HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-08-14, Page 8Thursday, August 14th, 1941WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
Show Starts at 8,00 p.m., Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 14, 15, 16
“Cartoon” “Traveltalk” “News”
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m
Mon., Tues., Wed.,
August 18, 19, 20
At Regular Prices
- Also -
Canada Carries On”
■ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 21, 22, 23
■ ------ In ------
5 “Edgar Kennedy Comedy” and “News”
H Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.■
• ® e
Mon., Tues., Wed.,
August 25, 26, 27
- Also -
“Disney Cartoon”
o 9 • e x
Archie Purdon is spending a few
days this week at the home of his sis
ter, Mrs. Gordon Rintoul, Lucknow.
The flax-pullers, with their tractors,
■have been busy at Jas. Curran’s and
Aldin Purdon’s during the past week,
pulling the fields of flax.
Mr. Robert Bruce, of Hamilton, is
visiting this week at the home of his
brother, Mr. John Bruce, of Marnoch.
Mrs. Frank Glenn, Toronto, and her
son, A.C. Leonard Glenn of Trenton
Airport, and Mr. and Mrs. Len West
brook, of Goderich, spent a day last
week with their aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cor
. Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock, of
Bluevale, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Dawson Craig.
Miss Dorothy Knight, Lucknow, Mr.
and Mrs. Jahanzi and baby, of Milver
ton,. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
George fisher.
Rev. Mr. Clifton, of London, had
charge of. the services in the Presby
terian Churches here on Sunday.
Misses Isabel and Marjorie Elliott
spent last week at Kincardine beach:
with their aunt, Mrs. Robt. Galbraith,
Mr and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan
and family visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Kerr, Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour and
family spent Sunday withi Mr. and
If you have not received a bill, it will pay you fc
drop in our store and procure one.
• ■ * 'w >v T» . ......■■■ —-«■___?,■’a®.
| McKibbon’s Drug Store
I Phone 53 Wingham, Ontario
Notice To The Public!
Having enlisted with the Canadian Forces for Active
Service for the duration of the war, I will be absent
from my business for an indefinite period.
For the benefit of my clients, I have arranged with
Mr. Wm. Scott, of Monkton, to conduct my business
for me during my absence. Arrangements for sales
can be made at Kemp’s Coal Office, Listowel...
The Monument business will be continued by my part
ner, Mr. Wellington Ronald, in the present location. I
will gratefully appreciate the courtesy of the public if
the patronage given to me will be continued to the
gentleman conducting my business until I return, for
which I sincerely thank you.
Mrs. Chas. Showers, Turnberry.
The girls of the community gather
ed at the home of Miss Mildred Mc
Clenaghan on Friday last and present
ed Miss Genevieve Watt, a bride-to-
be, with a miscellaneous shower,
Miss May Wightman, Blyth, spent
the week-end with Misses Muriel and
Genevieve Watt.
Mr. Clarence McClenaghan had
charge of the services in the Benmiller
and Nile Churches on Sunday.
Mr. Bert Curran spent last week at
the home of his brother, Mr. Jas Cur
ran, and all spent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran,
of Ashfield.
The Mission Band of the Presby
terian Church will hold their annual
picnic at the home of Mrs, Robert
Mowbray on this Friday.
Little Barbara and Jim Gaunt, of
Marnoch^’spent a few days last week
with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Davidson, and returned home
with their parents on'Sunday. Mr, and
Mrs. Wm, Hay, of Hamilton, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Davidson.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Henderson, Ivan
and Eileen, of Lucknow, Mr, and Mrs
Thos. Moore and Douglas Sparling
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan MacGregor, Teeswater, and
Douglas returned with them to Luck
now to spend a few days there.
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt spent a
few days last week with Dr, and Mrs.
Arthur Watt, of Port Elgin, and Miss
Verna Game and Bob Watt, of Tor
onto, also Miss Margaret Clarke, of
Long Branch, and Mr. Archie Watt,
of Toronto, Who are being married at
Long Branch on Saturday, Aug. 19,
spent the. week-end here.
