HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-09-11, Page 4BAGETOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Sept, 11th, 1941
1J4 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
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Mrs. Archie Millar. Mr. Foster took
for his theme "Managing our anxiety”
and chose his text from Cor. 2 Chap.
11, verse 28. Beside these things that
are wihout that which cometh upon
me daily, the care of the churches.
Tlje choir favored with an anthem.
Rev. Mr. Tavener of Bluevale, will
haye charge of both services in United
Church, also Salem, on Sunday next,
Sept. 14th.
Home Helpers’ Meeting
The annual Home Helpers meeting
of the W. M. S. of United Church will
be held Wednesday of this week, Sept.
11th at 3 p.m, in the church school
room. Mrs, L, Vanvelsor, Home Hel
pers secretary in charge of the pro
gram. All the ladies of the congrega
tion are cordially -welcomed at the
meeting of the W. M. S.
St. James Harvest Fes-....'F
At 7.30 p.m. Sunday next at St. Jam-^
es Church the annual Harvest Festival
service will take place, Rev. iMr.
Heathcote of Palmerston, will be the
special speaker.
Ladies’ Guild
St. James Church Ladies’ Guild held
their September meeting last week at
the home of Mrs. H. Waller. *The af
ternoon was spent quilting.
Red Cross Shipment
The August quota for the local Red
Cross society was shipped to head
quarters on Sept. 4th and consisted of
3 seasman’s scarves, 7 army scarves,
3 turtle neck sweaters, 8 sleeveless
sweaters, 3 seaman’s helmets, 6 army
helmets, 6 pairs -seaman’s long stock
ings, 15 pairs army socks, 3 pairs sea
mans mitts,, 6 pairs 2-way mitts, 2
pairs flying mitts, 1 pair rifle mitts,
Hospital supplies: 3 quilts, 4 suits of
men’s pyjamas, 1 pair pants.
Willing Workers Meet
Mrs. Ward Sharpin opened her home
on Wednesday last to the Willing
Workers group of S.S. No. 2 Turn
berry. Two quilts, were quilted. The
group will meet at the home of Miss
Florence Fowler Wednesday of
week when clothing for refugees
be made. , x
Council Congratulated Firemen for
Salvage Collection Work
AUCTION SALE — of household ef
fects will be held at the home of
Mrs. W. H. Waram at 1.30, p.m.
on Saturday, September 13. Entire
contents of the well furnished .home for sale. Terms Cash. Mrs. W. H.
Waram, Proprietress; Matt. Gaynor,
auctioneer. •
AUCTION SALE — of farm stock
and implements will be held at Lot
20, concession 1, Turnberry, 3V2
miles north of Wingham on High
way No. 4, at 2 p.m., on Thursday
September 11. Terms Cash. No Res
erve. J. R. Johnston, proprietor;
Matt. Gaynor, auctioneer.
FOR RENT—On Frances Street, six
room cottage, 3 piece Bath, sun
^porch, large garden, barn. Apply
.' “Advance-Times,
FOR SALE — One kitchen table. Ap
ply to Mrs. S. Piper, Patrick street.
FOR SALE ‘— Coal or wood heater
as good as new, also robe. Apply j
Mrs. J. H. McKay, John St.
. FOR t SALE — Brown cloth coat
Kelinski Fur Trim, chamois lined,
food .condition. Apply Advance-
'’F Times. • -
D unlop9 s
Young Ladies, here’s a group of
smartly styled shoes in the fall’s
newest styles. They come in Pa
tent, Kid or Suede leathers. Sale
or Factory Worker, it
Your choice of Black, Tan, Brown
Antique, single or double soles, wide
or narrow toe.
Group Selection Ladies’ Smart Footwear
These are our regular qual
ity shoes offered: at rare
reductions for this sale.
Hi Heels, cuban heels, ’
Lo-Heels in every wan
ted leather . . No Sale
Shoe here-our regular
quality but at greatest
savings ever offered:*
Be here early, the
quantities are lim-
and savings are
9. stupendous.
Pumps, Gores, all
etc., Suede, Calf,
A great celebration of Shoe and Footwear Values in keeping with our First
Anniversary. Sale or no sale we believe in Good Shoes Properly Fitted.
Rack and table shoes are slashed deeply. AU Shoes not specially ment
ioned carry price reductions for this event. But remember, no matter
what bargains you get in shoes the are useless to you unless they fit..
It will be a privilege to show them to you.
Ladies You’ll Walk With Pleasure in These Health Shoes
... . .
If you are looking for absolute comfort plus smart styling then here is,
what ybu want. Dr. Ralph’s Health Shoes combine all the features of
shoes at twice their price, check them over, combination, lasts,;
spring steel arch, soft kid uppers. Anniversary Price
A regular meeting of Wingham
Town Council was held Wednesday
evening last week, all members pres
ent except Couns. Evans and Sturdy,
His Worship Mayor Crawford in the
chair. Minutes of last meeting were
approved as printed.
