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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-10-02, Page 3
1 Pause DRINK TRADI-M4RK RCGISTLRfcD *Thyrsday, October 2nd, 1941 <1 J. ing program. October Gas Quota The Same Ottawa, — Gasoline supplies avail able to distributors in .October will be the same as those in September, G. R. Cottrelle, oil controlerr, said. \yiNGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE •At wi-.A-..' WROXETER SCHOOL ATHLETIC RESULTS The Fpllowing Are The Results of the Wroxeter Field Day Continent To Be Invaded Somewhere in England — Lt.-Gen. A. G, L. McNaughton, commander of _ the Canadian. Corps, told visiting Canadian newspaper representatives that “there will have to be an invas ion of the continent” and; added: “I don’t think you can bring a proud and well-organized nation to her knees with missiles alone.” Nazi Officers Seized by Canadians New York — Capture of 28 Germ an army officers on the coast of Nazi- occupied France recently was reported in private advices received here.. The German officers were asleep in villas on the coast qf Brittany, when the attack party arrived, it was., reported. The 'Canadians were believed to have seized a number of military docu ments during .the raid. The raiders crossed the English -.Channel in small boats and followed a carefully-planned assault on specific objectives. The raid lasted less than an hour, it was reported. No confirmation.I Foresee Ottawa Cabinet Shift Ottawa, — Approach of the iamentary session, now less than five weeks off, .has .brought rumors of pro posed Cabinet changes, but there were few surface indications to support them. It is reported as likely that Labor minister McLarty will receive a less, exacting portfolio and that Justice Minister Lapointe will go to the Senate after -37 years in the Com mons. parl- Germans MowedDown by Thousands Moscow,— German troops Storm ing the approaches .to the Crimea have been mowed down .by the thou sands and Red defenders still stand unbeaten . outside •■Leningrad, Soviet war dispatches said. The battlefields are said to be strewn with Nazi dead. Britain To Aid Defending Caucasus London, — British * .and Russian leaders were reported rushing plans for, joint defence of the Caucasus against Germans now hammering at the Crimean Peninsula. Gen. Sir Arch ibald P. Wavell, British _ commander in India, was understood to be in. Teheran, Iran capital, for a conference with Col. T. Novikov, Russian com mander. Your home benefits in three ways when you use Brantford Insulated Siding for the exterior walls, 1, Brantford Insulated Siding has approximately sixteen times the insulation value of brick and thirty-six times that of concrete. Reduce fuel bills by using Brantford Insulated Siding. 2, Obtain new beauty with the colour of Brantford Insulated Siding. 