The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-07-24, Page 2WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES lae.i iWRBi iWi ii□ Goderich Carmval Yields $7<X) ; $ ’ 8■ 5 •i > suffering from a broken ankle, broken wrist ami several broken ribs. farm on the Maitland concession at Holmesville, was t^ilto painful and she had to be taken to the Clinton Hos­ pital for treatment. — Clinton News* Record. i Attooked hy Angry Srid, Farmer Seriously Sst A‘wans od wht i^uwt;jai'iii.iu<.'i,Biw!ii'.iui<iiuii.'.!Huiigiu ui,w.|i ..ui.mwii .ii.,q!ini'Biiiii.iij. ii.iw ..w..iiiiijjm,;m.iu ■wiiinm.iimi iWHU.iim il.,'i iMimmuieiuiiiai 'g PAGE TWO i&T> XHgVfiSi Ll ”*Mt.. <wwwre ©mots e to 'Lacf a rr. st^oZ oih ‘thri*- sjaBie. i A' XVhrn ynu let US wile your sinrto- twubilc atul fire in$ursitce, you not pvaityt jfwrselir ugninst Ws but you gx't the quick service urovnliisi by us, anti by Pilot oftlocs in other Ontario pbwes, and by l^lot autoniobiie elaiin» pIM|iiiiiiw.i(rM«ii. <tt ||yy Vnited States. ’ Thursday, July 24th, 1941 To Drill for Oil in Cuirass The farm ,»f Warner Smyth, Concession, CaLcss, will be the scene of plenty of activity this week, and possibly for a few weeks to come. The Dominion Gas Company is setting -up Brussels Lad Suffers Injury \ While running with a stick in his mouth, H-oward, youngest son of Rev. S. and Mrs. Kerr, of Brussels, tell and suffered a severe injury, but is making a favorable recovery. machinery in KepariWu tor drilling; < I for the srnft that has made many a I man rich beyond wildest dreams—oill i Already three large tanks are at the I tisnyth farm, and about seven big! | truckloads of equipment and maehin- I ery are on the way, if not already here. L—Teeswate? Mews. •r: ’■| '■ j | Blyth Dentist Joins Forces I ! Dr. C. E. Toll is discontinuing his I | demal practice at Rfyth and also at) 4 Dungannon and Monktorn which he) | conducted lor the past 14 years, having I as a dentist with His Majes-a ijty's forces, and expects to leave in the) , near future. j . Boutins ; A plan to route northbound passen-j ’ger trains of the CN.R. from Palmers- j ton to Owen Sound via Durham by II linking up the C.N.R and CT.R. in |that town and -using the C.P.R. line! 3 between Hanover and Durham has! nbeen approved by Durham council | ;j Sanction of the railway companies is| a now being sought to put the scheme j pnto operation.—Hanover Post. i l! I J VIEWS OF OTHER EDITORS ullililMUT ■Writing* selccW r<sk« in — Automobile, Fire, Plato Class, Burglary, Public Liability, and ©titor general Insurance. Head QSre» ILronto. WinshAm Advance-Times Publhhed at WIR'GHAM - 'ONTARIO '■^bseriptkm Rate — One Year Six wttihs, $L^J in advance To LI S. A,, per year. Foreign, rate, per year. Advertising rates on •appltoutiom MORE OAS RESTRICTIONS ARE NEEOED 5. ..ie rcxiGO'-t ■. ast woea. by t'.<e bnel Oontroikr titat ’snaterists ent t«eh jvat- icka^es m h.&’f a^aeatx to bo M'aitng lit tie On tin " garage- snrne? vo f.-.a1 this & •! as any •ave iVigc s.'sy ■er this week v force. Vitoo. \ V ’ to sa& to tic AO , ' of tiro TAa* way was d towns. h's to be the sgttatl Hullett Conpie Wed t>3 Yean 'The <§SM amwwsuy e: tiwh' wed- \v.x> by Mr. and -Mrs. N-tts Carter an Thursday at tins week a: ti'.e'ir hame in Hitikt. Because a£ the seriaus tikxss a: tireir daughter, >1 s. Geaege Htik ti:e acca>tiui will be <u:etiy Mwn cd. tic a. Mr. and .Mrs. Darier «\«ay gaad kealtiu The iaw> e? as wh'de the laUer is Mr. and Mrs. <h?*er were nurried i» Blytif an Jktix IT, 3.S7S. Sewhng tihst near; they ntavc-d later :a HnB Tkerr satntiy “Mriude Mrs. M. Me-j at. Mrs. Geatge Dale, Jas. Cat-,. M's. de.