HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-08-14, Page 4Quart Highest Quality COVERS MORE MONEY CANNOT BUY BETTER WEARS LONGER 0 To Clear General Utility House and $1.98 Gal Seven Colors from which to choose. STAINTON HARDWARE PHONE 30 WINGHAM o THESE [jWANT AD*S w BRING in results Hl l’A cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. E=====30E30E=======S0E30C======3OES0E====S=X0EXo9:or=xo::OE=XO D - QE3O: CLEARANCE SALE of Used Pianos, at summer prices. Such well-known makes as Heintzman, Nordheimer, •Mason & Risch, etc. All recondit- . ioned, demothed etc. and guaranteed. ■Reasonable terms. Write for list of prices. No obligation. Heintzman & Co Ltd., 242 Dundas St., London. FOR SALE OR RENT—Cottage, in . good condition. Apply to Mrs. L. C. Young, 571 Roselawn Ave., Tor­ onto, Ont. FOR SALE—Bedroom suite, settee and mirror. Apply W. R. Birtch. •ROR RENT—Brick 1% storey house on Alice St., Wingham, immediate possession. Apply R. S. Hethering­ ton, Wingham, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE—On Center St. Garage. Apply to W. R. Birtch. HOUSE WANTED TO RENT, . or will consider purchase; medium size, all modern conveniences. Box T, Advance-Times. HOUSE FOR RENT — On Minnie Street. Apply Cosens & Booth. LADY CLERK WANTED—20 to 30 years of age, with or without store experience. Apply Box N, Advance- Times. JMAID WANTED — For Wingham ’ General Hospital; good wages. Ap­ ply Miss C. Schultz, Superintendent. '■OPENING FOR WOMAN who can ■use car 3 to 5% days per week on Rawieigh Route your city. Write , today. No experience to start. Good ; appearance and knowledge of house­ wives’ needs helpful. Products well • known. Write today. Rawleigh’s, Dept. ML-453-139-H, MONTREAL, Canada. OFFICE GIRL WANTED—for type^ writing and entry work. Good wag­ es. Permanent position. Apply stat­ ing age and experience if any to the Circle Bar Knitting Co., Limited, Kincardine, Ontario. ROOMERS WANTED —Central lo­ cation, good home. Apply Advance- Times. TENDERS WANTED — For the booth privileges at the Town Park ahd Arena for the Lions Labor Day Frolic. • Apply to H. L. Sherbondy. TEACHER WANTED—For S.S. No. 7, Morris. State salary and experi­ ence. Apply to James M. Campbell, Secy., R.R. 4, Wingham. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Of Farm Lands in the Townships of Morris and East Wawanosh, and Farm Stock, Implements, and Produce, and Household Goods and Furniture, etc.... To close the estate of the late John Gray, the undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by Public Auction at Lot 9, Concession 2, Morris, on Thurs­ day, August 28thf at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the following properties jiatnely: / 1, j^ot No. 9, in the 2nd concession of the. Township of Morris in the County of Huron, containing 100 acres more or less. On this property is said to be a frame barn 86 ft. by 50 ft. on stone foundation and a red brick house. The farm is watered by a well and a river and creek tunning through the farm, There are about five acres of hard- . wood bush on the property, 2. Lots Nos, 19 and 90 In the first Concession of the said Township of a?/ . .«... < Morris, containing 100 acres more or less. On this property is said to be a frame barn 36 ft. by 56 ft. on cement foundation. The, farm is watered by a drilled well and there are about 7 acres of hardwood, bush on the property. 3. The east half of Lot No. 39 in the 9th Concession of the Township of East ’Wawanosh in the county of Huron, containing 100 acres more or less. 1 ■ ■ On this farm is said to be a large barn on stone foundation and a house, the .front of which is brick and the. rear is frame. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within twenty days thereafter. The properties .will be offered subject to reserved bids. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the following chattels, namely: CATTLE: 15 Dur­ ham and Hereford cows, 1 steer and 16 calves ready for market. SHEEP: 20 sheep and some lambs. IMPLE­ MENTS: 1 mower, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 fanning mill, 1 Hudson coupe. HAY, A quantity of hay in the barns situat­ ed. on the secondly and thirdly describ­ ed. This hay will be offered for sale in bulk and should be inspected by prospective purchasers prior to the sale. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND FURNITURE owned by the late John Gray, and other articles too num­ erous to mention. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. DATED this twenty-fifth day of July, A.D. 1941. J. I-I. CRAWFORD,, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor-for the Administrator. /'MATT. GAYNOR, Lucknow, Ontario, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1; 'To Notice that all persons having Cetins against the Estate of the late J. Orville Habkirk, late of the Town of Wingham Jn* the County of Huron, barber/ deceased, who died on or about the 22nd tday of July 1941, are hereby required* to send particulars of the said claims duly verified by statut­ ory declaration to the undersigned sol­ icitor for the Estate on or before the 15th’day of August 1941.. t And Further take, notice that im­ mediately after the said date the assets of the estate tvtll be distributed among those entitled thereto, having regard ohly to the claims which have by then been properly filed. • DATED at Wingham this 28th day of July, 1941, R. S. HETHERINGTON, Barrister, Etc., , Wlngham, Ontario. EXECUTOR’S SALE Of Rafm Lands, Village Property and Household Furniture and Effects, etc. To close the estate of the late Levi G. Martvdod, the undersigned has re­ ceived instructions to’ sell by Public Auction at the home of the late Levi G. Matwood, Auburn, bn Saturday, the 16th day of August, 1941, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon,.the following proper­ ties. namely 5 j. 1. The west half of Lot 30, Con-: cession 7, East Wawanosh. This farm Is well built on and bsides about 60 acres of workable land there are about 8 acres of bush. hi2. Lot 125 Fulton’s SilW*m the' Village of Auburn, containing IJBth of ion of Lot 124. On this property is located a 2-storey frame house in excellent repair and a stable. This' is a tidy property and is lighted by electricity. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within twenty days thereafter. The properties will be offered subject to reserved bids. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned, At the same time and place there, will be offered for sale the household, furniture and effects of the late Mr. Marwood which consist of 2 cup­ boards, sidboard, couch, 2 bureaus, 2 bedtseads, mattresses # and springs, washing machine, radio, chairs, and 1 .22 calibre rifle, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE—CASH. DATED this twenty-eighth day of July, A.D. 1941. J. H,’ CRAWFORD, Wingham, Solicitor for the Executrix. T. GUNDRY, Goderich, Auctioneer, * NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of THOMAS ALFRED EMERSON, late of the Township of West Wa­ wanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims ag­ ainst the Estate of the late Alfred Em­ erson,are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to J. W. Bushfield, the Solicitor for the Admin­ istrator of the said estate, on or be­ fore the 16th day of August, A.D. 1941, and that after such date the Admin­ istrator will proceed to distribute the said Estate, having regard ohly to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, 28th day of July, A.D. 1941. J. W. BUSHFIELD, . . Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. this MORTGAGE SALE Of Farm Property m the Township of Howick in the County of Huron Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Anglo-American Hotel, in the Village of Gorrie, on Monday, the eighth day of September, A.D. 1941, at 1.30 o’clock in the after­ noon by Thos. Fells, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: Lot- No. Eleven in the Fourteenth Concession of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, containing 100 acres more or less. On the property is said to be a frame house, a frame barn on stone foundation, and a small bush. The property is situate about five miles from the Village of Gorrie. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particluars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of - sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. DATED this 12th day of August, D. 1941. THOMAS FELLS, Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham,- Ontario, _ . Vendor’s Solicitor. A. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Joseph Lovell desires to ex­ press her appreciation, and thanks to her neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy in her recent bereave­ ment. _________ CARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity of thanking the public for their patronage during my long term in the express and deliv­ ery business. I have disposed of my business to Mr. E. Parish as of Friday this week and trust you will give him your co-operation. —Alvin Orvis. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Thomas.., Irwin takes this op­ portunity to express her appreciation to her neighbors and friends also the Wingham Fire Department for their assistance at the fire which destroyed her home last week. TENDERS TOWN OF WINGHAM Tenders will be received by he uh- de.rsigned up to August 3Q.tl},. 4941, for the facing of the upper storey of the Town Hall with asbestos shingles, Details may be obtained on applica­ tion to the Town Clerk, The lowest of any ender not necessarily accepted'. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk. WROXETER Mrs, J, .Lovell and Miss A. B. Fras­ er ate spending a few days with some friends in Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jackman also Mt. Billy Fleming and ,Mr, Jack Flemihg, all of Toronto, wLre recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Munroe and family, of Sauli Ste, Marie, spent last week with the former’s mother, Mrs. Janet Munroe and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munroe, Mr, and .Mrs, Ross Stutt and sons, of Bowmanville, are holidaying with the former’s mother, Mrs. Jas. Stutt and other friends, Rey. A. L, Sanderson, WaterdoWff, was a week-end guest ol his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. ents, metitioahig among other interest- Lucelle White, of Toronto, is ing notes, the visit of the Duke of holidayihg at the home of her parents, Kent to Canada. The Roll Call, How ’Mr, and .Mrs. Clarence a beighhori brought an PhoufcltO DominionSt<we«, Ltd. Free Delivery WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES You can rely on our attendants putting yopr car in ship-shape condition. When we say stem to stem, w© mean that you get a thorough lubricating check-up . ♦ + a service that assures your car of longer, lively life. Come in. You’ll appreciate our rapid service. SERVICE OUR MOTTO Bert Armstrong PHONE 181 r Dr. John Munroe and little, daughter of Strathroy, were week-end guests of friends. . During the past week the following were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McDonald: Mrs. J. Brodie, Robert and Douglas, of Toronto, Mrs. R. J; Beat- tie, of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pollard, Misses Frace and &lidrey and Miss J. Mills of London. Master George Wearring, London, is spending a holiday -with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, 2nd line. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shearer and little daughter, Audrine, of Sault Ste. Marie, are spending some weeks with Miss Beatrice Shearer and Mr. Tom Shearer, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton returned last week from Shauanon, Sask., where she attended the. funeral of her bro­ ther, the late- D. P. Hainstock. Mrs. John Gibson, Hamilton, is a- guest of Misses, Elsie and Marion Gibson. There was no service in the United Church on Sunday, it being holiday Sunday for the year. Mr. Laurie VanVelsor has left for Hamilton where, he has secured a po­ sition with General Motors. -His busi­ ness as general merchant in the vil­ lage will still be .carried on. Miss.Marjory Foster is visiting with friends in Leamington. Mrs. Grimshaw, 'her daughter, Mrs. Stuart and two children, of Detroit, have spent the past ten days with Mr. and. Mrs. A. J. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Grimshow Jr, and three child­ ren, also of Detroit, were week-end guests at the Sanderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hill and daugh­ ter, Anna, of Detroit, were recent vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIntosh and son, Harold, of Kincardine, were also week­ end visitors at the. Nichol home. Miss Lois Elliott, nurse-in-training at Women’s College Hospital, Toron­ to, returned on Tuesday following a three weeks’ vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Edwards, of London, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dettman and Shirley spent Sunday at Pike Lake. A severe epidemic of whooping cough is going its rounds in the vil­ lage. Red Cross Quota The following is the quota for July for the Wroxeter Red Cross, 3 sea­ man’s scarves, 3 Seaman’s swtaers, 3 seaman’s helmets, 2 pr. seaman’s mitts, 2 pr. of seaman’s long stockings( 26 in.), 6 pr. seaman’s. 18-incii stockings, .4 army sweaters, 6 pr. two-way mitts, 5 army scarves, 15 pr. 'army socks. •None quota, 2 large quilts, 1 small guilt, 80 gauze hdkfs,, 4 scarves, 7 pr. ■air mitts, 2 pr. rifle mitts, 2 boys’ en­ sembles consisting of pr. pants with belt, shirt, sweaer, coat, pt. of socsk, suit of pyjamas, 2 extra pr. of pants, 5 men’s dressing gowns, her the Women’s Institute Mrs. Frank Sanderson opened home for the August meeting of W. I. on Thursday afternoon, July 7. The president, Mrs. Waller, presided and opened with the singing of the Ode, followed by the repeating of the Institute Creed in unison. Commun* iy singing was a feature with Mrs, •Wearring at the piano. Dr. Redmond, the guest speaker, was unable to at­ tend and Mrs. J. Allen and Miss Mae Davidson substitute, the former giving a talk on Red Cross Supply ■wbrfe while Miss Davidson dealth with article written by Dorothy Thomp­ son. Mrs. Russel Rae gave current ev- interesting and profitable response. The hostess was assisted by Mrs, Van- Velsor in serving refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed. Presentation A very pleasant evening'was enjoy­ ed by a large gathering when niegh- bors and friends met in honour of Rte. and Mrs, George Harris (nee Jessie Green) who were recently married, Dancing was enjoyed and following the serving of refreshments, Alex. Me- Tavish read an address to Mr, and Mrs. Harris, expressing the good wish­ es of their many friends and present­ ing a beautiful studio couch as well as a miscellaneous shower of gifts. Both, the bride and groom expressed th^ir appreciation. All joined in singing, “For They are Jolly Good Fellows.” The presentation party took place in the school house of Turnberry No, 2. . s. s. XWESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. John Doerr and child­ ren, of Auburn, were guests on Sun­ day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Campbell. Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mrs. J. L, McDowell and Miss Minnie Snell visited recently with Mrs. Bert Vincent, of' Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell, and Miss Winnifred visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn, Hullett, Mr. Jack Harrison, of Toronto, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred J. Cook. Masters Cecil and Franklin Camp­ bell had their tonsils and adenoids re­ moved in the Wingham Hospital one day last week. Mrs. Fitzgerald, Dungannon, spent h few days with’her sister, Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mrs. Wm. Walden, Mrs. Albert Walsh, Mrs. R. Vincent, were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Bert Vin­ cent, Belgrave. ,Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, were Goderich visitors on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Won. McDowell, Mr, and Mrs. Norman McDowell and children, Miss Mildred Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell and family were Goderich visitors on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Smith and Miss Minnie Shell visited recently with Mrs. Gor­ don Smith, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wightman, Patty and Bobby, of Welland, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell. Mrs. Norman McDowell, of West­ field, Mrs. A. Ball, of Auburn, Mrs. Osbaldeston, of Goderich, visited on Thursday with Mrs. Carl Deans, of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McVittie and family were Goderich visitors on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell a:nd children visited recently with Mrs. Osbaldeston, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston, Mrs; Morley Johnston, of West Wawanosh, Mrs. Harvey, of Exeter, visited day at the home of Mr. and Howard Campbell. Sun- Mr.s. ASHElELD Tor-Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Downs, onto, with their aunt, Mrs. John Mul­ lin, 11th con. Mrs. George Lane motored to Mid­ land, Orillia and Toronto for a,visit. The Misses Shirley and Norma Sherwood, near Crewe, spent a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. S. Sherwood, 10th con. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler, near Blyth, spent Monday with, their dau­ ghter, Mrs. Dynes Campbell and Mr. Campbell, Miss Muriel Manning, of London, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Elmira Alton? 10th con. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bray and dau­ ghter, Mrs. Len Apedale and grand­ daughter, little Kay, from Windsor, spent a few days with their cousins, Mr. Robert Nelson and Mrs. John Mullin. Miss Jean Nelson is spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. Len Ape­ dale, Windsor, Mr. and Mr?, Herman Phillips and family, near Mafeking, spent Sunday with Mr, and* Mrs. Dynes Campbell. We extend sympathy to the bereav­ ed relatives of Mrs, Andrew Nelson, who passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Mullin, Saturday (evening, Aug. 2nd, in her 90th year. Born in Canoby, Dumfrieshire, Scot4- land, Mrs. Nelson came to Canada 67 years ago last May. She rode from Goderich in a wagon drawn by a yoke of oxen and followed a trail through standing bush to the farm now owned by her son, Robert. Like a true pion­ eer, she began to assist in clearing the land and making a home for her fam­ ily, One of their first thoughts was a Church. Accordingly, Mr, Nelson al­ ong with others, built Lane’s Presby­ terian Church as if stands today, At* ter her husband’s death, 44 years ago this month, Mrs, Nelson visited her parents in Scotland. She lived contin­ uously on the same farm till some 23 years ago when - she went to Fort Worth, Texas, and spent,two winters there .with her son, Andrew, now very Round Trip Rail Rar gain From WINGHAM AUG. 15.16 To OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC $11.05 $13.65 $18.55 Trois Rivieres $16.20; Ste. Anne de Beaupre $19,15 * Plus Government Tax 10% Extra, First train from Toronto 10.55 p.m. Aug. 15 * Return Limit — Aug. 18 Not good on 3 p.m. trains from Ottawa and Montreal, TO THE MARITIMES - AUG, 14 All Canadian Pacific Station? in New Brunswick - All Dominion Atlantic Ry. Stations in Nova Scotia For limits, detailed service, etc. # Consult Agents —* Procure Handbill Not Good Return On 3 P.M. Train From Montreal CANADIAN PACIFIC ill in Los Angeles, California from a stroke. Other trips included-visits with her grandchildren in Duluth, Superior and Cleveland. Since then