HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-09-04, Page 8*
Show Starts at 8,00 pan., Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7,45 and 9.45 pan,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 4, 5 and 6
-—In —
A light comedy in dark Africa.
“Cartoon”“Sport Subject”“News’
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 8, 9, 10
— In —
Tlie mightiest outdoor picture of them all with
breathtaking action and thrills.
“Cartoon” and “March of Time’’
Mrs. John Rintoul and baby daugh
ter are spending this week with rela
tives in Toronto.
Wedding bells are ringing.
The marriage of Miss Kathlyn
Ross and Kenneth Beecroft, son
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Beecroft
Edmonton, was solemnized at St. Ste
phen’s Church on Saturday evening,
August 30, at eight o’clock. '
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goyeau of Lea
mington, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur- Goyea-u
and son, Harold, of Detroit, and Mrs.
Pete Goyeau of Windsor, spent the
week-end at the home of the former’s
daughter, Mrs. Aldin Purdon and Bil
lie Purdon, who has spent the past six
weeks at Detroit and Leamington, re
turned home with them. .
A very successful sale was held on
• with 4 Vita!Sftavirttj Improvement! .
and 5
Blue Gillette Blades
-----. - -___ ......................
Friday at the home of the late Alfred
Emerson, good prices were realized
for stock and implements.
Mrs. Robt. Purdon and Archie spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Archie Anderson of St. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart of Fer-
gus-t, and their daughter, Miss Margar
et of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft.
Mr. Scott Paterson of Detroit, spent
the week-end with his father, Mr. F.
McK. Paterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker and son,
Peter of Toronto, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius
and Mr. Peter Steele and grandson,
Norman Baker, who have been visiting
here for the past three week, rturned
home with them.
Mr., and Mrs. - Burnet of Durham,
spent the wreek-end at the home of
tiheir daughter, Mrs. Jas. Conely.
Mrs. W. R. Farrier and Misses Win-
nifred and Olive and Mr. Carman Far
rier motored to Toronto on Thursday
last. The girls returned for the fall
terms to their schools there.
.Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curran and son,
Dick, spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran of Ash
Miss Agnes Gillespie is one of the
Bruce Co. young women who is judg
ing at the Toronto Exhibition this
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson ami
family, and her sister, Mrs. Ashby, ami
her three children who have been vis
iting for the past few weeks, and Misfs
June Irwin left on Sunday to spend the
next few days in Toronto. Miss Irwin:
will take a business course there this-
Corp, Melvin McClenaghan of Kit
chener, spent the week-end at his home
Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Robinson of
Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions
GOING DAILY SEPTEMBER 12-26,1941 inclusive
Return Limit - 45 Days.
‘Coaches, in Tourist Sleeping Cars or in Standard -Sleeping: Cars at
xSpecial Reduced Rates for each class.
Post of accommodation in sleeping cars additional.
BAGGAGE CHECKED. Stopovers at aSt points enroute.
Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern- Canada During; Same
Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all information from any Agent.
The young people of Knox Presby
terian Church have been engaged to
Mrs. D. L. Weir.
Mr. Elston Cardiff of Brussels, and
Mr. Carl Desmond, M. IJ. for Kent
spent last Sunday with Mr. Andy Ge
WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, September 4,1941
Windsor, and Mr, and Mrs. Elfer Pur
daughter of Windsor, spent the week
end at the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Purdon of AV. Wawa-
, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and four
! children are spending a few days this
week with their daughter, Miss Mild
red Mason of Toronto.
Mrs. 3. H, Cross and children of
Walkerton, spent last week at the
home of her-parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F, McLean.
Misses Louise Martin, Mary Caution
Kenneth and Elroy Laidlaw and Ir
win McClenaghan spent-Fpiday at To
ronto Exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm! Robinson and
Ernest spent Sunday at Markdale and
at .the home of their son, Dr. Harold
Robinson of Walkerton, who was
spending the week-end with his family
after being at Camp at London,
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women’s Institute will be held on
Tuesday, Sept. 9, in the hall here. It
will be Grandmother’s Day and a good,
attendance is expected. The motto.