Gerald, Jjmmie and Norbert Rich,
of Formosa, have been visiting at the
home of their aunt, Mrs. Rhys Pol
Born—On Monday, Aug. 4th, in
Wingham General Hospital, to Mr and
Mrs. George Tiffin (nee Isabel Pur
don), of ESngside, a daughter.
Miss Whimsett and her brother, Mr.
Whimsett, who have been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McGee,
returned to their home in Toronto on
Monday last and Mrs. Broomer, of
Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mr>.
McGee this week.
E. Wawanosh people had a rather
exciting day on Wednesday last. Chas.
Robinson was threshing at Thomas
O’Malley’s in the field south of the
barn when a spark from the engine in
some way ignited the straw and chaff.
Jim McGee was coming in the lane
with- a tank of water, and all hands
turned in to smother the' fire, which
got away from them four times. Then
the alarm went out that Mrs, Thomas
Irwin’s house was on fire Mrs. Ir
win had had no fire in the house since
Tuesday morning and was at a loss
to understand the fire. Neighbors sav
ed a number of pieces of the furnish
ings from the ground floor. Mrs. Wil
son and her children, who had been
with her, had left to visit with her hus-
. band’s people in. Toronto, and her
I clothes were all burned too. Then L.
A.C. Richard Ir.wiu, of Goderich, be
gan to stunt in his. plane, and caused
great interest to all,, as everyone knew
1 it must be “Dick.” However, Richard
bias, been moved to, Hagersville and
will now be piloting a big bomber.
,Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wightman
and family, of Welland,, are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs.
and other relatives
Mr. Fred Lever
and his chum, Gordon. Blakely, all of
Toronto, spent the past two weeks
with Mr. Chas. Lever, and returned
home on Monday On Saturday, Bob
bie slipped down the side of the mow
and fell on the gears of a cutting box,
and tore a long gash in. his leg above
the knee, the cut required 12 stitches
to close it.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius were
at Walton last Monday* attending the
funeral of the late James Hueston, her
brother-in-law, who passed away after
an illness of a few weeks- in Goderich
Hospital. The service was held in this
Walton Church with interment in
Brussels Cemetery.
The young people* of this commun
ity, who have been playing ball, met at
the home of Mr. amd Mrs. J. H. Pol
lock last Wednesday night for a soc
ial evening, and tinder Mr, Pollock’s
leadership they were divided into
! groups and enjoyed a scavenger hunt,
. with Jas. Falconer's side winning. J.
D. Ileecroft was master of ceremonies
in the Treasure Trail contest. All en
joyed the lunch 'Of ice cream and cook
ies, although the weather had turned
cooler during the evening.
The Mission Band and Baby Band
of the United Church held a meeting
at the home of Mrs, J G. Gillespie on
r Friday last. After a short program, all
v enjoyed games on (he lawn, Lun’ch
was served and a social time enjoyed
by all,
Ernest Robinson had a day of hard
luck last week. When drawing home
a load of grain from the James farm,
around the road, he upset his load as
lie turned out' of the field onto the
sideroad; then when turning into his
own lane, it upset again throwing him
over against a wire fence, and the
sheaves pinned him there, crushing
him across th$ chest, and laying him
off work for a few days.
Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Keiswaier
received a cable from their son George
saying he had arrived safely in Eng
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross and Miss
Olive Terriff, also Rev. and Mrs. G.
Cox and Donna, spent Friday last
with their family and relatives in Tor
Rev. and Mrs, Stewart, of Moore
field, called on Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Ross on Sunday, as he was taking an
niversary 'services at Ripley. Rev. G.
O. Cox had charge of the services at
Moorefield on Sunday and will preach
in the United Church rere and at St,
Helens on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Melville Beecroft spent
last week with his father, Mr. John
Beecroft arid left on Monday for Ot
Mrs. Wellington Dow has been on
the sick list for the past two weeks.
Mrs. Fennel, of Holyrood, has been
nursing Mrs, Jas. MacGregor for the
past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jacques and
son, Gordon, of Sudbury, have been
visiting with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Eli Jacques.