Letters of. thanks were read from
Messrs Ken Somers, Don G. Nasmith
and Robet. J.~Chalmers for the pen
and pencil sets received.
A letter was read from Mrs.'Mary
M. Powell, Supervisor of Mothers’
Allowances and Old Age Pensions
Investigators for the co-operation of
the Council in .permitting the local in
vestigation to have space in the’Clerk’s
The Clerk read correspondence in
reference to the admission of an indig
ent patient to Victoria Hospital at
London. 1 11 - * 1 ' • . 1
Mr. Geo. Carter addressed the coun
cil complaining of the wood stored
next his house on John St. The Clerk
was instructed to ask Chief Allen to
investigate and report back.
The Finance Committee reported a
number of-accounts properly certified
and recommended payment. On Mo
tion of Councillor VanWyck and
Councillor Johnson. >
Coun. Lloyd reported for the Streets
Committee that the usual cleaning was
being carried on and some sidewalk
repairs had been carried out.
Reeve Hetherington reported for the
Property Committee that no tenders
had' been received for the facing of the
top' storey of the Town Hall and it
j was agreed that Coun., VanWyck look
[ into the matter of the. coating of-the
roof this fall.
Tenders for coal for the Town Hall
i were opened. The tender of the Mac-
[ Lean Lumber & Coal co. for a car up
I to 60 tons was accepted on Motion
i of Reeve Hetherington and Councillor
I Johnson,
■ Coun. Johnson reported that more
complaints were received regarding
loud music being played late at night
■ at Wee Lee’s Cafe. Other complaints
hid been mentioned.
It was agreed that the Clerk write
i a letter to Lee Wee advising him o
move his machine back at least 30 ft.
from the door and if any more loud
use of the machine occurs and com
plaints are received, suitable action will
be taken by the Council.
Complaints were received from sev
eral persons regarding pigs being kept
in Town. On examining the By-law
it was found that pigs were not per
mitted within 100 feet of any resi
dence and also the pens were to be ; t|oriughly 'Cleaned -every day.
- ■ Tire Clerk was. instructed to write
the owners advising of the provisions
of the By-law and the policy of Jjfo
o :ox=xo?
BORN — In Listowel General Hos
pital, on Sunday, August 31ts, 1941,
to Mr. and Mrs. Steuart Higgins,
twin sons.
BORN — In Wingham General Hos- j
pital, on Wednesday, September 3,
to Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Gibson, a
Miss Maxine White is holidaying
with Toronto friends.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann have re
turned home after an enjoyable holi
day at Kintail.
School opened last week with Miss
Viola Thacker of Teeswater in charge
of Turnberry S.-*S. No. 2, Mrs. Wm.
Wright at Douglas school and Mr. Ber
tram Ashton, Fordwich, in charge at
Lane’s school. ■ i : ■ < • > ■
Mrs. J. Fitch, Salem, is spending a
few days with Mr. Thomas and Miss
iMr. Gt'eorge MacEwen visited Tor
onto .Exhibition last week.
: LWOfrteii’s Institute
The September meting of the W. I.
was Held'’On Thursday of last week at
the home'of Mrs. J.. N. Allen. The
president, Mrs. H. Waller, presided,
and Mrs. W. A. Sawtell Was appointed
secretary' for the balance of the year,
During the business period it was de
cided to send a bale to Fort Stewart,
the articles to be left at the home of
Mrs. Waller,.not later than Sept. 18th,
M^s/fSawten :(n her very interesting
current,.py e,n't,s. spoke of the meeting of
President Roosevelt and Prime Minis
ter Churchill.
An’ all members program with each
member giving a 5 minute talk on a
subject of her Own choosing proved
very interesting and profitable. Com
munity, singing .with Mrs, Wearing at
the piano was enjoyed, Mrs. Sellers
Mrs. Adams, and Mts. MacLean will
attend ’the convention at Chesley this
week representing the members.
A letter was read from Miss Clarke
thanking the members fof the donation
of a bag of sugar for jam making
which Wilt be shipped to Britain, A
I sociaj half' hour was enjoyed at the
L close with Mrs, G. A, Wearring assist
ing Jhe hostess. . •
' Church Notes-—Baptismal Service
’' United‘Church, its chancel fragrant
with roses and late summer flowers
from the garden oi Mrs. J. M Allen
was a lovely setting, fot servid-fof spe-
eial; interest when Rev. Mr. Foster bap
tized, the following children: Latty.
Joseph, son of Mr. and e
Snell-; M’arjorie Wihnifte^Haughter’&f -•
Mr, and* Mr&j
FOX HOUND—for sale. Good hunt
er. Apply to Advance-Times.
WANTED — Girl student roomer
Apply Miss Elsie Bowden.