she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. John Mullin, 11th con., near Bel­ fast. Mrs, Nelson was kind, generous, hospitable, content and patient, a great lover of her Bible, a true friend to all who knew her. She enjoyed good health until six years ago when she suffered a severe heart attack, other­ wise she was well till the beginning of June, when gangrine' set in in her ■foot. Besides'a brother, David Hogg, in Scotland, she leaves to mourn, two sons, Andrew, Los Angeles, and Rob; ert, near Kintail, and one daughter, (Mary) Mrs. John Mullin. Preceasing her were, her husband, two sons, John, Kintail, and Wm,, killed in the last war in France; a daughter in Scotland. She also leaves six grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and two great­ great-grandchildren.' The .funeral wSs- •held Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 5th, to Kintail Cemetery; conducted by her pastor, Rev. G. G. Howse, assisted by Rev. R. Esler, of Lochalsh, and Rev. C. Tavener, of Bluevale. Pallbearers: Messrs. "David Little, John Little, Jas. Drennan, Wilfred Farrish,' Dynes Campbell and Roy Alton. Only two of her original .'neighbours are living today, Messrs. John'Eisindler and Geo. Robertson. Mr. Robt. McIntosh, of Kitchener, spent the week-end at the home of his aunt, Mj-s. Marvin McDowell and Mr. McDowell. Masters Franklin and Laurence Campbell are visiting their grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston, of West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell, Miss Colina Clark, Mrs. Margaret Mc- Clennan, visifed with Kintail and St. Helens friends on Monday. Miss Elaine Bamford is spending a few days with her friend, Mrs. Arthur Speigleburg, of Kitchener. Mr. Albert Campbell had the mis­ fortune to lose a cattle beast week. last ST. HELENS The August meeting of the Women’s Institute was held Th the community hall with an attendance of around 30 and with Mrs. Gordon McPherson, the president, in the chair. The roll call Was very well responded to by the naming of an Ontario cabinet minist- DOMINION Sale Of Pickling Needs Prices Effective Until Sat. Night, Aug. 16th SEALERS Crown Brand Small 1 Doz. 99c Medium - Doz. $1.15 Large - Doz. $1.55 RUBBER £c RINGS - Doz. ZINC <>Ec RINGS MEMBA SEALS Black Whole PEPPER,’/*lb 10c “>■ 19c Whole Mixed QAc Pickling SPICE - lb. ALLSPICE Whole % lb. 13c Yellow SUGAR - .5 lbs. 40c Maple Leaf Sockeye O<jkc SALMON - j&’sTin ** Red Mhlitga •« GRAPES - Just In-Ib. !5 CANTALOUPES Ripe Pink Flesh. All Sizes. Priced Low Individually. Red Ripe Firtn , TOMATOES - 4 lbs. Firth CrispHEAD LETTUCE Head 5 Dtiahes Cbokirtg APPLES Fancy Hearts CELERY - 25' - su.,25- 2 Bundies Thursday, August 14th, 1941 er and his office. An invitation from the Whitechurch Institute to attend their meeting was accepted. A beauti­ ful appliqued quilt, made and donated by Mrs. William Cmapbell, was dis­ played and it was decided to sell tic­ kets on it with proceeds for war pur­ poses. Miss Mary Murray gave an in­ teresting and informative talk On Laws pertaining to women -and children; Mrs., Andrew Gaunt favored with a soloTMy Country ’Tis of Thee.” “Wo­ man”’ was the title of a reading by Mrs. E. J. Thom and “Friendship”, one by Mr?, D. Phillips. Mrs. McPherson expressed ^regret at the removal to- Lucknow of the sec.-treas,, Mrs, Allen Durnin. Lunch Was served by the hosteses, Mrs.. S,t.art, Mrs. Rice and'.- Mrs. W. A Miller. The Red Cros^ quilting bee will be- held on Thursday afternoon, August. 21st. A good attendance is requested. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pickwoad, Jan­ et and Edwin, of New York, and Miss Wanda Douglas, of Mitchell, were- guests of Mrs. Pickwoad's brother, Mr. John Cameron and Mrs. Cameron. . Rev. G. A. Barnard and Mrs, Bdrn-> ard were,visitors with friends at St. Thomas last week. Mrs. R. Woods, Mr,, and Mrs, Lome Woods and Donna were recent visit­ ors' with friends' at Brucefield and, Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bramhall and* children, of Hamilton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Woods. Mr. John and Miss Florence Stuart, of Evanston, I'll., are visiting at Mr. H. K. Rutherford’s. Mrs. Rath well, of Varna, is a visit­ or with her sister, Mrs. R. J. Woods. BORN BROWN—In Kitchener, to Mr. and. Mrs. Lance Brown,ztwin daughters, Sandra Alice and Sheila Mary.' FREEZE RAW SILK STOCKS An order-in-council freezing 11 raw silk stocks in Canada not required- for war production was announced by­ Munitions Minister Howe. The new order was effective at mid­ night Saturday and Covers'all raw silk “whether in, Outside, or in transit to- Canada." Pure Spirit or Cider VINEGAR - PAROWAX Gal. 43' Pkg. 15c ■ Pkg. 10c Ground MUSTARD SEED I Ground I 4)c *>t£c «/4 Lb. Lb. 40 Cassie *1 E?c BUDSlb. 15 Ground 1 Qc Tumeric % lb* / Clover Leaf Cohoe SALMON 14#s tin 181’s tin 29° Ont No. 1 Freestone peaches Arriving Fresh Daily, Fin­ est Qaulity. See Us For Your Requirements,