HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-10-09, Page 6WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Quality Counts Most Some husbands and wives share everything butch® faulty. Thursday, October 9th, 1941 us tremendously important that this year Canadian housewives should make the very best use of our abun­ dant, healthful, delicious fruit. Apples lend themselves to a wide variety of uses in the diet. As much a't home with meats as with pastry, and as piquant to the taste in the old familiar “apple sauce” as in apple ice cream. The ap­ ple can be used in so many ways that you homemakers need never run out of novel ideas on cooking and serv­ ing. Hints On and Dress up your autumn suit with "some smart new blouses such as.these Attractive model. The first is of very thin taffeta plaided in red and blue on a yellow ground. It features large patch pockets with tiny red buttons and goes well with a black velveteen suit. The second blouse is of white jgatin with a pleated ruche at the neck above a naarrow black velvet band that ties in a small bow in front. The sleeves and shoulder yoke are in one piece, with gathers lending softness to the bodice. r -----------------~ ......mminimjijg. ~ Household Hints UiiiiiiiiiiiiuiaiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiitimiiiiiiiniiimitiiuiiiMtm, I’m for the "full dinner pail,” as the old political slogan had it, and also for the full cookie jar. If there are children or young folk in the home, they will enjoy them immensely, and if not, you’ll feel a lot happier when guests drop in, either for a meal or a cup of tea, if your cookie jar is full. Make an assortment and see how satisfied you feel over them. Today’s Menu’ Beef Pot Roast Vegetables Apple, Grape and Celery Salad Cookies Coffee Sugar Cookies % cup butter or substitute .1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 tablespoon milk % teaspoon vanilla 2Vs cups cake flour 2 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt Cream fat, add sugar gradually cream well, add well-beaten eggs, milk and vanilla. Sift Flour, measure and sift with baking powder and salt; add to first mixture, stirring it in. Chill thoroughly, roll out on lightly floured board and cut in any desired shape. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) until a delicate birown—about 10 minutes. Remove at once from ing sheet. Drop Cookies 1 cup sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup shortening cup boiling water egg teaspoons baking soda teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon ginger 43fs cups flour Put first 4 ingredients, into sauce­ pan, mix and put over fire and melt, together. Cool and add other ingred­ ients. Drop by % tablespoonfuls greased baking sheet and bake moderate (375 degrees F.) oven. Oatmeal Crisps 34 cup butter % cup flour % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder % cup sugar 1 egg Little milk if needed Sift together flour, salt and baking powder; rub in butter, add sugar and oatmeal and mix to a rather stiff dough with the egg and a little milk, if necessary. Roll out on floured board, cut into rounds and bake about 12 minutes in a moderately hot (350 degrees F.) oven. bak- on in •!•$$$ Here are a few suggested variations .—apple and salmon salad, glazed ap­ ples, apple upside-down cake, apple ice cream, apple crisp, apple pies, steamed apple puddings, etc. Homemakers everywhere are care­ fully storing and preserving foods that cannot be immediately used, Write the Hydro Home Economist fpr any des­ ired recipes. They will be sent to you free of charge. $ $ $ $ ’ RECIPES Apple Butter and Cookie Pudding Approximately 18 wafers 1 cup apple butter 1 cup whipping cream Vanilla, chocolate or ginger wafers may be .used. Whip cream, fold in apple butter. Spread 1 tb. of the mix­ ture on a wafer, press another on top, spread it with the mixture and press another on .the top, until all the waf­ ers are used, As the stack grows’lay it sideways. Frost over the outside of role with the mixture. Chill thorough­ ly in electrict refrigerator. When serv­ ing cut in diagonal slices. Apple Custard 1% 3 % 1 Applesauce cup cornmeal . cup flour tsp. baking powder tsp. salt egg, well beaten cups milk cup melted fat baking By MRS. MARY MORTON THE MIXING BOWL Myde* Hom* IcsssMltt Autumn Is Apple Time Hello Homemakers! Autumn