Let us grow lovely, growing old, will-
be taken by Mrs, Thos. Moore and a
paper on how Confederation came to
Canada will be taken by Mrs. Walter
Mr. Carl Lott of Ayton, spent the
week-end with his wife and’ family,
who have been visiting with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott, and
Mr, Fred Lott spent the week-end at
Toronto at the Exhibition.
,Mr. Jas. Weir ofc London, spent the
weeke-sd with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Davidson.
Miss Kate Hazelwood and Mrs. Al
ma Campbell and Miss Barbara of
London, visited for a few days' last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy of Sar-
sia, and Mr, and Mrs. Bert Kennedy
and family of Toronto, spent the week
end at the home -of their sister, Mrs.
Lance Grain.
Miss Bertha Mackay, Toronto, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hector Mackay,
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross and Mrs. R.
J. Ross and Mr. Will Henry visited on
Sunday last at Waterloo with the lat
ter’s mother, Mrs. Frank Henry, at.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm
Mr. Wm. Barbour received word on
Sunday of the passing of his only sis
ter, Mrs. Norrish of Walkerton, form
erly, Annie Banbour. She had been
sufferisg for some time with a heart
condition and collapsed at the tea tab
le and died instantly. She lived at the
home of her son-in-law, Mr. Walter
Dobson. Two brothers, Rev. Robert
Barbour, now with Mr. A. Anderson
in W. Wawanosh, and Mr. Wm. Bar
bour survive, and two sisters prede
ceased her. The funeral was'held on
Wednesday at Walkerton. This com
munity extends sympathy to the fam
Norman Welwood of Guelph, spent
the week-end with his parents here.
Mrs. W. A. Gibson and children1 of
Niagara Fails, ace visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLean.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lott of London,
visited one day last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Lott and orr Sunday, her
parents-, Mr. and t Mrs. Chas, Mackay
of Brussels, and Mir., and Mrs. Roy
Mackay of Lakeswwth, Fla., visited’
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin spent
, the week-end at Toronto with his aunt
Mrs. Fred Thompson. «
The ladies of the Red Cross Society
sperit a pleasant afternoon on Thurs
day last at the hall here. A quilt was
quilted, a short program of interesting
reading and musical numbers was giv
en, ticket^ were sold, on a basket of
pears, contributed by Mrs. Jas. McIn
nis, realizing over $3,, with the lucky
ticket going to Mrs. Harold Sparling.
Mrs. Lance Graiq and Mrs. Robert
- Mowbray poured tea for lunch and the
' social time was much enjoyed by all.
. Mr. and Mrs. John, Johnston spest
• Sunday at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Cecil Chamney, E. Wawanosh.
This community extends Sympathy
to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bateman of
Turnberry. His mother, who'passed
away in Winghahi Hospital last week,
was formerly a resident of Culross and
well known in this community.
The following have been visiting
with their patents,' Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
St. Marie, during the past week, Miles
and Raymond of St. Catherine, Miss
Veronica, Reg. N, of Brampton, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas; St. Marie and baby
Thomas of Grimsby, and- Mrs. F. A,
Robinson and baby, Freddie, who have
been at Mlchipicotcn holidaying.
Miss Eileen Broomer of Toronto,
spent last week with relatives and
friends in E, Wawanosh.
Mt, and Mrs. Stahley Snell and Eil
een and Shirley spent the week-end at
Brantford at the home of his sister,,
Mrs. McLaughlin.
Mr, Chas, McBurney, who has been
ill at the home of his sister, Mrs, Jas,
Dow, for the past few weeks, has bgen
steadily improving,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and
5 Ivan visfted on Stmday with Mr, and
Mrs, Jack Kerr of Blnevale,
Mrs, Gordon Flliott spent a few
days this week with relatives in Tor-
Rev. Ml Wilson of Paisley had
charge of the’services in ’the Presby
terian Church here on Sunday and an
invitation has been extended to him to
be the resident minister here.
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Proctor, 'Miss
Marian Hayes and Miss Emma Proct
or, also Donald Hayes ..and, Jack Fair,
speftkthe week-esd at^the hmoe of'Mr.
and’ Mrs. Reuben Tiffin, returning to
their home in Detroit on Sunday, They
and Mr. asd Mrs. Fred Tiffin visited
with Mr, and Mrs. Russel Ritchie of
Holyrood, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs, Henry McGee.
