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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-09-11, Page 2
FACE TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday Sept 11th, 1941 BELGIANS TEAIN HERE TO CARRY ON FIGHT ad^hawk, which in Jndian means jnw. Mr. and Mrs. McMorran were where they laid him. Poles were cut | married at For: Elgin, Saugeen Town- from the trees, it is dense bush from I ship, in 3S91, ax the home of the a very sited distance frem the village. | bride’s parents, the late Mr, and Mrs. Bait was obtained from beneath stcm-| John Wallace. Mr. MeMorran is a son es nearby. We reached Bath about J -,f the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- C.S0 and had with ns over sixty brook | Moreau, of Paisley, pioneer settlers of trout. The river has two branches and | that district, who came from Ireland, we tried them both with equal success. | Mr, and Mrs. McMorran, both 75 We returned to Bath by a different | years ©f age, have been residents of mre which took ns over the highest J Lucknow for c-^er 45 years, where Mr. rint m the hills in this section. The I McMorran has been active in musical scenery if anything surpassed that we| circles. He was band master for sev- th >aght so fine on the way out. Com-| era! years and aXo a teacher of string ing down a steep incline we came up-|ed instruments. on a very beautiful sp.'f’in the valley. | —------r- | There was a. crystal clear pond wish Goderich Boy Wins Scholarship a saw mill near by and beneath^ the j Council of University College, Uni hill to ©ur right were some tine farm a versity •©£ Toronto, annesiuced matric- busldwgs. Tins was where Dr. Lock-1 ularion scholarships among which was hurt was bom. He now owns the farm | the Percy Herman* scholarship for and has renovated one ci the buildings j prafiriency, cash value ?250 J into a lovely cottage. On om return tree tuition^ won by J. N. P. ■ed a picnic i Hutne, Goderich. We stayed there that^night and the' Blast Wrecks Grain Chopper i An explosion which blew the chop- | ping plates ©f a grain grinder into : manF pieces occurred at the Cargill ! mill injuring one oi the employees. A. fj Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack | Johnston, of Brant Toxynship. He saf- fared a cut on the right leg. Pieces !j flew to all parts of the building. As : ©if the machine a cloud of smoke appeared and immediately an I explosion occrured. One piece of 1 metal, agmn ©ne foot by six inches,. I , tore off | i', it' Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Is Your House Walks 1 Si. Z Srefoess Injured. Same Day, i[Die Wi&hi Sbtefc t.C. we went, some were fe-osittf-y that dri3tcu.lt. to of land, eenses re view. 1 the Osc-3 0 Cfe Angast ISfou. Esn / weeks later we enjoys | there and a swim in the pqnd. ST- a i5 nex morning visited Dr. Lockhart's J hospital. It is a very busy place and J the villagers said they did uot know: how the district could get along with-? ■out the services of the Doctor and| his hospital. It is a twenty-three bedl sine and is well equipped with most -c f the latest improvements. Some idea of the work carried on can be had J from the records which show that 4.66 y operations were performed in the hos-1 pita! last year, about 100 of tliese were | __ classed as minor operations. That __ _ the j morning the Doctor didjw© operations ai33ther Wardj and traTelled on several > shows | as well as making the rounds of the ieet The plam had bgen undergoing cowrel hospital and sennng several other pa- repairs for the past two months and? better known tats He is very ousy all the time jhad jaSt been ?a£ into operatton that .reeve. He el- !j and his enterprise at hospital, his farm J day. The ch^er 5s raa bv ^ter ers gv- way of and home, makes ©ne wonder how he|S3Wer and c3ase o£ tfce’blast is eached Canada by detour finds time for so much activity. Mrs.$ thus attributed to dust exofosfcm. S 1 Lockhart, is not only a lovely hostess ~ I sj finds time to well- Will No Seek Lower Hydro Rate | * informed eye on the doings a: She hos-i - ■ , . *. ,—■ed by ? j Mumcipal representatives or Chn- “TT -jj . . , . . , - . ^ton, Goderich and Seaforth met at| — * New brenswsck is noted ror its po-’* j* - - Ikind- L . . s .. .ta , . I Clinton co discuss the question or se- i.v.x.u 5ato ,£Wp a„ ja$. Doctor had I , . . , . I• - 3. j . . I curing a lower raie ror electric power Ieigat acres wmea produced about »O0 ; k I. , forum 12= hyoro comimssiom JLne |Parrel. The price was 60 cents a bar-ii a- .t . !, ; meeting was toe outcome os a lettersreh 1ms year ne has six acres or no-; - ^r- -n - ™ ’„ . . forom Mayo- Brown, oi Goaericn., rolltames, a nee crop or oats and waeati.j.^ ■» - A • I« » , . . , pfee other mumcmannes, asking their|and a large nam bulging with havJ ‘ V « n. J...» . . * ’ s co-operation m auaroaemng the On- 8the best nay crop in rears iter tins sec- ’L* - -rr ■ . ': . . . «, I, ;| tano Hydro Commission with that on- snon. His sen misers snpnlv rhe hos- fi - . - - -n - • , J,. , * ’ hect m new. Representatives oi the!natal. « - • .... i* _. . . ir ' t . I commission were rnnted to be pres-1Ptople nere wao xnaw Mrs. Lock-i . . ,r . . . j. . - . . . . , i ent and in response, Chiez Municipal |cart will nor be surprised when we ._ T t -n, - s. . , , . , ; Engineer Jettnes and. Assistant Rots-1tell them mat aoout the home sne has ifo r rr _ . r- «. I, , . . . ., . . wela, or Toronto, were present, v. A. |a lovely rack garuen at the tront and ■ .C.K; . . a „ . 