HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-09-18, Page 1cm Single Copies Five Cents HURON PRESBYTERY MET LAST WEEK Woman Munster Was Iritroduced BANK NITE STORES GIVE CASH PRIZES Thrifty Shoppers Buy at Wingham Bank Nite Stores With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette end Wroxeter News WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1941 '■ .-I... ... . . . i „ I., .1, ... I, .....——... , ......................................... ............................. ■ . ............* ....Z —— Complimentary Banquet Held For The 99th Wingham Battery R.C.A. (A.F.) Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year Huron Presbytery of the United church convened in Dungannon United church pn Wednesday, Sixty ministers and lay delegates from the 35 charges in the county were present. Officers an charge of the meeting were; Rev. R. A. Brook, Hensail, moderator; Rev. W. A. Bremner, Seaforth, clerk; Mr. Fred Savage, Seaforth, treasurer. A pleading feature of the morning session was the introduction of the .new members of the Presbytery,' among whom was Rev. Reba Hern, Varma, recently settled there after a four years* service in Algoma district. Miss Hern is the only woman minister in the London Conference. Rev. Enos W. Hart of Amherstburg accompanied and introduced Dr. Leslie Pidgeon of Erskine-American cjiurch, Montreal, who is making a visitation of Presbyteries in the interests of the War Savings campaign, through which it is .hoped to raise sufficient funds to wipe out the present deficit. At the afternoon session, Rev. Harry Royle of Talbotville and formerly of Nile, president of the London Con­ ference, brought greetings and addres­ sed the gathering in a splendid manner ■on “The mission and aims of the church in these times.” The speaker •drew many illustrations from the sit­ uation prevailing two centuries ago, and dr.elw attention to the fact that the church had been the means of saving Britain from serious difficulties if not spiritual disaster, Mr. J. F. . Maine, of London spoke on the need of a full support being gi^en to all phases of the world-wide church life through the missionary enterprises of the churches. Some of the regular reports were, somewhat shortened by these addition­ al features of the Presbytery, but each ■deparment reported, showing import­ ant progress being made, T.he Chrisain Education department is looking for­ ward to the Program of Advance which is to begin in many commun­ ions this autumn. Fullest co-operation was pledged, to the world-wide com­ munion services, Sunday, October 5th. These are the winners at the Wing­ ham Bank Nite ' draw on- Saturday night; 1st, $10.00, Miss Mary Eliza­ beth McKibbon; 2nd, $5.00,; Miss F,. Barwell; the following won $1.00 each, Mrs. S. A. Murray; Mrs. H. A, Neth- ery, Brussels; Jack Tervit; Harry Montgomery; Mrs. M. Garniss, R. R, No. 3, Wingham; Ross Smith, R. R. No, 4, Wingham; Miss W, McNevin; /ack Taylor, .R. R. No. 5, Wingham. Shop at Wingham Bank Nite Stores and be a cash prize winner. For every 25 cents you spend in Wingham Bank Nite Stores you will receive a lucky ticket. Place one half of the tickets in the box at the store where you make your purchase or.any oher Wingham Bank Nite Store or in the drum at the town hall on Saturday night prev­ ious to the draw. There is always $25. in the draw, $10.00 for first prize; $5.00 for second prize; and ten one dollar prizes. D. D. G. WAS GUEST OF LIONS CLUB A regular luncheon of the Lions Club was held at the Queen’s Coffee Shop last Fridas'- evening. Representatives were present from the clubs in .the newly formed Zone 16 which takes in Arthur, Palmerston, Mount Forest, Harriston and Wingham. President Hal MacLean introduced the new Dis­ trict Governor, George Lavelle of of Palmerston and the new dep­ uty District Governor, Pat Brown ,of Arthur. After a' number of short addresses from visitors, 'Lion 'Geo. Northwood led in singing. Immediate­ ly following the luncheon a zone meet­ ing was held and plans formulated for the coming year. This Gathering Was Held Tuesday Evening To Mark The Mobilization Of The Battery As An Active Service Unit Boy’s A!nd Men’s Fall Work Boots Heavy Kip uppers with plaint toe and leather or rubber soles. All sizes -and priced right—Willis Shoe Store. To Carry On Practice During the. absence of (£apt. R-. S. Hetherington^ K. C., on active service he lids arranged with Mayor J. Harley ■Crawford