3, Brantford Insulated Siding eliminates the cost of repeated paint* inge by protecting the walls of your home. t Sold by Reliable Dealers Everywhere Brantford Insulated Siding Brantford Roofing Company, Limited BRANTFORD - ONTARIO — FOR SALE BY — STAINTON HARDWARE Nazi Admit Winter War Against Russia Berlin, — Germany was informed that the high command expects a win ter campaign in the east, as a new high command claim put the toll of the Ukrainian Red army entrapment at more than 500,000 prisoners and as serted the total is “still growing.” Ex-playmates Break Nazi Ring New York, — More than 30 years ago, William G. Sebold and Walter Nipken played together on the streets of Hulheiim am Huhr, Germany. They met again for the first time in more than 20 years in Brooklyn Federal Court, Each had been active ih Amer ican counter-espionage activities and each was credited by the Government with uncovering a spy ring. Vichy Guillotines Three Frenchmen Vichy — Three Frenchmen* died by the guillotine in the courtyard of the Sante .Prison in Paris, condemned by a new tribunal of state which was set up in an effort to show the Germans that, the Vichy administration can crush prolonged unrest from a hidden opposition. George Arliss Fined London, — George Arliss, veteran stage and screen star, was fined £4,500 ($20,025) after pleading guilty “subject to mitigating circumstances” to a charge of neglecting to register United States and Canada securities /with the Bank of England. , _______ e Italy Occupies Croatian Zone Rome, — Coincident with* word that 1,500,000 Serbs still oppose the Axi- sponsored regime in .'Croatia — thou sands of them roaming in guerilla bands with torch, bomb and machine gun — Italy claimed she had secured her Adriatic flank by reoccupation of a Croatian demilitarized .zone. To License 200,000 Stores Ottawa, — The War-Time and Trade Board announced that lic ense application forms will be 'distri buted to persons and firms selling or handling a,food products, feeds, cloth ing, millinery, footwear or f-urs, pre liminary t'o institution- of the board’s new licensing plan. More than 20.0,000 dealers will be affected by the licens- Prices PREMIER HEPBURN IN NEW YORK Premier Mitchell Hepburn of Ontario is pictured as he was greeted Ijv Newbold Morris, head of the New York city council, upon his arrival at La Guardia airport. Mr, Hepburn delivered a radio address from Jlew York in which he attacked strike instigaters* * Propose Checking Officers Ability Ottawa, — Creation of three “offic er’s examining boards” to investigate and t report on the qualifications of army officers for their present posi tions, or the advisability of transfers is proposed by the Department of National Defence... Conquered Nations Food Nazi Problem Washington, — State Secretary Cor dell Hull advised the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in a letter made public that Germany has a “direct re sponsibility” for feeding the people in nations which her armies have con quered. Australia Budget $966,000,000 Melbourne, — Prime Minister Ar thur Fadden announced a war budget of $966,000,000, featuring a compul sory loan plan. The budget includes $615,000,000 for war expenditures. Mr. Fadden said this “national contribu tion” will apply to every income no matter how derived. Canada Supplies Britain Ottawa, — In the first two years of war Canada shipped more >ehan 1,8301,- 000,000 .pounds of food to Britain apart from wheat .and. flour, an .unofficial computation based on'figures collected by the Agriculture Department in dicated. The total represents ship ments of pork, cheese, .apples, eggs, tomatoes and other products, some of which were in excess of .and some low normal pre-war shipments. be- Canadian Fliers On Soviet .Front London, — Two Canadian fighter pilots are flying with the Royal Air Force wing operating .against the Nazis from the Soviet •w.arfro.nt. They are PO. J. E. Walker of Edmonton, and PO. D. I. Ramsay., of both members of the .Royal Air Force. Calgary, Canadian Bordeaux Plant Blasted New York, — TheVichy ported that a “terrible explosion” did several million francs in damage to the Bordeaux alcohol plant produced synthetic gasoline. radio re- which New Plane Has 12 Guns London, — The new Hur ricane fighter aircraft by the Royal Air Force machine guns or, alternately, four 20- niillimetre cannon, it was disclosed tonight. Mark-Two being used carries 12 Turgeon 7nvoy to Argentine. Ottawa, — Prime Minister W. L. M» King announced the establishment of 'direct diplomatic relations with the Argentine republic and Chile and the first minister to Argentina will Chief Justice W. F. A. Turgeon, Saskatchewan. be of Demonstration Officer Loses Arm Toronto, — Major N. A. Fcllowes, officer commanding an army demon stration unit, had his left arm ampu tated in military hospital after being rushed here from Kitchener when his arm was injured in an explosion of Verey pistol ammunition. Accident Victim Has Infantile Paralysis Seven-year-old Jean Harris, daugh ter of Mrs. George Polfuss of Carrick, who was seriously injured in a motor mishap in June 1940, and had been confined to the hospital for about a year, has been -stricken with infantile paralysis and is flow a patient in the isolation section of the Bruce County hosiptal, A very successful Field Day was held by the Wroxeter School recently. The following are the champions: Senior Boys—John Abraham; Run ner-up, Walter Hemingway, Intermediate Boys — John.Howes; runner-up, John MacNaughton. Junior Boys — Dan Cassidy; run ner-up, Edwin Howes, Senior Girls •— Phyllis Hemingway; runners-up, Betty Abraham and Ruth Brown, (equal). Intermediate girls •— Doris Gal braith; runner-up, Pauline White, Junior Girls — Mae Durst; runner- up, Isabelle McMichael. Boys Events Standing broad pump — Seniors,(1) John Abraham; (2) Walter Heming way; (3) Robert McDonald, Inter mediates, (1) John Howes; (2) Lloyd Townsend; (3). John McNaughton. Juniors, (1) Edwin Howes; (2) Will iam Heibein; (3) Dan Cassidy. Running broad pump — Seniors, (1) John Abraham; (2) Walter Hem ingway; (3) Robert McDonald. Inter mediate, (1) John Howes; (2) Lloyd Townsend; (3) John McNaughton. Juniors, (1) Edwin Howes; (2) Dan Cassidy; (3) William Heibein. Hop, step and pump — Seniors, (1) John Abraham; (2) Walter Hem ingway; (3) Robert McDonald. Inter mediate, (1) John Howes; (2) Tom 1 McEwen; (3) Dick Carsoh. Juniors, (1) Edwin Howes; (2) William Hei bein. Running high pump — Seniors, (1) John Abraham; (2) Walter Heming way; (3) ' Robert McDonald. Inter mediate, (1) John McNaughton (2) Dick Carson; (3) John Howes. Jun iors, (1) Edwin Howes; (2) Dan Cas sidy; (3) Bill Heibein. Pole Vault — Seniors, (1) Walter Hemingway; (2) Robert McDonald; (3) John Abraham. Intermediate, (1) John Howes; (2) Lloyd Townsend; (3) Tom MacEwen. Juniors, (1) Dan Cassidy; (2) Edwin Howes; (3) Lome Durrant, 100 Yd. Dash — Seniors, (1) John Abraham; (2) Walter Hemingway; (3) Robert McDonald. Intermediate, (1) Lloyd Townsend; (2) John Mc Naughton; (3) Dick Carson, Juniors, (1) Dan Cassidy; (2) Bill Heibein; (3) Edwin Howes. 