1,~ . , , ,, . . i hulls, tccmer mayor or Semorth. mov- ? Running Water is an Everyday Necessity in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Barns ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water uada< pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water, sanitary conveniences and modem facilities, so essential to health and happi ness, are not available to your family. The cost of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings Is very reasonable and can be spread over a 'period of time under our Easy Payment Plan. HMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years ©f satisfactory service. -r A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall m Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as............... ‘ (Soil and. hen pipe and fitfinga extra} THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown abov3, has a capacity of 250 gals, per hour. With* 25 gal Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor, it costs only. For Sale by ' MACHAN BROS., Wingham * EMPIRE BRASS MEG. CO. LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. < HSJCLTOJf TORONTO . SUDBUEY WINNIPEG , M9 VANCOnVEl © ■Ui ■I • Lighted Windows warn pswwlm rrsy. Always leave.« &W &mbp>s bcramr wi>» Jo® leave ytat hc.iae for the eresing. Resa®»- her, * bright light foe tixteea bwsaw east® caly & «i Hydro rales. HYDRO SHOP WifogWrti LutkttW -Ctmpte Married '5t Years 4 Mr. ar d Mrs. SMfel C. McMr-ren . ^cettbrate.3 the’r gsHcti wfofeg ad ptel? bt'tsfe sa Havelxk street, LttGt-j ” I ship was destroyed by flames believed ;to have started from a wood stove in ■ a summer kitchen at-the rear of the farmhouse which, has been occupied by foe Farleys for more than 60 years. An inquest is being held. EASTWAWANOSH COUNCIL Township Rate The Same As Last Year t Pleaded Gmlty to Chicken. Theft Three yr-ing men, Ccafis Darns,? Mtofey *BtaafieM and Stanley: Sp-:.«fo, pleaded gtailty to stealing fiititer.* arena Giderrcb Township' forms They were resaaautsl sne week f:r sentence, Spreule’s bail being re- nesred. Uc-ukcss met vn >ept. cmi wita an ike members present. Reeve Redmond presiding. Minutes of previous meet fog were read and approved. C cmmuntcatfons Highway re unemployment insurance, She Dept. ;i'f Health re fo islsatfon of to-ord for the prevention of diphheria, and fie Twp. cl Kinloss re C: ruler drain, were read and ord ered filed. Fred Toll made applica- tir-s *? have the Toll Drahi cleaned tn Let 4(k Con. 2. Conn. Ruddy was instructed to attend to lids-mat- from .the Dept. of!J her admin- | checking I ( pared to meet an .increase in their taxes as the amouns required for fin ancing local school sections , is gener ally speaking much in excess of forrn- ! er years. Another by-law Was also passed im posing a penalty of 3% extra on all taxes remaining unpaid after Dec. 15th next. The ioliowing accounts were paid: Geo. T. Robertson, sheep claim S25.00, J. F. McCallum, ^heep valuer §3.00, Wm. Elliott« &' Son, tile, Falconer Drain $150.06, Grant to Belgrave School Fair $15.00, Bly th Fall Fair $20.00, A. Mowbray, crushing and trucking gravel §1507.04, H. McGee, 2250 yards gravel §67.50, R. Chamney 1100 yards gravel §33.00, XL Ytmgbiut, ; gravel §43.25, G. Cook, checking gravel §25.50. County Huron, snow ploughing $118.00, C. Cox, drain age survey $1.00, T. H. Wtilson, m- r surance on grade: §26.18, road, insur- i anee §100.00; S. McBurnev, Road Supt, | $48.63. 5 Council adjourned to meet again on | Tuesday, Oct. 7th. A. Porterfield, Clerk.Mrs. O. G. Anderson addressed the Canned in reference to community bealsb, the focal v.mt of the Federal ten ■~f Agriculture contemplating having Hen, Mr. Hoadley address two local meetings in the near future on this t-ubptei, presumably in Westfield and j Calvin Churches. Council by resolu- | jltfon decided Is co-operate with the? :! focal branch ©f the Fed. ©f Agriculture ias to these meetings in the interests ; cf public health administration. The Clerk was also instructed to ’ write the Dept, ef Health and Welfare ;suggesting uhat legislation be enacted J empowering municipalities to levy on '■■ranm goroperty for comtnunity health ;; Gsorge ■jwas infer k fol fo complying with the regulations '.iari stipulations as to be demanded by the Sk-pti cf Men. Affairs, in future , pfe application tor tins dike would be I 1 considered favorably in preference to| oritet at & chartered accountant, | ■ ■ A by-law was read and passed fh-i ‘ eng the following rates of taxation for I 'toe present year: County rate 7 210f : mills. Township rate 1 5'10 mills and .1 general school rate 40'10 mills on ihJ ;' Mm. These rates are the same as on the 14sb c:m:ess$an. ot Fed To«»4*m8 year, but sate^ayers must be >te«l J M. Tayfor, Lwa? audited | fiat if he was swe$$- I ■s Two Banted to Death | F-tnetiaO ptffoe are prsMttg ■«. fire | tahteh teak foe Jives of ah erforiy Ihrel | Township .tuple, ® miles nnrfo ©f J Efora, Friday. Feter FAriey, S3, and hs T6-yeat<M sister, RtseMi Farley, ’Sa whifo he foattnted | were bassel to death when their kstae I a | m Twnfofp forme,?. was instantly | sdEsd is a folTi Ss netik, Cfo fie <ame day bssfi-Mm. There sates are the same as or more XVindeor Chatham Hamilton Ivondon St Thomas •Torotito Huron&Erie mortgage Corporation w> I