Buddy Lott, of Ayton, is spending
his holidays with his grandparents, iMr.
and Mrs. Walter Lott,
Mrs. Reuben Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Tiffin and Mr, and Mrs. Victor
Emerson spent Sunday at Holyrood
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin and sons
spent Sunday. at Goderich at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Alec Butler.
Mrs. Muir *and her son, Mr. Robt.
Muir and Mrs. Jack Mitchell, Wing
ham, spent Monday at the home of the
latter’s sister, Mrs. Fred Davidson.
Mr. Walter Lettner, of Toronto,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. John Boyle, and Mrs. Lettner and
the children, who have been visiting
there for the past two weeks, returned
home on Sunday.
Mrs. Laidlaw, of Blyth, has been
staying at the home of Mr. •andMrs.
A. Porterfield during the past week.
Mr. Porterfield Has been recovering
nicely from 1nS*’eye operation, and it
is expected that he will leave the hos
pital in London on Wednesday, al
though he may not return home for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryans of Walton, and
Miss May Smith, of Hamilton, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Fox and Miss
Mr. Kenneth Wright, of Englehart,
spent the week-end at the home
Mr.and Mrs. J. H. Pollock.
Red Cross Shipment
The last shipment of supplies to the
Red Cross Society at Wingham in
cluded: 10 girls’ dresses, 10 girls’ night
dresses, 3 pr. bloomers, 3 pr. step-ins,
3 baby shirts, and assisted the Wing
ham society with their quota with: 7
turtle neck sweaters, 3 seaman’s socks,
2 scarfs, and 4 small boys’ suits.
Leslie Wightman
in. Belgrave and
and. son, Bobbie,
is the time to buy your
White Foolwear when
we are clearing, these
lines at reduced prices.
Shoe Store
S First Class Watch Repairs At =
■ Reasonable Prices.. s
■ Come in and see our Stock of H
= Wedding Gifts. gj
| Williams - Jeweller I
R. A. Reid R. 0._• <oi«------„---------- -----
Eyesight Specialist
Wingham Office
At Williams1’ Jewelry state
Every Wednesday Morning
& to noon.
Missionary Group Met
Mrs. P. S. MacEwen opened
home on Tuesday afternoon for
monthly meeting of the W. M. S.. of
Knox Presbyterian Church. The pres
ident, Mrs. J. J. Elliott,, presided. The
Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. R.
F. Garniss and Mrs. McEwen and Mrs.
George Love led in prayer. Mrs. Ed
art McKerclier introduced the new
study book. The meeting was closed
with singing “Breathe on. me,, breath
of God.” '
Woman’s Association Met
Mrs. Edward Barnard was the host
ess for the regular meeting of the Wo
man’s Association of the United
Church on Thursday afternoon presid
ed over by the president, Mrs. Earl
Hamilton. Following the singing of a
hymn. Mrs. Edward Johnston read the
Scripture ilesson. Readings were given
by Mrs. Sparling Johnston and Mrs.
Arthur Shaw and several items of
business discussed. The meeting clos
ed with singing and repeating the
Lord’s Prayer in unison.
Those on the sick list are, Mrs. Te-
mish, Mr. Tom Abraham, Wm. Ab
ram in London Hospital.
Mr. Lome Evans, of Cornwall, spent
Sunday with his family.
Miss Babe Newans, of Detroit, is
holidaying with* friends here; also
Bruce’ Rutherford of Dungannon.
A Red ’Cross quilting was held in
the basement of the Presbyterian
Church Thursday afternoon.
The Institute meeting will be held-
atthe home of Mrs. Mulvey Wednes
day afternoon.
Mr. and-Mrs. George Edwards, of
Wroxeter, (nee Emma Barton) called
on 'Gordon Mulvey’s on Sunday.
Another skunk story contributed by
the Mildmay Gazette is going the
rounds, when four or five little puss
ies posed for a picture in a cornfield
without sense of guilt or shame.
