The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-09-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT S* Show Starts at 8,00 p.m., Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7,45 and 9,45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday., September 11, 12, 13 — SPECIAL — Szatcel HORMAN TAIIROG MWK WATSON • IARSTNW • SAM NIOKMAK DrWl Sctwa Pbv by Jkbm McGuuwm* W CO1CUWNX h Also “News” Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. A Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 15,16,17 MYRNA LOY WILLIAM POWELL GAIL PATRICK — In — “LOVE CRAZY” Powell and Loy in a slapstick comedy. Also “Canada Carries On”. ST. HELENS the the The September meeting of Women’s Institute was held in community hall Thursday afternoon with 25 ladies present. Miss Mary Mur­ ray, first vice-president, was in the chajr. The roil call—a health or nu­ trition habit we should practise daily —was well responded to. Plans were made for an exhibit at the Lucknow Fair. Dr. W. V. Johnston, Lucknow, was the guest speaker and gave an inter­ esting and informative talk on “Food” dealing with the results of surveys in Toronto, Edmonton, Quebec and Hali­ fax. An interesting discussion on val­ ues of different food articles followed. Mrs. E. McQuillen gave a splendid WALLPAPER SALE For 10 Days Only Ending September 20th "k < i -■ ■ ■ ■SUN TESTED ' ; 30 inch Living Room Paper, reg. up to 50c ... .23c BED ROOM PAPERS Sun Tested Bedrooms, as low as . WIDE PAPERS Reg. up to 35c ................ Bed Room Papers, Reg. up to 35c LOWER PRICED PAPERS Bed Rooms as low as................ i2y2c . roll 19c . roll 19c ■ 9c a Footwear ----------------- v These are just a few of our Special Values. \ Wilkinson’s Wallpaper Shop Clever Styles Jn Women’s Fall ' A new Medcalf Tie with Arch support and Metatarsal Pad, .shown iii< Black Kid with Cuban Pleel, and in widths, Shoes, in Kid-, Patent and Suede, in Spectator and Gore: .Pumps, or Ties. * Up to the minute styles in Chatelaine WHITECHURCH JAMESTOWN WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES paper on the motto—"The best doctors in the world are, Dr. Diet, Dr. 'Quiet and Dr. Merryman.” Airs. McKenzie Webb conducted an interesting contest on parts of the body. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Jas. Gajmt, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Mrs. Archie Aitcheson, The Red Cross quilting bee will be held in the Hall on Friday, September 19th. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Stuart included Dr. W, C. Mc­ Gregor and Mr. George Benson of Chicago, Mr. Chas. McGregor, Water­ loo. Mr. and- Mrs. Fred McGregor and Mr. Rod 'McGregor of Kintail. BORN — in the Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, September 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Struthers of West Wawanosh, a son, Robert George. Mr. E. J. Thom was a week-end visitor at Teterboro and Norwood On Saturday he and Mrs. Thom who is also a visitor there observed heir 30th wedding anniversary, Mr. Robert McQuillin of Hamilton is spending his vacation at his home here. Miss Laurine Miller was home from Wingham for the week-end. e Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. G. Humphrey have taken up their residence in Mr. J. W. Joynt’s cement house. The following-arpcles Have been for­ warded to the Lucknow Red Cros. 6 scarves, 8 pr. 2-way mitts, 2 turtle­ neck sweater, 7 pr. socks, 2 long stock­ ings, 2 sailor’s socks, 7 ribbed hel­ mets, 3 pr. pyjamas, 3 men’s shirts, 6 ladies blouses, a ladies outfit con­ sisting of coat, knickers, slacks, blouse and sweater, and the donation of 13 quills and 1 crib quilt. Hon. Harry Nixon’s So(n Killed Hon, Harry Nixon, Ontario provin­ cial secretary, has been advised that his son, P.O. Jackson Corwin Nixon, has been killed overseas. There 'were no details in the cablegram. Pilot Officer Nixon flew to England in June as. one of the crew of a bomber and has been on active service since that date. The Nixon family live at St. George. Indications Point To Ashfield Airport Farmers residing in Ashfield town­ ship just south of Amberley, who sold their lands for a gunnery and bombing school, have received word from Ot­ tawa advising against planting any crops on the land this fall, giving cre­ dence to the report that the school will soon be in operation. It is under­ stood that it will be administered from R.A.F. No. 31 Air Navigaaion School, at Pt. Albert, so that the only con­ struction work to be undertaken is the erection of a few buildings to house equipment. MORRIS COUNCIL / Thursday, Sept. 11th, 1941 Th$ Rev. ^tanlgy Keast visited at Mr. Fleming Ballagh’s Wednesday, al­ so with Alary and Hannah Stokes. He left for his charge Tuesday. Among the week-end visitors were Miss Blanche Irwin of Toronto, Miss Fern Jeffray of Clifford, Pte. Bill and Wesley Abraham and Yvonne