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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-1-25, Page 1
SS+Cr (r �4 isa�tfB � lir lia AT 190 4 TOR an f • w !ZMN �r b 11 •Vele.• ll•..rwe 1y'� . i outs N YT hsr edlmews,de,o� W4;Gara1 «w. O. w►1nw. aL.D.. ,' `� p�TewiAx,doRowr,w.rte.,00D �'.. d rpr lull "qtr', ciir; AAAt N as i y A Food ON"isarmTteam boded. �I • I (Ali a P�t ��� res ,; a'.tima on»f-i x �.. :.,n+• '* (Tam 16. Iwwvals 1•[•411 aslw, C.W.a dm 1 t 1 A lrurtap.,u vert at RlrabeJWra. Carter P .x. SURGEON, AND $ IT R O N AND BRUCE ADV . %q ,� want.. Tai,,.•ease, g1..* w tb p..tlrat r. flTd[O[AN, SCSOROJi, QOROxRR .d a e.rnbe feud that \"a here raviwe I_ d1.. a.in... aewia■a1\uidN•wIN E R T I AJ E R t.wt, Iy.va L.laa•a tan Mi,r.a r•1 Ih.t J so -41 a - d "woe7, and wh.eh was bought to ale euJ 1. to / ""'tea^ the b truly dna► of th. sol• w .n mr a, ,I.a QARRtST1rt AWA.ftVlxiT•AT W. T.COZr=ditor and Proprietor. •• U e the trawling utbv, Iswn,wt.ot h.rr l,aw, and SO-bw' - slaswy creat, ih. Greatest Possible Good to the t}resbat Possible lfamber." '" WaNAtsraslraaMvbrb.)aeadaw,w_ �•w --- -- MILWa o. 1M vveaeag of tb 6d i r..u.. I a Go" Wilson vlaaaa �Q.SO PER ANNA --- The halo,, of the Susi,. w Jeu,..wd L) .,a, fM• O• c7. -..e., IN AD t _ tonaststadeat. r r rulluws I 81,�Its"s, ArrGaNZT, CONVZY GODERICH, C.W., FHI l) AY, JAN. 25, ! 867. 1n fk la l u, • tawtlr rad J h.. aNa..Ye-.Kl.taw..trew.UuiarMb.C.w ---- --_ -VOL. 5 �'NO• �3. sW,e r.mu.•d , Irum in. ",$it eau.. a_ I i of W'wtaa at North Covo,.q i t I.r -.-- -- - �.__-.--- _.- _ ntv, +M •useeses,rd•valyd duan w «.ia. en walker. Suginces Bliccctoi<g• Ba�iacs>f ;Dir - – — - - • _ t a tlrlghnurhmJ of u.Wh•r 4wr, naiad " tl2ARRtBTZBb, SOLICITORS, CON- • $Wf�lltfY �tllctdOr�. ���� TM S_ W gut tli •,rota, io. 011e• etre tN /len rl ------- - -. -_- i Ro (arab, J„b" "/•awn it s. Ji.l. Irt tat R T tse, t. w A t J 1 TARTLI'VG 111F�'s J � V. Wllor# aw.OadwN`. i•ie AT THE � 1� ypifr}I:,+ ,�.� a, ,",ea to Turk al Clea..ug up ■IUUr�a.ai Hu (,-I- - I CHI" CASA STORE ' } .� -aI led true.., �ro►1 •e ll .ed.r -nags hen.. d 1 Jokm Day..om 1 HENRY QItIt3T. (lana : �' tad tris s, rllaolhi will, to law a tLr a.. wad Rtntoul Brothers The Urs 1 and London and Clobe / /claimed f.om tt.o wilderos•. ►I. till. 1„ r Bt ahl o�RT SOLICITOR DepSTtRf�hlr IyrlhRelltar�, C 0 Y M I SS I O N MERCHANTS X00 Bo1Rs NRw ISt7. New ie the tl�e 1�1'j. � H R xOBE8T9 -r a..uled b, too anus -bah star 1.411. r ' " o...:r«c1.Rr..Ninetu.d.rrb. a AND PATENT AOENT, INSURANCE COMPANY. I r sT i a k. Patwror Lasa Brun I H'hL• Ib tars was • ,xvrk close OTTAWA. # # a / • e A l . ' I LA j �,$ S leaeinii •bust their patch ofMLJ, rU.,! "'rs y�yt l� ) I to subscribe for R E S T E D. rude ap to where U.• were at work ,•M y, l TTOR`fZT•AT �w, SOLTZJITOR Ix 14a•rca. ►asla••• lett► tM mwi Lan" r/ Advanced made na coni In "be Poodle, wilikeso.0e0 BOXES NEW 1 I r ria 1 ttn,A 6, , Pre art I.irl claim w • Invested t• Pilo w MYh. aiw a a yy OMaewr Muuqq Prklr• Watw�aaaa►� et\r Uovrremrt D.w.nm..e., Takr out dose To livernnol, Olr ow etild otbor G•aada. ]60,000 �. � b H Tpll'afn i d,.ara ilk aumr.a This claim J..hrur.. an. &a. of Urjarisb. Ueda We". ode• -.a iti.ata (tar lawruaoaal lyktaru lao•r-_ is ore" Hritaw. d �V t-�ADJIJR Dr m�T ated, and finally, eo Ro en • I I + to:,. b e tladl olds of Was swam, tharddarfrer the ream nor 1empeaw• by Iwtt.re ht- SUM NZw ! 