Mr. and .Mrs, Darling visited the
past week at the Inglis home in Car
Mr. and Mrs. J implie Dickinson and
children, of Teeswater, called on Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Reid Sunday.
Miss Lily Ballantyne, of Exeter, is
the guest of Mrs. Hunlcin.
Miss Hannah Stokes, Mrs. McNeil,
Mrs. Shurter, took tea with M. Jeff-
ray Wednesday evening.
creased by $10.00 a’month; ■
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wettlaufer re
turned Friday from their wedding trip
motoring along the St. Lawrence to
Tiverton Ladies’ ball team played
our local girls on Friday night, and
won by a large margin.
Rev. Arthur Sinclair returned from
his holidays and occupied the pulpit of
the United Church at both services.
Mrs. Thomas Elliott returned from
a pleasant visit with her daughter in
New York.
Miss Tena Campbell is visiting with
friends in Wingham.
Mr. Wm. Lyon is 4noving his fam
ily to Clifford shortly, having been
appointed station agent there.
Mrs. Moreland, of Newark, N,J., is
visiting Mr. Robert Newcombe and
other friends in this locality.
Mrs. Clara Brown, of Toronto, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Mina Logan.
t . ----------
Smoke Shoppe
His Own Brand Cigar—
Omar’s Invincibles — 5c
■s ' *
Miss Jessie Strachan,. Brussels,. Mrs.
George MacDonald, Clinton, and Mrs.
Chillaberr and daughter, Miss Jennie
Chillaberr, of- Saskatoon, Sask., visited
with Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F., G&rniss, Mrs. J.
J. Sellars,. Mac amd Olive Scott spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Mc
Eachern at Mount Forest. Louise and
Gilbert McEachern returned to Blue
vale with them for a two-weeks’ holi
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Love spent Sun
day with relatives, at Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen
spent a few days with Mrs. Elsie La
mont in Grey Township,
Harvey 'Messer, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with his father, Mr, Jno.
Mr, and Mrs. R. MacLean, of Wau-
baushene, are holidaying with Mr. and
Mrs; J. J. Sellars
Mr. and Mrs, Bert, Lott, Toronto,
spent Saturday m the village,
Jim McKinley, of .Winnipeg, is
spending the holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. George Love.
Mr, Robert Shaw conducted the ser
vice in the' United Church on Sunday.
Mr. George Taylor "of the' Brick
Church, Wawanosh, will conduct the
service next Sunday. Rev. 0. M. .Mac-
Donald, of Lucknow, will preach In
Knox Presbyterian Church next Sun
Roth cdfigragaticms united Sunday,
service was held iti the United Church.
At a special meeting of the Muni
cipal Council on Monday night, Con
stable J. A. Cowan’s salary was ,in-
■ YOUR ’
PEANUTS ................... Lb. 15c
CORN FLAKES ... 3 Pkgs. 25c
” 1 Pour o’clock
1 BLACK tea.........
Lb. 79c
Lb. 15c
Special Value -| <IDEAL TOMATO CATSUP - llc
JUICE ,................48-Oz, Tin 25c I FRUIT JUICE 4.8-Oz. Tin 29c
Heavy Zinc JAR RINGS..........................Dozen 25c
14-Cut RUBBER JAR RINGS............4 Dozen 25c
Whole Mixed PICKLING SPICES..........Eb. 29c
XXX VINEGAR Gal. 49c « CERTO .. ............... Bottle 25c
Clover Leaf Cohoe ’ • *> 1 *f z\RED SALMONS’ - 41C* - 19c
FLOUR...24-Lb, Bag 79d I POWDER ...................1-Lb. Till 25c
Maple Leaf Pimento VEAL LOAF ...... Lb. 33c
York Good Quality BOLOGNA ......... Lb. 21c
Maple Leaf Skinless WEINERS............ . Lk 29c
Chateau CREAM CHEESE ...... % Lb* Pkg. 18c
ORANGES ......... ....... Doz. 3.3c 1 GRAPEFRUIT
Special Prices by Basket or by Pound.