HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-08-28, Page 8r^' PAGE EIGHT Rev, Horace C. Whinch, M.D.D.D, of Hazelton, B. C., known as the “Sur­ geon of the Skeena,” ''The ’ members recited a favorite verse in answer to the foil call, Show Starts at 8.00 p.m., Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 28, 29, 30 LEW AYRES LIONEL BARRYMORE LARAINE DAY — In — Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. “Information Please” I JR in * H “DR. KILDARE’S CRISIS” “Ray Whitley Comedy” “News” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 1, 2, 3. HENRY FONDA CHARLES COBURN BARBARA STANWYCK — In — “THE LADY EVE” Henry Fonda in his first comedy role. Also “Bob Chester & Orch.” “Popular Science” BLUEVALE Mrs. Edward Johnston presided at the monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church and carried out the “Social Welfare Program” on the theme “Demonstrating the AVay of Christ in Soical Welfare.”’ Following a Prayer of Thanksgiving for God’s Providence, Mrs. R. Shaw read a ’Scripture lesson from Luke 18:9-25. Hymns in keeping with the program were sung. Mrs. E. Johnston gave a brief resume of the life and work of Sing a Song of SCHOOL DAYS ( And little feet feel like sing­ ing, too, when they’re snugly and comfortably encased in these fine, sturdy shoes for .boys and girls. Every style the young folks favor is included — and sizes for all. ...Fitted for super comfort and correct posture. $1.49 to 3.45 DUNLOP’S SHOE STORE “HOME OF GOOD SHOES 1 n C\ £ A j C* I ’ s SHOP EARLY AND SAVE ON OUR ADVEVRTISED LINES. Suits in Tailoring which has; earned our reputation for true values. Suits with extra trousers in dark: stripes and fancy worsteds, reg. $29.00, . .Sale Price $24,501 Students Suits with extra trousers,, regular $26.50, Sale Price .............................. $21.50j Boys School Suits y- Less 2.0 Per Cent. A new Fall Fur Felt Hat will be given away Free? this end of August Sale for the. early shopper who, purchases a Winter Overcoat, Top Coat or Suit, THREE DAYS ONLY Other Items at Sale Prices—Forsyth Shirts, Winter Underwear, Odd Trousers, Sweaters. SPECIAL IN WINDBREAKERS Thirty Windbreakers, silk lined, zipper fronts, regular $5.95, Sale Price ». Hanna & Co. Ltd Did Red Cross Quilting Mrs, John Snell was the hostess for the August meeting of the Ladies Aid group of Knox Presbyterian Church with a good attendance of members and visitors. The president, Mrs. Archie Messer, presided for a short business and de­ votional meeting. * . During the afternoon, the ladies quilted a Red Cross quilt, A delicious lunch was served by the hostess as­ sisted by Mrs. Cameron Adams., Joyce and Ruth Fell, Tor- visiting their grandmother, Misses onto, are Mrs. Eliza Fell. Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacLean and son Neil, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton, Misses Joyce, Yvonne, Phillis and Pauline Machie of Drunilo, are holi­ daying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes. Charles R. Messer of Toronto spent the week-end with his. father, John F. Messer. J. H. F. Timmins of Toronto called on firends in the village this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higigns spent the week-end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. McKinney of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntosh of Molesworth, visited with Mrs. Thos. Coultes and Miss Mabie Coultes. Mrs. Mary Robertson is with her sister, Mrs. John Geddes at Belgrave. Miss Muriel Smith is holidaying with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith near Brussels. Mrs. Weir Elliott and son Carlton of Bath, N. B,, called on their cous­ ins, Misses Mary and ,Ruby Duff and Mrs. M. L, Aitken. Mrs. R. D. Thomas and Miss Agnes Thomas of Toronto called on friends in the village this week. Spence McKinnon of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff at Waterloo, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon. Miss Florence Fowler, Messrs Elmir and Buck Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ mond Elliott, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Ingles at Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. William Purdon and Miss Beeatrice McQuillan of Luck­ now were the guests of Miss Dorothy Aitken on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston spent Sunday with relatives at Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton, Mrs. Churchill, Vernon and Loreen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hamilton of Moorefield. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sorrel, Gordon, Betty and Mildred of Stratford also Mrs. William Hamilton and Mrs. Cecil Eckmire, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Churchill. BELGRAVE Rally In Belgrave In October The Belgrave Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. L. Hopper in Morris for their August meeting. Mrs. N. Keating presided during the meeting.. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted and the treasur­ er’s report received. It was decided to conduct a penny contest during the next month. It was also arranged to1 ■5 make a wool comforter for sale, theg -----V. .................................J !......................... mt. a WINGHAM1 • ADV ANCE-TIMES at Au- Hats <1 ■ •t WHITECHURCH KING'S TORY CORNERS SALEM OMAR HASELGROVE MORRIS BLYTHHarold Victor Pyme ( | MELCOURT.79c I COFFEE, lb. ....... All for only 49i meet- Bible Lucy and a Theory Exams, HEAVY ZINC JAR RINGS, dozen............25c 14-CUT WHITE RUBBER RINGS, 4 doz.....25c Organist and Choirmaster St. Church ^■Gillette TECH RAZOR with 4 Vita! Shtivincj Impravnmenti DUCHESS CHOICE APPLES, 6 qt. basket -»^19c CHOICE PIPE DANANAS, lb, ...„..„10c CONCENTRATED I lc DEAL SUPERSUDS, large box ...,.-.22c 1 Woodbury’s-SOAP, 4 cakes 25c R. A. Reid R. 0. Eyesight Specialist Wingham Office At Williams’1 Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to tibon. ......25c ......33c ......21c No. 1 ONTARIO POTATOES, 11 qt. bask. VALENCIA LARGE ORANGES, dozen Skid-PnofTread Prevents Skin Nicks HU.WUJJL'UJUISfl! Thursday, August 28, 1941 For distinctive simpli­ city and superb felts, ev­ ery woman wants a Stet­ son. New Fall Styles, new Fall Shades are now be­ ing featured. Why not orcler your Steson Now? Blade. and 5 Blue Gillette Blades Sunday with friends in Gorrie. Miss Jean .McClennan spent a week with Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Jones burn. We were sorry to hear Mrs. Ed. Johnston fell and hurt her leg and Suf­ fered other bruises last week, and hope she will soon be all right again. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIntosh and Mr. Harold McIntosh of Kincardine, were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Golleq. Rev. and Mrs. A, V. Robb of Cam- lachie, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alev, MacEwen. ‘ Mrs, J, C. Casemore and Mr, and Mrs. Milo Casemore and family were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Ingles of Atwood, Master Harold McCutcheon of Brus­ sels, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver aCmpbell. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McWftinney of Dungannon, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Paterson on Friday, and Mrs. Crozier and son, Colin of Ash­ field, visited there on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson attended the fun­ eral of Mrs. Robt. Treleaven at Dun­ gannon United Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alec King of Brussels spent Sunday at the home of their niece, Mrs. Dawson Craig. Mrs. Wm, Robinson is visiting this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, Morris. Miss Bertha Mackay of Toronto, spent last week wit hher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay. Mr. Wm. Taylor of St. Marys was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomp son. Mr. James Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson and Mrs. Wm. Adair have returned from a visit to Toronto. Your Publicschoolers and Highschoolers will want warm, sturdy clothing for the Fall Term------and of course the right style means a lot to young folks............... Girls’ Regulation Navy Tunics ,$2.95 Girls’ Regulation White Blouses, long or short sleeves ............ .. . .$1.00 Girls’ All Wool Sweaters ............ 98c to'$3.25 Campus Socks....................■.......... • • • • 59c Boys’ Suits, two-trouser models in wors­ teds and tweeds............................$8.95 up Boys’ Knickers, made for long service . .$1.50, 2.75 Boys’ Shirts .. ...........................................$1.00, 1.25 Boys’ All Wool Sweaters ....................98c to $2.50 Golf Socks..............p..........................................35c Youths’ Suits — smartly styled with two trousers..................... $21.95 • Long Trousers .....................................