to continue his law practice. Mr. Hetherington’s office will remain open in its present location. Belgrave School Fair Monday Next The annual Belgrave School Fair will be held on Monday next, Septem­ ber 22nd. Many school fairs through­ out the ''.province have given up, but the directors of the Belgrave fair last year successfully operated and' this year they-are again holding this great event, the largest school fair ip Ont­ ario. Make it a point to be present. This activity deserves your support. Hospital Marathon Bridge The bridge and euchre marathon which has proved so popular two years will be resumed in by the Wowan’s Auxiliary Wingham General Hospital, lady is invited to take part names should be left at McKibbon’s Drug Store before October 1st, in or­ der that time may be given to pre­ pare the Schedule. This event has been a success both socially and financially and it is hoped that even more players will enter this year. Kelly an- of their Mr. Frank New Licenses Gun and trapping licenses are now available at the Town Clerk’s office. Presented With Identification Disc Prior to his departure for Regina last week where he will be on duty with the R.C.A.F., P.O. W. T. Booth was presented with an identification wristlet by the Lions Club. The pre­ sentation was made by the president, H. C. MacLean. Engagement Announced ri^Mr. and Mrs, John A. nounce the engagement daughter, Irene Louise to Herbert Coliar, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Collar of Wingham, the marriage to take place early in Octob­ er./ Theft At Salvation Army On Sunday evening while the Sal­ vation Army officers were out, some person or persons entered -their quart­ ers. It is believed that some preserved fruit was taken and traces of the cul­ prits were found in other parts of the building. County Constable Wm. Gard­ ner is investigating. This is the second time recently that cellar stocks been raided here. At a complimentary banquet held 1 in the Armouries, Tuesday evening by the Town of Wingham, fhe 99th Wingliam Battery R. C, A. (A.F.) received at rousing send-off. This gathering, was held to mark the mob­ ilization of the battery for active serv­ ice and do honour to those who have enrolled. The. Armouries was beautifully dec­ prated in a colei- scheme of red and blue, the battery colors, and the table covers were decorated with various paintings of a patriotic nature. Over the head table were the words “good luck 99th” and these figures formed a prominent part of the table decora­ tions. Mr. George .Allen of Chicago, a former Wingham boy, was the artist responsible.for these splendid decora­ tions. The members of the battery are now' stationed in London and they were, brought to Wingham by bus. On their arrival, they were met by Lucknow pipers who piped them to the Arm­ ouries where the guests had already gathered to receive them. The Wing­ ham Citizen’s Band entertained with selections prior to the batteries’ arriv­ al. The banquet was prepared and. served by the Women's Institute. About 200 were present. Mayor J. Harley Crawford was the chairman and following the toast to the King he welcomed the battery and stated that the Town -were proud in­ deed to honour them at this time. The program consisted of selections from the Lucknow Pipers; entertain­ ment by Clark Johnson and his Ranch Boys; Dancing by Kenneth Crawford; a solo, “There’ll always be an England” by Lieut. J. R. ,M. Spit- tal; community singing with George Northwood as leader and A. M, Forb­ es assisting. Mr. Harold Victor Pym was the pianist throughout the even­ ing. The toast to the battery was given by W. W. Armstrong and was re­ sponded to by Capt. R. S. -Hethering­ ton, K. C., Officer Commanding of the battery. Capt. Hetherington said in his remarks that during the time since war was declared that about 150 men who had been members of' the 99th battery, had enlisted for active service. He said that the battery would undergo further training prior to going to winter quarters at List- owel, The present members of the battery, he explained, were a neucleus around which the battery will be built to full strength and he hoped that sufficient recruits would be • forth­ coming from this district to. fill the ranks, The present members will, he said, fill places in’ the battery of less­ er apd more importance after further training, The N, C. O.’s, will he ex­ pects leave Friday this week for a training