220 Yd. Dash — Senior, (1) John ' Abraham; (2) Robert McDonald; (3) . Walter Hemingway. Intermediate, (1) ■ .John McNaughton; (2) Lloyd Town- I send; (3) Dick ■ Carson. Junior, (1) : Dan Cassidy; (2) Edwin Howes; (3) Bill Heibein. Relay — Senior, (1) John Abraham; (2) Robert McDonald.; (3) Walter Hemingway. Intermediate, (1) John McNaughton, Tom McEwen; (2) Dick Carson, Lloyd Townsend; (3) John Howes. Junior,, (1) Dan Cassidy; (2) Lome Durrant; (3) Bill Heibein, Edwin Howes. Shot Putt — Seniors; (1) Robert McDonald; (2) John Abraham; (3) Walter Hemingway. Intermediate, (1) John McNaughton; (2) John Howes; (3) Tom McEwen. Junior, (1) Dan Cassidy; (2,) Edwin Howes; (3) Bill Heibein. Special Open Events Slow Bicycle Race — (1) Lloyd Townsend; .(2.) Frances Wylie; (3) P-hyllis Hemingway. Hopping. Race backward — (1) Robert McDonald; (2) Ruth Brown; (3) Doris Galbraith. Hobble Race — (1) Walter Hem ingway; (2) Mary Meahan,- (3) Mae Durst. Jockey Race — (1) Walter Heming way and John Hpwes;. (2) John Ab raham and Robert McDonald; (3) Dick Carson and Lloyd’ Townsend. Lucky Spot — (1) Margaret Mof fat; (2) - Frances Wylie; ;(3).. John Abraham. ‘ Cracker Contest — (1) Margaret Moffatt; (2) Robert McDonald; (3) Pauline Merkley. Girls’ Events Standing broad pump—Junior, Betty Heinmillcr, Isabelle McMichael, Eliza beth Griffith. Intermediate, Doris Galbraith, Pauline White, Margaret Moffat. Senior, Phyllis Hemingway, Betty Abraham, Mary Meahan. Running broad pump — Jr. Jean Sharpin, Betty Heinmillcr, Pauline Merkley. Intermediate, Doris Gal braith, ’Pauline White, Margaret Mof fat. Senior, Betty Abraham, Phyllis Hemingway, Mary Meahan. Hop, Step and Jump — Junior, Mae Durst, Betty Hcinmiller, Pauline Merkley. Intermediate, Pauline White, Doris Galbraith, Norville Brown. Sen ior, Betty Abraham, Phyllis Heming way, Mary Meahan. High Jump —* Junior, Jean Sharpin, Isabelle McMichael, Mae Durst. Inter mediate, Doris Galbraith, Pauline White, Bonnie Gibson. Senior, Ruth Brown, Betty Abraham, Phyllis Hem ingway. Softball Throw (distance) -—Junior, Lucille Underwood, Mae Durst, Iso- belle McMichael. Intermediate, Doris Galbraith, Pauline White, Thelma Denny, Senior, Ruth Brown, Phyllis- Hgmingway, Isobel MacEwen Softball Throw (accuracy) ior, Mae Durst, Helen Irwin, Isabelle McMichael. Intermediate, Bonnie Gib son, Pauline White, Norville Brown. Senior, Jean Heibein, Janice Strong, Mary Meahan. 75 Yards Dash-—Junior, Mae Durst, Jean Sharpin, Isabelle McMichael. Intermediate,., Doris Galbraith, Paul ine White, Thelma Denny. Senior, Phyllis Hemingway, Ruth Brown, Mary Meahan. Three Legged Race —- Junior, Eliz abeth, Griffith and Mae Durst, Isa belle McMichael and Betty Heinmiller, Jean Sharpin and Pauline Merkley., Intermediate, Doris Galbraith and Pauline White,' Margaret Moffat and Norville Brown, Bonnie Gibson and .Thelma Denny. Senior, Janice Strong and Merle Abraham, Ruth Brown and Mary Meahan, Phyllis Heming way and Betty Abraham. Relay Race — (1) Phyllis Heming way, Bonnie ■ Gibson, Mae Durst and Thelma Denny, (2) Ruth Brown, Dor is Galbraith, Norville Brown, Marg aret Moffat. (3) Betty