$2.98 to 4.95 Shirts, special Arrow and Forsyth styles • ...................................."... $1.65 and $2.00 Michael Kelly, aged 81. Service was •held in the Blyth R. C. ChUrch on Wednesday morning, the Rev. Father McDonald officiated. Allen Vincent is back home from a visit in Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Porteous of Trail, B. C., and Mr .and Miss Rolt of Tor­ onto were callers with Mrs. -J. A. Brandon and Mrs. H. Perdue last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule and Berna of Paisley spent Sunday at their home in Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. R. Booth of Londos were guests with Mrs. Brandon one day. Miss McClinton of Goderich visited with her aunt, Mrs. J. Walsh one day this week. proceeds to be used in war work. The officers’ rally for the district is to be held in Belgrave in October. This feeling was in charge of the girls with Muriel Hopper and Mrs. Stewart Procter as convenors. The roll call was responded to by telling how the girls can improve the Institute. Mrs. S. Procter had a splendid paper on the motto which was based on the two words “Can and If.” Miss Ferrol Higgins had charge of current events and conducted a question drawer which proved very interesting and in­ structive. Mrs. Edgar Wightman had charge of the address and gave a § splendid talk on the Red Cross and = pointed out how it was originated and I has steadily grown since and of the vast amount of work it has accomp­ lished, is accomplishing and will have to carry on in the future. A vocal duet iby Marjorie and Marlene Mac- Kenzie, acompanied on the piano by their mother, Mrs. R. J< MacKenzie, was enjoyed, The singisg of the Na­ tional Anthem closed the meeting, af­ ter which a ten cent tea was served by the hostess, assisted by Mary Yuill, Mrs. N. Higgins- and Muriel Hopper. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, J, Wheeler, g g a Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston at­ tended a funeral of a cousin at Dun­ gannon on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Jas. Peacock asd »Mr. Ed. and Will Johnston attended the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. Robt. Treleaven’ on Sat­ urday afternoon at Dunganson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones of Auburn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClennan and family, 1st line. Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston and family spent Sunday with friends at Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Jefferson and family of Holyrood, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston spent Mr, R, Yule-has accepted the pos­ ition as C. N, R. agent at Raisley Vhete he has been rcleiving for some time. Services in Knox United Church and Brick Church were in charge of the Young People of Brick. Church on Sunday, The address was given by George Taylor, Services next Sunday will be in charge of the Triple Bible Class of Belgrave Church, The many friends of Mrs. F. S. B. Wright will be pleased to learn that she has so far recovered from her re­ cent illness to be able to return to 'her home here. Mrs. Wright has been a patient in' Wingham Hospital follow­ ing a critical operation. L.A.C, David Howes of R.C.A.F. at Trenton, was a visitor last week-end at th? home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Howes. Pte. Kenneth Wright of Kitchener, was a week-end visitor with his par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edgar, Gorrie, were Sunday visitors a’t the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dane. Sgt. Pilot Arnold Leonard, who re­ ceived His wings at Camp Borden last Thursday, visited at the 'home of his aunt, Mrs. Geo. A. Dane over the week end. He is spending a week’s leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Leanord, Fordwich, after which he leaves Sept. 3rd for. Halifax. The Red Cross meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Wylie on Wed­ nesday afternoon last. A good attend­ ance was reported and the afternoon was spent in quilting and sewing. A lunch was served by the hostess assist­ ed by Group 2. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Krel- ler on Labour Day. Finished articles returned to Red Cross, Gorrie, from previous meeting were 1 pair woollen blankets donated by ladies of group, 1 quilt, 4 doz. hdkfs., 2 pairs boys pants, 4 prs. pyjamas, 2 prs. socks, 4 pr.s. fly­ ing mitts, 1 pr. seaman’s socks, 1 dress (14 years size) odnated. Mrs. (Dr.) W. W. Weir of Toronto, and Mrs. Wm. Weir of Salem, were Monday guests at the home of latter’s niece, Mrs. Geo. A. Dane. Mrs. (Dr.) W. W. Weir of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. Wm. Weir and other friends. Mr. Eldred Cathers of. Weston, and Miss Evelyn Cathers of Toronto, vis­ ited their parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Char­ lie Cathers over Sunday. Mrs. Earle Acheson and two sons of London, visited her parents, Mr. and7 Mrs. A. E. Gallaher recently. Mr.1 and Mrs. Charlie McKay of Brussels, and son, Roy, from Californ­ ia, and Mr. Merton Howe of Toronto, called on Mr. Edwin Palmer last week. The community was shocked when Mrs. Edwin Palmer died suddenly while’ eating her dinner on the 13th instant. The funeral on the following Friday was largely attended. Mr. Pal­ mer has the sympathy of the commun­ ity. Thompson Sr., closed the meeting with prayer. There were sixteen ladies pres­ ent. Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and little son, Babbie, visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton ,at Bluevale. Mr, and Mr.s.'Ted Mills and little daughter Joan of Toronto, are spend­ ing this week with- his sister, Mrs. Norman Thompson and other friends. Mrs. W. J. Craig, Ila and Allan were Sunday visitors at the home of R, Chamney. . Miss Agnes Rodgers of Toronto was a guest for a few days last week with her friend, Miss Jean Robinson. Mrs. Arthur Speigelberg and little son Barkley of Kitchener.,- visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mrs. Christena Jefferson has return­ ed from a. visit with her sisters at Guelpli. Andrew’s Presbyterian • Teacher of Piano, Orgafn, Vocal, Students prepared for and Music Festival Competitions Class now forming for fall term Sept. 2nd. Pupils who Wish to enroll, should make appointment as soon as possible. Studio at Residence, Centre St. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED AT MODERATE PRICES. DONNYBROOK The W. M. S. met on Thursday af­ ternoon in the basement of the church, during the afternon a quilt was com­ pleted for the Red Cross. Miss Rebec­ ca Thompson had charge of the ing which included, a series of questions. Readings by Misses Thompson and Elaine Bamford solo by Irene Robinson. Miss Rebecca Blyth Municipal Telephone System has purchased the Sibthorpe block. The system have occupied a portion of the second floor for telephone central and now with the purchase of the bittiding the central will be moved to the ground front of the building. Mrs. Gordon Elliott and son, John, spent some days during the week with Stratford friends. Mrs. J. H. Brown of Toronto, is vis­ iting her sister, Mrs, James Logan. Miss Zelda Scott of Torohto, is vis­ iting her father, Mr. Richard Scott Miss Annie Maines and Mrs. Bryant of Stratford, are visiting their parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. John Maines. The Red Cross held a very success­ ful Bingo Satttray evening in Memor­ ial Hall. Miss Wilma Watson and Miss Mar­ garet Scrimgeour, Huron County Champions in’ Hame Economics spos- sored by the Department of Agricul­ ture under the auspices of the Wom­ en’s Institute, will attend the Toronto Exhibition on Wednesday, Sept. 3rd. They will compete with the champions of other counties. 4 Dr. Arnold and Mrs, Voakes spent a few days at Sauble Beach, they were accompanied home by Rev, A. M. Boy­ le and family, who had spent the past month very pleasantly at their cottage there. There passed away at the homo of her daughter at Lucan on Sunday, Mrs, PHONE 161 REPAIRS = First Class Watch Repairs At ■ Reasonable Prices. ' ■ Come in and see our stock of = Wedding Gifts. f Williams - Jeweller iiiaiiiniiniiiiiiniiHiiniiiHiwiiiHiiiHiiinii PROMPT DELIVERY I 12-CUT HEAVYI RUBBER RINGS...2 doz. 15c I WHOLE MIXED ^PICKLING SPICE, lb, XXX Spirit or Pure Cider VINEGAR, SALAD , | CHATEAU PLAIN CREAMDRESSING, 32 oz. jar ............49 c I CHEESE, lb. pkg, 18c gallon 49 c Picake Vegetable Shorting, lb. ........ Calumet Baking Powder, 12 oz. tin,___ Made-Rite Pastry Flour, 24 Ik bag ... .. 18c .,19c ‘ ..75c FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA, lb... PAULIN’S ROASTED -POPPED WHEAT 8qt.Pi<gc. 15c York All Pork Sausage, lb. ....... Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, lb. ..... York Good Quality Boldgna, lb* .. Shop Here and Get Bank Hite Tickets and CKNX Wat Swings Club Tickets*