-rge HiB, Jahn Carter audl jac?x K‘?gnsa:^-sSea£e.wh was cleared by tiiej ;i 'adies ai Maple Leaf Chapter, LO.D.R,;; .sat their carnival an Cams Haase Parks ;| Thursday sight. DespU chiBy wea-'l i titer she affair was a success, tifeenn ;! air dancing to the music ef the RA.F. | i crekestra continued to 1 o’clock in the I pn erring, | ! -i .1I hanAvp tian <titivaontioo.; Samtiri Andetsots, e .Auotito? <sggc>:iou wo^d bo that me;, wax bo.dti yk*a<s;’o Nv lug .m Sunday bo pto*■ knocked down by an \ h '^’ h,'-to > "t if. A! >-«». *.s, ’V.Arson wa* ttikmg, -A^X ?*r?a "tab'e when it turn uas knocked down. cm. is s^- ''-**/'* -votri-ilT*-'■y.l when two- .triativ tfefc ,wane®»i'cwwswi^m W&te ■*»§ waqsK*. WOLF NOT AT OVR DOOR — BVH Why do newspaper owners have to drum heme the fact week af­ ter week that someone has to pay for!; all the material that goes into print? I Dublielty given to campaigns of all ] descriptions is advertising — nothing || else. Are weekly publishers expected ;i to bear this tremendous lead without | others sharing m the cost? This is a>i community as well as a national res-!| possibility; are ■others going to be al- ■ - lowed to sltirk their duties? It is be-1 ■ yond all discretion to ask one man in ' every community to carry this heavy load of advertising alone.—Coldwater News, Ont « «t « ARE WE HONEST CITIZENS? Exrdentiy numerous persons are con- titmally losing sums of money, an! doubtless most of it is found by some­ body, yet very few people are appar­ ently honest enough to make an effort to locate the losers of the money, but simply *"hang on'* to what they have found, keeping in mind the old saying, 'Tinders, keepersti We venture to say that the persons finding money would get verj angry if called, a "titieP — yet what else is he or she?—Kempt-J rille Advance, Ont. * * * * ’] *Ts it eoirecV asks, a letter to anli etiquette authority, rite break your bis-1 cults or roll an your soup?" What kind ] of a party are you planning?—Grimsby 1 Independent. ate is: Sj: THIS IS YCVR FADER. As ev­ erybody knows, mast of our day-by-, day happiness comes from pleasant as--t satiations with others. Om .cheery Incidents in the new lice is to have one say over 'lor by letter: *T fust th; might he interested in this I Dn our district,’4 Such a ; ,f tboughtiblness Is pleasing. «tik rish with Mrs. ioyntis sis-.;|.wt Frank riuesta: Vvadena, Ato-send them in, or cal' ^"iup on the phone — alas*—ANmela Listowri | lYsjatch, Sask. | ’Sfc Sr at at- .! *K ■| ^Fhontitess days*' have been o: Jin overseas army camps to yenmit ■ titers '■"■astomed m a o.. ditim esatit from a. homo Walkerton. Sawmill Sold Mr. Edward O'Connor has disposed; .rishis band saw-mill, located on the! southern omskirts of the town on the) Walketton-Mtidmay highway, to the| Satin Finish Hardwood Flooring Co,J 4 of Toronto. Mr. W. C Gardiner, pres-1 | ideal of the eoncera, was in Walker* I «ton last Friday when consumption of! ''the business deal was effected.—Wai-1] Lerton. Herald-Times. 1 Leaving On Trits Mr. and Mr& J. McMrchaA Mrs.' jaynt and Miss Beatrice Joynl are, ’cavity Saturday morning- on a three !l •seeks* snotot trip to Western Canada. I They will visit with Mrs. Joxmtis sis-!) tenMns. katchewam fe 5s years since the tors last saw each other, Banner. .4 _____ J- ------ Jldghrifeg Hits <Smrdh ! During .an cMctrical storm FyriB: ; k mted Cnurtii or CmssL-A near At ana ) wood, was struck by lighmir aid; Otingses were torn c.ft the rot ersm j ocmioe was a.so ba&y damage ial« ------beil ■ShoASar Sk Cmsbed A ernshed ; t«'d iVd’M a *tos tUO Wto A&So'iS Fttmur Efei ha Frill F Xs»d FOR Public Safety, by Proclamation, dated June 27th, 1941 (under authority of The National Resources Mobilization Act 1940 and The War Measures Act), The Governor in Council has now made liable for military training for the defence of Canada— —-all male British subjects resident in Canada at any time since September 1st, 