Abraham, Paul ine White, Isabelle McMichael, Eliza beth Griffith. Junior Rooms Grades I — IV Boys Ordinary Race, grade IV — (1) Bill Harrison; (2) Bobby Gibson; (3) ■ Lyle Hart. Grade -III, (1) Joyce Durst; (2) Billie Hart; (3) Max Hambly. Grade II, (1) Jack Gibson; (2) Dorothy Durst; (3) Ronald Kaake. Grafie I, (1) Shirley Mac- ,Michael; (2).Jimmie Allen; (3) Don ald Pope. Sack Race — Grades III and IV, (1) Max Hambly; (2) Billie Hart; (3) Lyle Hart. Grades II and I, (1) Dorothy Durst; (2) Ronald Kaake; (3) Jimmie Allen. Backwards Race — Grades III and IV, (1) Max Hambly; (2) Billie Har rison. Grade I, (1) Shirley MacMich- ael; (2) Donald Gibson; (3) Billie Gibson. Grade II, (1) Jackie Gibson; (2) Ronald Kaake; (3) Evelyn An ger. Three-Legged Race—Grades I and III, (1) Dorothy Durst, Joyce Durst; (2) Ronald Kaake, Jackie Gibson; (3) Billie Hart, Max Hambly. • Wheelbarrow Race — (1) Billie Hart, Lyle Hart; (2) Ronald’Kaake, Jackie Gibson; (3) Bill Harrison, Bob by Gibson. Softball Throw — Grades III and IV, (1) Bobby Gibson; (2) Bill Har rison; (3) Arthur Green. Grades I and II, (1) Evelyn Anger; (2) Donald Pope; (3) Jackie Gibson. Jumps — High jump, grade IV (1) Bobby Gibson; (2) Bill Harrison; (3) Lyle Hart. Grade HI, (1) Joyce Dur st; (2) Max Hambly; (3) Billie Hart. Grade II, (1) Evelyn Anger; (2) Ron ald Kaake; (3) Dorothy Durst. Grade I, (1) Donald Gibson; (2) Donald Pope; (3) Jimmie Allen. Running Broad — Grade IV, (1) Bobby Gibson; (2) Bill Harrison; (3) Lyle Hart. Grade III, (1) Joyce Dur st; (2) Billie Hart; (3) Max Hambly. Grade II, (1J. Jackie Gibson; (2) Ev elyn Anger; (3) Dorothy Durst. Grade I, (1) Donald Gibson; (2) Shirley MacMichael; (3) Jimmie Allen. Standing Broad — Grade IV, (1) Bobby Gibson; (2) Lyle Hart; (3) Bill Harrison. Grade III, (1) Joyce Durst; (2) Billie Hart; ( Grade II, (1) Jackie Gibson; (2) Dor-.' othy Durst; (3) Ronald Kaake. Grade I, (1) Billie Gibson; (2) Donald Gib son; (3) Donald Pope. Hop, step and jump — (1) Max Ham bly; (2) Lyle Hart; (3) Bobby Gib son. Biscuit. Race — AIL Grades, (1) Bill Harrison; (2) Bobby Gibson; (3) Max Hambly. Peanut Race — All in Grades I and II—(1) Jimmie Allen; (2) Shirley MacMichael; (3) Billie Gibson. Grades III and IV—(1) Bobby Gibson; (2) Lyle Flart; (3) Joyce Durst. * Senior Rooms Coat Race — .(i) Jean Moffatt, Donald Townsend; (2) Rhea Durnin, Calvin Moffatt; (3). Roy Durst, Agnes Wearring. (■ Biscuit Race — (1) Verne Hambly (2) Allan .Harrison; (3) Rhea. Durnin Wheelbarrow Race — Junior girls, (1) Jean Moffatt, Gilberta Flowes; (2) Lois Hambly, Margaret'Wearring. Junior Boys, (1) Ronald McMichael, Neil Campbell; J2) Kenneth Kaake, Glenn McMichael. Senior Girls, (1) .Edith McDonald,. Rhea Durnin; (2) Agnes Wearring, Lulu Gibson. Senior Boys, (1) Calvin Moffatt, Verne Hambly; (2) Allan Harrison, Jack Campbell; (3) Donald Townsend, Roy Durst. , Sack Race — Junior girls, (1) Mar garet Wearring; (2) Jean Moffatt; (3) Lois Hambly. Junior Boys, (1) Glenn McMichael; (2) Neil Campbell; (3) Ronald’McMichael. Senior Girls, (1) Edith McDonald; (2) Rhea Durnin; (3) Agnes Wearring. Senior Boys, Roy Durst; (2) Verne Hambly; Calvin Moffatt. Ordinary Race Junior Girls, Jean Moffatt; (2) Lois Hambly; Margaret Wearring. Junior Boys, (1) Verne Hambly; (2) Allan