centre i^, Quebec. He heartily thanked’ the town for this great dem­ onstration and said he was speaking for all members of the battery. Several presentations were made. Wingham members of the battery re­ ceived pen and pencil sets from the town. The address was given by Councilor Walter VanWyck who had Councillor Lloyd associated with him in making' the presentations. The Wingham Branch of the Legion pre­ sented all battery members with an honorary membership and a package of cigarettes. The president of the Legion, Duncan Kennedy, spoke for the Legion and the presentation was made by Dr. George Ross, assisted by “Scotty” Forbes. The Wingham Red Cross Society gave each Wing­ ham member a pullover and two pairs of socks. Mr. W, H. French spoke on behalf of the Red Cross and assisting him in the presentation were George Williams and George Other members of the battery will receive their parcels at a latter date. Lion Hal MacLean on behalf of the Lions Club of which he is president, gave two members of the club, Capt. Bob Hetherington and Lieut. Bob. Spittai identification discs. Capt, the Rev. W. A. Beecroft gave an inspiring address. He gave the members of the battery great praise for the stand that they have taken and said it was an adventure that they would never regret. The singing of God Save the King closed this very impressive evening. The members of the battery return­ ed later in the evening to London after spending an hour or two in town. Many took the opportunity to attend a dance at the Royal-T. Ms * $ Presonnel of 99th Wingham Battery Capt, R. S. Hetherington, Officer Commanding, Wingham. ♦ 1ST Northwood. have LOCAL PILOTS WERE GIVEN THEIR WINGS MAITLAND PRESBY­ TERY MET LAST WEEK Ceremony Took Place at Camp Borden Saturday New Minister Will Be Inducted At Whitechurch Early in October ZONE LEGION SERVICE HELP AT LUCKNOW Large Gathering of Veterans, Soldiers And Citizens Were Present N. Allin, Listowel. W. Hunstein, Walkerton. J. McKague, Wingham. F, N. Ferguson, Listowel. Capt. Elmer D. Bell, Wingham Lieut. J. R. M, Spittai, Wingham. Lieut, G, Pattersin, Walkerton Lieut, R. Roberts, Wingham. Lieut, G. Malcolm, Kincardine, Lieut, Lieut. Lieut. Lieut, • BSM W. Seddon, Wingham. B.S.M. H. A. Mitchell, Wingham. QMS. E. FI. Gray, Wingham. Sgt. N. Williamson, Wingham. Sgt. A Corrigan, Wingham. Sgt. W. F. Howson, Wingham. Sgt. G. C, Greer, Lucknow. Sgt. J. C. Campbell, Lucknow. Sgt. H. D. Thompson, Lucknow. Sgt., F. A. Morgan, Kincardine. Sgt. H. F. Linklater, Kincardine. Sgt. Piotrowski, Walkerton. J. P. Elliott, Wingham. R. C. (MacKenzie, Lucknow. H, B, Hollands, Kincardine. R. Lautenschlager, Kincardine. G. Tervit, Wingham. S. Jeffray, Glenannon G. Fitzpatrick, Wingham. D. A. Smith, Listowel. E. F. Reeves, Walkerton. W. Schmidt, Walkerton. J. P. Johnston, Walkerton. C. Johnstone, Lucknow. HIGH SCHOOL NAME ATHLETI£OFFICERS The annual election of officers for the Wingliam Athletic Society were held last week. The following were elected; Boys — President Clarence Hamilton Vice-Pres., —- Lome Gardner Sec’y George Lloyd Treas., — Norman Mundy Form representatives — Form 1 Cecil Yoe; Form — 2,'Jack Day; Form 3 — Donald Has tie; Form 4 — George Lloyd; Form 5 — Frank War­ rell; Commercial — Frank Burke. Girls’ Society — President — Noreen Benedict Vice-Pres., — Betty Gannett Sec’y., — Margaret Connell Treas., — Zella Cook Form representatives — Form 1 — Jean Towne; Form 2 — Ruth Mag­ uire; Form 3 — Mildred Fitzpatrick; Form 4 — Ileen Dark; Form 5 —■ Jean Underwood; Commercial —- Nor­ een Benedict. the last October to the ' Every and the Birthday Celebration “ On Sunday, September 14th; LOCAL BOWLERS WERE THE TOPS Believe Record Set By Wingham' At Seaforth Pairs On Wednesday afternoon last week six pairs from here attended the doubles at Seaforth and won three of the prizes, The first prize was a suit of clothes each and this was won by Howard Sherbondy and Art Wilson with 3 wins plus 34j second prize went to another Wingham pair Harley Crawford and W, R. Hamilton with 3 wins plus 26 and Donald Rae <and his son Ronald were 6tli ‘with 3 wins plus 7, The other three Wingliam rinks won two games each which makes thtee games lost out of 18 played, A Blyth rink HaR. and S. Robinson were third with 3 wins plus 24. The showing of the six Wingham rinks is believed to set a record for a three game tour* hey of doubles, v,0n Sunday, September 14th; Mrs. *W, A. Currie of Town celebrated