1 � H E �+T T P K PV 1 s Im o ssA stns[[ Moss, east Dsuaa aha take. Wr,• « Coaettsrente of A ARB 06rAR7rld WrT. 11 SI V1 N A 1 it,* epitMts of Itar •ed %4-1, tae " ' Rte' �, `� riHOI{IJa1 �� $, I They are sent to Canada Caroliu1ao pa:ied bin from ►a hors, and P.frisr laa•dsnq tb mar "Ifnll�wlieitad. ISISIi SANCS611rrecrowAit otusw ar .dmiawte ed W him a rre.e eh •ti•alneut p.YAs66a tseoaupt, .ua,#•.,Inrp.rwa/r.. Sept. . 1a6•. atrf Pswoorr At Craasar RAIN. i,1MITMA, ATTORNEY SOLICIT "of eiwwk"a.t BOEFS NEW wile h., Lau. ) him ..ot o1i y ..r.r arta• V aa, to ,t►waros. C. w -dr"cu s Up A R F A Z I N O I M • ,ear. „. FARM RISKS AT SPOCIALLT Raaocn RATIO T pp/�� p which is admitted to be one of the I NOBLE ACTION OF PRES. IONNSOdI. "lb it' and In •he cures. t an b,m, ,rt w area 0alre4 Blink, mew 111.1 "areae* Iles-AZAostaL.cow w, 1(. wrur� vnLGlO Vld Jarp� Vrvr Dew lesat of dlasNeo Haw•. #irioaar e( rows sholon•, r �•, He d•arrwr• l,'.rlada'a thanks f A W To tle spot roved wn4 • title, the tree 1JS'iQ OIrrART •tvw. r ][aa.m. �Tlo`IrtM, 6ULt4lTOR8, fn., �1 JL[ •Q• M. Odso"-CZAaia aE • 601.7.\/.. Lawta.t.•ta lvedslasa. A,smat lflh. low. swiwwst v►sWaw T Rare. f�1%s'fZY•AT-LAN, SOLICITOR i Cbsrsen,'ratarylhawao C•r7eyeaew,t U rdtnub, C.1V.-Odwre7ar�. 6. ♦r.•\Ih•W stain, craws Nook. •6164!9 Messy to ;read as Seal Frew" Re. a.. "eyiU. It R B I S T Z R, W., tiloessies, C. Ornes- 4spa�ia Now abet J. Y. IQIwo"' BQARRISTRR, ATTORNEY. AT LAW e... r.,tw-er tea Uiar-Nakera rack OPP-a" 9 raw 6L;, Ood onah. Jasawy f, IOM, sw37 J. S4.na1. C). R.1.e"s A TTORHRY-AT-LAW, SUWCITORIN I1 Ohaoatr, c..•t,a.ter, $A. 0 W. Uio•-Ca,•'• {Werk. Carer Cour Ilse Moore std so etn•t. Ile K"" 10.0114% real Answer. a tett AND LAW OPPIOE. Oaue's Now SotIJ.fm& Zswwvox Brassy GODRRICM. N, R-Co�n,reia�. Kees, Met' an muoaablo true Disposed and dahouvo lithe be nal eats" Q26ML O+Mrima, Des. u. lett. swu o, r. Obwnev ATTI"Gr-AT-164111y. /ethos! r Chas. wry. ;9-,y tab,". Wrtyeaew, Ase., Cbstea.C. w. lest �• ataMeeaawm. B Ulreaea.OL Atte.mty, s•iiett■r, W ia, 11wII wH ■O/llat�T�•TO LEND. ArroaxiY AT-ATin UTneaewy. Cen/eysaa... 4 IIsiA•a/a, ow,.(woo�. �•os�avlMtlylr CiVTL S!tQo M6SR AND PfWYiNCIAL Lsad sarvesel. lssea•oy:wew,wiona-. v pas V. H.mlta e(VIL NNOiN�SR AND (SURVEYOR l / lrsa t Avast •ad Co"tayanow, gAaeaMmr tfr Colate of she United StatNN Assierltea. ".LUK A MOTICL. Olson bases teen 0 Betook, a. a., to f w sleek, P. U. .IA�F.I9 fwnlAilL%., AROMITEOT, PLA,(/ Axu ar WIVICATIUNA at anew i•p, #e., tea u is a taut and er•re"twyle v Oiw of the area Aewrw Mart, Maw tN 9rnawGaited". t/wvla7lvly 0171. "U. TR U EAYAN LanstaeenT. liarlLet Square, Godertelf. TtaewOun"At/av wodswrgJeem IIrA o 10.16. aisle .!.rase Oaeap.es/. GR 14 . A A lie OOMMfaBiOx AOSNT C•r,nrs/waerw Qsr'a ere.b,teetaku setdanr,0ea.erasew iI• ye. Odeew way.Idhseofihoo,%rw.i,.w. M I&WAILDL D'f'I acbMMl�elox ymeba•t,lavwoaoa,C.w. Rehashed AeeM°taeeseew. seeloom *(any kh d ea- • asdtokin Intl reeay. Prompt Sandie[. ar*e-Iveem �W Me SAVAGE,, BUTS and sells Now Tat Draftee--Grems- baoW -!$sheat arrows] -Stell poses, and it maseearreet n ewity, at owma rsM ei wlttb Dsm-. Is". W41.1fA1 DE TiT IBI RY. SIiSO�todi �iiOktNiCAL e}eeDrevt,T,tpsioere\, C. w. J em*W lie►rlwf.Jd•Oea a n TiIlc,�.