HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-09-04, Page 3Thursday, September 4, 1941 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE" I STRAW There is a ready market now for your surplus WHEAT and RYE STRAW, Take advantage of this present opportunity. tion date with nomination day Sept. $0. The 19th Legislature was dissolv­ ed July 22 when the standing was: Li­ berals 31, Conservatives 8, Co-Opera­ tive Commonwealth Federation 7, bob 1, and Independent 1. FARMERS SELL HOGS AT PROPER WEIGHTS La-Ont, Hog Subsidy Figures Show 80 to 90% of Hogs Marketed by Applicants Receive Ontario Government Bonus Consult your local dealer or write promptly to HINDE & DAUCH PAPER CO., TRENTON, ONT Premier King Opens Highway Somewhere In Britain—n 1% stretch of hard, Canadian-built high­ way that might saye '*1,000 lives in one night” was opened formally by Prime Minister King. The road was built by Canadian Army engineers to detour a congested town, street, and is described by Lt.-Gen. G. L, McNaughton as a vital ling the anti-invasion plans of Britain. mile May Curb Instalment Buying Ottawa—The Government moved to bring about full co-ordination of con­ trol over prices of supply of .goods and services essential to the prosecution of the war through the War-Time Prices and Trade Board and the War-Time Industries Control Board. By order­ in-council it made the Prices and Trade Board the supreme authority in the field of price control Strong indi­ cations are that the Government may shortly move to punb instalment pur­ chases. Recruits Signed up 100% Peterboro—All the recruits who re­ ported here for the two months’ train­ ing the latter part of July have volun­ teered 100 per cent, for active service Lt.-Col. E. O. Keeler announced. Tokyo Standing Pat Tokyo—The Japanese insisted that Japan was holding firm on establish­ ment of a "co-prosperity-sphere” of Men, of 30, 40, 50 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal? Want normal pep, vim, vigor, vitality? Try - Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements— aids to normal pep after 30, 40 or 50. Get a special introductory size for only 35c. Try this aid to normal pep ana vim today. For sale at all good drug stores. It is called Young A. in influence as a prerequisite to lasting Pacific peace, despite "the very deci- cate relations existing between Japan and the United States” over the Russo G'erman war. More Executed In Paris Vichy — Eight more persons have been executed in Paris dispatches from Paris reported bringing to 11 the num­ ber executed since the attempted as­ sassination of Pierre Laval and Marcel Dcat on Wednesday. Nazi Claim Tallinn Taken Berlin—The Nazis claimed that, a combined land and naval offensive in which 22 Red transports and 10 war­ ships were sunk resulted in capture of Tallinn, Estonia, and its harbor of Pal- diski, driving entrapped Russians into the sea and laying Leningrad open to imminent peril from the west. The fall of long-isolated Tallinn, as claim­ ed by the German high command, would complete the Nazi conquest of all the Baltic buffer states won by the Russians in the last two years. British Columbia Elections October 21st Victoria—Premier T. D. Pattullo seeks return of his Liberal Govern­ ment for a third term in the British Columbia general election on October 21. The premier announced the elec- PROBLEM A DURO Pressure Water System will do the same for you, if that problem be lack of running water and sanitary conveniences in your home. Outside pumps and toilets belong to the past. In every home running water should be available at the turd of a faucet. Likewise, a modern Emco Bathroom is necessary for the health and happiness of your family. A modern Duro Water Supply System will furnish the water and mike it possible Emco Bathroom. The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals, per hour, complete with 25* gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only.................. «... For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the DM CO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory with trimmings costs only.............•............a........ (Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra) Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as.... to install an $148.00 $93.40 Duro Water Supply Systems are styled for dependable lift-long service. Thousands of Satisfied users prove their worth. They can be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation. Can be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan. For Sale By Machan Bros. * EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London Hamilton Winnipeg Toronto Sudbury' Vancouver DURO WATER SYSTEMS Iranian Army Quits London — The Iranian Government bowed to superior fore'e and, after four days of token fighting against British and Russian invaders, ordered its army to cease all resistance. Britain and Russia, it was said here, will start im­ mediately improving rail and road transportation across Iran to facilitate shipments of war supplies to Soviet- Russia from the United States and Britain. Majority of Southern Russian Army Saved Moscow-Marshall Semeon Buden­ ny was believed to have saved the ma­ jority of his southern army from en­ circlement by the Germans in the Uk­ raine after blowing up the giant Dnie- pertroy Lam and falling back from the industrial City of Dnieperopet- rovsk. Takes Control of U. K. Railways London—The