HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-07-24, Page 8WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 24th, 1941 Show Starts at 8.00 p.m., Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p,m» Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 24th, 25th, 26th VICTOR MATURE LOUISE PLATT LEO CARRILLO “CAPTAIN CAUTION” The picturization of Kenneth Roberts’ ajautical melodrama about British and American ships in the year 1812* Also “Disney Cartoon” “Miniature” “News” Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2,30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JAMES STEWART In----- July 28, 29, 30 HEDY LAMARR “Come Live With Me” A romantic comedy with' Hedy Lamarr and James Stewart teamed for the first time. Also “Canada Carries On” and “Novelty Subset” BLUEVALE Lawn Party and Tea The home of Miss Florence Fowler, 4th concession Turnberry, was an ideal setting for a lawn party and tea on Friday afternoon. Over ninety seated at small tables on the lawn verandah and indoors, enjoyed selecting their lunch from the mysterious menu. Members of the Women’s Institute and ladies of the community co-oper­ ated and succeeded in making the ga­ thering a grand success. Over $25.00 was realized and will be devoted to war work. Guests were present from Seaforth, Wingham and Wroxeter. Mrs. A. F. Meiklejohn and little dau­ ghter, Mary Ellen, are spending two weeks with her husband, Lieut. A. F. Meiklejohn, at Bass River, Nova Scot­ ia. Rev. J. W. Currie and Mrs. Cur­ rie, of Ayr, who are spending their va­ cation at their cottage at Bruce Beach, were recent visitors with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. 'll. A. Ramsay. iMiss Mae Orr and Mrs. Tom Mc­ Carron, of Toronto, are visiting at the Sanderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harris and daughter, of Kingsville, were week-end visitors with Mrs. Alex. Moffatt; their son, al­ so Mary and Douglas Faggan returned home with them after a two week visit. Rev. Mooney, Toronto, is with Mrs. A. D. Smith. x Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Love included Mr. A. D. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott and son, Sam, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Scott and son, Mrs. Russel and daughter, Barbara, and Miss H. Isobel Graham, Seaforth. The young people of the United Church presented the play “Aunt Tillie Goes To Town” at Greenbush Mon­ day evening under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. >Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cardiff, Bius- sels, spent Sunday-with Mr. and Mrs. Teter S. MacEwen. will be held at the home of Muriel Hopper with the meeting in charge of the girls of the Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buffet, Bar­ bara and Shirley, of Carsonville, were week-end visitors withMich., Mr. and Mrs. C, R. Coultes, WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs, Alva McDowell, Mur­ ray and Lloyd, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, K, Cam­ eron, Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shackleton and daughter, Mary, of Toronto, and Miss Agnes Patterson of Alberta, visited with Mrs. Wm. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook and children, of Colborne, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger, Master Donald Campbell is visiting his sister, Mrs. Arthur Speigleburg at Kitchener. Mrs. Jasper McBrien of Goderich, Master Newton Keerschenski, Detroit, spent last week -with the former’s sis­ ter, Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mr. Donald Patterson, of Peace River, called on Mr. W. F, Campbell on Friday. Mrs. Ponney, of Ayr, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Maitland Henry. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Dobie and babe, Ottawa," visited with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dobie. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell, Miss Winnlfred and Mrs. Alice Tyerman were guests on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elsley, of Molesworth. Misses Dorothy and Norma Neth- ery, of Hamilton, visited with their cousin, Miss Phyllis Cook. Mr. Wm. Anderson is a guest at the home of his son, Mr. Thomas Ander­ son, of Sorrel, Quebec. Miss Edna Plowman is spending a few days^with her sister, Mrs. Edgar Ho watt. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of Tor­ onto, Miss Annie Clark, of the West, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol, of Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Maurise Bos­ man and Harold, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bosman and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lloyd of Wingham. ASHFIELD Smart Patterns Perfect Styling’ Guaranteed Not To Shrink- that’s an Arrow Shirt, Stripes $1.65 $2.00 Whites $1.65 $2.25 $3.00 KING’S BELGRAVE Give Us The High Sign . * . and you’ll get the speediest possible service ... in a man­ ner that meets the smallest de­ tail with sincere courtesy. You’ll appreciate our friendship ... a H relationship that definitely gives H ■ you a daily reminder that the H ■ (Customer is always first at Arm- ffl■ strong’s. Come in. You’ll get a.-ffl B pleasing satisfaction from our ■ ■ cheerful acquaintance. fi I .SERVICE OUR MOTTO fl I Bed Armstrong I PHONE 181 I BUMIMMIIWII I—II iWBIIMMIIWIIl|ll JIT !’• V Women’s Institute Met The July meeting of the Belgrave Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Coultes, 3rd line, Morris, on Tuesday afternoon. There was a good attendance present and Mrs. K. Keating, the president, con­ ducted the meeting which was opened in the usual way. It was reported that the plants’ had been planted in the cem­ etery flower-bed. The war work was also reported. The meeting was under the leadership of the conveners of Ag­ riculture, Mrs. J. M. Coultes and Mrs. H. Procter. The Roll Call was well responded to with the name of the vegetable and flower I enjoy most in the garden. Mrs. James Anderson gave a splendid paper cm the motto “Making a Living or Making a Life”. Mrs'. John Wickstead favored with a vocal solo. Mrs. Robert McCrea gave an appropriate reading. Barbara Mich­ ie was in charge of the topic and took- as her address "Agriculture and the War.” It was shown how women and those on the farm especially, had a very important work to do at present if all were to have food supplies both in Britain and Canada. The singing of the ‘ National Anthem Hosed the meeting after which a ten cent tea was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. H. Procter, Mrs. R. H. Coultes and Mrs. J. Wheeler. The August meeting Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cameron and little sons, Russel and Clarence, of Windsor, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Camer­ on, 10th Con. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bray, Detroit, spent the week-end with their cousins, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. J. Mullin and Mr. Robert Nelson. Miss Jean Nelson spent Sunday in Assawa. Dr. Wilfred and Mrs. Sherman and little sons, Donald and Douglas, Tor­ onto, spent last week with ers, Messrs. Elmer, Alton. We are sorry io Hugh Phillips, who passed away at the1 home of her dau­ ghter, in London. The funeral will, be' held op Wednesday afternoon from, the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Less­ lie Purvis, Lucknow, to GreenhiUl Cemetery. Mr, Tom Twamley received the.- sad* news- that his sister, Mrs. Earl Begley, in the West, was seriously ill. We all. hope for better news. Win hear lived her broth- and Watt. tha-t 'Mrs. at Belfast,. BELMORE is supplying for the month of July in one of the churches of Wingham, preached to the joint congregations of the Presbyterian and United Churches here Sunday afternoon. Mr. Summers is a field evangelist for the Christian Business Men’s Association of Toron­ to. During the next two weeks he will conduct a special preaching mission in the Presbyterian Church on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. All Christian people are urged to pray and work for the -spiritual renewal of our community. The United 'Church is worshipping with J-he Presbyterian congregation for the last two Sundays in July. Miss Ada Clark returned to her home on Friday after her operation in the Hamilton General Hospital. She