�IlIllwet���OO2flak.l.aa. BtfR01141 VINI ATHisT,lae rnsT' asTRSTY farted is either FIa rims, Geld. silver, at Velma Ind aelbw ea reeea.abaa.erste Cl over rn !ren Oados, war Ntwr w�c� Qera, cel �7{MV191tO x>itlflt. stY1111M rw.oww rata res •iaaea�setW.Om New Y"r wab, F. a Lift i 00 ►. .4aw aft o rsawlama.. Lem. �p �r■AN1ua .. p� p1 or reran• K.Jtoos R i , SoLL, Aauea /pair • , tie a l)tme la h •i WEGST F'wB�Fj p L ' r ipERs IS lie CNSIIy. 16ea• 2 o 'a WhoS tents of wl pr,.dMR of l ahe dwharyM l -th~ ], G.d. s RUGS DRUGS ! too .Nna..tat,laspre t So• FD11TIAN OHM" (�'f• n tr►o les •mem of w.a w,.n\ tar W YrseaIt Lstleuk res,e(Aasasis•.C•efearel of I.L.ttt T wrcw ALL tree pr.au.7r fueled, "it www -.•ewd ell Tore.. e.A�en o.. r^" f" „� p�l�� w� �� N 4cr r .:;At }^�l � our ., k� ��.�J1 ��rr,rt, �a rt �t (�� ..uudatabl• influence among b" ruudh un. •' i r Y •� •`+ \J 7V, ©� ri.'j St ItTtand eel (LEdrh,aY .rqui,lt,l I.t IIN yea Yue seem t�"ei $ViJyr,7 eels 3 1't:Y IVP` .. :;'." A�.' tore. I�AISIA$ s rrz t , Y1@'NP r, i char of murder b on •t• wL.w • waie,r. __ O_ r fy�rlkgi y t;@ v swords, Bayonets, Rifles fh.esir The b.tla"�.j of the twn1 1, A PU11rr w e1No, W UvW p r,, r ditto that itaa tb:oagh tM ,eon d+wt x farar [vena• sere st • • M, t�s.w TO 1�RR.IV1� Jl` 1.1 rt "1 : :jL4 And all the null, keds of arms Rod war bre fill w d. a ern; r'o .n the mal./ of tla �, wawa P►uel1 h prom• p•nbe ago. 8 E YLY nL n �1�yp� • ai.tertois colloned i, e, coon MW.IUINoles.1sltedNl C. O H D N; owtwnb o1 sM Pre.mwa .n rawrs.d, .wA VYlialUTB. two farad r ht)h�pridst of tbe,r atreu�tL wall �nes / j(ewaa•as.a•a.a.N• L the qam slowedI ifare.r so war•, oa-ba:T •re ver sae Bu,i :ea a fuU epitome of all intarcui.. TA�'SMANY HALL t anb•od' Teal ) r•trr,ed t alter 30 ve... Ihm,-gra aio-r THE ABOVE AT o ,AND The Iwo Jubneton t •nw.d t••nr.wn,.e sl, tan nem Asrered .. dast.kd, a.it tw aeb I Boal neva, w• ha r., ial corns te NIO FFAT vet, .rad iso. JOHN RICKS, Proprietor. This (s tb M 0 d it n 8)t A3 811 (, allow , SAW I I t PRICES HARD TC p" puileO • a• tb' • °•serer of Iarg«teal be/tCerary Ilpt.l ,■ Weare ,r Cluaw BEAT in Now York, Texas, Irel:ud, and ie MANSION 1 oT theme, J.n" p/,ahi. a• mouth after Prow •r worked les. t sn d Aa with For the last lbras ysan Ingather with a bat one ub t u view- y CSa ",&ad chaeta• as "Awe. as aa, Hra f.'trrr-Rwar.Aly,u-•,Oadtr.ra , aldrara. ACHE$ON b'1[t"IrH. i ,trWW Pen+ of Canada, who ean(odl, •• )«' to 'cam ay, the • hlste►.11. 'ita,e Pro r. Uuod a•Mugfo U. F. C. tYll H, aw6dani arrrelen. , large r.riety of news to pu"hw m ri,e. At 1 nth b. No. W toSoew. Heraaa Carrtep/fee Het, •a DISPENSING CRENIST • DRUGGIST A. r. hone, A .,, kw lad,-- a Goderk►, Oel..3, 1P66, wl9 loborxve and r.eordfaft►f Ally man, of lbs amt the nailer of ow, and nue .t9+.bhAlk \•7h•euttNotrw/ tall ` Wtersti.e YIItII)<Oe, (orII18II. Trench roniag, with bupuNo hi, sbJa rr, b 6lt t.oda aase.r; W.N. Wateue, wr e.aionh. _ I g tloiags of the oauida.wxld. English NOtiOD4 and Nix-_ - apyroacueJ tM hu,ee of Rogan. 1'Iw Mutr iJ•a•n e,adlrrp.Nesof U.rdwee►, 'few. 2. lona. waft --- -- A II of sh-cl, have been .eat to Was allimg upon h s Porch, led, as h. w� GEN U I N F. D H U (}$ , __ yow.d Jur atu..a •ppro,chur, ptob-b r If.- CAa•.r,.f.,P.r(t..