Institute Meets Sept. 9th -
The regular meeting of the Women’s
Institute will be held on Tuesday af
ternoon, -Sept. ,9fh, at the home of Airs.
Jack Wickstead. Mrs. Sparling John
ston is in charge of the Home Econ
omics program. The roll call will be
answered by “A Household Hint.” An
exhibit of pickles- Everyone is asked
to bring a sample of-pickles accomp
anied by the reipe.
The lucky ticket will be drawn on
the Dresden Plate quilt. Proceeds to
be used for War Work Fund.
Oln Judging Team at C. N. E.
Miss Jean Elliott and Miss Marg
uerite Henning are at the C.N.E. in
Toronto this week. The young ladies
were the chosen team to judge in the
Junior Girls’ 'projects, “Being well
dressed and well groomed” and “Meat
on the menu”. This work is sponsor
ed the Women’s Institutes of the On
tario Agricultural Dept, with Miss
Flora Dttrnin, Home Economics Coach
for Huron County.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill,
the very personification of the Brit-'
ish Commonwealth's “V” for vic
tory campaign, makes the “V” sign
?n response to cheers as he' left Ice?
land. The visit occurred on the trip
that was climaxed
meeting between
President Franklin
the United States.
by the historic
Churchill and
D. Roosevelt oi
Harold VictorPym
Organist and Choirmaster St.
Andrew’s Presbyterian
Teacher of
Piano, Orgajri, Vocal,
Students prepared for
and Music Festival Competitions
Class now forming for fall term
Sepb 2nd. Pupils who wish to
enroll, should make appointment
as soon as possible.
Studio at Residence, Centre St.I
R. A. Reid R. 0.
EyesIjfhU Specialist
Winghaifi Office
At Williams’ Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning
9 to noon.
Collars mounted on rich, all wool coatings com
bine to make a truly beautiful garment.
, . Back Coats with these luxurious collars are
strong fashion leaders. Our stock was bought in time
to give you the benefit of values which cannot be ob
tained later, You can have this saving if you buy now.
5Q.50 and 60.50
present the play “Aaron Slick from
Pumpkin Creek” in connection with,
the Fall Fair at Holstein!
Miss Dorothy Aitl>en, -who had tak
en a six months summer course at the
Western University-*, London, was suc
cessful in obtaining three 1st class
honors and -one 2nd Class honor in sub
jects for her B.A. degree. Miss Ait
ken has returned to the teaching staff
of St. Marys Public School. Mrs. M.
L. Aitken has returned to Hollan Pub-
lich school.
School re-opened here on Tuesday
with Miss Edna Procter as teacher.
Holiday visitors:
Mr. and Mrs. McNeilance, Detroit,
and Mr-s. Percy Spangler and daught
ers, Richmond, Mich., with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Mans.
Mr. and Mrs.lMilton McVittie, Flint
Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dav
Mrs. Neil McEachern, Mr. and Mrs.
Neil B. McEachern and .young sons of
Mount Forest, with Mr. and Mrs. R.
F. Garniss. Louise and Gilbert Mc
Eachern returned home after a three
week visit.
Mrs. Leslie of Calgary, Alberta, vis
iting with John and Miss Bella Kir-
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rolph and daughter
of Detroit, vyith Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turnbull and
daughter, Patricia, and Mrs. Harold
Harr-rs and two sons of Byron, with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. William Kerney .of
Walton, and Frank Kerney, Brussels,
with Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kerney. y
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McTavish, of
Lucknow, with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. El
liott. ' '
Mrs. Fred Hollenbeck, Stratford,
-with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mann.
Mrs. Thomas Coultes and daughter,
Mabie, have returned to Toronto, after
spending a month at their home here.
Miss Isobel McKinnon and SpencF
McKinnon of Waterloo spent? the week
end with thqir parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. McKinnon, ,
■ Mr. and Mrs. A. D, Smith and dau-(
ghter, Eleanor, were Toronto visitors-
Over the week end. Roy Mooney re
turned to Toronto w’ith Mr. and' Mrs.