is> making a good recovery. Mrs. Clark who was called to the city to­ iler daughter’s bedside, also returned, home. WHITECHURCH KMHMSB Firestone Champion Tires are sweeping aside all performance records. iThey’re the greatest tires Firestone ever built—the only tire with ell the advantages 'of Safety-Lock Gum-Dipped cords, the new ’Gear Grip tread and the sensational new Super-Speed construction used in building racing tires. These smart, streamlined tires will give your car an entirely new appear­ ance. Have the nearest Firestone Dealer^put .them on your car today. Tire^tone CHAMPION TIRES HURON MOTORS Phone 99 Wingham The funeral of Mrs. Jane Lane, held, from the Presbyterian Church Thurs­ day afternoon, was largely attended,, conducted by her pastor, Rev. Wilkie,, of Teeswater. Four grandchildren act­ ed as pall-bearers also Leslie Bolt and Fraser Haugh. The choir sang •“Abide With Me” and “The Lord’s, My Shepherd.” She leaves to mourn her passing, Mrs. James Stokes,. Mrs., .Isaac Stokes and George on the farm.. The remains were laid to, rest in Mc­ Intosh Cemetery. The Red Cross quiltings will be held at Lane’s School Tuesday of this week.. M. Jeffray visited with Mrs. John Gowdv, Salem, the past week. Mr. Baiers, of Mitchell, was in the village Wednesday. Mr. Hunkin attended the Hunkin re-union at Exeter Sunday. Mr, Alvin Mundell had for his guests Friday, it being his birthday, Mrs. Peter Hakney, Mrs. Adam Simp­ son, Wingham, Mr. and.Mrs. Gannett,s Bluevale. Mr. George Mundell motored from Hamilton Sunday evening, turning Monday. Mr. Carl McNeil, of Clinton, is iting his brother, Neil McNeil. I The many friends of Mrs. Fanny Appleby are pleased to hear there is an improvement on her eyes since go­ ing to the Hospital,* London. Mrs. Shurter is visiting her daugh­ ter in Toronto. Bruce Rutherford, of Dungannon, and Jean Haskins, of Lions Head, arc holidaying with friends here. Mrs. Henry Johann is enjoying a holiday at the beach. Eda was home from Toronto over the week-end. Mr. T. E. Summers of Toronto, who Mr. and- Mrs. J. H. Pollock spent, the week-end with relatives at Pipe River, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood, Jean and Gordon, spent Sunday with their son, Norman, of the R.C.A.F., Guelph, . Misses Winnifred and Olive Far­ rier and Mr. Carman Farrier are holi­ daying at Lake of Bays camping grounds- for the next two weeks. Mrs-. Henry McGee spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Ralph. Caskimette, Langside. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walden, Mr. Robt. Walderr, Bobbie and Ronald' Jennings, visited, on Sunday with Mrs. I John Thompson,, of Auburn. ■’ On Sunday evenig the Jr. Quartette, !Dl Campbell,, N. McDowell, L. Wald­ en and! H. McDowell, with Winnifred! ■Campbell as- accompanist, assisted in ; the* service* at the BlY.P.U. at Auburn. Mrs.. McCl'ennan, of Chicago, Miss- Colina Clark, of St. Catharines, are- visiting their sister, Mrs. Marvin Mie-- DOwelll ' At the- church service on Sunday,. Mir. Clarence- McClenaghan, of White- ■iwmifimminiiHiiniiMinniHiiHiiiHji REPAIRS = First Class Watch' Repairs At * = Reasonable Prices. g H 'Come in and see our stock of == ■ Wedding Gifts. s I Williams - Jeweller 1 iiiHiiniiiiiiHiiniiniiHiiwiHiiHiinwiin * up re- V1S- EYES EXAMINED— GLASSES FITTED— AT MODERATE PRICES. R.A. ReidR.O. Eyesight Specialist Witighath Office At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to noon, church, spoke from Mtt. 5; .16 “Let your light so shine before men.” The Jr. Quartette favored with a number “Just Outside the Door." Next Sun­ day Rev. Bremner, of Seaforth, will be the guest .-peaker* August 3rd and 10th there will be no church service at Westfield. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Goyeau, of Windsor, spent a few days last week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Aldin Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon and fam­ ily spent Sunday at Eugenia Falls. Mr. and Mrs. George McClenaghan and*Mildred spent Sunday with Mr. Harry McClenaghan and family, Bel­ grave. Corp. Melvin McClenaghan, Kitch­ ener, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Rev. and Mrs, W* J. Watt, George and Genevieve, of Toronto, spent the week-end here at the home of Mr. W. Barbour, ' * Mr, and Mrs. Tom Penrose and two sons, of Hamilton, visited on Sunday at the home of her aunt, Mrs, Holmes, and renewed old acquaintances in the village. Mr, Scott Paterson, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. F. McK. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwin, Goderich, were visiting on Saturday at the home of her brother, Mr, Harold Walker. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Mackay, of Guelph, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay. Mr, Jas. Weir of London spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson. Mrs. Jas. Cornelius and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Dungan-' 'non and Goderich, The Y.P.U. of Nile United Church played ball with the local Y.P.U. on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs, Will Shaw and child­ ren, who have been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor, return­ ed to their home in Toronto on Sun­ day with Mr. Jack McMillan, who had shipped cattle on Saturday. Foien - Ross The marriage of Miss Mary Adeline Ross, of Toronto, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Ross of Kin­ loss, and Spr. Sigurd Martin Foien, of ; Levack, and the' Royal Canadian Eng­ ineers of Petawawa, only son of Mrs. !M. Foien of Levack,, was solemnized ,'at Coniston, on. Saturday, July 19, at ! the home of her sister, Rev. and Mrs. Graydon Cox, with Mr. Cox officiat­ ing. This community- extends best ■wishes to the happy couple for many i happy years of wedded: life, ; Tliie S.S. of the United! Church are ’holding a picnic at the 10 th, bridge this 'Wednesday. 1 Messrs. Athol Purdon: and! Relisson 'Falconer,, of Toronto, spent the week­ end, with their parents here. The regular monthly meeting of the ; W.M.S.,, United Church,, was. held last - Wednesday with Mrs. J. G., Gillespie in. charge and taking the call to wor­ ship.. Miss C. Laidlaw read, the Scrip­ ture lesson, and. Mrs. Gillespie led in prayer,, Mrs. J. H'. Pollock, had. charge of. the topic, Theology in. the Service of. Suffering, by Rev. Wl. B. Djang,. Much, interest was shown, in. the Tern- , perance clippings. The meeting: closed i with prayer. Mr., and. Mrs. Orval Newby and . ’three sons,, of London, Miss-Wimaifred McN.ev.in„ Wingham, spent Sunday with. the. former’s parents,, Mr. and 'Mrs.. Walter Lott. M.r; and Mrs. Lance-. Gratin and her sister,. Mrs. John Bur,chill,, Turnberry, and. Miss Margaret Proctor and Mr. ■Orton Grain, spent the- week-end at Sarnia, with Mr; and! Mrs*. John Ken­ nedy.. . Miss Olive- Terriff,. Reg,..K, went to : Coniston last Thursday to b.e: present at the marriage of. her sister, Mrs. Sig­ urd. Foien, and. visit at the home of , Rev.. and Mrs. Graydon Cox. Mr. and Mrs.. Hugh Anderson, Cath­ arine and Jimmie, of Kenmore, N.Y., arrived on Sunday to visit with her mother, Mrs. Jas.. MacGregor. Misses Annie and Mary Laidlaw' held a Red Cross quilting in their Ihoipe Tuesday., . Bom—In Wingham Hospital, on Friday, July 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kennedy, a son* Miss Bedtrice McQuillin, St. Helens, . spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Purdon* Mr* and Mrs. Jas. Forester visited on Sunday with Mr* and Mrs* W. J. Coulter. Rev, Mr. Howard, of ’ Orillia, had charge of the services in the Presby­ terian churches here on Sunday* Wedding bells are ringing. Sister Lucille of the Kitchener Con­ vent, spent a few days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs* Jas* St* Marie, and Mrs. St. Marie ahd Ra­ phael accompanied her to Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, W. A, Gibson, of Ni­ agara Falls, visited with Mr* ahd Mrs, J, F, McLean oh Sunday and all spent the day at their cottage at Bruce Beach, Mrs. Chas. Gillespie, Donald and Betty, of St, Thomas, are visiting this week with Mr, and Mrs, J. Gillespie; The regular meeting of the Worn* SPECIAL SHEERS VOILES SHEERS Sheers include wo­ men’s regular and half sizes, in an assortment of navy and pastels, both plain and printed materials. VOILES - - reg. 