Doug­ las, Those attending the Ex. were the Hunkin family, the Zinn family, Mrs. James Austin, John Abram, and Allan Darling. M. Jeffray visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Vogan on Thursday evening. Mrs. Vegan is at present under the doctors care. Mrs, Lester Falconer, accompanied by-her sister, Mrs. M. Bosman of Blue­ vale, and her daughter, Mrs. Duncan McNichol of Walton, spent Tuesday at- Stratford, attending the trousseau tea of their niece, Miss Merle Robb, whose marriage takes place on Tues­ day, Sept. 16. Misses Eileen Burchill and Jean Mc- Kague of Turnberry, spent a few days last week with their aunt, Mrs, Lance Grain. Miss Agnes Gillespie was one of four Bruce County girls, who.through the study and practical work of the pro­ jects of the Women’s Institute during the past year, secured as a prize her expenses to Toronto Exhibition. The girls judged in groups and Miss Gill­ espie’s group judged low-cost menus and safety patrol The anniversary services of Roe’s church will be held on Sunday, Sept. 21st by the Rev. Reid Vipond of Trow­ bridge. Morning service at 11 a.m., and in the evening at 7.30. Miss Mildred Willis is spending some time at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, Melville Dennis spent Wednesday of last week at the C.N.E. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McDonald and WATCH I REPAIRS 1 = First Class Watch Repairs At g ■ Reasonable Prices. ~ jf Come in and see our stock of B = Wedding Gifts. ■ ■ Williams - Jeweller | The council met in the Township Hall on September 8th, with all the members present and the Reeve pre­ siding. The minutes of the last meet­ ing were read and adopted on motion of Harvey Johnston and Cecil Wheel­ er. Moved by C. R. Coultes, seconded by Cecil Wheelei- that William Bryd- ges be re-instated as tax collector at the same salary. Carried. Moved by C. R. Coules, seconded by Jas. Michie that the meeting ad­ journ to meet again on October 13, 1941, At 12.30 p.m. Carried. The following bills were paid:' I Blyth Standard $5.55; Robert Bird ! (sheep killed) $11.00; Gilbert McCal­ lum (sheep 'valuator) $1.50; Mrs. Geo. Edgar (lamb killed) $8.50; Wallace Agar (sheep valuator) $1.50; Richard Alcock (Nichol drain) $150.00; George Alcock (Murray drain) $265.00; John Eckert (Walton drain) $35.12; Nelson Higgins (stamps, stationery and ex­ change) $9.50; A. H. Erskine (taxes) $108.32; Mrs. Nellie Logan (relief) J $23.00; Mrs. Geo. Gross (relief) $15.00 j Mrs. Cyrus Scott (Belgrave School I Fair grant) $15.00; Blyth Agricultural j Society (Fall Fair grant) $20.00. j „ . e* -xr «... r-1. j' i i i Mrs. I after spending a short time with friends in Hamilton and Port Col- borne. Mr, and Mrs. Milo Casemore and Mr. and Mrs, James Campbell attended the Exhibition at Toronto last week, Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. MORRIS Will Abraham has returned f ^•Gillette TECHRAZOR with 4 Vi fa! Sha vine] Improvements Blade Riqidly Supported I SolidBar Guard \for addedComfod 'and 5 Slue Gillette Blades All for only 491 \ OMAR HASELGROVE Victor Pym Church Theory Exams, Organist and Choirmaster St, Andrew’s Presbyterian Teacher of Piano, Orgafn, Vocal, Students prepared for and Music Festival Competitions Class now forming for fall term Sept. 2nd. Pupils who wish to ‘ enroll, should make appointment as soon as possible. Thelma of Guelph, spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. James Breckenridge and daughter, Jean, of Nashville, Tenn., also Mrs. Rogt Messer, Bruss­ els, spent Thursday with Mr, and-Mrs. Selah Breckenridge. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark and fam­ ily of the 14th con. of Grey, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Alex. Mc­ Donald. The community was sorry to hear of the accident which occurred on Friday when Glenn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ lan McKercher, received a broken leg and other minor’injuries. We hope he will soon be feeling better. Mrs. George McDonald of Wroxet- er, was a recent visitor at Robert Mc­ Donald’s. Miss Georgina McMichael has re­ turned to Winghan; where she will at­ tend High school. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy and son Raymond, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy Sunday evening. BLYTH Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and son, John, spent Sunday with Goder­ ich relatives. Mr. William Smith of Fort Erie, is visiting with friends in Blyth and Morris Township. Mrs. Gerald Harris is visiting rel­ atives in Clinton. Miss Jessie Phillips of Fergus, spent the week-end with her parents, J. H. and Mrs. Phillips. Mrs. John Hardisty spent some days with Toronto friends during the week. Bertram: Elliott of the Air Force, Brantford, spent over Sunday at his home here. Miss *Alice Gillespie returned home on Monday from a visit with her sis­ ter, Mrs. John Haines, also the home of her nephew, Mr. Wm. Haines, Tor­ onto. While there she enjoyed some time ;at the National Exhibition. Rev.’ Mr. and Mrs, Sinclair visited with friends in Exeter on Monday. BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. R, Yule and Berna of Paisley, spent the week-end at their home in Belgrave. Mabel Coultes, Edith McClenaghan and Barbara Michie’ left on Monday to attend Normal School in Stratford. The Belgrave School Fair" will be held' on Monday, .September 22, in­ stead of Thursday September 18 as first announced. . iMrs. J. A. Brandon has returned from a couple of weeks with friend’s in Orangeville, Flora, Drayton and a day at Toronto Ex. Mrs. Tom Shoebottom is visiting for a few days in London and attend­ ing the wedding of her neice, Miss Freeda Brandon. Women’s Institute The regular meeting of the Wom­ en’s Institute will be held Tuesday, Sept, 16th at 2.30 p.nu, at the home of Mrs. Jesse. Wheeler. The Home econ­ omics, convenor, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and Mrs. J. S. Procter have arranged the program. Roll call, a new pickle11 recipe. Current events, Mrs. J. S. Procter; address, Mrs. Earl Anderson; music, selected. Lunch committee, Mrs. Norman ’Keating, Mrs. Harold Procter and Mrs. J. S. Procter. All the ladies of the community are invit­ ed to attend. Greek War Relief FundE9 PHONE 161 PROMPT DELIVERY TAG DAY BE GENEROUS The Greeks Deserve and Need Our Help W. S. Hall, Chairman. SALEM * | ' Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt arid Mrs. MADE-RITE PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb bg. 75c CALUMET BAKING POWDER, 1 lb. tin .............25c NcTrUBBING LIQUID AEROWAX NEILSON’S JERSEY COCOA, 1 lb. tin_____ __29c BUTTERNUT BULK PEANUT BUTTER, lb.......15c 1Pint tin Quart tin 29c | Fraser Haugh of this locality accomp­ anied Mr. John and Miss Alba Stokes of Belmore to the C. N. E., Sept 3rd and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bridgman, Pat­ sy Bridgman and Miss Edythe Weir of Osliawa, spent the week-end with friends around here, Edythe and little Patsy Bridgman will spend the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Wein Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgar, Mrs. George Edgar and son George, from near Bluevale, called on Mr.. Edwin Palmer last Sunday afternoon. At a recent meting of the church of­ ficials it was decided to hold the An­ niversary services on Sunday, Oct. 5. Mr. Eli Bolt is at present under the doctors care. We hope he may soon be all right again. Mr. John Hartley of Clinton, called on some of his old friends one day recently, Mrs, Ewart Whitfield, Mrs, R, G, Dane of Gorrle and Mrs. Brewster of Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs. John Gowdy last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Vogan of Car­ rick, spent *a day last week with Mr. and Mrs, John Gowdy, 49c SUGAR-CRISP | WITH TUMBLER CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs. 25c I Newport FLUFFS, 8 qt pkg 25c HEAVY ZINC JAR RINGS, dozen....................25c 14-CUT RUBBER JAR RINGS, 4 dozen..........25c WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICE, lb.,.., .29c Studio at Residence, Centre St. R. A. Reid R. 0. BELMORE I ----- -------------,------_ Eyesight Specialist Winghatrt Office At Williams* Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to ftGoit Men’s Dress Oxfords in narrow, medium or wide lasts. Shown in the popular styles for fall. Willis’ Shoe Store McIntosh Missionary Society had as their guests Wednesday afternoon, the Belmord Branch. The manse was an ideal spot for this occasion, about 25 I attended, with Mrs. Wm. Curie at the piano. Meeting opened with singing and prayer. The Belmore ladies put on the following with Mrs, Rev, Clark as Icadert readings, by Mrs, Mulvey, Mrs. Rutherford and M, Jeffray; piano solo, Mrs, Wm. Irwin; duet, Mrs. Nor­ man Newans and Mrs. Rolapd Ballaglt collection and reading of minutes, All enjioyed the’Beautiful lunch put up by the McIntosh group, EYES EXAMINED— GLASSES FITTED— AT MODERATE PRICES. XXX SPIRIT OF CIDER I PURE BULK VINEGAR, gal................. 49c 1 MUSTARD, lb..-..55c GROUND FRESH WHILE YOU WAIT MELCOURT COFFEE - lb. 49c AYLMER | ALLEN’STOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. tin 10c I APPLE JUICE, 20 oz. tin...10c MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS WEINERS, lb*: . ,29c YORK ALL PORK SAUSAGE, lb. ......... .25c MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF, lb...........33c PICAKE VEGETABLE SHORTENING, lb*. .19c SWEET JUICY A FRESH CRISP NM1/ Valencia ORANGES, doz....33c CELERY HEARTS, buftch 10c CALIFORNIA GRAPE-FRUIT, 4 for ...........25c No, 1 ONTARIO POTATOES, basket!,33c Bank-Nite Tickets and CKNX War Savings Club Coupons with every 25c spent Be Sure to Get Yours and Be In the Draw* 3