HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-08-28, Page 5Thursday, August 28, 1941 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Dbyell of Owen to her home after month with her and Mrs, Robert . GORRIE PRINT-DRESSES KNEE PANTS washable printCrisp, colorful, washable print dresses, gaily patterned, smartly styl­ ed and novelty trimmed. Sizes 6 to 14 years — $1.00 Each Dressy Knee Pants of fine herring­ bone tweed, well made with half’•elas­ tic waist at back. Brown and Grey colors. Sizes 24 to 32 — 1.25 and 1.49 Pair TUNICS Tunics are “right” from the first day at school until her late ’teens. All. Wool Serge, yoke style, box pleats, belt, pocket. Sizes 8 to 14 years 2.98 each. White Broadcloth Blouses to go with Tunic, 8 to 14 years, 1.00 each.* SWEATERS last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Eli Bolt, Gth or Turn­ berry, Miss Betty Luu Sound has returned spending the past grandparents, Mr, Deyell. Misses Doris Armitake, Mary Eliz­ abeth McKibbon, Phylis Turner, Vir­ ginia .Currie, Betty Rae, Isabel Lamb, Irlmj- Harrison and Marjorie Pym holidayed at Gran'diBend lasf week* ' On 'their return from the Maritimes where they motored from their home in Vancouver ixr June, Mr, and Mrs, John. ' MacRae while at Kincardine Beach, visited Miss Isabel Simpson, Diagonal Road, Monday of last week, Mr. MacRae is a native of Huron Co., son of the late Rev, Mr. MacRae, Cranbrook, and brother of Dr. Mac­ Rae, Brussels. Mrs. Hemmiller and daughter Paul­ ine and Betty* spent a few days last week with friends at Chesley. Mrs. Archie Scott, Mrs. Cragg Sr., Mrs, Cragg and family all of Blyth were Sunday guests of th.e former’s mother, Mrs. A, Hamilton, Mr, George Copeland of London, splint a few days last week with his patents at the parsonage, Mrs, S, G. Kaine has returned home after spending a month with her son, Mr. John Kaine at Parry Sound. Mrs. A, D, Armstrong, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs, J. Willocks and daugh­ ter Janet, Ripley, were Sunday guests with Dr. and Mrs, J. Amrstrong. Mrs. Murray and children, Toronto Mrs. ■Wingham Bank Nite Club u $10 First Prize; $10 Second Prize $5 Third Prize and Ten $1 Prizes.A, BROADCLOTH SLIPS Dainty slips of white cotton Broad­ cloth with self flounce trim'at bottom and built-up shoulders. Sizes 6 to 14 years — 29c Each - SILK PANTIES Silk knit rayon panties in the pop­ ular brief style with elastic waistband, cuff knee and fancy stitch trim, 6 to 14 years. 29c Per Pair GIRLS’ BELOW-THE-KNEE HOSE ■WMMMiKi Sport-minded girls will give these stockings top rating for school arid. play. Ma^e from All Wool Yarns with “Lastex” tops. 6 to 8% 39c Pair — 9 to 10% 45c Pair SUEDE TAFFETA SLIPS Slips of Rayon Suede-finished Taf­ feta. Built-up shoulder style with frill and lace edging around bottom.. , . . Sizes 6 to 14 years — 59c Each ■ 9 M Any boy -would like to wear a smart up-to-the-minute pullover like these. New Cadet and Military style collar with zipper closing. Colors, Wine, Green, Royal, Navy. Usually $1.39 value. Sizes 24 to 34 — $1.00 Each SHIRTS^I BORN Nothing dressier or more service­ able than these better quality shirts for boys. Full cut sizes and easy to tub. All have breast pocket and.’but­ toned band cuffs. Sizes 12 to 14 — 89c Each BALLBRIGGAN COMBS .. Athletic cross-over style combina-/ . fi.qh$j,’in natural shade. They are the most popular underwear lines we sell for boys. WALKER — In Wingham General Rospital, on Sunday, August 24th, ■to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker,- R. R, No, 5, Brussels, a son, MacDONALD — In Wingham Gener­ al Hospital, on Saturday, August 23rd., to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mac­ Donald, R. R. No. 1, Ethel, a dau­ ghter. FORRESTER -*■ In Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital, on Thursday, August 21st, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Forrest­ er, R. R, No. 1, Lucknow, a daugh­ ter. - < . 1 WEBSTER — In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday,. August 17th, to Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Webster, Lucknow, a daughter.- RICHARDS — In Wingham General Hospital, om Friday, August 15th, • to Mr. and Mrs. Orland Richards, R. R. No. 3, Lucknow, a daughter. RITCHIE — In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, August 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rit­ chie, R. R. No. 7, Lucknow, a ■ ghter. (stillborn). dau- Sizes, 24 to 32 — 39c Pair KNEE-LENGTH HOSE These are made from fine quality marl cotton, a very suitable hose for- school opening and early fall year. Sizes 7 to 8% — 25c Pair BOYS’ TIES Any boys would be proud to wear one of these new club stripes or plaids in newest colorings.' 