Rae Henning of the RjC.A.F. of
Brantford, spent the week-end. with
Mr. and Mrs. Chad. Henning and other
friends. Rae, who spent some years
here when he was a child, hails from
Western Canada.
Mriji L, VanVelsqr is relieving, for
Mr. Martin of Hardings school, How-
ick. Mr. Marttin having undergone a
tonsil operation.
School opened last week. Mr. Knight
and Mr, Robertson on the Continu
ation school staff while two new teach
ers, Miss Irwin and Miss MacDonald
are in charge of the public school,
Miss Jean and Mr. Harold Elliott
entertained a group of young friends
at their home Friday evening.
Mr, Tom Shearer has been quite I
ill this past week with blood poisoning
in Ins hand. We are glad to know he
is improving,
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Sanderson
4iid family, Detroit, were recent visit*,
ors with the former’s parents, Mr,
and Mrs, D. D, Sanderson.
, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Hustle, Durham,
Were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A,
Mrs, t>, S. MacNaughton was a
week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs. J. IL
Wade, Fordwich.
BORN^— Qn Thursday August 28th,
1941$ to Mr. and^Mrs. ■ Hector
KnigSt, a son. ' -*** * *MIL* <* I-.J&IWUVJ ‘'L&m
^^i$tMbffatt| Sandra
7 daughter of ^fr. and
Heel Hugger, Georgina and
Selby Style-EEZ
Ties and Pumps in Kid or Suede. Regular
prices up to $9.00. Sale Price
Selby ArcH Pressure, Health Spot, Dr,
Spencer and Dr. Locke Shoes
All lasts in Black and Brown Ties.
Built For Service and Real Value
Real shoes, built to stand the kind
of wear healthy boys give them, up
pers of good quality box calf with dur
able sewen and pailed leather or Com-
po soles. Compare this value where
you will, it can’t be beaten. All sizes
11 - 5«/2.
I Ideal shoes for business or school wear,
. stout sewn leather soles, walking heels, a
| choice of black or brown calf skin, all sizes.
$1.98 1 •» y
o M
>heights, civ., u>ucuc, van,
Kid or Patent Leather.
Group 1, $1.89
Values to $3.50
Group 2, $2.69
Values to 4.50
Group 3,
Values to
Mr. Farmer
will pay to stock up on these quality
Work Boots. They’re made of good
solid grain leather. Men better act
quick, these are the best shoe value in Q}
Canada, and prices are advancing. Get M
them now. II
$1.98,2.89, 3.29 II
These are the finest shoes in Canada, and are
all made of the finest leathers. kv 6
$6.60 AND $7.45 Q
----------------------- g
A group of Men’s high grade Ox
fords in Black ,Tan or Brown, Calf or
Kid. Reg. up to $7.00. Sale Price
-LADIES! C-ANADA’S .......
These shoes are made by the best makers in Canada, Murray’s Happy Foot, Perth
Shoes apd dur famous Sultana Shoe in Kid,
Patent and Suede leathers.
$5.35 ...
* * •* * ■ > V ~ S "" ■ *
Come In and See the Bargains. There are too many too
and beat the
lirMisses’s br Children’s Straps or Oxfords.
Neat fitting Oxfords or Strap Slippers in
black patent or calf leathers.
$1.29, 1.59, 1;98
too list. Come apd see for yo^self. Get in the march now 11
the rising prices. ■ y II
Shoe Store |
**-4 ♦* -* > $
ocsoi xox
Town Council to have livestock out
side the Town limits. If the terms of
the by-law ate not strictly adhered, to,
appropriate action to be,taken by the
Council. J( ,
Conn. Lloyd reported that 50 feet
of steel fence was on hand at the
Cemetery and this would be erected
Conn. VanWyck reported that the
Fire siren had been out of order and,
was now repaired, but new parts would
be needed and it was agreed that these
be secured aS soon as possiglc,
Council agreed that the Firemen
Were doing good work ift the Salvage
Campaign and the Clerk was instructed
by the Council to send them, a letter
of appreciation. • _ „.. _,
A leter was reead from, Mr. Bush
field and the deeds to the (Gregory
property south of Town were enclosed.
The Rdeve reported that his Commit
tee had;agreed to’.permit Mri J. Gam
ble fo’bsc this ground for pasture
and' lit return he wds to' erect suitable
fences to keep the eittle in. A the end
of two years the fence to belong to
the Town, Moved by Coun, Witkihson
and seconded by cOUfi. Lloyd, "That
the^td^fe on the Gregory property be
writtC'iWf for 1941,”
regarding the special edition ,of the
Stratford Beacon-Herald’ and space
reserved for an advertisement for the
Mt. Peterson requested' a refund of
business tax but the- Clerk was in
structed fo write him and’ advise that
this had never been done before and as
it was understood that stock was-still
being disposed, of,, no action could be