« JOHN HARRIS'S BUTLER'S toss h1. le -,itn, arna•hYWvaarl . _S C} C>x>3E t2 TQA rr — -- - ----- -- Ko eQxt will be aparal dariaa 6861 toward the ark where hu uwu ,luta true l;ale Co .ab. amJ .Y s61 Ureasflow D' n t Grp I to keep w s4arl up to the it wpead•d. But the avenger of hiowf w,. BROOK FACTO RYI NEW PHOTOGILAIH GILLERI or A. JORxaTnr, opna his path, sad ore he could ,tar► ruaye.ntu,00Aoas,sysernra, CHEAP CASH STO$E ! has atwoed. .wpr.0 b. (al upon the floor a rdrfat h& oma CHEAP CASH when they ars open for C•nadiana Io fret heart p�• rd b, ■ballet from hi, re Rp,rro H0ME.t CATTLE NEDIOINE6 "'` gg tki• ht ` nI •y •PO1ti bat abrep, led left brbiod him 11 Towns wtfs"I three eh'I. •�7 }1 kap ---*"he nl.c, OI he dun- roe of wLom wait • Wy. Am ins 11 e 1 Isaac Dobson & Sona. o %/ A Al John Fair and Conpunli old Stand 'a`�g ?'g i r e� .0 On Fe n I a n C o l l a p s C. r.uxh buctwondrrro of C_,t91 euouty,yuu t Osdwrror led co: me. psi •ttmllvatt/n/e.ye a Where Joss HAsau u now the ran. 4 ` w}�'`. '1'° 1• "g ,..w r.� Juhwtour's r rima sea lou;td up.•o ruL •:,t. at fr•....r 7rvt• r..r*r. CA Add teoral stock has come to bead tl. J.. n Z Fi ulctiow U ail G..ol...tb Indian law of r. t HAVING RST tniet a KD et FACTORY e-�Y'w••'• ^pu°e' •arelbfyJw. p t Ii Ll Of all kinds from a Suit nb,ek to a M• thus, mtioo being looked upon u.em us tbe vie. r fora rAriberima of Hrona in God- UodwtobJw.ts. tbae. t•. That will wit exactly the folk of the sod The Ween fou Tit-sdros Needles. cream or justice. A r*anl J h ,sl�uu a.•• •rich, rd inis their an prepared to a fresh D. CIllpni•11, m gi I A very IarReSlack of Beautiful ro Rnok ,sad..id r IM ,ears p:uacd b, he lite•"+a toy I� a i, their hn �f bo� frtws _-- pq Real 8 oo� '•r�/�� idiot u published at $1.50 a year in y"'Cel•neow Hoot/ for Pr nu �' a°r,•1°•d`d b, w tur"Pe'ung •"d ,+u.oru. • ail of CwadA with m m y ,(1, WiLVV� plower,,. advaftot, and as the times are thew good, B 18L E S, A L B U M S, C„ The toy wiIiam Hazen, in toe or n - A T WHOLESALE ONLY- C we are tttn"t desirous of carrying oat the Cheap at naw bad alrowt reached m.ubood'. rat tea, Their facilities for aasetael.re will, the LII; Hi' 1 LIGHT LIGHT to 121 CENTS PER YARD. cash principle ' Z 6 U T L E R,.7 whe, one twruiw g fel eessdewt, esshla than to aorpoto wit W p act Ie it, all cars. a io•.entiw to his mother for a un, M Ittl say atats► "meat clue kind in the mise o o n s ■ 1 C a. Goderich, Da 21, Iti6S. w4r the buttes with lou f■tktr•s ritie upon hu My. ROCK d►, COAL OILS. otnetaaea USINT "OTArrt►OLeOen. G �l L. it rr Factory is Comeeoa•a Block, Pltrtaa, lake. in meow, ,t,l. snd is •li REAL GOOD FACTORY 1 The Semi Weekly and in 1, s if ,. our going out W lir etas btrrmi wa door to Harem 11;j, . Usda of weather. P W Upodot1ps, and m kr than so herr a grief se , I u RJitio" u bii•bed oil Tersdar tad - mutter and ebddns were wnprws unr t`• r Addnm. ltafd.LaaT qla Ptetorme, •ad Pre oorpseN • @ wie barbaod end reth•r. Yuu,.g 40 ucsa wsa, • FtiJa • ISAAC DU BSON t SONS, Pa Date y THIi HIILIOARISTOTYPIA, , . 7 Fierwn,oa, at a2 50 pts Tear.-- Re en, a ►it tare, bad became an art•,. r. 1l1 Oa s 5911T NIIA PtCTtfiZ: • 1O Qom. pew YaLM- we Capp, to aa, that its eircalatinn SKATES, S K A T E S. ha .d, God•rhh, R F. JORDAN. sod TboAm Johrtw.a tell baeooll, ..r Olodwte\ Jw.tTalhmO Dmra►er 11, lef0. wdOtf N Taboo i, bas steadJ, ia.let0,j agar" its Com I ' vartoaa •else from SI 50 to Sf0 score- Is tient the memories of tL..r Ihret ear• (colored In water eoloan or oil. meet in Iflti2, (QKATWil in [real variety, at the -alga N store died away, and those who were rbsldr, n Lifh-Sise Photegrapbstekrn a- reasonable T ,aW7,� I VJ the Padlock, ver then grew op to toed and aorta. \Yjlliwm Mr--eltbr plait, w eolnrod. REAL GOOD CANAD.1 TWEED ' . e, q ., W UAFLDIDILS t 111 R-j?n had taken to blareif a vet". and i.. jr PRICES Lu well lbw els,wbn in X * Ij� yt* � t u rasrreb, also. t. true. Tw10 come the bead of • rowin fs.a.1 t,nt Ceasd o- an wool, ?Setspe, d I T T"' '�I aE yJw l P`' aarain`` he rede into a Ill t,1 abwwn, .led New Marble Works D.C.UIPBBLi.. see rv.4 M•ti,.:wn,+ --- _ rbd1d not return that n.ght-• csrrm• v Gederhb,Jslw 1. 106•, wf7 t " wwro that had never oeeermd baron -1.r Pollock • Block, wit's kta...eer ar...y, a.d h thou �;�;•p ��� ��. .boat le. Peas Cinadisa led Imported To AnvE$TIB$$g : THE RIDGE PROPERTY ins isd•eed be, p Sbr to start to titre .,. "-• march of her mia.n husband Abu" Lit- Esc, and plain Fila from the boom be tam• open u e (1 • • rn e ' THE 3I(i?1AL presents rrmilitir of a p Q $ S S L a Sods rf his ►rotbmr-rn-Ism lying in M n" d U g r 1 • high order. Our cirwlatioe is mach THE RESIDENCE OF TH B LAI E JUHN atidaad cold in death. ar brat° bed been r tie c l t. greater than that of any r UALT, Za` piermd b, a rifle boll. Alti,ougb his a... � 5 e u eta k l! r ,m f 7a 12A per met lower lbw tressl. J P•Pa pablished staled was never di••urmecd, pt the ail -,- f isb, is the Counties, and we ,n at all time, /i1His property fa baa.nifolh situated oppo- auc, 9,ist', accepted ilia ko:iaf t►atHtnr, 1 Johnotoue, • tau of Thorw,, s►o ._s •LAI[ a'• ,ri: � w � mrd, to show adyertieen that it e:taedn site W ?ewe of Isodsrteh, ou Tb A LARGE LOT O F to X11 Peru of Ilaroo led Broom. North Bank of the by Apra, rue los perpetrator of the da d. Sam* )ear, ad leeward, to a d, eakea •women t, RIVER MA ITLAN D in Eliaew,bi w... fluid AIDE NEW NIIBIAB r ,01.66 loft i,, ., 6 °l' and on the llauka of Lake Herob. It arm• I•bged he had slain Ko rue, ..it I.,e he tau A. I. Jo_hastoa pp tP� ti �r - iy 7 ' or Clouds, from 37i es.ta, fuse 31 T-10 aeras of fund eon er ler, rmmum bat the taller bW aloin hill father, 1�ONUMSNTi . HEADSITNES, Table g Ei with Dwelling Hoose, Outhouse•, Stable.. J•knalone w •,rear ase, Rod only a hw P' R O P FL I � T O R IS 111 bps, Pru• to ,Tombs, of e ~ nT kry wife Lyre O,rd•e, Vinery and Orr hard nontiw helium the Insider and been amen• d saidtion and style of workaaAhi Araisst►mj pwi W ,4, OUR JOBBING KPIRTIDIT, The Wood Land consists ppnscirali)) of ()ah to a,oa,.g girl in the wl;bhorhood. Gf saw 1[ilbs, womllea KiTh Floor Us- short "its and at w lowest palias. Libm �/ ' and the Iowa,ing Linder, Cherry, Maple, to Ague the chart of time was serel6d ., d (crit Kula, Pyer Milla. Thrashing Ma- ral redeeNos sheds, for cash. All a A,rs ' O c 3 Wielei 6lores & Winter Nosierpl Fhich i, estirsdy mpente, is charge The Orounds an in vtly good order. There at est lrn years bad been added to tar' obisoa, Fooadrir sad Ysabi- Bhopy to , Potentially attended to. Deng"[ of Moa. of experienced workmen, and our fseili- arm three never fail' ,prinxe of pan wsur past rhea & young Ind, "woof the rurde.,d tc.. ray be Coen at t b shop. it our e,1a, on lb Property T setsetion fors private era, engaged in .n altert".don i. The tat, such u to enable nes to eamto all F" mrd of the *sort boats i K noblethure., Use the Lnbric Oil 1 rUod,neb.l�e. 1f, 6866. wiT Iyr Orwsid•n.es inneotbe a.rparsd to w Pro• Y. order. for Plain or Fowl Print; 04 Ines. with Johatont, who wan the a m.Wloar,d 511 P4 kl BUFFALO IIOBES greatly redR»d pries. rot terms Sit tO ern, and li Ilict•d inch wonnA. upas bene ■AirtrAcrOatm ver os : A e/ HUS, GALT. Kp, ." a knife that be died on tee i•Ilow.ng O r M y 9 V at abort two thirds w prig what lbq wen. OBtor, Kay's Blank, Markel Square, Barrister, Toronto, amaing. It is the est and Cheapest ! ,r ... x c. or D. SHADE GOOD NG, Thus a went on for pan, anw • �F:tn ,n `o Godmritth i. Iwbneatins Oft is the aarbt. R�I�' e. our , Barrister, Goderieb. atom falhug by The have. a a sinewy s"d G fg�� g.1��1�� tlrpa iV , Godelieh.6tb Jet'. IN66. ,wlrof then • Ro sea falling keret► tht.vagiag Then u Ise frtetfoa with this than Wilk 1 Z ha•ia( dipeNd Of iia f-� r iiiJ17� QAk,OCEiLljJ3 I It IB 1 rl tie Io Y band of a Jo\wtutr •taut lLe war gutter. n• 1 ( ad, and for a tiww, al 1e d6, the ttrriW. Geld ua] oar, evil, sed owing to it, aaeahwat body Hamar tmioem b tlw Mason.Beery I ! s eaalhr gemllh,r eaaa.ensd. wbW oil t;.1 r 1 y I j l res IAS, rJ 1 vvr -- - - - appealed to 6a•• tnd.ri, 1'M «w.Iton our lWillian Martin of this Town, bap to be- („1 s f tits otM hood aprk from his friend, led customers a cue. 0,] 1 L. .re received •rem, weak u# ;tb�k rill! ' k 1 F �Sw i. r„ t l "6 h.atil.tle, brought IM wr•ive•a of the aur. UnM.r Of that e be W w 1 a " I l I ; a �. WHIMS I QAD1 S H�OL111L0. ring fud.a beets to Ca -ler atsaw Tb.. rr NEVER 011.111111111111111 resat •All a ,� 6. s . F i. katnra end ken /b Asan° snd injcred, said woad bellow rpa.at the all � � - � , ' � 1 Joh � ` _ aumvon troa,rt.d of Nradell Regale a..d w°•t• P• p tbosa indebted to his .ill ell r earl N Ye l IIM(st '4k tajis I r t !t , Koner, Juhrulons, both Mltitr,rrt l wrier. trerki. p.rm s.h,dAamioeol. y to.b S Plarmers Be Ware . BsnW by most responsible dnggiau, Owner. P°•ahl• and rY their I"dsbtedram a bis hy1 p jj aWN0 One in Qanade, sells L''beaper I 4q g fi 4. � . ase, and both answlied yrs. Oathe mv.n Office at the old Harear Depot. Irl O O yam s +]ars Terris lair of the 6th in those two m, a nal iAsk n s a1 Merfor d and Oil Dealers i. tb eosatry, Do • < ►Y�NL,"r'rube • I..a t racer at Ens slx•thtown, mild sa,n hre.la• HORACfiHO[tTOY pQ m 1 .rJVeBrN YfJUNU ..r,b/eowr uh grocery } far �• , Goderiek, 16th Oct. is". M I a t � wile.•/ theprw•ec's tMi b• wt, w A"at os enjsg�d i" an altercumn )`),laud -•n Toter PVf /u cc herd, and rot an hoar or two , edliinw BiaSti0li LS`H Utt STRATI) s Oil. 14 � � � j - N 3o (iPlOd goods always a! the teow thou „reetlwHe ad Parties oouthor �ff Ire Set .•, ar ru4 They wtrr .rpwnt•d b, frig. da JOHN H. S7'RATFORD, ITIHS ■edmigned loving parohwd w MI p I6 ouU B Rlun wall ale goo Thwr lies, "Iov 11 "*bl�Ilmt•t, and taken nR inn to dirt ctiom, This Merweer. • Lep sto*k of Baddlsry snd titin O i� R1 f Very Lowest Pi]CeR u. I► alt. uL N. r i Hr.dfbrc Jody f, 11Nd. vu*m0 H A R IT :E 8 8 0 /a O Is W1QO� r! �11r I °ctsr.td .bnu1 wow,. Alwn.t throe u'. toc {e `1 L M. t:w \anew, sept. llw, IofO. wY as flog*• wr going up that street be Saw a JOHN �. J, I= coming doau. As they noArnd r SPECIAL NOTICE t ~' s e Wanted Immediately em.h other. `hue) drew their revnlreea bell , •wmenwd nmult.Mrrso mrtn r we L Gedsrieb, Crw,er of M•rkml BFI, lad peat a ►"• h •.bel, the draw their a,. Iran, east cow a I Shss< Now. Int lett, w>h C'OK [ . B. R. No. f. Kmins a M•)s Tench- 7 �C� er who hold, a Second or 7 bird CI•m O u'"r d •i.auhantow sew; .pew raeYt MMq it t v ik }r• ±)M,$j'1ii4^i I , kap �- • e l"tin.ing to advance r the n,ed. Finall R. ouh�a amu= I�: l it ry$,Ga •" snistat. of quslific•Iioni for frtbr pvti- y yr A.131t1.. r. tslun Quid fatary, apply perso"ly, to lf.e a d wlwu abut f.er Iwt di.u.rin (mr ji.N .. PASKUCH r eaetais pmts,- are sslllog following Tn.t•w. none, Rogers sank t° the par•".tnt, e. 1, r wato the Canadian of Haw and Sear Ot tl JU3v YI RR1Y, as he 1•,, the last act or his lite was to bre ..Lr w few tea. tbi ter] ....b ■ li • 1 N E • • l — Large Padlock. THOS W R ITH, tb ION charge/ r.f the pi.a,1 the .h. peen Inratn of Jo ./Tune, whew Lw huii•t, b. •d p tsiesd hes in Bt. Wbeise N,rrriw clots of Yr. Hors Hart*., who 6 a I longZC as 2r] Al res o t Cb r y . CMRiS HATHRRA. albs Of J inata"T, penetrated ►r •f, on• i MRobmrtliordsa w wto set" thea Needs. Jood pnea.s mea saw thatag" Stewart said MA fit =86 len isthieapaall,►sI TNGsbatwlh•rwrmldaa•s,tet• IMpaMle Jea.l6t\, l86?- sfr2t lt'•brain enwit-In unt de.1h, Jnbnrt,w y prm�1� mberms ..tollnr g BARRY & BRO NHrtta Fwd sews that be ►a •a \.sol wlaMladd M ell Mass f}oa aT woMir briamseos the rnotb For. a sp �� •. G •dwlllwakttenw4rC•,ma�tr Wy�•,Naw ruled a.,r{ IWI acres[ the Andy of his foe, to Iboo Ooemum abou n r w7 ism. hitherto yew•, Ape., wbroh ail I M a°w ah'e/ rrrt.d •r - --- —.._ .. -- - - - - and, when b,etandtrd •shed to when sky i be" soma ,d a •edondh. M b"A est ler rhoMp, I Iay be t o, lid f arsd b y a 1 -II re. of D. W. SPRAraprDL r > YA r � ! pOfe A FARM FOR SALLAmen.. ■*"I aid. Almost at if,* some itam' at >K ,less. ale lye meet at TMZ Ileboaftr ban On mmefW the A•wt] tient, tbir two blood salty esmls bad xAne »tar T MA� r: 1 NtbeC11shre" 75 ACREi, * CLEARLID. Let 16, I to join lite gnr, ibn•rs of Their "*.am.,, ; QW=@x MAROW40 1 I BALL'S 0 H i 0, COMBiNED flros,it A eonw of Colborne, Cavell I Thr ended a bud that .si6Nd For twenty r,R,s--rwo eodoralgsod, Aguals fay u• A•w• a Ready seen, Inme Darn, Ltg HOas, it Jsura, in the cranes of which lur,te•n r,a l Nurseries, arm prepared to an an arae s�Y ,Rvan�•, �i�, w H• GARDIKZR & Oo., REAPER AND MOWER, as4 As •rrh•r� •t"d °• tb• Promises. wise .w died •id•nt due b. loTheir law,&ad as ttreyy •eke that, sties. Saddles, iJ v 'WOOD TURNERS . trsrn.00Als ape ns*at1 •tint claw nrl site oil the Iti,a alritwd. lien p,ree.all], LWT pMfOM May vel] apo/ tea, be., whish / are p,mpseei b char b Ae� MANUFACTURED ST j ktbt so es will b to give air. w \ Hardware XerChanLB Apply d by lanae pn.I d to �. paper se. Il:at total • s s PAL pis A Nashville f Pas Tlpttrmd plhlh r ,red Mt•ssI foresail. y eL�NB O! swnlliiro>r, a 11. dOYCS well ken. o IQ.yer o that it pn.•nT.A. fur r Whoa. Frara 1 da welt to owl and Is" Parket Bowe Cod lzioh, ,rbWk has loses dwrd.d to be w •our m Aaberw p, war or w the p,•m;a"- the feonlieth time, . un.t M�1 Nu• A.1 Sl'ZwART i GORDON. Asir symk sed Primo bar." bsmq elm Ari ,o• ea be" . /fir eraed welt u t N for klei' rue cede. ~rpl`t Jw.ary 110th, I tt•T. w18 IRS be" Jtr- 18L h"!. wbses, ear► • eftaeee i• tri eewsd. gamilton gt„ Werieh H «.to. r••k •( ental. ;es wasead •a w JOAN PA6SKoitz, .ho .rue k�"t�td°to°O� iiew. The rsrty k H. a W. KARTTN. f fuer or r•1 pay prntrrttd I6. ftp M Lana i esasaaa►Is tato OederMR iii. 1slb, lend. legs "was, V --- - - ---- oiler iaOance of hu pockrr pook of any. 4�r to iiRRP mwhewI w blind rr wM slt s1i. aaad Asr, d Aw*IIrJeN �� THE SAM OF LOTS ung +hit ue"m d grwnh.ek , v.:md at ■ misa h tboer ams, wpJa • ppemnts his rwp.kd hi'ares, the lawyer, j , rt r he Y. C. CAIMRON. _ Ase aeMma WOR, IN rep w a about to 1.4-0 said i " rn fired at t r (lednieb r 'rShiN, wrttea samn.Ossoa.d�& .P�ar.,r, tar r 'U.r : �' tato... • VILLAGE OF CLINTON ''t &,� I �•artlmari 11your alsopa`i" it BdD�g Ip �IL t'tADkfaMof wood-ter.iag Grove T rbrrarri w"S:Nwws�/r. [bat ROB TIZB8 IN ARRSAKa., pert eT c0m ere `e R mail, - Qrws lis. rand lbs was. losstiwr w k M. pliyse al. klad•.Ires Nest, ►�1sp rM clow w �'� OLDSB'1' EBTABLIBHIi[EII? 1""MRi Fan i mer as 1�• ►� Rale, epbn, awj S••t `/sae. ow N MONEY To �A� will t•k. play .l w Cont Yea►, 0"1" N°. sid, ieb�illy tk" k`ws all lroubl IW TOWN_ p t0!'y Il.aed tarp tNssees, Lsolry TCR COLONIAL URITiZS COKPA- a►, •o Waraar• tbs fend ism., at w y leifeted friend 11 -re AMO>I<is>sIT estq the sultw . 1�, ate••• tweets[ of.. NT tar w N. ZNGLAND, bow of f Valves. p. U, M tb k• P�•aZSUMORI sSSZ(iS TO iNTORM led. HZAiiSIC to hire ensti assidi sided, P .N.rr/:fl,, y to my moater.. Tab. il, and ran tbNr.bblm•rN tb as efdss. m •li■mtu. AOZ • Mrga .reap of =edgy to Less JONI MACDONALD. this business f,•r mm' 1 Ghali be mr to th a snd dtssaa►u WawNll6wnrra,lm•.an/ Oeda•ieb. may It!d, IIIc liwfm•« R en w H tip. w 1lem,nV of irpeews lama he tbrlf Baro/ s.tiha.d. A(I i sob of ]ea is to let woo I.( of band e•.aaswNhs Ale• MAW ON. Mea"O.Ccarp.l'ateebwwy Five yews. tion The am" ra.onkla rates, [Aril'• Ove,, Ged"116 amend a.eriewally, na11 as .f ,w rahm =rPiNNRFANMM Mui a'e• ell. /� ,yNArr• .Ceal Rss mtmawd an M►sr isr°rwstins, tT�,p M 1Mb Jwa.ry, IesT. wsl w,Ibial ear of it. 1 eel I, -d ( ►u.r • ��ss g��+a, WILLIAM DUExIx, - ila■%tw.faNt► t- ar bra n ay dikes was K KA RT I N A Y S K R, tataasiWle+ll lacca in ' b.., lard T.m°smw To -whip wswsssob, was w wmi. - It Wyar rf< .a.. .ins ram PIANO FOR •ALs. ssw' cele tsar "p: P. MONEY TO LEND A r to hi. k RMB TO tYroRll e>x OLD CTJSTOM and ihe.' 1 r.bw►w Sam am,tbs/ bah t1oi11"to nu Ir moll, /ypi�lw/sm r.. Amw -� rs rbr.be.a tq1 b..Il.Ib.gl« t2.a. MAB w s� EI O HT i! E I t CEN 1 WnRbsr. r11 tI« rr .w r;Wagw tb i Na leeam etlba� .eielfr. Rrm1. A e swam � j 1� emSeld R tR�ntl w* to $a m oP clew d Ihdr 0060 1 b- whoa the dam of ip tMLalw>♦1/lee Ikea Ymmmt, WSPA tie aloe rose °+a Wee wpas .,d a"erIi�ss��M �a�v L p6aW. ends w as f �ei���xE r � gWTtd DSlkrs lZ� ZJ�=rdw izah •an•sanwd,,hewwMMmmtimm wq "s. if `• f O R `i► t O H [ A'. to )rib ► Koo he al sense WE �1=.','+ Ii�•i�'".rlg,�jlr e.d i M t� our mt pe �a.��aw A'J.aloeGal.& 1"s. sw11wsT _ A•r Imm r o.`.1+fth. . �a ea M1aa�tOrs�Rnmrwt rwemiplesons,�. dsN1s•S_N w leaoc b 'law *�aiwi-�.i..:.. «rpl.y