is the colorful ' season—changing leaves— hedges of Barberry and bittersweet— and the bright clear red of our fine Canadian apples ripening in every orchard. cups milk, scalded eggs cup sugar tsp. salt cup strained applesauce Dash of nutmeg .Scald the milk, pour onto beaten eggs. Stir in sugar and salt. Add applesauce (if sweetened omit sugar) pour into greased baking cups, sprink­ le with nutmeg and set in a pan of warm water. Bake in electric oven at 350 degrees until firm. Cornmeal Griddle Cakes -. With 1 1 3 1 1 2% 4 Mix the cornmeal, flour, powder and salt. Combine the egg with the milk and add to the flour mixture. Stir in the melted fat, drop by spoonfuls on a hot griddle on the electric element turned to “Medium” and cook. Butter while warm and ser­ ve with warm applesauce. Ginger Pear Salad , ; pkg. lemon jello cup water, boiling ginger ale seedless white grapes pears, diced chopped ginger Lettuce and cress Cream salad dressing Dissolve .the jelly powder with the, boiling water, cool and add the ginger ale. When the mixture begins to thick­ en fold in the grapes, pears, arid chop­ ped ginger. Pour into a greased mould and chill thoroughly in electric refrig- erator. Unmould on beds of lettuce, garnish with cress and serve with Cream Salad Dressing and a few cherries. Apple 5 LA 3 1 % 2 2 Pare, core and cut up tart apples, Cook them in the water until soft, -using electric element turned to “low” as soon as boiling. Beat until smooth and when partly cpol add beaten egg yolks, lemon juice, grated rind and granulated sugar. Fill unbaked tart shells with the mixture, dot with but­ ter and bake in a hot electric oven at 425 degress. Beat the egg whites stiff, add powdered sugar, spread on the top of farts and return to the oven using a temperature of only 350 grees for 5 mins. t t t $ , Take A Tip , Apples and vegetables from small garden must be carefully stored this year, since imported vegetables are not only expensive but scarce. The storage space is most import­ ant. A separate room in the base­ ment of your home with a win­ dow in it is advisable. Do not hang cabbage upside-down unless the temperature is close to freezing because moisture collects in the leaves causing growth. 3. < Parsnips, carrots, beets and turn­ ips should NOT be washed. Brush off excess dirt with a soft brush and store in small quantities in crocks or similar containers. Cover tightly. A weighted board my do, if there is not' a cover for the utensil. Store pumpkin* and squash by wrapping well in two folds of pap­ er. Only dry and well matured ones will keep. Dry onions should be stored in a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees, just above freezing. Store1 apples and winter pears in slatted crates in cool, dry place. QUESTION BOX Mrs. L. F, asks: “Why does para­ wax loosen on some of my jars?” ANSWER: Large jars should be covered with a lid rather than para­ wax. Small containers of preserves should be cooled before parawax is added. Sometimes a second or third thin coating of melted wax has to be added if a crack forms around the edge of the jar. This is done without reheating the product. Miss I. W..asks: “Recipe for Meat Loaf” ANSWER: iy2 2 iy2 2 y2 2 Tarts apples cup cold water eggs lempn cup granulated sugar tbs. butter tbs, fine sugar de- the 1. 2. 4, 5. 6. lbs. chopped beef eggs cups bread crumbs tbs, chopped parsley tsp. pepper tsp. salt Seasonings to suit: poultry dressing or sage. * Chop the beef and mix unbeaten eggs, bread crumbs, parsley, pepper and salt. Place in a bread pan and press until it is moulded to the shape of the pan Run a sharp knife­ blade around the loaf and turn into Onion savory or or SALLY'S SALLIES PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS de- we a shallow roast pan, Bake about 2 hrs. in an electric oven at 350 degrees, This may -be basted several times,. Miss J. M. asks: “What temper­ ature should be used for Puff Paste?” ANSWER: The past 'should be very cold when put into a hot elec­ tric oven about 500. degrees then re­ duced to 450 degrees after 10 mins. Mrs, J. B. asks: “Recipe for Suet Paste” ANSWER: 1 tsp. baking powder 2 cups flour % tsp. salt 1 cup chopped suet 1 cup cold water This paste is excellent for puddings and dumplings or for bhked meat pies. All the ingredients should be very cold. Sift the baking powder with the flour, add