25c Each' SCHOOL SUPPLIES Black covered Scribblers 144 pages 10c Scribblers, Rough Paper, 2 for 5c. Roylar H.B. Pencils, 2 for 5c. - Smooth Paper, 2 for 5c. x WEDDINGS Taylor - Galbraith Miss Helen Ethelyn Galbraith, daukhter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gal­ braith of Gorrie, and Richard Fred­ erick Taylor, son of Mr. Richard Tay­ lor, Hamilton, and the late Mrs. Tay­ lor, were married in Alton First Unit­ ed Church. Rev. J. McCrimmon offic­ iated, and the attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor of Hamilton. Mr. Harry Allan was at the organ. The bride wore a ‘ frock of navy triple sheer, navy Breton sailor hat and car­ ried a shower of Talisman roses and bouvardia. Her attendant wore an en­ semble of beige, with large brown felt hat and corsage of roses. After an in­ formal reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor, the couple left for Georgian Bay, and will live in Kirkland Lake. baby with Mrs. are holidaying with Mr. and Robert Gathers. Mr, and Mrs. C. Michel and daughter Karen, spent Sunday the .latter's parents, Mr. and Zimmerman in Milverton, Mrs. David Cathers visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Gathers at Salem on Sunday* Mrs. Cosjello and Mr. William Thornton, Bluevale, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thornton on Sun­ day. Mr. John Haugh, Tiverton, visited with Mr, J. T. Shera on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. King spent the week-end in Toronto the guests of the former’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King, Miss J. P. Stinson and little neice Miss Marlene Barton, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Miss Burns near Lakelet. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stephens spent Sunday with Mr. dnd Mrs. _ D. Hicks in Harriston. Dr. and Mrs. Whitley spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. Riley who has been at the same home for the past two weeks returned to Toronto with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cathers, Mrs. Mur­ ray and children also Mr. and Mrs. Jardine of Brussels visited relatives at Mitchell on Sunday, Mrs. Irwin of Toronto, is visiting her sons, Archie and Manford Irwin Who Will Be Lucky This Saturday Night? ». a A lucky ticket with every 25 cents you spend at Bank Nite Stores. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a WINGHAM UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS Benedict, N....... Burgman, W, .. Clark, G............. Coultes, M.......co­ Darling, A, ........ Harding, J.......... Hogg, G.............. Homuth, M........ Horsburgh, E.... Jackson, K......... Keith, G.............. McClenaghan, E. McDonald, M..... Reid, S............. o 3 3 K »-) . o W S c bi) 3 3 2 c 2 c c 2 c <3 c 2 c 8 3 o 2 2 3 2 2 H o- o' o N cnS' s 8ty o 2 c c 2 c 2 c 2 2 2 1 c c c c c • 2 1 1 3 c c 2 c c ■c c c 3 3 .ci 8 fc £ 2 c c 3 2 c 3 •< c c c 1 1 c c 3 c 2 c c 3 c 2 2 3 2 c 2 2 3 3 c 2 3 c 2 c 3 c c 1 c 1 c c The students of the Upper School 'have again maintained the in examinations of the Wingham Hikh School. Ninety-six per papers written were successful. 1 c c high record cent of the c c 1 2 2 . Walked Jlimited WINGHAM BANK NITE STORE “The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail”Telephone 36 Wingham, Ont. Local and personal, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stewart were Muskoka visitors last week. L. A. C. Chester Stewart of Trenton was home for the week-end. Mr., John Nicholls of Toronto re­ newed acquaintances in town last Week. Mrs. A. Fothergill and Mabel have returned home from holidaying at Port Elgin., Mrs. Kenneth Love of Toronto spent last we.ek.with her mother, Mrs. S. Piper. A. C. 2 Raymond Carter R. C. A. F. has bpen transferred from Toronto to Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills of Ot­ tawa were visitors in Wingham and Teesvyater. Marlyn Murray of Toronto visited Mrs. Tor- Mrg. Low Rail Fares To TORONTO EXHIBITION $3.65 In Coaches Only “Government Tax 10% Extra” Special low fares gbod for travel in parlor cats or in sleepers quoted on request, Good going Aug* 21 to Sept 6. Final Return Limit Sept. 10. Canadian Pacif ic w with her grandparents, Mr. and J. E. Isard. Miss Katherine Campbell ■ of onto is visiting with Mr. and Gordon Buchanan, Miss Irene Davies of Toronto was a week-end visitor with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Birtch. Miss Jean and Ross Northrop are visiting this week at the Canadian National Exhibition. Mrs. James Sell attended the funer­ al of the late Mrs. Elmer Osborne in Kincardine on Monday. Miss Frances Edgar of London is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacLean of Toronto were, recent guests'with Mr, and Mrs. A. R. DuVal. Mr. and Mrs. jack Hare of Kitch­ ener are guests this Week with his mother, Mrs. S. M. Hare. „ Miss, Betty Rae of Toronto General Hospital is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Rae. Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Burgman and family are spending a vacation at their cottage, Bruce Beach. Mrs. Florence Turner of Toronto was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. George Ross and Dr. Ross, Roberta Ann Spotton of Toronto was a visitor with her aunt and nttcle, Mr. and Mrs, R* A, Spottoft. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Fisher of Toronto, are spending a few days with Miss Fisher and Mrs, Hanna. Mrs. Scott and Miss Alice Scott of Guelph were week-end visitors With Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong, A. C. John Preston, R. C. A. F. Is spending a two weeks kaye withJiU.. parents, Mr. and* Mrs. OrTrestom Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rintoul and family of Lincoln Park, Mich., visited with his mother, Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham and daughter Wanda of Windsor were vis­ itors at the Graham home, John St. Alice Laidlaw has returned home from Big Chief Lodge, Orillia, where she has been with friends for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lott and children George and Nancy, Detroit, visited with his mother, Mrs* George Lott. Miss Hila Cowell of Brooklyn, N. Y, and Miss Nora Cowell of Beams- ville are visitors with Miss B. Rey­ nolds. Mrs. Margaret Stafford of St- Thomas spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haney* Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Yeoman and baby, Bobby, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter. Mr. and Mrs, J. J, Moffatt Have re­ turned from a visit with their daugh­ ter, Mrs* Ralph Elliott and Mr, Elliott of Ripley* Mr, Fred Norman of Buffalo, N. Y, also Mr. and Mrs. E, Norman, Brant­ ford were visitors at the home of C. S. Blackhall. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deyell this week are: tMr. and Mrs. Richard Park, Miss Beth and Mr. Jack Park of Dungannon. Miss Margaret McKee And Mrs. C. J. Taylor have returned from a five day cruise on the S. S. Manltoulin to the Sault Ste Marie and White Fish , , , Wtsi ’ John Osler and (daughters Maxine and Karen of ’ListOWel visited Farrier - Clark A wedding of local interest was solemnized in the First United Church, Galt, at 11 a.m., Friday, August 22nd, by Rev. Taylor Faickney, when Pearl Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will­ iam John Clark of Wingham, became the bride of Mr. Robert Russell Far­ rier, West Wawariosh. The bride wore a becoming dress of soldier blue crepe with white accessories and carried a corsage of sweetheart roses and maid­ enhair fern. The attendants Were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Farrow, sister and brother-in-law of the bride. For travel­ ling the bride donned a suit of navy blue and following a trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls, the happy young couple will reside at Galt. her sons, Archie and Manford at present. Gnr. Kenneth Galbraith of Borden, spent the week-end home near here. Mrs. Carl Cooke of Kitchener, was the guest of Mrs. Nay last week. Pte. Kenneth Watson, of London, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Watson. Mrs. Andrews of Woodstock, visit­ ed her cousin, Mr. Tihos. Bradnock ov­ er the week-end. * « Master Kenneth Arscott, who has spent the past several weeks with his grandmother, Mrs. Miller, has return­ ed to his home in Toronto. Misses Lois and Joyce Gray have returned home to Toronto after spend­ ing the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. Mrs. Purrott and son, Mr. George Purrott and Master Roy Wodehouse, Hamilton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King last week. Miss Margaret Arsgott, Toronto, is visiting her uncle' and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller. Little Miss Edith Hastie visited her cousin, Miss Audrey Hastie last week. Mr. James Walker was a visitor to Woodstock one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stewart, Stoney Creek, and Miss Annie Donaldson of Preeman, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and other relatives. Mrs. Mason, Toronto, is the guest of her friend, Miss Myrtle Short. Camp at his people do not attend church service,” of Dearborn, Mich., was a guest at and was led by Mrs. Shera. Roll call was answered by “My Duty to' My Auxiliary.” The vice president con­ ducted the business, the minutes ad­ opted as read and items of business disucssed, after which the meeting closed with a hyfn and Mizaph Bene­ diction. Owing to the Convention Area