HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-09-04, Page 5MOLESWORTH Visiftngr Trenton Airport day with Miss ST* HELENS WithN GORRIE over the week-end were Mr. Jim McVicar of Detroit, and Mrs, Winston of Toronto, read and gave timely advise on storage of vegetables for winter, preparation of fowl for market, also the care of flower beds in fall. This interesting paper was g for the past aunts at Port i the Nile. r Bridge spent <> attending the Limited “The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail” Wingham Bank Nite Store Phone 36 Wingham, Ont. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMESThursday, September 4,1941 HEADLINES OF FALL IMPORTANCE'5? To frame your face with flattery—choose one of the favorite hat silhouettes on this Autumn’s fashion calender. Large and small—-gay or serene —-so wide is their variety that it will be ever so easy to suit your personality and purse with exactly the right model, Priced $1.59 to $3.95 ‘Walker Stores, Ijmited ‘‘The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail” Telephone 36 WingHam, Ont. Wingham' Bank Nite Store LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Lois Adams was a Toronto vis­ itor last week, Mr- Bert Isard spent a week in To­ ronto and took in the Ex. Misses Patricia and Grace Parker spent last week in Toronto, Mrs. R. J. Tindall was a recent vis­ itor with Mrs. Sara Slemmon, Ethel. Miss Leila Wild has returned home after spending the summer in London. Miss Emily Smith was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr, James Wild. Capt. A. W. Irwin of Fingal, was a visitor at his home here over the week- I NEW DRILL FOR U.S. ARMY , Now under way at Fort Devens, • Ayer, Mass., is new type of train­ ing, that of teaching men to swim with full packs and in full uniform. Pack, ‘ carried on soldier’s back, weighs 50 pounds. First to ree.nve training are men of Isf Medical Battalion, shown ABOVE, who will .teach others later. Such tram.n.g will elfninate dr ownings in landing manoeuvres. s end, Z • ■ . ' Allan Williams and Norman Fry were Toronto Exhibition visitors last week.. ,-a ... . Mrs. A. Cosens and Miss Mary Tur- ser spent a few days in London last week. '• Misses Minnie 'Barber and Marion Mason- visited over the week end in Toronto. Mrs. W. L. Kress and family were visitors last:Week .with her mother at Brantford. ... • Mrs. Wf,.N» Howell, of Saskatoon, Sask., is a g-uCst of ME and Mrs. Pet­ er Gowans. Mrs. Milford Foxton has returned from a visit with relatives in Guelph and Fergus. » Mrs. Young and daughter of Tor­ onto, visited with' her sister, Mrs. H. F. Buchanan. Mrs. Strome of Toronto, visited her sisters, Mrs. Gus Boyle and Mrs. H. F. Buchanan. Miss Evelyn Campbell has returned after spending a holiday at Kitchener and Waterloo. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Fox of Guelph, were visitors with his parents over the week-end. Mrs. Duncan Kennedy who has been at Kincardine Beach, for 7 weeks has returned home. Miss W. Allen of New York, was a visitor ,last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs.' Ginn and son, Lloyd of Duluth, were visitors last week with Mrs. R. J. Tindall. » Mr. and Mrs. John P. McKibbon returned on Saturday from a vacation at Kincardine Beach. Mr. H. S. Smith of Toronto, return­ ed home after spending .a vacation with his uncle, A. R. Du Vai. Mr. George Allen of Rahway, N. Y., is a visitor with his parents, Chief George and Mrs. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gray of Nia­ gara Falls, N.Y., were guests ,of Mrs. W. H. Waratn last week. Miss Edith Campbell was in Toron­ to last week at the C.,N.E. and visited with the Misses Michell. Miss E. Ballantyne of Toronto, was ‘pUOIJJ J9XJ tpiAV . JO]ISIA pUa-JJOOM B Miss Yvonne McPherson. Little Margaret Elliott of White­ church,'was a visitor at the-Graham home, John St, last week. Miss Sad;e McCormick of Detroit, is. visiting for a couple of weeks with relatives in this community. Dr. T. A. Flicks and Miss I. M. Car­ ter of Buffalo, spent the week-end with- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Spotton. Miss Florence Barber has reeurned to Toronto after spending the summer vacation at her .home in town. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Posorak of Detroit, ner I $10 First Prize; $5 Second Prize and Ten $1 Prizes Weekly. ■ I B” at Bank Nite stores. .. i • B A lucky ticket with every 2S cents you spend at Bank Nite Stores e visited over the week-end with Mrs. M, Fitzpatrick and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin. Groves and daughter, Connie Ann of Freeville, N.‘ Y., visited relatives in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore of Tor- ] onto, wdre visitors with her parents and his father .pver the week-end. Mrs, (Rev.) John Thompson of Anrtfield, Que., is visiting with her parests, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid, Mrs, A, J. Walker, Vern and Joyce, also Norma Brown returned on Sun­ day frpm, a vacation at Grand Bend. Mrs, H, F, Buchanan and daughter, Donna, have returned from spending the past two weeks at Rondeau Park, Mrs. Fred Gorbutt, Sarnia, is spend­ ing a few weeks with her son, Jack Gorbutt and daughter, Mrs. Fred Ohm. Misses Joan and Dorothy Bayliff of London, were visitors last week with their grandmother; Mrs, John Mac- Lean, Aircraftsman Kenneth Somers, who has beSn taking a Radio course at Un-. iversity of Toronto, is home for two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kew of Toron­ to, also Mr. and (Mrs, A,-McIntyre of Peterborough, were visitors over the holiday. Carl and Pauline Clarke of Detroit, returned home on.Sunday after visit­ ing with their grandfather, Mrs. John Casemore. Mr, and Mrs. A. La Croix and Mrs. Walter Jackson of Los Angleses, Cal., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Effting and son, Charles of Chicago, were visitors for a couple of weeks with Mr. and , Mrs. E. M. Snell. , Miss Mary Droumbolis, of London, and Mr. Harry Newlove, R.C.A.F., Aylmer, were, week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wild. Lance Cpl. Milford Foxxton was one of the Guard of Honor for His Royal Highness, the Duke of Kent, when he visited London recently. Capt. Walton McKibben, who has been on exchange of idea duty in Ken­ tucky, was home for a few days on his return to camp Borden. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gowans were their neice, Miss I. A. Young of St. Marys, and Miss Isabel Nortrop of Toronto. • Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Cruikshank. and fanlily andJMr. and Mrs. Jackson of St. Thomas, werereecnt visitors at the former’s home in Wingham. Mr. Isaac Pickering and family of Whitby, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Orvis. Mr. E. W. Orvis returned'with them for a visit. Mrs. Will Hopper of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Gily -Miller of Lansing, Mich., visited their old home, McNeil farnl and -called on Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Currie. Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong and family of Port Credit, also Mr. and Mrs. Stew­ ard of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Isard. Mr. Arthur Henderson has been vis­ iting with his father, Mr. W. J. Hend­ erson, Wingham Jet., prior to return­ ing to the school of which he is prin­ cipal, Stella, Ont. Chester Campbell, Harold Young, Pauline Mills and Lauretta Wilkins of St. Thomas, Spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorbutt, also with Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Campbell. Mrs. ’ Floyd .-Makinson (formerly. Miss Della Halliday of Wingham) and Mrs. Chas. Whitworth of Detroit, were in town this week attending the funer­ al of the late Bina Casemore. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cruickshank of Hamilton, spest a few days here with the former’s sister and brothers in Wingham, also with the'latter’s broth- ( er, Mr. Wm. Elliott and family, Glen- annan. Mr, Oscar Casemore of Stratford, Mrs. A. B. Casemore of Chatham, also Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casemore of For­ est, visited over the Holiday with the former’s parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Casemore. ” Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gorbutt and daughter, Patricia, also Miss Sophia Haresky of Solway, N. Y., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorbutt, they also visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Ohm. Arthur McLaughlin or Larder Lake and Keith McLaughlin of the Argull and Sutherland Highlanders, have been "visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. J, Stanley Moore and Paul of Owen | the week-end in Toront Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Aitken Hutchi­ son, Margaret, Fiancis and Bernice of Detroit, Mrs. A. C, Hutchison of Ford wich and Miss Nellie Hutchison of To­ ronto, visiting over the week-end at the same home. . Always indispensable. ■ in your wardrobe— but doubly so this year with its soft side draping, its innumer- ‘ able yoke, tucks, and subtle flattery. Sizes 12 to 20. .98 - $3.94 former’s home here. , Mr. Jack Watson of London, was a .recent caller on Mr.,BE. J. Thom and other old friends here. Miss Jean Thom has returned to her duties as a Mothercraft nurse at Tor­ onto, after a holiday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart McPherson were week-end visitors at Toronto. Mr. John A. McDonald, a former resident ofCos. 12 and his son, Mr. Angus McDonald of Brandon, were callers on the former’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. ^Gordon is spendisg the week at the home of her brother, Mr. J. W. Salkeld, Goderich. Miss Joan Earl of Toronto, was a week-end gue§t of Miss Jean Thom.' Mrs. Alex. Leith, Mr. and Mrs.-Jim Bowden and Jimmy, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Leith and Bobby Logan of Belgrave, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom. Mr. and Mrs. St-uart Collyer and 1 Teddy returned to Westwood on Mon­ day. They were accompanied by Mrs. E. J. Thom, who will also visit at Tet­ erboro and Norwood. The following teachers from the vi­ cinity resumed their duties on Tuesday Miss W. D. Rutherford to Kirkland Lake, Miss Irene Woods to Waterloo, Miss Norma Weatherhead to Stayncr, Mrs. James Ramage to Holstein, Miss Ruth Ramage to Muskoka, Miss Dor- ine Webster to Clinton, Mr. Charles McQuillin to Clandcboye. Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Dean, Margaret and Billy of London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron on‘Sun­ day. • John Haugh at Tiverton Miss Margaret Dane has been em­ ployed by Mrs. Grainger as clerk fil­ ling the vacancy made by Miss Janet Watson., and Mrs. Percy Cohner, Tor- spent the week-end with the lat- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Mrs, King returned to Toronto and will be the guest of her daughter for a week, Mrs, R, H. Carson received word of the passing of her aunt, the late Mrs. E, C. Chaney in Detroit whose funeral took place in that city last week. The late Mrs. Chaney will be remembered by several in the community, Little Miss Dell McIntyre visited last week with Miss Nellie and Mr. J, Doig at McIntosh. Mrs. Jias, Edwards spent a few days last week with Mrs. Mac Millan in in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs, William Shera of Bat­ tle Creek, Mich,, called on his brother, J. T, Shera and Mrs. Shera on Satur­ day. Miss Greta Hyndman has returned home from Toronto where she visited with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dowdell and accompanied them on a trip to North Bay, enroute they visited the quints. Miss Janet Watson who for the past few years has been an efficient clerk in Mrs. Russel Grainger's General store, concluded her duties there -on Saturday. After taking a weeks vac- cation with her mother in Brussels, she will leave for Fergus where she will be employed by the Beatty Mfg. Co., doing war work. Janets many friends here wish her every success. Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Mundell were London visitors on Thursday last. Among those from this district who attended the C. N. E. durjpg 'the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling. Mr, and Mrs. R. W. N. Wade. Miss Margaret Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith. Miss Doris Sample. Mr. and Mrs. Harry King. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Famish. Mr. and Mrs. F. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Henningway and family. Mrs. Nay and Bobby, Glenn King and Earls King. Little Miss Loreen King returned home from Toronto where she spent several days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Colmer. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. K. J. ‘Hueston os the arrival of a baby daughter in Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital on Thursday, August 28. A large number were present at the meeting of the Woman’s Institute held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Sparling on Wednesday last. The president presided over the business and Mrs. J. M. Hutchison and Miss Edith Rit­ chie had charge of the program. The meeting opened in the usual manner with the Ode and Lord’s prayer. The program based on Agriculture, and a -paper prepared by Miss E(lith Ritchie was the the and the followed up by the roll call which was answered by Hints- on winter storage of fruits and vegetables. Mrs. Rae McIntyre, a member who took the recent sewing course spon­ sored by ’ the local institute, gave a splendid report of tthe course of which 18 finished, had high praise for the instructress, Miss Collins, sent by the Dept. In the duration of her talk she displayed a wrist pin cushion each pupil was asked to make. These have proved of so much benefit, that it was suggested-that for the next meeting, each take with them, a square velvet also a piece of elastic and a • bit of wool along with your needle, thread and thimble, and make one for your­ self, Mrs. McIntyre also displayed var­ ious aids and short cuts in sewing, gained at the course. The -blankets re­ cently received by -the institute from the used woollens were displayed, and will be donated to the Red Cross. The business was conducted by the presi­ dent when various items of business was discussed. The members decided to compete for the prize for the “Thrift Booth” at the Howick Fall Fair, and for which a committee was namaed. Mrs. J. Cathers was named Secretary for the balance of the year to fill the vacancy made by the resig- sation of Miss Margaret Dane, Plans were -made for the members to attend the convention Area being held in Chesley on September 10 and 11. The meeting closed with the National An­ them. During the social time lunch was served. Mr. Harold Edgar, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Mr. .and Mrs. Thomas Doughtry, Henfryh and Mrs. Snyder of Alperia, Mich., were Sunday guests of Mr. Thomas Bradnoch. Misses Mary Davidson, Harriston, and Blanche Evans, Reg. N. of Ro­ chester, N. Y., were recent guests of Mrs. A. L, Stephens and Mr. Steph­ ens. Sergt. R. G. Newton, Kitchener, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Clifford Cooke has secured a position as guard ak the Ontario Re- foratory, Guelph, his duties to com­ mence this week. Mrs. Cooke and lit­ tle daughter, Vcrn, will continue to reside here. Mr. Archie Halladay of Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother. Mr. A. Livingston of Toronto spent last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short. , Mr. and Mrs, John King, Toronto are holidaying with the former’s moth- er, Mrs. Chas, King. Mr. and Mrs. Stirton Ashton and daughter, Joan, Hamilton and Mr. Lealand Ashton, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Avery. Mr. - and Mrs. H. Pletch and little daughter of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs, ' Roy Gadke and daughter, Miss Jean, of Fordwich, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their infant child who passed away in Listowel Memorial Hospital oil Thursday. Interment was made in Wroxter Cemetery. Mr. Lloyd Forsyth of Toronto is spending his vacation with Rev. andi Mrs. Copeland. Mr. Thos. Bradnoch is spending a couple of days at his cottage at Bruce Beach this week. Miss Edna Laurence of Toronto, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Laurence. Mr. Alex Ross of Montreal spent the week-end with his fother, Mrs. Mary Ross. Trousseau Tea Mrs. George Foster entertained on Wednesday aftetrnoon and evening last at a Trousseau tea for her daugh­ ter, Miss Marguerite, Reg. N., whose marriage to Milton Opperthauser of Elmira took place this week. Mrs. Gor­ don Jefferson, Owen Sound, assisted her mother and bride-elect in receiv­ ing in the evening, and who presided over the attractive tea tables during the afternoon.-Mrs. Heipel of Water­ loo presiding during the evening. The- assistants in the dining room were,. Miss Kobb of Toronto, Miss Helen- Jefferson and Mrs. Fred Doubledee. The trousseau and gifts were displayed/ by Mrs. Giles, Mrs. A. L. Stephens, Mrs. Avery, Mrs. John Cathers, Miss­ es Bessie Wylie and Evelyn Dane and; Mrs. Miller, Kitchener. Round Trip Bargain Fares From WINGHAM — FRI and SAT., SEPT. 12-13 To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge Lind­ say, Peterboro. Campbellford, Newmarket, Collingwood, Meaford, Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury and west to Beardmore. P.M. Trains - Fri., Sept. 12 AU Trains - Sat., Sept. 13 To TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London, ■ Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines; St. Marys, Sarnia, Strat­ ford, Strathroy, Windsor. See handbills for complete list of destinations. For Fares. Return Limits, Tram Information, Tickets, Etc., Consult nearest Agent. ’ T.254 J tke Dwke of' Kent School re-opened on Tuesday Miss Beatrice McQiullitt in charge of S. S. No. 4 (St. Helens), Miss Dorothy Drover of Seaforth at Eordyco, and MisS Vivian Tiffin of Wingham at S. S. No. 3. ' * Mr. Wilson Woods of Guelph, was a week-end visitot with Mrs» R. J» Woods. . ...... ........................ Mr. Ed. Peters and Miss Pearl Fel­ ker of Toronto, visited over the week­ end with the latter’s mother here. * Mr. John Felkar spent a few days in Toronto last week attending the C. N.E, ’ Mr. and Mrs. Jim lie,Millan and Mr. and Mrs. Dick McIntire and-Reta of Dungannon, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Case Black. Miss Freda Black returned home Sunday after holidayii; three weeks with her Albert, Dungannon an< Mr. and Mrs. Victu C.N.E. School reopened Tuc Ballantyne of Brussels as the new tea­ cher, Mr^and Mrs. Ferd Towe spent the week-end holiday with' their sons at Hamilton and Galt. Messrs. Bob Campbell, Laurence Schotts and Amos Butler attended the C.N.E. in Toronto on Thursday of last week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Menzies and Mrs, Mr. and inspects Guard of Honor Mrs. Jas, Hyde and' de&Myde. and Mts, J,- T. Shefa and daugh- of Kincardine, sj>ent a fetV days at the tef 'Shirley spent Sunday with Mr, From a het blue -sky, a silver red-hosed mono* plane carrying his Royal Highness Air Commodore ' the Duke bi Kent, came to a perfect landing on the airport at Trenton, Ont, recently* The weather , Was made to order for his visit. The shifting plane : came from the east, bearing a small royal standard. One hundred t------ snapped to attention, men or the guard of honor A royal fanfare Was sounded picked by lour buglers. The 'duke 7ab5vE) accompanied, by Sir LotiiS Greig, bls, aide-de-camp, and the Trenton, welcoming officers slowly inspected the guard. Often, the duke singled out men and talked With them. ..................liu»iiilliiibjWiii*i*ii»liiin.l|li»i,«faiW»te<w»i. -ir 11 vM'iri i