Government reinforc­ ed its control over the railways for the duration of the war and a minimum of one year thereafter in an agreement designed to stabilize fares and freight rates. The agreement was made ret- roative to January 1 of this year. U. S. Super-Supply Board Washington—A super-board headed by Vice President Henry Wailace was created by President Roosevelt to de­ termine how the supply of materials, power, fuel and other commodities in the United States shall be divided be­ tween military needs /and the civilian population. Russians Destroyed Large Dam Moscow—Russia announced the de­ liberate destruction of her proudest in­ dustrial achievement, the great Dniep- erstroy Dam and all its works, in grim proof of the Soviet determination to leave the invading Germans no single instrument of value. To Use Foreign Vessels Washington — The twenty-one Am­ erican republics agreed to place in op­ eration all foreign vessels driven into Western Hemisphere ports by the war. The action was announced by the inter American financial and economic ad­ visory committee which ha-s been wor­ king on the problem. Australia Has New Prime Minister Canberra, Australia—R. G. Menzies, prime minister of Australia since April 1939, resigned and was succeeded by Arthur W Fadden, country party lea­ der and treasurer in Menzies' Coalition Government. The sudden resignation of the prime minister climaxed the Australian political crisis that started when his Cabinet asked him to go to London as the Government’s represen­ tative in the British War Cabinet ■ Russia Warns Japan Moscow — The Soviet Government' has notified Japan to keep hands off; all trade between Russia and the Un­ ited States. Any attempt at hindrance would be construed as an unfriendly.; act, said an unequivocal Russian state­ ment in reply to Japanese complaints. Charged With Conspiracy Kitchener—Two rhen were arrested here on charges of conspiracy after copper cylinders had been found in an auxiliary unit of the large municipal gas works but Crown Attorney W. P. Clement said that earlier reports of a conspiracy to blow Up the whole gas works of the city were "fantastic” and "poppycock.” The crown attorney said he believed that what had appear­ ed a sensational tale of attempted sab­ otage would become merely a small case involving spite work on tile part of a discharged employee of the gas company, Laaval and Beat Shut Versailles, Occupied France-Pierre Laval, foremost French Collaborator with the German “new order,” and his aide and faithful follower, Marcel Beat were shot here by a 29-ycar-old Frenchman posing as a volunteer in the French legion recruited to fight Russia. The condition of the two men was described as critical by physicians who worked over them in the Munici­ pal Hospital. Paul Colette, the would- be-assassin, coolly emptied his gun at Laval and Deaf and builets also struck two other men, who were wounded slightly, Statistics compiled in the Hog Sub­ sidy Division of the Live Stock Branch, Ont. Dept, of Agriculture for May and June .indicate, that Ontario farmers are marketing their hogs at the proper weights - weights that qual­ ify them for the $1 Ont. subsidy for each “B.l” grade, that in the principal hog raising coun­ ties from 80 to 90% per cent of the hogs marketed by applicants for the subsidy, graded "A” or ‘'B.l'*, Almost 42% of these hogs graded "A” which means that their owners were paid the $1 premium for selects in addition to the Ontario subsidy. L. E. O’Neill, Director of the Live Stock Branch, in releasing Hog Sub­ sidy figures, praised Ont hog produc­ ers for their care in marketing at pro­ per weights, 200 to 210 pounds at .the farm. Peterboro County with 180 ap­ plicants for subsidy had the highest percentage of grade "A” hogs, 54.3 in the eleven counties listed. Perth was Second with 44.1. Grey county topped all others with 1,274 for 6,636 hogs. These graded 41,1% "A” and 45.5% "B.l”. Discussing the work of the Hog Subsidy Division, Mr. O’Neill said that the most common fault in connection with the applications was that the far­ mers failed to sign them. Some 10% of all ’applications received were not signed, he said. Others sent in grad­ ing certificates without applications and still others, applications without grading certificates. Some farmers make application for the subsidy and attach grading certificates which do not show them to be the farmer-pro­ ducer. This is probably the fault of the shipper or trucker. Mr. O’Neill again-pointed out that grading certifi­ cates previous to May 5th were not valid as the subsidy did not come in­ to effect until that date. Following is a summary of applica­ tions for hog subsidy from May 5th to June 30th, 1941, for Huron: num­ ber of applications, 1050; total hogs, 6527; no. of "A”, 2866; % of “A” 43.9; No. of B.l, 2919; % of B.l, 44.7; Ont. Govt. Subsidy paid on 88.6. *A” carcass and 50c for each These statistics show DISTRICT FALL FAIR DATES Elmira.............. Toronto C.N.E.. Durham ............ Neustadt.... ...... Tavistock.......... Fergus .............. Hanover ........... 1 Milverton.......... New Hamburg ... Orangeville _ _ , Wiarton ........... Exeter_______ Kincardine ........ Listowel ............ Markdale ___ _ Mildmay .... ...... Palmerston ___ Stratford .......... Bayfield __...___ Blyth ................. Drayton_ _____ Dundalk ............ Grand Valley.... Holstein____ __ Mitchell _ _____ Ovzen Sound__ Paisley.............. Port Elgin .... Zurich ............... Ripley......... . Arthur............... Atwood.............. Ay ton ................. Dungannon ......., Gorrie ....... ........ Teeswater.......... Tiverton ___........... Underwood ..... . Aug. 29, Sept. 1 Aug. 22 - Sept. 6 ........... Sept. 4, 5 ............Sept. 5, 6 ............ Sept. 5, 6 — ..Sept. 11, 12 ....... Sept. 11, 12 ........Sept. 11, 12 ........Sept. 12, 13 ......... Sept. 9, 10 ..... . Sept. 11, 12 ........Sept. 17, 18 .........Sept. 18, 19 ....... Sept. 17, .........Sept. 18, .. .... Sept. 16, ....... Sept. 19, .....Sept. 15 - .......Sept. 24, ....... Sept. 25, — ... Sept. 23, ....... Sept. 23, — ....Sept. 26, — ... Sept. 25, .........Sept. 23, ......Sept. 27 - ......... Sept. 22, 23 ...... Sept. 26, 27 — . Sept. 22, 23 ...... Sept. 23, 24 ._____ Oct. 2, 3 —........ Sept. 29, 30 ........... Oct. 2, 3 ........... Oct. 2, 3 ....___ Oct...3, 4 .. Sept. 30, Oct. 1 ........... Oct. 6, 7 ...._____Oct. 14 18 19 17 20 17 25 26 24 24 27 26 24 30 SPECIAL BARGAIN7 mii Em IHEKNUkAi i■aBMii • ft is doubtful if in any other line of business the man at the retail end renders as technically expert and helpful service to his customers at so low a cost as does the local Implement Dealer. This, while it has always been so, has greater significance in these days of more highly mechanized farming,, calling as it does for training and experience in the servicing of modern machines. His experience with machines enables him to give time and money-saving service in the speedy furnishing of the correct part when repairs and replacements are required—for delays in seed­ ing, haying and harvesting may result in substantial loss to a farmer. In those critical seasons his warehouse is open practically at all times, and he is untiring in playing his part to prevent farmers suffering from delays. His accumulated knowledge of methods being used and of? the experiences of the many farmers he calls on and associates; with makes his advice helpful and valuable. Since the early pioneering days, through all the vicissitudes of farming, the Implement Dealer has shared the hardships as well as the fortunes of farmers- rendering a worth-while service and establishing ai well-founded place for himself in our economic set-up- and fifty for the season, but the closed season will be in force for the Brant, a species of goose. Duck, geese (other than Brant) and Wilson’s snipe, September 15-Novem- ber 15, or October 15-November 30, depending on location, except in the counties of Essex, Kent and Elgin, where season for geese, other than Brant, will be November 1-December 31; woodcock, September 20-Octoiber 20, or October 1-October 31, according to district. THE LIGHTER SIDE OF LIFE First woman: I wonder if Howard will love me when I’m Second ditto: You’ll soon now, dear! old? know pretty know is WillThe laziest man we Knott. He’s too lazy to sign his full name anywhere — just writes "Won’t.” EXCURSIONS To All Stations In • WESTERN CANADA O. A. C. Classes Open Oct. 1 Opening of classes at the Ontario Agricultural College has been delayed tpne week this year, and they will con­ clude one week earlier, as well, ac­ cording to the college calendar just issued. Registration days this year are set for September 29 and 30, with lectures beginning on October 1, the first term concluding December 23. Classes re­ sume January 5, and examinations for the year on April 10, and for the grad­ uating class on May 6. Because the R. C. A. F. is establish­ ed there, classes for girls at the Mac­ donald Institute have been cancelled! A woman may be taken for granted, for the duration of the war. but she never goes without saying. In his Own case, every man looks upon cowardice as discretion. A thing of beauty has joy-rides for ever. Statisticians have figured the time lost in every business occupation. Now they might figure the time wasted in figuring satistics. The doctor who said kissing short­ ens life no doubt meant single life. The fun undertakes will start when somebody to reform the women! Going Dates DAILY SEPTEMBER 12 to 26, 1941: Return Limit: 45 days. .. Tickets Good To Travel Tn Coaches' Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping cars also available on payment of slightly high­ er passage fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car accommodation. ROUTES—Tickets good going via. Port Arthur, Ont., Chicago, Ill., or Sault Ste. Marie, returning via same: route and line only. Generous op­ tional routings. STOPOVERS—will be allowed at any point in Canada on the going or re­ turn trip, or both, within final limit, of ticket, on application to Conduc­ tor; also at Chicago, Ill,, Saulte Ste.. Marie, Mich., and west, in accord­ ance with tariffs of United States-, lines. Full particulars from any agent. Canadian Pacific HIS FLEET /Wife Preservers AS HIS MAJESTY REVIEWED inspection tour of the fleet to aat&m To give ydur mornihg glories, swoet peas, nasturtiums and petunias an early start, plant'Seeds ih tho house now and set the plants out when weather permits. DATES FOR DUCK HUNTING SET ’Migratory bird hunting regulations setting the duck limit at twelve a day ih all provinces this fall were announ­ ced by the Mines and Resources De­ partment, The regulations, containing the ban against use of live decoys, sets the season duck bag limit at 160 in all eastern provinces. Hunters in the five eastern provin­ ces will be allowed five geese a day