be­ ing held in Chesley on the regular Institute day, the Gorrie Women’s In­ stitute are holding their meeting this Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clauence Sparling a 2.30 p.m. Roll call—Hints on winter storage of fruits and vegetables. ■ Miss Helen Speir of. Brussels was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whit­ field last week. Sergt. R. G. Newton, Kitchener, spent Saturday at his home here. Mr. Thos. Bradnock visited his cousins in Woodstock and friends in Stratford last week. Mrs. Ellis of Guelph is visiting her daughter, Mrs. V. Shera and Mr. Shera at present. Mr. A. G. D. Ellis I >/ BELMORE 'Rev. Stewart of Teeswater, took the service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Rev. Stanley Keast is renewing ac­ quaintances in and around the village. Also Mrs; George Nichol and* Robert Law of Toronto, Mr. Runkin’s sister at the general store. We regret very much to hear of the accident that befell Ken Dickinson while engaged threshing at Wm. Dar­ lings. His foot in some way got caught in the cutting box, 3 toes were severed before he was released. He is now a patient in Walkerton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haskins are holidaying in Hamilton, While in Wroxeter os Thursday M. Jeffray called and Mrs. Jas. Rae, Mrs. Dave Rae, Mrs. George Allen and at the Meahan home. Miss Fanny Longley is laid aside with broken ribs the result of falling off a load of grain, Mr* Lome Evans was home for the week-end, also Stewart Jeffray. The Httnkin family spent Sunday at the lake, Mr, and Mrs. James Austin, Mrs, Nowans, Bruce Rutherford, Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Fitch land children visited Sunday at- .Janies 'Darlings. ’.Miy •ajid? Mrs, Robt. Jeffray* Elmer and-Arnold at Adam Darlings, Mrs. George Rutherford, Margaret and Jean of Dungannon, were In the village Sunday, Bruce returning with them. Bride-Elect Honored Miss Rahno Beamish, assistant sup­ erintendant of Toronto Western Hos­ pital, entertained at luncheon in the Round Room, Eaton’s College St., To­ ronto, in honour of Miss Marguerite Foster, Reg.- N., bride of this month. Miss Marjorie VanDyke was hostess at a luncheon held in the Arcadian Court, also held in honour of Miss Foster. .In honour of Miss Marguerite Fos­ ter, Reg.N,, bride elect of this month, Miss Genevive Saunders, 18 Walmer Rd., Toronto, was hostess to an infor­ mal party when the members of the nursing staff of Toronto Western Hos­ pital presented her with a miscellan­ eous shower. An attractive buffet luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Marie Kobb and Miss Mary McIntyre. Read Poems In Memory On Wednesay evening last, the members of the Evening Auxiliary hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Miss Jean Sparling with sixteen members and visitors present. The program, was conducted by Mrs. Grainger and Mrs. V, Shera with Miss Sparling as pianist. At the opening of the service, a poem “The Burden of the Hour,” was read in memory of Evelyn M» Stephens, who was an act­ ive member of the auxiliary, and the Devotional Service followed of which Mrs. Grainger was in charge, 'the topic for the evening took the forni of ari open discussion as to “Why the same home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Gilkinson, Wilfred and Lois, Mrs. Haugh and Mr. West Haugh of Wingham were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mundell. Miss Jean Sparling spent Monday at the C. N. E. in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wylie and family of Leaside, are holidaying with the former’s mother, Mrs. John Wylie. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Doig of Kin­ cardine were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doig’, On Tuesday evening a very large number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earls, newlyweds, met in the township hail here, and were presented with an address and gifts, consisiting of tea wagon, book case, couch, purse and several miscellaneous -gifts from the community. Upon receiving- the gifts, both bride and groom made suitable replies, • >-*i The many friends of Mr, Jame$ Anger will regret learning lie is quite1 ill at his home here. We trust there he will Soon be enjoying better health, OH a- ONLY TIRE TH LIFESAVER >0 ANO BLOWOUT TECTION Era fll TOO (J LIGHT A MATCH ON ITS ORY TRACK The y Life-Saver Tread acts like^ a battery of wind­ shield wipers. Sweeps the dangerous film water from under your cat—dries the l road as you drive. 20% mote mileage . . . non-skid tread . . . Safety- Weld blow-out protection ... MORE TIRE FOR YOUR MONEY. Trade In Your Old Tires Today. •nil N. MERKLEYc. COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE