HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-07-24, Page 7Thursday, July 24 th, 1941
MILFACtF* 11 has in-built ■ quality features
that have made it famous for long-
mileage, throughout Canada.
SAFETY* All-weather dia-
fail* mond tread; extra
reinforcement throughout, plus
Supertwist cord afford outstand
ing protection from skid and
records of performance in mile
age and trouble-free service . . .
real low-cost-per-mile economy,
- - Ontario •
is Canada
See it today!
Wingham, -
Offer to Give Britain
Million Barrels of Oil
Austin, Texas — A plan to donate
io Britain one day’s flow of oil 'from
Texas wells, estimated at 1,000,000
barrels under proration restrictions,
was presented to the State Railroad
Commission by oil operators at a hear-
A DURO Pressure Water
System will do the same
for you, if that problem be
lack of running water and
& sanitary conveniences in your
Outside pumps and toilets
, belong to the past. In every
home running water should be available at the turn of a
faucet. Likewise, a modern Emco Bathroom is necessary
for the health and happiness of your family. A modern
will furnish the water and make it possible to install an
Emco Bathroom.
The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals', per
hour’, complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and d'oc nn
25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only......-................... -pou.vu
For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMCO
Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory with .
trimmings costs oiily.............................................(Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra)
Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as.... $84.50
Duro Water Supply Systems are styled for dependable
life-long1 service. Thousands of satisfied users prove their
worth. They can be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation* ,
Cail be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan*
For Sale By
London Hamilton
Toronto Sudbury
ing. Jerry Sadler, of the commission,
the State Oil Regulatory Agency, pro
mised sponsors every aid possible, pro
vided the proposal deceived the ap
proval of Secretary Ickes, federal oil
co-ordinator, and the British Govern
U.S. Tourists Offer Blood
To Aid Allies
Ottawa — J, R, Potter, secretary of
the voluntary blood donors’ services
here, said many American tourists
coming to the capital have offered to
give bipod to aid Allied wounded.
Tossed Lye Over Wife,
Given Two-Year Term
Toronto — Joseph Mimochod, of
Toronto, was sentenced to two years
Jess a day for throwing a lye solution
on his wife and an additional year on
a charge of wounding the woman. The
terms will run concurrently. In pass
ing sentence, the judge' called the ac
cused “a brute” and said a life term
could have been imposed.
Bond Issue of $750,000
Defaulted by Alberta
Edmonton — Increasing the total
amount of Alberta bonds in default to
more than $15,000,000, an issue of
$750,000 worth of 4^ per cent bonds
issued in 1924, which fell due last
week, was defaulted, Government of
ficials reported. The bonds were pay
able in Edmonton, London, New York,
Toronto and Montreal. Holders will
continue to receive interest at approx
imately half :he contracted rate.
Halifax Issues Warning to Japs
San Francisco — Great Britain is
anxious to preserve peace in the pac
ific but will norisubmit to pressure by
Japan even though occupied with a
war elsewhere, Viscount Halifax said.’
“I need not tell you,” the British am
bassador to the United States inform
ed the Commonwealth Club, “that it
is the settledpolicy of the British Gov
ernment, as I have no doubt it is also
of the Government of the United Stat
es, to do all in their power to preserve
peace in the Pacific.”
List 41,900 Civilians Killed In Great
Britain During Nazi Air Raids
London — Britain’s civilian air raid
casualties from January 1st, 1940, to
June 30, 1941, totaled 41,900 killed
and 52,678 hospital cases, William Ma-
bane, parliamentary secretary to the
Ministry of Home Security, announc
ed in the House of Commons.
Peru Agrees to Friendship Pact
With Ecuador
Lima — The Foreign Office an
nounced Peru has accepted a sugges
tion by Argentina, Brazil and the Un
ited States to demobilize along the
coast region facing Ecuador and will
subscribe to a peace and friendship ac-.
cord. Border garrisons of both coun
tries have fired on each other in re
cent outbreaks over possession of cer
tain jungle land at the head of the Am
azon river. The border dispute began
100 years ago.
Italian Seamen Guilty of
Damaging Ships
Baltimore — Thirty-one Italian sea
men charged with sabotaging two Ital
ian ships in Baltimore last March were
sentenced by Federal Judge W. Calvin
Chesnut to prison terms ranging from
three months to three years.
De Valera Turns Down Co-Operation
With U.S. and Britain
Dublin — A suggestion by James
Dillon, deputy leader of the Fine Gael
party, that Eire abandon her neutrality
stand and Co-operate with Britain and
the United States was rejected by
Prime Minister Eadmon D,e Valera.