Smith. i
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blake Duff of
Welland, Miss Patricia Duff of Tor
onto, Mr. and Mrs. RosS Douglas, To
ronto, -were recent vlstors with Miss
Mary Duff. Miss Ruby Duff returned
to Toronto after a months vacation at
her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffiths'and son,
Fred have returned to Montreal and
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hitcheson to To
ronto after spending a part of the sum
mer at the Sanderson home here. /
Miss Edith Mann spent a week with
Mr. and Mrs, Hollenbeck and Mr. and
Mrs.-Russel Mann at Stratford.
Mr.‘and Mrs. Archie Messer attend
ed the funeral of their friend, Mr.
Grindley at Guelph on Saturday, they
were accompanied by David and Miss
Josephine McAllister Of St. Augustine,
... ---
■part. The address was given by Goldie
Wheeler. Rev. Mr. Tavener of Blue
vale will be in charge of the services
next Sunday.
iMr. and Mrs. Roy McSween of
Hamilton, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Vincent.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arstrong of Kit
chener, spent the holiday at their par
ents’ homes here.
Billie Jones who spent the summer
vacation with Mr. and Mrs. M. Grasby
has returned to his home in Toronto.
Plan Rummage Sale
The regular meeting of the Belgrave
Red Cross Society was held on Friday
afternoon, C. R. Coultes, the president
in the chair. It was decided to hold a
rummage sale later in the fall and to
hold ‘a sale of home baking on School
Fair Day. The cutting committee has
various articles ready to be sewn, also
there is yarn on hand for knitting.
HUESTON — In Wingham General
Hospital, on Thursday, August 28th
to Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Hueston, Gor-
. rie, a daughter.
GRAHAM — At Grove’s Memorial
Hospital, Fergus, Ont., to Mr. and
Mrs. George H. Graham (nee Agnes
Louttit), on Sunday, Aug. 24th, 1941'
a daughter—Barbara Ann.
WALKOM—In Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
• on Tuesday, August 26th, 1941, Eliz
abeth *Kew, beloved wife of D. T.
Walkom, and sister of MVs. William
Field of Wingham and the late
■ Thomas kew.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Higgins visit
ed friends in London last Saturday.
Mr. Everett Catliers and Mr. Ernie
Merkley attended the Ex. in Toronto
last week. , • u
Miss Kathleen Willits of "Brussels,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willits.
Mr.'Eli Bolt is at present under the
doctors care with a.Bad heart attack.
We hope he may soon be all right a-
gain. .
Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir , re
turned to Toronto to resume their du
ties as teachers, after. spending their
vacation with tl eir parents, Mr. and
It is not the moths, but the maggots
•from their eggs which destroy clothes
and other articles.
= First Class Watch Repairs At g
H Reasonable Prices. S
■ Come in and see our stock of R
g Wedding Gifts. g
■ Williams - Jeweller 1
Smith’s Economy Food Store
JAR RINQS, dozeh.......
RUBBER RINGS, 4 doz......25c
RUBBER RINGS ..... 2 doz. 15c
PICKLING SPICE, lb.........29c
XXX Spirit or Pure Cider
VINEGAR,gallon 49c
Miss Louise McKenzie has returned
to her school at Sturgeon Falls after
spending her vacation at ^er'home
Pt. Gordon Nethery who is with the
Elgin Regiment in Sussex, N. B., spent
a leave at his home here.
Services at Knox United Church and
Brick were in charge of the Triple
V, Bible Class of "Belgrave on Sun*
day. Several members of the class took
DRESSING, 32 oz. jar <.,.........49c ■ CHEESE, lb. pkg, .. ....18c
Picake Vegetable Shorting, lb. .....
Calumet Baking Powder, 12 oz, tin, ,
Made-Rite Pastry Flour,.24 lb. bag
.. 18c
. .19c
, .75c
BLACK TEA, lb...
i MELCOURT ,79c • COFFEE, lb..49c *(
CONCENTRATED - I ic DEAL ..............>
SUPERSUDS, large to .„...a2e I WoodbTy's SOAP. 4 cakes 25c
York All Pork Saiisage, IK .,.M
Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, lfe. ,
York Good Quality Bologna, lb.
DUCHESS CHOICE { APPLES, 6 qt. basket ...1,
...2 k
•19c POTATOES, 11 qt. b^sle.......33c
ORANGES, dozen.................43c
Shop Here and GetiBank Nite Tickets and CKNX
........V.......War Savings Club Tickets.
................................................ ...... - -......■ - -Tfc A,,. ■ I