1939> who, on July 15th, 1940, were unmarried, or childless widowers, and who on July 1st, 1940, had reached the ages of Twenty-one years Twenty-three years Twenty-two years Twenty-four years wO»d also mess who att aimed or will is/towr the age of ftrenty-one years on or after the first day of astd who were on the fifteenth day of July (1940), unmarried or widowers without child or children* Extract from Paragraph 3 of Proclamation. Men designated in the aforegoing are farther required **2b sftbsnxt ibesstselsnes fibr medical examination -arid to undergo military training for a period of few months uitezK Canada or the territorial waters there of, and to report at such places and times and in such ■mottnar and to sstdb authorities or persons as may be notified to them respectively by a Divisional Registrar of an Admhdstraftre D’rs'issa.wA> Extract from Paragraph 4 of Proclamation. SPECIAL PROVISIONS designed to facilitate equitable conditions of mobilization Deferring of Training Periods to Avoid Individual Hardship If rite Board is satisfied that die calling out of any man for military training will cause extreme hardship m those dependent upon such man, the Board may, from time to time, postpone the training period of the man: Provided that such man shall apply for a post­ ponement order in accordance with the provisions of subsection one of section ten of the regulations. Postponement Applications Must be Made in Writing No sppEcstion &r a postponement order may be made otherwise than in writing, by the man called ©up. to die Divirioml Registrar who issued the "Notice—Medical Examination** and within eight dear days of the date appearing on such notice. Any person who appears before a. Board shall do so at his own expense. War industry and Seasonal Occupations given Consideration In rise national interest. applications for postponement of training of key men engaged in war mdustties, or in essential occupations, may be addressed to the Divisional Registrar concerned. Eligible Men Must Not leave Canada without Authority No male British subject who & liable co be called out for military training shall, after -his age class has been called ©at by proclamation, leave Canada, for any reason whatsoever, unless and until fee hasbeenso memorized in writing by the Chairman of the Board to whose juris- dScrim Sack man is .subject. Eligible men must notify authorities immediately of change of address or marital status It yon are £ single man or childless widower 'between the ages of 19 and 45 and if yon change your address, ex if you marry, you .must immediately notify THE NATIONAL WAR SERVICES DIVISIONAL REGISTRAR IN ‘THE DDTSIQN IN WHICH 'YOU ARE REGISTERED Ef you ufo aot Laow the same wd address of your Divisional Registrar, ask at your local past cfcsca. Fmkur. to campy Trim tims requirement -may subject you to a Eae or imprison* went. wsrx CITO RE-EMPLOYMENT Brovxtinei has been made fer tiis xemstatement of men in their positions of employ- Knssx,.!tifcsrtism,peaods‘of trahtingor.-sartice, under conditions chat will farih'citv. their re­ entry w civz&n. Efe. .RtehSahed ybr Jhase f»y the ostihority and ooaxt^sy THE HONOURABLE JOSEPH T* THORSON, Mfro/cr of IThr Smites. are entitled to should cease buving nnd start to ac* peyple) < ~ aMU Record-1 cumulate a hoard of money; natker we T’ *£ a-^33S'* ,-"-** ^should purchase ottiv that which vce i’' I' dk tjib ;4L‘ rb* d . *k 3 CREDIT* jnesehefirdtely sttw that we c» ^y fox on ptt'o 'are crjmril -days. No one can foresee ithe instalment plan. F.g krow* as a Ttexaas «y W it is safe enough ’pmon of g.^d credit; pav vour IN con* -.to i cd as will reed to : gaticus as they come along and do not ihl siding as pcs- mere than van *jaw -opie, *,^etu*->*TBlsonh *** •JACK SV IJKsl'V' WKS S j[wOi