the salt, suet and water and mix into a smooth, firm dough. Chill and roll out. $ t $ t Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o Advance-Times. Just send in your questions on homemaking prob­ lems and watch this little corner of' the column for replies. boiled Bill: Would you object to a hus­ band who smoked in the house. Bettina: Yes. But I intend to keep quiet about it until I get one. Wife Preservers/ |io->_ Wash out the children’s socks daily in­ stead of letting them accumulate m the hanipei until wash day They wil) give bettei weai with this treatment, as im­ bedded perspiration and sand tends to de­ teriorate the fibers, and should not be left in for’any length of time By-H. J, Boyle Whistling seemed to come by grees, While in our tender years used to marvel at the ability of a hired man to whistle in a way that was beyond words. On Sunday after­ noon he would sit on the back stoop in his stocking feet with a knife and a block of cedar and whittle and whistle by the hour. Grandmother used to be sitting in the rocker just inside the kitchen Moor. . . , and it seems only yesterday when we recall how she would unhook her black­ rimmed spectacles from her hair and lay them down in her lap with the knitting, Then with hands folded • . . eyes closed and her head sort, of tilted back she would rock ^nd , rock and- h.um softly in time with the whistling, Grandfather never was much to whistle. With his lips puckered up over toothless gums, his whistling was generally limited to rustling of the shaggy ends of- his moustache, His performance was also hampered by a lack of knowledge of tunes. , . although he considered that his ren­ dition of the “Flowers of Edinburgh ’was truly mastered, If someone sug­ gested that he whistle at a family gathering grandmother would always warn him not to, but he would push her aside with a playful little tap of his hand and proceed with a great deal of gusto to perform . . . much to the amusement of the guests. ( Dhole Jcj^iah used to work at our place in the summer months, never whistled except when he angry.'Thus, it was truly an exper­ ience to hear him whistle. Fixing binder-slats and canvas was one job he hated. I will remember hearing him whistling . . . darkly, and fiercely . ... and then the hammer would slip and he would inject words that,cert­ ainly did riot belong to. any musical score. They were words . . . both forceful and novel. At least, when as a boy I flaunted them at school my teacher decided tp apply censorship with a series of hard and resounding whacks on the palms of my hands with a leather?strap. Aunt Millie had a soft, shrill whistle that was very apt at times to get out of control. She would start out while peeling potatoes in the morning . . . adhere to the key for a little while . . . and then allow it to go away off at random. Grand­ mother, who was musical by nature, would put up with it for so long and then say, ’“Millie, for heaven’s sake stop that infernal racket.” Millie would pout for an hour or two . . . but by the end of the day she .Would on a;, mean being start up again. People used to be conceited over their whistling. It was considered a credit to the family to have a good­ whistler in it, They were in constant demand at. garden parties and various social functions. The hardest misfor­ tune that a whistler would have would be to be placed on an unsheltered platform at a garden party on a windy night, ., and the listeners would hear it in much the same way as they do- a transatlantic broadcast now poor day for reception, Father was- a whistler of nd ability. He prided himself on able at times to “double-whistle” . , , but for the life of me I could never figure out when it was. When the- farm was going well and everything §eemed right with the world he 'would’ whistle by the hour . . a pleasant- contented sort of whistle, We had a neighbor with a very powerful whistle. The only drawback was that he had to have something to “wet” his whistle before he could really do justice to his tune. After four or five drinks of powerful “apple cider” fortified by a secret process- which he guarded closely he would, go to town in earnest. His only trouble was that he didn't know when- to stop taking the cider, with the re­ sult that his whistling became very wavery. Finally it came only in snat­ ches as he tried in vain to