her 75th birthday, and a number of rela­ tives and friends called to offer con­ gratulations on the happy occasion. Miss M, E, Adams poured tea, while Mrs. Currie’s two daughters, Mrs. W. A. Macfie of Toronto, and Mrs. Ar­ thur Bieman of London, assisted by the two granddaughters, Margaret and Mary Helen Bieman, served re- freshmentsy' Baptist Young Women’s Mission Circle The regular monthly meeting was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. John Falconer. The meeting opened, with the singing of the hymn “Take My Life and Let* it .Be” after which Ida Kelley opened with prayer. The Scripture reading was taken by Margaret Ball front Luke 12th chapter. Louise Kelley theh read a letter from Miss Hyndman writing from Coconada. The hymn “There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus” was then sung and Shirley Mac- Lean reaed the last two chapters from the book “Beautiful Girlhood” entitled The Girl of To-Day and The Full Blown Rose. The topic was taken from the book “From Sea to Sea,” and Was read by Rosetta Dennis. The closing hymn was “There is shttnshine tn my soul today” after which Shirley Mac- Lean closed with prayer. Hostess and convenors served ltmch. On behalf of the ’ citizens of this community we extend congratulations to Donald Carl Nasmith and Freder­ ick John (Ace) Bateson on their grad­ uation from No. 1 Service Flying Training School, R.C.A.F., Camp Bor­ den. They received their wing§ at an interesting ceremony at Camp Borden on Saturday evening and were pro­ moted from leading aircraftsmen to sergeant pilots. Don had the distinc­ tion of being the first’in the class and he also had this honor in the class he attended at Sky Harbor previous to going to Camp Borden. <______,____ _ New Fall Dress Shoes For men, Women and children—the very newest styles to choose from, at a wide range of prices. Be sure to see these new lines now at Willis Shoe Store. Engagement'Announced Mr, and Mrs. Charles W. Kitchen announce the engagement of their daughter, Reita Isabelle, to Mr. Carl Jacklin, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacklin of Grey Township. The marriage to take place the latter part of September. United Church W. M. S. The Septetmber meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society of Wing­ ham United Church, was held on Tuesday, Mrs. Willis presiding. Mrs. Gowans had charge of the program and gave a'very interesting talk about the chain of Missions in Florida. Mrs. Chas. Carter told of the work of Rev. Robt. McClure in China, An appropri­ ate duet Was given by Mrs. Heisler taml Mrs, Lewis, Flans were made for the Thanksgiving meeting which the Associate Helpers will be entertained. At a meeting of the Maitland Pres­ bytery of the Presbyterian Church held at Cranbrook last week, the Pres­ bytery sustained the call from White­ church, Calvin and Langside to the Rev. A. H. Wilson of Eden Mills for his. acceptance. It is likely that the induction will take place at White­ church early in Ocober. • . The morning session was given over to communion and spiritual conference which was chiefly an address given by Rev. 'S. M. Scott of Kincardine on the subject “The place of the psalms in the Standards of the Church.” Rev. Kenneth MacLean and Rev. S. M. Scott, delegates to the General As­ sembly in June at Toronto, gave re­ ports on their diligence at these meet­ ings and an account of the proceedings of the assembly. A convention for boy’s work is, be­ ing held in London at an early date and the Presbytery decided that Rev. C. H. MacDonald of Lucknow, chair­ man of fh$ Sunday School and Young People’s committee attend as delegate. No progress was reported on the ministerial vacanies at South Kinlos^ and ICinlough also at Ashfield and Ripley, Attended Aunt’s Funeral Mr, and Mrs, A. attended the funeral late Miss Catherine London o‘n Sunday. Mrs. H, Fryfogle’s Grandmother Died Mrs. Harry J. Fryfogle was called to Southampton last week as her grandmother, Mrs, Elizabeth S, Bel­ more died on Thursday, The funeral was held at Southampton on Saturday afternoon, D. MacWilliam of his aunt, the MacDonald, in Bdr. Bdr. Bdr, Bdr. Bdr. Bdr. Bdr. Bdr. Bdr, Bdr. Bdr. Gnr. Gnr. W. K. Sinnamon, Wingham. Gnr. Gnr. Gnr. Gnr. Gnr. Gnr, Gnr. Gnr. A. R. Hewitt, Listowel. Gnr. A. J. Goodyear, Listowel. Gnr. C, R, Morphy, Listowel. Gnr. N. J.