Harris- j Senior Girls, (1) Edith McDonald; on; (3) Jack Campbell. | (2) Lulu Gibson; (3) Rhea Durnin. Backward Race — Junior. Girls, (1) ' Senior Boys, (1) Allan Harrison; (2) Lois Hambly; (2) Jean Moffatt; (3) Margaret Wearring. Junior Boys, (1) Neil Campbell; (2) Ronald McMich ael; (3) Kenneth Kaake. Senior Girls, (1) Rhea Durnin; (2) Lulu Gibson; (3) Agnes Wearring. Senior Boys, (1) Verne Hambly; ;(2) Allan Harrison; (3) Calvin Moffatt. Relay Race — Girls, (1) Margaret Wearring, Rhea Durnin, Edith Mc Donald, Lula Gibson; (2) Agnes Wear ring, Gilberta Howes, Lois Hambly, Jean Moffatt. Boys, (1) Neil Camp bell, Glenn McMichael, Calvin Mof fatt, Verne Hambly. (2) Ronald Mc Michael, Roy Durst, Kenneth Kaake, Jack Campbell. Three-Legged Race — Junior Girls, (1) Jean Moffatt and Gilberta Howes; .(2) Margaret Wearring and Lois Hambly. Junior, Boys, (1) Lyle Hart, Bob Gibson; (2) Glenn McMichael, Kenneth Kaake; (3) Ronald Mc Michael, Neil Campbell. Senior Girls, (1) Edith McDonald, Rhea Durnin; (2) Agnes Wearring, Lulu Gibson. Senior Boys, (1) Roy Durst and Cal vin Moffatt; (2) Jack Campbell and Verne Hambly. Jumps — ' High Jump — Junior Girls, (1) Lois Hambly; (2) Jean Moffatt; (3) Margaret Wearring. Junior Boys, (1) Ronald McMichael; (2) Neil Campbell; (3) Glenn Mc Michael. Senior Girls, (1) Lulu Gib son; (2) Agnes Wearring; (3) Rhea Durnin. Senior Boys, (1) Allan Har rison; (2) Verne Hambly; (3) Calvin Moffatt. ■ Hop, Step and Jump — Junior Girls, (1) Thelma Brothers; (2) Jean Mof fat; (3) Gilberta Howes. Junior boys, (1) Ronald Campbell; (3) ior Girls, (1) Lulu Gibson; ior Boys, (1) Allan Harrison; (2) Calvin Moffatt; (3) Verne Hambly. Running Broad Jump — Junior Girls, (1) Jean Moffatt; (2) Margaret Wearring; (3) Thelma Brothers. Jun ior Boys, (1) Ronald McMichael; (2) Donald Townsend; (3) Verne Hamb ly- ■Standing Broad Jump —- Junior Girls, (1) Margaret Wearing; (2) Jean Moffatt; (3) Gilberta Howes, Junior Boys, (1) Neil Campbell; (2) Ronald McMichael; (3) Glenn McMichael. Senior Girls, (1) Edith McDonald; (2) Agnes Wearring; (3) Rhea Dur nin. Senior Boys, (1) Allan Harrison; (2) Calvin Moffatt; (3) Donald Townsend. Throwing the Softball — Junior Girls, (1) Lois Hambly; (2) Gilberta Howes; (3) Margaret Wearring. Jun ior Boys, (1) Ronald McMichael; (2) Neil Campbell; (3) Kenneth Kaake. Senior Girls, (1) Lulu Gibson; (2) Rhea Durnin; (3) Agnes Wearring. Senior Boys, (1) Allan Harrison; (2) Verne Hambly; (3) Calvin Moffatt. Jean Moffatt secured the most points—a total of 32 altogether. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ' PRI^TEp/’GUMM'ED; TAPE ■l,eVa$^Ejjsine.ss. I ^nd 'designs I ■ and -!j oiiig atronsH McMichael; (2) Neil Glenn McMichael. Sen- Edith McDonald; (2) (3) Rhea Durnin. Sen- The Advance-Times Phone 34. 1, (1; Joyce uurst; | lwl A\uncnu wiuAucnaei; (3) Max Hambly. Neil Campbell; (3) Glenn McMichael, (i) (8) (1) (3) - . (1) Glenn McMichael; (2) Ronald Mc Michael; (3) Keil Campbell. Senior felrls, (1) Edith McDonald; (2) Lulu Glbsoti; (8) Rhea Durnin, Senior boys, AIK MARSHAL URLLiLU HI ©viy * o Xlslting 7°r.ont?. ^cenfly, Air Marshal W, A, Bishop, V.C., Wirir ?10A\dxly £y.h3s W soil, 18-ycar-old Arthur Bishop, He enlisted in cutfiwa a few days ago and is now stationed at Manning Depot, Toronto.