pucker up* in the proper way to get it smoothly , . , but his lips would go into the right shape. We were always rather shy whistling. Mainly, it was done on the way to school “My Wild Irish Rose’r seemed to be the only tune . . . and' we had trouble keeping it from getting mixed up with another tune that father used to whistle.' Day-dreaming in school „one day we were trying to- pur-se our lips to get the full benefit) of the number, When by some strange-, mischance a shrill blast was emitted. Teacher looked up in surprise and in­ vited us up to the front of^the school to put on a concert for the pupils. For days afterwards we had to- fight at every1 recess and noon-hour to beat down hecklers who persistetd; in saying “Whistler.” going. never about He was “What do you mean?” roared the- politician, “by publicily insulting me in your old rag of a paper. I will not stand for it and I demand an immed­ iate apology.” “Just a moment,” answered the' ed­ itor. “Didn’t the news item appear exactly as you gave it to us, namely,, that you have resigned as city treas­ urer?” “I did, but where did you put it?— in the column under the heading ‘Public,. Improvement’.” Business and Profession WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policyhold- ‘ers for over a century. Head Office - Toronto COSENS & BOOTH, Agents Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 DR. R. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN Telephone 29 _/ W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Located at the office of the late Dr. J. P. Kennedy. Phone 150 Wingham o ■ R. S. HETHERINGTON BARRISTER and SOLICITOR I Office — Morton Block. Telephone 66 HARRY FRYFOGLE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director ' Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service. Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. .. ............ .. ....... Frederick A. Parker OSTEOPATH Offices! Centre St, Wingham and Main St., Listowel. Lisfcowel Days: Tuesdays and Fri­ days. Osteopathic and Electric Treat­ ments. Foot .Technique. Rhone 272 Wingham THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham. J. W. BUSHFIELD x Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money To Loan. Office — Meyer Block, Wingham By WALLY BISHOP ■ r I Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham 12. Glancing blow (Scot.) 16. Aloft 17. Accorded 18. Queen of heaven $ d t i We’ve talked to you about apples, before, homemakers, but it seems to J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ' J By R. J. SCOTT CROSSWORD PUZZLE Ontario ■x 41. Effect a rec­ onciliation 8. Dying 10. King with golden touch -11. Mountain range' 13. Sacred bull 14. Native of Turkey 15. To make choice 16. Exclama­ tion of disgust 19, Brazilian coin . 20. Narrow inlet 21. A gift 23. Inside 25. Macaw* 26. Tellurium (sym.) 27. Catch in a net 30. Like 32. Child 33. Peruvian Iridian 36. Pooled 39. Definite article 40. Flap , 41. Fuss 42. Radix (abbr.) 43. God of love 45. Foundation 46. Kind of race 48. Travels back and forth 40. Natives of Sumer 51. Six-line stanzas j DOWN ’ if Ponder • 2. Epochs i 3. Underworld I 4. Exists J 22, Hindu garment 24. Upon 28. Couch 29. Boards a train 30. A flower 31. Bowling term (pl.) 34, Pursues o. .uixciama- tion 6. Color slightly 7. To last 8. Kind of apple 9. One who ruleq 10. Native of NewZealrind 35. Mosquito 37. An Attic Weight 38. Perform 44. Identical 45. Cry, as a calf D ◦Mf AIlSIU Ni TA Dll E clp UK A|G s Rie coHuhe "oF - BniTisd HONDURAS MATURE m HuqE. BUNCHES, WHICH WEIOH x UP To 250 Pounds/^ 47. Affirmative reply 48. Cake 50. Right (abbr.) TdE,n/>U ' ISTUe CHAMPION 'TRAVELER, AMOMq ALL. rloR'fH AMERICAN AHI HALS - MiqR-ATlNA INCESSANTLY NORTH AND South in search of rTS favor iTe food, 1.ICHEHS J. ALVIN FOX Licensed DrUgless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC - DRUGLESS THERAPY - RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191 \Vingham A dilP.EE-room House with ba-AA was BiniT m \ HCfR-fri Hollywood, California , m 28 minuTESL tiW 4’4 J, Jtiftt Svndkirc . Wodl netiU fcatrvM A. R. & F. E. DUVAL CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTIC and- . ELECTRO THERAPY North Street •— Wingham Telephone 300. MUGGS AND SKEETER SAYll WATCH WHERE YOU'RE ) SHOOTIN; CUPtD!l...THEREi=> THE X TARGET OVER THERE'.! YOU OUGHTA BE MORE CAREFUL!!