-Ament, Listowel. Gnr. W. D. Martin, Listowel. Gnr, T. Inglis, .Walkerton, Gnr. E. W. Newton, Gorrie. Gnr. F. Pickell, Wingham. Gnr. E. A. Elliott, Wingham. if? ijt if* Refused by Medical Board Capt, W, L. Kress, Wingham. Sgt. T. Miller, Walkerton, Sgt. P. A. Greer, Listowel, L/Sgt. W. S. Lindsay, Kincardine. Gnr., W. Michael, Gorrie. Gnr. W. L. Kirkwood, Wingham, Gnr. L. S. Kuenzig, Teeswater. Gnr. W. Wepler, Walkerton. RED CROSS NEWS ' Please Return Work Promptly J. C. Armstrong, Lucknow. J. H. Dahmer, Lucknow. B. J. King, Wingham. J. M. King, '\yingham. G, A. Bryce, Wingham. J. Lee, Wingham. A, W. Collins, Kincardine. $83 COLLECTED FOR GREEK RELIEF FUND Committee Appreciated Co-Operation Given On Saturday under the ahspices ‘of the Wingham Patriotic Association a tag day was held to raise funds for Greek Relief. The committee in charge of this activity with Mr. W. Stanley Hall as chairman are very pleased with -the co-operation of the taggers and the public in general. $83.00 was real­ ized for this very worthy cause. The taggers were Norma Brown, Joyce Walker, Marjorie Kerr, Marie Lockridge, Evelyn Wilson, Margaret Connell, Margaret MacLean, Anne Fletch, Zela Cook, Lillian Angus, Mar­ jorie Falconer, all high school ents. stud- Sent Parcels to Soldiers The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Legion last .week sent cigarettes and parcels to all soldiers from Wingham serving in his Majesties forces overseas. Attended Druggists’ Golf Tournament Messrs J. W. McICibbon and C. H. McAvoy attended the annual Western Ontario Golf tournament which was held in London. Both were prize win­ ners. Mr. McAvoy won an assortment medicines and Mr. McKib- 24,000 sheets of the finest Mhets September 26 of patent bon won paper. Institute The regular meeting of the Wom­ en’s Institute will be held in the Council Chambers at 2.30 o'clock on Friday afternoon, September 26. The convenor of “Canadianization”, Mrs. W, Stanley Hall, will be in charge of the program. The members of the Whitechurch branch will be guests at this meeting, The hostesses will be Mrs, Deter King, Mrs. Hanna, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Tsard and Mrs. R. E. Laidlaw. Distribution of supplies sent over­ seas by Canadians is now handled from twelve regions in England. This means that large stocks of clothing and sup­ plies are available at a centre near to any part of the country which may be in need of quick assistance. Accord­ ingly these centres must be kept con­ stantly supplied with necessary artic­ les and our women must work to see that these articles are on hand when needed. Call.at the Local Red Cross RooAi on Tuesday and Thursday for your share of the work. The book committee of the Wing­ ham Red Cross have been going over the books, and find that a considerable quantity of work both sewing and knitting, has been out for some time and not returned. In fact a goodly number of people have had work out for over six months. In view of the great need overseas, this work must be returned. If you are not able to complete the articles, bring them any­ way and they will be finished, but bring them at once, please. ■ ’■ ....... Doing Research Work 7 Miss Edith Weir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, Turnberry, has accepted a research fellowship at Massachusetts State,. "'College, begin­ ning September 15. All Sons And Son-In-Law In Army Mr. Fred Haney of Calgary, form­ erly of Wingham and Bluevale very proud man as his only three George, Ted and Pat also his son-in-law are all in uniform. The annual Drumhead Service for Zone 10 of the Canadian Legion, Bf E.S.L., was held in Lucknow Sunday afternoon with a large gathering pre­ sent. Legions present were; Listowel, Howick, Kincardine, Wingham, God­ erich, Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth, Har­ riston. Band? were present from Ex­ eter, Seaforth, Clinton, Listowel, Kin­ cardine and Lucknow. The parade formed up at the school grounds going to the park by way of the main street. Comrade Allister Hughes was chairman'. The prayer and scripture reading, 1st Samuel, 7th chapter, was t taken by Rev. Mr. Stewart. Comrade John R. Grabb of Listowel, Zone com­ mander, read the Reconsecration Pledge, which was repeated in unison, and also gave a brief outline of the work of the Legion. Rev. K. Hunter Palmer of Palmer­ ston gave a forceful and stirring ad­ dress. He said that we would win this war as throughout history right has always won over wrong. He said that all would have to consecrate