6.50 $4.98 99 (No Returns)$ V KING’S en’s Institute was held, last Tuesday with an attendance of 501 Mrs. Grain was in charge and after opening ex­ ercises, the ladies decided to give the Patriotic Society $5, and. invite lhe St. Helens Institute to attend then next meeting. The following program was; then given, community singing “My Wild Irish Rose” and “Down By The Old Mill Stream”; Mrs*. A.. Walters gave a splendid paper oa the motto, Much reading, is like eating, useless if not digested. Mrs. Rob.t.. Ross and Mrs. Nasmith sang “Keep the Home- Fires Burning”; Miss A.. Gillespie gave- a piano solo, Mrs."A. McQuillan gave a paper on Education, and. Miss Merle Wilson gave a piano solo, Miss. .M.. Mc­ Clenaghan gave a reading Let’s Smile.. Lunch of Salads, bread, and b,utter„ was served and all enjoyed! the social half-hottr. Me. and Mrs. Clarence N.aismith- and daughter, Darlene, of. Flint, Mich.,, motored here on Saturday, and Sun­ day,, they and bis mother,. Mrs., Nai- smith, who has spent the- past six. weeks with her sister,, returned to Flint before going to her. home "at Sarles> Dakota. McAllister -• Stewart A wedding of interest to this com­ munity was solemnized, at the United Church Manse, St. Helens, Thursday, July 10, at high noon, when Rev. G. i A. Barnard united in marriage, Velma : Isabel, elder daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Robert Stewart of Langside, and J Lome Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. !Wm. McAllister of 2nd con. of Cub 1 ross, with Miss Evelyn McAllister and ' Mr. Donald Martin as attendants. The young couple will reside on their farm in Culross. This community extends best wishes for a long and happy wed­ ded life. The Langside community are holding a miscellaneous shower in their honour in rhe Langside Hall this Wednesday night. Many friends of the late Orville Habkirk, wish to extend sympathy to his bereaved wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deacon and Gertrude, Toronto and Misses Shirley and Audrey >Colby of Whitby, spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney, and Miss Anne Chamney went to Toronto with them Tuesday. Mrs. Moore and Denton Coleen and Carson, of Toronto, spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johns­ ton, and Mrs. Moore returned to Tor­ onto, leaving the children here tor a holiday. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kilpatrick and children, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Miss Lome McClenaghan, bride-to- be,, returned from her position at Glen­ coe on Monday and is at her home .Irene.. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney spent Sunday with her parents-, Mr. and Mrs. John: Johnston. Mr; airrd Mrs. Kenneth Weaver,, of ■Paris, called! on Mr. and Mrs*. Hector -Mackay on Sunday. Mr.. McKenzie Mowbray left-on Fri­ day for Calgary, after spending three days- of his ten-day leave with his par- jentS). Mur. and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray. 'He will attend the wireless school there-.. ST. HELENS Nineteen ladies attended the Red Cross, quilting bee at the Hall Thurs­ day afternoon when four quilts, were completed. Mr. and Mrs. Claude McKay and Miss Dorine Webster of Toronto, are visitors with Mrs. John Webster. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart included,, Mr. and Mrs. Colin McGregor of Kintail, Miss Anna McGregor of Toronto,, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Finlayson and. Miss Catherine McGregor of Lucknow. Her many friends, are glad to know that Miss Mary Rutherford' is home after a few days spent in the Wing­ ham Hospital. - Isobel McPherson, little daughter of Mr. _ and Mrs. Gordon McPherson, is recovering from an unfortunate mis­ hap that might have resulted in the loss of her eyesight. She, with some other children, were playing with some lime which got in her eyes, necessitat­ ing medical attention. Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe^ Featuring His Own Brand Cigar-— I Omar’s Invincibles — 5c Wanted Green Cedar Poles 30ft. - 35 ft. - 40 ft. - 7 Inch tops ... APPLY TO ...' Wingham Utilities Commission H. CAMPBELL ....... ...