Whitford of Los Angeles/ Gal., are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Haugh. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gowans left on Tuesday for St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will spend the winter. Miss Leah Robertson has returned home after visiting a month with her sister, Mrs. S. O. Noren and Mr. Nor- en at Allanwater, Ontario. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Burchill on Sunday were: Miss Jean Burchill, Gnr. Herb Burchill ’ and Charles Nichol * all of London, and Miss Mabel Marshall of Mildmay. Mr. and Mrs. Steward and Mrs, Coleman of Toronto, spent the week­ end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Isard. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Currie, son Jack of Islington, were also visitors at the same home. The following from here attended the Maitland Presbytery Y. P. S. meeting in Brussels on Friday night: Anna Chittick, Margaret MacLean, Lois Bateson, Elizabeth Hare, Edna Carr, George Lloyd, Craig Armstrong, Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth MacLean, and Rev. John Pollock. Mrs. Chas. Campbell, Patrick street, who has been visiting for the past month with her son Lawrence in Luther, Mich., and daughter Muriel in Hasslett, Mich,, returned home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Berner and baby' Ronnie, accompanied^, her .‘and Spent the week-end here.' WEDDINGS Hardie - McBurney A quiet wedding was solemnized in Wingham at High Noon, Wednesday, October 22nd, by the Rev. John Pol­ lock, when he united in marriage Hazel Charlotte, daughter of MhS. McBurney and the late Samuel Mc­ Burney, and Mr. James M. Hardie of Turnberry, son of Mr.' John Hardie of Turnbefry. The bride Wore a green crepe dress and hat, tweed coat and brown accessories. Following a honey­ moon trip to Ottawa and other points, Mr. and Mrs. Hardie will reside in Turnberry, MacTavish - Cornish At High Noon on Saturday, Oct­ ober 25th, the United Church parson­ age here was the scene of a quiet 'fecit very .priijty wedding when* the Rev. W; A.. Le.ccVOft united in marriage Lenore Eli^abcth (Wellings) Of Wing­ ham, daughter of Mrs. Dia Cornish of Clinton and Mri Cameron Elliott MacTavish, of Lucknow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alien MacTavish of Luck­ now. The bride was lovely in a street length dress of rosewood wool with navy hat and matching accessories. HerTlowers were Johanna Hill roses. Mr«- and Mrs, Ed. Marsh of Wingham were, the attendants, Mrs. Marsh wore a" street length woo) dress of British navy, black h|fc and matching qtjces- sories and a corsage of Talisman ros­ es, Following the ceremony, a dinner was served to immediate relatives at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Well­ ings, The dinning room was decorated in a scheme of .pink and white, the flowers being white carnations. For 'travelling the bride* donned a soldier glue tailored wool spit with navy and white accessories. After a short wedding trip the happy young couple will reside in Lucknow, Bielby - Lott A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church Parsonage, Wing­ ham, October 18th, at High Noon, when Rev. W. A. Beecroft united in marriage Edith Grace, daughter of Mrs. Geo. Lott and the late Mr, Geo. Lott, Wingham, to Mr. Arthur Gow- land Bielby, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bielby, Ravenscliffe. The bride wore a Crusader blue crepe dress, matching hat and black accessories, and a cor­ sage of Talisman roses. Mrs. Kenneth Lott was matron of honour wearing a navy suit with matching accessoriies and a corsage of pink carnations. Mr', Kenneth Lott assisted the groom'. Following dinner served at the Cof- fe Shop, the bride and groom left on a motor trip to Muskoka, Mr. and Mrs. Bielby will reside in Hamilton. WROXETER Miller - Patterson Lincoln Road United Church, Wind­ sor, was the setting Saturday after­ noon, October 18th, for the marriage of Mabel Isabell, only daughter of William Patterson of-Woodbridge, and the late Mrs. Patterson, formerly of Wroxeter, to David William, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of Simcoe. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Burton H. Robinson, pastor of the Church. The bride was given in mar­ riage by her cousiin, Clarence E. Patterson of Sorel, Quebec, and was attended by Miss Agnes Coll of De­ troit, iMjchigan, and Harry Van Kreg- ten, brother-in-law of the groom was best man. The bride was attired in grey tailored suit with dubonnet ac­ cessories and wore a shoulder corsage of orchids. After' the ceremony, a re­ ception was held for about fifty guests at the home of the bride’s cousin, Mr. •and Mrs. C. E. Patterson, 971 Lincoln Road. GuCsts were present from Sim­ coe, Amherstburg, Hightgate, Stayner and Wroxeter. Mr. ‘ and Mrs. Miller will, take up residence--in • Calabogie, Ontario. D. D. Sanderson One of the highly respected citizens of the Wroxeter district passed away at his home in the person of Mr. . David D. Sanderson, after some months of ill health. He was born on the homestead of his parents in Howick near Wroxeter, on November 21st, 1859. In 1888 he married Katie McClement of Howick. As a young man he engaged in farming and became, as well a success­ ful agent for the Massey-Harris Co., serving for twenty years as local agent in the district of Bruce and North Huron. Among other offices held during a very active and influential career, the late Mr. Sanderson was for many years chairman of the United Church Board of Managers, being .retained as Honorary chairman to his death. He was also Past Master of the Masonic Lodge, chairman of the Wroxeter School Board, President of the Wrox­ eter Teleprone Co., and Director of the Huron Plowman’s Association. In all these activities he had a high sense of responsibility and contributed gen­ erously of his time and talents. His leadership and service will be greatly missed. To mourn his passing he leaves his widow, two daughters, Mrs. J. Selby Dobbs of Beeton, and Mrs. H. \H. Mercer of Markdale; four sons, Thom­ as of Detroit, Alex of Waterdown, Stuart of London and James at home; one sister, Mrs. C. O. Stuart of Tor­ onto, one brother, Mr. A. J. Sander­ son of Wroxeter and twelve grand* children. The funeral was held on Wednes­ day, October 22nd, to the Wroxeter ■Cemetery after a brief service at the house, and largely attended chttrch Service. The minister, Mr. Foster, was in charge and a former minister, Mr. A. M; Grant of Kippen preached the sermon, expressing the deep appre* elation of the church for iMr. Sander­ son’s services and voicing many comforting thoughts for the bereaved- Mr, John McGee £>1 Belgrave jsang feelingly “Face to Face” The pall-bearens were: Mr. Jim Douglas, Mr. Wm, Gamble, Mr. Wm. Gibsop, Mr. Dick Griffith, Mr. John McEwen, Mr. Archie Miller, Mr. Geo. Ratilnt vmd Mr. Erwce Sotheratt The beatttiftil floral tributes includ­ ed a pillow; from: the family; .?Nvreath' from ,t!u Wroxbidf.nTelephohb'Uo.; And Mr<; Frank, Currier of Detroit, land Freight Chain and Accounting baskets from the Detroit and Cleve- Office Employees and Mrs. C. O. Stuart and family and sprays from The .Huron plo^.ma^’s Association, Mr. R. J. Battey ’of London Motor Pro$ncts;Mri E. J- Deacliman, Ot­ tawa, the D.’& C. Navigationx Em­ ployees, Mr/ and Mrs, Jerry Cam­ midge, Mrs, Nanaire and family and Mr. and Mrs, Stevenson, Detroit. These were carried by nephews of the deceased. Mrs. D. W. Rae returned last Mon­ day after a weeks visit with her sons, William and Jim at Waterloo, and Brantford. e Miss Gertrude Sangster of Detroit spent the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster. The grocery stock of Mr. MacNichol has been taken, over by Mr, Alien Munroe. Mrs. MacNichol and her guest, Miss MacNichol of Stratford, will leave shortly to make her home in Peterboro where Mr. MacNichol is now employed. Mrs. Laurie Vanvelsior will leave shortly to join Mr. Vanvelsior at Hamilton-where he has taken a pos­ ition with General Motors. Their many friends regret their leaving town and wish them every success in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson and family, Clifford, were Sunday guests of Mr. Thos. and Miss Beatrice Shearer. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John spent the week-end in Lon­ don. Mrs. John MacNaughton who has spent several weeks here, returned to her home. Friends here received recently, word of the death of Thomas Mc­ Kee of Star City, Sask. Mr. McKee and his wife, formerly Cora Sheriff, were well-known here, the latter hav­ ing been on the local school staff some years ago. Messrs John and George MacEwen also Miss Ellen MacEwen were in Blair on Thursday attending the fun­ eral of the late Robert MacEwen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence MacEwen. Mr., and Mrs, Sandy Fraser, Mr. Stanley Fraser also Mr. and Mrs. Will Fraser all of Ridgetown, were week­ end guests of Mrs. J. Lovell. Mr. Bertram Hiscocks, Teeswater was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Allen. . . Mr. and Mrs. Laurence MacEwen also Mrs. Hunte^ of Blair, visited with Mr. George and Miss Ellen Mac­ Ewen on Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Sanderson of Dertoit, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sand­ erson, London, Rev. A. Land, Mrs. Sanderson, Waterdown, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mprccr, Markdale, Mr., and Mrs. Selby Dabbs, and family, Beeton, were all home on Monday of last week to attend the funeral of their father, the late D. D. Sanderson. An auction sale of stock and imple­ ments was held on Monday at the home of Mr. Eli Bolt. Mr. Bolt on account of ill health is forced to give up work. He and Mrs. Bolt will con­ tinue to live at their farm home, 6th line, Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs.'Earl Sproule left last week for Exeter, where Mr. Sproule has secured a position. • Mr. and Mrs. Pleasance of Port El­ gin, spent the'past Week with the lat­ ter’s mother, • Mrs, Neil White. Mrs. Stewart of Toronto is a visitor with Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. Fire Brigade Called Mr. and Mrs. George Allen were given cause., for alarm early Sunday morning when they; discovered their home on fire. Starting between a part­ ition it had gained some headway be­ fore being discovered. However, with the use of fire extinguishers the dam­ age was mostly confined to one room. Wingham firdmen were called,, but were not needed as the fire was under Trainees Wanted tor Machine Shop Practice SHORT SPONSORED WAR EMERGENCY CLASSES. The courses are free with a subsistence allowance of $7. a week for single and $12. a week for married persons. Successful applicants are assured employ­ ment. Transportation is provided to the training centre. Men ages 16 to 18 years and over 26, and single men between the ages of 20 and 26, if unfit for mili1* tary service. Women 16 to 40 years. Aplicants for training will be interviewed at the Windsor Hotel Kincardine,! at 1*30 p. m., on Thursday, Nov. 6, 1941. and at the Hartley House, Walkerton, Ont., at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 6,1941 by T. H. Scott, Field Representative r War Training Programme, . Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. Have your house insulated with l&EDTOP INSULATING WOOL Said by STAINTON Hardware control when they arrived. Birthday Celebration Congratulations and good wishes are extended to Mrs. James Rae, one o£ our highly esteemed citizens, who on. Tuesday of last week, celebrated, her 90th Birthday. A number of friends- called and shared the birthday cake, .with its 90 candles which was made' by her granddaughter, Mrs. Edgar- Wightman (nee Winnifred Rae) of Belgrave. Mrs. Rae who came to- Wroxeter from Blenheim 69 years ago, is in fair health, although not. often able to leave her home, she en­ joys the visits of her neighbors and. friends and is interested in Current events, and so to Mrs. Rae we say,. “Many Happy Returns,” Women’s Institute The November meeting of the W. I. will be held on Thursday, November 6, at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Current Events will be given by Mrs. Adams and Miss- Davidson. The subject of Mrs. W. T. Macleans talk will be “Edith Cavell.”' Roll call—A memory of childhood. Reports will be given on the Conven­ tion by Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Sellers. coung People’s Union T'he first meeting of the Y. P. U. for the Autumn season was held on. Monday night. The president was in the chair and opened with the hymn “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah.” Margaret Moffat led in prayer follow­ ed ,by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. 16 memgers’ answered the roll call. The second hymn chosen was “Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild.” The scripture reading was taken from Timothy, chapter 2, verses 1-15, Plans were completed to have Rev. Mr. Lewis of Brussels deliver his sound pictures in the church, Tuesday night. The pictures include the King and Queen, Jasper fishing, Grey Owls Strange Guest, Bombers over Europe, Benefic­ ent Reprobate, Holland Days. The dosing hymn was “The Lay Thou- Gavest Lord is Ended,” and the Mizpah Benediction brought the meet­ ing to a close.