them­ selves to this purpose.. Capt. Rev. W. A. Beecroft of Wing­ ham, Chaplain of the 21st Field Bri­ gade which was present under the Command of Lieut-Col. George W. Howson, urged that each and every one throughout Canada reconsecrate themselves to the great task that is before us. He said that if all did this then the things would roll along gath­ ering momentum as time went on. AU have a part to play in this great strug­ gle, the young men to enlist, the older ones to perform other duties. Women also have a large part in our war ef­ fort and whether they be old or young they should reconsecrate themselves for service. At the conclusion of the service the parade marched past a saluting base on the main street where Lieut.-Col. George W. Howson took the salute. The parade then formed up at the cenotaph for the placing of wreaths and the sounding of the Last Post and Revellie. is a sons only Ont., man- New Baflk Manager Here ‘(Mr. G. C. Gammage, Madoc, jias received the appointment as ager of the local branch of the Dom­ inion Bank and on Tuesday arrived ih Wingham, His wife and two bOys, George and Robert, will come to Wingham shortly to take Up residence. Mr. Gammagc replaces Lieut. J. R. M. Spittai who has enlisted for active service.^ Model Aeroplane (Harriston Review) Much interest has been cheated by the seven-foot Model Aeroiflane dis­ played in iHomuth’s Drug Store win­ dow. This model, constructed by Carol Homuth is powered by a 1-5 H. P. gasoline motor and is complete in every detail even to air filled balloon tires on its landing gear. Carol intends to display this model at the Aeroplane Contest at the Harrison Fall Fair, but of course this model will hot be en­ tered in the contest. Carol says he will be glad to assist anyone who is having trouble with his display model. Note: Carol is the grandson of Mrs. August Homuth of Wingham. Hanover One Up on Waterloo The Waterloo team went down to defeat at Hanover on Saturday in an Intermediae "B” O.B.A. fixture. The score was 11 to 3 and behind the pitch­ ing of Pin Thompson they never had a chance. Bob Groves was again be­ hind the bat''and poled out a long three bagger. Pin Thompson was the hitting sensation of the game getting three hits out of four times at bat. The second game will also be played at Hanover today (Wednesday). This is the second round for Hanover after winning the Bruce League champion­ ship and Father Brick, coach and manager of the club, is confident that they will be Ontario champions in their class, ■ Fifh At Hanover Wingham Bowlers won fifth prize at the Doubles‘Fall Fair tournament at Hanover on Friday. The‘pair were Art Wilson and Alex Crawford with three wins plus 21, The other pair from here did not get in the prizes. Huron Motors In New Quarters During the past week the Huron Motors have been busy moving their stock and equipment to their new location, on John Street, West, next to Dr. McKibbon’s residence. They are now ready to commence operations in their new quarters. Arrived in Town ..... ” **' Mrs, Fred Masse, her three and a' half year old daughter’and one year old son, arrived in Wingham on Tuesday. Mr. Masse was recently ap* pointed accountant of the Dominion Bank. We extend to them a hearty welcome. They will reside in Mrs. Warain’s house on Victoria Street. Flt.-Lieut. Roberts to Ottawa Flight-Lieutenant J. M. Roberts, well-known in Huron County circles, has been transferred from the Win­ nipeg recruiting office of the Royal Canadian Air Force to Ottawa where he will take over the post which has been held by Squadron Leader Dug­ gan. Previous to joining the Royal Canadian Air Force Flight-Lieutenant Roberts held the position of Clerk of Huron County. MISSIONARY GROUP HELD MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church was held last week with the president, Mrs, Donald Rae, who opened the meeting, with prayer, in the chair. The Bible reading, psalm 91, was taken by Miss M. Anderson and the Glad Tidings prayer by Miss C. McBurney, The dedicatory prayer was given by Mrs, J, Currie. The theme, the best use of quiet times, the Christian life is an individual thing and our characters are formed by the choices we make not by slavishly following some one else, was ably taken by Mrs. Russell. A interest­ ing and instructive address was given by Miss B. Graham on the Life and Work of Miss Mildred Soutar, mis* sionary to India, Miss Warwick gave | the closing prayer,