Mr. Dillon told the Dail he believed
neutrality was not .the correct Course
for Eire and declared the Irish should
ascertain “precisely what operation
Great Britain and the United States
might require to ensure success” ag
ainst Germany. He said the Irish
should “afford to the United States
and Britain co-operation to the utmost
of their resources.”
‘ -■ - -■ -- -- o
Credit Cards Allowed for Tourists
Toronto — G. R, Cottrelle, oil con
troller for Canada, announced Friday
the relaxing of the new restrictions on
purchases of gasoline and oil to allow
American tourists to use credit cards
issued by distributors who carry on
business in the United States. The re
gulations announced Tuesday banned
the use of all credit cards starting
the following Monday. The gasoline
purchased by a tourist on the credit
card must be used “only in a motor
vehicle bearing a license issued by
one of the United States of America.”
Lightning Kills One, Injuries 7
In Toronto Electrical Stdrm
Toronto — A sudden electrical
storm over Toronto Thursday caused
one death, injuries to seven members
of a funeral party, some property dam
age and disrupted communications.
Gordon Seguin, 18-year-old play
ground supervisor, was struck by
lightning and killed while standing be
neath a tree near the playground wad
ing pool, Five members of the funeral
Canada is right up against an acute shortage, of gasoline and fuel oil.
Tankers that normally supply our country have been commandeered *for
vitally important overseas service.
The Commonwealth Air Training Plan, the rapid development of Canada's
mechanized army units and the great work carried on by our corvettes
make the demand for fuel urgent.
.Our crude oil intake is limited. There is just one thing
to do if our fighting forces are to carry on with a "full
tank". Every Canadian motorist is asked to cut his
daily gas consumption in
half I —
There are
which this 50% saving can
be made
means to
mileage per gallon. You can
. drive slower so that you will
use less gasoline. You can
- go fifty-fifty with your
neighbours, inviting each
other to share cars ... for
business, and for pleasure.
People can readily go to
and from work together,
using one car instead of
four ... using one gallon of
gasoline instead of several.
Women as well as men can
make these savings.
many ways by
. . . ways and
give you more
The amount of gasoline used
in Canada for business,
social and non-essential
iactivities is amazingly high
in proportion to that used
by our fighting forces. One
look at the figures would
convince you that this
situation must be reversed.
17easyways towards a
(Approved by Automobile Experts)
Reduce driving speed from 60 to 40 oh the open road.
Avoid jack-rabbit starts.
Avoid useless or non-essential driving.
Turn motor off when not in use, do not leave idling.
Don't race your engine; let it warm up slowly.
Don't strain your engine; change gears.
Keep carburetor cleaned and properly adjusted.
Tune up motor, timing, etc.
Keep spark plugs and valves clean.
Check cooling system; overheating wastes gasoline.
Maintain tires at right pressure.
Lubricate efficiently; worn engines waste gasoline.
Drive in groups to and from work, using
cars alternate days.
For golf, picnics and other outings,
use one car instead of four.
Take those short shopping trips ON FOOT
and carry parcels home.
Walk to and from the movies,
Boat owners, too, can help by reducing speed.
Your regular service station man will gladly explain
these and other ways of saving gasoline. Consult him.
Canada dees not ask or request you to put your car
up. She merely asks for your help ... asks that you
walk sometimes when the distance isn’t too great < « <
that you take a shorter drive
on Sunday afternoon... that
you look after your car and
keep it in good condition...
that you say to your neigh
bour: "Let’s use my gar
today, Jim; we’ll use yours
Every day, in greater and
greater quantity, we must
release gasoline and oil by
the thousands of gallons to
our throbbing munitions
plaints ... to our tanks and
armoured cars ... to our
fighting planes and bombers
... to our corvettes and
merchant ships that ply the
vital sea-lanes ... so that
the day of victory may
sooner be at hand.
Will YOU help?
It is also vitally important
that you reduce the use of
domestic and commercial
fuel oil.
The Government of the
• THE HONOURABLE C. D. HOWE, Minister of Munitions and Supply G. R. COTTRELLE, Oil Controller for Canada
t/ou/v VICTORY !t
party at Prospect Cemetery were re
moved to hospital, two . others were
treated at a near-by clinic and F. Ray
Porter, undertaker, was confined to
his home with a paralyzed arm.
book and replied: “I
I wrote it.”
$ * *
Mayor LaGuardia, of
Mr. Amery, Minister for India in
the British government, is, like Anth
ony Eden, very fluent at foreign lang
uages, and knows Near Eastern lang
uages thoroughly.
In the last war, Mr. Amery was
serving' with the Serb army. A senior
officer gave him a primer of their lan
guage. '“Do you think you can master
that tongue?” he asked. Mr. Amery
looked at the
think I might}
* *
New York, much in the news recently
as American head of the American-
Canadian Defence Committee, once ar
ranged to meet three representatives
of the Soviet’s commercial delegation.
He waited for them in his office,
wearing an old, frayed suit with baggy
trousers. He wanted to put the Rus
sians at their ease immediately! When
the Russian representatives arrived
wearing formal jackets and striped
trousers, LaGuardia stared at their el
egant attire, then glanced
costume. “Gentlemen,” he
present the proletariat.”
* sfe $ >;s
David Niven, well-known British film
star, had a bail time of it when he
joined the British Army, for the men
didn’t like being given orders by an
ex-Hollywood star.
After several days of their glowers
and apathy, Captain Niven barked at
them: “If yon men think I would ra-
. ther be here drilling you than in Hoi*
lywood making film love to Ginger
Rogers — you’re nuts.” After that, he
got on much better with his men.* *
of Mr. Churchill’s schooldays was re
called when Mr. Amery was guest of
honour at a London luncheon recent
ly. The chairman said that when the
two meh were at Harrow together, the
future Secretary for India (Mr. Am
ery) had the privilege of being “kick
ed in the pants” by the future Prime
Minister and pushed into the bathing
“I had no pants on, nor had Mr.
Churchill,” Mr. Amery corrected him.* * ' * *
As is usual in times of war, more boy
babies are being born than girls. Many
people ascribe this phenomenon to
some occult or mystic cause. The
truth is more simple. The nearest that
scientists can get to an explanation is
that there is often a greater propor
tion of first births in war-time and
at his own
said, “I re*
cur coarse roti the pipe
“there is a slight tendency for the
first-born to be boys.”
$ $ * *
A SCOTCH STORY. Most vacant
houses and mansions in Britain are be
ing used to house evacuees from blitz
ed towns. There happen to be quite a
large number of unoccupied mansions
in Scotland, but they are not avail
able for evacuees in any number be
cause — they are roofless!
And the reason? In Scotland, if you
want to escape paying rates on a house
you are not using, you simply remove
the roof. The remedy seems some
what drastic!
* >!< * *
EVER BEEN HAD? Things aren't
always what they seem. Lots of nam
es in this life are misleading. For in
stance, Turkish baths came from Rus
sia, and turkeys themselves first came
front America.
Brussels sprouts never camh from
Belgium; and Jordan almonds do not
grow on the banks of the River Jor
dan. The name is just a corruption of
the French "jardin,” meaning garden.
Prussian blue, a colour beloved of
artists, originated in England, not
Prussia, Camel-hair brushes are made
from squirrels’ hair, camphor-balls are
made from naptlialene, and the lead
in a pencil is graphite. What’s in a
1 1 11,1,111 ........... 1 " " m———nwb
people in Scotland during the first
Great War.
* * *
Bicycles built in, Britain for sale in
parts of Africa and India are fitted
with cushioned pedals for the benefit
of bare-footed riders.
There1 are 48 states in the U.S.A.
Sinn Fein means “We ourselves?*
Fight madly and violently.
Alaska. A volcanic region result-.
' 2.
ing from an eruption in 1912.
5. An elephant’s trunk has no bones
—it is all muscle.
Our 25 Point Scientific Examin
ation enables us to give you
Clear, Comfortable Vision
Phone 118 Harriston
A. H. McTAVlSH, B.A.
TeesWater, Ontario
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
and Conveyancer
Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter
every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to
4.30 and by appointment
Phone “ Teeswater 120J.
In a man’s body there are about 750
muscles, including over 150 in
thighs, legs and feet.
* * *
■ Americans produce 80% of
world’s total of inventions, and 15
of every 1.00 inventions come from wo
♦ * *
Wool from dogs was used by many
MONUMENTS at first Cost
Having our factory equipped with the
most modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-class work, we ask you
to see the largest display of monu
ments of any retail factory in Ohtatio.
All finished by sand blast machiues.
We import all our granites from the
Old Country quarries direct, in the
rough. You can save all local deal*
efs’, agents’ and middleman profits by
seeing us.
E* X Skelton & Son
at West Bud Bridge—-WALKERTON